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10x04 - A Night at the Circus

Posted: 12/18/23 13:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Sunday, Monday Happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday Happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday Happy days ♪

♪ The weekend comes My cycle hums ♪

♪ Ready to race to you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Happy and free ♪

♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

-♪ Share them with me ♪

-♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ Goodbye, gray sky Hello, blue ♪

♪ There's nothin' can hold me When I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right It can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rockin' and rollin' All week long ♪

[saxophone solo]

♪ Sunday, Monday Happy days ♪

♪ Tuesday, Wednesday Happy days ♪

♪ Thursday, Friday Happy days ♪

♪ Saturday, what a day ♪

♪ Groovin' all week With you ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Share them with me ♪

♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

-♪ Happy and free ♪

-♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ These happy days Are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days Are yours and mine ♪

♪ Happy days ♪

[humming lullaby]

[door closes]

-Is she asleep?

-Whoop! Yes.

It's worth waiting for, you know that?


Quite a night, huh?



I want a glass of water.

I thought you were asleep.

I thought he went home.

Well... I'll get you your water.

Yeah, that's a great cat book.

I was listenin' to your mom read it to ya.

It's not a cat book! It's Dr. Seuss.

Of course it is. I know that.

I know that doctor. I think he took out my tonsils.

Don't read much, do you, Mr. Fonzarelli?

[voice cracking] Well, um...

I have a great idea.

Listen, you know, "Mr. Fonzarelli,"

that's like my uncle, you know?

Why don't you just call me Fonzie?


Mr. Fonzie.

Here's your water, sweetheart.

Sleep tight.

Ashley, I don't know what's happening here.

I mean, we been datin' a couple weeks now,

and she treats me like a stranger.

Fay Wray warmed up to King Kong

a lot quicker than she's warmin' up to me.

Fonzie, it's a big adjustment for a little girl.

Since her dad left, it's just been her and me.

It's just gonna take some time, that's all.

You're right. Of course.

Take some time,

I'll put on the old charm,

I won't be Mr. Fonzie anymore, you know what I mean?

Thank you. Thanks for that too.

[girl] Is he gone yet?

Very light sleeper, huh?


Marion, get out here!

I got a surprise for you!

You'll never guess what it is.

Oh, Howard, I'm so glad you're home.

I called, but Potsie said you were out

buying a TV set.

Oh, God bless him.

But he didn't tell you it was remote control, did he?

Yes, he did, dear.

I'm gonna fire him.

That's so nice.

But wait'll I tell you



Nice? All you can think of is nice?

Marion, this is just great!

It means that we can stay in our warm bed

on those cold winter nights,

and we don't have to play rock, paper, scissors

to see who's gonna turn the set off!

We just...

Push the button.

But guess why I called you?



Oh, K.C., you are gonna have the most fabulous time

here in Milwaukee.

Just as soon as we do something

with your hair, clothes, and makeup.

[in Southern accent] Thanks, Jenny.

And that accent.

Oh, there you are!

Thank you so much for letting me stay with you.

I don't know where I would have ended up.

I'm just so glad to be here.

Well, I'm glad you're here, too.

Who is she, Marion?

Oh, Howard, this is what I was trying to tell you



This is K.C.!

This is your little niece,

your brother d*ck's little girl!

Oh, of course!

Oh, my goodness.

You have certainly grown into a lovely young lady!

Thank you.

Why is she here?

Well, her boarding school in Houston had to close.

Oh, it's quite a steamy tale.

Headmaster... Junior class...

Lots of pictures!

Thank you, Jenny.

Anyway, d*ck thought that it would be wise

to send her here

until they find another boarding school for her.

Oh, well...

I'm certainly glad you're here.

Marion, come.

Can I help you in the kitchen?


There is a first time for everything!

Marion, I have not spoken to d*ck in years,

and suddenly his daughter appears in our living room!

Where is that good


-nothing brother of mine, anyway?

He is working for the state department in the Congo!

There, you see? Nothing has changed!

I mean, every time he doesn't want something,

he dumps it off on me.

[chuckles] Well, not this time.

Oh, Howard, don't be such a "Mr. Bluster."

Now, what if Joanie were left in a strange town

with no place to go?

Wouldn't you want somebody to take her in?

Wouldn't you?

Yeah, I suppose so.

All right, she can stay

until he finds another school for her.

But she is not to use my remote control!

Okay, K.C.,

let's try this one more time.

Watch me.

[seductively] Hi.

[cheerfully] Hi!

No! No, no, no.


[seductively] Hi.

[cheerfully] Hi!

This may require surgery.

Okay, everybody, let's sit down.

Jenny, you're... staying for dinner?

Oh, thanks! I'd love to.

Marion, she's sitting in my chair.

Sit here.

Bet my brother is sitting in his chair.

[knock on door]

[Fonzie] Hey, anybody home?

Be right there. [chuckles]

Oh! Fonzie! A present for me!

Oh! Oh!

You shouldn't have.

I didn't. This is for Heather.


-That is for you.


Heather, come on out.

There's a surprise for you!

Aren't you excited?


I've already got a cardboard box.

I can handle this.

This is not just a cardboard box.

I got a very special,


-terrific bicycle in here.

Look at this.



You got me a broken bike.

No, I didn't. Look at this.

It's got your streamer group,

it's got your horn group,

it's got your chrome group and your racer seat.

I'll tell you somethin', this is a better bike than mine.

Oh, isn't that nice of Fonzie, Heather?

If you say so.


Uh, no, no, no. I'll tell you what...

I'll have this together...

two, three minutes, all right?

Yeah, talk's cheap.

Heather, I want to talk to you.

[objects clatter]

Now, I don't like the way you're behaving, young lady,

not one bit!

Fonzie's gone to a lot of trouble

to get this bicycle for you.

Now, all I'm asking you to do is to be polite.

And if you can't do that,

you'll have to go to your room, understand?

Yes, Mother. I understand.




Aw, don't be so gloomy.

Believe me, this is just as frustrating for me

as it is for you.

Isn't this funny?

You like Heather, Heather likes you.

You like me, I like you.

I like Heather, Heather hates my guts!

-I know what the problem is.


Oh! It's the bike's fault!

-Hi, Jenny!


Well, guess I'm all set.

Uh, what time do you want me to be home?

How about :?

Is that too late?



-ho! She's such a kidder!

She's so confused, she still thinks she's on Texas time.

You know, they have to get up early

for branding and things like that.

Well, ta


I wanna tell you again what a wonderful time I'm having here.

At boarding school,

they didn't even let us wear patent

-leather shoes!

-And to think



-Write 'em a letter!

Oh, Howard, wouldn't it be awful

if K.C. has to go to some stuffy boarding school?

Don't say it, Marion!

Now, she's a very sweet girl, but she's not gonna stay here.

I love things just the way they are



just the two of us.

I like the peace, I like the quiet.

I like the idea of not having to make a reservation

to get in the bathroom.

Oh, Howard, you're so close


Just say that you'll think about it.

Okay, if it'll make you any happier,

I'll think about it.


I'm going up to the bathroom,

and I am going to stay there as long as I like.

Yo! Oh.

Mrs. C., I'm glad to see you.

Listen, I've been all over town looking for the right doll.

I ended up with these.

This one... she cries. This one... cries and talks.

This one... cries, talks, and eats.

This one cries, talks, eats, and wets.

This one don't do anything.

She's just very well


Which one do you like?

Oh, Arthur, that's so sweet of you,

but I don't play with dolls anymore.

Mayday, mayday, time

-out here.

I think


- No.

This is for Heather, you know that little girl

that's between me and happily ever after?

You know, Arthur,

I think that you are just trying too hard.

You know, the best gift that you could give Heather

would be yourself.


-Take her for little walks

and read her bedtime stories,

or, look, here... the circus is in town.

You know, Joanie and Howard

had such a good time together at the circus.

Those little bears

and those little red vests and little red hats.

They would... [imitates scooter]

putt around on their little bicycles around the ring.

I'll tell you somethin'... I love the circus, right!

The big top! Those animals!


-Jo and the dog

-faced boy!

You have come up with a numero uno idea,

as always, Mrs. C.!

If this works, Heather and me will be tighter

than Jack Benny and his wallet!

I know you'll give 'em a good home, all right?

Just watch the one that wets.

Howard, come out of there!

I just had a numero uno idea!

We're gonna go to the circus!

[circus music plays]

Tell me the truth... is this the greatest thing you ever did?

Is this the most fun you ever had in your life?

You have a piece of popcorn in your teeth.

[announcer] And now, ladies and gentlemen,

the fantastic flying Wambinis!

[drum roll, cymbal crash]


The Wambinis will now perform, for the first time ever,

the incredible quadruple somersault!

-[drum roll]

-Watch. This is gonna be incredible!


[whispering] Gotta go to the bathroom.


You can't wait five minutes?

All right, listen, you start

and I'll catch up to you, all right?

I'm just a kid! I'll get lost!

All right.

All right, all right. Let's go.

Hold my hand.

Excuse us.

[drum roll continues]

[audience gasps]

What did I miss? What did I miss?

Howard, I can't believe

that we parked blocks away!

We could have parked next door!

Marion, I'm not gonna pay cents

to park my car in some joker's driveway.

Y'all, this is so exciting!

Look at this...

we got the big top and the sawdust

and the clowns and the two

-headed cow.

Gosh, I love America!

[bell clinks]

Marion! Marion Kelp! [laughs]

Don't you remember me from high school?

Dudley Kittleson?


You haven't changed a bit!

Come down with me and meet my wife.

She's backstage getting her beard trimmed.

Oh, you remember my husband, Howard?

Oh, Howard, I wish you'd dressed up.

[imitates Woody Woodpecker]

Howard, I'm gonna be right back!

Ha! Dudley!

Having fun?

Oh, yes!

Gosh, last night we played Monopoly and made ice cream

and tonight, the circus!

I have always dreamed of goin' to the circus.

You mean to say

your father never took you to the circus?

Well, it's hard to find time

for things like baseball games and circuses

when you're off keeping the world safe

for democracy.

My brother never took you to a baseball game?

No, sir.

Oh, I guess you haven't had

much of a normal family life, have you?

Well, except for the last few days.

You and Aunt Marion have been so kind to me.

It's kind of like I've been part

of a regular family for a while.

And I wanna thank you for that.

You know, the, uh, Ice Capades will be here

in a couple of months.

It's a shame you have to miss d*ck Button.

Oh, a couple of months?

I'll be gone by then.

Well, not if you're living with us

and going to Jefferson High School.

You know, it's a great school,

and they have a very good baseball team.

Uncle Howard, you really want me to stay with you?

Well, not permanently, you know.

Maybe just... five, six years.

Oh, Uncle Howard!

How can I ever thank you?

Keep your room neat, study hard,

and stay away from Jenny Piccalo.

[Marion, panting] Oh, Howard,

I had the best time!

I wish you had met his wife.

She reminded me so much of your father.

Uh, Marion, K.C. and I were just talking.

What do you think of the idea of her living with us

and going to Jefferson High?

[laughing ecstatically]


Will you behave yourself? This is a circus!

All right. So what do you think, Heath?


Is it gonna be over soon?

Uh, you know, I think we have to have

a heart


-heart talk here, Heather.

See this? This is you.

This is me.

And between us

there is a valley of misunderstanding.

And what I would love more than anything

is for us to get closer together

and not get further and further apart.

You know what I mean?

Can I have some more cotton candy?

[announcer] And now, here they are...

the Birdseed Brothers' volunteer fire department!

[sirens blare, fire engine bells clang]

[fast circus music plays]

[blows whistle]

[crowd exclaims]

I don't like clowns!

Make him stop! Make him stop!

No, no, nothin's gonna happen to you

when you're with me.

[crowd exclaims]

[crowd screams]

-[clown grunts]

-[crowd screams]

What are you, nuts?

I'm workin' like the Dickens

to make friends with this girl!

Get outta here!

[crowd cheering]


I think she's finally calmed down.

She was so upset,

I could hardly understand what she was talking about.

She said something about you trying to b*at up a clown.

-He started it.

-You didn't.

You know, I'm gonna tell ya.

She is scared of clowns.

Well, she's scared of the mailman, too,

but I don't b*at him up.

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley,

I don't know what is happening.

I took her to the circus

so that she could see I was a fun guy.

I won her a panda bear.

We got cotton candy.

Excuse me.


Where are you going?

I'm saving you the trouble

of sending me away.

What are you talking about?

I know what's going on.

I wasn't born yesterday.

The same thing happened to Suzy Dalton.

Wait a minute, uh, who's Suzy Dalton?

She's a friend of Heather's.

Her mommy got a new boyfriend,

they got her a bike,

they took her to neat places,

and then they shipped her off!

Heather, you don't think

I would ever do that to you, do you?

I know you wouldn't.

But what about... Mr. Fonzie?


My sweetie

-pie, just before you hit the road,

could I just see you

in my office for a moment,

all right?

Will you have a seat there, Miss Pfister?

You know, me and Suzy Dalton,

we have a lot in common.

Didn't know that, did you?

When I was a little boy...

we're talkin' much smaller than you...

my parents shipped me off to my grandmother.


-Oh, yeah.

And, uh,

I really love my grandmother.

She is a very wonderful, feisty lady, you know?

But it still hurts

when you get shipped away from your parents, right?

So believe me, I would never, ever

do anything like that to you.

When I met your mother, I knew you were there.

And I figured you were like a surprise

out of a cr*cker Jack box, you know?

The best surprise I ever got.

I figured I got a package deal here



I got your mother, I got you,

and I got your stuffed puppy here...

who, by the way,

I am crazy about.


Is he telling the truth?

Oh, he always has to me.


I'll stay.


But promise me one thing.

Can't think of anything I'd rather do

at the moment.

Will you please put my bike together...



She said my name!

Yes, I will. [kisses]

Yes, I will.


-Boy, I just love this gadget, Marion.

-[TV playing]

Look, I can change channels,

-or I can turn it off...

-[TV turns off]

-...or I can turn it on!

-[TV turns on]

[laughing] If I could only get it to bring me a sandwich.

You know, Howard, I'm just so glad

you decided to let K.C. stay with us.

It'll be so nice to have a girl around the house again.


Oh, look! The commercial's on.


just change channels.

Someone to cook and iron for

and shop with and talk "girl talk" to.

You were never very good at that, Howard.

Hey, look, Cary Grant! Your favorite.

Can I see that, Howard?

[TV turns off]

Marion... You

-You turned it off.

You pressed the wrong button.

No, I didn't.

Well, I thought Cary Grant was your favorite.

My second favorite.

♪ Goodbye, gray sky Hello, blue ♪

♪ 'Cause nothing can hold me When I hold you ♪

♪ It feels so right It can't be wrong ♪

♪ Rockin' and rollin' All week long ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

♪ Happy and free ♪

♪ Oh, happy days ♪

♪ These days are ours ♪

-♪ Share them with me ♪

-♪ Oh, baby ♪

♪ These happy days Are yours and mine ♪

♪ These happy days Are yours and mine ♪

♪ Happy days ♪