Paper Angels (2014)

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Paper Angels (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »


™? after every
day-After-Thanksgiving sale ♪

™? the malls
just ain't complete ♪

™? without
a bunch of decorations ♪

™? and a paper angel tree ♪

™? there's artificial smiles
on artificial tree limbs ♪

™? sayin'
what she'd love to have ♪

™? and what to buy for him ♪

™? well, i hope maggie
likes her new winter clothes ♪

™? and her buggy
with a baby doll ♪

™? and maybe tom'll smile
in his new nike shoes ♪

™? when he sh**t
that basketball ♪

™? i can't help but wishing ♪

™? that i could do more ♪

™? but not just
while i'm shoppin' ♪

™? in the department store ♪

™? paper angels ♪

™? you're in my thoughts
and prayers ♪

™? no matter
where you are right now ♪

™? remember god's right there ♪

™? he's asking all of us ♪

™? to help take care
of his paper angels everywhere ♪

that's good ball movement.

[Basketball game
playing on television]

That's good.

Boy, is he moving the ball
good today.

Oh, i like that dookie.

That's good.

Dookie's really
in the zone today.

Why don't you go
get me another beer?


[Game play-By-Play

Smells good.
When do we eat?


So how's it going
in there?

The mustangs are winning

And dookie's having
a great game.

[Quietly]: thomas.

I want you
to go get sara

And get in the car.



Don't ask any questions.

Take sara and get
in the car right now.


thomas, please.

[Darryl]: where's my beer?


You lost in there?


[Sets glass down]

[Can fizzes open]

What're you looking at?


[Laughs] bam!

Dookie's getting 'er
done today!

Mm! Now there's somebody
i'd be proud to call my son.


[Thomas]: here.


Mom, what
are we doing?

We have to go, honey.

Listen to me, both of you.

We're leaving
and we're not coming back.

I'll explain
when we get there,

But we gotta go.

Where are we going?

Anywhere's better than this.

[Engine fires]


Pass the ball.
Spread it out!

Show me something, slick.

[Both grunting]

Whoa! That's a foul!

What're you talking about?
You fouled me!

Don't lie, kid.
You been playing dirty all day.

Everyone's seen it.

I don't lie
and i don't play dirty.

You're not worth it.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Hey, that's enough!

That's enough.

Neutral corners.
What did i tell you, vic?

Well, he started it!

Yeah, well, it's over now.
Take a hike.

That goes for the rest of you!
Go on.

Go on. Show's over.

You okay, son?


Haven't seen you around before.

I'm graham cody.
They call me "pastor graham."

Thomas brandt.

We just moved here.

That explains it.

I'd have recognized you.
You're good.

You gonna play
for the high school team?

Moved around for a while,
so i couldn't make tryouts.

That's too bad.

Now, you and vic
on the same team...

[chuckles] that'd be
something to see.

I don't play dirty.

I know.

A word to the wise,

Vic's used to being
the top dog around here.

He doesn't like
to be shown up.


[Pats his back]


My office.
Come on, vic!


Sorry i'm late, kevin.

Everyone's trying
to get out of the office

Early for thanksgiving,

And i've been in
and out of meetings

All morning, so--

No problem.
Glad you're here.


So how's jenny?

She's good,

When is she due?

Ah, february.
But the doctor says

It's gonna be
more like january.

Twin boys. Wow.

Tell me about it.

So, uh, you ready?

Oh, is anybody
ever really ready?

But i think
we've been waiting

For this
for some time,

So we'll be just fine.

Let's talk over here.


We've known each other
a long time, kevin.

Nobody appreciates
your company's work

More than i do.

And we appreciate
your business.


you're always on time,
you're on budget.

Your designs have
a unique quality

We cannot find
anywhere else.

[Sighs] why
do i feel like

This is all
leading to a "but"?


[takes a breath]

You are also expensive.

With the economy
the way it is right now--

We can't afford

To renew precision design's
contract for next year.

Well, let's put
our heads together

And figure this out.

And i wish i could.

Dan, you're our biggest client.

Without this retainer...

look, i know

This couldn't come
at a worse time.

Maybe in six or eight months,
if things turn around, kevin...

i'm sorry.

[Wry chuckle]

How could they
all of a sudden

Just cancel
our contract?

I'm sure they didn't
make the decision lightly.

They've been very happy
with our work.

Well, then i don't understand.

I'm guessing,
but it seems obvious--

It's the economy, cutbacks.

Kevin, that's, like, over
a third of our operating budget.

Which is
why i wanted to

Talk to you about it
right away.

I know
this is obviously something

That affects all of us.

What happens now?

Well, first of all,
let's nobody panic.

We have other projects,

We have more money coming in
before the end of the year,

And, just this morning,
i put out some feelers,

Trying to drum up
some more business.


Well, i know
with christmas coming,

This is pretty much the worst
news i could be telling you,

But i also want you to know

I plan to do everything i can
to keep this company going.


Get it
while it's hot.

Homemade vegetable soup,

Perfect thing
for an autumn evening.

When did you learn
how to make soup?

Well, it's this new thing
called the internet.

It's amazing what
you can find on there.

i'm very impressed.

Thank you.

But i'm pregnant,
i'm not an invalid.

Hey, doctor says
you have to stay off your feet.

I can still make dinner.

Yeah, but i figured
i need the practice

once the twins get here,

I'll be cooking plenty.

Hmm. Good point.

Thank you, lord,
for this meal.

Thank you!


It's good!

Hey! You hear that,
boys? "It's good."

She said it's good.

Oh, my gosh.

-I think they heard you.

[Gasps] he kicked!

But which one is it?

I--I don't know.

If this is mark,
kick once.

If it's benjamin,
kick twice.


You never told me
how that meeting went.


How much
did they ask you

To cut back
on the contract?

They decided not
to renew our contract.

They can't afford me.


We'll be okay.

Are you sure?

Are you kidding?
I started precision design

10 years ago,
and i intend to keep it running

Until our sons are old enough
to support us.

You should have told me.

[Takes a breath, sighs] look.

Well, the only thing
that matters right now

Is that you take care
of yourself.

I got this.


So go back in there
and put your feet up.

I'll finish up in here, okay?

[Laughs] okay.

[Sighs heavily]




Happy thanksgiving.

Uh, we got turkey, stuffing,

Cranberry sauce,
sweet potato pie

And green beans.

You gotta be kidding.

[Chuckles] wait till you see
what we have for dessert.

I don't like
green beans.

Then no dessert for you,
young lady.


I still don't understand
why mom has to work today.

They pay time-And-A-Half
for holidays.

Who eats at a diner
on thanksgiving?

People with
nowhere else to go.

People like us,
you mean.

We have a home.

No. We had a home.

Now we live here.

Hey, wait--


thank you for this food,
thank you for our family,

And please help mom have
a good day at work,


be with dad,
wherever he is.



Alright, let's eat!

Ooh. Gotta get some ketchup
in there, huh?

Hey, lynn?

Would you mind locking up?

It's just my family's
got dinner waiting for me.


No problem.

Thanks, and, um...

happy thanksgiving.

You, too, murph.

Happy thanksgiving.



Why'd you say that before?

He's not
even our dad anymore.

Nothing's gonna change that.

It's been almost a year.

He probably stopped
looking for us.

Do you want him
to find us?

Do you think
he's still as bad?

I don't know. Maybe.

I just figured the best thing
to do is pray for him.

Maybe it'll help.


Alright, come on.
Jump shot.

Let's see
if you can do it.

Go for it. Ready?

Alright, make sure you take your
follow-Through right through--

-...Like that.

-Alright, go for it.

There you go!
Nice one.

Nice work. Nice work.


Here. Take this just in case
you change your mind.


Take my card,

In case you
change your mind.

happy holidays.

Thank you. Very much.




Pastor cody!
Wow, i don't believe it!


It's been a while.
How've you been?

Ah, you know. The usual.

We really miss you
at the center.

No, i, uh, i miss it, too.

It's just been crazy.

Yeah, jenny's almost due?

Few more weeks, yeah.

Twice blessed, amen.


i've gotta run.

It's great
seeing you, kevin.

Give my best to jenny.

-I will do.


Man, i'm serious about
missing you down at the center.

Why don't you
drop by some time?

Show the guys some of
those old-School moves of yours?

I'll try.

God bless you, kevin.

Merry christmas.

You too.


Ah. Thank you.

How are we looking?


You always say that.

We are. We're fine.
We'll be okay.

You always say that, too.

Alright, wise guy,

What am i
gonna say next?

Well, let's see.

Next, maybe you'll say...

"i'm gonna open up
a little bit, jenny.

"Talk about
how worried i am,

And stop trying to carry
the whole load by myself."

You're already carrying
more than your share.

I don't want to
stress you out even more.

I worry more
when you don't talk.

[Sighs heavily]

I'm working
on a some ideas,

But everywhere i call,

They say "wait till
after the holidays,

Then we'll see."

Ugh. That sounds
so frustrating.

Yeah. [Sighs]

There was one
bright spot in my day.

I ran into
pastor cody.

From the community center?

Yeah, he wants me

To come and play ball
with the boys.

Oh, you used to
have so much fun

When you volunteered
over there.

Like i've got time
for that now.

Well, you could make time.

You could use
a little more fun.

[She chuckles]

Sara? Come on, honey!

[Sara]: the pipes are making
that weird noise again!

I'll fix it later.
We're gonna be late.

Mom, i gotta get
something for lunch.

I made you
a sandwich.

Ah. Thanks.

Hey, tommy, i want you
to do something for me.

I want you
to make out a christmas list.

Yeah, right.

I'm serious.

I want you to make me a list
of what you want.

Mom, we can barely
keep food in the house,

Your car's on life-Support.

How are you gonna buy
christmas presents?

I signed you and sara up
for the "angel tree" program.

The what?

The salvation army
does a thing

Where kids make out
a christmas list,

And then people pick their names
and buy the gifts.

I guess
that makes it official.

We are now a charity case.


No, i get it, mom.
We're broke!

But did you have to advertise it
to the whole world?

I just wanted something
under the tree for you and sara.

[Scoffs] what tree?

There's not
gonna be any tree.

-Dad made sure of that!
-This isn't about your father.

It should be!

It's his fault
we're stuck in this dump.

Why isn't he doing anything?
Why isn't he helping us?

it was my decision to leave.

If you want to blame anyone...
blame me.

That's not what i mean.

I know, honey.

And i know this is hard,

it's not gonna be


Let's just try to have
a nice christmas,

And be grateful for
all the things that we do have.

Now, if you won't
do it for me,

Please do it for sara.

Anything i want?

Within reason.

So a 60-Inch
flat-Screen tv is out?


Thank you.
I love you.

You too.

Alright, sara, let's go!



[Hushed indistinct chatter]

[Vic snickers]

Thanks, mom.
See you later.

Oh, hey!

-Your list.
-Not yet. I gotta go.

Oh, no, no.

No, they have a deadline.
I need to get it in.

-Okay. I'll do it today.

-Have a good day!
-You too.

Bye, thomas.

-See you, sara.

[Engine choking up]

[Engine sputters
and threatens to fail]


Oh... no-No-No-No-No.
Not right now.

Mom, we're not
gonna be late, right?

No, we're gonna be fine.
We're not gonna be late.

[Engine falters and dies]

[Guys snickering]

[Lynn]: no, no, honey,
we're not gonna be late.

Smooth ride, slick.

Come on, come on, come on.

Come on.
Start up, start up.

Honey, i don't know
what's wrong with it.

It's a piece of junk.

Like i planned
this, thomas,

Just to ruin your life.

Put it in neutral.
I'll push.

Take the brake off!

Okay, i did!

[Girl grunts]

Um, hi.

-Don't stop!


[Engine chugs to life]

[Lynn]: thanks, honey!

Uh, thanks.

Any time.

Uh, wait! What's your--?

[Chuckles smugly]



Decided to take you up
on your offer.

I'm glad you did.

Yeah, just felt
a little drama here.

i should know about?

Yeah, it's called getting
challenged by the new kid.

Really gets the testosterone
pumping around here.

Man! Mm.

Kid's got talent.

You ready?

-Yeah! Let's give it a shot.
-Go get 'em!

-I'll leave this with you.

Let's see what you got!


Follow through.

Let me show you.

Put your weight here,
make sure it's even,

Follow through with the shot.

Give it a shot.



Boys, you can do this.


What was i thinking?

here you go.

[Grateful groan]

thank you.


Oh, my goodness.

Do you realize

That, by the time
our sons are that age,

I will be...

ugh, oldish.

You're gonna be
a great father.

If i can keep up.

Oh, well, take
your tylenol, grandpa.

And warm up next time.


do you really think

I'm gonna be
a great father?

A great father.

It's not a*t*matic, though.

I was looking at
some of those guys today,

And i kept wondering--
How did they get so angry?

I mean, they didn't start
that way.

How do you even know
if you're doing the right thing?

Our sons are gonna
have a safe home,

A strong faith,

And they're gonna have something
that nobody else has--

They're gonna have us.

[Jenny]: aw, there they are.

Our boys, benjamin and mark.

[Kevin]: look at the hands.
Look at them.

[Jenny]: they look like you.

[Kevin laughs] yeah, yeah.

[Jenny]: they're our boys.

I don't understand.

We talked about how,
sometimes with twins,

One of the babies
can be a late-Bloomer.

Just doesn't grow as fast
as his sibling.

Last time you said
that was normal.

And we'd hoped

That the weight discrepancy
between "baby a" and "baby b"

Would correct itself
with time, but...

he's just not growing.


What does that mean?

Well, on one hand,

There is a very good chance

That both babies
are normal and healthy,

And this little guy's
just smaller.


Or... with this kind
of discrepancy,

We're concerned that it could
be something more serious.

It's still not too late

To change your minds about
having an amniocentesis.

Oh, no.
We decided not to.

We've waited
this long.

I understand,

But it could give you
some peace of mind.

Is there anything else
we can do about it?

To help?

You're already doing
everything humanly possible.

We'll have you come in

Every week now
so we can monitor both babies.

And in the meantime,

Just keep taking care
of yourself.

Get plenty of rest.

We'll see you through this.

Thank you.


[Vic continues clapping]

Don't get
any big ideas, slick.

What're you talking about?


She's way out
of your league.

She was just helping me out.

'Cause she feels sorry for you.

Just like everyone else
at this school.

I gotta get to class.


I just...

didn't want you getting
your hopes up about cassie.

See, she's always
been a real sucker

When it comes

To lost dogs, baby birds...

and charity cases.

[School bell rings]


Uh, sorry.

Nah, it's okay.
Court's open.

Where's that other guy?
Pastor graham?

He had to run out.
He asked me to lock up.

We still
got another half-Hour.

-You a pastor here, too?

Graham ran some camps
last summer,

So i-- I helped out.

Now i'm just
messing around,

But back in school,

I used to play ball
to help me clear my head,

Help me think,
you know?

Figured i'd give it--

-...Another shot.
-Think about what?

There's always something.


I come out here
so i don't have to think.

Just makes things worse.

Well, not thinking about
your problems

Doesn't make 'em go away.

So... what do you do?

I wish i knew.

Maybe we just gotta
try our best,

And have faith
things will turn out

The way they're meant to.

I know one thing.


We're not leaving here
until you miss.

Might be here a while.

Here you go.

Uh, here.

What's this?

My list.
On one condition.

You can't read it.

-It's nothing crazy.

Well, then
why can't i read it?

Just... okay? Please?


But if someone shows up
at our door with a jet-Ski...

then you'd better give
him milk and cookies,

Because it's
gonna be santa.


™? just when you think
the climb will never end ♪

™? you'll find a good friend
around the bend ♪

™? even the mighty
get a little help ♪

™? don't have to run the race
all by yourself ♪

™? take my hand ♪

™? and i will walk
next to you ♪

™? there's a plan... ♪

Hey. What do you
got for lunch?

Are you--
How are you doing today?

I'm good.

I think i'm gonna go
get some ketchup, though.



Oh, yeah.

You guys can take
my spot.

™? when the path
just don't illuminate ♪

™? and darkness falls on you
along the way ♪

™? every one of us
has a guide ♪

™? just listen closely
to the voice inside ♪

™? take my hand ♪

™? and i will walk
next to you ♪

™? there's a plan ♪

™? and faith's
gonna see you through ♪

™? hold on ♪

™? you won't have to
wait that long ♪

™? that long ♪

™? hold on
you are strong ♪

™? you won't have to
wait that long ♪

™? that long ♪

™? hold on ♪

™? take my hand ♪

™? and i will walk
next to you ♪

™? there's a plan ♪

™? and faith's
gonna see you through ♪


™? take my hand ♪

™? and i will walk
next to you ♪

™? there's a plan ♪

™? and faith's
gonna see you through ♪

™? oh, yeah ♪



They told me
you were up here.

Are you okay?

Yeah, i'm-- I'm fine.

Are you okay?
What's wrong?

Oh, no, i'm fine.
I just wanted to see you.

Well, why didn't you call me?
I would've come home.

Doctor said
you have to take it easy.

That's what
i've been doing all week.

If i didn't get outta the house,
i was gonna go crazy.

Oh... and i've been
so busy here.

It's okay. Really.

You know, i had
the strangest dream.

I dreamt that you were watching
me while i was sleeping,

And you looked so worried.

All i wanted to do
was just hold you,

And tell you
everything's okay.

Just a dream.

You had the same look
on your face just a second ago.

I have a lot on my mind,
that's all. We both do.

So much so, that it's like
we put everything else on hold.

That's not true.


You love christmas.

The lights, the music--

You look forward to it
every year!

And now it's like you don't
even want to talk about it.

Um... come here.

Every day when
i wake up in the morning,

I want to think
about our future,

And what we'll
be like together,

You and i and our sons,

And i want to look
forward to what's coming.

I don't want to...

be afraid of
what might happen.

Yeah. So do i.

We'll find a way
to do that. Together.

You know, someone
told me recently...

maybe all we can do
is try our best

And have faith

That everything
will turn out

The way it's meant to.

That sounds
like good advice.


How are you feeling?

I feel good.

I might need to
sit down a little bit.

Hey, are you hungry?

'Cause if you are,

I could go back
to the food court and buy--

Probably nothing
you could eat.

I'm fine, honey.

All these people...

and there's still
weeks to go.

Speaking of which,

What do you want
for christmas?



It's a giant angel tree.

Yeah, the salvation army
runs the program,

And the kids make a list

Of what they want
for christmas.

And people pick the names
and buy whatever they ask for.

Yeah, i've heard about this!

It's a great idea.

Let's do it.


Let's pick two names
off the tree,

And buy them
whatever they ask for.

Uh, jenny, i don't think
we can really afford to.

Okay. You just asked me
what i want for christmas.

This is it,

This is my gift
from you,

To make two children very happy
on christmas morning.

You're serious?

It'll be
good practice.

For next year,
with the boys.


™? ...without a bunch
of decorations ♪

™? and a paper angel tree ♪

™? there's artificial smiles
on artificial tree limbs ♪

™? saying what she'd love to have
and what to buy for him ♪

™? well, i hope maggie likes
her new winter clothes ♪

™? and her buggy
with a baby doll ♪

You pick.

™? maybe thomas will smile
in his new nike shoes ♪

™? when he sh**t
that basketball ♪

™? i can't help but wishing ♪

™? paper angels
everywhere ♪

[Kids laughing and snickering]

[Laughter continues]

[Snickering persists]

[Scattered chuckling

[Snickering continues]

-See ya.
-See ya.

I take it
you haven't seen it?

Seen what?

Give me your phone.

I, uh... must've lost it.

I thought
you should know.

What's this?


Vic put it up
last night.

He's a jerk.

What does that make you?


Be sure to tell your buddy,
vic, about the funny look

On my face
when you showed me.

I'm sure you two will get
a good laugh out of that.

What are you talking about?

[Class bell ringing]


"Tom brandt
is a new kid at school.

"As you can see
by these pictures,

"He is in dire need
of food, clothing,

"And a life.

"If we get 1,000 followers
to this page,

"We will buy tom
a whole new wardrobe,

And maybe lunch."

He's not my buddy.

I told you,
he's a jerk,

Just another
insecure jock

That makes himself
feel important

By bullying
other people around.

Fine. Whatever.

And just
so we're clear,

I didn't have
anything to do

With putting that
facebook page up either.

I hate the way those guys
were laughing at you.

And just so we're clear?

I'm not
some little lost dog.

I don't need anybody
to feel sorry for me.


So go find another good cause
and leave me alone.

That's all i want,

For everybody
to just leave me alone.

The only i only told you
about what vic was doing

Is because
i wanted you to know

That not everyone
in this school is like him.

Some of us care
about each other.

But that's okay,

Because you just want
to be left alone.

So, hey, no problem.

But next time
you think

Someone's feeling
sorry for you,

Take a good look
in the mirror.

[Phone rings]

Jenny, hey, hi.
Everything alright?

[Laughs] you do realize
that every time i call now,

It sounds like you're at
the starting line

Of a 100-Yard dash?

What? No, come on.
I was just, uh...


It's a bad sign,

When your wife,
who's expecting twins,

Has to remind you to breathe.

Ah, point taken.

But i'm fine,
thank you for asking.

I just wanted to tell you

That i did all my shopping
for stephanie.


The little girl i picked,
from the angel tree.

Right, from the mall.

Don't tell me you forgot.

No! No, i, uh...

i have it--
I have it right here.

Paper angel. Yeah.

Kevin, you can't leave this
to the last minute

Like you always do.

The salvation army
needs the presents in

Plenty of time
before christmas.


Besides, this might
be a good way

To get your mind
off things.


I love you.

I love you, too.


Excuse me?

Hi. Can i get this
in a 10 and a half?

And you can just
put it on this card?


-Amanda! Hi!
-My gosh, i don't believe it.

Wow! It's so great
to see you.

I thought you were
in nashville.

Visiting the folks for
christmas. Shopping.

That's great!
How's the new job?

Oh, my gosh, i love it.

And the agency's really
starting to take off.

Well, i'm sure you had
a lot to do with that.

If i have, it's because
i learned from the best.

Yeah, we were
a pretty good team.

Maybe we can be again.

Tell me more.

Come here.

I was gonna call you.

It's not official,

But we may have
a client here in town

Signing with the agency.

I told everyone
in nashville about you,

And, well, they wanna
hear your pitch on the account.



Still some hoops
to jump through,

But with my recommendation...

call me right
after the holidays.

It's great to see
you again, kevin.

It's great
to see you.

Merry christmas.

You too.
Merry christmas.


Hey! You'll never
guess who i ran into.


When was the last
time you saw her?

I don't know,
like couple of years?

It came with a bolt
out of the blue.

She wants you to call?

Yeah, after
the holidays.

I mean, the clock's
still ticking.

Maybe this is like
an early christmas present.

Yeah. Maybe it is.

Hey, dinner's on.


[Kevin chuckles]
let me help you up.


You're such
a gentleman.

Oh, yeah.
That's me.


There he is.






Make me an offer?

Oh! No, i was just...

i designed this,
way back when.

You don't say?

My first big contract.

At least it seemed pretty big
at the time.

They liked it.
They had it everywhere.

i remember.

I'll never forget the first
time i walked into a store,

And saw this.

Took everything i had
to keep from doing cartwheels

Down the middle of the aisle.

Well, you should've.

-Think so?
-How often in life-- we honestly appreciate
a moment?

Pure and simple?

Under the circumstances,

A cartwheel sounds
like just the thing.

Probably right.

You still in the business?

Yeah, though
i don't feel very much

Like doing cartwheels
these days.

Yeah. Just when you think
you got it all figured out,

Life comes along,
throws you a curve.

Ah, just because
you get the message

Doesn't mean
you should give up.

What do you mean?
What? What message?

Young fella,

I worked my tail off
for 40 years

Trying to get where
i thought i wanted to be...

big house, summer home,

Season tickets
to the titans.

One day, i went home...

kids were grown,

My wife was a stranger,

And that big house
just seemed empty.

My life was like
an old puzzle,

With the pieces
scattered all around.

I didn't know how to put it
back together.

Not by myself.

What'd you do?

I got the message.

And here we are.

-Hi, honey.


I'll see you at home.


Oh, don't forget,

Frank and janet
are bringing the kids

Over for dinner,

And then we're having
rachel's recital.

Yes, ma'am. I'll be there.


Love you.

I love you, too.

You didn't come here
to listen to me.

What can i do for you?

Actually, i'm here
to get a basketball jersey.

Alright. Which player?

Ah! The "paper angel" tree.

Oh, you've heard of it?

[Chuckles] here.
Let's have a look.

Alright, yeah!
Right over here.



I mean, i'm no expert,

But isn't that what
they call cyber-Bullying?

I don't know.


Try it again.

But shouldn't you be talking
to somebody about it?

Like a... maybe a teacher?

What are
they gonna do about it?

The moment they ask,

Vic will delete the page,

And i'll look like
a bigger loser.

Okay. What does your family
have to say about it?

Whoa. Alright.

What do your friends say?

You're talking about
high school, remember?

Nobody wants to hang out
with the new kid,

Especially when some jock
puts a target on his back.

You're gonna tell me that,
in that entire high school,

No one's reached
out to you?

A kid as sharp as you?

[Scoffs] maybe i'm not
as sharp as you think.

No. Maybe you need to--
To reach out to them.

Let 'em know
that there's more to you

Than just being the new kid.

How am i supposed to do that?

Did you ever think
that maybe...

there's something
guiding us

In everything we do?

And i mean, when...

when things go wrong--

And i mean
really, really wrong--

There's still a way
to get through it.

You just have to trust
that feeling,

That guidance from inside.



Hey, mom?


When can we get
our christmas tree?

Um, i'm not sure, hon.

My friends
already have theirs.

They've got lights outside
and everything,

Like dad used to
put up sometimes.

Yeah, i remember.

We have to get new ornaments
and decorations, too.

We left all of ours at home.

Or we could go back
to get them.

Sara, you know that--

We wouldn't have to
stay or anything!

We could just get the ones
tommy and i made for you

To hang
on the tree.

And maybe...

maybe dad's better now.

Maybe everything would be okay.


i miss him sometimes, too.

But we can't go back.

What if he forgets me?


come here. Now,
listen, listen.

Your father could
never, ever forget you.

And every day i pray
that he will get better,

So he can come
show you himself

How much
you mean to him.

But no matter what,

I'm gonna make sure that
everything is good

For me and you and thomas.

I promise.

[Sara]: and we can get
a christmas tree?

[Lynn laughs]: and we can
get a christmas tree.


[Murph]: what kind of job
you looking for?

I'll do anything--

Wash the dishes,
mop the floor,

Clean the parking lot.

I do all that.

But my mom says
you're always so busy,

So i thought maybe
you can use some help.

Yeah, i don't know.

Every time i hire
a high school kid,

He ends up flaking out on me,

Whether it's a football
practice, or a big date.

I wouldn't do that!

That's what they all say.

I'm not gonna
be in school.


I'm dropping out.
To work.

Does your mother know?

Well, she does now!

Quit school?

I was
gonna tell you.


Not for good,
just for a while,

Just until we get
back on our feet.

First of all,

You do not
drop out of school,

For any reason,

And secondly...

well, there is no secondly.

You stay in school,
and that's it!

I'm not a kid anymore, mom.

I can see
what's going on around here.


is under control.

I promise.

Just like you promised sara
we can buy our christmas tree?

Is that
what's going on here?

No. It's just...

i wanna do something.

It's like...

it's like
something's guiding me,

Something inside,
and i want to trust that,

And do what feels right.

And i want you to trust
that guiding hand inside of you,

But not like this.

Not by dropping
out of school.

I want to help you.

Honey, you do help me!
Every day.

In more ways than
you will ever know.


Yes. Really.

Don't give up
on that feeling.

It'll show you the way.
The right way.

Every time.



[Camera beeping]

Beth anne?

Kevin! Hey!


[Both chuckling warmly]

Getting ready to play
the proud papa, i see?

Oh, not exactly.

Doing a little
christmas shopping,

And i have absolutely
no idea what i'm doing.

Well, uh, yeah, the dsv-560
is a good starter camera.

Oh, that's all
i needed to hear.

Go ahead
and ring it up.

Here, you can put it
on this card.

that's very festive.

Mm. Every year,
i take pictures

Of the children's
christmas pageant at church.

I always do it
during the dress rehearsal,

So i stay out of the way
during the actual performance.

-Sounds nice.
-It is!

You should come.

[Laughs] to church?

Yeah, it's tomorrow
night at 7:00,

And then we have
the service.

Yeah, and bring jenny.

I haven't seen her
in forever.

I don't remember
the last time i was in church.

Then i'm glad i ran into you.

[Laughs] that's been
happening a lot lately.


I'll see you there.

Okay. Bye.

Thank you.

Happy holidays.

[Girls singing]:
♪ over the hills we go ♪

™? laughing all the way
ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! ™?

™? bells on bobtails ring ♪

™? making spirits bright ♪

™? what fun it is
to ride and sing ♪

™? a sleighing song tonight ♪

™? oh, jingle bells
jingle bells ♪

™? jingle all the way ♪

™? oh, what fun it is to ride ♪

™? in a one-Horse open sleigh
hey! ™?

™? jingle bells, jingle bells
jingle all the way ♪

™? oh, what fun it is to ride ♪

™? in a one-Horse
open sleigh ♪♪

Uh... hey.

What's up?

I saw it.

Saw what?

The facebook page.

About you!

Don't let
that bother you.

It's mean.

People shouldn't
do stuff like that.

They don't
know any better.

should teach them.

To know better.


You're a pretty smart kid.

And you're
a pretty good brother.

You could teach them.

To know better.



[Keys clacking]

What're you
smiling about?

Not a thing.

You don't get it,
do you?

wants you here.

Checked out your little,
uh, facebook page lately?

You're a joke.

Maybe you should
check it out.


Just saying.

Just saying.


[Thomas]: "want to really
'feed the hungry'?

Want to really do something
good this christmas?"

"Get a gift for someone
really in need...

"not just a student

"Who doesn't have
much of a wardrobe.

"From now
until christmas break,

You can bring your donations
to my locker, 1700."

"I'll leave it unlocked,

"And i'll take the gifts
to the salvation army,

"And they'll make sure
they get to

"The people
who really need them.

This isn't about me or you. It's about all of us--"

[Vic laughs alone]:
what? Come on!

" ...and how, together,

"We can really
make a difference.

"Let's do what is right.

Let's do something good.
As a school."


[Anxious gasp]


Hey, lynn.

How did you find me?

It wasn't easy.

I'm not alone.

Murph's in the back.

Hey, hey, hey. I--

I don't want any trouble.

I just want to talk.

We're talking.

Can i come in?


What do you want,

I wanted
to see how

You and the kids
are doing.

We're fine.

Is tom
playing ball?

You come all this way
to talk about basketball?


How long's it been
since you had a drink?

Little while.

How long?

17 days.


We're not coming back, darryl.

I didn't come here
to ask you that.

I wanted to see you.

And if maybe i could
say hi to the kids?


That's not gonna happen.

I've been doing
a lot of thinking, lynn.

About us
and about the kids...


it wasn't all bad.

I mean, some of it was okay.

Wasn't it?

I'm trying here.
Like, i'm--

As god is my witness,
i am really trying.

you say that all the time,

And nothing ever changes.

this is different.

[Paper rustling]


What's that?

Well, i saved up
a few months.

It's not much, but, uh...

you know,

It's almost christmas.

Is this supposed to
make things okay between us?


No, it's not.

But i want you to know
that i'm working on it.

I'm working on it
every minute of every day.

If i just knew that you were...

p-Praying for me, that...

that maybe i can
ride this out,

And become
a better man,

I might still have a chance
to get my family back.

That's it.

That's what
this is.


i am praying for you.

We all are.

Thank you.


™? o, come, all ye faithful ♪

™? joyful and triumphant ♪

™? o, come ye
o, come ye ♪

™? to bethlehem ♪

™? come and behold him ♪

™? born the king of angels
o, come... ♪

Hey, mom.

Hey. I've got
something to show you.

Oh, my gosh!
You got a tree!

Oh, my gosh!

-You gonna help me bring it in?

-You got it?

-Thank you, mom!
-You're welcome.

Let go put it up
and decorate it.

Oh, it's huge!

Oh, it's great.

Isn't she beautiful?

Smells so good.

Be careful.


It's so beautiful.

-Thank you.
-No question.

[Sara]: thank you so much
for getting the tree, mom.

[Tom]: yeah, this is awesome!

I think it's adorable.

Maybe we just have to
put it around the front.


Merry christmas.

Oh, merry christmas.


Aw, that's so pretty.

She's lovely.

You hold that end.
Last piece.


What was that?

Hi, tom.

it going, tom?



It looks like
you're out of room.

That's a lot
of donations.

Hey. Yeah, i was...

i didn't think
so many people would.

I told you not everyone
in this school is like vic.

Yeah, i guess
you were right.

Well. Here you go.

Cassie. I'm really sorry
about the way i acted.

I never meant it.

Then why did you do it?

I guess i couldn't figure out

Why a girl like you
would want to be nice to me.

Why wouldn't i?

You're a nice guy.


All of this,
just from this morning?

Yeah, it's crazy.

You're gonna need
a lot more space

Before you take
this stuff

To the salvation army.

Like where?

There's a storage closet
down in the basement.

Leonard's always
up for a good cause.

I'll bet he'll
let you keep it there

For a few days.

Who's leonard?

He's the head janitor.
He's a nice guy.

Come on,
i'll introduce you.

[Sighs wearily]

Hmm, hours of music, huh?

Sounds good.

I'll take it.

Yeah, i'll be back in
the office in about an

I've got to go over
to the salvation army

To deliver these presents--
Today's the last day.

[Phone beeping]

Oh, beth ann? Listen.
Jenny's trying to call.

I'll see you
back at the office.

Hi, honey.

Aren't you proud of me?
I sound so calm!

Wait. Who is this?

I'll be right there.

-Oh! Where's jenny?

She's fine.
She's resting.

And the babies?
They're okay?

They're fine, too.

Thank god!
What happened?

Well, she'd been
out running errands,

And when she got home,

Your neighbor noticed
her sitting in the car.

When she went
to go check,

Jenny said she was
feeling light-Headed--

But she's okay
now, right?

She's tired,
a little dehydrated.

But you can see her in a minute.
I need to talk to you first.

What's wrong?


Hey, kiddo.

[Sobs] kevin...
i'm so sorry.

I told them
not to bother you.

I just... i got
a little dizzy.

And i didn't...

hey, hey.
It's okay.

Honey, listen, it's alright.


What about the boys?

Well, i just spoke
to dr. Chan.

He said they're fine.

What else did he say?

Well, he thinks
it's a good idea

If they keep you
in the hospital--

-...For a few days.

They want to make sure
you get plenty of rest,

And they can monitor the twins
at the same time.

But you just said
they were fine.

They are.

Dr. Chan just feels like
it'd be a good idea...

to, um...

keep an eye on benjamin.

Just to be safe.


Yeah, he's showing
signs of stress.

[Sobs softly]


he's a fighter,

Just like his mom.

And i'll be right here.

We're gonna
get through this together.

[Sighs deeply]



[Cell phone rings]

[Hushed]: yeah. Hi.
Hold on just a second.

Oh, no, no, no.
That was--

That was the--

Yeah, second draft
of the proposal, page 7.

Uh-Huh. Yeah.



Well, um...

thank you very much
for considering.

Okay. Bye-Bye.



[P.A. System crackles]:
thomas brandt--

Please report
to the lunch room.

Thomas brandt, please report
to the lunch room.


Hi. Jill newbry,
channel 6 news.

It's so nice
to meet you!


So, just ignore
the camera,

Pretend like
it's just you and i talking.

Talking about what?

Well, i'd like
to interview you,

Hear more about your
salvation army project.

Oh, it's not really
a "project."

I just wanted to try
to help some people.

Well, i think
that's something

That our viewers would
love to hear about.

-We're on in 30.


You haven't been
to the office in two days.

Is that a good idea
right now?

Everything's under control.

Then why all
the frantic texting,

And whispered phone calls
that you think i can't hear?

Aren't you supposed to
be resting?

You're going to lose
the business, aren't you?


I'm so sorry.

Me too.

We have a lot more
important things

To think about
right now.

Why don't you try
and get some rest?


Hey, that's the kid
from at the center

I told you about.

-[Turns volume on]
-I just started here.

I didn't
really know anybody,

But somebody told me,
they said,

There were a lot of
nice people at the school,

And if i just gave them
a chance.

[Jill]: well, isn't it true
that this whole thing started

Because you were
a victim of cyberbullying

From another student?

It doesn't matter
how it started,

As long as things
turned out okay.

And you've made
sure of that!

You've raised
hundreds of donations.

It wasn't me, though.

[Jill]: what do you mean?

The way i see it,


something guiding
everything we do,

And even when things go wrong--

And i mean,
really wrong--

We just gotta
trust that guidance.

Like a hand,
showing us the way.

Sounds like a great kid.

He is. the salvation army?

I heard about
their "angel tree" program.

It's all about
people helping each other,

Without expecting
anything back.

Oh, no!

What is it?

Paper angel! I forgot
to deliver the presents!

-Well, i was on my way.

But then i found out
you were here,

And i rushed over.

Tomorrow's christmas eve!

I know!

You have to
take them over there.

Ah, it's pretty late.

Well, it's almost christmas.

With all the gifts
they have to give out,

I'm sure somebody's
working tonight.

I don't want to leave you.

I'm in a hospital,
i'm fine.

And that boy...

he put all his faith
in his angel.

We can't disappoint him...

not on christmas.

I'll be right back.

Oh, this is gonna be such
a cool story to tell our sons.

[Laughs] go!

Go, go!


Doc, i just need
to take care of--

-...Something real--
-It'll have to wait.

What? What's going on?

We'd hoped that admitting jenny
would help improve

The discrepancy
between the two babies,

But your son is starting to show
signs of additional stress.

What does that mean?

The best choice--

Our best hope for your son
is to induce labor.

But jenny's not due
for another month.

These things don't always
go according to plan.

Come on.

[Lynn]: yeah, it's thomas.

Mrs. Brandt?


I'm captain chambers.

I'm sorry,

But we only have the bag here
for your daughter.

Oh, there must be some mistake.

My-- My son put an angel
on the tree.

Thomas brandt.

Could you please
check again?

We checked.

There's nothing here
for your son.

I don't understand.
How can that be?

Well, unfortunately, sometimes,
a name doesn't get chosen.

But we do have gifts here
for our forgotten angels,

You're welcome
to pick one of those.


How... how am i gonna
tell my son

That he's "forgotten"?

After everything
he's been through?

And i told him

That he could still
believe in something.

I-I-I'm sorry.

It's not your fault.

Thank you.


God bless you.

You too.

™? got an angel ♪

™? i hope and pray ♪

™? next year
the christmas spirit ♪

™? comes your way ♪

™? there's a special
christmas tree ♪

™? down at the local mall... ♪

Hey, angel.

™? trimmed with paper angels... ♪

[Car horn honks]


Whatcha doing?

[Exhales heavily] oh...

just thinking.

You want to come in?

Thomas, your presents
didn't come from the angel tree.

I'm sorry.

What about sara?




How did i get so lucky
to have such an amazing kid?

I tell you that
you don't have any presents,

And you ask
about your sister.

It's okay, mom.

No, it's not okay.

You deserve
better than this.

You're not
some "forgotten angel."

What do you mean?

Well, that's--
That's what they call someone

Whose name
didn't get picked.

Are there a lot of
forgotten angels?

I don't know. Maybe.

I mean...

if the salvation army
had more stuff--

Like, toys and clothes
and all--

Then they'd have enough presents
for all the forgotten angels?

I wanted you to get
what you asked for.

It's okay, mom.

Oh, who's that?


I was gonna
tell you about that.

Ready, thomas?

Cassie, uh, this is my mom.

Mom, this is cassie bale,
from school.

Hi, cassie.

Nice to meet you,
mrs. Brandt.

So what's going on?

Oh, we gotta get everything
over to the center.

They've got a lot of
last-Minute requests for gifts.

Oh... what "center"?

You didn't
tell her?

Tell me what?



collected hundreds
of gifts at school

To donate
to the salvation army.

They even interviewed him
on the news.

He's, like, a hero.


It's no big deal.

He's pretty quiet
about it, though.

It's part of his charm.

I agree.

Can we just
go already?

Yeah. Nice to meet you,
mrs. Brandt.

Nice to meet you too, cassie.


See you later.

See you.


™? ...and all the wise men
gather 'round ♪

™? and all the joy
that they had found ♪

[Baby crying]

™? christmas star
christmas star ♪

™? shining down
into your heart ♪

™? doesn't matter
who you are... ♪

Thank you.

™? christmas star
christmas star ♪

™? fills you up
with hope and light ♪

™? like a beacon
in the night... ♪

™? glory to the newborn king ♪

™? peace on earth
and mercy mild ♪

™? god and sinners reconciled ♪

™? joyful all ye nations rise ♪♪

™? christ is born
in bethlehem ♪

You don't understand.

I really need to
get these presents to him.

I understand completely,
mr. Morrell.

But you can see
how busy we are.

I can't spare anyone
to deliver your gifts.

Then let me take
them over myself.

That is
out of the question.

We protect the privacy
of our angels.

Captain chambers, i know
this may sound crazy,

But a few weeks ago,

It felt like my whole world
was falling apart--

At work, at home--
And then my wife

Convinced me to pick
an angel off of your tree.

Mr. Morrell, i--

And i got this boy's
name, thomas--

But every time i tried to
buy thomas a gift,

Something would happen,
something important to me.

What do you mean?

I'm not talking about
winning the lottery.

It's more like a feeling.

I'm not explaining this right,

But it was as if
something, or someone,

Was trying to guide me,

Open my eyes,

To show me what really matters
in this life--

-Mr. Morrell--

...i was blessed with the birth
of two beautiful, healthy boys,

And i know
deep in my heart

It's a gift
i can never repay,

And the closest i'll ever come

Is to see to it
that my paper angel

Receives the gifts
he asked for.





Look, someone
left presents!

Maybe they're
angel tree gifts.

[Lynn]: thomas,
i'm so happy for you.

"Dear tom,

"I'm sorry these are late.

"It's a long story,
but it has a happy ending,

"So i hope that it makes it
worth the wait.

Merry christmas,
and... god bless."

"Long story."
I wonder what that means.

[Chuckles] i don't know.

Well, open them!

I wonder
what this could be.

Merry christmas.


Merry christmas, mom.

[Confused laugh]

Thomas, what
are you doing, honey?

These are for you.

You said to ask
for whatever i wanted.

You mean it?
For real?

For real.


An ipod mini?

Thank you, thomas!
Thank you.

Go ahead, mom.

I can't believe you.



A camera?

My gosh!

I love it.

Thank you!

Things haven't been
exactly easy around here lately,

But we're getting through it,
you know?

So i thought maybe
this could help us all remember

That we did it together.

Thank you.

There's still
two more in there.


I know.

[Babies cooing]


so? What do
you think, dad?

[Kevin exhales]

This is gonna
be so cool.

[Starts crying]

Hey, vic.

I've got
something for you.

Oh, yeah?

I was hoping to get them
to you for christmas,

Better late
than never, right?

What're you talking about?

Merry christmas.

Receipt's in the box,
you can exchange them

If they're the wrong size.

What, you think
i'm some kind of charity case,

Like those losers
at the shelter?

First of all,
they're not losers.

They just need a little help
to get back on their feet.


The way i see it,
this time next year,

You and i
are gonna be teammates,

So i just want to make sure
you can keep up with me.



Merry christmas.

Hi, amanda!
It's kevin.

Uh, got your voicemail.

Sorry i missed your call.

Yeah, that project
sounds amazing.

Thanks for thinking of me.

Um, i'm gonna be working
out of my house for a while.

So-- Ah, you have my number,

You can call me
when, uh, when you can.

Looking forward
to working together again.

Okay. Thanks.

Talk to you soon.

[Shuts engine off]


[Thomas]: "dear dad,

"You used to tell me

"That what makes dookie wilson
so good

"Is he never gives up
on what he wants.

"I know what i want now,

And i'm never
giving up on you."

"God bless you.

Love, thomas."

Hey, kid.

Just you and me again?

Looks that way.

So how was your christmas?

Turned out pretty good.


How about yours?

It was, uh, really amazing.


I saw you on tv.

that was no big deal.

I don't know.

Something tells me that
you're not the new kid anymore.

I just did what you said.

I, uh, trusted that feeling
on the inside.

It's a good feeling,
isn't it?


I was down there, too.

The salvation army.

Really? How come?

I, uh, picked one
of those paper angels

Off that tree you were
telling everybody about.

No kidding?

No. Almost didn't make it,

What happened?

You know, i-I just realized
i don't even know your name.



Nice to meet you, thomas.

So what happened
with your angel?

Well, i was--


™? the day after christmas
some might say ♪

™? the day after christmas
is a very blue day ♪

™? santa is on his way home ♪

™? and all the excitement
is gone ♪

™? but christmas
doesn't have to be over ♪

™? bring on the laughter
and cheer ♪

™? christmas
doesn't have to be over ♪

™? bring it on over... ♪

™? into the new year ♪

™? peace, love, and joy
bring a smile ♪

™? just like a toy
does to a child ♪

™? it's the gift
that keeps on giving ♪

™? no need for paper or ribbon ♪

™? christmas doesn't
have to be over ♪

™? bring on the laughter
and cheer ♪

™? christmas
doesn't have to be over ♪

™? bring it on over... ♪

™? into the new year ♪

™? from january
through november ♪

™? just remember ♪

™? christmas
doesn't have to be over ♪


™? christmas
doesn't have to be over ♪

™? bring on
the laughter and cheer ♪

™? christmas
doesn't have to be over ♪

™? bring it on over... ♪

™? into the new year ♪♪
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