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06x09 - Guess Who's Coming to m*rder?

Posted: 12/19/23 07:35
by bunniefuu
It's been all over the papers you'd be defending yourself.

Yes, well, it suddenly occurred to me...

your counsel might be more beneficial.

Because the prosecutor happens to be my ex

You know her rhythms.

Who better than you to disrupt those rhythms?

Lemme tell you something, Mr. Harvey.

Trials got more to do with facts than rhythm.

And the facts are as I see 'em say

you r*ped and m*rder*d girls.

No jury's gonna forgive that just because

the D.A.'s timing' is off.

Presumption of innocence lies

with the accused, Mr. Mullaney.

Now, I'm prepared to present you with a $, retainer

as well as access to my copious files and pre
-trial memoranda

which will bring you quickly up to speed.

I don't know enough to begin tomorrow.

The only thing you really need to know is that I'm innocent.

It sure don't look that way.

Well, that just adds to the challenge then, doesn't it?

Come on, counselor, there's no

higher profile trial than this one.

You won't have to take second position to Michael Kuzak

as you did with the Ricky Davis trial, this one's all yours.

And here's the best part of all.

Not only did I not k*ll those luscious young ladies...

I know who did.

[dramatic music]

[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

And we've handled m*rder cases.

- All the time
- No, I'm sorry.

This is where we draw the line!

This isn't just a m*rder case, Tommy.

You're talking about representing a serial k*ller.

I agree, this one taints us!

We just stood back and let Kittredge

defend the mob, for God's sake!

Leland: This one scares me.

Also, I don't see how you can take on

a case with such short notice

That's the point, Leland.

He wants me to walk in there and surprise Zoey.

I agree with Ann, it crosses the line, Tommy.

It stains the firm's image.

What image! You think that we got an elite thing going' here?

Arnie's selling' soap on T.V., Susan Bloom's

got wrestlers throwing' people through the window

and a couple a months ago Leland was hanging' out with a monkey!

That was an official arbitration.

Tommy: I am taking the case.

As a matter of fact, Harvey could be innocent.

- Innocent? Tommy: I'm late.

I'm off to court.

And I thank you all very much for your support.

[clinks on door]

Moving on, Leland you have an announcement.

Ah, yes, and on a much brighter note.

I'm happy to report that Grace Van Owen

has agreed to return to full partnership.

She is no longer of counsel, she is once again, one of us.

[cheers and applause] Douglas: Bravo! Bravo!

And lastly, an even greater item.

Giles Keenan is coming in today.

The deal is very close to being done.

- What deal? Douglas: The deal, Ms. Lamb.

Mr. Keenan is putting together a group to produce motion pictures

a million dollar offering, which, if and when

it goes through will yield a contingency fee

of . million dollars.

Which we get immediately upon closing.

Is he really coming here in person?

The word is he's crazy.

He's eccentric, that's all.

Speaking of which, did you order the piano?

Yeah, it'll be in my office by :.

And the tape deck will be set up, too.

I beg your pardon?

Mr. Keenan rarely goes out in public and when he does

he must be near a piano and tape deck at all times.

Don't ask me why.

He also likes to make an unobstructed entrance

we're to have a clear path between reception

and this conference room.

Give me a break.

This offering going through

is the biggest break we could ever hope for.

We'll do anything we can.

Stuart, Ann, ready?

- Ready. Stuart: Ready.

That's it, [soft thud] good luck

to us all, we're adjourned.

John G. Harvey is an engaging, intellectually gifted person

who can charm, even captivate women with ease.

But the psychiatric evidence will also demonstrate a man

of driving psychotic compulsions,

compulsions of revenge.


We'll never actually know what transpired

between this man and those women.

Perhaps they said 'no'.

Perhaps they insulted his esteem.

We cannot know for sure because

they all ended up viciously m*rder*d.

Some of them r*ped.

Some of them tortured.

The facts are gruesome, ladies and gentlemen, sickening.

I asked each of you during voir dire whether you had

strong stomachs, there was a reason for that question.

This is the most hideous, repulsive

m*rder spree I have ever encountered.

And the facts will show that the man responsible for this

systematic inhuman savagery...

is sitting right here.


No question.

Whoever k*lled these women had to be sick.

If it was my guy, I'd be jumping' up and down

screaming' insanity all over the place.

But John Harvey didn't k*ll those girls.

You know, I used to be married to that lady.

Tommy: I can tell when she hates her case

- Mr. Mullaney
- Objection!


You wanna get sick over the facts of this thing, please do.

I know the details make me wanna puke.

But what's really gonna turn your stomach is the person

responsible for all of this r*pe

and t*rture and savagery...

that person is still out there.



[clink on door]

Haley: Good morning, I present Giles Keenan.

My personal pleasure to know you.

- Hello.
- Hi.

I'm delighted, please sit.

Douglas: Welcome.
- Sub chapter 'S,' I'm told.

Oh, uh, yes, we figured the 'S' Corporation provided

all the benefits of the limited,

with potentially better tax consequences.

Wonderful, that's splendid.

But we should make the shareholders serve as directors.

After all, passive participation is no reward at all, is it?


Ah, the tea, the tea.

The investors have signed off on the subscription?

And the suitability statements, too.

They're ready to execute, they just to meet you.

Splendid, I am very, very satisfied here.

Now, it's important that we not lose momentum.

Any motion picture venture is speculative, we must close

this deal while investor passion is running high.


Please be sure that all the documents

are ready for my signature.

[upbeat music]

♪ Bei mir bist du schoön ♪

♪ Please let me explain

♪ Bei mir bist du schoön ♪

♪ Means you're grand

♪ I could say bella bella

♪ Even sehr wunderbar

♪ Each language only... ♪

- Mr. Keenan...
- You turned off the music.

Yes, sir, but I think we should first stick to the agenda.

But you turned off the music, don't ever

ever turn off the music.

- Where's the piano?
- Uh, that office.

It's right there.

I go alone. [clinks on door]


- I apologize, he's been somewhat erratic

since his wife died a couple of years ago.

But he's still an effective leader

and his company is extremely sound.

Well, we've got three investors showing up here tomorrow

ready to plunk down million dollars.

He understands that, don't worry.

He, uh, can control his eccentricity

if he has to, there is no...

♪ Oh

[indistinct singing]

By the spring of , we had found three women

in their own apartments, dead, nude

hanging upside down and tied around their feet.

Suspended from the ceiling?

Two were suspended from beams.

The third was hanging from a Bannister.

The throats on all three had been slashed to let the blood

drain out, like slaughtered cows.

[paper rustling]

What physical evidence did you find?

Matt: Almost none, the suspect was meticulous.

No prints, no weapons, no real clues of any kind.

- Except the semen.
- The semen?

Matt: All three had bruises suggesting r*pe.

On one we found traces of semen and latex.

Suggesting the use of a condom.

Zoey: So what happened?

Matt: For the next few months, practically nothing.

The case seemed unsolvable.

But then in October, we found the mass grave.


Matt: In the mountains, near Arrowhead.

We pulled out bodies from a shallow hillside grave.

They were all women in their early 's.

All had their throats slashed and

they all had rope burns around their feet.

So what did you do next, detective?

Our investigation determined that some of the victims

were seen in the company of the defendant.

We next discovered that Mr. Harvey owned

a mountain cottage approximately three quarters

of a mile from the mass grave.

We also discovered that while in college

he was a professional locksmith and this would explain

how he got in the apartments with no trace of a break in.

So what'd you do?

Matt: We placed Mr. Harvey under arrest.

Took a blood sample and sent it to DNA testing.

They compared it with the semen traces found in the victims...

and determined an exact genetic match.

Thank you, Detective Katlin, I have nothing further.


So, the only thing you can really conclude

with the physical evidence is that

Mr. Harvey had sex with some of these girls.

We can establish that he knew them all and that he had sex

with at least four of them, and the bruises suggest r*pe

Suggesting r*pe.

You cannot positively establish r*pe though, can you?

- Technically, you're right
- Tommy: Thank you.

- But when you put it with
- That's all I got.

[mellow music]

I had no idea it would take this long.

Well, it's all off to the printers.

We're done, we can forget it!


I'm so glad to have you back, Grace.

There's no one who better personifies this place.

I'm only here because of you, Leland.

- Well, that's very kind, but...
- I mean it.

When I came back I was looking for a place

to fall, people to lean on.

You provided both, and I will never forget that.

Well, I've leaned on you, too.

The thing with Rosalind's Christmas cards, you...

[deep breath]

You're a very special person.

[smacking lips]

I think I may just have sent the wrong signal.

I'm sorry. That was inappropriate.

- That's okay, that's okay.
- No, I'm very sorry.

It never happened.

- I'm terribly sorry.
- Um

[door rustling]

What's going on, Douglas? The investors are waiting.

Keenan's holed up in Leland's office.

He wants to make an entrance and he wants us

to be part of it.

Douglas: So that's exactly wh
- This is crazy!

The guy is nuts.

For a . million dollar contingency

you can put up with it.

It goes beyond that, Douglas.

This is a securities transaction, we have inside

information that the president of this venture is insane.

We have no knowledge of any insanity.

No knowledge! What do you call it?

Have reason to question his sanity. [knocks on door]

- He's waiting.
- We're ready.

Douglas! [shushing]


I don't deny meeting these young ladies nor do I

disclaim having had sexual relations with most of them.

Whoa, hold on a second.

- How'd you meet 'em?
- Various ways.

Some through night school, some while shopping.

Whatever the pretext, the relationships would

invariably become quite social.

Tommy: With all these women?

During that two year period, I was quite frustrated

with the banking world and I was feeling extremely unfulfilled.

I think I was looking for self affirmation

wherever I could find it.

Come again?

I slept with women to feel good about myself.

[coughs in background]

Did you k*ll these girls, sir?


A woman named Kelly Sosha did the killings.

- Objection!
- Latitude, Judge!

Mr. Harvey, you will have to explain this kind of allegation.


Kelly Sosha is a woman, mid

I'd met about two years ago, also through school.

Uh, I believe that a check of the police record

will reveal that she's been reported as missing.

[paper rustling]

- This is her? Harvey: That's Kelly.

Harvey: We dated had intercourse on several occasions.

She started becoming extremely dependent.

At which point I...

terminated the relationship.

You never saw her again?

No, but I received letters, where she promised to return.

Claimed we'd be reunited

- Objection! Judge Lobel: Overruled.

I show you this document marked Defense Exhibit One.

And I ask if you recognize it.

[paper rustling]

Yes, this is one of the many letters I received from Kelly.

Tommy: Could you read the last paragraph for the court?

Objection! This is hearsay, it hasn't been authenticated

Overruled, I will take it de bene, read it.

Harvey: "I'm watching you, dearest John.

"I faithfully wait until it is time for us to be one again.

"Until then, I will expunge anybody or anything

"that serves to keep us apart.

My undying love always, Kelly."

[paper rustling]

What'd she mean by the expunge part?

I had no idea at the time.


when they dug up that grave and pulled out

the bodies of women I'd been with...

I certainly knew then.

Tommy: What'd you know then?

That Kelly was watching me.

She's obviously still out there somewhere...

watching me.

Content to m*rder any woman I come in contact with.

That's all I have, Your Honor, except to offer

the medical files of Dr. Milton Pappas.

Who I'm putting up this afternoon, Dr. Pappas

is a psychiatrist who has treated Ms. Sosha in the past

for severe depression and psychosis.

Your Honor, I would like time to review the letters

as well as the doctor's report.


We will reconvene at :.



What the hell is going on?

This is the first anybody has heard of the Kelly Sosha theory.

Well, let me tell you, Zoey, the jury was riveted.

You damn well better destroy him.

- On cross.
- I'll get him, I'll get him.

What about the Stewart witness.

You told her she didn't have to testify.

Well, that's changed.

- Ruby, she's in therapy
- I don't care.

If you can't nail Harvey up there, we need her.

I'll take care of the subpoena.

And offer him life without parole.

See if we can cut something.



- Can we talk?
- Mm, nothin' to talk about.

I might be willing to drop the death penalty, if

Not interested. [sighs]

Tommy, can we just go out for a cup of coffee

Look, we're not taking' any deal, Zoey.

So what's left to discuss? Your social life?





Gentlemen, I present Giles Keenan.

Mr. Doyle, welcome, Mr. King

Mr. Johnson, a pleasure to see you all.

The pleasure is certainly ours.

What an honor to meet you in person.

Of course, what better way to see if I'm really crazy.

Keenan: Oh, it's alright, people, sit, sit.

I'm aware of the rumors of my being crazy.

I spread them myself.

Um, specifically, what do you mean?

Specifically, I mean I'm crazy.

And so are you.

And you, and you.

million dollars to start a motion picture company

in the middle of a recession,

that's plank
-walking of the highest order.

But we do it, and why?

Because deep inside...

we want to feel alive again.

Sure, we all build shopping malls and...

parking lots.

Just imagine what it would be like...

to build something with an imagination.

A movie.

Creating something that can touch people,

that can access joy and passion.

That can make people feel.

Oh my.

That is a power.

That is an incredible power.

[dramatic music]

[click on tape]

We live life and then we die.

Leaving behind the things we build.

My God, let's leave something with a soul.

You're an impressive man, Mr. Keenan.

But we should probably address a few of the pragmatics.

This is an opportunity to buy into your dreams, gentlemen.

To actually trust that feeling

you've got in your gut right now.


I knew it.

If you map out all the dips and turns

you'll negotiate the thrill right out of it.

Giles Keenan train is coming through, gentlemen.

You either let it pass or you get on.

So, Mr. Harvey, you didn't r*pe these women.

You simply had sex with them immediately

after which they would disappear and die.


You didn't find it strange, that after sleeping

with you, these girls would just disappear?

They were one
-night stands, Ms. Clemmons.

I hoped to never see them again.

What happened, Mr. Harvey,

after you learned of the mass grave?

women who you had slept with were dug up

That's when I knew it must be Kelly.

But you didn't go to the police

and tell them about Kelly, did you?

I certainly planned to, but before I could go to them

they came to me, placed me under arrest, and pursuant

to my Miranda rights, advised me to remain silent.

So, that's what I did.

Are you telling this court, that while you were in possession

of exculpatory information, while you were able

to point them to another suspect, you chose not to do so?

The police had already concluded I was guilty.

I wasn't going to tell them anything.

Come on! You let yourself go on trial, be held without bail

for five months, because you didn't trust the police?

I knew I had a b*mb to drop.

If I told the police they would have tried to defuse that b*mb

prior to trial, I did not want that to happen, so I waited.

All these women are disappearing and you never came forward.

Asked and answered. Can't you move forward?

- Objection!
- Alright.

What a coincidence, Mr. Harvey, that this mass grave

was found within a mile of your mountain cottage.

No coincidence, I'd brought Kelly to the cottage.

She knew the area, if she wanted to frame me

the location was ideal.

I've read the letters, Mr. Harvey.

There were no specific threats

to k*ll anybody or to frame you.

She threatened to expunge anybody I came in contact with.

She displayed obvious psychotic patterns

Kelly Sosha is probably dead, along with

who knows who else you've gotten!

- Objection! Judge Lobel: Overruled!

These women said no, Mr. Harvey.

Turned you down, rejected you and you felt rage.

Scorn you, deny you, how dare they?

So you got them! Oh boy, did you get them!

What an impassioned speech.

Just as substantiated as everything else.

[instrumental music]

Stuart: I don't believe this!
- Rewind, let's see it again.

How'd you get this?

Well, security cameras got the footage.

I accidentally bribed the guard.


- Play it again.
- Twist my arm.

[dramatic music]

This is very good quality film.

The music gives it life, don't you think?

I did that myself.

Look into each other's eyes.

Long Dong Leland, here he comes.

[loud cheering and applause]


Sex, Lies, and Senior Partners.


- Whoops.
- Grace, hi.

Arnie: Gwen, why didn't you buzz me that Grace was here?

I forgot.

Little gossip fun, honey,

it's good for office morale.

Great. [scoffs]

Everybody feel boosted?

Come on, Grace, don't claim the high road here.

Two partners, you know, necking in front of security cameras?

I mean, there is the issue of firm integrity to raise.

Believe me, Arnie, if I were looking to compromise

the firm's integrity, I would've planted one on you.

[rustling] I see.

Thank you for this.




[knocks on door]

Zoey tells me you're trying to push her buttons in there.

Uh, yeah, well, that's what the defendant hired me to do, sorta.

I guess that's justification enough then.

You got something' to say, Jonathan?

I just thought we were by this, Tommy.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about you acting out personal stuff in the courtroom.

Making remarks about her social life, what is that?

If you got a problem with me being' with Zoey you need to

Hey! I don't got any problem with what's happening

between you and Zoey, you are both consenting adults.

But I do have a big problem with you sticking

your head in my office as the protective boyfriend

telling' me how to act in a courtroom!

Well, I am telling' ya, because you're being unprofessional

Jonathan: Tommy!
- Just get the hell outta here.

Before I knock you on your ass!

You wanna take a shot at me?

Come on, Tommy, I'm standing' right here.

[thud] Are you stupid, John!

- Are you that stupid! C.J.: Hey! Hey!

Will you knock it off, the both of you!

Jonathan, get out of here, this is ridiculous.

Get lost, huh.

- And you!
- What!

He comes in here, telling' me how to try a case!

Well, why did you take the case

in the first place, for God's sake?

Because the money is good and the profile's great.

Why do you think I took the case?

C.J.: Tommy, she's your ex

You took the case so you could cross her path.

To beat up on her, to lose to her

anything, just to be in the same room!

So you can still think of her as being in your life.

- You don't know nothin'! C.J.: Yeah, right, Tommy.

I couldn't be further from the truth, could I?

[instrumental music]

[loud thud]

[cheerful music]

Your Honor, at this time, People call Alyssa Stewart.

Tommy: Objection.

- This witness is not on their
- Is on our supplemental list.

Zoey: Indicated as Witness Number .

Judge Lobel: I'm warning both of you.


The chance of this witness being put up was so remote

The witness can testify, we'll adjourn after direct.

You can cross
-examine tomorrow, now, step back.

[indistinct chatter]

Who is she?

I haven't the slightest idea.


[indistinct murmurs] What do you mean, 'Oh?'

This could be problematic.

Would you state your name and address for the court, please?

Alyssa Stewart.

- rd Street, Hollywood.

Ms. Stewart, do you know the defendant, John Harvey?

Ms. Stewart: Yes, I do.
- How do you know him?

About a year and a half ago, I met him at a shopping mall.

Ms. Stewart: I forget how it was that we started talking

but we ended up going for coffee.

And, um, and then he gave me a ride home.

Zoey: And?

Ms. Stewart: And he asked if he could come inside.

And I said that I didn't think that that was appropriate.

And well then he left.

And about two minutes later I turned around

and he was just standing there in my kitchen.

Zoey: How did he get in? Ms. Stewart: I don't know.

I know I locked the door because he was beginning to frighten me.

But somehow he got in.

And what happened?

Then he picked up a knife off the counter.

And he started walking toward me with it.

And th
- there was a fire alarm next to the stove.

And I just pulled it.

As the bell went off he lunged for me.

And I screamed.

Ms. Stewart: And then there were people running in the halls.

And it must have scared him because he just ran away.

And what did you do then?

I went to the police and I gave them a description.

Ms. Stewart: But I didn't have his real name.

And, then I went to my boyfriend's house.

And I never went back to my apartment again.

Why not?

Because the police had no idea who he was or how to catch him.

And I there was something about him.

I knew...

I was, I was afraid he would come back.

And Ms. Stewart, sitting here today, do you have any doubt

that the man over there is the same man

that accosted you in your kitchen that night?

None whatsoever, that's him.

And in your mind, do you have any doubt that he was about

to cause you physical harm had you not pulled that file alarm?

He was going to k*ll me.

That I know.

I have nothing further.


[clinks on door]

- You have gotta be kidding'!
- You had notice, Tommy.

- Listing that kinda testimony.
- She was listed in the pre

Hey! You're supposed to be an officer of the court.

And that kind of surprise is cheap crap!

You're just angry because you know your guy

is guilty and don't you talk to me about

I will talk to you about what I see!

Calling me your ex
-wife in front of the jury, making cracks about

my social life, picking fights with Jonathan?

Oh, did he go running' off to you?

Isn't it great how you two stick up for each other!

- Oh, shut up!
- You shut up!!

- This isn't you.
- I'm sorry.

- What's going on, Tommy?
- Don't get me wrong!

- I

I know we're finished.

Our lives are separate.

And I
- I'm happy for ya, I...

I wanted so much to be happy.

But seeing' you with somebody else, my heart's

in a million pieces here and I can't help it.

We have a case to try here, Tommy, we have jobs to do.

Oh, I do my job.

Don't worry.

I do my job.

[paper rustling]

[clinks on door]


[clinks on door]

[phone rings]

Yes? Put him on, it's them.

Ann: Hello, Mr. Doyle, how are you?

I understand.

Ann: So I can expect a call from Mr. Burns?

Yes, yes, it was a pleasure meeting you, too.

Goodbye. [clinks on phone]

- They're in. [cheering]
- Yes!

Haley: Unconditionally?
- Unconditionally.

They're faxing over a couple of minor red lines right now

but this deal is done, they'll be over to execute tomorrow.

Oh, the excitement, I need a bowel movement, I go alone.

- Where's your fax machine?
- My office, let's go get it.

[whispers] . million dollars.


Ann, this isn't right.

- Come on, Stuart!
- Honey.

I'm cheering for the guy as much as you are.

But he's crazy.

He's not crazy, Stuart.

He called me Dulcinea.

It's a character from 'Man of La Mancha, Don Quixote.'

I think Giles Keenan is totally in touch

with any delusions he may have.

You can't stand there and tell me this man is well.

He's happy.

God, Stuart, you and I come to work every week

and we do our little lawyer jobs.

We practice law so efficiently, and day by day

we become just a little bit more dead inside.

Maybe his life is unreality.

All I know is, whatever he's got I wish I had a little of it.

[soft chuckles]

Come on. [scoffs]

Ann, could I see you for a second?

I'll be there in a minute. What's up.

Uh, I walked into my office and he was there.


Secretariat ahead by a length,

and Genuine Risk coming in for the challenge.

It's less than an eighth of a mile

to go and down the stretch they come!

Genuine Risk holding up.

Secretariat holding on!

Genuine Risk! Secretariat!

And to the finish line, it's Secretariat!


[soft chuckles]

Damn filly gave me a scare.

Well, Dulcinea, don't tell me you didn't bet on me.

Do you think that's a horse, Mr. Keenan?

No, Ms. Kelsey.

That's a chair.

Hell of a game chair though, don't ya think?

[snaps] She never quit on me, yeah!

[clicks tongue]

Douglas: Ann?

[clinks on door]

[clinks on door]

Hey! Huh!

- Hi, Le!
- Hey!

- Oh!
- You've been avoiding me!

Not now, Le, I've got to douche.

[sighs] I don't like you.

Leland: I don't like the way you practice law.

I've accepted the fact that sharing space means

I have to tolerate much of the disgust that goes along

with the reprehensible way you live life.

Leland: But you crossed the line with that videotape.

Cross it ever again, and I'll bounce you

out of here on your big, rotund

Know something, Le?

This kind of wrath is like raw, animal chemistry.

You're attracted to me, aren't you?


I tell you what I'm gonna do.

For the sake of the working relationship...

I'm gonna let you have your way with me, once.

- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about sex.

Let's get it over with right here and now.

Go on, pick a stall.

I'm yours for seven minutes.

Give me strength.

[clinks on door]


[clinks on door]

We don't have a positive I.D. yet

but it's Alyssa Stewart's apartment

- If it's her, I'll know it.
- Zo!

Why don't you wait on this one a little?

Let's go.

[camera clicks]

[camera whirs]

[unsettling music]

[camera clicks]

[camera whirs]

[indistinct chatter]

[camera clicks]

[camera whirs]

That's Alyssa Stewart.

[intense music]

[camera clicks]

How could it possible have been me? I'm in jail.

You had it done.

Now, that's preposterous.

I don't think so, John.

You're a real smart guy.

You could've made the hire a long time ago

as an insurance policy.

Provide the hitter with exact details of your M.O.

All you do is fork over the name.

You're in custody at the time.

It's too perfect.

I'm flattered by the credit you give me.

But let's try to look at the silver lining in all this.

Ms. Stewart has been extinguished prior

to our having opportunity to cross

That means her testimony today is inadmissible.

It can't be used against me. [scoffs]

File an immediate motion to suppress.

You son of a bitch.

Listen closely, the judge is going

to be inclined to call a mistrial.

I'm instructing you to oppose that with all your vigor.

I'm not sure you want this to go forward.

Oh, yes, Mr. Mullaney, I very much want that.

Every juror is going to know the serial k*ller

has struck again while I'm in custody.

Harvey: They'll know the k*ller has to be Kelly Sosha.

Not necessarily.

- Just do what I tell you.
- No, Mr. Harvey.

I'm not gonna do what you tell me! I'm off this case.

- Tomorrow I withdraw.
- You can't withdraw.

To do so at this point would be prejudicial.

It would constitute a denial of my right to a fair trial.

I can cite you the case law if you'd like.

- You listen to me
- No, you listen!

There's no way in hell that judge is going to let you out.

To do so would guarantee me a reversal.

Harvey: Not that I'm going to need one.

Oppose the mistrial.

Harvey: And get some sleep.

You look a little gaunt.

Good night, Mr. Mullaney.

[clinks on phone]

[clinks on door]

Judge Lobel: Alright, people, where exactly are we?

DNA has identified two hairs found at the scene last night.

Belonging to who?

- Kelly Sosha.
- What!

We are not dismissing.

We believe that this is a copycat k*lling

and that the defendant is responsible

for the other killings.

And the Sosha woman suddenly came forward

to pull this off using the same M.O.? Please.

It is my belief that Kelly Sosha has long been dead.

We think the defendant set up last night's hit

and he planted the girl's hairs

Have you got any evidence to support that?

In time we might, I'd like to move for a mistrial

- Come on, Counsel.
- We have new evidence

Yes, you have.

Which directly supports the theory being advanced

by the defendant that Kelly Sosha is the k*ller.

I know he is responsible.

He k*lled Kelly Sosha.

- He k*lled seven
- That's guesswork.

What's real is double jeopardy, what's real

is the constitutional rights of the accused.

This man has been held without bail, he's been through a trial.

I'm not going to put him through it all over again

because the prosecution's case bottomed out.

Dammit, Your Honor, if you go in there right now

and announce to the jury that somebody k*lled Alyssa Stewart

while the defendant was still locked up

you hand deliver reasonable doubt. John Harvey walks!

If anyone can scream mistrial, it's the defense.

Judge Lobel: Alyssa Stewart's testimony

was never subject to cross

If you want a mistrial, say so, just say the word.

- I don't want it.
- For God's sake!

We all know what an animal this man is.

I thought this system was about truth!

This system is about advocacy, Counsel.

Judge Lobel: And don't you lecture to me about the truth.

The truth could be that Kelly Sosha is the k*ller.

Now, if you don't wanna dismiss, fine, that's your business.

Judge Lobel: But this trial goes on.

I'm instructing the jury on what's occurred.

Then you two will do your closing arguments.

Let's go.


[clinks on door]

Places for signatures have all been tabbed.

It's pretty straightforward.

Nothing simple about spending

million dollars, Mr. Brackman.

The truth is we don't look at this as an investment

in motion pictures so much as an investment in Giles Keenan.

- What a lovely thing to say. Doyle: It's true.

The entertainment industry is risky.

But we figure, if we're ever going to chance this exposure

on something so romantic, we'll take our chances with you.

Douglas: That's great.

Don't forget to date the page below your signature.

Excuse me, I'm sorry, but...

I feel that I must disclose the fact that sometimes...

Mr. Keenan can be very erratic.


I apologize, Mr. Keenan, but we have a duty to be forthcoming.

- how erratic?

Yesterday, he stripped to his shorts and was under

the possible delusion that he was in the Kentucky Derby.

He did win the race.

But... in the interests of justice, I feel that there

should be a psychiatric examination prior to closing.


You turned off the music.


[clinks on door]


[clicks on pen]

[paper rustling]

Mr. Foreman, has the jury reached a verdict?

- Yes, your Honor, we have. Judge Lobel: What say you?

"In the matter of the People versus John Harvey...

"on the charge of m*rder in the first degree

"on each and every count...

"we find the defendant not guilty.

[gasps and indistinct chatter]

Judge Lobel: Thank you for your service.

This matter is concluded.

The defendant is free to go.

Female : Mr. Harvey!

Smile, Counselor, and don't punish yourself.

You just helped free an innocent man!

- Excuse me.
- Mr. Harvey...

No comment, please get outta my way! [indistinct chatter]

Mr. Harvey! Mr. Harvey!

Female : Ms. Clemmons, can we get a statement from you please?

Male : Mr. Harvey, do you know where...

Female : Mr. Harvey! Female : Any man...


[piano music]

Excuse me, can I talk to Mr. Keenan alone, please?

[piano music]



I think you're a remarkable man.

Between the world you live in and ours, I much prefer yours.

It seems, richer.

But the thing is...

those investors have a legal right to know...

that you mount rocking chairs and ride them to victory.

Do you think I belong in a home?

If it were up to me...

I'd send you to the 'Preakness.'

[piano music]

♪ I have dreamed thee too long

♪ Never seen thee or touched thee ♪

♪ But known thee with all of my heart ♪

♪ Half a prayer

♪ Half a song

♪ Thou hast always been with me ♪

♪ Though we have been always apart ♪

♪ Dulcinea

♪ Dulcinea

♪ I have sought thee

♪ Sung thee, dreamed thee

♪ Dulcinea

♪ And thy name is like a prayer ♪

♪ An angel whispers

♪ Dulc ♪


Mr. Keenan?

I have a test to study for.

Life is short.

Too much to do.

[clinks on door]

Mountains still to be moved.

I go alone.

[somber music]

[crickets chirp]


Who are you?

Who else could it be, dear?

No dead bolt, shame.

You treat me with such vindictiveness

in court and you think I can just accept it?

Oh no, I feel compelled

to discuss your behavior further.

I'm shocked you didn't expect me.

- I expected you.
- Oh, dear.

You know, you really had me going', John.

I didn't know if Kelly Sosha was gonna show.

The only thing I was positive of was that

someone was gonna show up tonight.

Oh, but your timing is such a pity.

As it stands, I can only be arrested

for breaking and entering.

If you'd stayed in the bathroom for just a bit longer

I might've said some things to Ms. Clemmons

you could've really used against me.

What a shame, I really was feeling quite chatty.

This way I'll be in and out of jail in a jiff.

What a disappointing ending to such a good story!

Dear, dear. [gasps]

Maybe when I get out, I'll come back again.

No, you ain't coming' back!

See, I had to k*ll you in self

[g*n cocks]

Tommy: Too bad, really.


that's cold
-blooded m*rder, she's a district attorney.

I'm saving' her life, something' tells me she'll save mine.

Tommy: Bye
-bye, John.

You want me to do something threatening

something to justify self

You wouldn't dare sh**t if I stay passive.


[g*nshots and rattling]

[suspenseful music]


Much better ending.


[theme music]