21x11 - Dress-Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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21x11 - Dress-Up

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beauty-wood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please, won't you
be my neighbor?

-Hi, neighbor.

Do you ever sing that song
with me, and say, please,

won't you be my neighbor?

I like it when you sing with me.

I like to have you for
a television neighbor.

I like to show you things.

What do you suppose
might be in here?

Two things in here.

I'll give you a hint
about the first one.

What do you suppose that is?

Do you think it's the
tail of something?

It is.

You know what kind
of an animal this is?

It's a raccoon, a toy raccoon.

People aren't allowed to
play with live raccoons.

But, of course, we are
allowed to play with toy ones.

Now, what would this toy one do?

I wonder if somebody might even
sleep with that toy raccoon.

It's very soft.

Nose to nose with
that toy raccoon.

Show you what else is in here.

Something like it.

Something to help us get dressed
up to look like a raccoon.

You know who I am?

-[SINGING] I'm a raccoon.

And I will soon be a friend of
yours, yes, a friend of yours.

I'm a raccoon.

-Do you like to get
dressed up and pretend

that you're something different?

I do.

You could pretend you're
something, some kind of animal.

-[SINGING] I'm a raccoon.

And I will soon be
a friend of yours.

Yes, a friend of yours.

I'm a raccoon.

-I'm really not.

But I can pretend.

You could even sing
that song if you wanted

to be a tiger, or a lion,
or a pretend anything.

I am a lion.

And I will soon be
a friend of yours.

Yes, a friend of yours.

I am a lion.

Or I am a tiger.

Or I am a monkey.

But I remember one time
some of our neighbors

who were studying
ballet dancing got

dressed up to look
like raccoons.

One of them was
a mother raccoon.

And the other a father raccoon.

And there was a boy
raccoon and a girl raccoon.

And they made up a
dance about that family,

that raccoon family.

I remember when
the dance started.

It was almost time for the
children raccoons to go to bed.


-I like to think
about that dance.

Do you suppose real live
raccoons dance like that?

I guess not.

But they probably have
their own kind of play

in the woods where they live.

Now, you can tell I'm not
a real raccoon, can't you?

Just because I put this
mask around my eyes,

I don't change who I really am.

I just look a little different.

And I pretend.

I'm going to try something else.

I just had an idea.


-Yes, trolley?

I want to try something.


-Put the mask on the trolley.

Now, this mask doesn't change
what the trolley is either.

It's still the trolley.


On you go, Trolley.

Right, why don't we have
to some make believe?

The trolley's right here.

We might as well.

Let's make believe that
the people and animals

in the neighborhood are thinking
about dressing up for fun.

We'll think about
them dressing up

for fun as the
trolley goes by what?

The castle, in the
Neighborhood of Make Believe.


-Oh, that's good.

-Well, well, I hope I'm
not interrupting anything.

-Is that you, Harriet Cow?

-It most certainly is.

-Well, you are all dressed
up, I mean, fancy dress.

-Yes, well, I'm making
some home visits.

And I thought I'd just
have a change of frock

just because I wanted to.

What are you doing?

-Oh, I'm just
doing some research

with Uncle Friday's birds.

-I never could see the King's
interest in wooden birds

on sticks.

Now, which one of you
is Mimus Paliglaris?

Of course, so then I guess
you must be Troglidides Aiden.

Well, that helps some.

-Each one has its
own special talent.

-Do you think they'd
like to be in the play?

-Oh, what play is that?

-It's a play that my students
at school are going to make.

-Oh, that's wonderful.

What kind of a
play will that be?

-It's a dress up play.

-So they want to where costumes?

-That's right.

And they want to
make up a story.

-Oh, they don't have
their story yet?

-No, not yet, but they
have such good ideas.

And I know you do too.

I was thinking, would you
help us with the play Lady A?

-Oh, well you know how
I love the theater.

But I do have my
research to keep me--


-Oh, here comes Uncle Friday.

At least, I think it's--
Uncle Friday, I presume?

-Niece Aberlin, and
Teacher Cow, I presume?

-Bird King, I presume?

-I am dressed as a
bird, to be sure.

But you both know
that I am still

Friday the 13th underneath.

-Oh, that is a wonderful
costume, Uncle Friday.

-I thought I'd where it to
surprise Memos and Trog.

-Well, you certainly
did surprise them.

They flew away.

-And what's the meaning
of their fleeing?

-Because you don't look like
the person they know and love.

-No, they think
you're a stranger.

-Curious birds,
those birds of mine.

And what occupies your time
today, director and teacher?

-The students in our school
are planning to put on a play.

And I have invited
Lady Aberlin--

-The director of research.


I have invited her to
help with the play.

She might even be the
director of it, if she likes.


-Oh, just a thought.

-So long as her research
duties don't suffer.

-All she needs to do is make
home visits to the students,

find out what they'd
like to be in the play,

and then build it up from there.

-Just do it all, you mean?

-I guess that's one
way to express it, yes.

-And you professionals
will take care of that.

I'm going to look for my birds.

-I'll complete my
research on them

in a few days, Uncle Friday.

-Very good, and
farewell to you both.

I fly to the rescue.


-You know, your uncle
never ceases to amaze me.

-Just when you think
you know all about him.

-Yeah, he appears as a bird.


-Now, I don't want this play
to be a burden on you, Lady A.

-Oh, no, I won't let it be.

-Let's talk it over
at school tomorrow.

In the meantime,
I'm off to generate

some interest in Westwood.

-Interest in the play?

-Oh, yes, and all of
our school activities.

I just love our school.

-You certainly are an
enthusiastic teacher.

-Founding member of the
Living Prose Society!

Farewell, dear.

-Farewell, Harriet.


-My, what beautiful
dancing you do!


-Welcome to our neighborhood.



What a treat to be able
to watch her to dance!

-And now I know what I want
to be in the school play?

-You do?

-I want to be a ballerina.

Will you help me?

-Well, as a matter of fact,
Miss Cow was talking about--

-I think that you dance
better than Miss Cow.

Please, won't you help me?

-Well, all right, Anna.

We'll work on it tomorrow.


I'm a ballerina!

I'm a ballerina!

I really am!

-That was easy.

And now I'll go
check with Daniel.

Oh, excuse me.

I was looking for
Daniel Striped Tiger?

-How about the Daniel Raccoon?

-Oh, Daniel, I didn't
even know that was you.

-I just thought I'd
wear a raccoon mask

and see what it was like.

-You look good in that.

-You're not scared of me?

-Oh no, not now that
I know who you are.

-Lady A, could you help
us make our school play,

because I don't know
how to make one?

-As a matter of fact,
your teacher also

asked me whether I would help
make a play from your ideas.

And the more I think of it, the
more I think it would be fun.

-I guess you have to have ideas
before you can do anything,

don't you?

-I believe that's true.

-Even from making
the whole world?

-I think so.

-And rainbows?


-And birds?

-I believe you.

-[SINGING] Who made
the rainbow in the sky?

Who made the bird
and let it fly?

Who made the hour?

Who made the day?

Who had the power
to make the flower?

And who made the rain?

And made the snow?

Made us, and made
us want to know?

made the rainbow,

the bird, and the summer sun.

Love made the mountains, the
stars, each and every one.

Love made the sea.

And love made the land.

Love made the mighty.

And love made the very small.

Love made the world,
made the people.

Love made it all.

-Love's mighty
important, isn't it?

-It's the most important
thing in the world.

-Thanks for loving
me, Lady Aberlin.

-Thanks for loving me,
Daniel Striped Tiger Raccoon.

-Maybe I'll just be a
raccoon in the play.

-You already have the mask.

-And we'll get some
more ideas next time.

-Yes, I'll go and ask Tuesday.

And then we'll
have a good start.

-I hope you have a good day.

-And I hope you do too, Daniel.

-Thanks, agga-magga.



There are!

Did you see the big bird king?

Good, do you have some time
for some stopwatch work now?

Oh, good, now, Mimus,
if you'll go this way.

And Trog, if you'll
go way, we'll

check your relative velocities--


-Anna Platypus wants to be a
ballerina in the school play.

And Daniel Tiger
wants to be a raccoon.

I wonder if Daniel
will look anything

like this is toy when
he gets dressed up.

And I wonder what
he'll do in the play.

Maybe dance with a ballerina?

And what do you
think Prince Tuesday

will want to dress up to be?

We'll think more
about that next time.

Right now, the fish
need some food.

There's some food for you, fish.

The fish know that
I'm not a raccoon.

I'm the person who
gives them food.

You know, you could make your
own mask, or your own costume.

I'll just make a paper
bag mask right now.

Just a regular paper
bag, but, of course, you

have to have it cut
off to about here

because you don't want to cover
your mouth with your mask.

Try that.

That's good.

Put a couple places
for eyes there.

Sometimes it's a good idea
to draw what you want to cut.

Try that.

And you might want to get
some help with that, too.

I used to always ask for help
with cutting when I was a boy.

See how this looks.

All right, now we'll
make the other eye.

There, this is sort of like
a mask and a hat isn't it?

-[SINGING] I can put on
a hat, or put on a coat,

or wear a pair of glasses,
or sail in a boat.

I can change all my names
and find a place to hide.

I can do almost anything.

But I'm still myself inside.

I can go far away, or
dream anything, or wear

a scary costume,
or act like a king.

I can change all my names,
and find a place to hide.

I can do almost anything.

But I'm still myself,
I'm still myself,

I'm still myself inside.

Just put a little hair up here.

You can use your crayon
and make some eyebrows.

Oh, you have good ideas.

You can do all sorts of things
making a mask like that.

It's a good feeling to
know that whatever we wear,

we're still ourselves inside.

Nobody could ever
change who you are

by dressing you up in something.

You'll always be you.

-[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling.

You're growing inside.

And when you wake
up, ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

-You always make it a special
day for me just by your

being yourself.

I'll be back next time.


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