03x17 - Long Way Home

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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03x17 - Long Way Home

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER: And that's just the beginning.

At Harold Equity, we've seen a 31% rise in biotechnology.

And a 52% rise in holographic imaging.

Thank you, stock holders, for helping Harold Equity look to the future.

Now let's give a big hand to the board of directors of Harold Equity.

ELI: This isn't about morals.

It's about money.

He'll try to make it about your backstory.

He needs to go there because he can't stand on his record a a CEO.

The bastard.

But you stay calm.

Keep your voice low.

He gets you to raise your voice, or lose your cool, he wins.

And if he asks me about k*lling my wife?

Well, there's no "if."

He will ask you.

That's his only play...

I was asking my legal consultant.

Mrs. Florrick?

Say you didn't.

It's the truth, isn't it?

It is.

Thank you.

You're trying to take back the company that was stolen from you.

This is about the 30% decline in stock price since Gerald Drescher took over.

And the vote is going my way?

We swung Brynford Mutual your way this morning.



And your firm will have a five percent stake, Mrs. Florrick.

That must look good for you, making so much money.

Yes, it does.

Happy days.

You know, others may find your cynicism bracing, Mrs. Florrick.

I find it charming.

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentleman, Colin Sweeny.

Okay, here we go.

First line?

I believe in stem cells.

That is our future.


(applause, booing)

Boos? Really?

How gauche.

...My company has been mismanaged.

(cell phone rings)

It has seen seen its value drop by 30%...

Yeah, what's wrong?

We're being evicted.

We're not being evicted. Here...

That's what he said, he said 90 days.

Don't dramatize it.

He said it's a condo conversion.

Wait, wait, what's going on?

Mr. Pedrono from the eighth floor, he's here to inspect the apartment, and tell us to get out in 90 days.

This is going on now?

I can talk to her if she wants.

Do you want to talk to him?

Yeah, put him on.

Alicia, come on.

Mrs. Florrick, I didn't want you to get the wrong impression.

This is good news.

Um, what's good news, Mr. Pedrono?

We're giving all the tenants a chance to own and not rent.

I told your husband about it a year ago.

You told Peter?

Oh, yes.

We've had this in the works for a while.

Your lease is up in 90 days, and we're giving you a chance to purchase.

Um, so we're being threatened with eviction?

No, you're being given the chance of first refusal to purchase as is your right as a current tenant.

Okay, let's talk later today, Mr. Pedrono.

But for the moment, please delay your inspection, okay?

If that's what you'd like.

But please get back to me soon-- we need to know your plans.

You'll be the first person I'll call.


Like you wouldn't believe.

So, where are we on speakers?

Um, Drescher's side has five at microphones.

Yes, Peter, when you get this message, call me back. Thanks.

There is something else, I just happened to overhear Drescher's lawyer on her cell. ELI: Just happened?

More or less.

She was celebrating because they just moved some late shares to Drescher's column.

Wishful thinking?

Sounded real.

Sounded like she has enough to beat Sweeney.


Which mutual fund is in play?

I don't know. I thought everyone was firmed up.

Caitlin, hi.

Are you in the w*r room?


Is Diane there?

No, he went out about an hour ago.

Who do we have with 36,800 shares?

Uh, let me check.

Uh, It's Alicia.

Which of the mutual funds has 36,800 votes?

(overlapping chatter)

We're checking.

It doesn't sound familiar.

It doesn't, does it?

Is Will there?

Yes, in his office.

Well, this used to be his case, so see if that number rings a bell.

Okay, he's in with somebody.

Well, interrupt him.

We have ten minutes till the vote.

DEERFIELD: You're suspended for six months, Will.

This is serious business.

I'm not saying it's not.

But I'm more than a lawyer.

I run a business here.

DEERFIELD: Which is why the disciplinary board is allowing you to be here, in your office, but that's all.

Then tell me the rules.

If you want there to be no crossover, then tell me what I can't...

CAITLIN: I'm sorry, Mr. Gardner, Alicia said she needs an answer right now.

What's wrong?

She's at the proxy fight.

They're worried 36,800 shares have switched sides and they don't know which ones.

Okay, here we go, Lionel.

Does my suspension prevent me from answering that question?

Well, does the question have to do with the legal side of Lockhart/

Gardner, or the business side?

Mr. Sweeney is a client we represent both criminally and financially.

But at the moment, we've been asked to consult on his proxy fight.

Legally consult?

And financially.

Will: We're his lawyers.

ALICIA: Caitlin.

We're nearing a vote.

I know, Mr. Gardner is trying to figuring out whether he can answer.

And if Caitlin rephrases the question as a business-only question?

Such as?

How many proxy votes, absent any...

Will, you can't give her the question.

She has to ask the question.


You're kidding.

To advise a subordinate on a legal question is to offer legal advice.

Okay, then we just sit here.

How about Mr. Gold?

WILL: Yes.

Part of our firm is Mr. Gold's crisis management.

Can she ask me a question as to that?

Sure, go ahead.

Take your time.

She can ask questions regarding the crisis management, but she has to formulate the questions.

Hold on.

(clears throat)

Mr. Gold is concerned his client will lose the proxy fight due to the loss of 36,800 votes.

Do you have any idea who they might belong to?

Tenley Mutual.

Diane's leaving there now. Try her cell and you might get her.

No, thank you. We'll be in touch.

(cell phone rings)

Hello, Caitlin.

Uh, yes, I had to switch off during the meeting.

No, we're leaving now.

Hold on a minute.

Mr. Tenle.

Did you just lie to me?

SWEENEY: I'm stronger for it.

I'm tougher for it.

And I'm ready to retake the reigns of the company I created.


He said he told you a year ago.

He's lying.

I never met a Mr. Pedrono.

You know what he's doing, don't you?

Establishing a timeline.

That's right.

He needs to give fair warning before he can enforce an eviction.

Would you sign an affidavit to that effect?

I will. But you should think about doing it.


Oh, I don't know.

You like it.

The kids like it.

It's a lot of debt to take on.

I thought you were making the really big bucks over there.


Yeah, that's me.

Okay, I'll talk to you later, Peter.

Oh, uh, hey, it's Eli.

We have a problem.

PETER: When don't we have a problem, Eli?

Were you just on with Alicia?

Was I?

Yeah, why?

You just sounded... good together. I was standing right next to her.

Eli, stop scheming.

Now, what's hurting my chances to being governor today?

A blog called the "Cook County-ienne."

It says the State's Attorney's office is a hotbed of workplace sex, and that you approve of it.

And when is a blog ever wrong?

Peter, it is specific.

It says that two ASAs had sex on your office couch three nights ago.

Eli, we can't listen to every stupid piece of gossip.

Yes, but we can be responding to every piece that involves you and sex.

We are vulnerable on sex issues, Peter, for reasons I hope I don't have to spell out.

You swore you would run a clean office. This is dirty.

So, we can get him back on our side?

DIANE: They'll swing the 36,800 shares to Sweeney if he guarantees them another seat on the board.

Oh, that shouldn't be a problem.

And one more thing.

No more drama.

That's why Drescher convinced them to peel away.

Sweeney is too high maintenance.

You're asking me to guarantee no more drama from Mr. Sweeney?

Can you guarantee he won't k*ll anyone in the next five minutes?

Well, I think that shouldn't be a problem.

Okay, well, Tenley will call in his vote, and he's in our camp.

How's Sweeney doing?

SWEENEY: First of all, thank you for that question.

Or should I thank your boss, Mr. Drescher, for the question he asked you to ask?

He's very good at this.

If I had stock, I might even vote for him.

Good. And good job, Alicia.

I know how hard this Sweeney business is on you.

Oh, I'm fine.

But thank you.

In fact, Diane, um, can we talk sometime about things?

Well, that sounds ominous.

Oh, no, I just, I mean, salary.

I hate discussing this, but I thought being on the partner track...

Well, we'll talk about it.

Let's just get Sweeney in as CEO, and then we can talk about a raise.


Okay. Thanks Diane.

Hi, I'm Isobel Swift.

I work here as a contractor in executive event planning.

Do you recognize me, Mr. Sweeney?

Um, no, I'm-I'm sorry.

Who are you?


Uh-oh? Why uh-oh?


The woman you sexually harassed when you hired me, and the woman you threatened to fire when I wouldn't sleep with you.

And the women who intends to sue you and Herald Equity for sexual harassment.

SWEENEY: Young woman, you know for a fact that's not true.

Then how do you explain this?

Meet your son, Mr. Sweeney.

PEDRONO: The ninth floor, north-facing.

That's some of our best views.

I understand, Mr. Pedrono.

How much are we talking?

For your four bedroom?

It's three bedroom and a bonus.

Your three-and-a-half bedroom, it's $1.2 million.

But remember, you can get great financing.

And that's everything in?

What do you mean?

I mean, I know when these tenant-conversions go condo, they sometimes have add-ons.

Well, you'll have to purchase the parking space.

And there will be a monthly charge for the association fees.

And that'll run me...?

$35,000 for the parking, and 2,000 a month for the association.

Thank you. I'll get back to you.

CAITLIN: We lost the proxy vote, but we've applied for an immediate injunction against the vote results.


DIANE: There seems to be a narrative of unfortunately's.

CAITLIN: Yes. Unfortunately, we are up against a deadline.

Mr. Sweeney lost the proxy fight, so, the law requires he liquidate his shares in 72 hours.

So we have 72 hours to win an injunction? - Yes.

And we must prove two things in court.

One, Isobel Swift's accusations are a lie.

That the paternity is a lie?

DAVID: No, the sexual harassment is a lie.

And the only proof of harassment is paternity, so I'm applying for an immediate paternity test.

Go ahead, Caitlin.

And second, we have to prove this accusation was intended to throw the proxy vote.

If Drescher is behind Isobel's lies, then Mr. Sweeney will get a re-vote and Drescher will be precluded from running.

DIANE: So you need to prove a connection between Isobel and Drescher?

Yes. I am going to court today.

WILL: Actually, you're going to court today, aren't you, Alicia?

Yes, Caitlin and I.

DIANE: Good.

And everybody knows the rules regarding Will's suspension.

You can't talk to me about specific legal cases.

But you can confer with me on issues dealing with Eli's business.

When in doubt, talk to me about what can be discussed with Will and what cannot.

So what does Mr. Sweeney say about this woman?


He didn't touch her.

He hired her. But that's all.

And we believe him? Well, the timing of Isobel's accusations seem suspicious.

So, guardedly, yes.

Good, so let's get moving.

Thank you.

You're on it, right?

Finding a connection between Drescher and Isobel?




Watch out for that one.

I know, but I'm tired of being paranoid.

She's just hungry.

Like a piranha.

She's hiding something.

It's not about having sex on my couch.

(scattered chuckling)

It's about perception.

I want you to talk to your ASAs.


Four days ago, who had sex in this office?

Cary will coordinate.

The rules are very clear, people.

No fraternization between coworkers.

I'm not gonna let this office devolve into a frat house.

Not gonna happen.

Ironic, huh?

What's that?

You, investigating fraternization in the State's Attorney's office, when your relationship with ASA Dana Lodge might be interpreted as such.

Do you have something you want to say, Geneva?

Just said it.

SWEENEY: Will I admit to the odd sexual dalliance now and then?


I'm human.

I like sex.

Don't you, Your Honor?

Mr. Sweeney, you enjoy being inappropriate, saying things intended to shock.

You'll find that doesn't work here.

I am not charmed.

My apologies, Your Honor.

I will be more circumspect.

ALICIA: Mr. Sweeney, you did not have sex with Isobel Swift, did you?


She's not to my taste.

Much too obvious.

Objection, Your Honor.


ALICIA: But you did hire her?

Of course.

I needed someone at Herald Equity to entertain associates when they were in town.

A sort of Fredo, but prettier.

What happened when Mr. Drescher replaced you as CEO?

Well, when I went to prison, I cleaned house to make room for his appointments.

I thought that was the gentlemanly thing to do.

You fired Isobel?

Yes, as part of my housecleaning.

And Isobel was rehired by Mr. Drescher?

Uh, Your Honor, I'm not sure why Mrs. Florrick rewards the men in her narrative with a formal honorific, but women are demoted to their Christian names.

Well, clearly, it's because I want to influence the judge somehow...

Are you suggesting that I'm trying to influence the judge?


JUDGE: Thank you.

Given that there was no objection, please continue, Mr. Sweeney.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Yes, Mr. Drescher rehired her.

I imagine he was impressed by Ms. Swift's tremendous work in soft-core movies.

Objection, Your Honor. Relevance.

There's no jury, Ms. Adler.

This is an emergency injunction.

I know Ms. Swift worked in soft-core movies before she changed careers.


SWEENEY: I myself was impressed by her tremendous skills in this area, especially with one particular film, (clears throat) where she...

But of course, I was surprised that Gerald kept her on.

Gerald is, of course, Mr. Drescher over there.

That's why I think she's accusing me.

Because she's angry with me...


I'll withdraw that.

Save everybody time.

Here's dinner receipts, one belonging to Gerald Drescher.

He's the CEO of Herald Equity.

And the other belonging to Isobel Swift, his employee.

Both for exactly the same amount, down to the penny.


They both had dinner together, split the bill in half and then expense-accounted it.

And you want to know...?

How close they were.

Did they leave together?

Are they...

Sleeping with each other?

Well, waitresses do have the best gossip.

Well, I've seen them together.

They did seem pretty close.

But she's a CEO slut.

She's always hanging on the CEOs.

Like that other guy.

What other guy?

The one accused of m*rder.

Colin Sweeney?


She was here with him, before he went to jail.

And you observed them together?

Well, if by "together" you mean, did I observe them slip into the men's room for about 20 minutes and come out half undressed?


Alright, There was oral sex.

But it was before I hired her.

There wasn't sexual harassment.

You perjured yourself, Mr. Sweeney.

How do you figure?

You said you never had sex, ever.

There was no real sex.

There was oral sex.

You didn't ask me about oral sex.

Oh, my God.

So there was no vaginal sex, is that right?


You're sure?


She performed oral sex on five occasions.

Nothing special.

I found her businesslike and...


What are you thinking?

The paternity test.

It'll come back negative.

That's right.

It's as if I'm telling the truth.

Say a client perjured himself.

WILL: Just any client?


Because if this were a specific client, I could not legally answer.

Any client.

And you discover, after putting him on the stand, he perjured himself.

Without knowing it, you suborned perjury?

Then you can't question him further, pursuant to the Code of Professional Responsibility, not without knowingly suborning more perjury. - Right.

But now the opposing attorney intends to put another witness on the stand to contradict him.

With the truth?

Or another lie, I don't know.

Can I use this perjured testimony, now in the record, to question this opposing witness?

You must represent the interests of your client.

You were not aware of the perjury when it happened.

To not use that perjured testimony would be to poorly represent your client.

So, yes, you can use it.

As if it were the truth?

No, as if it's in the record as the testimony of your client.

That's what I thought.

The law is an odd thing.

It is indeed.

Of course you're getting legal advice from a suspended lawyer.


The only problem: If the opposing attorney wants to put your client back on the stand, your hands are tied.

I can't elicit further testimony that I know is perjured?


That'll make it one hard redirect.

CARY: So you were working that night, but you didn't go into Peter's office?

No. We were working the 65th Street burglaries.

And you didn't go onto the executive floor?


See, here's the problem.

The log shows you accessed this floor on three occasions.

Just tell me.


We didn't do anything wrong.

But you had sex in Peter's office?

If I say "yes," w-what will happen?

Peter just wants to make sure it won't happen again.

Nothing in my permanent record?

That's right.

We got bigger fish to fry.

Just tell me what happened.

ADLER: And so Mr. Sweeney always met you in hotel rooms?

To have sex, yes.

And that was on how many occasions?

Eight occasions.

Before he went to jail.

While you were working at Herald Equity.

And then the last time, when you resisted him, you were fired?


Thank you, Ms. Swift.

So, Isobel...

Mr. Sweeney insists you never had sex.

Isn't it a fact that you're lying to us today?


He testified on his whereabouts on all the nights you claimed to have had sex.

Isn't it a fact?

He's lying.

And yet this is your only argument in response?

"He's lying."


He sexually harassed me.

Ms. Swift, my client took this stand, and he swore to tell the truth.

He swore he didn't touch you.

He testified in great detail on all the... on all the nights you claim he was having sex with you that he was somewhere else.

How is this not a classic he-said/she-said?

Because it's not.

Because... I'm telling the truth.

And that's all you have to say?

That is why we should believe you?


Nothing further.

You're excused.

Your Honor, we'd like to recall Mr. Sweeney to the stand.

We strongly object, Your Honor.

Mr. Sweeney has already testified.

This is not a full trial.

We are merely asking for an emergency injunction.

FRIEND: Yes, and Counselor Adler is merely requesting a simple recall of your witness.

I see no reason to deny her.

We will adjourn until tomorrow.

(gavel bangs)
And the square footage?

Oh, it's not what you have now, but you can put up a wall and split that bedroom into two for the kids.

Oh, any bigger kitchens?

Told you not to prejudge it.

You're prejudging it.

This is really the best I can do?

In your budget range, near the private school, in a good neighborhood, yes.

But more will come on the market this summer.

You know what's funny?

What? - I have the perfect place for you.

You do? Where?

A house.

In fact, you've seen it.

When? Oh, the last time we looked?

No, before that.

Your house.


The people who bought your old house in Highland Park, they're upside-down on it and very, very motivated.



That's what I thought.

It's a little out of your range, anyway.

Uh, and weird.

I mean, it would be weird.

You had 15 happy years there.

Why would it be weird?

Because it-it would.

Maybe we're all like salmon, just trying to swim upstream to get back to our homes again.

(cell phone rings)

Oh, there's your cell phone, again.

Diane, hi.


They recalled Sweeney to the stand, and the judge overruled my objection.

So I think we...

Yes, Caitlin already filled me in.

I think her idea is right.

Her idea?

Prepping Sweeney.

You need to question him again on redirect.

And the only way to avoid further perjury is to prep him for it.

It's a tight ethical line he has to walk.

Yes, it is.

Good luck with it.

Have Caitlin keep me posted.

She has good instincts for a first-year, don't you think?

I do.

So, as long as it's my word against hers, I'm fine, right?

DAVID: Your word is the problem here.

The other lawyer will ask you about things that actually happened.

And this time, you have to tell the truth.

SWEENEY: Of course.

DAVID: We can't advise you, for example, to dispute Ms. Swift's uncorroborated statements if you know them to be true, or attack Ms. Swift's credibility any chance you get.

Yes, I appreciate your not advising me to do those things.

ALICIA: I'll also be asking questions on redirect, Mr. Sweeney, and you need to answer me truthfully.

Do you understand?

That is the only way I can question you.

Scout's honor, Mrs. Florrick.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get my beauty rest before court.

Telling the truth is so... tiring.

This will be good for a laugh.


ALICIA: Caitlin.

Can I talk to you?

Uh, yes.

We haven't had much of a chance to talk. - I know.

And I want you to take what I'm about to say as constructive advice from a mentor.


Don't ever undercut your mentor again.

Under... What do you mean?

Your strategy was to prep Sweeney to avoid further perjury?

Oh, my God.

Diane cornered me coming back from court.

She just wanted to know where we were, and I was just updating her.

I don't want any explanations.

I just want you to be proud of the way you conduct yourself here.

Being an associate in a law firm, people judge you.

The point is, all you want to be judged on is your work.

Your work.

I understand.


I'll see you in court.

Yes, these are receipts from the Evanston Tavern.

I went there often with Ms. Swift in 2008.

For what purpose?

To discuss events she was planning.

Given that she was an events planner.

So these were business meetings?

Held 20 miles from your office.

Because you couldn't find a single restaurant in Chicago that had a table.

Not one that can make an authentic coq au vin, no.

Mr. Sweeney, isn't it true that you and Ms. Swift repaired to the bathroom at the Evanston Tavern to engage in oral sex?

Objection, Your Honor.


Isn't it relevant whether Mr. Sweeney and Ms. Swift engaged in oral sex?


Mr. Sweeney, please answer the question.

Did I engage in oral sex with Ms. Swift? No.

Mr. Sweeney, you realize you are under oath?

Your Honor.

That'll do, Ms. Adler.

Nothing further, Your Honor.

Just to confirm, Mr. Sweeney, prior to Ms. Swift's allegations, no one had ever accused you of having a sexual relationship with an employee?

That is correct.

And at the time, no one ever accused you of having a sexual relationship with Ms. Swift?

And that is correct.


And I want to be clear here.

Not only did I never have oral sex with that woman, or any sex, but I was suffering... from a skin condition at the time.


I couldn't have had oral sex.

FRIEND: Mrs. Florrick?

Do you have anything further?

Your Honor, uh... pursuant to the Code of Professional Responsibility, I have no further questions at this time.

Their excuses?

No excuses.

Just abject apologies.

Levitas is the head of the financial crimes unit, and Cooper's a second year who works under him.

So his direct supervisor?

Yes. But...

But what?

Disciplining two gay men for having gay sex is gonna look bad.

Well, I'm not disciplining them for their sexual orientation, or the type of sex they're having.

I'm disciplining them for having sex in this office.

I'm just saying.

There are rules, Cary.

And one of them is zero tolerance for sexual liaisons in the workplace.

Especially, if you're in a supervisory position.

KALINDA: I found the connection between Drescher and Isobel.

He made payments to her anonymously, from a shell company in the Caymans.


Tell Diane I'm on my way.

That idiot! That bastard!

Sweeney? What'd he do now?

He fathered a son.

Oh, no.

Oh, yes.

Paternity test came back. Positive.

It's Sweeney's kid.

For the last time, I did not sleep with that woman.

Well, unfortunately, the court does not recognize the doctrine of immaculate conception. - Okay, look.

Taking you at your word, which we have no reason to, how could this happen?

SWEENEY: No idea.

We never had vaginal sex.

I had a client who lost a paternity suit a few years back.

He claimed there was only oral sex.

Turns out, his girlfriend had a turkey baster.

DIANE: And so it devolves: From hopes, ideals, dreams, the glory of the law, to a turkey baster.

DAVID: Immediately after Isobel fellated you, what happened?

She repaired to the bathroom, right?

Purse in hand.

She closed the door.

Emerges a few minutes later, rosy bloom on her cheeks.

Oh, dear Lord.

Mazel tov, Mr. Sweeney.

You're the proud father of 18 years of child support.

Can we make a fraud argument?

Contraceptive fraud?


Well, it'd offset the child support.

But Isobel will claim Mr. Sweeney's sperm was a gift.

She could do with it as she pleased.

To get the re-vote, first we had to show fraud on Isobel's part.

If we can demonstrate Mr. Drescher's knowledge of contraceptive fraud, the court will order a new election, and he'll be precluded from running.

Okay, I'll revise the injunction...

What the hell did you do to Caitlin?

What did I...

She's resigning.

She's quitting the firm.


You never wanted to hire her to begin with.

And I see the way you treat her.

The jealousy.

The mean girl act.

You were supposed to mentor her, not haze her.

David, I have no idea what...

You don't make enemies.

That's what you don't do.

Peter fired Jeremy.

I know.

Zero tolerance is zero tolerance.

That's right.

Unless you're white.

He fires Wendy Scott-Carr.

He fires Jeremy.

He demotes Dana.

He promotes you over Matan.

He promotes you over me.

Three ASAs who had double or triple your experience and seniority, and the only difference was the color of our skin.

Go tell him.

If you believe that, go tell him.

What, that his bias is showing?

No, that Dana and I were fraternizing.

That's what you want to say.

Zero tolerance, right?



Why not?

Because I don't do that.

You want him to know, you tell him.

That's right.

It's a bad economy for ideals.

So we're moving?

Well, I don't know what we're doing.

But we have to move, right?

We have to do something.

I'm looking at our options.


Your realtor friend came by, and dropped this off.

It's not...

She was just saying it was on the market.

Do you see they still have the old swing there?

You broke your leg on that swing.

That swing almost k*lled you.

I know, just I remember Dad pushing me on it.

ZACH: They repainted it, see?

I like the old color better.

We don't have the money.

I wish we did, kids, but it's a lot.

Alicia, Caitlin has given notice.

Yes, I've heard.

I'm surprised.

I'll stay as long as you need to finish my work.

But why, Caitlin?

I... I thought you were liking it here.

I am... so much.

I just...

I got the results back two weeks ago.

I'm pregnant.

I'm getting married.




It's wonderful news.

I explained how supportive the firm can be in situations like these.

We have a generous maternity leave package.

And child care.

And several telecommuting options.

And I really am grateful.

Really, I am.

I just, um...

I just, uh, I want to be...


A mom.

Thank you.



You should talk to her.

I will.

DAVID: Mr. Sweeney's sperm was not a gift.

Your Honor, even assuming this turkey baster fiction is true, the sperm at issue was donated without expectation of return.

Ergo, a gift.

Mr. Lee, you're arguing contraceptive fraud.

Your position is Mr. Sweeney's property has been... misappropriated?

Your Honor, does this even merit a response?

The concept here is that if the property were not put to its proper use...

Wait a minute. If we agree to call it "property," Your Honor, then it was abandoned property.

And whoever claims abandoned property has the right to put it to any use.

Okay both, enough.

I'm intrigued enough to allow plaintiff to argue contraceptive fraud.

Disgusted, but intrigued.

Thank you, Your Honor.

With the caveat...

...that I've heard no evidence to substantiate such a claim.

And the burden of proof remains with Mr. Sweeney.

Then we would like to recall a witness to the stand.

These invoices reflect payments Mr. Drescher made to you.

How do you explain them?


Gerald recognizes the value of a good employee.

But compensation from his shell company?

I didn't know where it came from.

I just accepted it.

And there was no quid pro quo?


No trade-off?

No expectations Mr. Drescher would receive something in return?


Just to clarify, Isobel--

Ms. Swift-- your testimony is that your child is the result of consensual sex between you and our client?

Yes, of course.

In February of 2008, did you take a class about artificial insemination at the Kenwood Learning Center?

Do you need a moment, Ms. Swift?


(clears throat)

I just needed to remember.

Yes, I did take such a class.

And did you ask the teacher of that class how long sperm could survive in a turkey baster?

ADLER: Your Honor, objection. Hearsay.

Actually, the question is properly phrased.

If Ms. D'Arcy went further and asked for the teacher's response, that would be hearsay, so you may answer the question.

I don't remember what I asked.

I might have; I might not have.

Nothing further, Your Honor.

ADLER: Ms. Swift, for the record, you never had any quid pro quo with, or trade-offs, with Mr. Drescher?

No, I never did.

Thank you. So if...

And I wasn't going to say this, but since I'm being called a liar, I never asked anybody about a turkey baster.



Counselor, anything further?

(clears throat)

Actually, Your Honor, pursuant to the Code of Professional Responsibility, I have no further questions.

You did great today, Caitlin.

Really great.

You don't have to be nice.

I'm fine.

Those are...?


To the wedding.

Sorry, yesterday I must've seemed crazy, hiding them from you.

I was just embarrassed.


I'm sorry if I came down on you hard before.

I think I may have misinterpreted a few things.

Office politics around here can tend to make people paranoid.

You didn't come down hard, Alicia.

You were great.

You're a good lawyer, Caitlin.

You're smart and clever, and you handled today's questioning like a pro.

You can't give this up.

If you give this up for someone-- even someone important to you-- there's a chance you'll regret it.

I'm not giving it up for my fiancé.

I'm giving it up for myself.

I like the law, but I love my fiancé.

But you don't need to choose.

There's no reason why you can't work, be a wife and a mother.

But I want to choose.

Maybe it's different for my generation, but...

I don't have to prove anything.

Or if I have to, I don't want to.

I'm in love.

Thank you.

I'm sorry I wasn't a great mentor, Caitlin.

You were a great mentor.

Thank you.

This is Daddy's law firm, Stanton.

Oh, and these are Daddy's lawyers.


Mr. Sweeney, this is... unexpected.

Yes, well, Isobel and I have reached a sensible accommodation, haven't we?

We have.

An affidavit pursuant to which my beloved acknowledges she was impregnated by, shall we say, unconventional means.

And further acknowledges Mr. Drescher's involvement.

DIANE: Remarkable.

Yes, I'm always happy to swap legal fees for a $20 million stake in a public company.

ALICIA: Um, so, uh, the two of you are now...?

Raising a child.

Ain't it grand?

Uh, Mr. Sweeney?

Oh, I'll be right there.

Get the elevator, Stanton.

I'm happy if you two have reached an amicable arrangement.

But... are you sure you're ready for this?

What, being a dad?

Oh, sure.

How hard could it be?

I'll call if I need any child-rearing advice.

(elevator bell dings)


Come on, Stanton.

Daddy knows a wonderful place...

(continues indistinctly)

(door opens)


We can do this later.

I've already looked over the department records.


Sir, per your request that I notify you of all violations of the anti-fraternization policy, and in the spirit of full disclosure...

You don't need to offer me any more names, okay?

Actually, I do.

I dated Dana Lodge.


How recent was this?

We ended it a few weeks ago.

Was this before we demoted her or after?



Not good.

I want to be clear that we did not have sex in your office.

Well, I'm relieved to hear that.

Bottom line, I thought it was wrong for me to be pointing fingers if I wasn't going to point one at myself.

Well, I appreciate your coming forward.

It's brave.

And it shows character.

Thank you.

So let's just leave it at that.


What-what-what do you mean?

Cary, I don't condone what you did, but I know you.

And I know your heart is in the right place.

So... let's just leave it at that.

I'm sorry, sir, you said the rules have to apply to everybody.

They do.

But not to me?

Does anyone else know about you and Dana?


(exasperated sigh)

I think I need to resign.

Absolutely not.

Then I think I need to be placed on temporary leave.

There has to be some consequence, or I'm going to lose respect around here, and so are you.


Let me...

Let me think about it, okay?

Thank you.

(door opens)

ALICIA: I don't think there's much to get.

She's not very conflicted.

I'm not sure the glass ceiling was broken for this.

Actually, it probably was.

She'll be back in 15 years.

Like you.

No, I don't think so.

You wanted to discuss salary?

I did.

I do.

Well, let me gather with Will, and see what we can do.

It might not be everything you want.

I understand.

(water sprinkler running)

Four bedrooms, four baths, but it's definitely adaptable.

This part of Highland Park is very friendly to new construction.

(continues indistinctly)

♪ I.. ♪
♪ On your father's face ♪
♪ The skyline ♪
♪ Is not seen for many days ♪
♪ It feels if though ♪
♪ We're never turning back here ♪
♪ The dawn ♪
♪ It turns to the dust ♪
♪ Is there any way ♪
♪ To get this weight off my skin? ♪
♪ And find another one ♪
♪ Is there anyone ♪
♪ To get this writing off the wall ♪
♪ And find a new one? ♪

(inhales sharply)
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