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26x20 - Episode 20

Posted: 12/17/23 07:38
by bunniefuu

-It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood,

a beautiful for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly
day in this beauty

wood, a neighborly
day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So, let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

since we're together we might
as well say: Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please?

Please won't you be my neighbor?

-Hi neighbor.

Welcome to this neighborhood.

Glad we could be together today.

I want to show you some things.

I wondered if you've ever
seen things like this.

That's one thing.

That's another.

And another.

They're things that
people sometimes wear.

And I'll show you how they
fit on my head and my hands.


See how that goes on the hand.

Now some people use all of
these things when they swim.

That's right.

I think I'll just
swim around the room.

Did you ever see anybody
wear things like that?


I remember a time when
my friend Jay Styperk

and I swam together.

Jay is a paralympic swimmer.

And he swims a lot
faster than I do.

I still like to swim with him.

I often think about
our times together.

MISTER ROGERS: Tom Burchill,
Jay's swimming coach,

was life guarding that day.

Jay was using his
crutches to help him walk.

The water felt good on my feet.

After we put on our goggles,
into the water we went.

Jay said he would help
me with my swimming.

So first I swam
the way I always do

so he could see what we
needed to do work on.

He thought maybe using some
hand fins might be good.

So with Jay's help
I put them on.

And he showed me
how to use them.

I practiced with them a
little bit and then I swam.

It surely felt different
using those hand fins.

Those fins really
push the water away.

I wanted to see Jay swim so
I just ask him to show me.

And off he went.

He moved so gracefully
through the water.

I watched and tried to
move my arms like he does.

When he finished
we swam together.

We had a good work out that day.

Tom stopped to watch
us have some fun.

We dove deep into the
water like dolphins.

And then I tried a hand stand.

Jay showed me the
butterfly stroke.

I remember thinking
how proud I am of him.

The time came when I had
to get back to my place

and Jay had to finish warming up
before his next swim practice.

-Jay is such a great swimmer.

A very strong swimmer.

In fact, he practices his
swimming for hours every day.

One day I was with
him, I left my fins

by the side of the pool.

So I went back later
and found them.

You know, thinking
about swimming

makes me think of our fish.

Those fish would probably
be glad for something

to eat right now.

So, let's just give
them some food.

They are hungry.

I'm taking care of you.

Taking good care of you.

For once I was very little too.

Now I take care of you.

Do you have people who
take good care of you?

Want to think
about those people.

I like to think about people
who take good care of others.

Whom do you take care of?

No matter how young we are,
so long as we're not babies,

we can take care of
someone or something.

You need to start out by
taking good care of yourself.

Then you grow into taking
good care of others.


There's somebody at the door.

Let's see who that is.

It's Maggie Stewart.

-Hello Fred.

-Maggie, won't you come in?

-Oh yes.

Thank you.


-It's good to see you.

-Thank you very much.

I was just walking along
your street and I thought,

I'll just knock and
see if he's home.

-Well I'm so glad.

I was just telling my television
neighbor, a, taking good care

of things, that's
something we all can do.


Taking good care of
something or someone--

-Is that care?

-This is the sign for taking
good care of someone--

-How do you do that?

-Or something.

-Well you went right into it.

You make your hands shaped
a little bit like a K, see.

And then you just tap one hand
on the other a little bit.

-Taking good care.

Taking care of.

-Would you sign that whole song?

-I'm taking care
of you, you mean?


I'd be happy to.

I'm taking care of you.


-I'm taking care of you.

Taking good care of you.

For once I was very little too.

Now I take care of you.

-When you went like that,
does that mean little?

-It means little baby.

And once upon a time, a long
time ago, I was little too.

Just like you.

-So was I.

-Uh huh.

-Just like you.

-That's right.

-Uh, have you ever
used hand fins?

-For my swimming?

No, I haven't for
a very long time.

Do you use them?

-Well sometimes I do.

And I have some right here.


I haven't seen these
in a long time.

-You put your, your hands
in like this you know.


-Swim with them.

-Yes that really gets
the water out of the way.

-Would you like to borrow these?


Yes I would!

-Whether that's,
what's that mean?

-This is the sign for thank you.

-Oh, thank you.

-Thank you.

-Well thank you for signing, for
sharing sign language with us.

-Well thank you for sharing
your swimming fins with me.

-Oh, you're always welcome.

-I can't wait to use these.

And I'll bring the back to you.

-No hurry.


-We'll see you next time.

-You're always welcome here.

-Thank you.

-Thanks Maggie.

Taking good care of you.



Now let's make believe.

Let's make believe
that somebody is

swimming, maybe
King Friday XIII.

And somebody comes to
have a meeting with him,

maybe Mayor Maggie
from Westwood.

Let's think about
that as the trolley

goes into the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.




-Hello trolley.


-Yes I thought I was
going to be late.


-That's for sure.

King Friday likes
everyone to be on time.


-You too trolley.



Looks as if King Friday is
the one who's late today.

-Here you are Mayor Maggie.

-Am I supposed to
be someplace else?

-No, no.

I just wanted to tell you that
King Friday has been detained.


I've not known him to
be late for a meeting.

-Well, he was swimming and
he forgot about the time.

-Of course.

He's a swimmer too.

-I know you like to swim.

But, you like to sing too.

Don't you?

-I love to sing.

-What say I'll play
the guitar, you sing,

while we wait for the king?

-Something to do
while we're waiting?

-Right you are.

-Let's think of something
to do while we're waiting.

While we're waiting.

For something new to do.

Let's try to think of a
song while we're waiting.

That's liberating.

And will be true to you.

Let's think of something
to do while we're waiting.

While we're waiting.

Til something's through.

You know it's really
all right, in fact

it's down right quite
right, to think of something

to do that's specific for you.

Let's think of something
to do while we're waiting.

You know it's really alright,
in fact it's down quite right,

to think of something to
do, that's specific for you,

let's think of something
to do while we're waiting.

-That was lovely.


-Oh thank you Queen Sarah.

Thank you.

Just some music while we
waited for King Friday.


Well he knows he's tardy, but
he wonders if either of you

has seen his crown.

-The crown he
wears all the time?

-Yes, his kingly crown.

-You mean it's missing?

The King's crown is missing?

-He took it off to go swimming.

-Did he put it in the crown
holder beside the pool?

-He did.

But when he got
out of the pool--

-His crown was missing?

-It wasn't there.

-I must do a thorough check
of the entire aquatic area.

-And all through
the castle, please.


-I'll check with the
closest neighbors.

-See ya after while.

-Yes, I'll return.

-Thank you very much.

Thank you so very much.








-X. Hmmm.

I guess they're
not home right now.

I'll just leave them a note.

Dear X and Henrietta, have
you seen King Friday's crown?

Love, Mayor Maggie.



Sounds like the king.

-It's all right dear.

Mayor Maggie is a good friend.

-She'll not think less of me?

-Just try her dear.

-Mayor Maggie I presume.

-Correct as usual King Friday.

-How did you know I was a king?

-Well, I just know
you, that's all.

Even with your swimming cap
and goggles over the cap.

-Uh, but my crown is missing.

-So I've heard.

Could I be of help
in looking for it?

-You could Mayor
Maggie, you could.

How neighborly of
you to inquire.

-Here dear.

Oh, thank you Sara.

Thank you.


The two-sided sign
for you Mayor Maggie.


Royal Looker.


-Royal Finder.

-Yes, You may wear
the looker side out

as long as you're
looking for the crowd.



And once you've
found the crowd you

may where the finder side out.

-Mhmm, I see.




Royal Looker and Royal Finder.


And so Royal Looker,
please be on your way.

-I'll check in Westwood
and then I shall come back.

But what about our
meeting King Friday?

-All meetings have
been postponed.

All efforts are being
directed at finding my crowd.




-Yes Trolley?


You be a looker too Trolley.


-King Friday's crown is missing.


-Oh, that's right Trolley.

-We'll all do our best.


-We will all do our best.



-So, King Friday put his crown
down while he was swimming

and when he got out of
the pool it was missing.

What do you suppose
happened to it?

Well it could be
anything because that's

the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

And anything you can
imagine can happen there.

Did you ever wear a crown?

When I was a boy I used
to make crowns and give

them to my mom and
dad and sister.

I think I'll try
to make one now.


Right out here.

Here's some stuff I can
use to make a crown.

All you really need
is a paper bag.

You know a paper bag like that.

You could tear it but I think
I'll just use some scissors.

Cut off the top of it like this.

And then make some points
for the crown up here.

Then you can decorate
it with things.

Let's see here.

I've got some bottle tops.

Pretend that's a jewel.

And another jewel here.

Try this.

[SINGING] I think I'm
going to like today.

I think I'll call it fine.

I'll wrap it in ribbons
and make it mine.

I think I'm going to like today.

It's very plain to see,
I like every minute.

And it likes me.

Don't you agree?

This is the nicest day
in the neighborhood.

The nicest day in the calendar.

The nicest day in the
hemisphere for me.

I think I'm going
to be like today

it's been the best by far.

I've got it by wishing
on last nights star.

I think I'm going to like today
and when today is through I'll

catch it and keep
it as good as new.

There it'll be.

I'll have the nicest
day in the neighborhood.

The nicest day in the calendar.

The nicest day will just
stay at home with me.

I think I'm going to like today.

-Mr Rogers.

-Does that sound like
somebody calling?

-Mr. Rogers.

-Another visitor.

Let's go see who it is.

Who is that?

Why it's Jay himself.

Hi Jay.

-How you doing?

-I'm fine.

How are you?


Nice to see you.

-I'm glad to see you.

I was telling my friends
about our swimming together.

-How are you?

I a, I thought we could
do some exercises today.


I like to do exercises with you.

-All right.


-Are these kind that
help with swimming?

-And other things too.



-All right.

-I guess I should sit up
straight for the exercises.

-First we're gonna
bend their elbow--


-Put our hand on
our elbow, and pull

our arm straight
back over our head.

-Like that?

-That stretches.

And then we're going to do the
same thing to the other arm.


-All right.

Next we're gonna,
we're gonna touch

our elbow again with our hand.

But this time we're gonna
pull our arm to the side.

-All right.

I can feel that right there.

-You should.

Now we're going to do it
again with the other arm.


Can you do that?

Can you do this
kind of exercise?

-Next we're gonna,
we're gonna straighten

our leg just like this.

You should feel it right there.

-I do, I do feel that.

It helps with the kicking.

-It sure does.

Now do the same
with your left leg.


It seems like your
extra strong though.

Somehow, I mean,
you are so strong.

Well, to use your crutches I
guess you have to be strong.

-Yeah, I guess so.

It's just like lifting weights.

-Lifting weights, yeah.

You're lifting yourself.



-I have to get back
o the school now

and teach some swim lessons.



-Well, could you
wait one minute?


-I have something
I'd like to get you.


-I just made this and I'd
like to give it to you.

It's a crown.

And you are a king of a friend.

-Thank you very much.

-Thank you very much.

-Nice to see you.

Your students are mighty
lucky to have you.

-Oh, thank you.

-Give them my best.

-I will.

-Goodbye Jay.

I was just thinking,
you know Jay has worked

hard to learn all
those exercises.

And now he's sharing
them with people like us

and the students in his class.

As you grow you will learn
things and make things

and think of the
things that you want

to share with other people.

In fact, you've probably
done that already.


See ya fish.

Sharing can give you a
really good feeling you know,

the person that you're sharing
with as well as yourself.

--[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling:
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

"I think I'll make
a snappy new day."

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

You always make each
day such a special day.

You know how?

By just your being yourself.

No matter what you're
wearing, it's you.

You're the one that's important.


And people can like
you exactly as you are.

I'll be back next time.
