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28x01 - Giving and Receiving

Posted: 12/17/23 07:49
by bunniefuu
THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together we might
as well say, would you be mine,

could you be mine, won't
you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please,

please won't you be my neighbor?

Hi, neighbor.

Did you notice that I didn't
put on a sweater today?

Can you imagine what
might be in this box?

Not a sweater, but it's
something like a sweater.

I'll show you.

A friend of mine
made this for me.

It's a vest.

And I liked it so much I wanted
to show it to you right away.

Isn't it beautiful?

Making material like this
is very interesting to see.

My friend's name is Saihou Njie.

And I asked him
earlier today if I

could bring you over
to his workshop.

And he said sure.

So why don't we go there
right away and we can see

how Saihou does his batik work?

Yeah, come along.

Here we are.

Hi, Saihou.

-Oh, hi, Fred.

-How do you think it looks?

-Oh, it's looks great.

-I think so.

-It looks very good.

-I'd like you to know
my television neighbor.

Mr. Saihou Njie.

-Hi, neighbor.

-What are you working on here?

-Well I'm just
finishing up this vest.

As you see, I like making vests.

Let me finish
these last stitches

and I'll take you
over to the studio

and show you how the
batiking is done.


You're a fine sewer.

-Do you want to see?

-Yeah, that's a handsome one.

That's beautiful, Saihou.

-Thank you.

-I like the one that
you've given me.

-I like it too.

Well, you want to
come over and I'll

show you what I do
with the batiking.

-OK, sure.

-Well, welcome to
the studio, Fred.

-Oh, you've got a great studio.

Thank you.

-I'm going to show you
how I made this picture.

-It looks like candles.

-Yes, they are candles.

And you see the flames
and all the colors in it?


-Well, you start out with white.

-A piece of white material.

-And in the end process we're
going to end up with a piece

just like this, almost like it.

-Let me see how you do it.

-Very good.

In order to do that
I cut out a stencil.


-Of candle shapes.

-That looks like the white
part of the candle, huh?

-That's right.

And all that the wax does
is it seals the fabric

and whatever is under the
wax remains that color.


-In this case it's white.

You apply your wax into
the open spaces like this.

and that seals the fabric.

-Does that mean that everything
that's under the wax is saved?

-It's saved and no
colors will reach it.


-Now, here's my last candle.

And after that the wax goes off
when you take your stencil off.

And you have your candle shapes.

Very similar.

Now, the next stage here
is applying yellow color.

We're using yellow because
flame, the flame of the candle

is yellow.

All right?

-Oh, so that will be the yellow.

-That will be the yellow there.

Shall we try that?


So now you're putting
yellow color--

-Yellow color.

-Over the wax.

-Over the wax areas.


-But we don't worry too
much about the wax areas

because they're
already shaped up.

They will remain white.

-Because white is
underneath that wax.

-White is underneath the wax.

You have it, Fred.

Then we set it out to dry.

-Now if you want to
save some yellow,

would you put wax on
top of the yellow?

-After it's dry, you put
wax on top of the yellow

in the shape of the flame.

-Oh, I see.

-Just like this.

-So this one's already dried.

-This one is already dry,
and it's ready to go.

So in this case I put in my
yellow flames just like this.

-You're saving the yellow.

-I'm saving the yellow.

And in the final picture
it will be the flame.

-Have you always liked
to do things like this?

-Oh yes, oh yes.

Ever since I was
very little I grew

up helping my mother at her job.

-What did she do?

-Yes, she did fabric
decorations for clothing.

-Oh, I bet she was pleased that
you liked what she was doing.

-Yes, I turned out
to be a great helper.

-I bet.

-And the next thing we do
here is to add red over this.

And when I do that
these areas of yellow

will remain yellow, because
they are under the wax.


-And the next, and I keep
adding colors and adding colors

until I end up with
a piece like this.

-So let me see now.

This is going to turn
out to look like this?


-But how?

-It's going to turn out.

It's already the
same thing, but we

still have wax on top of this.

You can, you can feel it.

-I do feel it.

But how do you get that wax off?

-In order to get the wax
off, you have to boil it.

-In water?

-In hot water put it
in the-- I'll show you.

-Can we go see that?



-But before you get to
the hot water stage--


-You need these things.


-Yes, you have to
protect yourself.

You wear gloves
so that you don't

get burned in the process.

If you follow me.

-Yes, sir.

-I'll show you.

That's hot water, it's boiling
and it's ready for this piece.

You dip it in.

I'm cooking, Fred.

You let it stay long
enough in the hot water

so that the wax
will start to melt.


-And pick it up.

Keep going in and out
to help it run off.

-Isn't that fun?

-It is fun.

This is the fun part of it,
because it's like magic.

All of a sudden you get all
these colors coming at you.

-That you've saved.


Shall we compare?

-Yeah, sure.

-Yes, let's go.

-There they are.

-There they are.

-And that's how you--
-We've got our candles.

-Oh, yeah.

But that's how you made all
of these materials over here.

-Yes, yes.

-They're just beautiful.

-Thank you.

-Here's one that
looks like bowls.

-They are.

-Cereal bowls.

Something good to eat in there.

Oh that's beautiful.


-It's beautiful
in any direction.

And batik is the way you
made my vest isn't it?


-With wax and colors.

-That's right, that's right.

-I really like this.

-Now, I have something for you.

Does this look familiar?

-It looks very
much like the vest.

-It is.

It's a remnant from the fabric
that I used to make your vest.

-Isn't it fun to see that?


And you can keep
that, Fred, and use

it as a tie, bow tie, whatever.

That looks good.

-You're such a nice person.

-Very good, very good, Fred.

-Thank you so much.

-Thank you for coming.

It's always a pleasure
having you come over.

-Well, I'm mighty proud
to be your neighbor.

-Thank you.

-Thank you.

I know you've got lots to do.


-I'll get back to my place,
but I'll see you soon.

-Bye, Fred.

-Thank you, Saihou.

-All right.

-Doesn't Saihou make
beautiful things?

I just like to look
quietly at his work.

He is such an artist.

You find something different
every time you look at it.

Do you see a face in here?

I do.

Right over there.

What are the things people could
make from material like this?

Scarves, drapes,
covers for pillows.

Let's just have some make
believe while we're here.

Hi, Trolley.

Let's pretend that the trolley
is taking some of this material

to the Neighborhood
of Make Believe.

Remember last time they
had fortune cookies there

and a fortune cookie man?

Before we go, let's whisper
neighborhood of Make Believe.

Could you do that?

OK, here we go trolley to the
neighborhood of Make Believe.

-Oh, hi, Trolley.

Oh, what's this?

Batik for me?

To do what I want with it?

Oh, thank you, Trolley,
thank you very much.

Oh, that's beautiful.


-Handyman Negri, I presume.

-Correct as usual, King Friday.

-And the reason for
your batik and pliers?

-The trolley just
gave it to me, sire.

-To give to me?

-Would you like to
have it, King Friday?

-Um, I don't need it.

-Well, I realize that, sire.

But I just thought you might.

-A king doesn't need anything.

His subjects are to
discern what he wants.

Very colorful.

And then give it to him.

-Well, I would like
to present this batik

material to you King Friday.

-I accept it in a royal
manner with royal thanks.

-I know you don't need it,
but I do hope you'll enjoy it.

-Uh, you may have
a fortune cookie.


-Uh, a fortune cookie?

-Hi, Handy.

-Oh, hi, Tuesday.

-Daddy wants you to
have a fortune cookie.

He doesn't care about them.

-Thanks a lot, but
where are they?

-Oh, I hid them over
there so they'd be safe.

-Oh, here they are.

Why doesn't he like them?

-Oh, I don't know.

Oh, I think they're fun.

-I think I'll see
what mine says.


-Look for lots and
lots of circles.


Oh, I wonder what that means?

-Can you think of
any circles close by?


Oh, there's one on
Corny's factory.

That wheel that goes
round and round.

-Good idea.

I'll go over there and
look for lots of circles.

-OK, see you later, Handy.


-Uh, before you go, could
I ask you one thing?


-Does it ever hurt your
feelings when people don't

seem to like what
you give to them?

-Of course it does.

How about with you?

-Me too.

-Would you like
to talk about it?

-Yes, but not right now.

-Well, any time,
I'm always handy.

-That's for sure.

Thanks, Handyman Negri.

-Oh, and thank
you for suggesting

that wheel on the factory.

-Oh, and I just thought
of another circle.

-You did?

What's that?

-Yes, Auntie Lady
Elaine's museum go round.

-Good for you.

You're a mighty helpful prince.

I'll try them both.

-OK, bye Handy.

-OK, bye.

Look for lots and
lots of circles.

Well, I'll try
Corny's factory first.

Oh, Corny.

Cornflake S. Pecially.

-Why, Handyman Negri.

What a pleasant surprise.

-I'm looking for lots
and lots of circles.


Well, do you want to
blow some bubbles?

That would be lots of circles.

I'll get some bubbles for you.

There you are.

-That was great.

How did you do that?

-Oh, I've got lots of
things in my factory, Handy.

-Oh, you're sure an
impressive manufacturer.

--[SINGING] I'm a man
who manufactures,

who manufactures chairs.

I'm a man who
manufactures chairs,

and everywhere I'm a
man who manufactures.

-You surely are.

-Oh, look who's here.

-Hello, Corny.

Hi, Handy.

-How are you?

-Do you have time to come
over to the museum go round?

-I surely do.


We have something
we want to show you.

-Lots and lots of circles?

-How did you know?

Want to come with us, Corny?

-Oh, thanks anyway,
Mayor Maggie.

I've got to get back to work.

-Oh, I'll see you later
there, great bubble maker.

-OK, Handy, see you.

-See you, Corny.


-You've got the best
suggestions fortune cookie man.


-Handyman Negri, this
is fortune cookie man.

-How do you do?


-What are you doing?

-We're making lots
and lots of circles.

-Hula hooping.

Fortune cookie man's
the best there is.

Let's show Handyman
Negri everybody.

-Oh, what a fortune cookie.

That's really some circles.

-Lots and lots of circles.

Do you ever look for circles?

You can find them in
many different places.

You can even make them
with your fingers.

Even my eyes are
circles, aren't they?

Take a close look.

Let's give some
food to the fish.

The fish aren't circles.


But their eyes might look
like circles and their mouths.

You know, I was just thinking.

Prince Tuesday
seemed sort of sad

when he was talking
to Handyman Negri.

I wonder if somebody didn't
like something he gave?

We'll think about
that another time.


There's somebody at the door.

Let's see who that is.

Oh, it's Mr. McFeely.

Come in, Mr. McFeely.

-Speedy delivery to you.

Oh, I like your vest.

-Saihou made it for me.

-Of course, beautiful batik.


-Are you still interested in
knowing how people make bagels?

-I certainly am.

-Well, I finally found the tape.

There it is.

-Oh, good.

Do you have time to
watch it with us?

-I certainly do.

-Let's show it on
picture picture.

-All righty.

-Oh, I've wanted to see
that for a long time,

how people make bagels.

-That's right.

-We'll just look
at that together.

-When people make bagels they
use a big mixer like this one.

This man starts by filling the
bowl of the mixer with water

that comes out of
this little hose.

Next, he adds malt to the water.

-What's that?

-Well, it's like molasses.


So he's putting the
malt in the water now?

-That's right.

And now he measures some salt
and yeast and some other things

and he puts them in the mixer.

-Did you say salt and yeast?

-Salt and yeast and
some other things.

Now here it goes into the mixer.

-He knows exactly how
much to add, doesn't he?

-Well, yes he does.

-What's this?

-This is flour.

It's time to add the flour.

So they cut open the bag
and put the flour in.

-You mean, they're going to
put the whole bag of flour

in there?


You see they dump it right in.

-It sure takes a lot of flour.

-I'll say.

And now the mixing begins.

And slowly it will
become bagel dough.

-Around and around and around.

-You see it looks
more like dough now.


Now what's going to happen?

-You'll see in a moment.

This man is going to cut
off a piece of the dough.

There you see, he's doing it.


But what's he going
to do with it?

-Well, he puts it into
a dough divider where

it will go between two
rollers that will flatten it.

-That's what this is?

-That's what this is.

There it goes.

The blade will cut it
into smaller pieces.

You see, there they come.


-And the blocks of dough
travel down this conveyor belt

into the forming machine.

-Forming machine?

-It forms the dough into a tube.

You see?

And when the tube of dough
is wrapped around that pipe

it becomes a circle.

You see?

-Oh, now it looks like a bagel.

But it's just dough.

-Just dough.

The o's of dough
are put onto trays

and the trays are put on
big carts with shelves.

When it's time for the
bagels to be cooked,

they're dumped into a big
pot of very hot water.

-Why do they do that?

-Well, cooking them
in hot water makes

them shiny and
crunchy on the outside

and soft and chewy
on the inside.

When the bagels are
finished cooking,

they're put into
this long bin that

has a thin layer of water on it.

And the water cools them.

And now they're put into
this big oven to be baked.

-Baked too?

I didn't know that.

-You learn something
old every day.

-That's for sure.

Now they're baking?

-They're baking.

And when the bagels
are all finished,

the baker uses this flat
board with a handle,

and it's called a peel board.

And he takes them out of the
oven with the peel board.

-A peel board.

-That's right.

-Lots of bagels.

-Lots of bagels.

And after they're
cooled one more time,

these women count them and
put them in bags for people

to buy and enjoy.

-Do you like to eat bagels?

-Oh yes, I do.

-What do you like
to put on them?

-Well, I like to toast it first
and then put some honey on it.

-Oh, that sounds good.

-What about you?

-I like to put peanut
butter on mine.

Your tape made me think
how much I like bagels.

-Well, I'm glad you
like my deliveries.

And remember-- [SINGING] If
there's anything you want,

if there's anything you
need, McFeely's Delivery

brings it to you
here with speed.

Yes, our speedy delivery
is a speedy delivery.

Speedy delivery to
you, speedy delivery.

-Thanks, Mr. McFeely.

-You're welcome.

I have more deliveries.

-I'm sure you do.

-And I'll see you
around the neighborhood.

-We sure like what you bring.

-Well, thank you.

Good day.


Good day to you.

[SINGING] Speedy
delivery to you.

Doesn't Mr. McFeely bring
a lot of joy to the places

that he goes?

It gives people a
really good feeling

to share what they
have, especially when

the person you're
sharing it with really

loves what you give.

It's like they really love you.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

We always have things that we
want to talk about together.

Don't we?

That's the way it
is with friends.


Even television friends.

I'll be back next time.


[THEME MUSIC] have think
about in the future it.