On the Twelfth Day of Christmas (2015)

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On the Twelfth Day of Christmas (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Jingle bells, boughs
of holly ♪

♪ And the people
full of cheer ♪

♪ All for Christmas,
nothing else will do ♪

♪ All I want for
Christmas is you ♪

Well folks, it's
about that time!

Actually, it's past
that time.

Most of you have gone home
already for Christmas.

You're making gingerbread
and explaining

to your Dad that that C in
Econ is just a typo.

We're gonna be off the air until
school resumes in January.

But for those of you who
are still on campus,

here's some
packing music.

They're calling for a
pretty big storm

so be careful on that
drive home.

This is Mitch O'Grady,
Merry Christmas,

and see you
next year!

♪ So it's Christmas time,
here it is again ♪

Hey, Ashley,
what's up?

What do you mean
you're leaving now?!

I can't, I'm still at work,
I haven't even packed yet.

The storm?

It's just a
little snow.

No Ashley please
don't do this.

Ugh, okay,
yeah, right.

Merry Christmas.

♪ Give love this
Christmas ♪

Maggie, what's up.


It's ah, well that was my
ride, she's ditching me

and leaving early
'cause of the storm.

It's not even
snowing yet.

I don't really
blame her,

there's supposed to be a really
big blizzard coming in.

Where do you live?


It's like four hour...

Four hours north!

I know Harrison.

I'm from Parkwood.

That's right on my way I can
give you a ride if you like.



It wouldn't be
asking too much?

No not at all.

Thank you so much.

Yeah why don't you
grab your stuff

and we'll meet back here at
I don't know, one o'clock?


Oh and don't worry about that,
we'll do that stuff next year.


Well um thank
you so much.

I will pay you for
gas or...

It's no problem, I
know how important

it is to get home
for Christmas.

I'll see you
at one.


♪ That's what
it's all about ♪

Maggie Chalke!

You ready to go?

Oh yeah.


I will take this.

Oh um the passenger
door doesn't work

so you have to
climb in here.

Oh okay.




You okay?




Alright let's just put
this back in here.




It is 1:15, we're gonna have
you home by dinner, easy.

Oh speaking of dinner,
have a cheese puff.

It'll tide you over.


♪ Snow is falling down
just a little bit ♪

♪ The world's so
quiet and still ♪

Well it looks
like this drive

is gonna take a lot
longer than usual.

So, what's your major?


Ah cool.

TV news reporter

Oh, no.

I want to be a
newspaper writer.

Real journalism.

You're pretty enough
to be on TV.

That's why I
thought that.



No ah writing is all I can
imagine myself doing.

For a paper like
New York Times.


I'm gonna do
it too.

What about you?

Ah well, what you
see is what you get.

DJ, or, I dunno work in
a gas station, I guess.


You're way too
good a DJ.

Thank you.

You're gonna
do great.

Man you know, we have
not moved an inch.

Yeah, what is
going on up there?

Radio: Temperatures are
dropping and the snowstorm

has I-72 closed indefinitely
between Brookfield and Macon.

Black ice folks,
stay inside!

We're gonna miss

My family's gonna have to
decorate the tree without me.

Well I guess I'll have to give
you you're present early then.

You got me
a present?

Of course I got you a
present it's Christmas.


Look I hate to see
you so upset.

So, I have decided
my present to you

is to give you the
best Christmas ever.

Right here, right now,
what do you say?

Right now?

Yes, right now.

We're getting off at
the next interchange.

What are you doing?

For the first day of Christmas,
my good friend did with me...

Come on, don't leave
me hanging here.


Snow angels
under a tree.

Yes, you got it.

Come on get down

My mom and I used
to do this together.

Well, still do, that and
caroling and volunteering

at the soup kitchen,
my mother

is the single most Christmas-y
person you could ever meet.

She even has this collection
of Christmas stars,

you know, tree toppers
and ornaments, the works.

I get this whole Christmas
thing from her.

Thank you Mitch for trying
to do this for me.

What do you
mean, trying?

This is happening alright
and it's just the start.

Best Christmas ever.


See there you go, that's
what I wanted to see.

I betcha that smile
lights up a room

better than any
Christmas tree could.

Now are you ready for the
second day of Christmas?


Good let's do it.

Where did you
get a sled?

It's a toboggan.

And you don't want to
know how many bags

of cheese puffs I had to
trade those kids for it.

Second day of

Second day of Christmas.

Okay here we go,
here we go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

And there he is.

That is the snowman.

There he exists.

That is the best snowman
I've ever seen.

Okay we have to
get a picture.

Yes yes please.

Okay ready?






Wait one more,
one more.

Me and you,
Come on.



You got it?


Well, end of
the line.

I told ya I'd get ya
here for Christmas.

Yes you did.

Thank you so
much, Mitch.

That was, I don't remember the
last time I had that much fun.

And now you know the difference
between a toboggan and a sled.

I don't know how I got this
far without knowing that.

Me neither.

That one's
for free.

Do you um wanna come
in and meet my family?

You know I'd love to but ah
the clock's ticking for me.

My mom's got this whole
schedule planned.

Dinner, presents, caroling,
it's not to be tampered with.

Sounds like it.

Well, drive safe.

See you in January.

Merry Christmas.

Hey Maggie.


As far as I'm concerned, this
was the best Christmas ever.

See ya.


Alan: I know you've
all heard rumblings

and the rumors
are true.

Effective at the start
of the New Year,

the Harrison Gazette
will be joining

the Wrightsbridge family
of publications.


Is that what they're
calling it?

Folks, things
are changing.

People are getting their news
from the Internet.

Social networks.

Costs are up, subscriptions
are down.

We had to do
this or die.

This all happens
in two weeks?

It's already
a done deal.

The legal stuff doesn't kick
in until January first.

Alan, what does
that mean?

Are our jobs safe?

There's possibility
for promotions.

Wrightsbridge owns a lot bigger
papers than the Gazette.

So you're saying earn the
jobs we already have.

Look I know what you're
all capable of,

now you just need to show
the Wrightsbridge people.

Good morning,

My name is Mitch O'Grady, and I
am your new morning show host.

You're listening to "Good
Morning With Mitch" on WCNQ...

"Good Morning With Mitch"

...Your holiday alternative.

Now for those of you
who don't know me,

let me explain to you
what that means.

It means I won't be
assaulting your ears

with any more
Christmas music.


Because frankly, you hear enough
of that stuff, at the mall,

at the post office, at
the dentist's office.

Heck, the as*ault starts
the day after Halloween.

Well I'm happy to say,
it stops with me.

I won't be playing on The
Twelfth Day of Christmas

or any of the rest
of that junk,

however, there will be some
awesome drummers drumming

right after these

Once again, I'm Mitch O'Grady
fresh from the West Coast,

and happy to be
here in Harrison,

this is "Good Morning With
Mitch", we'll be right back.

"Good morning
with Grinch."

Mitch O'Grady?

The Mitch O'Grady?


Are you sure
it's him?

I didn't believe it either, but
I checked WCNQ's website.

It's him.


How do you feel?

It made me feel...





I never wanted to see anybody so
much when I went back to school.

And now if
he's here,

I don't know if I want
to see him or not.

Why not?

This is your chance to
find out what happened.

You should call in.

Make a request.

Oh he does not wanna play what I
want to hear this time of year.

He banned Christmas music.


Oh yeah, this coming
from Mr. Christmas.

I don't know, you know,
it's in the past.

People change.

Look I'm a different
person now.

Oh I'm not
buying that.

He's here!





Is that him?

Wow he is really


No, no, no.

Hey, Mitch,
come here.

Oh my god.

Over here!

Remind me to k*ll
you later.



Have we met?

But we've met right?


This is Maggie.

You guys had a Christmas
adventure together.

Yeah that's right
ah, Maggie, Chalke?



I'm her sister, Grace, and
ah god, look at the time!

I gotta go.

You should stay!

You can take
my seat.

No, Grace...

Wow, Maggie.

You look great.

So do you.

I'll see you later.


It was really nice
meeting you!

You, too, yeah.



Mitch: So you're
back here now?

Yeah, I moved back after college
to write for the Gazette.

Oh, you're working
for a newspaper.

That's great.

I mean, The Harrison
Gazette isn't exactly

the New York Times, but, you
gotta start somewhere, right?


My problem is I'm
still where I started.

And where do you
wanna to go?

Oh gosh.

Anywhere to advance my
career and get ahead.

Ah Chicago, Boston,
New York, L.A.?

I've been there, that's
definitely where you want to be.


So how did you end
up in Harrison?

I'm sorry.

That came out wrong.

No, no, no, no it's
fine, it's fine.

Um, well, things were good
I was doing my show

"Good Morning With
Mitch" in Duluth.

In Boulder.

Then Dallas.

And then finally L.A.

the big one.

And then Harrison?

Yeah well, nobody told
me that career paths

can also go in
this direction.

So I was in L.A.

and I was on fire
everything was great

and then our station got bought
out by this big company

and they changed the
format to all news

and fired all the music jocks,
it's happening everywhere.

I know, some big company
just bought my paper.


Well I hope it works out better
for you then it did me.

Anyway ah, I got some job
offers, some late night stuff

but it's not really
my thing right,

I'm "Good Morning
With Mitch,"

so when the morning
guy here left...



Yeah Mac was here
a long time.

I liked him.

Mac is good, that's why he's in
Atlanta now and I'm here trying

to make my career path go
in this direction again.

Well you came at
the right time.

Harrison is beautiful
at Christmas.

Yeah, you know, I'm not
really much

of a Christmas
person these days.

I heard that on
the radio.

What's going on?

You loved Christmas.

You said your mom covered
the entire house in tinsel.

Yeah, I don't know.

Things change.

Anyway I ah,
I should go.

But ah it was great
seeing you again.

Yeah, ah it was good
to see you too Mitch.

And ah you know maybe
I'll see you around.

Mitch O'Grady?


You're the new
radio guy.

I thought that was
your voice.


I'm Brianna Parker.

I own the yoga studio
here in town.

Hi, nice to
meet you.

Welcome to Harrison.


That's a, that's quite a
greeting you have there.

Oh, we're a
friendly town.

Not that friendly.

Ah so, the morning guy
is usually quite

the celebrity in
these parts.

But I mean you, from
Los Angeles, here?

It's so exciting.

Well, thank you.

You know you and your
friend should take

a free introductory

Oh, thanks,
but I'm not...

Oh that's okay
then just Mitch.

You know, I'm not really
much of a yoga person.

Everyone says that at first, but
ah once I get my hands on you,

you'll be a believer.


Anyway, um I'm just
gonna go grab a coffee

and then I'm
off to teach.

See you again,
I hope.


Here's my card.

Thank you.


Your first Harrison
Christmas miracle.

Free yoga.

I don't believe in
Christmas miracles.

I'll see you around.

Sounds good.

So, what happened
with Mitch?

Was it amazing to
see him again?

It was, interesting.

That's it?

You didn't ask him why he
disappeared back in college?


He's definitely not
the same guy, though.

Honestly, he loved
Christmas so much.

I don't get it.

How do you
lose that?

I can't imagine.

That's really sad.

Yeah, it is.

I wish there was something
I could do for him.

I got it!

♪ Who put mistletoe
on the tree? ♪

♪ Santa baby got a
gift for me ♪

♪ Got a long way to
go on his sleigh, ♪

♪ but he's comin'
tonight ♪

♪ The kids all know him
wherever he goes ♪

♪ With a big round belly
and a bright red nose ♪

♪ Got a lot of presents
and away he goes ♪

Are we having construction
paper for dinner?


Oh right, dinner!

I was supposed to
be making us dinner.

I'm so sorry, Grace, I
completely forgot.

I see that.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna be Mitch's
Secret Santa.



He once gave me one of the most
magical Christmas's of my life

when I almost
missed it.

So I thought, that I would add a
little magic to his Christmas.

Pay him back.


Just a few
small gifts.


It'll be inspired by the

Santa gifts.

What kind of gifts?

Okay well the first one
I've got figured out.

A snowman like the
one we built.

It was the first thing
that we did together

that made me forget I was
missing Christmas at home.

Don't you think he's gonna
figure out it's you?

I mean you're the only person
in town that he knows.

Oh yeah.

He may.

You know, so what, it's
still a nice thing to do.

And it's a fun reminder of
what Christmas was,

is and still
can be.

And this is all just
to pay him back right?

Okay, come on was it
nice to see him?


Have I thought about
him all these years?


Do I wanna know why he
never came back to college?


Did the woman in the coffee
shop who was flirting with him

'cause he's on the
radio bother me?

Maybe a little.

Oh, the truth
comes out.

Is it the right thing to
do for the right reason?


Come on in.

You wanted to see
me, Alan?

Yes I did.

Maggie Chalke, this
is Ryan Gallagher.

SVP of marketing
at Writsbridge.

Nice to meet you.

You as well.

You know I was just telling
Alan that we've done studies

on what keeps people
reading our papers.

Personally I'd like to believe
that it's for the news,

but in fact, it's for the
human-interest stories.

I'm not surprised.

It's what I like
to read first.

And I've read your work,
you're very good in that area.

Thank you.

And we think that if you can
create a human-interest story

this Christmas that
really, you know,

just captures the
public's imagination,

we promote it with
social media,

I think we'll be able to lock
in a brand new readership

for the Gazette.


Like make one up?

I don't do that.

We don't do that.

We're not asking you to
make anything up Maggie.

Find one.

Be more of a Wrightsbridge
kind of reporter.

In that case, I will
do my best.

I would love to
keep my job.

We're gonna do our best
to make sure that happens.

You know what, Alan?

I'd like you guys
to join us

for the Wrightsbridge
annual Christmas party.

It's this weekend.

Let's get to know each
other better, shall we?

We'd love that, Isn't
that right, Maggie?

You bet.

Thank you, Mr.

This is Mitch in the
morning WCNQ,

we'll be taking all your
non-Christmas requests

right after a word
from our sponsors.

What's up?

Only a couple of weeks here, and
you are already getting mail.



Yeah, open it.

Come on, come on.

On the first day of Christmas,
your Secret Santa gives to thee,

Not of steel, nor straw,
nor wood is he made.

Build him now
before he fades.

Merry Christmas,
your Secret Santa.

Somebody put a lot of
time into making this.

Why would somebody
send me this?

Obviously inspired by your
upbeat and delightful demeanor.

Or maybe they have too
much time on their hands.

Come on.

Oh this is cute.

Snowman eyes.

Yeah, yeah it's
really cute.

I'm back in twenty.

Did he say anything
about the first one?

To me?


On air?

I haven't heard

You could just tell
him how you feel.

I don't really know
how I feel.


Okay, let's go.

There's more stores
I wanna hit.

Looks like your Secret Santa
isn't a one-trick pony.



On the second day of Christmas,
your Secret Santa gives to thee.

To lift your spirits
all the way,

take a ride in a
horse drawn sleigh.

Merry Christmas,
your Secret Santa.


That's cute.

She wants you to go
on a carriage ride.

How do you know
it's a she?

Of course
it's a she.

And she wants you to
go build a snowman.

that was the
first one, right?

Oh please.

You should do it.

We could do
a remote

and make it part
of the show.

For Christmas.

I'll bet she's sending you
twelve of them, too.

Christmas is not my
thing remember.

Mitch, people
would love this.

I hired you because you
were a big-time L.A. jock

who connected
with his audience.

You need to do
that here.

And I will.

Once Christmas is over, we'll
do a New Year's thing, alright.

We're not waiting
until New Year's.

Hi could you get me
the Harrison Gazette.


Alan Kramer's
office, please.

Mitch: Oh yeah reliving caller
Sabrina's senior prom

with that one.

This is "Good Morning
With Mitch."

We're taking requests.

Caller 19, you're
on the air.

Hi, this is Dawn
from Harrison.

I was gonna put my
request on the website,

but then I
had to call.

Because you were missing
my cheerful, upbeat,

demeanor weren't you?

No, I just wondered if
you had any idea

who your Secret
Santa is.

Mitch: H-how'd you
know about that?

It's on the website.

It is?

Don't you want
to know?

I'd want to know.

Do you have a
request, Dawn?

They put my Secret Santa
gifts on the website!

You put my Secret Santa
stuff on the website?!


Because I'm the program director
here and call me crazy,

I would actually like people
to listen to your show.

But that's my own
personal property.

Mmm, technically speaking,
once you threw it

into a company trash can, it
became company property.

I saw that on Law
and Order once.


You're gonna pull
that on me?

Mitch, you didn't come
with your own fan base.

So we need to build
you a new one.

I'm just kick-starting
it a little bit.

Look, I'm grateful, really I
am, but I'd prefer not

to talk about that
stuff on the air.

Sorry just finish your show
and we'll talk about it later.

I don't, so weird.

This is Mitch and we're
back taking your calls

at the top of
the hour.

Maggie: You want
me to do what?

I want you to write a story
about that new L.A. DJ.

And work in the whole
Secret Santa thing.

It's human interest,


Yeah, Mitch O'Leary.



I know he's new, I'm just
not really seeing...

WCNQ is a bronze-level
advertiser with us.

Rita wants the press, and
you're gonna give it to her.

And you don't even have
to "create" the story.

But there's no story.

It's just two Secret
Santa gifts.

What's the big deal?

We do Secret Santa
here every year.

Look, this is a
small town.

You present this right, all
the women in town

will be looking at each other
wondering, "Is she the one?"

That's what we want.

Hey, it may even
turn romantic

when we finally find
out who she is.

Yes, but...

No buts.

I already spoke to Ryan
on the phone about this

and he loves it.

Shiny new morning DJ in town
from the big city already

has a Secret Santa
for Christmas.


Do I have to write
it for you?


No, no, no
you don't.

If you and Ryan want
this, I will do my best.

Maggie, I want you to knock
this outta the park, alright?

We need to impress
Wrightsbridge, okay?


So, now Alan wants
you to write

about your Secret Santa
gifts as a story.

Isn't that against
some kinda code?

If you mean that it
profoundly jeopardizes

my journalistic
integrity, then yes.

So you said
no, right?

How do I do

If I don't write this story, I
might not keep my job.

Yeah but this was
never about work.

No, exactly, it was only
about helping Mitch.

It still is.

You're sending all 12
aren't you?

What could go wrong?

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Cast your spell
on me ♪

Way tooi Christmas-y
so just see,

you know I'll
probably say no.

And this one too, I
can't stand that one.



Mitch: Ah, thanks.

What are you
doing here?

My newspaper wants me
to do a story on you.

The shiny new big time
DJ in the small town,

and ah well some gifts
that you got maybe.

Ah I don't
believe it.

Ah, this is
Rita's doing.

Look no offense but I,
I, I don't think so.

She may have talked
to my boss.

Yeah I guess I could use
the publicity, but really?

Hey, it's
your choice.

I can't make
you do it.

Do you wanna
get a coffee?

Yeah, sure.

I'll get my coat.

Thank you.

Do you think the wires
would pick it up?

I didn't think you
were interested.

Humor me.

I doubt it.

Nothing personal, but it's
a small regional story.

Still, there's no such thing
as bad publicity, right?

Of course there is.

It's just that, part of a
DJ's value to a station

is their brand awareness
in the marketplace.

I'm thinking I
need to build

the "Good Morning With
Mitch" brand here,

like I did everywhere

Plus it might be
good for me.

Well, yes...

I mean if there are already
people commenting on

the station's website after just
these first two things

then who am I to stand in
the way of a good story?

Maybe Rita's right.

Maybe I should just do what
this Secret Santa wants.

You can write it.

The first thing
was what?

Build a snowman I mean that's
that's pretty simple.

Let's do it.

I can't believe
I'm doing this.

It was your idea.

Yeah, yeah.

Actually, would you
like to do the honors?

No, I'm a journalist.

I'm not supposed to
be part of the story.



What about helping
out a friend?

It's really pretty

you just put them right
there and there.


And there he is.

There he is.

Okay stay right there.

No, no, no, no.

You have to be in
the picture too.

Oh well I have to document
your creation for the story so.

We'll take a selfie.

Come on.

Are you ready?


Here we go.


I got it.

One more, me
and you.

You got it?

That's pretty good.


Shall we go?


How interested are you in
finding out the identity

of your Secret Santa?

I'm not really.

I mean I kinda feel bad for
this woman to be honest.

Rita's pretty sure
it's a woman.

Oh yeah.

I think it's
a woman too.

I mean here she is
putting all this time

and effort into these
really wonderful gifts

and all I'm doing is just using
them to promote my show.

Well at least you're thinking
about her feelings.


I mean who knows, she could
turn out to be my soul mate.

Do you believe
in soul mates?

Why not?

Don't you?

I believe that anything can
happen at Christmas time.


That's the problem,
isn't it?

Tomorrow's edition.

Your article
looks good.

Need more pictures.

Alan said the
same thing.

He and Ryan wanna make it a
series through Christmas.

You should be happy.

Looks like you'll be keeping
your job after all.

Grace: Oh yeah, what
could go wrong?

I don't know
what to do.

Well you can't
turn them down.

No, it has been
strongly hinted

that I would lose
my job if I did.

Then tell the truth.

Then I would lose
my job for sure.

Stop sending gifts?

Well then I wouldn't
be able to...

Don't say it.

You have feelings for
him again, don't you?

You don't have
to answer that.

"His deep resonating voice
pours out of the radio,

welcoming you
to his world."

That's true.

He has a terrific


"And though he doesn't
know the identity

of his Secret Santa,
the handsome DJ

is ready to jump in the snow
and fulfill her request."

He is handsome.

That is just good

Well, you can't argue
with that.

Okay so Santa Claus he's got
those elves is he paying them,

do they have some sort of
a minimum wage?

The reindeer I mean these
poor guys are flying around

the planet carrying him and the
man is not exactly svelte.

You have two dozen new
fan letters today.


Count 'em.

Rita I gotta ask you and don't
get offended but, is it you?

Are you sending me
these gifts?

It is brilliant and I wish that
I could take credit for it

but no, I am not
your Secret Santa.

Well I just I
had to ask

because you're using them
very effectively.

Well it's my job
and it's working.

It's like its Christmas
in here all of a sudden.

And actually it is
Christmas in here

so maybe you could start playing
some Christmas music.

Enough with the Grinch
stuff already.


So, a carriage ride.

There is one guy in town
who rents a horse

and carriage ride
in the park.

Last time I was around
a horse was at camp.

And the horse
hated me.

What do you mean
he hated you?

He tried to bit me every
chance he could.

And just me,
nobody else.

Well I'm sure it's not the same
horse, but I will protect you.



So I think I've figured out
who the "Secret Santa" is.


Well technically it could be
anyone in town even you right,

but that would
be crazy.


It's Brianna, the
yoga instructor.

She hinted at it on
the stations website.

What did she say?

Just hints you

"If I told you, it wouldn't
be a secret anymore,"

that kinda


She really said that?

Anyway there's only
one way to find out.

Brianna, hey it's Mitch.

No, no yoga, but are
you free tomorrow?

Well I'm wondering if you'd like
to take a carriage ride with me.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you.


Sorry we're late.

Brianna: You
weren't kidding.


This is so lovely.

I'm just so honored
that you wanted

to share this with
me Mitch.


Hey, Brianna, do you mind if
I talk to Mitch for a second?

Ah no.

So did you know that all of your
adoring fans would be here?

Um no, well Rita did
say something

about putting it on
the website but ah.

Well you are "Good
Morning With Mitch."

Mitch: Yeah, yeah.

The small time big
time radio jock.

I mean I used to get pretty
decent crowds at events in L.A.

but it's a start.

Oh and the ratings
are up so that's good.

That's great.


Um okay well how bout we
start with some photos.



Brie, we're gonna do some
photos for the story.

Oh sure.

Happy to.

Such a cute little
story to be a part of.

And Maggie, you're gonna
mention my studio,

because that would be
so great, really.

I could give you
some free lessons.

Oh that wont be


You know we're actually
gonna be going around

the park a couple of times, it
might be pretty time consuming

are you sure you're
up for this Brianna?

Of course.

Anything for Mitch.


Grace: I cannot believe
you did this.


The picture caption.

Of Mitch and Brianna.

Mitch O'Grady with
unidentified female.

Oh I can't imagine
how that happened.


Mitch wind in his hair and
fallowing to the letter

the request of his Secret Santa
circled the park in a carriage.

Reminiscent of his days as a
prominent Los Angles morning DJ,

the assembled crowd
cheered him on.

Will these mysterious
Christmas gifts

and Harrisons indomitable
Christmas spirit be enough

to reawaken his?

How could he think
that it's Brianna?

Because you haven't
told him it's you.

She doesn't seem
like his type.


You keep telling
yourself that.


I just got off the phone
with Ryan at Wrightsbridge.

He loves the Secret
Santa stories.



And we're getting a lot
of social media comments.


They're noticing at

Keep it up.

Mitch: 20 percent chance
of flurries this evening.

Get the electric
blankets out folks.

Grab a coffee...

And that is the weather
in Harrison.

Well look at that the phone
lines are lighting up

with 11 callers all who
are wondering

who my secret
Santa is.

But the mystery will have
to wait until tomorrow

because we are
out of time.

This has been "Good
Morning With Mitch."

I'm Mitch, good morning
and good bye.

Look at these

This is exactly
what we needed.

And there's
another gift.

Well, save it for
tomorrow's show.

I gotta meet Maggie
in ten minutes.

You're welcome.



Thanks for meeting me.

I wanted to spend some time
with you that wasn't

on the record
if that's okay?

Are you kidding
it's great.

So another gift came.


Did you look
at it?

No, I'm saving the unveiling
for tomorrow's show.

Oh so you're saving it
like a Christmas gift.

You never give up,
do you?

Maggie: Not about

Well as far as I'm concerned
Christmas is fine without me.


Look at that.

What, the bike?

When I was
a kid

that was the only Christmas
gift I ever wanted.

Stay right there.

What are you doing?

Thanks, I'll bring
it right back.

How old were you
when you had one?

I-I never got one.

I'm sorry.

I mean, Mom tried,
but, yeah...

We don't always get
what we want

in life, do we?

Come check it out.


Look at that.

It's just for me,
not for the paper.

It's okay.

Hop on.


Oh yeah.

Folks, I've been
getting some heat

about not acknowledging
Christmas on my show.

Right now, that ends.

Yesterday I was taken down
memory lane by an old friend.

Right to that one Christmas gift
I always wanted as a kid

but never got.

So, in the spirit of Christmas,
I'm gonna open up

the phone lines so you can tell
me what gift you always wanted

but never got.

First up, we
have Katelynn.

Katelynn, give me
your best shot.

I never got to
meet the D.J.

who's been getting my
Secret Santa gifts.

Wow, this is...

This is quite
a surprise.

Thank you very much Katelynn,
for coming forward.

You know, I have one of the
gifts you sent right here

in my hands but
before I open it,

why don't you tell my
listeners what it is.

No no, that would, um,
ruin the surprise.


The surprise is you calling
in in the first place.

Come on, tell us what amazing
and special gift you've sent?

Um, well you know.


Oh no, my boss
is coming.

I'll have to
call you back.

Mitch: Okay.

I look forward
to it.

We're going to be taking
more of your calls

after a full half-hour of
uninterrupted music.

This is WCNQ -
enjoy, Harrison.

♪ Don't forget about me
this Christmas ♪

♪ Whatever you do ♪



Did you hear that?


You handled
that well.


So, did you look at
your new gift yet?

Nope, not yet.

I'll get to it.

Timing is everything.

Yes, it is.



What are you doing?

I just had dinner
at the diner.


I shoulda warned
you about that.

Yeah, I wish
you had.

Where you coming

Oh, I was just
out on a run.

Look at all these

It's so beautiful.

Didn't you say way back when
that your mom collected

Christmas star

You should get
one for her.


My mom died.

Oh, Mitch I'm...

I'm so sorry.


When did that happen?

Uh, that night that
I dropped you off.

At Christmas?

That's why you didn't
come back to school.

It's why I didn't
do a lot of things.

She uh...

She was sick for
a long time

but she didn't want
to worry me.

So she kept
it from me.

No wonder you don't
celebrate Christmas.

For my dad and I, the holiday
doesn't mean very much.

Do you think that's what
your mom would want?

Christmas was
really her thing,

now that she's gone
December twenty-fifth

is just another day.

Then why go through
with the secret Santa?

It's good publicity.

I don't feel
alone in it.

You mean all
your listeners?



I should go.

Got an early morning,
Good Morning with Mitch.


Good night.

Good night, Mitch.

♪ Joyful this Christmas
for everyone ♪

Maggie, check
your inbox.

You think it's too late
to bring a date?

In my book it's never too
late to bring a date.

Mitch: Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls,

the time has come to unveil the
latest Secret Santa gift.

Hang on...

And Katelynn...

if you're listening,
nice try.


Let me describe
it to you.

It's of Santa Claus.

He's got a big bag of
toys and ruby red eyes.

Let's have a
look inside.

Aww, look at that.

It's a lovely stocking.

Let's have a read.

On the third day
of Christmas,

your Secret Santa
gives to thee.

To complete your Christmas
with childlike awe,

take a pic with
Santa Claus.

Once a boy, but now a man, what
you can't do, his magic can.

Merry Christmas,
your Secret Santa.

Now I'd love to know why my
secret Santa is doing this

but hey, who am I to question
a direct order?

So Santa, if you're listening,
look out because here I come.

Looks like we're gonna
go see Santa.

Yeah, yeah.

You know, it's a
good question.


Why is she having him
do these things?

What's motivating her?

Are you working
that angle?

Maybe she likes...

his voice, and is trying
to get his attention.

C'mon Maggie,
be a reporter.

She could hang outside the
station and do that.

I want you to find out who she
is and why she's doing this.

And I want an

And it's not too late to bring
a date unless you want

to end up getting
stuck with me.


Maggie: Are you aflutter
with excitement?

Not really.

This is a little



You know people do this
to experience the season.

Yes, I know.

I can't help thinking
though that...


I think my mom would be
a little disappointed

if she knew I
was just...

Going through
the motions?

Mitch: Yeah, something
like that.

You could enjoy
it for real?

Wow, you really go for
the jugular, don't you?

How come you don't
have a kid with you?

Uh, I don't need a kid because
I'm immature all by myself.

Hey, Mitch are you doing
anything tonight?

I'm supposed to
see Brianna.

She keeps texting
me, sorry.

Oh, Brianna.


So you guys like...

hang out?

We're gonna go to this party
that I'm DJing at in the city.

I totally would have
invited you,

but I thought it would
be a good chance

to find out whether she's my
Secret Santa or not.

Oh yeah, no I
totally understand.

It's not by chance

the Wrightsbridge company
Christmas party, is it?


How'd you know
about that?

I'm uh...

I'm going.

Wrightsbridge is buying the
Gazette, so I guess technically,

I work for them.

Cool, so you'll
be there.


Well then I'll know two
people at the party.

Rita strikes again.

I guess that means
it's my turn.

I guess so.

No, no, no.

If I have to do this, you have
to do it too, come on.

Let's go.

Let's go.

How you doing?

So, what are
we saying?



All: Christmas!

You know, that actually
wasn't as bad

as I thought it
was gonna be.

Did you know that the elves were
gonna usher you to a table

to sign autographs?

No, I didn't but I used to
do that kinda stuff in L.A.

It was pretty fun.

Christmas fun?

Ugh, I give
up, okay!

It was Christmas fun.



You are so going to love
Christmas again like that guy

who made sure I made it
home for the holidays.

It wasn't a
big deal.

It was for me.


Which one?

Since when do you care this
much about what you wear?

I don't.

I just, I really
need your help.

I don't even know
what I'm wearing.

You weren't exactly the
date I was hoping for.

Well, thanks.

How could he
ask Brianna?

Hmm, a cute yoga

I don't know, it's
a mystery to me.

No, no, no, my point is,
Mitch still thinks

that Brianna could be
his Secret Santa.

She hasn't denied it.

She is interested.

It's not a huge

You are not helping.

The red?



Hello, everyone!

I'm Mitch O'Grady from
WCNQ Mitch in the Morning,

I hope everyone's having
a good time tonight.

Uh, here we are
at Wrightsbridge.

They decide what
news you get.

Who becomes famous.

Who doesn't become

Just for the record O'Grady
is spelled O, apostrophe,


I'll leave the rest of
the headline up to you.

Anyway, um, enjoy the
party and Merry Christmas.

Great party.

Ryan: Thanks Al, I think it's
also quite the opportunity

for some cross-promotion.

You wanna keep that story
going, Maggie, am I right?

If you say so.



Wow, you...

You look fabulous.

Oh, uh thanks.

So do you.


You were great.

I was very impressed.


Yeah, me too.

Mitch, you are the Secret
Santa DJ, right?

Yes, yes I am.

It's one of my proudest

Ryan: Brianna?

You must be our potential
Secret Santa, am I right?

Well, um...

Come on, this is the perfect
place to admit it.

A beautiful Christmas party.

If you want we could do
the interview right here,

take a couple
of pictures...

Maggie are you
okay with that?

We could...

You should!


You guys are really putting
me on the spot, here.

Hi everyone.

I'm Brianna.

I have a yoga place in Harrison
but I also do personal training

and private consults.

Mention tonight's
party and you will get

a twenty-five per cent
discount off any booking.

Well, no angle there.

Not so fast.

Brianna, are you Mitch's
Secret Santa?

I think it's a rather
simple question,

I'm pretty sure
everyone here

doesn't want to be
left in suspense.

It's time for me
to confess...

...that I am Mitch's...

...not-so-Secret Santa!

There... I said it!

Uh, I don't think
that was an answer.

Was that an
answer at all?

Well, I mean it's no
secret that I like you.

I have from the moment
that I heard your voice.

Sorry, um I'm
still confused.

Does that mean you
are my Secret Santa

or you're not my
Secret Santa?

Well, no.

but what does that
matter now?

And besides, I would have
sent you mistletoe, not buttons.

Mistletoe is technically a
parasitic plant.

I just said that
out loud didn't I?

I'm gonna...

...Get a drink.

I'll go with you.

Well, that was quite
an evening.

It was great.

Where's Brianna?

Oh, you know,
working the room.


Well, you'll be happy to know
that my bosses were relieved

that it was
not her.

They'd kinda like to milk
this as much as they can.

Although, they may have been a
little overzealous in there.

Nah, no, whatever
sells, right?

That's the job.

Mitch, about the Secret
Santa gifts...

What about 'em?

What if they
stopped coming?

Well that would
be too bad.

I know you want
the publicity,

but if you just put that
aside for a moment.

It's not just that,
I like getting them.

Christmas hasn't been
so fun for me lately,

this has made
it fun.

Besides, the person
doing it

has been putting a lot
of work into it.

I'd still love to
know why.

Maybe she just wants to bring
Christmas back for you.

Then she'd be a lot like
you, wouldn't she?

Yes, she would.

Mitch you ready
to go?


Bye, Maggie.

Good night.


Let's go home.

Good morning, Harrison.

This is Mitch O'Grady
and I've got mail.

Yes that's right, another Secret
Santa gift has come in

so let's get right
to it, shall we?

Well, it's in the
shape of a turkey

and what do we
got inside?

Oh, looks like
a ladle.


Let's read it.

On the fourth day
of Christmas,

your Secret Santa
gives to thee.

Receiving gifts is
fine and well,

giving oneself
rings a bell.

Give an angel
wings to fly,

that tiny smile
will make you cry.

Merry Christmas,
your Secret Santa.


Now the phone lines
are lighting up like...

yes, I'll say it -
a Christmas tree,

but I've got a
better idea.

I'm gonna call my
Christmas coach.

Hi, Mitch.

Maggie Chalke of the
Harrison Gazette.

Did you hear
the message?

Um, yeah, I did.

Okay, so turkey, giving
oneself, tiny smile.

Tiny smile, um...

A child maybe?

Makes sense.

Uh, let's see if I can put
these clues into a question.

How do you give of oneself with
a turkey to make a child smile?

I got it!

Volunteering at a
soup kitchen.

When I was a kid, my mom used
to take me every Christmas

to volunteer at a
soup kitchen.

That's nice.

That's really nice.

I like that a lot.

Let's do that.

Thank you Secret Santa.

You're welcome.

Here you go.

Merry Christmas.


My mom said you're
on the radio.

She did?

Well, she's
right, I am.

We saw your picture in
the newspaper with Santa.


Well you see this
lady right here?

She wrote that story and
she's going to write more.

It was funny.

You're too big to
sit in Santa's lap.

I know, that's why I
stood next to him.

Sweetie, what did you
ask Santa for this year?

A job for my mom and...

Groceries, too.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas.

I felt like my mom
was there today.


She used to say that
giving of oneself was

the true spirit
of Christmas.

She was a pretty
smart lady.

Yes, she was.

Thank you for letting
me share this with you.

It was nice.

Christmas nice?

Yes, it was
Christmas nice.

Stand right there.

I wanna remember
this day.

You ready?

Here we go.

Ugh, is it
that bad?

I take terrible photos.

No, you're...

It's beautiful.

Here, I'll take
one of you.


Look at that.

That could be her.


Um, we should
get going.

I've got an
article to write.

And we're back.

This is WCNQ...

"Good Morning With Mitch."

I'd like to take this moment
to thank you, the listeners.

I can't tell you what it means
to me that you've responded

to my request in the
way that you have.

I got a call from The
Harrison Food Bank today

and they said they've been
overwhelmed with donations.

So from the bottom of my rapidly
thawing Scrooge-like heart,

thank you.

And to top it all off,
I've received a new gift

from my Secret Santa.

Let's have a look.

It's in the shape of a beautiful
snow angel and inside we have...

A lovely snowflake
Christmas ornament.

Let's see what
it says.

On the fifth day
of Christmas,

your Secret Santa
gives to thee...

Maggie: Lie in the snow
and spread your arms.

it's bound to bring
many charms.

Celebrate Christmas
far and wide.

there's nothing
like a bobsled ride.

The colors of Christmas
are oh so bright,

but nothing beats
the black and white.

Sing your joy, sing
to thee...

How we love
the caroling!

Merry Christmas,
your Secret Santa.

Maggie Chalke.


Well, yes, I would definitely
be interested in talking.


That soon?


Thank you, sir.


Everything okay?


Uh, great.

Just putting the
finishing touches

on the latest Christmas
gift story.


We've had your job application
for a while now.

Two years at least.

Some of my staff has
been following your

DJ-Secret Santa saga and
think you write pretty well.

I agree.

Thank you.

You have no idea what
that means to me.

Which is why I
brought you in here.

Our lead human-interest writer
went on maternity leave

and she's now informed
us she's not returning.

And you're thinking
of me?

I don't think I'd
ask you up here

to tell you we weren't
hiring you.

I can't believe it.


The Telegraph-Standard
is one of the oldest

and most respected
papers in the country.

Is that a yes?

Oh, yes.



I am so happy
for you.


What's wrong?

It's like fate put Mitch and
me back together

and now it's...

Taking you out of
the equation?

Yeah, I guess.

I've dreamed my whole
life about writing

for a paper like the


An amazing Christmas gift.

It's what you have
always wanted.

I am just going to miss
seeing you everyday.

I am only gonna be
two hours away.

It's not the end
of the world.

When do you
start again?

The first of
the year.

I have to go to the city
right after Christmas

to find a place
to live.

When are you going
to tell Mitch?

I guess right away.

It's only fair.

It's only fair.

The Telegraph-Standard.

Wow, that's a
big deal.

Yeah, it is.

And I'm telling you before
I tell them at work.

Um, I start first
of the year.

I can't believe this
is happening to me.

That soon?

Yeah, they said they want to
capitalize on the momentum

of the Mitch and
Secret Santa story

when introducing me
to their readers.

I guess you kinda helped
make it happen.

Yeah, I guess.

It's just um...


Well, I'm not
gonna lie.

I'm really gonna
miss you.

I'm really gonna
miss you too.

But I mean, I'm only gonna
be a couple hours away.

It's Chicago, there's no way I
can compete with that.

Do you want to
compete with that?

I want you to have what
you worked for,

what you've
dreamed about.

Well yeah I mean, I want
that for you, too.

No, no, this is
not about me.

For once.


Hmm, she get you
to do yoga yet?

No, no not yet but I
may have to start.

Now that you're leaving, who
am I gonna hang out with?


Look, I'm really
happy for you.

Honestly I am.

It's great.


You know, I got
things I gotta do.

Yeah, me too.

But um, let's have dinner
before you go or something.

Yeah, I would
love that.


On the tenth day
of Christmas,

your Secret Santa
gives to thee...

Throw away your worries,
leave behind your cares,

bring along a friend and
throw snowflakes in the air.

Merry Christmas,
your Secret Santa.

Snowball fight.

You're good.


Well that's me, Harrison.

I'm Mitch, good morning
and good bye.

Maggie, uh, can we meet
on your lunch break

for one last hot chocolate
before you go?

Uh, sure.

I'll see ya in
a couple hours.

What's going on?

It's Maggie, Rita.


Maggie is my
Secret Santa.

No, the reporter?


Are you sure?

I saw this glitter
on her jacket

and it was the same glitter
that I saw on the gift.

What glitter, what are
you talking about?

I don't know how I didn't
see this before,

it's like she had me
dazzled or something.

She did it to advance
her career,

she got herself a job at the

We've gotta get out
in front of this.

No, no, no, I need
to confront her.

This is my mess,
I'll clean it up.


But let me know if I need
to do some damage control.



I'm glad you called.

Are you okay?

No, I'm not.

I'm not either,
if you...

I know that you're
my Secret Santa.

Okay, Mitch, let
me explain.

Did you realize when
you did this

it would get you all the way
to the Telegraph-Standard?

Of course not...

Was I just an
opportune target?


No, no, no.

It just happened.

Look, when all
of this started,

I was just trying to
pay you back...

I just want you to
know that I know.


You just need to
talk to him.

Try explaining things
to him again.

It's too late.

He thinks that I used
him to further my career.

Christmas is supposed to be
the most wonderful time of year.

I just made a big
mess of it.

I'm so sorry.

It could have
worked out.

I had a plan.

I suggest you follow
it through.


Carry it through.

Implement the rest
of the plan.

It can't get
any worse.


It can't.

Is Mitch here?

He took a
personal day.

Can you give
this to him?



Thank you.

I get it,
by the way.

It was a great

I heard it worked
out for you.

Too bad about
Mitch though.

I-I never meant
to hurt Mitch.

Just the opposite.

And I never cared about it
working out for me either.

These will explain

Can you please just make
sure he gets them?

Merry Christmas.


When you told me you
had an exclusive,

this really wasn't what
I had in mind.

According to what
you've written here,

you've broken every journalistic
rule in the book,

and some that haven't
even been written yet.

I'm sorry, Alan.

Are you kidding?

You have nothing to
be sorry about.

You realize this comes at a time
when subscriptions are up,

we're getting huge
hits on the website

and Twitter and advertising
revenues even turning around.

This article is only gonna make
things better around here.

It's you I'm
worried about.

Has the Telegraph-Standard
seen this yet?

I sent them a draft too, along
with my regretful resignation.

I figured I would try and keep
my dignity while I could.

Ah, Maggie.

It was the right
thing to do.

Thank you for everything that
you've done for me, Alan.

Is that goodbye?

Like you said.

I broke every journalistic
rule there is.

No, you're crazy if you think
I'd let you go after this.

I expect you back bright
and early after Christmas.




Thank you.

♪ Oh hear the
angels voices ♪

♪ Oh night, divine ♪

♪ Oh night, when
Christ was born ♪

♪ Oh night divine ♪

♪ Oh night, night divine ♪

Good morning, Harrison,
or should I say,

Merry Christmas Eve?

Well, it looks like the phone
lines are lighting up

with Christmas requests,

we're gonna get to a few
of those in a moment.

I haven't been the
biggest fan

of Christmas these last few
years, but that doesn't mean

our listeners can't get
into the spirit.

This is "Good Morning
With Mitch" on WCNQ.

♪ Here we are, arms
around each other ♪

♪ The quiet scene, pretty
lights all over ♪

♪ Snow is falling
on everyone ♪


Maggie: On the eleventh
day of Christmas,

your Secret Santa
gives to thee...

No matter the road,
no matter the ride,

the past becomes a present
with me at your side.

I'm sorry, Mitch.


Your not-so-secret

Ten years ago I was a shy,
homesick freshman in college

and a blizzard stood between
me and Christmas.

Mitch O'Grady delivered
me home.

In my time of need, Mitch was
there for me for no other reason

than it being the
right thing to do.

So when I learned how Christmas
has tarnished for him,

I wanted to make it
shine again.

My plan was to send him
twelve gifts for each

of the twelve days of Chrismas
but I fell short by one.

And while this article
has no rhyme,

or glitter it has the one
gift I never enclosed...

My heart.

It's the best
I can do.

Merry Christmas,

Grace: Hey!

Are you out
of eggnogg?

Mitch: Best of the twelve
gifts of Christmas, Maggie,

was the gift
of Christmas.

I thought I'd
lost it forever.

And for that, I will
always love you.

Here's to many more.


Where are you going?!

To go find him.

I thought you'd never
open that door.

You read my story.

Yes, I did.

And I got your final
Secret Santa gift.

Well, not quite.

Hang on.

How did you know
I'd come back?

I didn't.

But I believe in Christmas
miracles, remember?

I love that bike and
what it means, but...

I already got the Christmas
gift always wanted.

It's you.
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