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24x08 - Episode 8

Posted: 12/16/23 08:10
by bunniefuu

THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you, please?

Won't you, please?

Please, won't you
be my neighbor?

-Hi, neighbor.

Glad we can be
together again today.

I brought a ball
to show you today.

Have you ever seen
one like this?

You know what kind it is?

A basketball.


And it needs a
basket to go in it.

I have a basket outside.

So let's try it.

Let's take it out, and
try it in the basket.

[SINGING] Please, won't
you be my neighbor?

-There's the basket.

This basket isn't
very tall for me.

I think maybe I'll just measure
it and see how high it is.

I've got a yardstick inside,
so let's just go get it.

I always keep a
yardstick in the closet.

There it is.

You know why it's
called a yardstick?

Because it's three feet long,
and three feet is a yard.


So that's one yard up to there.

And another yard up to there.

That's six feet.

A little over six feet.


That's why it's easy for
me to put it in there.

You know, I think maybe
I'll get this chair

and try sh**ting baskets
sitting on a chair.

That'll be different.

That's not as easy.



Marilyn Barnett
said that she'd come

by today for some exercises
and something extra special.

But she's not expected for a
while, so we'll need to wait.

I like sh**ting
baskets while I wait.



Lots of different
things that you

can do while you're waiting.

Get your breath for one thing.



Can you think of
some things that you

like to do while you're waiting?

[SINGING] Let's think of
something to do while we're

waiting, while we're waiting
for something new to do.

Let's try to think up a
song while we're waiting.

That's liberating and
will be true to you.

Let's think of something
to do while we're waiting.

You know, it's really all right.

In fact, it's
downright quite right

to think of something to
do that's specific for you.

Let's think of something
to do while we're waiting.

-What do you like to do
while you're waiting?

Do you read books?

I like to read books.

I'll show you all the
books I have in here.

These are just a few of the
books that I like to read.

Do you ever build with
blocks while you're waiting?

I do.

And I also like to have
make-believe while I'm waiting.

You know that.

Let's get the Trolley.

Come on, Trolley.

Here you are.



Did you ever take a
basketball on a trip?




You know, X the Owl
has two of his cousins

visiting him-- cousin Mary
Owl and cousin Steve Owl.

Well, cousin Steve thinks
there's a secret tunnel

somewhere in the neighborhood,
so he's looking for it.

Let's think more about that
now as the Trolley goes

into the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.



-Hi, Trolley.



-Niece Aberlin, I presume.

-Correct as usual, Uncle Friday.

-And the purpose of
your royal yardstick?

-Oh, you mean this?


-Well, Uncle Friday,
have you ever heard

of an underground tunnel
in this neighborhood?

-An underground tunnel?


A tunnel that's
under this ground.

-It has not come
to my attention,

but you may show it
to me immediately.


We're not sure that
there actually is one.

I just wondered whether
you had heard of one.

-Oh, no.

-What in the world?

-You'll see, Uncle Friday.

-Doesn't sound
like anything here.

-Uh, feathered guest, I presume.

-You're right about that, King.

-Uncle, Friday, this is
X's cousin, Steve Owl.

-Are you a basketball
playing owl?

-Well, I do like to play, yes.

But right now I'm
using this ball

to help test the
sound of the ground.

-The sound of the ground?


I'm bouncing the ball over
different spots on the ground

to see if the sound changes.

And if it does, maybe
the tunnel's underneath.


Isn't he a clever
owl, Uncle Friday?


If you discover a tunnel, I
expect to be told immediately.

I will need to prepare a speech.

-Of course.

-In the meantime,
you may proceed.

-Oh, thank you, Uncle Friday.


-Oh, yes.

Thank you, Uncle Friday.


-I mean, King Friday.

-Very well.

Carry on.


-He's your uncle?

-Yes, and he wants to know
everything that's going on.

-Any luck with the measuring?

-Nothing new.

-Well, let's go
check with cousin X.

-All right.

-Want to try?


-Hey, you two.

What are you two up to?

-We're looking for a
secret tunnel, Lady Elaine.


And who are you, buster?

-I'm X's cousin, Steve.

-Well, you're the best
basketball Owl I've ever seen.

-Just trying to help out.

-That's what cousin Mary said.

-Have you seen her?


She's been in my
map room for hours.

Oh, here she comes.

-Oh, hi, cousin Mary.


-Find anything new?

-No, but I found something old.

-What is it?

-This scrap of old paper.

-I never saw that
in the map room.

What does it say?

-"Once upon a time,
there was a secret tunnel

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe, but"

-But what?

-That's all it says.


-Well, if there was a
secret tunnel here once,

then it's still here.

It's somewhere.

Let's keep looking
and listening.


-I'll go tell Uncle Friday that
there's been a new development.

-About an old secret.


-I'll be back.

-Thanks for all your help.

-Thank you all
for all this news.

-Hey, what about this?




-Yes, Trolley.

It really might
be somewhere near.



-Where do you think
the tunnel might be?

Of course, we could pretend
it to be anywhere we want.

That's what's so special
about make-believe.

You can make-believe anything.

That's why it's
different from real.


Let's feed the fish.

There you are, fish.

I could pretend all day
that I was feeding the fish.

But until I actually
did it, these fish

wouldn't get any food.


-Oh, maybe that's
Marilyn Barnett.

Let's see.

It is.

Hi, Marilyn.

-Hi, Fred.

Are you ready for
some exercises?

-I'm always ready for exercises.


-Are you ready?


-We always start with
a full body workout.


-That means we have
to work our arms

and our legs at the same time.


-This one is fun.

-All right.

-Just pretend like
you're marching.

Just move your arms naturally.

Now watch my arms.

Start pretending like
your grabbing something

and pulling it.

-Oh, that's not easy.

-Let's grab higher, and
pull higher and higher.

-Can you do that?

-Can we move a little faster?

-We can try.

-That's it.

Grab and pull.

-Boy, what an exercise that is.

-That's enough.

That was fun, wasn't it?


But I could feel it, you know?

-Could you?



Now we're warm.

Now we're ready to
bend and stretch.


-And I have a new type
of exercise for you.

-All right.

-I'm going to--
I need your help.

-All right.
-If you put your arm out there.

Sometimes if I don't have
a friend to work with,

I'll use a wall.

And I'll lean against the wall.

-I see.

-But since I have you, I'm
going to stand up nice and tall.

And I'm going to swing--
can see that leg?


-Move it back.

-Your toe?

-And I'm going to
bend the front knee

until the heel of
this leg touches.

I'm just going to hold it.


-You can feel stretching?

-I can feel it without moving.

And I'm going to
try the other one.

Now remember to stand over
the leg that's in the front.

The other one goes back.


-And I bend until
the heel touches.

Would you like to try it?


I always like to
try your exercises.

Now you say to put this one--


-The toe.

And put the heel down.

-That's right.

-Oh, boy, can I feel
this stretching.

-You feel that?

The muscles.

-Stretch it.


That's it.

-Now the other one.

-The other one.

Back until the heel touches.

Stay forward.

-Yeah, I didn't
feel it that time.

I better try to do it right.

Now straight.

-Take it back.

Keep your body
forward, and just bend.

-There it is.


-How long do you hold it?

-Sometimes I count to ten.


Seven, eight, nine, ten.

-That was very good.

-I could feel that.


Do you have any
specific exercises

for basketball players?

-Yes, I do.

In fact, I noticed
your hoop out back.

-Yeah, I've been
sh**ting some baskets.

-In fact, I have some
exercises that we

do with our wheelchair athletes.

-Ah, good.

-I'd like to show them to you.

-I'd like to see them.

-Let's try them sitting down.

-Because we'll get to see
them a little later, won't we?

-Yes, we will.


-And they work out in chairs.


-So we can pretend like
we're sitting down,

and we can start
here with one arm up.

And we can work it together.

Let's bend from the
waist to stretch.



-Come back into place.

Take the other arm up.

It's really important to
make sure your upper body is

in complete shape, and stretch.


And back into place.

-I can feel that.

-Can we try it again?




And back into place.

Let's try another one.


-This one-- sometimes we pretend
like we use a basketball,

but you don't have
to have a basketball.

You just hold above your head.


-In-- like a flex
position, and extend up.

And you really want
to reach way up.

Way up.


And back.

And stretch.

-Oh, this is like
I was doing when

I was sitting in the chair.



-Doing the baskets.

-Don't jerk it.


And down.

And stretch.


That's good.

Do you feel that?

-Oh, yes.

-Feel that in the muscles
of the upper arm especially?

And the shoulders?

-Sure do.

-Now I know I
promised I was going

to take you to see some
basketball players.


-All of these players
play basketball.

They play the sport
in wheelchairs.

-Oh, I'd like to see them.

-Let's go.


I'd like to meet them.

Oh, I'd better put this
back on the porch, Marilyn.

I don't want anybody
falling on it.

Off we go.


-Can Leah play, too?

-Hey, we have guests, guys.


Hi, John.


-How are you?


-This is Fred Rogers.

-Hi, Fred.
-Glad to meet you.

-Fred, John.

-Thank you.

-I still have to
go to my meeting.

Please make sure you show
Fred some of those warm-up

exercises we did.


-Thanks a lot.

Bye bye.

-Thank you, Marilyn.

-Bye, Fred.


-Fred, I'd like you to meet
the other members of the team.

-I'd be glad to.

-This is Brad.

-Hello, Brad.


-Glad to meet you.

-And Darius.


-Hello, Darius.

Glad to meet you.

-And on my right is Leah.

-Hello, Leah.

-Nice to meet you.

-Glad to meet you.

I'd like you to know
my television neighbor.



-And I'd like to ask
you if you've always

played basketball
in wheelchairs.

-Not always, Fred.

We were all involved
in an accident

of one type or another.

Three of us in car
accidents, and Brad

was in a diving injury--
diving into a swimming pool.


-And we can no
longer use our legs

because of those accidents.

-But did you play basketball
before when you could stand up?

-Some of us did, but not all.

But now that we're in
wheelchairs that-- we still

love the game so much that
this is one way to play.

-Well, I'd like to take a closer
look at the chair, if I may.


-Now I see these straps here.

Why would you have those?

-Well, because we don't have
control of our legs, Fred,

the straps help keep our feet in
position on the wheelchair when

we're playing the
game of basketball.

And we make quick turns.

Sometimes we're turning
so quickly one way

that if we don't
have the straps,

our feet would
fall off the chair.


-So it really helps
maintain our position.

-And the wheels look
like they're on an angle

rather than straight
up and down.

-That's called cambering and
it gives us more stability.

But it also really helps us
turn much quicker in the chair.

We can turn.

-Boy, that is quick.

Now, there are little
wheels beside these two.


Those are actually
roller blade wheels.

And again, in combination
with the cambering,

they really help us
turn much quicker.


Now when I was walking
in with Marilyn,

I saw you all throwing
two balls back and forth.

Is that the way you play?

-That's one of our
warm-up exercises.

It gets us loose and ready
to come out on the court

and play the game.


Do you have other exercises?


We stretch a bit.

We get off to the
sides and stretch out.


That feels good.

-Well, Marilyn helps me
with exercises like that.


And another one we
do is a rotation.

It's almost like we're dancing.

MISTER ROGERS: It sure is.

-Doing the twist.

-I'd like very much to
see you play on the court,

if you would.


-Would you?

-I'll just wait over here.

-Here you go, Darius.





Which pick?

Go out.

-Good shot, Brad.



-Nice shot.


-Send it.


-Fred, how was that?

-How was that?

That was great!

-All right.

-Thank you very much.

-You bet.

-Boy, how do you make your
chair go at the same time

as making the ball go?

-A lot of practice.

-I guess so.

And I also noticed that
as you were going along,

there were times when you'd
hold the ball in your lap.

You're allowed to do that?

-Well, you're allowed to-- first
of all, you get two pushes.

And then you have to put
the ball on the ground.

-So you don't have to
dribble the whole time.

You're allowed two
pushes whenever you want.


-So long as your
dribble in between.


-Now, do any of you do other
sports as well as basketball?


There's a lot of
different other sports,

like there's sledge hockey.

There's road racing
that Brad does.


-And Leah and I are
involved in other sports.

We do water skiing
and snow skiing,

tennis, just to name a few.



That's wonderful.

I'd really like to see
you do all those things.

-You ought to come out
again some other time

to see the other activities.

-I'd be glad to.

But thanks for today.

-Thank you, Fred.

-I appreciate it.


-Bye bye.

-Oh, what a pass.


Nice shot.


-I was just thinking about John
and Brad and Leah and Darius

and what great
athletes they are.

But they had to
want to be great.

And they had to work
hard at their sport

for hours and hours, just
like stand up players

have to work and practice hard.

Oh, they had some
fancy equipment,

but it's who they
are inside that

makes them do the good work.

As I think about Darius and
Leah and Brad and John and you,

I'd like to sing this song.

[SINGING] It's you I like.

It's not the things you wear.

It's not the way
you do your hair.

But it's you I like.

The way you are right now.

The way down deep inside you.

Not the things that hide you.

Not your fancy equipment.

That's just beside you.

But it's you I like.

Every part of you.

Your skin.

Your eyes.

Your feelings.

Whether old or new.

I hope that you'll remember
even when you're feeling blue.

That it's you I like.

It's you yourself.

It's you.

It's you I like.

-It gives me such a good
feeling to know people

who make so much out
of whatever they have.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up, ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new,

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will, too.

-I'll be back next time.

Bye bye.