03x00 - A New Beginning

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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03x00 - A New Beginning

Post by bunniefuu »

I do admit a failure of judgment...

I need to atone for my personal failings with my wife, Alicia, and our two children.

You alright?

I just wanted to say "thank you" for the opportunity.

The junior associates will have to decide now.

Good job, Alicia.

Don't give up on me.

I'm not just dropping this.

You want to know my plan?

My plan is I love you.

You slept with my husband.

You do not say anything after that.

This is your apartment, Peter.


You slept with Kalinda.

Your dad and I have separated.

We're those kids.

No, you're not those kids, you're our kids.

What's up with you, anyway?

You seem different.

Where you going?



I'm a lawyer.

Okay, I'm glad we cleared that up.

I think there's a little bit of venom in her this year, that you've never seen before.

Do you need something? - It's on your desk. It's self-explanatory.

MARGULIES: A little bit of spite. A little darker.

She definitely won't be the doormat people can walk over this season.

Your Honor, this is offensive.

Mrs. Florrick, I am... disappointed in you.

She's sort of played all the rules by the book and that didn't work.

So she's taking a new lease on life now, and seeing things from a different point of view.

Do you have a moment to talk?

About last night?


MARGULIES: Her relationship with Will is a gate to freedom for her.

I see her relationship with Will as comfort.

I like myself around you, Alicia.

And I don't like myself around a lot of people.

I think it's much more equal than she feels with Peter.

It's okay. It's all right, Alicia.

Have at it.

You're the injured one.

No one else.

There's nothing anyone can say, right?

Yes, there is, so say something.

Say something, Peter.

Say something that will make me fall in love with you again.


Yeah, you got that right.

I think right now he thinks it's over.

Whatever's going to happen is going to be complicated.

There's a lot riding on her love life.

Are you, uh, ready for cross?

Yes, Your Honor, all laced up and ready to go.

MARGULIES: It's pretty amazing that she managed to get to where she is.

She's on a fast track to partnership.

She's third-year associate after having not been in the workplace.

You've more than proved yourself.

But we've never seen an economic climate like this.

I've worked hard.

You say that's not enough, so I'll work harder.

And I want you to want the job.

KALINDA: They kept you?

ALICIA: I got a client last minute.



She has survival instincts.

And once she knows she can do that, she can pretty much do anything.

The firm goes into a kind of crisis.

Diane is literally thinking, maybe I'm going to lose everything I worked for.

We've landed, we're fine.

There's more out there.

I just, for one minute, wanted to think that we were doing the right thing.

But we are doing the right thing.

But for the wrong reason.

Who do you know who's doing something for the right reason?

I would love to meet them, because my guess is after five minutes of questioning, we'll find the wrong reason.

You believe that?

I do believe that.

And if you've thought about all you've learned this last year, you'd believe it, too.

He wants his client to win or he wants his firm to succeed.

And so we've seen him push that envelope often in this show, and I think we'll continue-- continue to do that.

You're holding something against her.

I'm what?


Maybe it's unconscious, maybe it's not, but you're being hard on her.


She's a third-year associate on a partner track.

She's treating us like peers.

There are going to be personal issues there that are going to cause a lot of imbalance.

I don't know what's going on with you two, but make it better.

Whatever you have to do-- make it better.

MARGULIES: What does it take to rebuild a relationship?

Not only does she find out
that Kalinda slept with her husband, but every single conversation she ever had with Kalinda now is tarnished.

She's kind of stuck in the situation.

She needs to earn a living, and she's kind of stuck in the office.

You need a friend, K.

Why do I need a friend?

You are going to see all of the leading characters have to negotiate difficult, complicated choices that they've made.

You separated from Peter.

Is it irrevocable?

My decision to leave Peter-- yes.

Eli doesn't want it to get out that they've broken up, uh, 'cause he wants to get Peter to be the governor, to be-- eventually, I think he wants Peter to be the President of the United States.

And he's not going to be able to do that without Alicia being the nice wife.

He's not going to recuse himself. He will.

Cartman always backs down when he's pushed.

He's afraid he'll be overturned on appeal.

So we start over with a new judge.

No. I know what Alicia's doing.

Matthew's character coming over to my side, I think is really interesting--

how they work together now.

What that's going to mean for Lockhart/Gardner.

The lawyer's Alicia.

And she might come after your campaign contributions.

CZUCHRY: It's about politics.

It's about secrets.

It's about ambition.

It's about motivations. Um...

And when these characters get all tangled up together, personally and professionally, you're going to want to see what happens.

You look happy.

I am happy.

I've decided I'm good at my job.

With almost every season, it's-- this is new for her.

All these new experiences accumulate into this new life and into a new person.

There's nowhere to go but up.

An hour ago, I resigned as State's Attorney of Cook County.

At the same time, I need to atone for my personal failings with my wife Alicia and our two children.

When I've watched all those press conferences and the wife is standing behind the politician, what on earth happens in the green room?

(reporters clamoring)

MAN: Sir, answer the question!

We have interviews set up with the Tribune...

Absolutely not. We're not doing any more interviews.

I want you to cancel all of them. That's it.

MARGULIES: You never hear the story of the wife.

The wife either disappears into the background, or they end up... um... the story goes away and it's all about the man.

But the wife usually stays quite private.

Hey... you all right?

MICHELLE KING: That slap right back offstage was the idea of also her slapping herself awake.

ROBERT: From the very beginning we thought it would be the education of Alicia, and, each year, you would see her grow more.

MARGULIES: I think when you first meet Alicia, she's been living in a bubble-- a 1950's sort of idealism.

And she put everything aside to raise two children, and be the partner to her husband.




I'm sorry I didn't introduce you in there.

Everything's moving real fast with this class action.

Well, I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity.

It's a real lifesaver.

No, glad you could come aboard.

MARGULIES: It's quite a journey, and every single day is a new day for her, which is why I think the series... works.

Because nothing is ever the same again.

TV REPORTER: Now what kind of code are we talking about here?

Uh, well, I would call Peter's house and hang up after one ring.

And then he would know that the next call was going to be from me.

A lot of time to think about things in here.

A lot of time out there, too.

I don't know what happened.

I lost my way.

I got on a power trip.

Don't-- don't blame it on that.

Come on, don't give up on me.



I want to run again.

But I want to do it right this time.

I want to be a great state's attorney.

And I can't do it without you.

I don't want the kids involved.

They won't be.

And I want to work.

I want you to work.

Let me introduce you to Cook County's new State's Attorney, Peter Florrick!


MARGULIES: He has been reelected state's attorney again.

And only for me-- my character Alicia-- to find out that he actually slept with not just hookers, but her best friend.

This is your apartment, Peter.

What?! - You'll have to use your cell phone for awhile until they can get the phones connected and I've paid your first three months rent.

I don't get this.

You slept with Kalinda.


No, don't.

Peter... this makes it easier.

So please just take your keys.

Alicia, I need you.

You slept with my best friend.

It was before she was your best friend.

Oh, God...

MARGULIES: This is a woman who, um... accepted her marriage for what it was, and pretended it was a great marriage without opening up her eyes.

And I think, now, what we're going to start seeing is a woman who, for the first time in many, many years is feeling sexually liberated, but at what cost is that.

It's always the good girls, isn't it?

They're the ones with the deep dark secrets.

Yeah, well... because we're catching up.

Will Gardner is my boss.

He and I went to Georgetown Law School together.

We carry a torch for each other.

And, um, we've been acting out on it a little bit.

We've always had bad timing, haven't we?

We have.

What if we were suddenly have good timing?

Just for an hour-- what would that look like?

I think that would look like an exceptional moment.

At the end of season two, we saw her walking into a hotel room with Will.

After, you know, 15 years of bubbling attraction.

And so, theoretically they have walked out of that hotel room and now what?

MARGULIES: I think when you bring love into the workplace,
you open up a door to a slippery slope, which is, do people then find out about it?

It makes other people feel awkward.

Is there a hierarchy in knowing that you're sleeping with the boss?

How does it work?

I think what we can look forward to is, you know, this idea of, you know, can a relationship work in the workplace, you know?

Can a relationship work in the past?

Can you-- can you sort of bring it to life again?

And should it work?

With Alicia we aren't just going to see her marriage.

We're going to see how she's taking risks and continuing to grow within the workplace.

KALINDA: Don't worry.

It's yours.


Kalinda Sharma.

I'm the in-house.

Oh, the investigator.

You're Peter Florrick's wife.

That's right.

I worked with him at the State's Attorney's office, three years.

He fired me.


MARGULIES: Kalinda's the private investigator hired by the firm.

Within the first season, they became quite good friends and confidants.

Life's been playing tricks on me lately, and I think it's best not to take it seriously.

Is this about work, or is this about Will?

And that rug was pulled out from under her when she found out, at the end of season two, that Kalinda had actually slept with her husband when she worked at the State's Attorney's Office.

You slept with my husband.

You do not say anything after that.

You do not.

It is selfish, to say anything after that.

I work here, and you work here, but that's it.

When you can find another case, do it.

When you can walk the other way, do.

Now get out of my office.


Kalinda, there are so many people who can see us right now, but I s-swear I will scream at the top of my lungs if you don't get out of my office now.

PANJABI: One of the interesting things about season two is we got to see her, um, in a very vulnerable situation.

When she has just had the exchange with Alicia about what happened with her and Peter.

And then she walks to the lift, and I remember doing that walk, and it, you know, it's only seconds, but it felt forever.

And then, once I went into the lift, I completely broke down.

And... we've never seen Kalinda like that.

Not only does she cry, she was completely heartbroken.

And I think the audience then realized how much this character, however private and mysterious she is, how much she really valued the friendship with Alicia.

And how she probably isn't used to opening up to people,
but she did with Alicia, and...

she got hurt.

So... Will speaks highly of you.

He says you graduated top of your class at Georgetown.

When was this?

15 years ago.


And you spent two years at...

Crozier, Abrams & Abbott.

Good firm.

Will says you clocked the highest billable hours there.

Why'd you leave?

Well... the kids, and Peter's career...


BARANSKI: I love the evolution of that relationship.

For anyone watching the pilot, you would think,
is Diane going to be the one who's going to make her life hell?

When I was starting out, I got one great piece of advice.

Men can be lazy, women can't.

And I think that goes double for you.

Not only are you coming back to the workplace fairly late, but... you have some very prominent baggage.

But hey-- if she can do it, so can you.

You get the sense that Diane, uh... is not going to suffer fools.

She's not going to take on this, this woman if she doesn't really know her stuff.

And I think Alicia felt very threatened and intimidated by her, and now... looks at her a little bit more as a mentor, and as the woman that Alicia would love to become.

The junior associates-- we have to decide now.

Cary, or Alicia?

Cary Agos was the one lawyer that she was up against.

Diane and Will are deciding between you and Cary on Friday.

It's like a date with the executioner.

I liked working with you.

And she won out.

And he is... now works at the State's Attorney's Office, which means he now works for her husband.

Sorry we both didn't get the job.

You like to think you're a good person, and maybe at one time you were, but we both know you'll do whatever it takes.

One of my favorite scenes from the end of season two is when Peter and Cary team up.

And, uh, that's going to set the tone for, for season three.

I know Alicia and I, we've had our differences.

And at first, I thought the best thing was just to let it go, but I think it's better to explain things.

And you know Alicia from...?


CZUCHRY: Cary has dirt on Alicia, Peter has dirt on Alicia, and Alicia has dirt on both Cary and Peter.

So it's going to be fun when they're in court, and it's going to be fun when they're outside of court.

ALICIA: Excuse me.

Just resting my eyes.


Eli Gold.

My husband hired you.

You're taller than I expected.

Thank you.

Eli Gold is, um... he's like a sweet and sour sauce for Alicia.

He... he ran her husband's, uh, campaign, and ran it flawlessly.

Peter can't win without you.

You know that.

Peter only wins with your Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

Voters need to see you together, up on that stage, holding hands.

He's, um, a crisis manager.

And... he is going to be the one thing that Alicia will have to contend with in terms of does she stay with her husband or not?

You should see the polling on Mrs. Florrick after her interview.

I don't think she's going to want to get too involved again.


Oh, I don't think that's her choice, is it?

Without her, Peter's a john who overpaid for a prost*tute.

With her, he's Kennedy.

You're offering your services?

I want to run my first campaign in-house, from here.

Peter Florrick for Governor.

With Mrs. Florrick here, it feels like the perfect fit.


A strangely perfect fit.

Alicia and Eli grew very fond of each other, and they have this quite sweet relationship.

They're, you know, they... they both... in a way, they both want the same thing.

Alicia, I defer to you in many things, but this is a business decision.

I am bringing my consulting business here because I think it's a good fit, and you are going to be the liaison because that is a good fit, too.

Now you can find any hidden agendas you want, but I'm not changing my business plan.

First of all, I want to thank you for your service.

Michael J. Fox came in for one episode... and he was so compelling, and it was... mesmerizing for me to be able to do work with him.

Tardive dyskinesia.

Which is really-- it's just a funny word for a neurological disorder.

And it makes me do this.

And... this, and...

(goofy growling)

CANNING: But, uh... Uh-oh.

CANNING: If you just look at me long enough, you get used to it.

Half the time, I'm just always bowing down to people in the makeup room when I walk in, and saying, "Oh, my God!

I get to work with you!"

What is it you want from me?

I don't know.

I'm being sued for $36 million.

I have one more name that I'd like to add to our witness list.

I feel bad that her husband's dead.

I don't think she's suing me 'cause he's dead, I think she's suing me because he used my Web site to cheat.

It's always so flattering, um... when people want to come on to our show.

Objection, Your Honor!

Your Honor?

I heard you.


These judges are all different and very extraordinary characters, each with a complete different personality.

Before we begin today, I want to remind everybody about the, uh... (sings fanfare) blood drive.

Let's take a short recess.

I think we can straighten this out, don't you?

Your pants.

You're-you're wearing pants.

It's a pantsuit.

I see that.

Are we going to have a trial at some point?

Shut up!



I'm sorry, does "nuh-huh" mean "no"?

Then say no.

I'll overrule that on absurdity alone.

If I were in a suggesting mood, I would suggest that you use your time wisely, because when that jury comes in, it's out of my hands.

And, uh, don't forget... if you're a blood owner, become a...

ALL: Blood donor.

The next time you want to see your grandchildren, you call first.

She doesn't have to be the good wife anymore.

She's her own person.

Diane is feeling a new sense of power and opportunity.

So that might involve politics.

Where there's politics, there's just... you know, there's a possibility of getting your hands dirty.

CZUCHRY: That relationship is fun to watch, 'cause you're never quite sure if they're gonna help each other out, or screw each other over.

Welcome back to normal.

They've had a moment.

Whether that develops in something serious...

who knows? You just never know with Kalinda.

MARGULIES: She's discovering herself-- as someone in the workplace, as a woman, as a sexual being.

So every turn of events, for her, is a new beginning.

Well, I'd say things have been pretty easy for you up until now.


How's that?

In court.

These people don't really know how you think.

But you do?

Hate to tell you this, but we're going to beat you.

Good luck with that.


You need a friend, Kay.

Why do I need a friend?

Or a dog.

Maybe you need a dog.

Kalinda and Pooch... out investigating.

WILL: Who was that?

No idea.

Do you ever get the feeling we're losing control here?

Every day.

The State's Attorney can hire any law firm he wants to handle all civil cases against his department.

Glenn Childs had Brimley, Tully & Snyder.

God, I hated them.

Peter Florrick fired them, and is looking for new outside counsel.

How do I know you?

You don't.

And yet... you look so familiar.

I just have one of those faces.

I'll need you again.

Then... invoice.
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