05x34 - Oil Change

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Beavis and Butt-Head". Aired: March 8, 1993 – present.*
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Adult animated series follows Beavis and Butt-Head, both voiced by Judge, a pair of teenage slackers characterized by their apathy, lack of intelligence, lowbrow humor, and love for hard rock and heavy metal music.
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05x34 - Oil Change

Post by bunniefuu »


[bluesy rock music]

♪ ♪

- Boys, some of our customers have been complaining

about our French fries. Holy cow.

What are these brown chunks in here?

- Um, hmm, I think those are caterpillars, sir.

- Caterpillars are green, dumbass.

- Oh, yeah, yeah.

- Hey, that's that grasshopper.

- Grasshopper? - Yeah.

He won't be bothering the customers anymore, sir.

- Yeah, we caught him taking a dump

on one of the tables. [chuckling]

- What in the hell is this? - Oh, yeah.

Remember when I had that Band-Aid on

for, like, two weeks, and then you, like, pulled it off

and I went, "Ah, ah, ah"? - Cool.

- I want the oil changed in this fryer,

and I want it changed before you leave today.

- [chuckling] Fryer, fryer, fryer.


[Live's "I Alone"]

- ♪ It's easier not to be wise ♪

- Uh, I think this dude is checking you out, Beavis.

- No he's not. Liar.

- Yeah, he is. [chuckling]

He's like, "I like what I see."

[chuckling] I'll be right over.

- Shut up, Butt-Head.

He can't see me because he's just looking at the camera.

He's just a video.


- Remember that time that dude

was saying that stuff to you at the bus station?

- Shut up, Butt-Head.

- He said, "I like what I see."

Now why don't you go on to one of those stalls,

and I'll meet you there. - Shut up, Butt-Head.

At least I got a candy bar out of the deal.

- Yeah. [chuckling]

- ♪ To leave you there by yourself ♪

- Who the hell is this butt-munch?

[chuckling] What's going on here?

- What's with all these faces he's making?

- Yeah.

- He's, like, trying to be scary

and all heavy and intense and stuff.

- Yeah. [chuckling]

Who's this other guy that keeps, like,

trying of get in front of him?

- Uh, I think he's just some jackass

that wandered on the set.


Maybe he's, like, the drummer, and, like, they got there,

and they said, "Where are your drums?"

And he was like, "Uh, I thought they were in the van."

- Yeah, and they're like,

"You mean you didn't bring your drums?"

- Yeah.

And they said, "Okay, it's your own fault.

You're gonna have to wander around like a butt-munch

for the whole video. - Yeah, yeah.

And then he said, "Okay, that's okay with me.

Yeah, I can do that.'

- What a jack butt-munch ass dumb butt.


Look at that little braid thing

on the back of his head. - Yeah, it's like--

it's like one of those dolls where you pull the string

and they, like, talk and stuff.

- That would be a cool doll

if he had, like, this little bald dude without a shirt

and you, like, pull a string on the back of his head,

and he just starts shouting at you.

- Yeah. [chuckling]

- And then it could wet its pants.


[horns blaring]

This sucks.

How come that manager guy always makes us do work?

- Yeah, that oil was just getting cool too.

- There it is, dude.

Uh, we need to change the oil.

- Yeah, if you could just change it while we wait,

that'd be fine. - Okay.

Pull your car in. - Uh, car?

- Yeah, what do we need a car for?

- Well, how the hell am I supposed to change your oil

if you don't have a car?

Oh, I get it.

You're do-it-yourselfers.

- Uh, Beavis is a do-it-yourselfer.

[chuckling] - Oh, yeah.

- You guys work at Burger World, huh?

I once applied for a job there.

How'd you guys get in there?

- What's this crap?

- All right, I'm gonna give you a quick how-to.

I guess if you're gonna get in at Burger World,

it's not what you know, it's who you know, huh?

- Uh, yeah right. - Yeah.

Me and Butt-Head know each other.

Yeah. - Okay.

First, you open your drain to let out the old stuff.

Make sure you dispose of it properly.

That stuff is toxic.

- Cool. - Yeah.

- When you're done, remember to check it with your dipstick.

- [chuckling] - Dipstick.


- Okay, lesson's over. No charge.

But it's bucks for the oil.

- Uh, no. - Yeah.

We're not gonna give you any money.

- No cash, huh?

You guys work at Burger World. I guess you're good for it.

Here, I'll set up an account. You can just sign for it.

- Oh, uh, in that case, we want some candy bars too.

- Yeah, and some naked lady air fresheners.

- I can't find any drain.

Oh, wait a minute. [chuckling]

- This work sucks,

and that mechanical dude was a big dumbass.

- Yeah. Hey, let's just scoop it out.

Ow! - Ugh!

- Ow. - Ow.

- Ah. Ah. Ow.

- Hey, Beavis, check it out.

- Ow. - Improved performance.

- Yeah. No thermal breakdown.

- Yeah. [chuckling]

Remember, to check it with your dipstick.

- No way. I think it's ready.


[humming melody]

- [screams]

- Hey, where's everybody going?

- Yeah. [chuckling]

[people coughing]

- Uh, I don't think we should go back in there, dude.

- Yeah, remember, he said we couldn't go home

till we changed the oil. - Oh, yeah.

Cool. Let's get out of here.

- Yeah. [chuckling]

[sirens blaring]

[Ween's "I Can't Put My Figner On It."

- Uh...

- ♪ Is it alive, does it writhe? ♪

♪ Can it survive under the sun? ♪

♪ I can't put my finger on it ♪

- Hey, Beavis, do something, like--

I don't know, like, something funny or something.

- Um, okay. Um, let me think.

Check this out.

Pfft. Ah!

Pfft! Ah!

Ah! Pfft!


- Eh, that was pretty cool but, like,

you've done that before. - Shut up, Butt-Head.

Then you do something.

You think I'm just here to entertain you?

- Settle down, Beavis.

- You think I'm just here for your amusement?

You want to do something about it?

- Dumbass. [chuckling]

♪ ♪

- ♪ Are you surprised when I touch the dwarf inside? ♪

- Hey, look at that. Mmm, that looks good.

I like those things.

They got those things over at the mall.

They call them, um, gyros. - Oh, yeah.

Whenever we walk by there,

that guy goes, "Gyro, gyro, gyro."

- Yeah, one of these days,

when I have a lot of money,

I'm gonna go get one of those things.

- Yeah. That would rule.


♪ ♪

These dudes need to quit screwing around

and get back to making sandwiches.

- Yeah, but, um, it is kind of a good song,

like, if you kind of listen to it for a while,

it is pretty cool. - Beavis, you bunghole.

Quit talking about this video and do something funny again.

- Um. Um, okay.

Check this out. Pfft.

- That's not even funny, Beavis.

You have to do it like this.

Uh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

- Yeah. Oh, yeah.

- Now see, that's cool.

- Yeah, I see what you mean. Okay, check this out.

Mmm, blah, blah, blah. [chuckling]

- Burger World will remain closed

pending fire officials investigation.

- [chuckling] Cool.

- Yeah. News rules.

- And in a related story, a mysterious oil spill

has shocked environmentalists throughout the world.

- Cool.

- It's a major disaster in the Aegean Sea

affecting local fishermen off the coast of Greece.

- Cool.

He's talking about Greece, Butt-Head.

- Yeah.

Whoa, check it out.

They're using the same oil as us.

- Oh, yeah.

Don't forget to put the breading on it.

- Yeah.

Those environmental guys are dumb.

- Yeah.

- I bet that fish tastes like crap.

[heavy rock music]

♪ ♪

[Rancid's "Nihilism"]

- ♪ Hey, hey ♪

- Honor students.

- Oh, yeah, yeah.

- It's like, this video looks like one of

those old punk bands, you know?

But it's like, the video doesn't look old,

so it's like, it seems like it's, like, a bunch of guys

now who are like... - Ah, shut up, Butt-Head.

- Kind of look, like, old-- uh, okay.

I mean, Beavis, what did you just say?

- I said, shut up.

I'm sick and tired of listening to your stupid crap.

Just shut up.

- Beavis, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.

- Oh, yeah, yeah.

I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that.

Shut up.

- Beavis, there's gonna be two hits.

My hand hitting your face and, uh, my hand

hitting your face again. - Yeah. Yeah, right.

And I'm gonna kick you in the nads.

Just shut up.

- Beavis, don't you ever tell me to shut up.

I'm gonna beat the living crap out of you.

- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right.

I'm gonna cave your nads in.

- Dammit, Beavis, I'm going to beat the living crap

out of your ass.


Ugh, ugh, ugh.

- Take that, dumbass.

Shut up.

Yeah, yeah.

Shut up. [chuckling]

I'm going to go get something to eat.

- Beavis, get back here and fight like a man.

Ugh, ugh. Ugh, ugh.

♪ ♪

[bluesy rock music]

♪ ♪
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