Help for the Holidays (2013)

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Help for the Holidays (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ The snowflakes
are falling ♪

♪ The yuletides
are calling ♪

♪ Some reindeers were
spotted in flight ♪

♪ The mistletoe's hanging ♪

♪ Everybody's making plans
for this wonderful night ♪

♪ The snowflakes
are drifting ♪

♪ I've been thinking ♪

♪ What to do
to make things right ♪


♪ Hey, santa ♪

Hey, christine.

You okay?

I thought we were
doing this together.

Oh, gabby, I'm sorry.

I was thinking.

You've been doing
a lot of that lately.

You're not feeling
holiday cheerful?

Of course I am.

What kind of an elf
would I be if I wasn't?

What's going on?

Have you ever thought,
what if there's more?

More of what?

Like, in the real world.
What's it like?

We have the best job
in the universe,

Making every good boy
and girl happy.

It's always christmas.

♪ Hey, santa ♪

♪ Hey, santa ♪

♪ Hey, santa ♪

♪ Hey, santa ♪

♪ Hey, santa ♪

Guys, let's go.

Come on, kids.

Be right there.

Come on, will.
Ally, let's go.


Hurry, kids.
We gotta get back to the store.

One, two, three.
That's it.

- Yeah? Okay.
- Yeah? Good? Great, all right.

- Okay, that's great.
- Guys, come on.

- Wait, mom.
- Okay, come on.

- Mom.
- What?

Now, be careful.
This is an expensive tree.

- Oh, yeah.
- Mom.

- Oh, you know what, these are...
- Mom, can't we keep it?

Yeah, it's going to come back
on christmas eve.

We're going to decorate it
all together, like we always do.

Yeah, will.

The annual vancamp
one day of christmas.

Don't start, please.

Okay, come on.
Let's go, let's go.

The tree has got to
get back to the store

In one piece, please.
It's at the store, okay?

I'm sending it
overnight, okay?

Careful, careful,
careful, careful.

- Yeah, it'll be there.
- Honey, I cannot find the keys.

Do you have the keys?
I got 'em, I got 'em.

That's my wife.
All right, good.

Yeah, thanks, man.
All right.

Wow, taking them out
when they should be going in,

The vancamp
christmas tradition.

Ha ha.

Please be careful
at the curb, very careful.

Thanks for watching
the kids for me.

Yeah, no, of course.
It's what I'm here for.

What happened
to mrs. Gibbs?

She went home
for three weeks

To go see her family
for christmas,

And I haven't had two seconds
to find a sitter.

we gotta go.

Uncle dave!

I gotta go,
I gotta get back to the store.

Thanks again.

Be good, please,

- Bye.
- Love you.

- All right. Drive safe.
- Bye.

Have some fun...
For once.

Ho, ho.

my favorite nephew?

Not good.

this just arrived.


Get christine for me.


Sir, christine.

You wanted
to see me, santa?

I have an emergency
christmas wish here

That needs some
personal attention,

And I thought that you
would be perfect.

It's a little boy

Whose mother and father have
lost their christmas spirit.


And you'll have to go
to the real world to solve it.

Oh, santa.
I would love that.

I mean, I would love
to help you.

I can't believe you get
to go to the outside world.

I'm going to miss you
so much.

I'm going to miss you
so much too.

Show me the pictures
again, please.

Sara vancamp.

Owner with her husband
of holly daze,

A christmas store.

I really like that name.
It's cute.

The more successful
the business has become,

The less christmas spirit
she has.

That doesn't
make any sense.


Her husband.
No christmas spirit at all.

- Oh.
- Ally vancamp, 12.

Losing her christmas spirit
more and more each day.

At 12?

That's why santa's
sending me.


He's eight.

Mr. Christmas.
He loves it.

- Maybe he can help you.
- No.

No one can know
why I'm there.

There are rules.

"Rules for elves
on assignment.

You may never
reveal yourself as an elf.

You may never get
emotionally involved

"With the people
in your assignment.

These rules
are unbending,

"And you are subject to

Immediate disciplinary action
if broken."

They seem easy enough.

I don't think
it's going to be a problem.


No, no, no, no,
no, no.

I hate christmas.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I could use
a little help here.

I'm sorry
I missed the main event.

I just heard the crash.
Everything okay?

Not if these are broken,
'cause we'll never be able

To order enough
in time for christmas.

- That's okay.
- Yeah, where is natalie?

Oh, she called in sick.

When were you
going to tell me?

I just did.


This is your purse.

In here, you'll find
everything that you need.

Cookies and candy canes.

This is your book
of definitions.

If they talk about

Or you see things
you don't understand,

Just ask it
and it'll give you the answer.

And here, you'll find
any money you need.


I hadn't thought of that.

Just open your wallet,

And it'll have
all the money you want.

And you're gonna
have to wear human clothes.

Now, that's already
been handled by mrs. Claus.

But the females
wear very strange shoes.

One more thing...

Okay, santa's village,
here we come.

Thanks for bringing me,
uncle david.

Of course.

Although you still haven't
told me what the problem is.


I sent a letter to santa,
but he never responded.

I'm sure, once we see santa,
he can help.

Where is he?

Your human name
is christine prancer.


Well, "christine blitzen"
sounded funny.

Now, you're going to be
in apartment 310.

Your car is parked
in stall 14.

Your job interview
is tomorrow at 10:00 a.m.

And you arranged
for me to get it.

I can put you there
and I can give you the tools,

But if I could
just control everything

And make people
have christmas spirit,

That would go against
what true christmas spirit is.

You ready to go?

All right,
here you go.



These are
so beautiful.

This won't do.

That's more like it.

Oh. Ah.


Thank you very much.
Merry christmas.

Welcome to holly daze.

Can I help you
find anything?

You're sara vancamp.

- Yes, I am.
- I'm christine prancer.

We have
an appointment.

Well, you are right on time,
I love that.

Um, this is my husband, scott.

Yeah, yeah.
Excuse me.

- This is christine.
- Oh, how can we help you?

No, no, no.
She's here about the nanny job.

Oh, the nanny.

Well, listen, I'm going
to be late tonight.

- Okay.
- All right.

It's nice meeting you.

I'll be right back.

Thank you so much for
meeting me here at the store.

I just want to get some
of the preliminary things

Out of the way
before you meet the kids.

Well, I just
love your store.

It's so...
It's so christmas-y.

Yeah, it is.

It is if you're not
walking kneecap deep in it

Seven days a week,
you know what I mean?

Um, you know, why don't we
go over here?

We'll be a little more
out of the way,

And we can talk.


Your resume
is so impressive.

So do you mind taking the kids
to their activities?

It's mostly dancing
and basketball.

- Of course.
- Okay, and, um,

Doing a little light housework
and cooking for the kids?

Whatever I can do
to help out.


Have you ever asked santa
for something

That you didn't get?

Well, that's...
That's kind of a funny question.

Um, yeah, I mean,
i-i suppose.

It's a baby janie doll.

I know!

Oh, my gosh,
that's amazing!

This is exactly the doll
that I asked santa for

That I didn't get.

That's crazy.

- Yeah?
- Look at this.

It's a baby janie doll.

- Okay.
- No, this is a classic.

One of our vendors had to have
left her behind, I guess,

And we have to find out who,
so we can order more.

I'm telling you,
this thing,

She's going to fly
off the shelves.

- That's great.
- What, what?

No, no, no.
It's... It's special.

Oh, yeah,
she's special.

She's about 75 bucks'
worth of special,

So let's mark her at that

And put her out
with the other dolls.

Works for me.

That's so great.
Thank you so much.

I didn't even
know it was there.

Can you come by tonight,

At around 6:00,
to meet the kids?

This is going to be
harder than I thought.

Yeah, but, you know,
this time of year,

I'm just going and going
and going and going.

Get out of here. Really?

heard it before.

I appreciate you
watching the kids, though.

- Of course.
- Oh, this is perfect timing.

Christine, this is
my little brother, dave.

this is christine.

She might end up
being our, uh, babysitter,

And give you
a little break.

- Oh, okay.
- Maybe.

She hasn't
met the kids yet.

call me dave.

Nice to meet you.

So remind them
that I will be by later

To pick them up
for the tree lighting.

And, um, you can still come,
if you want.

I know,
but you know I can't.

I can't, I can't.

Tonight's the big
tree lighting

In santa's village, so maybe
you want to tag along?

Maybe you want to let me
have her go meet the kids.


- Where are you from?
- Up north.

Way up north.

Seattle, right?


- Okay.
- Huh? Oh, okay.

We will
see you later.

Hey, I'd take
a rain check, though.

I'd love
to show you around.

- Rain check?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Yeah.



Come on in.

So we started our business
right here in this kitchen.

I used to design
and make christmas gifts

And christmas decorations,
just for friends and family,

And then, believe it or not,
we started taking orders.

You handmade
christmas decorations?

Yeah, and then it turned
into a full-time job.

I don't see
any christmas decorations.

Oh, well, yeah, we don't...
We don't make them anymore.

Not anymore?

But you used to make them here
with your family.

Yeah, it was mostly just
me and ally, here at the table.

We would...
We would just make a few,

Just with whatever
we had laying around.

It was really fun.

With your daughter.
And that brought you joy.

Yeah, it did.

But you don't
do it anymore?

No time.

- That's sad.
- That's life.

I wish
it was different.

Hey, mom.
Do you have any sodas?

Hey, will, can you
have a little manners please?

- Oh, hi.
- Hi.

I'm christine.

She's here
for the nanny position.

- The babysitter job?
- Yes, the babysitter job.

You're thirsty?

Why don't I make
some hot chocolate?

Are you kidding?

Oh, I don't, uh...
I don't think that we have any.

Oh, we'll just see
what I can whip up.

Um, you go ahead and do that
or... Or don't do that,

And I'll go get ally.

Hey, honey.


I need you to come downstairs
and meet someone.

another babysitter?

I told you before, mom.

I'm old enough
to watch will on my own

And take care of myself.

You're only 12 years old.
That is not old enough

To stay home all day
by yourself.

It's only a week
until christmas,

And then we won't
be so busy.

What's that?

Come on.

She seems really nice.

Will you be polite please?
I will.

I think you're going
to like this one.

You must be ally.

Yep, this is ally.

I'm making hot chocolate.
Would you like some?

Nah, I got myself
a soda.

Wait, you said
there weren't any sodas.

I said there weren't
any more for you.

- That's not fair.
- Whatever.

Oh, it was nice
meeting you, ally.

- She hid the soda.
- Ah.

You don't need soda.

Oh, but you do need
something to stir it with.


- That's really good.
- Yeah?

Oh, you got the job.

Yeah, so, they both have
their daily activity schedules.

Will's got his basketball
and ally's got her dance class.

- Aww.
- Yeah,

And you just have to be
a little bit patient

With her
and her dancing,

'Cause she love, love,
loves it,

But she's just...
She's just shy about it.

She just needs
to be encouraged.

That's a nice sentiment,

And I am as supportive
as I can possibly be

With my schedule
the way it is and all.

Anyway, I'll see you
tomorrow morning, right?


- Great.
- See you then.

- Okay, see you then.
- Okay.

- Have a good night.
- Good night.



What is
"rain check"?


- Right?
- North pole, huh?

Yeah, totally.

What about the tree lighting?
That's going to be so awesome.

I mean, you know,
that's, like,

The most awesomest time
of the year.

- Yeah.
- You know...

- That's why we came.
- I have to admit,

They do make this look
pretty cool.

- It's pretty cool, right?
- Yeah, I mean, I have to admit.

And then they decorate it
in, like, the lights, and...

I like the greenery.
Where do you think they got it?


Your nursery,
your nursery.

So did your parents
end up hiring the, uh...



I like her, 'cause she makes
really good hot chocolate

And she loves christmas,
just like I do.

And she's funny.

Yeah, but we don't need
a babysitter.

I mean, I'm old enough
to watch will on my own.

so it's not her,

But it's what
she represents.

I buy that from you.

Just keep her around, though.
You know, for me.

Oh, uncle david.

You have a crush
on christine.

Me? No.

I just don't like...

People out of work
during the holidays.

Okay, yeah.

- Right.
- Mm-hmm.

Merry christmas.

Merry christmas!

I feel so bad
that I have to leave you here

All on your own
on your very first day,

But I absolutely have to go,
because scott called,

And he said that
he is just swamped.

Is there anything specific
you want me to do?

- What is today?
- Tuesday.

it's tues...

Oh, man, this season just
goes by so fast.

Uh, tuesday, they have
nothing today.

Thank goodness.
That's perfect.

You can just hang out.

You can get
to know each other.

We'll be fine.

I'm just a little
worried about you.

Oh, all I know
is that it's christmas,

And christmas means
losing track of time.

Christmas is special.

Christmas is
a whole lot of work,

Is what christmas is,
which is why I have to go.

Thank you so much.
You are a lifesaver.

Not yet.

Good morning, will.

Do you have
a candy cane?


Why don't you
put that down,

So that we can enjoy our day?

- But...
- Please?

I need your
complete attention.



Do it again.

If I did it too often,
it'd spoil it.

Don't you decorate
for christmas?

On christmas eve...

With all the stuff
they didn't sell.

We do it every year,

And then we take it down
on christmas day

And sell the stuff
that didn't get too messed up.

Don't you have
any personal decorations?

In a box someplace,
I think.

Or on sale
at the store.

Good morning, ally.

Isn't it
a beautiful day?

Save it for the elf.

- What?
- The elf.

I don't understand.

You know, 'cause
he's always in a good mood,

And it's "christmas this"
and "santa that."

Candy cane?

it's christmas toast!

How'd you do that?

I want a real tree
this year.

You don't get
a real tree?

No, mom and dad
sell fake trees.

Like, the colored kinds.

Like, pink and blue.

Pink and blue?


But they're real metal
and plastic.

Ally? Wait.

I want to play a game

To help us
get to know each other.

We could
ask each other questions.

Uh, why don't you
sit down?

We'll try it out.

Can you help me
with my free throws?

I don't know
what that is.

It's basketball.


I don't think
I can help you with that.

Sorry, will.
It's okay.

- Can I ask you a question?
- Yes.

Ask me anything.

Okay, can I go
to my room now?


What is your christmas
wish this year?

Okay, i...
It's the same as last year.

I want a good part
in the dance recital.

I have a terrible part
again this year.

That's a good wish.

Can I go to my room now?


But not until we listen
to will's christmas wish.

I want to play basketball
with dad

And sing carols
and have decorations

And a real tree.


What if
we decorated your rooms?

Yeah, with little trees.

Well, how about
we go get those trees now?

Yeah, come on.

- Come on, we're going.
- All right.

You own
all these plants and trees?

- This is my nursery.
- Wonderful.

I'm glad
you like it.

Well, I need
to get them back

So that we can
decorate their rooms.

Well, have fun,

And let me know
if you need any more help

Or if you need
any suggestions.

Oh, I'd be happy
for suggestions.

Well, then I suggest
that you let me

Take you out
to a nice dinner

After you've worked so hard
decorating their rooms.

I'm... I, uh...

I don't think...

Just go out with him.
Okay, he's a nice guy.

I mean, he is
our favorite uncle.

I'll think about it.


Thank you
for the trees.

You are welcome.

Let's take you two
to lunch.

And then get back
to the house to decorate.

Be safe, buckle up.
Love you guys.

- Bye, uncle dave.
- Bye, uncle david.

So you've never
had a hot dog?

No, never, but you two
can order whatever you want.

- Okay, hi.
- Hey.

Um, I'm going to have it
with ketchup,

Mustard, and cheese, please.

- Yes.
- And I'm going to have

Relish and, uh, ketchup.
Coming up.

What are hot dogs
made of?


Were you talking
to a book?


No, I was just
looking something up.

It's nothing.

Sir, how much
do I owe you?

Okay, you got three dogs
and three drinks.

That'll be $7.50,


Thank you, ally.

All right.


- Yes.
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, don't see much
of these anymore.

Hey, thanks a million, ma'am.

Thank you.

Christine, where did
that money come from?

Hey, there's santa!

Will, will, will!


Sorry, it's santa.
I need to talk to him.

It's not even
the real santa.

It's just a guy
in a santa suit,

Asking people
for money.

Well, ally's right.
It isn't the real santa,

But I bet he could
get a message to him.

- Come on.
- Okay.

Excuse me, santa.

Will here has
a question for you.


Yes, will?

Can you really
send a message to santa?

I think
I can do that.

'Cause I know
what a good boy you are, will.

I don't want
any gifts this year.

I just want the christmas spirit
back in my family.

Well, my mom and dad.

Well, I will make sure
that he gets the message, will.

Merry christmas to you.

And you, too, ally.

And you.

Santa wants you to keep
spreading the christmas spirit.

Don't get off track.

Yes, sir.

Yeah, if we could get
a couple of cheese steaks,

With, uh, grilled onions
and peppers?

What did he mean,
"off track"?

And how did he know
my name?

Will must have
said it.

That was
a good santa.

He looked
really real.

He sure did.

So you believe in santa
like will does.


What are you doing?


Popcorn garland,
for the trees.

But popcorn
is for eating.

Come on.

♪ Up on the housetop ♪

♪ Reindeer paws ♪

♪ Out jumps
good old santa claus ♪

♪ Down through the chimney ♪

♪ With lots of toys ♪

♪ All for the little ones'
christmas joys ♪

♪ Ho, ho, ho ♪

♪ Who wouldn't go? ♪

- What do you think, will?
- It's beautiful.

I've never actually
had a tree in my room.

- Let's go do ally's.
- Okay.

♪ Down through the chimney
with old saint nick ♪

Well, what is this?

I have no idea.

All: ♪ deck the halls
with boughs of holly ♪

♪ Fa, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

♪ 'Tis the season
to be jolly ♪

♪ Fa, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la ♪

- Hey, what's going on?
- Oh, hi.

We were hoping to finish
before you got back.

Finish what?

We decorated our rooms
for christmas.

We made
all that stuff.

Except for the tree.

- You made all those ornaments?
- Yeah.

- Sure did.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, christine, we usually
decorate together,

As a family tradition,
on christmas eve.

Well, not their rooms.

You should have asked.

Of course.

I'm sorry.
I will ask in the future.

That's really pretty.

Where'd you get this?
Christine made it.

There's one
on will's tree too.

You ever think about
making these to sell?

Yeah, I think we could
get $20 a piece for those.

That's, uh...

I couldn't sell
what I make for christmas.

Are you sure?

- I'm sure.
- Okay.

Well, if you change your mind,
you let us know.

Hey, kids, why don't you
go downstairs and clean up

That gigantic mess
that you left, please.

Christine would probably
like to go home soon.

- Mom, come on.
- We made a mess.

We should go clean up
like your mom says.

Come on, guys.

- Okay.
- Well.

That is really well-made.

How did it go?

They tightened
my retainer again.

I mean, I have
to wear it every night.

It's like punishment
for not wearing it

Isn't enough or something.

Yes, well, now that I know
what that thing is all about,

It seems
like a good idea.

Straight teeth
make you look better,

No matter
who you are.

Everybody up north
had straight teeth.

- Everyone?
- Even the animals.

Sounds like everything
up north is perfect.

Why'd you leave?

Oh, I'm just here
to help for the holidays.

How about
some ice cream?


This is good.

You're so welcome.

Oh, we've got to
get going.

We need to drop your brother
off at basketball

And get you to dance.

It doesn't matter.

I can't dance.

I don't believe that.

It's true.

Mom says I can quit
whenever I want.

Maybe I should.

Not if you love it.

Mom used to come
to my lessons all the time.

Well, what if
we work really hard

To get you a good part
in the dance recital

And make your christmas wish
come true?

It's too late
to get a good part

In the dance recital.

The christmas fair recital
is next week.

I walk in,
put a star on the tree,

And walk out.

Then the dance starts...
Without me.

It can't be
that bad.

Wanna bet?


Come on, girls,
you missed your cue.

You have to come on
right as ally leaves.

Never mind.

We'll pick this up tomorrow.

Don't be late.

John, I need
to speak to you.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- Will.
- Can we go now?

It's going to be okay.

You two wait
in the lobby.

I'll be right there.

What are you going
to go do?

I'm going to spread
some christmas cheer.

Excuse me.
Uh, can I help you?


I couldn't help but notice
that ally really isn't dancing.

Why is that?

Well, we assign parts
based on a lot of factors.

It's complicated.

This is
a christmas recital,

And christmas is about
sharing and giving,

And she really
wants to dance.

Well, we all want to do things
we can't do.

I'd like to be thin.

Well, you could eat less
and exercise.

That works
really well.

Excuse me?

Who are you again?

I am ally's friend,

And get ready
to see some dancing.

Ally has a lot of work to do
and she's not afraid to do it.

So she said
you called her fat?

She called herself fat.

I just
agreed with her.

But, honey,
it's not funny.

- Yes, it is.
- No.

You know what, you just
keep being yourself.

The kids really
seem to like you,

Especially will.

I know what would
make will happy.

He asked me to help him
with his free throws.

I don't even know
what that is.

Maybe you could
help him with that.

Well, as much as
I'd love to do that,

It's our prime time
of the year.

I just can't.

They need
your attention.

Christine, I love
that you are so concerned

About our kids,
I really do,

But, you know, you've only
been here for a short time,

And it's really our job
to take care of our kids' needs.

You're right.

I should be going.
I'll see you tomorrow.


I'm not going
to talk about it.

I'm going to do something
about it.

For me?

Well, yeah, of course.

Ally mentioned how hard
sara was on you,

And so I thought
that those might help.

Thank you.

Sara and scott are really hard
to get through to.

you're in luck,

Because I happen to be an expert
on that very subject,

And can help you out.

But that means
you're gonna have to

Have dinner with me first.

- Thank you for dinner.
- Oh, my pleasure.

So have sara and scott
always been like this?

Well, uh, I mean,
you have to understand,

Scott is focused
when it comes to that business.

He's incredibly driven.

Unfortunately, he already
had one business fail,

And he's not about
to let that happen again.

But I can't help but think
that he's missing out

On the true meaning
of christmas.

I know.
Trust me, I know.

It was will's christmas wish.
He even told santa.

Well, hey, sh**t,
if he told santa,

That makes it a done deal,
doesn't it?


Yes. I knew
you would understand.

Yes, all we need to do
is help santa make it happen.

You're serious.

You still
believe in santa claus.

With all my heart.

Well, then,
young lady.

If it is a real santa you are
looking for, you are in luck.

I'm right here.
Come on.

What? You're not...
You're not santa.

Oh, this is great!
Yeah, right?

So we close the street down
and we have vendor booths,

And there's food
and there's games,

And... Well,
here we build the stage.

Oh, for ally's
dance recital.

That's right. Yes.
Um, so I sponsor the fair.

Must be
very time-consuming.

Not exactly,

Because most of what I do
involves writing the check.

We have amazing volunteers
that do all this hard work,

But all the money
we raise

Goes to provide
christmas dinners

For families
that can't afford it.

Last year, we delivered
over 200 full family dinners.

That's wonderful.

You do all that for christmas?

Every christmas
is the best time of year.

Nothing beats it.

Can I help you?
I want to help you.

I was hoping
that you would say that.

Come here.

So because I am the sponsor,

I get to choose
who plays santa.

I choose... Me.

So what... Social services,
they bring over

A group
of underprivileged kids,

And I give out gifts

That have been donated
from the local businesses.

Every year, I need someone
to help me give these gifts out.

I was hoping
that maybe...

You could be my elf.


You'd have to wear
the elf costume,

But, uh, I think you'd look
really good in it.

I, um...
It's so late.

I have to be
at the vancamps' early.

I-i'm helping ally
with her dancing.


Tine, i-i'm helping
ally w you there? Ing.

How's it going?

It's not.

Sara and scott aren't responding
to anything I say or do.

I'm sorry.

I wasn't prepared
for this.

The children, they are lovely
and wonderful.

I'm crazy about them.

You're not supposed to get
emotionally involved.

I'm not. Okay?

Please don't break the rules!
I don't want you to disappear.

I'm not
going to disappear.

I, uh...
I had dinner with dave.

You waited
to tell me that last?

I feel different
around him.

I don't know what it is
or what to do.

Hey, will's in his room,

You ready?

I don't think
we should do this anymore.


There's no reason for it.

Because you aren't
in the recital?


Yes, but answer
one question for me.

Why aren't you dancing
with the other girls?

You must know
the answer.

Come on, ally.

I'm scared.

Okay, whenever
I have to dance

In front of people,
I just can't do it.

What are you scared of?
Your teacher?


When I was a little girl,
I used to dance with my mom,

And she was so good.

I never realized how good
until I actually saw

A couple of her videos
a few years ago.

And after that, I just
didn't think I was good enough.

So you just stopped?

Well, i-i didn't
believe in myself anymore,

And I want to learn, I do,
it's just hard.

I dance like crazy
in my room...


And you never
talked to your mom about it?

Well, I tried to once,

But she got a call
about the store

And ran upstairs.

You mom is busy.

Her attention
isn't where it should be,

But that doesn't mean
she doesn't love you like crazy.

Feels good
telling someone.

You still love dancing.

I do.

So why not
just dance for yourself?

Act like nobody's watching.

You make it sound
so easy...

When it's not.

I still won't be
as good as my mom.

Don't you know how proud
your mom would be

To see that you never gave up
on something you really loved?

I don't know.

Absolutely yes,
and you know it.

Thanks, christine.

You're welcome, ally.

I can't just push my way in
with the other girls.

Well, you're right
about that.

So, instead of worrying about
what you can't do,

Let's focus on something
you can do.


I walk in,
put a star on the tree,

and leave.

It's not much.
You'd be surprised.

Let's start with that.

Here's your star.

Okay, so you want me
to walk in, curtsy, and leave?

Well, if that's
what you want to do,

But I thought
you wanted to dance.

I do.
So in the beginning,

You have the entire stage
to yourself.

You can't think of anything
you want to do?

I-i could do
my own dance?

I knew
you'd figure it out.


Go at it.

- They love it here.
- Good.

- They come here often?
- Uh, they do, yeah.

They like to come and help out,
move stuff around.

- They are great helpers.
- They are good helpers, yeah.

So this is it.

It's sort of
all of our domestic stuff...

- Beautiful.
- That we ship around the state.

Here's flowers, christmas trees.
Oh, I love the flowers.

So these are petunias.

Those are marigolds
that you're smelling.

Oh, I love the colors!

What are you guys doing?

- Nothing.
- That's right, nothing.

You guys
are strange.


Two, three, four, five, six,
seven, eight.

One, two...

Okay, it's enough.

I mean, it's fun and all,
but it's tiring.

Good. Good.

Just let me know
when you want to go again.

Are you sure
we still have time?

I mean, will still
has his game and all.

Oh, well, I think we have an
hour before we need to be there.


Oh, no.
I just remembered,

It's my turn
to bring snacks and drinks

For all the guys
on the team.

Quit worrying, will.
Mom will take care of it.

Would you feel better
if I called her to make sure?


Which I don't really like
that much...

But you know, some people

Love that color,
and so it's great.

Um, and, like, all of them...

She's not answering.

Well, she's probably
on her way.

I hope so, but maybe we should
come up with a backup plan.

Your sister's not afraid
of a little hard work.

How do you feel about it,

You want me to dance?


I want you to help us
make some christmas cookies.

Do we have time?

I'm a christmas cookie

We have enough time
if we work together,

So let's
get started.

And I always like to carry...

Two versions
of green.

Ah, red sprinkles.

I have pretty much
every shape.

Not bad.

Got to get you two
cleaned up.

If mom brings snacks,
can we still eat these?

- You bet.
- Yes!

This is so fun.


- Toss it!
- Going heads-up.

What is will doing?

I think
he's looking for mom.

I don't think
she's coming.

There we go!

And we still
need drinks.

I mean, I guess we can buy
some fruit drinks

From the snack bar.

What is
"snack bar"?

Oh. Yes, wonderful idea,
snack bar.

Okay. Okay.

Is this...
Is this enough?

I don't know.



Okay, if you get the drinks,
I'll take care of the rest.

- Okay. Thank you.
- Thank you, ally.

Yeah. Set it up.
Set it up!

Nice steal.
Take a shot!

We're in the play-offs!
We won!

Good job!

Mom's here?

Um, no.

Um, well,
christine bought these.

Thanks, christine.

You're welcome, will.

- You want one?
- Sure.

- Congrats.
- Good job.

My man!

- Uncle david!
- My man! How'd it go?

- Awesome. We won.
- You won! Oh, dude,

I'm so bummed I missed it.
I'm sorry.


Did you enjoy
the game?

You missed a good one.

So where's mom?
We have to talk about

for the christmas fair.

She's not here.

I'm sorry, buddy.

It's okay.

So how many points
you score?

I don't know.
We won.

Oh, honey,
I am so sorry.

But you remembered
to come see uncle david.


I promise I'm not gonna miss
the next one, sweetheart.

I promise you, okay?
It's okay.

made the snacks,

Got drinks,
and watched the game.

You don't have to come anymore.
She can do it.

Honey, you don't mean that.

Come on. You don't mean...
Of course,

Christine is nice and all,
but that's why we pay her.

We pay her to be here.
That's why she's here.

Dave, we can talk about
the decorations

That you need
for the festival later, right?

And you just take
the rest of the day off.

I've got it.
Just see you tomorrow, okay?

Come on, kids.
Come on, guys.

Bye, guys.

How was it? What happened?
Did you guys win?

I don't even know
what I'm doing here.

Things are worse
than when I came.

That is so not true.
Sara is way out of line,

And feeling a little guilty,
I think, which is a good thing.

- Is it?
- Yes!

Look, the more that anyone can
make her realize that

Her kids and christmas should be
her priority, the better.

I just wish there was
something special I could do

For the kids, at least,
if nothing else.

I have an idea.

How about I throw a tree
in the truck,

Come over tomorrow,
and we decorate the whole house?

All of us, together.

What about sara?

She said I need to ask
if I want to do anything else.

She's very worried
about their traditions.

I'll take the heat.
I'll say it was all me.

In fact,
it would be my pleasure.

Would that
make you happy?


Anything that brings
more christmas spirit

Into their house
makes me happy!

Thank you!


I like that.

Me too.

I mean, decorating...
The tree.

The tree.

Ah! I come bearing gifts.

- Perfect.
- Yes. Don't you dare help me.

- Okay. All right.
- I got it.

Run ahead.

The kids are gonna be
so excited.

Oh, I hope so.

Keep your eyes closed.

Hold on,
just a few more steps.

Don't open.
Don't open.

Ready, set...



- A real tree!
- Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my gosh!

Both: this smells so good!
- Oh, yeah.

And I brought

A couple extra lights
from the nursery.

You know, just in case
we might need them.

Pretty cool.

Wait, do mom and dad
know about this?

No, but this was all me.
This was only me.

I see.

But just imagine
christmas morning.

You're in your pajamas,

You're in the living room,
the whole family,

Santa came, the fire's on,
the stockings are full.

- That's what I want.
- I know, will.

Yeah, bunch of candy.

- All right, let's decorate.
- Let's do it!

Yeah, I know
where the ornaments are.

Oh, yeah.
Get the one that we made.

Are you sure
it's in one of these?

Yeah, I think so.

It has all the ornaments
will and I made for them.

Well, what about
the ornaments from last year?

There were
a ton of 'em.

Well, they take 'em back
to the store after christmas,

And put them
on the sale table.

- Not really?
- Yes, really.

It's okay.
We'll make it beautiful.

Here we go.

- Oh!
- Oh, yes.

Blue and red ornaments.

Red, more red.

Green, gotta have green.

It's beautiful.

You know,
it really is.

It needs something more.

Candy canes!

Oh, my gosh.
What do you carry in there?

♪ Oh, christmas tree ♪

We did good.

♪ That constant faith
and hope sublime ♪

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Get the groove on.

- "Get your groove on."
- What are you laughing at?

What? No, no. No!

No, no, no, no, no,
no, no!

- Come on.
- All right, all right.

Oh, oh! Wait.
Try this.

- Whoa, here we go.
- Whoo!

Oh, someone's
done this before.

Okay. All right,

I can get used to this.

Oh, you're doing good.

This is great.
Let's give, uh...

I'll try. Who-oa!

Don't drop her!

All right,

Hey, how can I refuse?
It's fun.


Oh, wow.
What a day, huh?

You know
what's gonna be great?

- What's that?
- December 26th.

Oh, no kidding.

All: ♪ jingle bells,
jingle bells ♪

♪ Jingle all the way ♪

All: ♪ oh, what fun
it is to ride ♪

♪ In a one-horse open sleigh ♪

Oh, hey, sis!

isn't this great?

No, it's, uh...
It's unbelievable.

I can't tell you right now
how disappointed I am.

before you get mad,

I bought the tree.
It was my idea.

No, I don't know
what's going on here.

I-i don't know
why you would do this.


No. Wait a minute,
that's not true...

David, it's true.
If I wasn't here,

The tree
wouldn't be here.

Well, thank you,

I actually appreciate
some honesty.

What's the big deal?

The big deal is the fact that
we do this together as a family.

This how we celebrate.
These are our traditions.

Oh, I'm sorry,
but we didn't mean any harm.

I realize that,
and I didn't mind

The decorating
of the kids' rooms.

It's their christmas break,

And they need
some sort of activity,

I feel like
you really overstepped

Your bounds here,

'Cause this is something
that we do together

As a christmas tradition,
as a family.

No, mom.
You keep saying that,

But it's not
a tradition, okay?

It's just... It's just
something that you did because...

Because you guys
own a store now,

And that doesn't make it
a tradition.

I don't believe what
I'm hearing out of your mouth.

- No, mom. She's right.
- You be quiet, please.

Sara, please...

Mom, christine's been
so wonderful.

I mean, she's helped me
with my dancing, and...

And... And she saved will
at his game.

- When you weren't there.
- Yeah,

And she made christmas
special again.

All right, you know what?
You two go upstairs

While we
talk this out.

Did you hear what I said?

- We're staying...
- Upstairs, both of you, now.

Do as your parents ask,


Christmas is about
being home with your family

And singing and dancing
and celebrating

And being in touch
with your children.

That's christmas spirit.

Do you even know
what your children want

For christmas this year?

christine, i...

I don't think this job is
working out for you,

And I think
that you should

Probably go find
some other sort of employment.

I would really like
for you to leave now, please.

Thank you, david.

Wait, that's it?

That's all
you're gonna say?

- I failed.
- No, you didn't.

Don't you see that
you gave those kids

The attention
that they needed

And you opened
their parents' eyes?

I don't think so.
Sara asked me to leave.

Give sara a little time.

She is a good person
and she's a smart person.

She's gonna
figure this out.

I just... I need to go
back up north.

Please, don't do that.

She's not gonna
change her mind.

I'm not talking
about sara.

I'm talking about me.


I'm so crazy about you.

You are the...
You're the sweetest,

Most humble,
most honest,

Gentle person that...

Don't you like us?

Of course.

Okay, then.

I'm sorry.
I-i have to go.

Please, don't follow me.


I failed you, santa.

I failed christmas.

you broke the rules.

I know.

You think it's time
to come home?


I understand.

Believe me,
you're not the first elf

That this has ever
happened to...

And you won't be
the last.

And it's not just because

You have a growing
infatuation with david.

Is it that apparent?

You also established a strong
bond with the children.

How could I not?

It's against the rules.

You have to walk that thin line
and not cross it.

Does this mean I'm going to
disappear like the others?

Like what others?
What are you talking about?

The ones who took the same
kind of assignments as me

That didn't come back.

Everybody knows.

You don't think an elf
has a right to her own destiny?

I don't know what to think
right now.

If you learn
one thing from this,

Nobody disappeared.

But they did.

They never came back.

They chose
not to come back.


Just like them, you can
choose the same thing.

We don't tell you that
going in,

Because, well,
it might get in the way

Of you completing
your assignment.

You mean, I could stay?

Your life is yours,
just like any free being.

But I didn't choose

You're here.
You chose.

No, I didn't.

Did i?

I'm so confused.

A lot of what you did,
you did very, very well.

- Thank you, santa.
- Absolutely.

He kissed you
on the lips?

What was it like?

Scary and wonderful
and exciting and...

Like christmas
at the same time.


Good to see you. Mm!

Christine, look, I need
to apologize for what happened,

Please open the door.




I can't stop thinking
about what christine said.


You think she's right?

I don't know.


- What?
- You're supposed to be

The one who says
everything's gonna be okay.

I mean, come on,
you've got to admit,

That is one
great-looking tree.

It looks like
the one we had

Right after ally
was born, remember?


There was almost
nothing on it,

And it was still
completely beautiful.

we had nothing then,

And those were
the best christmases.

I never wanted them
to end.

Yeah, and now all we want
is for christmas to be over.

Maybe we are ruining
christmas for the kids.

Ah, I don't know.

Do you even know what
the kids want for christmas?


Neither do i.

- We're really pathetic.
- Yeah.

We definitely need to change
some things around here.

Leave me alone.


No. Will.

I'm sorry.

I thought you were mom.

Do you think we'll ever
see christine again?

I don't know.
I hope so.

I want her to come
to my recital tomorrow.

I just want her
to come back.

I don't want her

To have to spend christmas
all alone and sad.

Yeah. Me either.

Where will she go?

I don't know.

I mean, she said
she was from up north,

But I don't know where.



Well, I don't know.
Did you try her number?

All I get is, "this is
not a working number."

Well, how about
where she lives?

I went.

Not only
was she not there,

But there was no sign of her
ever even being there.

How could she be gone

I just wish I knew
where she went.

I mean, there's not even proof
that she was ever even here.

There is.

Uncle david, there is.

What is that?

It fell
out of her purse.


And... And she talks
to the book.

- The book?
- Yeah, I saw her.

And she had a purse
that made money

And cookie cutters
and candy canes.

Come on,
you saw that one.

The pages are blank.

That's great.

You look at it.


Y-you do it.

Where's christine?


Will! Will!

did know santa!

She's from
the north pole! Will!

Wake up, you dork!

Uncle david!

He went to find

He could be anywhere.

We've got to find him.

Look, sis, ally and I are
gonna go right now and find him.

Sure. If you want to.
It can't hurt. Okay.

Your mom and dad
are coming home.

Do you have any idea where
we should start looking?

We need to check
the park first.

We need to talk.

Will has run away.

- Thank you.
- Thank you. Merry christmas.

Thanks, santa.

Merry christmas.
Merry christmas.

You're not santa.

Yeah. Yeah, I am.
Ho, ho, ho.

Well, if you are, do you
know where christine is?


Uh, I don't know
any christine.

Okay, thanks.

And if you can
take wishes,

I want christine back,

Can you send that
to the real santa?

Uh, i-i guess.

Yeah, yeah.
Sure, kid. You bet.

and one more question.

Which way is north?


That way, I think.

Okay, thank you.
Merry christmas.

Merry christmas, kid.
Me... Merry christmas.

How are you?

You have to know
where he is.

You know everything about
every little boy and girl.

I do.

Please don't let anything
happen to him.

He's such
a good little boy.


What is this?

That is a tear.

Something that elves
generally don't do.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
They won't stop.

- I know.
- Why won't it stop?




Do you know
where else he might be?

- I-i don't know.
- All right. Will!


- There you go.
- Thank you. Happy holidays.

Can I help you?

Hi, can I please
get a taxi?

Certainly, young man.
Hold on.


Right this way.

Where to?

Up north.

Oh, well,
that's a long trip.

Do you have money
for that sort of thing?

I have $12.

Well, okay, then.
Up north it is.

So, are you on
a business trip?

No. I'm going to find
my friend for christmas.

My mom was mean to her,
and then she left.

I see.

Did you, uh... Did you talk
to your mom about that?

No, but she...

Don't you think she'll be
worried about you?

Okay, yes,
but christine...

You know,
if you were my son,

I would move heaven
and earth to find you.

I'll bet your parents feel even
stronger than that about it.

But I don't want christine
to be alone on christmas.

Tell you what.

Let's see if we can solve
your problem, huh?


- Will!
- Will!

Why don't we jump
in the car and drive?

Maybe he's just on his bike.

Maybe we should
call the police.

- All right.
- Will!

Wait a minute.
What's this?


Will, buddy.

He was in a cab?
Oh, my god.

What are you doing?
Come here.

Oh, honey.

Hey, guys.

You gave me a heart attack.
Hi, baby.

Thank you so much.
Where'd you find him?

I knew where to look.

Okay, uh, do I owe you
any money or anything?

No. No money.


Uh, listen, is there anything
I can do to pay you back?

I mean...

Well, you could
decorate your house.

It... It looks like
a funeral home.


Uh, you got a point there.

I will.

Hey, listen, thank you again
for bringing will back.

It's my pleasure.

All right.

Where did you go?

I went to find christine.

Hello, ally.

You know christine,
don't you?

Yes, we are acquainted.

Uh, well, I don't know if
you're the real santa or not...

Can you get a message
to christine?

- I can do that.
- Okay.

Um, can you
please tell her

That we really want her
to come back?


I can pass that along.

Thank you.

It's my pleasure.

Now, I have to go,

And you have a recital
to get ready for.

Bye, ally.


Okay, you have to promise
you will never do that again.

- He knew about my recital.
- Really?


He told me
to decorate the house.

- He did?
- He winked at me.

- The cab driver?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- That is weird.

That is weird. Come on.
Let's go inside.

Maybe we should decorate
the house, though.

may I speak with you?

Yes, christine,
what is it?

I know what I want.

I miss christine.

You know, she was just
trying to help.

I know she was.

Hey, what did you
ask santa for?

I really want to know.

To dance.

Actually dance
at the christmas recital.

Okay, you know
what I think?

I think that next year,
you're gonna end up

With a much better part
in the recital.

'Cause I'm gonna be
right here to help you.

I'm gonna be home
a lot more now.

- Really?
- Really.

'Cause your dad and I
talked about it last night,

And we decided
that the store

Is in really good shape
right now,

And that we can afford
to cut back at work

And let the employees
take some more responsibility.

What do you think
about that?

That's great, mom.

I love you, sweetheart.
I love you.

I love you too.

Thanks for your help,


Are you okay,
uncle david?

No, will, I'm not.

I've just got
a lot on my mind.

I miss her too.

I mean, I wish she could just
spend christmas with us.

She loved christmas.

Should we do this?

Let's do this.

Okay. Good luck.
You're gonna be great.

Next year, we're really
gonna get 'em.

No, mom.
We'll get 'em tonight.

Mom, this is for you.

And christine.

- What is?
- You'll see.

Come on, ally.
You're on first.

I love you.

Oh, I love you.

- Okay, watch me.
- Okay, break a leg.

- Okay. Have fun.
- Bye.

- She is so excited.
- Really?

Yeah, she just
gave me a big hug

And told me
she loved me.

That's great.

I just still
feel so bad

'Cause I wish
I had been here

To help her
prepare for this.

Oh, it's gonna be great.
Don't worry about it.

Merry christmas. Okay.

I got my christmas wish!

I got to dance!
I got to dance!

I know.
You were so great.

I am so proud of you.

Thanks, mom.

That was fantastic.

- I love you, dad.
- I love you too.

I just wish christine
was here to see it, you know?

Oh, uncle david wants you
to be his elf this year.

He showed me where
the costume is in the store.


Well, I'd love to be
an elf tonight.

Come on.


It's right over here.

Here it is.



- We missed you.
- I missed you too.

We will get started
in just a minute.

Santa has to wait
for his elf.

Ho, ho, ho, ho,
ho, ho, ho!

What's your name?

Nice to meet you.

You're late.

I came as fast
as I could.

You look amazing.

And the ears
are a nice touch.

Now, we have
some work to do.

Yes, we do!

Let's start with cassidy.
Hi, cassidy.

She's been
a very good girl this year.

Oh, well, we have
something just for you.

Merry christmas.
Thank you.

Merry christmas.


Please, please,
please forgive me.

I was so wrong
and you were so right.

Well, it isn't about
right and wrong.

It's about family.
And christmas.

We completely lost sight
of what christmas was about,

And we're never gonna
do that again.

Come here.

Oh, I love you.
Merry christmas.

I love you.
I'm so sorry.

Seeing you all here
together is all I need.

Do you have anywhere
to spend christmas?

I don't.
For the first time, I don't.

Well, then you are
spending it with us, okay?

I would love that.

Good, good, good.

do you have time

To help me put
the christmas lights up?

Yes, of course.
Of course. Get 'em ready.

I've got to, uh, change.
All right.

All right, let's go, then.

I really like your ears.

They look awfully real.

Thank you.

If, um, I was a real elf,

Would that be
a problem for you?

It wouldn't be a problem
in the least.

Look what I found
in my purse.

Well, then.

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ We wish you
a merry christmas ♪

♪ And a happy new year ♪

Really something else,


Thank you.

There you go.

It's true.

Oh, what...
I love that color.


- Oh.
- Uh-oh.

- Hey, dad.
- Yeah?

For you, sara.

- Oh, my goodness.
- For you.

Thank you.

Dad, you got me a box?

Thank you.

They're beautiful.


thank you.
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