Wish Upon a Christmas (2015)

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Wish Upon a Christmas (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

"He spoke not a word but
went straight to his work,

"and filled all the stockings
then turned with a jerk.

"And laying his finger aside
of his nose, and giving a nod,

"up the chimney he rose.

"He sprang to his sleigh,
to his team gave a whistle,

"and away they all flew like
the down of a thistle.

"But I heard him exclaim e're
he drove out of sight

"happy Christmas to all,
and to all a good night".

It's Santa, dad.

Not Batman.

Sorry, bud.

I'll ease up on the bass
next time.

You forgot the back.

To Daniel,

the best gift
I've ever received.

Love, mom.

Can you read it again?

It's getting late.

Maybe tomorrow, ok?

Did you fix the porch light?

Not yet.

What if Santa misses us?

He won't.

But he goes really,
really fast.

You know what?

See this?

What is it?

That's a special part of
Santa's sleigh

that makes sure he gets every
girl and boy on Christmas Eve.

How does it work?

It's magic.

What do you want for Christmas,

I got you.

What more could I want?

A puppy?

Pff. Nice try.


Come on, let's go, kiddo!

Don't worry, I'm here now!

I'm here, I'm here.

Now this is gonna be a Southern
Christmas card!

Everybody set?

Alright, count us down,

Five, four, three, two, one.

Welcome aboard
ladies and gentlemen.

This is your captain speaking.

On behalf of our crew I'd
like to wish you and yours

a very happy holiday season.

New hire?

Axeman from corporate.

I can't lose this job.

I just can't.

Was working at this company
always your plan?

My plan?


When you pictured your future.

No, I just needed a job.

I thought it would be temporary.

Isn't it funny how temporary
can turn into ten years?

I guess I didn't realize
it had been that long.

Sometimes we stay places
that are comfortable

even if we know that they're
holding us back

from what we're
really meant to do.


Do you believe things happen
for a reason?

I guess.

I do.

And I believe that this is
your new beginning.

New beginning.

Thank you.

Can I tell you something?

I always hated it here.

That's fantastic.

It feels good to say it.

Shot of bourbon.

"It's fast money".

"Hey, you like kids".

What a joke.

You know, there's no lousier
gig than a mall Santa.


What, you think you
get it worse?

It's not a competition.

Oh, that's right, it isn't.

Because I've been stuck in
a velvet sweatsuit

for eight hours covered
in little Billy's vomit.

What was the highlight
of your afternoon?

I'm an actuary at a
multi-national corporation.

I fire people for a living.

Today I walked into a building
and told 52 people

that they no longer have a job.

I gave them each a tiny
severance package which,

if stretched, may get them
through the next month,

and then I sent them
into an economy

where they're more likely to
get struck by lightening

than they are to find
commensurate employment.

And after the 48 hours
that I get for Christmas,

then I get on a plane
and do it all over again.

I just saw your text.

I thought I was going to DC
for the holiday.

Something's come up.

We need you at Donner's
at Carbon Hill.

The ornament factory?


That's a pretty recent

They were struggling when we
bought controlling interest

but they had a big annual
order that kept them afloat.

They just lost it.

It's hemorrhaging money.


I'll send you the last
few quarterlies.

Um, consider it some
in-flight entertainment.

That bad, huh?


Well, Merry Christmas.


Why didn't you tell them it
was a conflict of interest?

Because it's not, dad.

You used to live in that town.

Now you're gonna
come back

and dismantle their
largest employer.

We were only here
for a few years,

people probably won't
even remember me.

What are you up to today?

Well, I'm just waiting for
that storm to die down

so I can go get our tree.

Dad, it's two days
before Christmas.

I'm sure the lots are sold out.

I'm not going to a lot.


No, I'm chopping one
down myself.

Dad, this isn't what retirement
looks like.

Well, a little hard work
never hurt anybody.

I'm pretty sure falling trees
have, though.

Yeah, you know what happens
to people who slow down, Amelia?

They slow down.

Alright, alright.

I'll leave you to your
manual labour.

Tell mom I say hi.

Ok, kiddo.

We're gonna see you at
New Year's, right?

And anything else you need
in the meantime you just call.

I'll be fine.

What I do is a necessary evil.

Without intervention the
entire business would go south.

Sometimes you need to prune
a few branches

in order for the tree to live.


Even if some of those branches
are your friends?

Daddy, please.

I love you, I'll talk to you
later, ok?


Yes, yes,

I'm sorry to hear that.

It's alright, we'll cancel
the order right away

and hopefully we can do business
again next year.

Looks good buddy.


Thanks again for watching him.

It's no problem.

I was going to bring him to
work with me over winter break

but things have just
been crazy.

Is everything ok?

Yeah, yeah.

Just a rough month,

but they're sending
someone out

from the corporate offices,

And this is a good thing?

We can use all the help
we can get.

I'm optimistic.

You always are.

Excuse me.



Oh, hello.

Butter pecan bar?

No, thank you.

I'm looking for Mr. Donner.

Oh, uh... he's in his office.

Right back there.

Come in.




When I saw the name of
who I should expect...

I thought that it must be
a coincidence.

Where's your dad?

Uh, well he retired
a few years ago.

I took over for him.


Uh, how are you?


How are you?

Good. Yeah, really good,
thank you.

How are your folks?

They're good.

Um, also retired.

They bought a place
in Vermont.

Wow, nice.


I should get started.

Right. Yes, of course.

Let me introduce you
to my team.

It's good to see you again.

Can I get everybody's
attention, please?

I know that we've had a few
bumps in the road this year

and many of you have expressed
your concerns

about the fate of the company.

I want to introduce you
to Amelia Pierce.

She's been sent by the fine
people at Saveco

to help us achieve the kind of
success that we had 60 years ago

when my grandfather
first opened the doors.

I want to thank you guys
again for agreeing

to work through Christmas Eve

so that Amelia can
observe our operations

and have enough
time to do that.

I'm going to get you guys out of
here as soon as I can, alright?

I promise.

And you'll have a little
extra time in the New Year

to spend with your families.

So Amelia's gonna be watching
you guys at your workstations,

um... so please just answer
any questions that she has,

and let's make
her feel at home, ok?

Thanks, you guys.

So, uh... can I give you
the tour?

Oh, I prefer to observe
by myself.

Just blend into
the background.

I don't see how
that's possible.

I'll let you know
if I need anything.

I'm sorry, is this, like,
a thing?

The song.

I'm afraid I don't understand
what you mean.

Why does everyone hum it?

We like it.

Say, did everyone hear about
that crash?

In the woods behind
Millie's Diner.

They're saying it was a meteor.

Uh huh.

Good afternoon, Rachael.

What can I get ya?

A coffee, black.


You guys figure out what crashed
by the old dam last night?

I've never seen anything
like it.

Busted trees and a big hole.

A satellite?

Didn't see any debris.

Whatever it was, it
ain't there no more.

That's so strange.

How could it just disappear
like that?

Maybe it was Santa's sleigh?


Where are you sneaking off to?


I just wanted to see
the crash.

There's nothing to see.

He said there was a hole.

You wanted to see a hole?


So when your daddy comes to
pick you up and can't find you,

I'm supposed to tell him
that you wandered off

into the woods alone
to see a hole?


Come inside, Danny.

Well, that's a nice surprise.

Uh, what is?

You know, I thought
she looked familiar

when she first walked in.

You know, maybe we keep
Amelia's past between us.

Oh boy.

You used to parade her
through this factory

looking like the cat
who stole the cream.

There's probably still
pictures of the two of you

on the walls.

Everyone remembers
your first girlfriend.

I guess I was a little uh...

You were over the moon.

It was very cute.

But I didn't realize that
the two of you stayed in touch.

Oh, we haven't.

After her family moved away
I never saw her again.

And your paths are crossing
again after all this time?

Maybe this is a sign.

A sign of what?

That your own little Christmas
miracle is in the works.

She's here to do a job,

and if she can save the factory

that's all the Christmas
miracle that I need.

It's been three years,

It's time to put yourself
out there again.

Cara would have wanted you to.

Is um... everything alright,

I've lost something.

A bauble.

A... a bauble?

A small silver ball
with etchings on the side.

I was passing through town
and I stopped here briefly

and now it's gone.


Is-is it valuable?

To me.

Well, let me call down
to the station

and see if anybody's
turned it in.

So your official job title
is "sculptor"?


Do you draw the concept art
as well?

No, I sculpt.

I am the sculptor.

And so all of these are done
by hand?

The best things usually are.

And about how long

does a sculpture like this
usually take?

As long as it takes.

Ok. Can I get a ballpark on
that, please?

Look, I see what you're
doing here.

You're trying to figure out
how to do my job without me.

I'm simply trying to figure out
how to make the company better.

No, you want faster
and cheaper.

You don't want better.

I'm just asking some questions,

there's no reason to get upset.

Of course there is!

I know how this works!

Could you please keep
your voice down?

Why? Are you worried they'll
figure out

what you're really doing here?

Hey, what's going on?

I worked for 30 years
in this factory,

I poured my blood, sweat,
and tears into helping build it

from the ground up!

Of course you have, Ben,
and we owe you a lot.

And now she wants to just
cast me aside.

No, no, no, no.

No one is getting cast aside.

She's asking an awful lot of
questions, Jesse.

Ben, that's why she's here.

The more she understands
about what we do,

the more that she can help.

No one is going anywhere.

I promise.

Uh... sorry, you just...
got a little um...

occupational hazard.

Spend enough time on the floor,

you're bound to get hit
with a little Christmas cheer.

Hopefully Christmas cheer
comes out with bleach.

I'm sorry about Ben,
he's uh...

he can be a little tense.

It's fine.

No, I mean, he puts on
a gruff exterior

but the guy's a marshmallow

and when he sees why you're
really here,

he'll warm up to you.

Jesse, about why
I'm really here.

Uh, sorry, sorry.

I didn't mean to cut you
off, it's just...

are you hungry?

I ordered some take-out.


That's my son, Danny.

He's cute.

Just like his dad.


I hope for his sake he has
his mother's sense of humor.

He does.

And her eyes.

She passed a few years ago.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

So where are you living now?


Do you like it?

It's nice.

I feel like I'm starting
to put down roots.

I've been traveling around
my whole life,

I never really had a place
I considered home.

And now you do.

Close enough.

Man, I love this stuff!

Yeah, I know.

I remember.

So what do you think of
the factory so far?

I think it's very festive.

Yeah, I can go a little
overboard this time of year.

A little?

I know we've had a slow year and
losing the Marley account, that's...

well, that hurt.

But I think, with a few
new purchase orders,

we'll be back on track.

You have new purchase orders?

No, but I have some firm leads.

Verbal agreements?

No, not that firm, no.

Have you thought about
pricing the labour off-shore?

No, no. I would never.

It could be an option.


No, it's not.

Did you draw these?


Those are nothing.

No, they're not nothing.

This is what you use
for the moulds, right?

Jesse, they're really beautiful.

I was worried they'd send
someone out

who didn't understand what we're
trying to do here,

because I know that we're a bit

I'm glad it was you.

I just want what's best
for everyone.

Will it fix the crack?

It says it works best on wood,
paper, or plastic.

What about magic?

I don't know that
we have that kind.

You heading out?

Yeah, I'm done for the day.

I'll be back tomorrow.

Or you could come
back tonight.

We're having a Christmas party.

We have one every year.

Oh, I don't think so.

Yeah, there's food,
there's music,

it's always a good time.

You shouldn't miss it.

You want me to crash
your company party?

Well, you wouldn't be crashing
because I just invited you.

After all, you're part of
the Donner family.

Come on, we could catch up.

I'll think about it.


See you there.

I said I'll think about it.

I know, I'm looking forward
to it.

See you at 7:00.

Hey, you need to jump in
the bath before the party.

In a minute, dad.


Danny, dinner time!


It just happened so fast.

I got to the factory and all
of a sudden I'm being hailed

as its savior.

Well, who says you can't be?

Dad, they paint each ornament
by hand.

Their business model is
completely unsustainable.

Nah, you shouldn't talk
yourself out of a solution

before you even start.

That's not what I'm doing.

I'm just being realistic.

All I'm saying is keep
an open mind.

You never know what you
could discover.

You're right.

Ok, I gotta go.

Bye, dad.

I think it belongs to Santa.



It's a part of his sleigh.

The magic part.

Do you remember the meteor?

That was Santa's sleigh.



Does it make any noise?




You made it.

I did.

Hey, Danny.

Come here for a sec.

I want to introduce you to
an old friend of mine,

this is Miss Amelia.


I like your tie.

Thanks, I picked it out myself.

Dad has one.

Oh, he does?

It's in his pocket.

I think he should be wearing it.

That's what I said.


I may need a little help.

Oh, sure.


there we go.

It's very nice.

Thank you.

Betsy brought out the cookies.

We gotta go.

Alright, bud.

They'll still be there
in a second!

Oh, aren't you coming,

I sure am, lead the way.

Slow down, slow down.

Lead the way to the cookies!

Oh, thank you.

It's a French martini.

What makes it French?

My accent?


You ok?

Uh, mistletoe is a
little inappropriate

for the workplace.

Actually, that's holly, the most
innocent of Christmas greenery.

Sorry, the winter wonderland
isn't exactly my scene.

I could never tell a wassail
from a figgy pudding.

Since when?

Um, always?

I just don't particularly
like it.

Uh... you don't like it?


I don't understand how anyone
could hate Christmas.

No, I hate sentimentality.

I love Christmas.

What's not to love?

Millions of people
spending money,

pulling businesses
out of the red.

I think you're kinda missing
the point of the season.

That is the point.

According to you.

Me and Charles Dickens.

An old, stingy man finds
true Christmas happiness

by spending his heaps of money
with reckless abandon

on toys and turkeys in a grand
celebration of capitalism.

If A Christmas Carol teaches
us anything

it's that shopping is good.

I don't know what to say.

Admit it, it's convincing.


A little bit?

That is a very selective reading
of the text.

I don't think so.

Christmas is more than just
about things, Amelia.

Yeah, maybe in the movies.

There's something I want
to show you.

Now this is Christmas.

I would like the record to show
that that is, in fact, a thing.

How much do you know about
the Donner family history?

Um, founded in 1948 by
Carol and Nathan Donner,

a small family operation that,
by the mid-50's,

had grown into a nationally
recognized brand, market share-

Ah, ok. That's good.

Now, my grandfather,

he was stationed in Germany
after World w*r II

and he met my grandmother
the day

before he was deployed.

She was a waitress
at Millie's Diner

back when there was a Millie.

And when he finally worked
up the nerve to talk to her

he discovered that she grew
up in a town called Herrenberg.

She spent the whole night
telling him what to expect.

Local traditions,
some of the language.

And she said that if he had
to leave his home

he was welcome to borrow
hers for a while.

And he found this in a little
shop in Herrenberg

and he bought it as a thank
you but it ended up

as an engagement gift.

So that's why they started
the business?


Yeah, it was a reminder that
some of the best things in life

start with a simple act
of kindness.

Jesse-oh, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to interrupt.

What's up, Betsy?

Could you help me bring in
some new trays?

Of course.

I'll be right back.


It belongs to Santa.

Oh, it does, does it?

It's a part of his sleigh.

The magic part.


So how did you end up with it?

I found it behind
Millie's Diner.

It fell off after the crash.

The crash?

You mean the meteor?

It was Santa.

His sleigh is gone so I know
he's ok

but he must have dropped
this piece.


That's pretty careless of him.

But he did just fall out of
the sky

so I guess it's understandable.

What are you planning on
doing with it?

Keep it until he comes
to get it.

A tradition that started
with my dad.

It was like our own
little secret Santa.

At the beginning of the month
we would draw names

and then we would make ornaments

specifically tailored to
the person you picked.

It was supposed to represent
their personality.

So what does that say
about you?

That I'm a leader and a rebel?

Or maybe that you have horrible
fashion sense.

No, no.

Definitely the first one.

Jesse, it's time.

Uh, everyone, it's time!

Uh, it's for the tree lighting.

It's symbolic.

Another year down,
another ahead of us.

It's always been good luck.

It's Jesse's favourite part.

Well, it's everyone's
favourite part.

It's the highlight of the party.

I want to thank you all
for a wonderful year.

When my grandfather started
this business

he imagined a place where
he worked with friends,

never strangers.

And you have all helped make
that dream become a reality.

This place is more than
a company to me.

It's my family.

Alright, enough of that.

Ben, k*ll the lights.

Got it, Jesse.




Uh, Betsy, hit it.

Something's wrong.

Here, let me take a look.

Uh, must be a defective bulb
or something.

I don't know, maybe one of these
bulbs isn't plugged

or a frayed wire or something.

I'm-I'm sorry, you guys.

I guess we're without
our grand finale.

Merry Christmas.

God bless us, everyone!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas.

Thank you.

Care to dance?

Oh, uh-I don't think so.

Well, I'll just be out on
the dance floor by myself

if you want to join me.

For the sake of you
and your patheticness...

it's just too sad.

That's what I was going for.

I remember prom night.

You do?


Probably more than you do.

What is that supposed
to mean?

I was very lucid.


I guess uh...

maybe I remember
things a little bit differently.

Or maybe one of us doesn't
remember them at all.

You're right.

That was really nice,
what you did for him.

Oh, it was nothing.

The boy always wants
the best for everyone.

It would have crushed him.

I wanted to apologize
for earlier.

I just got spooked.

You know, it wouldn't be
the first time someone came

sniffing around the factory
but it wasn't fair of me

to assume the worst.

But you doing something
like that, it means you care.

So if you've got any
more questions,

I'll be happy to answer them.

That's um...
you're doing really well.

I'm really getting
the hang of it.

So uh, Danny certainly believes
in Christmas magic.

Yeah, he hasn't stopped
talking about that little ball

since he found it.

Well, with good reason.

You know it belongs to Santa.

I don't have the heart to
tell him it probably fell off

the back of a pick-up.

And he probably wouldn't
listen to you if you did.

Yeah, you're probably right.


Should we put it on
the tree?

Yeah, I think we can find
a place for it.

Way in the back.

So how long are you
in town for?

Uh, just a few more days.

I'll send everything that I have
to corporate

and then I'll go
over it with you.

Where are you staying?

That motel off the highway.

The one with the broken sign
and the giant cockroaches?

Not my first choice.

Everything decent was booked up
for the holidays.

Well, you should stay with us.

No. No, I couldn't do that.

We have a guest room.

It would be silly not to.

I don't want to put you out.

You wouldn't be.

I mean, tomorrow
is Christmas Eve,

you should be staying with
friends or family.

How big are the cockroaches?

The size of your fist.



I'll just grab my things at
the hotel and meet you there.

Sorry, bedtime usually
doesn't take that long.

He's excited we have company.

Oh, it's ok.

I kept busy by snooping.


Did you find my diary?

Oh yeah, picked the lock
with a bobby pin.

Some more wine?

Sure, thanks.

There you go.

I think that I'm winning
you over.

Sorry, what?

First the carols,
then the ornaments.

Someone's getting into
the Christmas spirit.

Oh, I'm sure it'll pass.

We'll see.

I can't believe it,
this place hasn't changed.

At all.


You know, when my parents
retired and put this place

on the market I couldn't
stand the idea

of it not staying in the family.

With a new house it's
so easy to just...

tear everything down and start
over, but uh...

I guess it's a little different,
your childhood home.

Do you remember the summer we
went camping with your family?

You mean when we almost
went camping.


Your brother got so sick
before we even left the driveway

so your dad put tents up
in the back yard instead.

I was so bummed.

I wasn't.

Your grandpa made the most
amazing cinnamon rolls

for breakfast the next morning.

To date, the best thing
I've ever eaten.

Ah yes, the Donner family
cinnamon roll.

A staple of any family function.

Do you know how to make
these rolls?

I do.

Then what are you waiting for?

I think they go better
with a white wine.

You think I'm joking?

I'm very serious.

I don't even know if I have
any cinnamon.


Ok, you know what?

I promise I will make you some
before you go.

I'm holding you to that.


You know, it's probably later
than I thought it was.

I'll help you get set up.

I brought you an extra blanket.

It gets a little chilly
at night.


Also, I wanted to give you this.


I didn't draw your name
but it seemed fitting

since you're our guardian angel.

It's for saving the factory.

Jesse, I think you need to
be prepared for the possibility

that we might not be able
to fix everything.

I believe in you.

I know that you can do it.

You wouldn't have been sent

Thank you.


Good night.

Morning, sweetheart.

I did it.

It took all night but I found
a way to keep everyone on.

Oh, that's wonderful.

It's not a slam dunk just yet.

I still have to get approval
and they usually don't let me

get this creative but it
is a real solution.

Now I just have to convince
them that it is

absolutely worth
the extra effort.

Oh, I'm proud of you,

Thanks, dad.

Oh, I think Jesse's up.

I can't wait to tell him.

You're at Jesse's?


Uh, when he found out that I
was checked into the Roach Motel

by the highway he offered
to let me stay.

In the guest room.

Down the hall.

Well, I see.

I know what you're thinking.

It's not that, I promise.

I gotta go.

I'll let you know how it
all works out.

Did you get the gift
your mom and I sent?

I did, it came last week.

What'd you think?

I haven't opened it yet.

Why not?

Because it

Good morning.

Good morning.

You want a coffee?

I would love a coffee.

I was up all night actually,
working on this.

This looks great.


It's a little out of the box
but um... yeah.

I think it just might work.

Well it looks like we have
ourselves a game plan.

I knew you could do it.


Dad's taking me to Millie's
for breakfast.

Do you want to come?

Oh, I would love to but I
need to head to the factory.


Next time though.

I used to love their doughnuts.

I would dip them
in hot chocolate.

Not a chance, pal.

You'd be bouncing off
the walls.

I'll work on him.

Alright, you ready?

Yeah, let's go.

Excuse me, ma'am.

I was wondering if you could
help me find this.

I've lost it.

Thank you.

Excuse me, if you would...
um, thank you.

Thank you.

Ma'am, oh sir, ma'am,
I've lost this,

I'm just wondering if you could
help, it's a very small,

small little bauble.

That's not what we discussed.

I know.

You're recommending
zero terminations?

I played around with
the numbers last night.

I think if we get creative-

Your job is to cut the fat.

You're good at it!

That's why we sent you.

But if I found another way
shouldn't we at last try?

This was never a
salvage mission.

But it could be.

You should see this place.

See what they've made.

It's really something special.

We answer to our investors.

If it's not making money,
it's not working.

I know, but-

Find out who is
immediately expendable,

pink-slip them today, and
get on a plane tonight.

You want me to pink-slip
people on Christmas Eve?

It's not going to be any easier
a week from now.

Plus, we need you back in DC
after all.

Look, I know you're getting
burnt out, it's a hard job.

But you have proven to be a
valuable asset to this team.

You do this, you stay
the course

and we will move you up to
bigger and better things.




I got a question for you,

What is it?

Well, you know how it's just
been you and me

for a while now?

What would you think if
maybe sometime soon

there was someone new.

Someone new?


Like a puppy?

No, no. Not like a puppy.

Like a person.


You know that I love
your mother very much

and I will never try
and replace her.

I know, dad.

So... that'd be ok?



Amelia is really pretty,
don't you think?

Yeah, buddy.

She is.


Ah, Amelia.

Morning. What can I do for you?

I need to see you
in the office.

Do you think Amelia will
like the doughnuts I picked out?

Oh, I don't know.

Let me have a taste test here.

No way.

I can't believe it's happening!

I don't know what I'm going
to do now!

I'm so sorry.

Why don't you wait out here
for a sec, Danny, alright?

Ok, I'll go find Amelia.


It'll be ok.

What's going on?

I don't know.

Ask her.

What are you doing?

I've been instructed
to make some cuts.

That's almost half of my staff.

I know.

I'm sorry, it's out of my hands.

You were supposed to save
the factory, not k*ll it.

Jesse, there's nothing
to save here.

People aren't going to buy
these ornaments

when they can just get the cheap
plastic version

at the dollar store.

No, that is not true.

There will always be space
for tradition,

especially at Christmas.

Well, the numbers don't lie.

What about this, huh?

What about all your hard work?

They didn't go for it.

You know what?

I think you should leave.


Not 'till I finish what
I came here to do.

No, I'm not going to let you
fire one more person.

You really don't have
a choice.

This is my company!

It's not your company anymore!


Danny, not now, ok?

We got these for you,

I hope you like
the chocolate ones.

I love the chocolate ones.

Thanks, Danny.

Come on, Danny, let's go.

Amelia's got work to do.

Wouldn't want to get
in your way.

Sometimes we stay in places
that are comfortable...

um... sometimes we stay in
places that are comfortable

because they...

I'm sorry.

Do you think that everything
happens for a reason?

I do.

I'm sorry, what?

I do think everything happens
for a reason.

I don't want to get you
in trouble, Jesse.

This is still my business

and you are not going anywhere.

We knew things were bad.

Maybe this is the only way.

I'm not going to accept that.


I'll be ok.

The most important thing is that
the business survives.

It's what your grandpa
would have wanted.

Not like this.

Please just stay and I will
figure this out.




Now get back to work.


Are we going to lose
the factory?

Why would you think that?

I heard some people
talking about it.

They were really upset.

We're just going through
a little rough patch right now,

but everything is gonna be fine.

I love you.

I don't want you to worry.

I'm not worried.

Amelia will help us.

Excuse me, I was hoping you
could help me.

I don't really have the best
track record in that department.

Sorry, bad day.

What can I help you with?

I've lost something
very precious to me.

Have you seen it?

Uh, I have.

Let me write down
the address for you.

Could I perhaps trouble you
for a ride?

My vehicle, well... it had
a bit of an accident.

I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.

I have to catch a flight
and I still have to pack.

He's right.

Um, you know what?

Hop on in.

Much obliged.

Uh, you should probably knock.

But your friend doesn't know
who I am.

Trust me, you'll get a warmer
welcome than I will.

I thought you would have been
long gone by now.

Me too, actually.

This is Mr. Tomptey.

He's looking for his
silver bauble.

Know where we might find it?

Come on in.

Hey, Danny, can you come
downstairs please?

You have a lovely home.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, these are quite good.

Did your son make them?


Never can get mine
to come out right.

I'm all thumbs.

I have to say,

I had almost given up hope
of ever finding my bauble.

I was very relieved to run
into your friend.

Ah, yeah... friend.

Hey, Danny.

We found the owner
of your ball.


Must be
the beard.

I kept it safe for you.

There was a little crack in
the bottom but I fixed it-

Danny, this is Mr. Tomptey.

He's not Santa Claus.


But I'm very grateful you took
such good care

of something so important
to me.

Let's not keep
Mr. Tomptey waiting.

Can you go get it for us?

Sure, it's in my room.

Thanks, Danny.

Funny kid.

I can't find it.

Ok, ok bud, slow down.

I was extra careful.

I believe you.

I'm sure it's around here

Alright, spread out.

Let's go.

I'll find it, don't worry.

I'm really good at finding

I have no doubt that you are.

Because you really,
really need it, right?


For your sleigh?

No, I'm afraid not.

It's just an old
family heirloom.

I have another idea.

So I guess you couldn't make
a clean getaway after all.

Believe me, I considered
abandoning my wardrobe.

I should have known that you
weren't playing chauffeur

out of the goodness
of your heart.

What's that supposed
to mean?

Jesse, I came
here to do a job.

I'm not going to apologize
for being capable.

You're not capable.

You're brilliant.

And that's why I thought you
were the one person

that could help us.

That's what I was trying to do!

No, no, no.

You were trying to help

No, that's not true.

I did what needed to be done
for the company.

No, there was another
way, you said so yourself!

Will you answer that, please!

Hi, you've
reached the Donners,

Jesse, Cara, and Danny.

Please leave a message
after the beep.

Merry Christmas.

Um... I've just been busy
with work.

I haven't um... I haven't had
a chance to record a new one.


We can't find it.

Uh... maybe you left it
somewhere else?

Where was the last place
you remember having it?

You put it in your backpack
this morning

when you guys went
out for breakfast.

Ok, so maybe-maybe you lost
it when we went out.

We can re-trace our steps.

I don't want to put you out.

No, no, it's-it's
no trouble.

Thank you so much.

Uh, if it turns up
you can reach me here.

We'll find it.

I know you will.

This time of year,
anything is possible.

That sounds an awful lot
like something Santa would say.


aren't you going to help us?

Oh, um...

No, she's gotta get
going, buddy.

Please, Amelia?

Amelia is the best helper.

My dad says so.


I'll help.

Hey guys.

Uh, I've got a question.

So I've lost something
very important to me.

It's a small, shiny ball,

it's about this big
and it looks like this.

Has anybody seen it?

It's so different.

The town re-did the whole
thing a couple of years back.

No jungle gym,
no monkey bars?

Too dangerous.

We lived.

It's all gone.

Not all of it.

Well at least they had
the good sense

to keep a little history intact.

Yeah, well some people are
so quick to move on

to the next new thing.

Jesse, there's a difference

between a reverence
for the past

and stubbornly holding on to
a business that's broken.

Yeah, well I don't believe on
giving up on things

that matter.

Well, just because
we love something

doesn't mean that it works.

I'm sure that at one point Annie
and Cindy really were best friends

and that Josh
did heart Jennifer,

but nothing lasts forever.

That's not true.

I gotta go find Danny.

Jesse wants us to stay put.

He's trying to figure out
a way to keep us all on.

I don't stay anywhere
I'm not respected.

Just give it one day?

I haven't seen it
since yesterday.

I'll keep an eye open.


You look awfully familiar.

Have we met before?

Yeah, um...

You remember Amelia,

She went to school with us,

Wait, Amelia Pierce?

Of course I remember.

Probably not as much
as you do, Jess.


It's nice to see you again.

It's good to see you, too.

I was only here for a few years,

I'm surprised anybody
remembers me.

I'm not.

You make an impression.

I'm gonna go.

I'm gonna check the back,

Hey bud, any luck?


Um, Amelia?


Do you think Mr. Tomptey is...

I think Mr. Tomptey is
a very nice man

who needs a little help.

But not Santa?


I don't understand.

It was in my book.

Well, sometimes we see things
we want to see

because they make us happy.

Do you know what I mean?


Rachael, hi.

I have to go make a phone
call outside.

Will you let your dad know?


Keep looking.

I would like one of those lovely
pecan pies.

It's not in the booth
or the bathroom.

Where's Amelia?

She went outside.

Jesse, hi.


I'm just picking up a pie
for dessert.

You know how my Joe
has a sweet tooth.


Uh, I'm glad that I ran
into you.

Have you seen Danny's
silver ball?

Oh, the one from the party?


Oh, I found it on one of
the work stations

and I put it in
the lost and found.

Thank you so much, Betsy.

Thank you.

Come on, bud.


Call Mr. Tomptey,
we know where it is.

Really? That's great!

So why were you waiting

I was just checking some email.

Was it because Betsy walked
into the diner?

Wow, Jesse, I really don't
want to fight anymore.

Look, neither do I.

Just ask yourself this:
if you're so ok

with what happened to
that factory

then why do you feel
the need to hide away?

Just give me one sec and I will
have your bauble, Mr. Tomptey.

My, my.

These are beautiful.

They don't make them
like this anymore.

No, they really don't.

They remind me of home.

Where is home?

Um, just up north.

Oh, what a splendid tree.

It must be quite the sight
when it's all lit up.

One of the strands is broken.

Oh, what a shame.

The box is gone.

It's not where we
normally keep it.

I can't find it anywhere.

What are we going to do now?

I don't know if there's anything
we can do.

Sorry we called you all the way
out here for bad news.

No, no.

You've all been wonderful.

Especially you, young man.

You went to a lot of trouble
to help someone in need.

You're a very good boy, Daniel.

I'm sorry I didn't believe you
when you said you weren't Santa.

That's quite alright.

I may not be Santa,

but I do know a thing or two
about Christmas lights.

I guess it really was a bulb.

It's probably getting late.

I should go or I'm gonna
miss my flight.

Yeah, we'll walk you out.

Come on.

It was magic, just like
you said, dad!

It's Christmas Eve,

I think that Santa's a little
too busy

to spend the day with us
on a scavenger hunt.

Not if he lost a part that he
needed to make his sleigh work.



Have a safe flight.


You guys want a ride?

No, no, no.

We'll just walk,
right buddy?

Danny, it was so good
to meet you.

Do you really have to go?

I do.

Will you come back to visit?

I'll try.

Ok, let's go.


Danny, dinnertime!

He is Santa, I know it.


He is, and I ruined Christmas.

You haven't ruined anything.

You said he needed that part

to get to everyone on Christmas.

I was wrong.

You're never wrong.

Son, I'm often wrong.

He's gonna miss someone now.

And it's gonna be
all my fault.

Come here, come here,

Hey buddy, it's ok.

It's ok.

I mean, my job has never
been easy

but I always knew it was
for the greater good.

For every person that I
fired I was saving 50 more.

I told you this would be much
tougher than you're used to.

You think you can just turn
your feelings on and off

whenever it's convenient.

Well, you can't, Amelia.

But it wasn't just because
I knew those people.

I mean, I'm sure that that
was part of it

but Donner's was different.

I came up with some real
solutions and my bosses

wouldn't even entertain them.

Those layoffs were the easy

not the right one.

So what are you going to do?

Dad, I'm gonna call you

Merry Christmas, Miels.

Merry Christmas.

Here, Ben, let me help you!

I don't need it.


You have every right
to be mad at me.

I need you to know
how sorry I am.

You were right.

I was wrong.

I should have fought harder.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

Wait a minute.

Hey, what are you doing?

It's here!

How did that get in there?

I need to get this to Danny!


Come in.

What are you doing here?

Delivering a Christmas present.

Where did you find that?

Lost and found.

Danny! Come here!

Amelia's got something for ya.

Thank you, Amelia!

Thank you!

You saved Christmas.

That's strange, it says the
number is out of service.

Ok, thank you.

Happy holidays.

No luck?

No one seems to know him.

That's so strange.

Everyone knows everyone
in this town.

There has to be someone else
we can call.

We'll ask around
tomorrow morning.

It'll be too late!

He needs it tonight.

There's nothing more
we can do, buddy.

Is he gonna be ok?

Yeah, I'll just give him
some space to cool off.

I'm so sorry, I just wanted
to help.

No, it means a lot that you
would do that for him.

Don't you have a plane
you should be catching?

Oh, yeah.

I definitely missed that.

I already emailed my boss.

Want some hot chocolate?


Coming up.

You know that's supposed to go
on the string.

That's such a waste.

Nothing is a waste
if it brings you joy.

Were you this corny
when we dated?

Probably, though I did go
through a brief punk phase

in senior year.

Oh, wow.

I'm sorry I missed that.

Are you playing with me?

Dead serious.

I had the metal studs, the
leather jacket, the whole bit.

Finally, the true meaning behind
the rockin' Christmas ornament.


Who are you dodging?

My boss.

She expected me in DC
by tomorrow.

She's not going to be happy.

Could you lose your job
over that?

No, but when the brass starts
questioning your priorities

it can be just as bad.

I'm sorry.

What do you do when you
start to hate the thing

you're good at?

I don't know, I think I have
the opposite problem.

I love a job that
I'm not cut out for.

But Jesse, what
you've built...

I've never seen
anything like it.

You're employees literally
whistle while they work.

Yeah, well Christmas carols
can't keep a business afloat.

When I grew up in that factory
I thought I knew everything

there was to know about
running that company, but...

when the orders disappeared

I was out of my depth.

I owe you an apology.

I shouldn't have blamed you
for the layoffs.

That was all me.

Not you.

You know what I say?
I say nuts to that.

Nuts to what?

Donner's doesn't have to fail.

And it shouldn't.

It already has,
hasn't it?

No, no, no.

Your numbers aren't great
but they're workable.

You're gonna need some
pretty deep cuts right away

but I actually got a lot of
waste on your books.


The big thing is gonna be
securing new orders.

You need someone to buy
these ornaments

and in large quantities.

I can forward you a list
of potentials.

You'll just need to work
your charm.

Charm I can do.

Well, I'm aware.

What happens if
it doesn't work?

Then we go down swinging.

I was right.

About what?

We make a good team.

Yeah, we do.

I'm gonna go check on Danny,

see if he wants to help us
with the garland.

Danny! What are you up to, pal?


He's gone!

What do you mean, "he's gone"?



We'll find him.

His bike is gone.
Where would he go?

Maybe the factory?

It was the last place we spoke
to Mr. Tomptey.

It's worth a try.

This is all my fault,

I should never have fed
into the fantasies.

Every parent does.

It's just that his mother
loved Christmas so much

I wanted to keep the
traditions alive for him

as long as possible.

And I'm sure that
means the world to him.

Yeah, but when is it
too much?

I mean, he carries that
Christmas book around like

it's a security blanket.

The book.

I think I know where he is.


The crash site.

Mr. Tomptey! Mr. Tomptey!


Mr. Tomptey? Mr. Tomptey!


Oh no.


Now, now.

No need to cry.

I broke your bauble.

I'm sorry.

Sometimes things that are
precious to us break,

and we feel we might break
along with them.

But we can always put
the pieces back together.

It may look a little
different when we're finished,

but it will be just as precious
in its own way.

But nothing can fix this.

Not even glue.

Can I tell you a secret?

I never really needed
the bauble.

But I don't understand.

If you never needed
the bauble

then why were you here?

To deliver your present,

Merry Christmas.



Hey! Hey!

Hey, buddy.

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm ok.

You scared me.

I'm sorry, I just wanted to find
Mr. Tomptey.

Look, the next time something's
bothering you,

you come to me and we'll
fix it together, ok?


Come on, let's go!

You ok?

We were so worried.

Is it a scarf?


A thermos?

Dad, you think I got you
a thermos for Christmas?

Hey, I need a thermos.

Just open it!

Alright, here it goes.

Let's see, it is...
oh my, my, my.

Oh, I love it.

It's beautiful.

Yeah, see?

Since you insist on living
in an icy tundra,

I thought you could use that.

Oh, thank you, thank you,

Love it.

Ok, your turn.

Oh, I'm gonna have to rain
check my gift.

I'm still in Carbon Hills.

You missed your flight?

It's a long story, I'll fill you
in at New Year's.

He came!

Santa came!

Dad, I gotta go.

Hey, hey.

Call me the minute you open it.

I promise.

You're gonna love it.

I'm sure I will.

It's portable.

There's your last clue.

Dad, I didn't ask for
a first one.

Maybe I'll send you a picture.


Good things are worth
the wait.


Yes, yes. That's true.

Love you, Miels.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Look what Santa brought me!

Oh, that's awesome!

Can we try them out, dad?

After breakfast, ok?

No, you didn't!

I found some cinnamon.

Oh, even better
than I remember.

Oh, Santa brought you something,
too, Amelia.

He did?

It wasn't me.

It's cute.



No, not that one.

Well, it is tradition.

I thought you weren't big
on sentiment.

You're winning me over.


It's my boss.

Time to face the music?

Hey, dad?

I'll take it outside.

Come here, bud.

So where did we leave off?




I've been calling you all night!

I know, I'm sorry.

I got a little tied up.

That's certainly
an understatement.

But a little heads-up next
time would be appreciated

when you're making
a deal this size.


And mamma in her kerchief
and I in my cap

had just settled our brains
for a long winter's nap.

Is everything ok?

She was calling
to congratulate me.


On securing a sizable new
purchase order for Donner's.

You did?


Uh, well is it big enough
to save the factory?

It's bigger.

They want to expand.



And they want me to oversee
the whole thing.

Who was it?

Tomptey Global Deliveries.


Hey, Danny, I'm sorry,

I didn't mean to interrupt
the story.

You know, it's ok.

We can start from
the beginning.

Come here.

Can you read it, Amelia?


'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house

not a creature was stirring,
not even a mouse.

How am I doing?

Better than dad.

Hey now, it's not
a competition.

Lucky for you.

Maybe we should alternate

No, no, no.

Keep going, Amelia.

The children were nestled
all snug in their beds

while visions of sugar plumbs
danced in their heads.

The stockings were hung
by the chimney with care

in hopes that Saint Nicholas
soon would be there.

And mom in her kerchief
and I in my cap

had just settled our brains
for a long winter's nap...
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