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28x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 12/17/23 07:51
by bunniefuu
THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please,

please won't you be my neighbor?

Hi, neighbor.

I'm glad we can be
together again today.

Did you see this
model that I brought?

This model van?

I think I better put it
down here on the floor.

That's a great model.

I brought that model van
and a model wheelchair.

Now, if you used a
wheelchair like this, how do

you suppose you could
get into a van like this?

Well, first of all, we'd
have to open the doors.

But then you'd bring
the wheelchair to here,

and you'd have to have something
that would raise the wheelchair

up so that it could go inside.

You know, something like
an elevator or a lift.

Well, I have some
neighbors who know

how to put lifts
in buses and vans.

And I have a friend who's
supposed to pick up his family

van with the lift in it today.

So I thought we could
go meet those people.

And you could see about
vans and lifts yourself.

[SINGING] Let's go right away.

Go somewhere today.

Let's be together,
and stay and stay.

Let's go together
today, right away.

Let's be together today.

You and I. Let's go right away.

Come along.

Hello, Dave.

-Hi, Fred.

-I'd like you to
know my television

neighbor, Mr. Dave Knaus.


-Is this-- is this Ben's van?


We're just starting to
put this lift in now.


So this is another one.

-Yes, it is.

And you can see that the
guys are measuring it.

And they're actually
going to drill-- drill it

and bolt the lift into place.

But it does take almost
all day to put that in.

-Takes a whole day to put it in?

-Yes, just about.

Now, if you'd like to, I can
take you over to Ben's van

and actually show you
how everything works.

I'd like to see that.


Come on.
Let's go.

-All right.

Is this Ben's van?

-Yes, it is.

-It's lovely.

-And it's all set up
on a remote control.


-So all we have to do is
hit the button for "out,"

and the platform will come out.

And stop even with
the floor of the van.


-And then we hit
the "lower" button,

and then the platform will drop
down and stop on the ground.

-Isn't that-- isn't
that wonderful?

-Just like that.

-Boy, would I like to
try to go up in that.

-Actually, we have
a shop chair here.

Would you like to try that?

-I would.


There you go.

Have a seat in this.

-Oh, thanks.

-Let me roll you on here.


And then we have--
there's a button

right here to run
the platform up.

So why don't you
just pull up on that?

-This one?

-Here we go.


And I'm going to
roll you in now.

Make sure you duck
when you go through

so you don't hit your head.


Oh, we're inside.

-Oh yeah, we get
inside real fast.

I'm going to turn you around,
and put you in place here.

And then we should lock
our chair in place,

and lock the other side.


-And then we use these
tie-downs right here.

And they'll go around the
four points of the chair.

-Oh, they go around here.

I see.

-Right here.

And then we have a seat
belt which is right here.

And then that'll
clip right to that.

-Everything's safe.


Ready to go.


What an excellent
thing that you do here.

This is superb.

Now, you just installed this
for Ben and his family, I guess.

Could I go down?


Let's unlock the chair.

On the other side.

-So much to remember.

-And duck your head
when you go through.

And just hit the
button "down" outside.

-This one?


-And down we go.

Dave, this is wonderful.

That is just superb.

Hey, there's Ben.

-Hello, Fred.

-Hello, Ben.

I'm so glad to see you.

Come on in, close to your van.

-How are you today?

-I'm just fine.

How are you?


-I'd like you and
your mom, Kathy,

to know my television neighbor.


-Ben and Kathy.

Take a look at the
good work that Dave

has done for you here.

-Yeah, he has.

He's done a wonderful job.

-I'll say.

You want to try the lift?


-Maybe you could give
some direction here, Dave.

-Yeah, come on.

Oh, that's looking real good.

Let's go straight back.

Straight back.

That's it.


-There you are.

-That's good.

Stop right there.

-That's good.

Now, before you go up,
could I ask you something?


-I think my television neighbors
would be interested to know

why you need to
use a wheelchair.

-Um, because when I was a
one-year-old, I got disabled.

And I needed to
use a wheelchair.

-And look how well you use it.

And look how many
friends you have?


-How about it?

-Yes, a lot of friends.

-Do you want to try
this new lift of yours?



He already knew that
the button was there.

I guess--
-Yes, he did.


-He's pretty sharp.

Oh, this is the remote to
control everything for you.

You can open and
close the doors.

Run the lift in and out.

And pull the platform.

-OK, now what do I do?

-Now, your mom's going to
come on, and she's going

to give you a hand--

-Oh, OK.

-Back in it.


-Hey, Ben.

Come on back.

Duck your head.


-In you go.

How's it feel in there?

-It feels great, Fred.


There goes the seat belt.

I know you all
have things to do.

Where are you
planning to go now?

-We're off to a basketball game.

-Basketball game?

Well, I hope that goes well.

And I just wanted to
say, come to my place

any time, Ben and Kathy.

-Thank you, Mr. Rogers.

-And you, Dave.

Thanks very much
for showing us--

-Glad to see you, Mr. Rogers.

-Your good work here.

Bye bye.

-Kathy and Ben,
let me come inside,

and let me show you
how everything works.

-Come on back to my place.

And so, with the lift.

Chair goes in and around.

Ben seemed really pleased.

Did you hear him say,
"it feels great"?

Well, Ben and his mom are
probably at the basketball game


I'd like to show
you something else.

Do you know what puppet this is?

This is Dr. Bill Platypus.

He always says, "bill, bill"
when he means "very, very."

So if he thinks it's a very,
very beautiful day, he'll say,

"it's a bill, bill
beautiful day."

I like Dr. Bill.

Another one that I
like is Grandpere.

He speaks French.

Vous et moi ensemble.


You and I together.

Chantons notre chanson.

Let's sing our song.

All right.

Vous et moi ensemble.

sing a song, just

you and I. Vous et moi ensemble.

If you don't think
you can, just try.

Vous et moi ensemble.

Bonjour, ami.

Comment ca va?

Tres bien, merci.

Et vous comme moi.

Hello, my friend.

And how are you?

I'm very well.

I hope you are too.

Let's sing a song, just you
and I. Vous et moi ensemble.

If you don't think
you can, just try.

Vous et moi ensemble.

Very good, Grandpere.


Je vous en prie.

-Let's have some
make-believe, OK?

I'll get the Trolley.

There you are, Trolley.

Let's have some make-believe
about a wheelchair,

and Grandpere, and Dr.
Bill, and the others

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

Ready, Trolley?

We'd like to pretend
that you take us

to the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.



-Trolley, I presume.


-Oh, I'm fine.

Thank you.

And what is your business today?


Just passing through, you say?

Well, I give you
my royal greeting.


Oh, thank you, Trolley.

And incidentally, if
you see Mayor Maggie,

kindly tell her that I'll be
waiting right here for her.


Yes, very good.

Very good, Trolley.


Oh, it's a particularly
beautiful day

in this Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

I think I shall sing a big
word song-- [SINGING] Propel,

propel, propel your craft,
gently down liquid solution.

Ecstatically, ecstatically,
ecstatically, ecstatically,

existence is but an illusion.

Oh, Mayor Maggie, I presume.

-Correct as usual, King Friday.

-Are you feeling all right?

-Oh, yes.

-Don't get too close.

-Oh, what's the
matter, King Friday?

-Well, you arrived--

-Yes, I arrived.

And right on time, I believe.

-On time, yes.

But not your usual--

-Oh, not my usual frantic pace.

-Not your usual way of
getting here, Mayor Maggie.


You mean the wheelchair?

-Yes, of course I
mean the wheelchair.

Why do you have it?

-I borrowed it from a friend.

-Do you need it?

-Well, frankly, I was tired.

And my friend let me use it
so I could get here on time.

-And now you plan to infect
everyone else with whatever

you've caught from that chair?

-Oh, King Friday,
that's not how--

-Not so close.

I trust that you will secure
a clean bill of health

from our Neighborhood
doctor, Bill Platypus.

With that, you may
return for our meeting.

-But King Friday--

-No but's about it.

Farewell, Mayor Maggie.

-Now that's ridiculous.

I never heard of
such a silly thing.

A clean bill of health.


I'll just go ask
Dr. Bill about it.

-Oh, what a splendid moving
chair you have, Mayor Maggie.

-It belongs to a friend of mine.

-Well, it goes so smoothly.


Mrs. Platypus, is Dr. Bill here?

-Well, no.

But he should be in his Tower
office in just a few minutes.

If it's an emergency,
I can page him.

-Oh, no.

Don't bother.

I just need him to give
me a clean bill of health.

-Oh, are you not feeling well?

-I'm fine.

It's King Friday.

-King Friday?

Is he sick?

-Frankly, he thinks
I may have caught

something from this wheelchair.

-Oh, that's really silly.

You know you can't
catch something

from any kind of a chair.

-I know that, and you know that.

But King Friday still insists
I get a clean bill of health

from Dr. Bill before
I can meet with him.

-Well, I'll call
the Tower office

and leave word you'll
be coming over.

-Oh, thank you, Elsie Jean.

Some people have strange
ideas, don't they?

-Oh, I'll say.

Well, see you later, dear.


Incidentally, your
garden is beautiful.

-Oh, well, take whatever
you'd like, dear.

Especially it's
all freshly grown.

-Well, this carrot
looks mighty good.

-That's yours.

-Thanks again, Elsie Jean.


-Well, you drive
that chair very well.


It's fine for everyone
except King Friday.


What's his trouble?

-I think he's afraid people can
catch something just by being

close to someone
in a wheelchair.

It's not true.

Anyway, would you come with
me over to Dr. Bill's office

so he can give me a
clean bill of health?


May I try the chair?

-Of course.


How does it work?

-Well, this moves it forward.

-This control?


And backward.


-And backward.

And side.


-And then this side.

-Let's go to the Tower.


be together today.

-Dr. Bill?

Dr. Bill?



Bonjour, Mayor Maggie et Mssr.


-Bonjour, Grandpere.

-Vous cherchez Dr. Bill?


-Alors, il arrive tout suite.

-Tout suite?

-Right away.

-Right away.

-Au revoir.

-Au revoir.

-Tout suite.

Right away.

-Oh, Mayor Maggie and Mr. Aber.

-Hello, Dr. Bill.

-Greetings, greetings.

And do you both need a
clean bill of health?

-Actually, it's just
King Friday who needs it.

-Well, never mind.

Just stick out your
tongues and say "ah."


-And you're both feeling fine?

-Never felt better.

-Well then, I'd say you're
both bill, bill healthy.

And-- and I'll get your
clean bill of health.

-Oh, that was easy, huh?


-Yeah, I like that.

That's not bad at all.



-Yes, and I'd suggest that
King Friday read it aloud.

Now, I must go back
to my sick patients.

-Thanks a lot, Dr. Bill.

-You're bill, bill
welcome, and goodbye.


-There's King Friday now.

-Mayor Maggie, I presume.

-Correct as usual, King Friday.

-Where is your wheelchair?

-Oh, my Associate Mayor
Aber is using it, Sire.


Neighbor Aber will need a
clean bill of health also.

-Well, actually, Dr. Bill
examined us both together.


-And gave us a clean
bill of health.

-And where is it?

-Right here.

-Dr. Bill thought
it would be wise

if you would read it
out loud, King Friday.

-I see.

It says, "bill of health."

Oh, this is Dr. Bill's
writing back here.


It says, "after having examined
Mayor Maggie and Neighbor Aber

at my Tower office,
I, Dr. Bill Platypus,

declare that they
both are entitled

to clean bills of health."

Very good.

"Of course, touching
a wheelchair

could never make
anybody sick anyway.

And those who think so are
unfortunately superstitious."




Farewell, Neighbor Aber.

-Farewell, King Friday.

-Mayor Maggie, you may enter
the Castle for our meeting.

There will be no more
discussion of chairs.

-See you later in Westwood.


Want me to take the
chair back to our friend?

-Yes, please.

I've learned a
lot with it today.

-Learn something old
every day, don't we?

-We certainly do.

KING FRIDAY: Mayor Maggie.

-Coming, King Friday.


-King Friday was afraid of
that wheelchair, wasn't he?

Well, he found out from Dr.
Bill that touching a wheelchair

can't make anybody sick.

And that's important
for him to know.

Surely is.

It's important for
all of us to know.

There you are, fish.

There are lots of important
thing to know, aren't there?

I know I like people to
tell me important things.

[SINGING] I like to be told
when you're going away.

When you're going to come back.

And how long you will stay.

How long you will stay.

I like to be told.


Oh, there's someone at the door.

Let's see who that is.

Oh, it's Mr. McFeely.

-I finally found
it at the library.




-It's a popular book.

-Oh, I'd like to see it.

Do you have time
to watch with me?

-I'll take the time.

-Watch this book.


-Look at the book.

Let's sit right
here and look at it.




Well, what's that?

it's part of a picture.

Turn the page.

MR. ROGERS: Turn the page.

Oh, it's a Collie dog.


Turn the page again.

MR. ROGERS: And what do you see?

Oh, a dog with his friend.

What's this over here?

it's something

you use to make sweaters.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, is that yarn?


MR. ROGERS: Isn't this great?

And then does it
show it over here?


It shows the yarn
with the kitty.

What about here?


MR. ROGERS: That looks
like skin or something.

MR. MCFEELY: Well, you're close.

Turn the page.

You'll see.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, an
elephant's tail.

Is that a baby elephant?

a baby elephant.

There it is.

And if you look closely, you'll
see the leg of its mother.

MR. ROGERS: One of its
parents there, huh?




What in the world is this?

this one fooled me.

I couldn't tell what it was.

Turn the page, and you'll see.


Isn't that a beautiful rose?

MR. MCFEELY: It certainly is.

MR. ROGERS: And there's someone
taking time to smell that rose.


Now this you use to make music.

like some strings.

strings, you're close.


MR. MCFEELY: A guitar.

MR. ROGERS: And there's
a man playing the guitar.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

Now this next one, I
thought it was a cantaloupe.

MR. ROGERS: Cantaloupe?

MR. MCFEELY: That's what
it looked like to me.

But you'll see.


It's a lamb.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

MR. ROGERS: Beautiful lamb.

MR. MCFEELY: And there's the
lamb with one of its parents.

MR. ROGERS: Mm, soft.

MR. MCFEELY: Now, I bet
you know what that one is.

looks like a pumpkin.

It is.

MR. MCFEELY: And you're right.

Now one more.

And the pumpkin becomes--

MR. ROGERS: Jack-o'-lantern.

That's a great
book, Mr. McFeely.

Thank you very much for it.

-Well, it's a popular book.

I'm giving it back
to the library.

-Oh, they'll need it there.

-So I'll just say
Speedy Delivery.

-Thanks, Mr. McFeely.

Give my best to
everybody at the library.

-I'll do that.

Good day.

-Good day to you.

I'm always glad to
be with Mr. McFeely.

And I'm always glad
to be with you.

Do you realize that we human
beings are all different?

And yet, there are
some things about us

that are so much the same.

We're all born, and we
grow, and we change,

and we become people
whom others can love.

You're a neighbor
whom I like to love.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up, ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

We always have things
we talk about, don't we?

You and I. You know, you always
make each day a special day.

You know how?

By just your being yourself.

You're the only person like
you in this whole world.

And people can like
you exactly as you are.

I'll be back next time.

Bye bye.