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06x08 - The Nut Before Christmas

Posted: 12/19/23 07:34
by bunniefuu
I'd like to help but I've got this TV thing.

You should be talking to Ann Kelsey.

Arnie, this woman needs a k*ller.

She needs you.

C.J, I am flattered,

but my plate is pretty full right now. Excuse me.

[sigh] It's not your run
-mill custody case.

When they were divorced two years ago,

the father was drinking.

He never contested the mother getting the kids.

But now he's A
-A, a churchgoer and about to be married.

He's cleaned up his act and he wants custody.

Arnie, it is more complicated.

Evidently he has been thinking about this for some time.

He hired an investigator,

and found out Maggie was involved with someone.

She's been divorced for two years, right?

[sighs] The relationship started during the marriage.

If the husband didn't bring it up

during the divorce, he'll have a hard time now.

- She's a good mother, right?
- The best.

Okay, so the affair is nothing to worry about.

If Ann has the time, this is a piece of cake.

Arnie, the lover is a woman.

The children are six and eight.

The father claims they're better off with him.

On Friday Maggie fired her lawyer.

He said David would probably win.

Not necessarily.

In California h*m*

isn't grounds for denying custody.

Yeah, but we both know it happens.

Okay, okay, there is judicial bias, but according to the law

being gay is only relevant if the mother is promiscuous

or if she's bringing the wrong kind

of people home to her kids.

What's this other woman like?

Do we know anything about her?

A lot, actually.

It's me.

[theme music]

[music continues]

[music continues]

[instrumental music]

Next up, Barnes versus Barnes,

petition to modify a custody order.

- This is yours, Arnold?
- I brought it in.

Mrs. Barnes is a friend?

No, Leland... she was my lover,

which is why her husband is

trying to take her children away.

It seems to me there's a conflict of interest here.

We don't see each other anymore.

Mrs. Barnes is aware of the possible conflict,

she still wants my representation. It's her call.

I make no judgments about personal anyone's life.

But what if there's publicity?

What does it say about the firm?

It says we don't discriminate on the basis

of race, gender or sexual orientation, right?

- Absolutely.
- It's a given.

Yeah, right.

Moving along to Holiday Miscellanea.

The partners voted a $ ceiling

on staff Christmas bonuses,

except for Benny Stultwitz whose bonus goes up to $,

in lieu of a scheduled raise we can't honor.

I hope nobody gets wind of this Yuletide generosity.

Next, we're seeking a second
-draft Santa.

Oh, that's me.

I'm sorry, guys. I'm the Scrooge.

No, you got picked again?

-hm, and as much as I hate to miss an encore,

I have other plans.

Well, I've always wanted to be Santa, but

I'll be out of town this year.

We're short more than a Santa, people.

Gwen wants to be relieved of planning the Christmas party.

Ho, ho, ho!

- Let me sneak this in.
- Thanks, Betty.

The bells are sugar and the trees are gingerbread.


I thought we weren't having her back.

Roxanne assures me the woman will be

a floater, covering phones this week only.

- Once again
- I wouldn't.

I'm looking for a volunteer for Saint Nick

and/or for planning the Christmas party

We have Matthew's birthday on

Thursday and one party's my limit.

If it's just a matter of planning...

We could forego the party this year.

Several of us can't attend,

and some of our major clients have sent their regrets.

We could just have a quiet holiday toast with the staff.

- Yeah, sounds kinda nice.
- Works for me.

Come on, guys...

We're decided then, huh?

And adjourned.

You were looking for me?

[door closes]

Does Leland still open his personal mail?

As far as I know.

Is there a problem?

There could be,

if he gets one of these.

"Thinking of you this holiday season."

Rosalind Shays?!

Read the postscript.

"Hope you can drop in for my annual Open House."

- Ew!
- Apparently, a service has sent

out her cards for several years.

After her...

accident last spring, no one thought to cancel.

Oh my gosh.

We need to intercept Leland's card.

I don't think it'll do much to elevate his spirits.

The ghost of Christmas past.


I'll take care of it. [door opens]

Oh... so is it true we're canceling the Christmas party?

We thought we'd keep things simple

and get people home early.

Don't you think that makes sense?


But since when is a party supposed to make sense?

She has a point.

We have something more important to worry about.

I just received a call from Ed Kravitz.

He wants us to terminate Bill Castroverti.


When Kravitz went public,

Bill did the due diligence on the offering.

The estimates of the company's future profits

were not accurate, but Bill didn't catch it.

My God.

- Is he suing us?
- Oh, no.

No, but he wanted to leave the firm.

I persuaded him to stay

but I had to promise to fire the attorney involved.

We have no choice, Douglas.

We have to let Castroverti go.

Merry Christmas.

He's wasting his time. David won't drop this.

Hey look, Arnie is very good.

He and David's attorney will work something out.

You're not a great liar.

But thanks for trying. [sighs]

I miss you.

I just thought it would be easier.

Easier for who?



Thanks, Gwen.

Pavlik just left.

minutes is not a good sign.


[door opens]

[door closes]

Sorry, they won't budge.

They want to take it to court.

According to Pavlik David insists

that your new lifestyle is

quote, "damaging to his children," unquote.

You want to talk damage?

He didn't see Tim and Jennie for a year after the divorce.

That doesn't count. All that counts is who I've slept with.

The worst thing you can do is let your emotions take over.

David is gonna play hardball.

He is gonna bring up the incident at your son's school.

That may help them prove psychological damage

and they will drag in anything

to make you look like an unfit mother.

Now if you're going to the bars, you should stop.

I never been to a gay bar.

Arnie, this isn't necessary.

I don't want them to have anything else

to use against you.

To be absolutely safe,

I wouldn't spend the night with anyone,

above all, I wouldn't bring anyone home.

- You don't have to worry.
- Good.

I'll see you here at o'clock tomorrow

to go over your testimony?

Thank you.

That's okay. I can find my way.

[door opens]


So, this year, it's an extra thank you.

Merry Christmas from McKenzie Brackman.

Thanks, Roxanne.

No! This isn't right!

Oh, I'm used to it.

Please don't feel badly about getting

your bonus when I'm not getting a bonus.

It's part of being a temp.

I don't expect to be treated like family, even here.

I pay the price for my independence.

It's what I've chosen.

No, this is wrong!

The check's for too much.

It's a mistake!

There are no mistakes.

When a gift comes your way,

you take it or the universe will be offended.



What do you think?

I think it's great, it's

I don't know, maybe a little crooked but...

Well, that's its charm.

Well, then you...

- Glass of wine?
- Sure.

Uh, Zoey,

I decided I ought a go to my family's for Christmas.

I leave Friday afternoon.

Oh. Sure.

You know, it's the first year none of the kids are home and,

I think it might be hard for my parents.

It might.

- You're okay with it?
- Of course.

I mean I'll miss you.

I thought about dragging' you along but it's...

It's a little early for that, don't you think?


Besides it solves the whole office party dilemma.

It wasn't a dilemma.

In fact, we both agreed that it'd be a good time

to let anybody know that we were seeing each other.

But it's not a party now anyway

I was kidding.

It's really okay, Jonathan.

It's only for five days.

Five days?

Think you can make it up to me?

Can I start now?


The cab was dispatched minutes ago.

You've got plenty of time.

Yeah, I just hate to get to the

airport at the last minute, you know

Honey, it's not the last minute.

I can't believe the I
-S wouldn't reschedule this thing.

[foghorn blaring]

Oh, there it is.

Look honey don't worry.

I'll pick up Matthew's birthday cake

on the back from the airport.

It's right on the way.

Honey, we can take care of it.

Look, a man turns two years old once in his life.

I'm his dad, I want to be there, okay?

I know.

And... I want to make up for last year.

Last year was last year.

- Hurry home.
- Okay.


Look who woke up to say goodbye.

Hello, Creamer.

[sighs] Give him here.

- Give daddy a big kiss.
- A big kiss.

[engine revving]

[door closes]

Grace, you got a second?

I've been in since seven, I can take a break.

I can I gotta show you these.

Bloom sent 'em from Maui.

Grace, this is paradise.


I've never been to Hawaii.

No, me neither.

When I was with Zoey, we talked about going but we never did.

But I could always see myself sitting' right

on this beach here doing' absolutely nothing.

Sounds like heaven.

Then why don't we do it.

Oh, look, this is not a come

We go as friends, period.

We both need to get away.

This place is a whole other state of mind.

And I can get us a real sweet deal on the plane fare.

What are you doing, Tommy?

Me? Nothin'.

Okay, I thought the holidays might

be a little rocky for you this year.

They are for me.

We're probably both spending too much time alone.

You're right.

But I don't think Hawaii would help.

Nothin' like fly in' over a volcano

to get your mind off a things.

And then you got your, um,

tropical breezes, maybe a swim before breakfast.

I can't.

But send me postcards, okay?

And don't fall into any craters.

I'd really miss you.


My marriage had problems and I admit some were my fault.

I'm an alcoholic.

I'm recovering now, but

before I was divorced I was still drinking.

Did your drinking affect your children?

I'm sure it did.

They were probably confused and scared,

and I'm very sorry for that.

But I never hit my kids or even yelled at 'em.

What about your wife?

Yes, we had fights.

I thought it was because of my drinking.

You say you thought the fights were about your drinking.

- Wasn't that the case?
- That was Maggie's excuse.

The fights were really about sex

Objection! Move to strike.

Your Honor, how far off the track are we gonna get here?

It's directly relevant, Your Honor.

Mr. Barnes' drinking during the marriage was partly a response

to being deceived about his wife's sexual preference

That's ridiculous, Your Honor.

I'm overruling you, Mr. Becker.

I think Mrs. Barnes' behavior is relevant.

Do you feel your wife lied to you, Mr. Barnes?

Yes, I do.

She never admitted to me that she didn't like men.

And our marriage was a lie!

And I think that hurt Tim and Jennie

far more than my drinking.

Why do you want custody of your children, sir?

I am not the same man I was two years ago.

I don't touch alcohol, I'm very active in my church.

I'm about to be married to a wonderful woman.

And I believe that I can make

a happy, normal home for my kids.

Thank you.

Mr. Barnes, three years ago when your daughter was five

and having difficulty learning to read,

didn't you call her "stupid?"

I am so sorry about that.

I had a hangover

Your son is six. He plays peewee soccer.

Three months ago, didn't you force him

to finish a game when he had a sprained ankle?

We didn't know it was sprained...

and he wanted to play.

Because you pressured him.

You told him to act like a man.

What's wrong with that?

He needs a real male role model,

not women pretending to be men.

- Move to strike.
- So ordered.

Isn't it true, sir, that when you and your wife were divorced,

you showed no interest whatsoever

in getting custody of the children?

My wife had convinced me that I was a bad parent.

Weren't you?

Didn't you spend Saturdays with your friends,

Sunday sleeping off binges?

Didn't your wife have to explain to Timmy that

Dad was too sick to come to the school play,

because you were passed out drunk?


I admit all that.

I did terrible things when I was drinking.

And you need to make up for the past,

so you want your kids back.

I love my kids!

I always have, and they know that.

I am just trying to do what is best for them.

Like trashing their mother's personal life in open court?

To you, that's being a good father?

Objection, argumentative!


I'm done here.

I have no excuse. I screwed up.

But it was one mistake.

Unfortunately, a crucial one.

The client could take a big hit.

And it isn't just that Kravitz forced us into a corner.

Your billables are down,

and I'd spoken to you previously

about the Renfro cause of action.

And I responded to your concerns.


I recognize this is a serious error,

but I can guarantee it won't happen again.

Bill, we both wish there were some other way,

but there's not.

We can't trade a million dollar client

for a second chance.

Since we had no choice, we opted to tell you now,

but that doesn't mean you have to leave right away.

We won't announce this until the first of the year.

You'll get a month's severance and the best

recommendation we can give under the circumstances.

Thanks. That'd be great!

If there were any other jobs out there.

[door opens]

[door closes]

So, I told Mom what time my flight got in and she said,

well, that's great, baby but we're not gonna be here.

You're kidding.

No, they figured it's... Thank you!

It's their first year alone and they leave for London tomorrow.

You're not going out of town?


Well, I am.

I just bought a non

ticket to Maui a half an hour ago.

- You're kidding.
- Well, I got to thinking.

I mean, I've got a whole week off,

I've been working like crazy and you were gonna be gone.

Why not go lie in the sand?

I could blow it off.

No, no, no, you're right.

You should get away.

It's non refundable.

I could come along, but

You'd only have a few days.

Look, it's no big deal.


I'll stay here and be lonely.

We'll still have New Year's Eve.

Well [chuckles]

actually, my return is January st.

Think you can squeeze me in sometime in ?

[light laugh]

I know it's frustrating.

[whispers] We're late. Come on.

Well, at least you're on the early flight,

and Matthew won't mind if you're fashionably late.

[buzzing] Hold on, honey.


You've got a call on two.

Do you know who it is?

Sorry, babe.

Stuart? [buzzing]

[line ends]




This is too much money!

- I couldn't sleep last night.
- Nonsense, Benny.

We wish we could have done more.

Ready, Ann? Yep.

But I heard we couldn't afford a party

and I
-I think it's 'cause you gave me too much.

Benny, I wouldn't have signed the checks

if the partners hadn't agreed.

You deserve every cent.

I can't take that temp anymore.

I'd rather answer my own phones.

Have a nice lunch, Mr. McKenzie.

That was Mr. Brackman, Betty.

Oh, right.

Any messages?

The travel agent

called with your flight information for Maui.



That was for Mr. Mullaney.

Mrs. Barnes, in your opinion,

is your ex
-husband a good father?

He loves Tim and Jennie.

But when he was drinking he was never there.

He'd promise to take the kids to Disneyland

or Magic Mountain and then get home six hours late.

I couldn't stand it.

I was relieved when David decided to move out.

Was that the only reason?


We didn't have a marriage anymore.

We never talked.

And after the divorce,

how often did your husband see Tim and Jennie?

That first year, twice.

David didn't start taking the kids

on weekends till he got sober.

Now, you work as a commercial artist.

How much time do you spend with the children?

I'm there when they come home and I have them

every weekend they're not with David.

You help support your children financially, is that right?


When we
-were divorced we agreed

to split everything

Did your ex
-husband make his payments promptly?

No, that first year I'd always have

to beg him for the check.

Thank you, Mrs. Barnes.

I have no more questions.

Mrs. Barnes,

has your husband ever missed a child support payment?

No, but there were many times where

And even when he was drinking

David Barnes never lost his job and he contributed equally

to the family's support, didn't he?


You had lesbian affairs during your marriage.

Isn't that true, Mrs. Barnes?

I had one relationship.

It wasn't an affair. I fell in love.

And you were unfaithful to your husband.

You started sleeping with this woman, Cara Jean Lamb,

and you didn't tell him about it.

You let him go on believing he had a normal wife.

Objection to the implied characterization

of Mrs. Barnes' sexual behavior as abnormal.


Mrs. Barnes, have you ever kissed

or f*ndled your female lover in front of your children?

We've ended the relationship.

- Please answer the question.
- No!

I have never f*ndled my lover in front of my children.

- Did you kiss her?
- Yes.

And I don't believe it traumatized my children.

Did you ever talk to them about Ms. Lamb?

I explained to them that C.J. and I loved each other

and that some people might not understand.

Don't you think that confused them, Mrs. Barnes?

Maybe even frightened them?

I think if anything frightens them

it's what David is doing now.

Your son physically injured

another child because that child said you were a lesbian.

My son was shoved up against a wall

by some older boys who were teasing him!

He hit one of them back and gave him a bloody nose.

I'm not sure Timmy even understood

what the teasing was about!

Mrs. Barnes, your personal life seems

to be in constant turmoil.

First you're married, then you decide you're gay,

then you end that relationship.

How can you possibly provide a stable home?

My personal life is my business, Mr. Pavlik!

It has never kept me

from loving my children or being there for them.

And you honestly believe

that being raised by a lesbian mother

is better than a heterosexual environment?

If I'm the mother, yes.

I have nothing further.

[instrumental music]

Hey, Ben.

You're in early.

Yeah, I'm... in early.

You ready for Christmas?

Well, I thought I was, but

I had a little surprise yesterday.

Sort of threw me for a loop.

Me, too.

Well, what's the problem?

Well, what if you have something,

big, that you wanna give somebody.

And you know they'd like it,

and you have the money for it but...

you're worried that they might think it's...

- Too much?
- Yeah.

Well, if a gift comes from the heart,

that's usually the kind of surprise people like.



If I told you a secret,

could you maybe help me?


Doctor Lattamer, you're the psychologist assigned

by the court to evaluate

the Barnes children, is that correct?

Yes, and Jennie seems to be

a normal, outgoing eight year old.

She's bright and well socialized.

But doesn't your report refer to

"a certain sadness when Jennie feels

she isn't being observed"?

Yes, and I felt that that was

because of her family situation.

Jennie's "situation" includes a lesbian mother,

who brought her female lover home.

Could that be the cause of Jennie's "sadness"?

- Objection, speculation.
- Overruled.

Yes, I think Jennie's feelings are related

to her mother's sexual preference.

What were your observations about Timothy Barnes?

Tim is six.

He's also bright

but he's developed behavior problems

which seem to be getting worse.

He's been acting out, he's been fighting at school.

And this aggressive behavior

is directly related to his confusion

over his mother's h*m*?

In my opinion, yes.

Do you feel that psychotherapy

is indicated for Timmy Barnes?

I think it would help.

What he's been through would be

disturbing for any six year old.

Thank you.

Doctor Lattamer, isn't it possible Timmy Barnes

has problems because his father is an alcoholic

who never paid much attention to him before he sobered up?

It's possible, yes...

And isn't it also possible that it's his father's

hostility toward his mother that might be the cause

of Timmy's aggressive behavior?

Again, it's possible but...

And there is no clinical evidence

that having a gay parent

damages a child, is that right?

No, but clinically...

Or that the children of gay parents grow up to be gay?

Well, we're not sure how that imprinting takes place

In fact, isn't it true that most h*m*

are raised in heterosexual families?


So, if a straight family doesn't

guarantee a straight child, why should

a gay family guarantee a gay child?

Well, it doesn't necessarily.

- I have no more questions.
- You may step down, Doctor.

If there are no more witnesses.

We would like to call

one more witness, your Honor.

Ms. Cara Jean Lamb.

[knock on door]

Are you busy?

Arrests are down.

The cops have to do their Christmas shopping, too

you know. Is something wrong?

Would you tell me if you and Tommy

were going to Maui together?

Tommy isn't going to Maui.

[door closes]

I saw his travel plans, Zoe.


Do you think that I would go off with Tommy

and not tell you?

Do you think that's who I am?

I seems like a pretty strange coincidence the two of you

I don't care what it seems like.

- Ask me, don't accuse me.
- I didn't accuse you

- The hell you didn't.
- I did not

The hell you didn't!

That's why you broke our date last night.

So you could sit home brooding about this?

No, no, no I thought since I was going

to see my parents without you,

you thought I wasn't all that serious

Why would I expect to meet your family?

You don't even want your office to know we're involved.

Come on Zoey, we both agreed to keep this private,

to give ourselves some time at the beginning

Yeah, well for you it's still the beginning.

Yeah, I've been cautious about going public,

but you're just ignoring the problems we're going to face.

We have a problem right now.

Maybe we just need a little time away from each other.

Sounds like that's what we're gonna get.

Yeah. [door opens]

Ms. Lamb, when you were sexually involved with Mrs. Barnes,

did you ever have relations at Mrs. Barnes' home?

No, never.

But you did visit her home when

the Barnes children were present?


Did you ever openly display affection

for Mrs. Barnes in front of the children?

I may have put my arm around her.

I probably kissed her in a non
-sexual way.

The children didn't seem to pay any attention.

Didn't Tim Barnes once tell you he hated you?

His father called that morning

and cancelled a trip to Dodger Stadium.

Tim also told his sister he hated her and the family dog.

Ms. Lamb, how many sexual relationships have you had

in the past five years? Objection, Your Honor...

that's completely irrelevant

It goes to the best interests of the children, Your Honor.

We believe Ms. Lamb to be sexually promiscuous,

which is both a heath risk to the Barnes children

and a bad moral example.

Objection overruled.

During the time you were involved,

Mrs. Barnes wasn't your only sexual partner.

- How many others were there?
- Two.

Have you ever been tested for AIDS, Ms. Lamb?

Your Honor, this is offensive!

I said I'd allow it, Mr. Becker.

Yes, I was tested for the HIV virus three years ago.

The result was negative.

Why were you tested, Ms. Lamb?

Because I felt it was the responsible thing to do.

I have nothing further.

Ms. Lamb, do you love Maggie Barnes?


And what about Tim and Jennie? Do you care about them?

Yes, very much.

According to Mrs. Barnes,

you know her better that anyone.

Do you feel that her children belong in her custody?

Oh, yes.

Yeah, Tim and Jennie are great kids

and she raised them.

What are you asking her for?

She encouraged my wife to lie to me!

That'll do, Mr. Barnes.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

I have no further questions.

You may step down, Ms. Lamb.

Your Honor, since this concerns

the Barnes children most directly,

the respondent requests that the court

hear from them personally.

Well, I think the six year
-old is too young.

But I would like to talk to the eight year

I'll meet with Jennifer Barnes

at : a.m. tomorrow in my chambers.

We're adjourned.

- Thanks for coming, Josh.
- Thanks!

Bye, bye.

He made it to O'Hare.

Give him here.

-night, sweetie.


Hi, honey!

Well, at least it's closer than Dallas.

If it's any consolation, there was too much chaos

for Matthew to miss you.

Ned got it all on videotape.

Well, we'll keep our fingers crossed it's only flurries.

I love you, sweetie. Bye bye.

That second candle really wore him out.

Want me to change my plans for tomorrow?

I don't want to leave you in the lurch with Stuart gone.

No, we're covered.

Matthew can go to Laura's and

Stuart should be home by noon.

Oh, don't let me forget...

[sighs] We can't thank you enough for all you've done.

I know you've only been with us a few months

but I've forgotten how we ever managed before.


I put something under the tree for Matthew and Stuart.

And I got this for you.

That's so sweet.

But it wasn't necessary.

I saw it and I thought of you.


It's beautiful.

Thank you.

The card tells all about the properties of crystals.

But the truth is,

I just thought it would look pretty on you.

- Need some help?
- No, I got it.

It's beautiful.

I'm glad you like it.

Merry Christmas, Ann.

And you have a good Christmas, too.

A great Christmas.

- we'll see you next week, right?

- Right.
- Yeah.

See you soon.

Okay. [door opens]

- Bye
- Bye.

[door closes]

I'm not firing Betty, she's a temp.

I'm just letting her go a day early.

The day before Christmas? Come on, that hurts.

She deleted the entire client billing file.

Because I was rushing her.

- We got it back.
- How can you be so patient?

I hate to see someone lose a job like this.

- Huh?
- One more chance?

Oh, I give up. You're worse than the Salvation Army.

Thanks, Rox.

Goodnight, Mr. Brackman.

I'm Mr. McKenzie, Betty.

Oh, I found this card addressed to you, Mr. McKenzie.

It must have been thrown away by mistake.

You know, you could make a wreath out of your cards.

I used to do it all the time,

when I got more cards.

Thank you. Would you leave it on my desk for me?

Good night.

Do you know what this is all about, Jennie?


If me and Timmy are going to live with my mom or my dad.

How do you feel about your mom?

Do you love her?


What's she like to be with?

Is she happy most of the time?

-huh. She likes to do stuff.

We go shopping on Melrose and hiking

in the mountains so she can draw.

She listens to us, too,

even if Timmy's acting like a weenie.

What about your dad? Do you like to be with him?

Yeah. He doesn't yell at us anymore.

He takes us places, too.

And Cara Jean Lamb?

How do you feel about her?

Oh, C.J.'s way cool!

She showed us how to spit through your teeth.

And she had a cat one time that didn't even have a tail!

How do you feel when C.J. and your mom are together?

They don't fight like my dad and my mom.

C.J. makes her laugh.

Did you ever see them hug or kiss each other?

It's okay. You can tell him.

Well, one night I got up for a drink of water,

and my mom didn't know it.

C.J. was going home and I saw her and mom kissing.

- Did that bother you?
- Yeah.

But I told my mom and we talked for a long time.

She said if I didn't like her

C.J. wouldn't come over any more,

but I said I did.

Well, do you still feel that way about C.J.?

- Do you still like her?
- Yeah.

But she can't come over any more.

My dad doesn't want her to.

Why do you think that is?

'Cause my mom loves C.J. and not him.

Okay, so far you've straightened my books,

you adjusted my lamp, you played with the toy,

now you picked up my sofa pillows?

Wanna talk about Maggie?

I still haven't heard anything yet.

No, I didn't mean the custody case.

Oh, it's so bloody stupid!

I called it off, you know?

The third time in two years.

You'd think I could let go.

Maybe you don't wanna.

Maybe that's why you got her a lawyer and you stuck by her.

Tommy, she wants a future.

I have trouble committing to next week.

I love her kids, but I don't want the responsibility.

So, you write her off? She's just out of your life?

Well, better to hold on like you and Zoey?

I'm sorry.

I am sorry.

That was a low blow.

Yeah, that was.

[sighs] I think I should leave

before I spread anymore Christmas cheer.

Hey, C.J. I didn't take offense.

You're right, I held on to Zoe

for too long, and it k*lled me to lose her.

But Zoey and me,

I mean we'll always know each other

because what we had between us...

you don't just throw that away.

[door opens]

[indistinct chatter]

Just wait in the corridor.

[door closes]

I thought if we talked to each other

face to face, instead of through our lawyers.

What, you think that's gonna soften me up?

That you'll get around me like you did during the divorce?

I tried to tell you what was happening. You wouldn't listen.

So, it's my fault.

You cheat on me, with women and that's my fault!

Look, blaming her is only going to punish your kids.

- What do you know about it?
- I'm divorced, too.

Mine was my fault.

I wanted to punish myself,

you want to punish everybody else.

Look, she is the one who has been sleeping around.

That's not the point!

The point is,

I still had feelings for my wife and so do you.

My marriage was over, there wasn't any hope

and it didn't make any difference. I still loved her.

And a part of me always will.

I didn't mean to hurt you, David.

But I can't change what happened.

I don't understand.

I don't understand how you could prefer a woman to me.

I did love you.

When I married you

and for a long time after that, but I stopped.

And that was way before I met C.J.

I thought if I got sober,

if I stayed on the wagon...

that you would want me back.

Well, a few years ago I might've.

But it's too late now.

We both just need to move on.


Stop using Tim and Jennie to hurt me back.

Thank you.

Everyone have one of these?

[indistinct chatter]

To all of you.

May you have the warmest of holidays.

Cheers. [indistinct chatter]

Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas!

Excuse me, excuse me,

you've got the wrong office.

[indistinct chatter]


[indistinct chatter]

[instrumental music]

Do you have a designated driver?

Yeah, I've got eight...

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer...

[instrumental music]


Benny, this is fantastic!

We even have cab service and hotel rooms,

in case you drink too much.

I still can't fathom how you managed it.

Oh, I used some of my bonus money.

You did all this on a budget of $?

No. $,.

It's okay, Douglas.

It was just a small mistake.


[instrumental music]

I was just on my way to your office.

- Hi.
- Yeah, come on!

I'm... Yeah, I just stopped by to drop this off.

Here, you first. Go ahead.

[instrumental music]

[chuckles] That tropical sun can be brutal.

Thank you.


Merry Christmas.

[instrumental music]

It is now.

[instrumental music]


Betty, are you still working?

This is... personal.

I'm almost finished.

Need some help?

[door opens]

Before I go, I wanted to

Oh, no.

Is this some kind of a sick joke?!

No. No.

I understand these cards were ordered... some time ago.

Leave it to Rosalind, huh?

She always did like to get in the last word.


as if she weren't unforgettable enough.



No return address.




I wish more women knew how to network like this.




Damn it, I miss her.

How can it be Christmas again?

So soon, Grace.

C.J, she gave him more visitation

he dropped the petition.

The kids are home with their mother.

Yay, Arnie.

Thank you.

[chuckles] Oh, thank you.

- Bye.
- Bye

[indistinct chatter]

I'd have won anyway.

I had a hell of a closing.

- What?
- I just love you, that's all.


[instrumental music] Whoa!



You're calling collect from Saskatoon?

Stuart, I know you were desperate

to get out of Chicago, but don't you think

you should head west?

I did.

You made it.

I walked.


Print! Print! Print!

Hey, take it easy.

Even this goes wrong!

It's all wrong!!




[glass breaking]

Stay back!

Hey, easy.

- Easy, easy.
- Arnie, call the police.

Betty, I just want to talk.

I'm gonna come in, okay?

You don't have to worry.

You know me, right, huh?


We work together here.

Careful, man.


Here I am.

Here's my hand.

Just take it.

Hold on.

Easy, Betty.


It's okay, Betty.

I'm right here with ya.

I'm right here.

Hang on, Betty.

It's gonna be okay.

I want it to stop.

It will stop.

A few more days and it's a whole new year.

This is crummy Christmas for a lot of us.

I just mess everything up.

I let everyone down.

It's not you!

Everybody's life is a bad dream sometimes.

Last week my folks told me they're getting

a divorce, after years.

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse.

I got fired yesterday.

I don't believe you.

- Leland?
- It's true, Betty.

I had to let Billy go.

Now, if anybody should jump, it's me.

Come on, Betty.

Give me your hand.




[instrumental music]

She's been admitted to L.A. County for hours.

No visitors 'til tomorrow.

Did anybody read her, note?

- No.
- I got it right here.

It says "My landlady thinks she's

keeping my finches for the holidays,

tell her there's an extra case of birdseed under the sink.

Goodbye. I wish I were stranger."

How could she be stranger?

It's a typo.

I think she meant stronger.


It's okay. I'm fine, Betty's hanging' in there.

Nobody went out the window.

Hey, where's the music?

How about it, guys?

Are we gonna let all this food and music go to waste?

Let's play.

♪ I can see clearly now

♪ The rain has gone

You wanna dance?

♪ I can see all obstacles in my way ♪

♪ Oh, yeah!

♪ Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind ♪

Merry Christmas.

♪ It's gonna be a bright

♪ Bright, bright sunshiny day ♪

Merry Christmas?

♪ It's gonna be a bright

♪ Bright, bright sunshiny day

♪ Oh, yeah!

♪ It's gonna be a bright

♪ Bright, bright sunshiny day

[theme music]