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26x14 - Episode 14

Posted: 12/17/23 07:33
by bunniefuu

THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly
day in this beauty

wood, a neighborly
day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you,

so let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, might
as well say would you be mine,

could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please,

please, won't you
be my neighbor?

-Hi, neighbor.

We're together again.

We're television
neighbors again.

I'd like to show you something.

This is a chalkboard.

Because it's a board
for chalk drawing.

And this is chalk.

It's different
colors, and I will

just try drawing something.

I've always liked
drawing with chalk,

because once you've
drawn something

and you want to
erase it, you can.

This is an eraser.

[KNOCKING] Oh, I hope that's
Mr. McFeely at the door.

Let's see.

It is.

Come in, Mr. McFeely.

-I've found it for you.

-How people make chalk?

-Speedy delivery.

There it is.

-Good job.

Are you able to show it
and tell us about it?

-You mean right away?


-Well, sure.

I always did like chalk.

It has here and
there feeling to it.

-I know what you mean.

I was just telling my
friends about chalk,

and drawing with it.

We'll just show them
on Picture Picture

how people make it, huh?
-All righty.

And I'll tell you all
about it, all right?

-Good, good.

How people make chalk.

MR. MCFEELY: When people make
chalk, the first thing they do

is prepare the molding table.

MR. ROGERS: Molding table?

Oh, that's what that is.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

Then it's time to make
the mixture that we

can pour onto the molding table.

This worker will be
adding a number of things

to a bucket of water.

Now, this is plaster, which
is an important part of chalk.

And he's measuring out
just the right amount.

MR. ROGERS: What's he
scooping out there?

MR. MCFEELY: Oh, that's
another type of plaster.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, so he
mixes all that together.

MR. MCFEELY: Oh, not together.

And now for some yellow pigment.

This pigment will give
the chalk its color.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, so
we're going to be

seeing how yellow chalk is made.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

Now the yellow pigment
goes into the bucket.

Here the plaster goes in.

And it all gets fixed
together by an electric mixer.

And then he pours it
onto the molding table.

MR. ROGERS: Does it go down
into those little holes?

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

It does.

MR. ROGERS: What's he doing now?

MR. MCFEELY: He has to
make sure the liquid

fills each separate mold.

Then he places a tray on one
side of the molding table--

there it is.

And then another tray
on the other side.

MR. ROGERS: That's going
to cover up the chalk.

MR. MCFEELY: That's right.

Watch what happens enxt.

The molding table gets
turned upside down.

MR. ROGERS: Wonder
why it does that?

MR. MCFEELY: We'll see.

Now, after some time
has passed, the chalk

hardens enough to be pushed
from the molding table

onto the tray.

There are the chalks coming out.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, look at that.

Is it finished?

it's not quite done.

The chalk will be taken to an
oven to dry for several hours.

And after it's dry, it goes
to the packing machine.

And that's where it is
now-- the packing machine.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, but look at
all those different colors

of chalk.

this factory makes

chalk in all colors
of the rainbow.

MR. ROGERS: Beautiful.

MR. MCFEELY: And now the
chalk is pushed into boxes.

And the boxes move
along the conveyor belt.

And now they're
ready to be sent out

to people everywhere
to use and enjoy.

-Thank you, Mr. McFeely.

You're a great help
to so many people.

-Well, I like to help,
and I don't mind it

when other people
help me, either.

-Well, that makes you
all the more special.

We all need help
sometimes, don't we?

-Right you are.


Well, I'd better get
this back to the library.


Well, thank you again.

-Oh, you're quite welcome.

And I'll, uh, see you
around the neighborhood.

Speedy delivery to ya.

-Bye, Mr. McFeely.

-Bye bye.

-Now, you know I
like Mr. McFeely.

I don't know why, I was
just thinking of-- maybe

you can tell.

Purple Panda.

I was just thinking
of Purple Panda.

Maybe you could-- you can
go like that with the chalk.

Like, purple.

Why don't we have
some make believe?

We've got Purple
Panda, and some others.

I hear the Trolley.

Hey, Trolley.


-Last time, we pretended
that Lady Elaine Fairchilde

had a whole lot of vacuum
sweepers trying to suck up

everything into the

Lady Aberlin got the
idea that maybe Lady

Elaine was afraid
of vacuum sweepers.

That's why she wanted to
have them all for herself.

Well, let's make believe that
Purple Panda comes to help.

Neighborhood of
Make-Believe, Trolley.

-Hello, Trolley.

So cousin, you said you wanted
to talk about vacuum sweepers?


I wondered whether
you've ever known

anybody who was afraid of them?

-Oh, sure.

I was.

When I was little.

-But you're not afraid
of them anymore?

-Not anymore.

-Well, what made
you not be afraid?

-I think it was Purple Panda.

-What did he do?

-I don't remember.

He must have said
something or done

something that really helped me.

-Because you weren't afraid
of vacuum sweepers anymore?

-That's right.

In fact, I had a
little one of my own.

But now it seems to be missing.
[FANFARE] Oh, here comes Daddy.

-Miss Aberlin and
Tuesday, I presume?

-Correct as usual, Daddy.

- --Uncle Friday.

-I have an assignment
for you both.

-Very good, sire.

-All the royal vacuum
sweepers have disappeared.

I want you to find
where they are.

-I already know where
they are, Uncle Friday.

-You do?


-Lady Elaine Fairchilde has
been assembling all the vacuum

sweepers of the world
at her Museum-Go-Round.

-I didn't realize she was
having a sweeper exhibit.

-I don't think it's an
exhibit, Uncle Friday.

-Oh, uh, Mayor
Maggie, I presume?

-Correct as usual, King Friday.

-And what is the
nature of your hurry?

-Well, first one was taken
from my assistant mayor,

but now all of them are gone.

-All of what?

-All of the Westwood
vacuum sweepers.

They've-- they've
all disappeared.

-So even Westwood
has been invaded?

Well, I charge all three of
you to find all of the vacuum

sweepers and return them
to their rightful owners.

-But Uncle Friday--

-No buts about it.

Just do it, and do it quickly.

-Very, very, Uncle Friday.

-That's easy for him to say.

I don't even know
where to begin to look.

-I do.

-Lady Elaine?

All of them?


But we've got to make a plan.

-Do you want me to try
to find Purple Panda?

-Excellent idea.

-What does Purple Panda
know about vacuum sweepers?

-Well, we're not
quite sure, but we

think it's something
everybody should know.

-All right.

How do you think I can help?

-Any other ideas, Tuesday?

-You know, it might help to have
a chalkboard and some chalk,

and an eraser.

-That's easy.

I'll bring that from my office.



Shall we meet at the
museum in three or four?


We'll try our best.

-Thanks for your help.

-We're all in this together.

-I surely hope this will work.

CORNFLAKE: Lady Aberlin?

Hello there, Lady A.

-That sounds like
Cornflake S. Pecially.

Yes, Corny?

-Could you come over
here a minute, please?

-Of course.


-Hi, Corny.

Haven't seen you
in a long while.

-I know.

I've been extra busy lately.

-Making lots of rocking chairs?


Plenty of orders
for rocking chairs.

But besides that,
I've been doing

all the clean up
in here by hand.

-What do you mean?

-Well, we used to clean
up with our heavy duty

industrial vacuum sweepers,
but now they're gone,

and we have to do
it all by hand.

-Did your vacuum
sweepers just disappear?


A couple of days ago.

It was as if somebody just
said boomerang, toomerang,

soomerang, and they were gone.

You mean it really was somebody
with a boomerang toomerang?

-We think it was.

-Well, could you get
them back for me?

I'd be real grateful.

I know those vacuums
make a scary loud noise,

but they help me do my work.

-Well, we'll do our best, Corny.


I must get back to
my own work now.

-Why, Purple Panda.

You're here already?

-Hello, Lady Aberlin.

I am here.

-Did Prince Tuesday
tell you why we

wanted to see you right away?

-Yes he did.

He told me all about the
vacuum sweeper mystery.

-Where is Tuesday now?

-He said he was going to take
a look inside the museum.

-Will you help us
with Lady Elaine?

-I will do what I can.


-Hello, Purple Panda.

-Oh, hi, Mayor Maggie.


I think I hear something.

ELAINE: That's what
you think, Tuesday.

TUESDAY: But Auntie Lady
Elaine, I know they do.


ELAINE: I'm not
going to give in.

TUESDAY: Well, how
about next time?

-Oh, we'll see.

-I think you're right, cousin.

-She is afraid of them, Tuesday?

-I think she is.

-What did she say
about next time?

-She said, we'll see.

-That's a good sign.

I think she wants to talk.

-Oh, I hope so.

Right now, I'd like to play.

-I would, too.

-I'll race you
all to the castle.


-Get set.

-I am already here.


-I traveled a purple way.


-Next time, Trolley.

-What do you think
might happen next time?

Do you think Purple Panda will
help Lady Elaine understand

that vacuum sweepers
won't hurt her?

We'll pretend more about then.

Right now, I'd like to take you
somewhere to meet a friend who

does a special kind of writing.

Not with chalk, but with
special brushes and ink.

His name is Professor Wong,
and I love to see his work.

Come along to Professor Wong's.

-Hi, Mr. Rogers.

-Hello, Gia.

How are you?


-I'd like you to meet
my television neighbor.

Gia Wong.


Um, my father's waiting for you.

Come on.

-Oh, good.



-I was waiting for you.

Hello, thank you.

-Waiting for you.

-Thank you.

I'd like you to know
my television neighbor.

Professor Wrong.

-Ni hao.

-Ni hao means hello.

-So, hello.


-What are you working on?


-He's making a bird.



-This is the bird he's making.

It's not finished yet.

-It looks like a face.


-Which bird is this?

What face of the bird?

-Maybe an owl?


-Is it an owl?


-And what about that one?


-What is that?


-Is that a bicycle?

-Not a bicycle.

It's a Chinese animal.

-An animal?

Oh, it looks like a dragon.


That's right.

It's a dragon.

You're right.

-Thank you.


-Thank you.

Thank you.

May I sit here?


-It's really like
pictures, isn't it?



-Chinese characters started
with drawings, originally.


-Like this one.


-These characters came
from 4,000 years ago.


-I'll show you.


-For example.


-Let's guess this one.

-Guess this one?

Looks like an I.



-Maybe the sun?



-Modern day we
write it this way.

-Oh, you write it this way now.

Oh, so it used to be this way.

-Like a picture.



-One more.

Similar to--

-Is that the moon?



-That is how we write it today.

-Oh, you write the
moon this way today?

-See, it came from

-Oh, it's beautiful.


-Can you also guess this one?

-It looks like a crown.




-Or maybe mountains?

-In the range-- yes.



That's how we write it today.

-That's mountain?




-One more?

What is--

-Is that a swan
on the water, or--


-It is water, yes Yes.


Or a river.

-It looks like a river.


-That's how we write it now.

that means water?




-Please, he would like you
very much to try and practice.

-Oh, my.

Well, I-- You hold it like this.


-Write anything you want.




That's a sun.



Very good.

-Thank you.

I love that.


-A special way to hold it.

-A special way to
hold it, like this.

-Yes, right.

Very good.

There's the mountain.


-But you know, it's
so peaceful and--




-When we write a mountain,
we are a mountain.

We are the mountain.

-When you write a mountain,
we are the mountain.

-That's the spirit.


-And our mind goes
with our brush.

-And when you write a
river, you are the river?

-You flow.

You flow.


-Like we're flowing.

We move.


-Now, in modern day writing,
how would you actually write

the characters for
peace and quiet?


-Yes, he will write
it-- he will write it.

He will show you how
to write it for you.

-Oh, thank you.

-Let's maybe put it over here.



-And you mix it
with water, and--



-Where is the brush?

-Very soft.

-You have to show the
strength of the body.

It's powerful.

-Comes from inside.

-The power comes from inside.



-This means peace.


-Now quiet.

MR. ROGERS: That's beautiful.


-As tradition, we
have to make a seal.

Professor Wong's
seal on the finish.


-So this is his signature.

-That's how he signs
the picture, huh?


And then make a
seal to complete.

-And each person has a seal?

-Every person makes
their own seal.




-Mr. Rogers is his good friend.

He will make two seals.

-Two seals?

-One more.

-That's wonderful.

-This is for you.

-Oh, thank you very much.

This is peace and quiet.

-Peace and quiet, yes.

-Oh, thank you.


-Hey, I'll take it, and I'll
make some music with it.



Thank you.


-It's a brush for you to
practice when you have time.

-Oh, well I would need
to practice a long time.

-It makes a person
have longevity.

-Thank you, Professor Wong.

I wish you well.

-Bye, bye.

-Yeah, bye.

Thanks again, Gia.

-You're always
welcome, Mr. Rogers.



-This is so light.

Isn't it beautiful writing?

Imagine how long it takes
to learn such an art.

Really looks like peace
and quiet, doesn't it?

[SINGING] Peace and quiet.

Peace, peace, peace.

Peace and quiet.

Peace, peace, peace.

Peace and quiet.

Peace, peace, peace.

We all want peace.

We all want peace.

It's true.

I like being with you.

And I look forward to
our next time together,

you and I. [SINGING]
It's such a good feeling

to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will, too.

We have lots of
ideas, you and I. Lots

of things to talk about.

I like being with you.

I'll be back next time.
