Mistletoe Over Manhattan (2011)

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Mistletoe Over Manhattan (2011)

Post by bunniefuu »

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What did you say
to him?

Well, I told him if
he wanted a red racer

in his stocking,
he needed to show me

that he could share
with his sister.

You twisted his arm!

I like to think of it more as
teaching Christmas spirit.

You see, if that boy
shares with his sister

and his sister shares
with her less fortunate friend

in school,
then before you know it,

one child has
moved the world.

Oh, no...
Not a child, Nick...


I love you,
my world mover,

master toy maker,
man of my dreams,

Mr. Santa Claus.

Mrs. Claus?


You are
my world.

Ho Ho Ho!

Did you say

I'm not saying

Come on,
this isn't goodbye.

We don't have
to do this.

We weren't
doing this.

I was doing it.

Luce, I'm a cop.

I don't get
to pick my hours.

You're a father,

I don't get to pick
the hours!

You checked out
of this a long time ago.

I love you,

Well, sometimes
that's not enough.

That's too bad.

Your guitar.

That's for the kids.

I only like
to play for the kids.

Would you get them
to call me, please?

Hello, everybody!

Hi, Mrs. Clause!

Mrs. Clause...


Do you know
where Nick is?

Oh, it's been
a rough day.

Time is
not your friend.

The clock will
catch you cold.

He's pretty stressed,
Mrs. C.

He isn't
eating properly!

Oh, yeah, he eats lots
of coffee.

Hey, boss.

I am so sorry,
my dear...

I can't believe
I've missed dinner again.

Oh my dear Nick,
I know you didn't mean it

but it's the fifth time
this season

and I thought we made
a rule this year.

And Spraky, you promised
to have him back by 7:30pm.

It's not his fault,

You practically need
a programming degree

to make toy
these days.

If only
you called me.

I sat waiting for you
for an hour.

I'm so sorry,
my dear...

it's just crazier
and busier every day.

My lists...!
I'm so behind on them

and Sparky keeps on
bringing me in letters

and don't get me started
on the e-mails!

Well, you have to eat
so go and sit down.

I suppose...

You know,

It's gets tougher
and tougher.

And the worse part is

the attitude of some
of these kids.

You know one boy
addressed his letter:

Dear fat old dude.


I-I just don't know
if it's worth it.

Well, don't listen
to that boy.

You know perfectly well
how many children

absolutely love you.

I don't know...

These kids think I'm just
some fat old guy

who sits in a mall
on the holidays drinking cola.

And even that I have
to compete against polar bears!


It's just...

Not the same.

Oh my dear...

You must keep
your head up.

There's always
Christmas spirit!

I'm not
so sure anymore.

Christmas spirit thrives
on love, kindness

and generosity.

All of three appear
to be rapidly disappearing

in today's world.

We've entered into
an age of entitlement.

Santa's workshop.



Oh no...

I'll let him know.

Boss, we got
a problem on floor 5.

The dancing mice?


But we just programmed
their moves.


Well they're
dancing fine

but seem to be
speaking... profanity.


Sorry, Mrs. C...

My dear...

I'll-I'll eat later,
my darling...

Let me get
this settled.

Probaby just
some small glitch...


Don't wait up
for me.

I'm worried
about him.

He doesn't eat.

he sleeps
most nights here

and I've never
seen him so...

and exhausted.

Well, it's not as easy
as it use to be.

I mean, more demands
constant responsibilities,

less appreciation.

I'm scared even Santa's
losing his Christmas spirit.


We must not
let that happen!

I'm trying,
Mrs. C,

but every day
brings more problems.

Here, let me
show you something...

And for the first time...

the naughty list is
longer than the nice.



Please don't tell him
I told you this but...

He's been
talking retirement.


I can't believe he wouldn't
talk that over with me.

Oh... I don't know...

Maybe it's time
to just call it a day.

I can always
go and work

for my parents at
the Mistletoe farm.

No, don't even
say about that!

Why we just need
to be reminded

of our purpose!

There-there must be
some Christmas spirit

in the world.

Surely people
still love.


And love...

Love is the real essence
of Christmas.

I'll tell ya,
Mrs. C,

if you can find
Christmas spirit

I know Santa
would love to see it.

so would I.

Excuse me...

Santa's Workshop...

He just left.

Floor five...

Floor five!

You know, right below six?


It wouldn't be
the first time.


Sparky, you've
just given me

the most
wonderful idea!

Thank you.

No, the requisition form,

send the requisition form
to me, yes...

No, you keep
the goldenrod.

Yes, I have
the canary yellow.

The difference is
a slight shade of yellow.

Oh my goodness,
excuse me!

Oh dear,
oh my...

Oh dear...
Well... oh my...

Oh there's no way
of knowing

how everything
has changed.

cinnamon sticks!



You are on
the naughty list!

Do you know where
I could find Christmas Spirit?

Of course!

Why didn't I think
of this before??

Thank you.

Oh, excuse, me,
Ma'am, Ma'am, Ma'am...

Can you step
over there please?

Merry Christmas.

Uh, that's quite the few bags
you got there, Ma'am...

Yes, well there are
lots of bags inside

a department store.

I understand that
but those are shopping bags.

You have luggage.
Now, if you're visiting here

I suggest maybe
you find a hotel first, huh?

Ah yes, that was
my original plan

but after the cab ride,
I realize that my budget

is not going to support
a hotel room.

I just need to go in,
find something

and then I'll
be toddling along.

Okay, what are you
looking for?

Christmas Sprit.

Yeah, well...

This is a department
store not a bar.

No, I don't need a bar...

You see, my husband is
having a hard time

this holiday season
and he needs

to be reminded that
Christmas spirit still exists.

It's very

He's considering

Yeah well, a lot
of people have

a rough time
during the holidays.

But that's when we catch
most of our shoplifters.

Oh, no, I don't need any
of the things in there.

We make most
of those in our workshop.

Oh, your workshop?

Well, who's your
husband, lady?

Well, you may not
believe this but it's...

Santa Claus.

He goes by Nick.
I'm Becca Claus.

Whatever, lady,

I'm just doing my job here
and you're not setting foot

inside the store
with your luggage.

Off you go.

Have a nice day now.

No wonder the Naughty List
is so long...

Have a seat.

Oh, please don't
tell me I can't stay

because I have

I'm not a homeless person
and I'm not crazy.

I'm just very hungry.

Here's a menu.

I'll grab you
a cup of coffee.

Thank you.

Thank you.

what have we here...

Now, um, can you
explain to me

what is this



I don't know.

It's for people
who don't eat meat.

Why would people
not eat meat?!

What are they gonna have
for Christmas dinner?


Oh my goodness,
I really don't understand.

I'll come back
and get your order.

Thank you.

Whoa, whoa...
Not so fast, kid...

Give the lady
back her purse.

I believe that
belongs to you, Ma'am.

Thank you.

Would you like me
to press charges?

Well, I don't see
anything to press.

I mean, would you
like me to place

this young man
under arrest?

Oh dear me, no.
That won't be necessary.

Now, just don't do
that again, young man.

Make a promise.

I promise.

You got very lucky
here, young man.

She did not
press charges.

I don't wanna see you
again, understand?


you get lost.

My goodness,
that was so exciting...

Ha ha...

You must be
very new to town.

How did you
catch him so quickly?

I, you know...
It's my job...

It was nothing,
just a kid...

That was, uh...

That was really
nice of you.

I don't think he's gonna make
that same mistake again.

Thank you,

Ah... Joe Martel.

Thank you,
Mr. Joe Martel.

My name is
Becca Clause... burger!


That's an
interesting name.

What is that?

Uh, probably.

Won't you join me?


Yeah, it's kinda busy,
thank you, I will.

Do you know...

You are the nicest
anyone has been

to me
since I arrived.


That's terrible.

'Cause you're
a very sweet lady.

Oh, thank you.

So what brings you
to the "big apple?"


I'm looking...
for something special.

For Christmas.

Um, things are a little
strained at home

and I was hoping
that I could come

and find something
to take back there

to make it better.

Tell me about it.

Are you married?


For just
a little bit longer.

We're getting

I'm so sorry
to hear that.

Would you like to tell me
what went wrong?


You are definitely not
from New York City, Ma'am...

I don't really know
where to begin.

I just wasn't
there enough for them.

And I'm a cop
and I paid more attention

to my job than I did
to my family.

By the time I realized
what an idiot I was

it was too late.

And do you
have children?

Yeah, yeah, yeah...
I've got two, um...

I have a picture.

The, um...

This is my princess.

That's uh, that's Bailey.
She's thirteen.

And this champ is Travis
and he's eight.

Oh, they're

Thank you...
How 'bout yourself?

Oh, no actual children
but I'm the primary caregiver

to an army of elves
and animals.

They feel like elves,
those children, don't they?

So you're
a teacher?

Uh, caregiver.
I don't actually teach.

I do cook.

I do a lot
of cooking.

And clean
and I answer letters.


Excuse me for a second.
I have to take this.

Hey, Kevin...



No I'm glad
she's healthy.

That's great...


I got the kids
this weekend

and Lucy's been giving me
a really hard...

I know I promised,
I know, I know, I know...

You know what,
I might be able

to work something out
just for tonight.

I'll call you back
in a few minutes.

Um, Mrs. Clauseburger?

I don't want this
to sound weird, but um...

How would you like
to make a little extra money?

How would I do that?

See, my buddy,
my co-worker,

his wife just had a baby
and he needs someone

to cover his shift

Oh Joe,
I don't know anything

about being
a police officer.

Um, no...
No, no, no, no...

I've got my kids
this weekend

and I'm desperately in need
of a babysitter tonight.

Now, Joe,
you just met me.

I could be
a crazy person.

I'm a cop.

I know crazy
and Mrs. Clausberger,

that ain't you.

Oh, thank you.

And the other thing is
you probably wouldn't

need a hotel tonight
because our...

Uh, my wife's house
has a great little guestroom.

I'm sure she'd
let you stay the night.

Alright, you have
a deal, Mr. Martel.

IF you let me
buy you lunch.

that's fair.

Now can you tell me
what this... tofu is?

I don't touch
that stuff.

I'm delighted
to hear it.

Okay, now just remember
my wife is probably not going

to like this idea
much at first

but I know after
about five minutes

she's gonna
love you.

Oh... I don't want
to be a burden.

No, no, no...
This is perfect.

She's been wanting
to hire a nanny.

We've been arguing
a little bit

because I'd like
some say in the decision.

I think you're gonna
be perfect for the job.

That's very sweet
of you, Joe but...

I just don't know.


Mrs. Clausberger?

It feels like I'm losing
my family here...

And they mean
everything to me, so...

My job is
very demanding

but I gotta stay
involved somehow.


Let's go!



Hey, Luce...

You're early.
That's a first.

Um, Lucy this is
Mrs. Clausberger

this is my wife...

This is Lucy.

How do you do?


Can I speak
to you?

Yeah, why don't we
talk in the kitchen?

Excuse us
a moment...

What's going on?
Who is that woman?

She's a babysitter.

A babysitter??

Joe, it's your weekend
with the kids

and you hire
a babysitter?!

Kevin's wife gave birth
to their baby,

I promised him that
I'd cover his shift.

Why don't you look at this
like some sort of test?

You said you wanted
a nanny.

I would like you
to consider Becca.

That's what this is about.

You just have to have
control of everything!

No, that's not
what it's about!

These are
my kids too.

I would never
make a decision

about their well-being
without involving you.

Please, show me
that respect.


I know I failed
as your husband.

I'm really afraid of failing
the kids as their dad.

Okay, Joe...

I know we need a nanny
but I'm not just going

to leave my kids
with some woman...

without asing her
some questions first.

That's why
we came home early.

Hey, Luce...

They're our kids.

Would you like
to have a seat?

Oh, certainly...

Uh, Becca is
a professional caregiver.

What's your background?

Well, my husband
runs a workshop.

Uh... factory.

Up North.

And it's-it's
very, very busy.

So, um...

Uh, the workers
and their families

well they, they stay

And-and, I make sure that
they're all taken care of.

I see, so you have
experience as a nanny?

I love children.

Haven't any of my own
but I seem to have a...

A special relationship
with them.

Well, um...

Let's give this
a shot.

Joe seems to think
highly of you

and if anyone
knows crazy, it's him.

And I love to cook,
so if the children haven't

had their dinner, I don't mind
preparing it for them.

Thank you.

That would be
very nice.

And I was
thinking maybe

Becca could stay
here tonight.

My apartment's
a little bit small...

I'll come first thing
in the morning

pick the kids up...


I don't know what time
I'm gonna be home tonight

so if you're comfortable
with an overnight stay

we have
a guest room.

That would be...


Well, now
for the hard part.

The children.

Bailey! Travis!
Out of your rooms, please!

Hey, guys, come on down
to the living room!

Hey, champ!

Oh God,
you're getting heavy...

Sorry, I had
to finish my game.

No worries.

Where's your
big sister?

Probably in her bedroom
listening to depressing music.


Travis, baby, I want
to introduce you to Mrs...

How do you do, Travis?


Now, what game was it
that you were playing?

Jungle Adventure.

Oh, that's one
of my favorites!

I love finding
the Incan gold.

Now, um...

I think you probably want
to be an archeologist

when you grow up.

And I'm imagining
you might have asked Santa

for a dinosaur
digging kit.

How did you know?

Oh, I have
my ways.

She's good, mom.

Oh, I'm glad
you approve.

Um, Mrs. Clausberger's
gonna be babysitting tonight

because daddy has
to work, okay?


I'm gonna come here
early in the morning,

chocolate chip pancakes
and we're gonna spend

a lot of time
together, okay?

Fist bump?

Good man.

And you can play
more of your game after dinner.

And if you have
a second controller

I'd sure like
to get in

on some of that
archeological action.


Nobody ever wants
to play!

And I'm cooking dinner
so I'll need a helper.

Are you free, Sir?

I don't know
how to cook.

Well that doesn't matter
because I can teach you

how to be
a master chef.

Do I get
to lick the spoons?

Oh, that's one
of the perks of the job.

I'm in, just let me know
when you're ready.

Okay, you,
go finish your game.

I'm gonna introduce
Mrs. Clauseburger

to your sister.

Good luck
with that.

It's right
over here.

So she's thirteen?


Yeah, I'm kinda afraid teenagers
are gonna k*ll me now.


it's dad!


Bailey, can you come
to the door please?

You're early
and I'm not packed yet!

Ok, don't worry
about it.

Can I come in,

Who's the old lady?

Bailey, you don't get
to speak that way.

Open the door,

You may enter.

Bailey, this is
Mrs. Clausberger.

Mrs. Clausberger,
this is my daughter, Bailey.

Oh, how do you do,


That's really rude,

You're working again.

Mom's going out
with that creep

and you hired this old lady
to babysit us.

Apologize to Mrs. Clausberger
now, Bailey.

Oh, that's okay.

I don't really consider
the word "old" an insult.

It's true.

I'm going
to look after you.

And I'm going
to cook dinner.

And Travis has said
he wants to help.

It would be so much fun
if you came down too.

Not my style.

Oh well, the kitchen's
not for everybody.

I'll leave you
to your music.

Do me a favor,

Be nice
to Mrs. Clausberger.

She's a very
kind woman.


That is so lame.

You're staying
in tonight.

I'm gonna be here
first thing in the morning.

I better not hear
you were rude.

Do you understand me?

Goodnight, Bailey.

A letter...
Addressed to me.

"Dear, Sparky...

"Per your suggestion,
I've gone to New York City.

"to find
Christmas Spirit.

"I shall only be gone
a few days.

"Please don't
tell Nick.

"I would like
to keep it... a-a surprise.

Mrs. C."

Santa's gonna
k*ll me!

I'm fine, Becca...

Go to sleep.

He doesn't know
she's gone yet...

Oh God...
Oh God...

Santa's Workshop...

No, I haven't
lost my voice!

I'm trying not
to wake the boss.


Right, yes...

Uh, you got it...

Thank you.

Good morning,

Oh, I hate sleeping
at the office.

Makes my back
so stiff.

Morning, boss!

I'll get you
some coffee!

Oh, don't bother...

I've gotta go home
and have a shower.

Becca's probably
making breakfast.


Did one of the
baking ovens explode?


They just called.

And said...

They fixed all
the bugs on that, so...

Oh, good, good,
good, good...


Mrs. C's not home.

Where is she?

Good question.

Went to... help...

The reindeer!

the condos today.

Uh, I was supposed
to tell you and I forgot.

Oh, that's alright,

Well, I'm glad one of us
has gone to the flying team.

They're such
a needy bunch.

Well, you can
make coffee now.


are you alright?

Did-did you
sleep well last night?

Uh, Sir, I...

I need to tell
you something.

Go on.


My mum called!

I need to take care
of something...

At the farm.

May I take
forty-eight hours off?

If your family needs you,
yes, of course.

I'll get Becca
to cover for you.

Oh, no!

No, that's fine.

No, the reindeer
need her.

That's right...

I'll get Buddy
to cover for me.

He's done it

Well, if you think
that's best.

Yes... yes, sir,
the very best!

And, uh,
don't worry...

Don't worry.

I'll make sure
everything works out.

I promise you, sir.


I have my cellphone
if you need me.

Good day!

You're like the smallest
human I've ever seen.

I'm an elf.

And I'm taller
than you.

Well then...

I don't have time
for this.

I must find her!

They have smart phones
in the North Pole?

For your information,
I made this phone.

With these hands,
yes, Winston Adam.

You're dangerously close
to the Naughty List.

And mark my words,
my friend,

you do not want
to be on this list!


Oh God...

Where could
Mrs. Claus be??

Oh, I hope
you don't mind,

I'm just getting a few
things together for dinner.

No, that's fine.

I appreciate you
making it.

Oh, I love
to cook!

It looks like you're
about to make a feast.

Well, it's apple-stuffed
pork steak.

One of my husband's

Are you separated
from your husband?

Oh, heaven's no!

Well, we have
our difficult times,

but at the end
of the day...

We're two peas
in a pod.

And he's okay
with you being away?

Oh, well, I...

He's so consumed
with his work right now,

I doubt if he's even
noticed I've gone.

I know the feeling.

That was our
biggest problem.

It felt like Joe abandoned
our family for work.

a career can...

Make a person feel...

You know, like they've
made a contribution.

Afterall, that's all we
really aspire to, isn't it?

To know we matter.

You're so right.

My husband needs
a little bit

of encouragement
in that department.

That's why I'm here.

That's why I've come
to New York.

Because, you know,
our happiest memories were here

and well, I was thinking
maybe I could just

get some of that magic
and, and... take it home.

So, um...
Bailey tells me that, um...

That you're going out
with someone tonight.


My boss.

Well, not directly.

He owns
the department stores

that my firm
is marketing.

His name's

Oh, that sounds

How's Joe
taking it?

Not well.

Joe and I were
college sweethearts.

We both got stuck on campus
over the holidays

because of this
massive snowstorm.

We met on Christmas Eve
at this tiny, tiny coffee shop.

We talked all day
and spent Christmas together.

He cooked.

And yet he never
made a move all day.

And finally...

Christmas night
we drank egg nog

and danced.

He kissed me
under the mistletoe.

Oh, what
a sweet story.

Sounds like love.

Young love.

Then reality sets in.

and money strains...

I guess I just
woke up one day

and I didn't think
I knew him anymore.

Found out more
about this life

from friends
than him.

Well, did you try
and work things out?

Of course.

But Joe doesn't
take criticism well.

Anything I had asked him
to do for me

was just met
with discouragement.

Guess we're just moving
in different directions.


Oh, wow...

I can't believe the time,
that's Parker...

Uh, Mrs. Clausberger,
would you mind

letting him in?
I need to get my things.


Hi... I must have
the wrong address.

No, you're Parker.

You're here
for Lucy.

and you are?

Mrs. Clausberger.
The nanny.

I wasn't aware
Lucy hired a nanny yet.

Oh, well tonight is
the trial run.

Do come in.
She's just freshening up.

is that um...

Is that Dutch?




Parker, sorry
to keep you waiting.

I see you've met
Mrs. Clausberger.

Yes, we've
been acquainted.

Um... I thought you were
going to interview

some of the nannies
I recommended.

I was...

But Joe found
Mrs. Clausberger

and she's really lovely
so we thought

we'd give it
a try.

Excellent... Well,
we really gotta be going

I was a pleasure to meet you,
Mrs. Clausberger.


You know, I just wanna
say bye to the kids.

Would you like
to go up and say hello?

I'd love to but we're...
We're on a time crunch...

Okay, just...

Be quick...

So um, I wonder
if you'd mind

if I asked you what your...
last name was, Parker?

It's Matisse.

It's French.



All the emergency numbers
are by the kitchen phone.

I shouldn't
be too late.

Thank you.

Good night.

Good night.

Have a good time...

Parker... Matisse.


Hello, Sparky
How are you?

Mrs. C!
Where are you?

I'm fine.

Listen, I need you
to do something for me.

Could you look up
a name on the database?


a Parker Matisse.

I think he's
in his late thirties

so you may have
to go back a bit.

Mrs. C, where are you?!

It's not a good idea
to be in New York by yourself!

Let me bring you back
to the North Pole!

I'm perfectly fine.

Just find out
about Parker Matisse.

Par-Parker Matisse!

Mrs. C,
I'm in the city!

I need to get you back
to the North Pole!

It's very very
important I do!

Please, let me take you
back to the North Pole!

It's an open invitation...
Please, just accept...

I can't hear you
with all that noise.

I'm so sorry,
please find out

about the name
Parker Matisse!

Do not hang up...

Don't, don't, don't,
please, Mrs. C!


She hung up!

a database?

Well, it's a great deal
of information

that's stored
on a computer.

Why is Parker's
name in it?

Oh, everyone's is.

It's how we, you know,
keep track

of who's naughty
and nice.

Like Santa Claus?

Exactly like
Santa Claus.

Is Parker
on the naughty?

What do you think?


He's not
that much fun.

I'd put him
on the boring list.


Do you believe
in Santa?

Even though

Stephanie Larson
says he's fake.

You don't listen
to her, do you??


I just think she says that
because she knows

she's on
the naughty list.

Last Christmas
she got socks.

Oh, dear...
Socks. Yes.

Naughty list...

However, you, I believe
are not on the naughty list.

So what it is that you
would like for Christmas?

Besides your
dinosaur digging kit?

This year? I just want
a big Christmas tree.

But you don't need
Santa for that!

I happen to be an expert
in that division.


Oh, absolutely!

We're going to get you
the biggest,

most wonderful tree.

And when Santa comes
down the chimney

on Christmas Eve,
we're going

to take his
breath away!


You put this plate
on the table.

I'll get your sister
for dinner.

Wish me luck.


Dinner's ready, Bailey.
Wash up.

What are you doing??

I didn't invite
you in here!

Well, technically,
I'm standing in the doorway.

I'm not hungry.

Your brother

It would mean so much
to him if you joined us.

Maybe later.

I'll save you
a plate.

Oh, uh...
Travis said that

there were some Christmas
decorations up in the attic.

Would you like
to come down

and help us
put them up later?

Christmas decorations
are for real families.

As you can see,

we don't really
fit that profile.

I think you should
take a closer look.

Your family
fits that profile


Lucy, what do you do
for a living?

She is the brilliant mind
behind my company's

Christmas campaign.

Did you negotiate dinners
on your contract with Matisse?

No, actually, he brought
me here all on his own.

I have more on my agenda
than just dinner dates.

Oh yeah?
What's that?


Well, as many
of you know,

I'm expanding my company
to the South East

and Lucy will be
the head of marketing

to launch the new division
of Matisse America.

To Lucy.

Look, we're done,
Travis, what do you think?

I love it!

Do you think this is what
Santa's house looks like?!

Oh, pretty close...

Looks nice.

Want a crown?

No, thanks.
Looks better on you.

Travis, my boy,
it's time for bed.

Off you go.

Good night.

Good night.

I'll be up in a minute
to tuck you in.


Are you missing
a tree?

That's our mission
for tomorrow.

Your brother wants to get
a great big tree for Santa.

He thinks if we get
a nice tree

Santa will give us all
what we want for Christmas.

What do you want
for Christmas?

A cat.


My parents
promised me one.

Then they separated
and I guess forgot.

I see...

Ever since they separated,
they've been miserable.

Moreso than when
they were together.

Breaking up
is hard.

Understanding it
even harder.

But your mom said
they tried.

That's not true!

They both just focused
on their careers.

Then mom with that
Matisse guy

dad got jealous
and just gave up.

Soon after,
mom followed.

So do you think that's
the reason for your behavior?

If you become
a challenge

your parents will have
to work together.


Well, thanks
for dinner, um...

I'm gonna eat
in my room.

look at your house.

Why don't you
stay at my place?

I mean, you got
a nanny for the night.

I don't think that's
a good idea.

Is everything

You've barely spoken
since we left.

Head of Marketing?

I wanted
to surprise you.

It's a six figure
job with perks.

I didn't think
you'd turn it down.

No, I wouldn't...

I just wish you
would have spoken

to me first before
just announcing it.


Okay, darling...

The next time
I'm gonna give you

a winning lottery ticket,
I'll be sure to ask.

I didn't mean that.

I just don't want
people thinking

I got the job because
of our relationship.

That's preposterous.

I mean, they just have
to take a look

at your portfolio
to know why I hired you.

Thank you.

Okay, before you
leave me stranded,

may I ask you what the
status of your divorce is?

It's almost

Just waiting
on paperwork.


Well, if you don't mind
I'd like my lawyers

to assist
in the process.

You don't really
have to...

No, no.
I insist.

When you take on
this new position

I want you
to be a free woman.

You know, like,
when we move to Florida

I don't want any ex-husbands
lingering around.

You didn't say anything
about moving.

Well... that's
where the job is.

Come on, we'll live
in a house triple this size.

I wanted to wait until
Christmas to surprise you.

But you forced it
out of me.

You don't
look happy...

It's just...
a lot to take in.

I know.

So, let's celebrate
tomorrow night.

Joe has
the kids, right?



Good night.


Mrs. Clausberger?

I'm home now.

You should go
to bed.


Did you have
a good time?

Apparently not as good
a time as you did.

Oh, yes, Travis
and I decided

to do some

Well, it looks

So did
everybody eat?

Uh huh,

Bailey made
an appearance

but she ate her meal
in her room.

a breakthrough.

Normally she just
eats microwave meals.

Well, nobody can
resist my cooking.

Is everything alright?

Yeah, uh...

Parker offered me
a dream job tonight.

That's wonderful.

It's in Florida.

It's a job
I can't refuse.


When does it start?

Right after my divorce
becomes final.

He wants to move
there together.

You know, I...
I'm tired...

I'm gonna get
to sleep.

Do you need

Oh, no, no, no,
I'm fine.

Okay... Thanks
for everything.

It's amazing.


Please don't tell
Joe or the kids

about this job.

Your secret is safe.

Thank you.

Good night.

Good night.

Good morning.

Morning, mom.

Is that
a surprise?

You're eating
and not in your room.

Oh, well,
anyone who wants

to eat breakfast
sits at the table.

And besides, nobody
can resist my cooking.

It smells delicious.

Let me get you
a plate!

You know what,
I'm fine...

I'll eat
in a little bit.


We're going
to get a tree today.


Yeah, with Dad
and Mrs. Clausberger.

Can you come too?

I wish I could,

but I've already
got plans.

I'm sorry,

With Parker?


Please, mom?

Don't bother,

She hates anything
to do with dad.

that's not true...

Hey, that's
not fair!

I was wondering,
would it be alright with you

if we brought
the tree back here?

I would love
to have a tree.

Get the best one
you can find.



Where is everybody?

Hey, good morning,


You got two pounds
of french toast in there...

The place looks

It's like the North Pole
in here.

Mrs. Clausberger and I
decorated last night.

We even put
a stocking up for you.

Thank you.
Very much.

I didn't expect to see you
here this morning.

Oh, I decided
to come home early.

Are you ready
to go get a tree?

A fantastic tree.
A ginormous tree.

Get your sister.

We, uh...

We can keep the tree
at my apartment.

No, no it's fine.

I don't want to be a nuisance
if you got plans this weekend.

I'm gonna be at Parker's
tonight anyway, so...

You can stay here
and put up the tree.


Oh, and um...
I love Mrs. Clausberger.

She's great.

She even got Bailey
to eat outside her room.




Everybody ready?

Come on, Travis!
You're gonna make us late!

Bailey, make sure he gets
buckled in properly, please.


Buckle up, kiddo.

What do I tell Santa?

This is awful!

Oh God...


where are you?!

I can't find Becca.
I went down to the condos

and Prancer said
she was never there!

I'm so sorry, sir.
It's all my fault.

What is going on??

Mrs. C wanted to find
Christmas spirit.

She believed she could
...in New York City.

Becca is
in New York?!

I didn't think
she actually would.

Is she alright?!

Sir, the worst
has happened...

She's with
another man.

A much younger man
and they have two children!

Sparky, that doesn't
make any sense.

It's true, sir,
I saw them together.

Sparky, this is

Where are you?!
I'm coming down!

I'm in a tree!

No, don't come down!
Save yourself, sir!

Just don't let her
out of your sight!

Lucy really likes you.
I mean, I knew she would...

If you're interested
we'd love to hire you

as a full time

Just through

No, of course...

Lucy's schedule
slows down after that.

I accept!

I'm having the best time
with the kids!

That's great...

I thought the holidays were
going to be a challenge.

but you've helped out
so much.

You know,
Lucy tells me that

you two met
on Christmas.

She told you?

I thought she'd erased
that from her memory.

Oh, no. she remembers
it quite fondly.


Even your first kiss
under the mistletoe.

That was magical.

Oh, Joe...

If you love somebody
you can't give up on them.

I can't give her
what she wants.

She wants the best
and you know what?

She deserves it, so...
I'm just in her way.

Dad, we found it!

It is huge??


Oh my goodness,
this is a biggie!

Let's go!

I knew it was you!

What are you
doing here?

Looking for you.

Mrs. Claus, I'm here to escort
you back to the North Pole.

No! I'm staying
right here!

At least
until Christmas!

Mrs. C, Santa is
on his way down here.

He's very upset.

Oh, but I'm doing
this for him!

Don't you see?
It was Christmas spirit

that brought Joe
and Lucy together.

And if I can just help them
mend their relationship

then we can prove that
Christmas spirit still exists!

Then who is
Parker Matisse?

Oh, he's
Lucy's boyfriend.

Oh, did you
check up on him??

Yeah, on the naughty
list a record 17 times.

Not a fan
of kids or animals.

I just knew
he was no good.

I simply have
to find a way

to stop her from
going with him!

Mrs. C,
with all due respect,

you sound like
a soap opera.

Not really our
type of work.

Well, you tell Santa
I'm just fine.

That I'll be home
for Christmas and...

Oh, tell him
that I love him...

Mrs. Clausberger?

We were looking
for you.

Oh, were you?

Well, I was just
checking out this tree.

Sounds like you were
talking to someone.

Well, a tree is
a living organism.

And it really is only polite
to address them.


Let's go!

Let's go see the tree
that you've chosen.

Don't you ever
stop working?

I'm working
for you, mister.

Well, then I can
tell you to stop.

I've got a surprise
for you.

More surprises?

I'm not sure how much
more I can take.

It's not really
a surprise.

It's just, I happen
to have excellent lawyers.

My divorce papers...

How did...
How did you?

I know people.

So, once you and Joe
sign on the dotted line

it's over.

I don't know
what to say.

How about
thank you?

Thank you.

You are a free
woman now.

And you and I can start
our new life in Florida.




Well... we'll just
keep him busy.


Gimme uh...

Gimme half
an hour?

That was
my assistant.

One of our major
stock holders in town,

he wants to hook up
for drinks.

So, I know
it's our night

but one nightcap
won't be a problem.

You know,
you go...

I've got a lot
of work to do.

Okay, I will
be back early.

You know,
I think I'm actually

gonna go home
and finish.


Look, I can
call and cancel.

No, it's okay.

I just need
a little alone time.


Well, I hope
you don't mind

but I had my assistant
research schools.

and he will be
emailing you

some very fine

the best.

What's wrong with
the local public schools?


It's just you're going
to be making

a lot more money now,
so I figured you'd want

the best
education available.

Yeah, I'll take
a look at them.

See ya.

Yeah, I'm comin'...

smells amazing.

Here are
my famous cookies!

Oh, that is
too pretty to eat

but I'm gonna
have one anyway...

And they taste better
than they look.

Oh my goodness...

Okay, guys...

Okay, now...

Cookies in your mouths
pseudo drum roll, ready?

Oh, it's

Do you think Santa
will like it?

He will love it!

That sounded like
something on the roof.

Maybe it's Santa!

No way.
It's too early for that.

Okay, you know what?
You guys stay here,

I'm gonna go outside
and check it out.

No, no... No...

I'm quite certain it came
from the... attic.

You sure?


Why don't you...
uh, check it out?

I hope it's not
a raccoon.

Uh... uh...

Children, why don't you go
and help your father?

You'll go up
and help him

and I will go and see
what's happening outside.

You okay??

No thanks
to you...

I knew that was you!

Nick, Nick!

What are you
doing here??

And on
the ground!

Well, old habits...

I landed on the roof
on the roof.

And Sparky was giving me
a hand down

so I could use
the front door.

And he dropped me!

Sir, you slipped.

I beg to differ!

Well, what are you
doing here now?

Well, I came to get you!
I was worried sick!

Oh, that's very sweet
of you, Nick.

But I'm
perfectly alright.

Didn't Sparky
tell you?

Well, I did...

I tried.

Joe, Lucy, Parker Matisse,
the whole story...

Frankly, my dear
the thought of you alone

by yourself
in New York...

It worries me,
so I couldn't sleep!

Because the world is not
the same as it used to be!

You're right...

and you're wrong
about that.

You see, I found
this wonderful family.

And their love for each other
embodies all that is Christmas.

And well...

Their first kiss was
under the mistletoe.

And inside is a little boy
who loves you

and believes
in you so much

that he wanted
a gigantic Christmas tree

just for you!



See if they're in...

If I whack anything
your mom's gonna k*ll me.




Don't shake
the ladder.

I won't.

Travis, seriously,
do not let your sister

shake the ladder.

Do you see


I don't think
there's anything up here!

Bailey, come here!

I'm helping dad...

Just come here
for a second!


Wow, Santa...

Should we tell dad?


Whatever you do,
don't tell dad.

Come on!


Okay, go, go, go!


Go! Shoo! Shoo!

This way!
Right this way!

Mrs. Clausberger, what are
you doing out in the cold?


I thought I'd lost an
earring, you see...

When we were
bringing in the tree.

And I was just
looking about.

Let me put my things down
I'll come help...

Oh, no, no, no,
it's okay, really...

You're home early.

Yeah, Parker had some
business to attend to

so I just thought
I'd come home.

Oh, that's Wonderful.
Well, Joe and the children

are upstairs in the attic
looking for raccoons.


Nick! Sparky!
Come out, come out!

My dear!

Why do you keep
sending me into the bushes?


With all that's going
this family does not need

an early visit
from Santa.

What's going on?!

I'm a nanny.

Well, just-just
through Christmas.



Because they
need me.

I'm the only one
who knows that

that Lucy and Joe are still
in love with each other.

I have to convince them
of that

before Lucy goes
to Florida!

Mom's moving
to Florida?



Mrs. Clausberger?




I think the kids
have abandoned me.

Can you please help me
with the ladder?

What are you doing
in the attic?

I think I'll explain
when I get down.

It's not
that funny.

It is that funny.

Are you Santa?


Mrs. Clausberger...

Why is my mom
moving to Florida??

Mrs. Clausberger?!

The jig is up.


Travis, Bailey...

I'd like you
to meet my husband.

Mr. Claus!



And his chief elf,
Sparky Mistletoe.

How do you do?

Fist bump!
Ah crush!

Crush, ah!

Hey, alright,

I knew it!
You are Santa!

Did you bring
presents early?

No, no I came
to pick up my wife.

you're leaving?



Yes, yes!

We need Mrs. Claus back
to get ready for Christmas.

You're leaving...
Mom's leaving.

Parker has offered
your mom a job in Florida.

What about dad?!

They don't care.
Nobody cares!

Now, that's
not true!

You know as well as I do
that they're still in love.

They just have
to be reminded...

We just... We need
a Christmas miracle!

Santa, can you give
them Christmas magic?


Christmas magic is
not something you give.

It's something
you find.

Someone points you
in that direction.

Mrs. Claus
has that talent.

But, how?

Sparky is that mistletoe
from your parents' farm?

It is.


I think we've found
our Christmas magic.

There was a bump
so I went to check it out.

Next thing I know
the ladder's fallen down,

the kids have

I'm glad I came home
in time.

Travis! Bailey!

Where are those
little monsters?

Oh, they're probably
outside helping Becca.

I think she lost
an earring or something...

You know, I saw the
Christmas tree downstairs...

It looks beautiful.

Kind of reminds me
of the old days.

This is a lot better
than our first tree though...

Kind of like a twig,
wasn't it?

Yeah, that twig had
a lot of personality.

Joe, we should...

We should talk.

Talk or sign these?

I thought we had
more time, Lucy.

Parker's lawyers
went ahead...

Oh, that's
really cute.

Get your rich boyfriend
to call in a couple of favors.

It's only a marriage,
a family...

I didn't ask.
You don't get it...

No, I get it...

You don't need to explain,
you're a big girl.

Their first kiss
was under the mistletoe.

All we have to do is
get them to do it again.

And then poof!

How is that magic?

this is Magic Mistletoe.

If you are
truly in love

and you kiss
under this mistletoe

well you'll stay
madly in love

and live happily
ever after.

Like us.

But if your feelings
aren't true

then you'll never
love that person.

Mrs. C, this isn't something
to play around with.


We should try it.

I'm in.

Boys, boys,
go, go, go!

Travis, Bailey...

Hey, guys...
I gotta go.

Joe, we thought you were
staying for dinner?

Mrs. Clausberger.
I just got called into work.

Look, I'm gonna...
I'm gonna call you two later.

I love you both,

Bailey, Travis,
let's get inside.

Go on, listen
to your mom.

What's happened?

Divorce papers.

Merry Christmas.

Nick! Nick!

My dear, I love you,
but would you stop

sending me
into the bushes?


That didn't
look like love.

I don't think the mistletoe
is a good idea.

do you really think

you can help
this family?

I do.

I know they love
each other.

They just have
to be reminded.

They keep letting things
get in between them.

I understand how
those things can happen.

Oh, my dear Nick.
It's not just for them.

I came here to find some
Christmas spirit for you.

Help them
like you helped me.

My dear you are
my Christmas spirit.

The love
and generosity

you're giving this family
embodies everything

that is special about
the holiday season.

Those are
good kids

and they deserve
a happy family.

Thank you
for inspiring me.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Sir, we should be
getting back.

Christmas Eve is
not going to wait for us.

Don't forget, let me know
if there's anything

I can do to help!

Don't forget
to eat.



You're on
kitchen duty now!



I'll make
my gingerbread!

Oh my goodness!

What's happening?

Mom just got all weird
and went to the den.

She was crying.

Well, the divorce papers
are ready for signing.

They probably won't even
speak to each other now.

We're just going
to have to be very clever.

Very, very clever.

Now, you two
run off to bed

and I promise, everything
is going to work out.

Off you go!

Is everything
all right?

I had a snowglobe
when I was six.

It had the the Empire
State Building in it.

It always made
sense to me.

You could turn
the world upside down...

and no matter which way
you shook it...

You always
got beautiful.

I need beautiful,
Mrs. Clausberger.

Your world's just shaking
right now, that's all.

Your beautiful's

I promise.

Parker's everything
Joe isn't.


He could do
so much for the kids.

He talked about
sending Bailey abroad.

Joe and I could only
dream of that.

But do you
love Joe?

Love's not the simple,
Mrs. Clausberger.

Starry eyes
and butterflies fade.

But the song remains.

Does he
make you laugh?

Does he
make you cry?

Does he make you feel like it's
Christmas even when it isn't?

It could be that you've
already found your beautiful.

Maybe you
never really lost it.

Life's not a snowglobe,
Mrs. Clausberger,

and you know that.

I wish it was.

Apple cinnamon


Uh, mom hasn't been
out of her room.

Oh, I wouldn't
worry about it.

I heard her shower
she should be down any minute.

Good morning,

Smells... great!

Mrs. Clausberger made
apple cinnamon pancakes.

Sit down,
I'll get you some.

There's the coffee...

I can't.

I'm late
for a meeting.

Mom, can we go Christmas
shopping this week?

I'll try, honey, but maybe
your dad could take you.

Or, Mrs. Clausberger?


Which reminds me...

Um, do you mind
touching base

with Joe about the kids'
pick-up tomorrow?


He's here
for lunch today.

So you won't...
You won't be here then?

No, I've got a dinner
with Parker tomorrow.

No problem!

Great. Thanks.

Alright, g*ng...

I'll see you

We're going to need
a Christmas miracle.

Are you gonna finish
those potatoes, Travis?

Dad, do you
wanna go watch

some Christmas movies
in front of the tree?

Oh, that would be
so much fun.

And I could make my
excellent hot chocolate.

You know what, I'm sorry,
guys, I can't tonight.

You helped us
decorate the tree.

How come you don't
wanna see it?

I do but....I just
can't tonight.

Are you
avoiding mom?

She say I was?

We just noticed that
you two haven't talked

to each other since
the other night.

Can you come over
Christmas Eve?

I thought you guys would
come to my apartment?

Your apartment
doesn't have a tree.

Families should be
together on Christmas Eve.


Alright I'd love to come spend
Christmas Eve with you.

We can watch movies
and wait for Santa.

And you guys are terrible,
I gotta take this.

That's our chance.

Christmas Eve.


What time will
Dad be here?

Seven thirty and your
mom doesn't know.

It's a trap.

Are you going out?

Parker is having
a Christmas Eve party.

I have to make
an appearance.

But Mom,
it's Christmas Eve.

Don't worry, I'll be back
in time to tuck you in.

Mom, you have
to stay.

Bailey, honey, it's just going
to be for a couple hours, ok?

Look, Parker wants to exchange
Christmas gifts tonight.

He knows Christmas
Day is all for you guys.


Be good
for Mrs. Clausberger.

I'll be back as
soon as I can, okay?

They'll never get
a chance to kiss.

It's over.

Can Santa help?

Santa can't put them
in a room together.

We can't
fight destiny.

We've done
all we can.

You two need
to dry your eyes.

You don't want
to upset your father.

It's still Christmas.

And we have to enjoy today
and not think about tomorrow!

Ho Ho Ho!
Merry Christmas!

Come here!

Oh God...

Merry Christmas,
I love you guys.

Is Lucy home?

No she had to go to Parker's
for a Christmas party.

But she'll be
back later.

Sure she will.

You, high five,

You, great movies,
it's still Christmas.

Great party,

Thanks, Phil.
Drink up.

Merry Christmas,

Merry Christmas
to you.

If you don't mind I'm
gonna go schmooze

with some very rich
men over there.

Have at it.

Merry Christmas,
Ms. Martel.

Michael, hi!
Merry Christmas.

I'm honored
to be invited

to this but I don't
know a soul here.

Tell me about it.

on the new job.

Thank you.

Weren't you supposed
to e-mail me some info

about schools
for the kids?

I was but Mr. Matisse had me
set up appointments instead.


Sure, you'll probably want
to see the living quarters.

Living quarters?

Are these appointments
for boarding schools?

I thought you knew.

He said with the new
job and honeymoon

the kids would be
better off at school.



Thank you,

What did I say to you
about asking me before

you go and make big
decisions about my life?!


I don't understand.

Boarding school?

You think you
can sweep me off

to Florida and send
my kids away?!

No, but you
did say you wanted

the best education
for them.

You just gonna
tell me to show up

at the altar to collect
my lottery winnings?

No... No, I was going
to ask you tonight in fact.

Now that you
made a big scene...

I can get down
on one knee,

if it pleases you.

Forget it, Parker.

You didn't even try
to get to know my kids.

I'm almost 40

and as far as I know they
already have a father.

You're right, they do
and I still have a husband.



Hey, you do realize what
you are walking away from?


Look around Parker
we live in different worlds.

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas
and a happy new year ♪

I love that song.

Yeah, it's one
of my favorites too.

I think you guys
are ready for bed.

No I want to see Santa
and Sparky again!

Who is Sparky?

Santa's chief elf.

He's the one who
brought the mistletoe.

You know, I think
these children are really tired.

Yeah, okay...

I'm gonna carry
you guys up to bed.

Let's go...

Ready? Okay.

I will go and get
Santa's cookies.



You excited about getting
a lot of presents?

Is Santa coming?

love you.

Those are for Santa
and they're his favourite.



Do you know where Lucy
put the presents?

The presents
are under the tree.

I mean the one's
from "Santa".

Well he's gonna be
bringing those later.


I guess
I should go.

I wonder, could you play
one more song for me?

One quick one,
just for you Mrs. C.

♪ Oh Christmas tree,
oh Christmas tree... ♪

♪ How lovely
are your branches ♪

♪ Oh Christmas tree,
oh Christmas tree ♪

♪ How lovely
are your branches ♪




I was just going.
The kids invited me over.

Where are they?

They're up in bed.
I just tucked them in.

I should have
been here.

On no...
No, it's okay.

I brought
some presents.


I brought one
for you actually.

I didn't...
Get you anything...

Don't worry.

Merry Christmas

I figured this whole thing
started on Christmas,

kind of fitting that
it ends on Christmas too.

That signature
on the bottom...

It doesn't mean I'm ever
going to stop loving you.

Thank you.

I want you
to be happy.

I am.


I'm happy here,
with you.

I'm so sorry, I ran away
from our problems.

I didn't even try
to work it out...

No, no I wasnt here,
listen Lucy...

I want you
to listen to me.

I've loved you every second of
everyday since I first saw you.

I don't want
this divorce.

It's Christmas!

How about
waiting for us?

I thought all the presents got
put under the tree last night?

They did, I don't know
where all this came from.

Bailey, why don't you open
that present first.


Oh my Gosh!
A kitten!

that's your's.

A dinosaur
digging kit!

Mrs. Clausberger,
I think this one's for you.

Somebody looks
a little giddy.

Who wants to see the most
beautiful view of the city?


Want a boost?

Is it clear?
Let me take a look.

Mrs. Clausberger?

I swear he looks...

That's impossible!

Have we met
here before?

You look familiar.

I see the family
is all together.

As you knew
they would be.

You inspired me.

Your love and willingness
to help them

showed me
why I keep this job.

Ahhh, honey.
I love you.

I love you, too.

You still just
look so beautiful.

When are you
coming home, Mrs. Claus?

I'll be home
for Christmas dinner.

Sparky has left you
a present.

A kiss.

The kiss
wraps my heart.


What's in
your pocket?

I don't know...

How did that
get there?

I think I know.

Come here!


Let's go.
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