Come Dance with Me (2012)

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Come Dance with Me (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, Russ, now,
we can match that rate,

and what if we were to offer
you a small...a finder's fee

for persuading your
clients to go with us?

That'd be between you
and me, of course.

And I'd really love to find
a way to make this work.

Fair enough,

We'll talk then.

Okay, thanks.


Didn't make
the deal?

Do you have to
do that now?

Mr. Carsley's coming
in this afternoon

and he wants to see 30 offices
filled with holiday cheer.

Every one of them has
someone like you telling me

to come back later.

Well, I could make
Mr. Carsley happy.

Or, I could
make you happy.

Who do you think
it's gonna be?

Just try not to make too
much noise, would you?

'Tis the season to be
jolly, Mr. Pressman.

Lighten up.

When I make this month's quota
I will lighten up, 'til then--

Bah humbug.

I mean--

I've been working
on it for months.

I even promised Russ a little
private kickback, but--

I can't close it.

Ah, it could still come through,
you can never tell.

I am just worried
about the promotion.

Your promotion
is safe, dude.

You know


You've been dating the
boss's daughter for 3 months,

I know it,

the department head knows it.
Even human resources knows it.

It's just dating.

Yeah, but that
could change, right?

I mean, aren't things
getting serious?

I mean,
you know...

Well, there
you go.

As long as that
possibilities out there,

nobody's gonna
block your promotion.

But, you are gonna
propose though, right?

Ahg, uh, yeah,

Okay, I mean, I-- look-- We
have a great time together.

Can't ask for
more than that,

and her parents
are loaded!

Hello! It's a match
made in heaven.

Can we play?


Well, there's simply
so much to be done,

I keep forgetting how
much, uh, work it takes.

Mother tries to outdo
herself every year.

Started off, simply enough,
Do you remember, Drew?

A lunch at the Country
Club, wasn't it?

Mhmm, for 25 of our friends
and then it just grew.


What are we up
to this year?

Mmmm 200
last count.

Surprised we even
know 200 people.

[small chuckles]

Don't be silly,
they're all our friends,

they'd be devastated if
they weren't invited.


Mother's rented the ballroom
at the Sadler this year.


Well, they've been biding
for the past 5 years,

thought I'd give
them a chance.

Now, the events manager
at the Clarendon's

going to be

But, I told her I
thought the hotel

had been cutting corners
on food last year.

I notice those
sorts of things.

I bet you do.

You seem like the
kind of person who's

passionate about
the details.


You can't take your eye
off anybody for a second.

Now, naturally, you're
invited this year, Jack.

Unless you're going
home for the holidays.

No, no, Kansas is a little
far for a 4-day weekend.

Oh, good.

Demi'd be devastated if
you couldn't make it.

Now, we've flown over Kansas
before, haven't we dear?

I suppose so, it's the
most common route.

You should stop by sometime,
really nice people.

Well that must be
a consolation.

Pass the wine,


That's good!


Oh right, the guy in
the real estate signs.

I've passed by him
dozens of times.

He's probably
just a friend.

They looked like they
were more than friends.

Okay, a really
good friend.

It's not funny,

Well...what do you
want me to say?

Did you give her your
varsity letter?

Are you pinned?
Are you an item?

Do you have an

Have you plated
your troth?

that means.


Then she can go out with other
guys, you date other women.

Yeah, just a
couple of times.

It's not the number
of times that counts.

Now face it, Demi is very
beautiful and very rich,

As long as you're not
gonna commit to her,

she's gonna get other offers,
so do something.

The guy can outspend
me 20 to 1.

Yeah, but you're
better looking!

At least I think.

I mean, I've never seen Walt
Marklin in three dimensions.

Look, the only thing he's
got over you is money.

So get some, max out your
cards, hit your mother up,

win the lottery,

But do something!

You're right.

You're absolutely

I gotta win this.

That's my boy.

How you gonna
start, huh?

Yeah-- no it came
in this morning.

I've actually never
been to the Sadler.

Oh, we've gone there for years,
it's a tradition in our family.

The Grand
Ballroom, wow,

guess I'll have to brush
up on my waltz, huh.

Oh, well, we'll be doing the
foxtrot, the quick step,

and of course all
the Latin dances.

You really are...
ballroom dancing.

[giggles] Yeah, of course,
we've always done it, it's a--

Tradition in your
family, of course.


Now when you say foxtrot
and the quick step,

there are only some people that
actually know how to do it?

Oh, well, not in our circle,
ballroom dancing is--

A tradition in your family,
I should've known that.

Well, don't you
like dancing?

Hmm-- No, love it,
can't get enough!

Crazy about it,
come on.

Than why haven't
we gone dancing?

You wanna
go dancing?


What's wrong?

No, I just, I--
my back.

Did a heavy work out
at the gym, I'm fine.

Okay, you wanna
sit down?

No, no--
I wanna dance.



Okay, this is ridiculous,
you're in pain, come on--

Let's sit down.


I'm sorry.

Don't be silly, we'll come
back when you're feeling better.

You know, Jacky,
I want the first waltz

to be with you at the
Christmas party.

It will, you're on the
top of my dance card.

Yeah, it's girls who
have the dance cards.

I knew that.


Get caught in the
rain last night?

The rain?

Yeah, in that freak
storm we had.

No, no, I was fine,
Walter had his car.


Yeah, Walter Marklin
took me out for dinner.


He's an old friend
of the family's.

tradition, yeah.



There's no reason I
can't date other men.

No, of course not.

Well, are
you angry?


Alright, cause you know,
it's not like we're engaged

or anything.


You want a drink?

Yes, please.



And back, and front,
and back, and front.



Front, back.

Don't look at
your feet.



Okay, you need to alternate,
so front, and then back, okay?

You work on the basic step
for a few more minutes.



Can you watch
for me please?

Hi, there.

I'm Christine Davis,
can I help you?

Hey, I'm Jack, I need
to learn how to dance.

Oh, okay, well, we've got
a series of lesson plans

to choose from.

Good, I was hoping you could
sort of, maybe, just...

teach me tonight
if you have time.


It's not really something
you learn in one class.

Oh, it's not just kind of
moving around to music?

Yeah, and learning the piano
is just pressing down

on those black and white
things with your fingers.

Point taken.

How long will
it take?

Well that depends, do you
want to learn to foxtrot,

samba, salsa,

Actually, they all kind
of look a little silly.

Why do you wanna
take dance lessons?

I need to dazzle people
at a Christmas party.

Why don't you learn
some card tricks?

That's funny.

Listen, I teach
ballroom dancing.

If you wanna learn how to
dance, give me a shout.

Otherwise, I'm in the
middle of a lesson.

Sorry, I didn't mean to
get off on the wrong foot.

I need to learn
to waltz.

Okay, would you like to
learn a specific routine?

Or learn the dance you
can waltz with anyone?

I need to learn so I don't
make a fool of myself

at a Christmas dance
in less than 3 weeks.

Well then,
it'll take 3 weeks.



If you're any
good at it.

I played tennis in college,
I can move.

You play tennis with
someone strapped

to the front of
your body?

No, although that
sounds like a lot of fun.

Okay, well, in ballroom
dancing, you need to lead

your partner in a series
of complex steps

using only your body to
tell her what to do.

How am I gonna
do that?

Through technique.

It's a skill that
you have to learn.

let's do it.

Okay, they're
every other night.

How about
every night?

You need to

When do we start?

Fifteen minutes.


Sit and watch.


Okay, put
your arms up.

[clears throat]

Where's the music?

You're not ready
for music.

Okay, walk forward.

I'll run into you.

You think so?


How was I supposed to know
you were gonna walk forward?

You told me to.

I'm trying to
make a point.

Remember when I was talking
about using your body to tell

your partner
what to do.

And how do
I do that?

Put your arms up.

Okay, now put some tension
in these tennis-toned arms.

Very impressive.

Kay, and we call this
tension tone.

Now walk forward.

How'd you do that?


Now if you keep
your frame right,

and you get a little
springiness in your step,

then I have no choice
but to walk backwards.


Good, okay, so you
understand tone.

Now, the waltz step is in a box
step, it's in the counts.

One, two, three.
One, two, three...

One, two, three.

You step on
every count.

You step forward
with your left foot,

and I'm gonna
step back.

Step forward,
side, close.

Now, step back
with this foot.



Front, side, close.

One, two, three.

Step forward,
side, close.

One, two, three.

We're dancing!


Kind of.

One, two, three.

Front, side, close.

Back, side, close.

Don't look at
your feet.

If I don't look at
my feet, I mess up.

No, you're messing up because
you're looking at your feet.

Okay, I think that we're
good for our first lesson.

Okay, practice that box step
whenever you get a chance.

You want to practice it tomorrow
night for at least an hour.

You wanna be so familiar with
it, you don't need to think

about it, we call
that muscle memory.

How'd I do?

You did fine.

Fine is what you
say when you don't

put your dance partner
in a body cast.

I mean, how'd
I really do?

You did fine.

This is your
first class,

you can't expect to
master it in an hour.

I'll see ya in
a couple days.


One, two, three.
One, two-- two, three.


One, two, three.

One, two, three.
One, two, three...

One, two, three...

You're not supposed
to look at your feet.

That's what
Christine said.


My dance

I'm sorry, your
dance instructor?

Apparently, something has
happened in the last 24 hours.

Yeah, I took
your advice.

Yeah, oddly enough I don't
remember telling you

to become a dancer.

I'm going to Carsley's
Christmas dance

and I am going
to dazzle Demi.

Gonna sweep her off her feet.
How's this for graceful, huh?

One, two, three...

Well, actually,

the robot in 'Lost In Space'
was a little more graceful.

Awe, come on.

Just had my first
lesson last night.

Hey, don't you
think maybe taking

Demi out to nice

buying her presents, uh,
walks along the beach,

stuff like that might
be more effective?

Yeah, Walt Marklin can out
spend us on all of that.

So, we are going to beat
him with grace, elegance,

and energy,
my friend.

One, two, three...

Well, maybe after a
few more lessons.

They sell books on learning
how to do this, don't they?

One, two, three...

[phone rings]


Yeah, listen, we
are right on track.

Yeah, legal's
reviewing the papers

and once I get the
'okay' everything

should just go
one, two, three.

One, two, three..

Oh, sorry.

Yeah, no, they-- they pipe in
these Christmas carols here

and it gets very


So, listen, once I
here from legal,

I'll get right
back to you.


One, two, three...

One, two, three.
One, two, three...

You've been


Good, huh?


Okay the thing is, is that
you have it up here,

but you don't
have it here.

You're thinking,
you're not feeling.

Well, I'll think my
way into feeling.

You can't do that
anymore then you can

think your way into
falling in love.

Well, what am I
supposed to do here?

Just listen.

What am I
listening for?

Don't talk.

Don't think.

Don't analyze.

Just listen.

Do you hear that?

I hear the waltz.

But do you hear it
with more than your ears?

Yeah, I've never been real good
at the metaphysical thing,

can we just dance?

Alright, maybe I'm
rushing things.

Eventually, you will get
what I'm driving at.

Or rather you'll feel
what I'm driving at.

Box step.

That's good,

Very good,

Ah, still dancing,
I see.

A lot to dance about
today my friend.

Look at you.


Here we go,
coming down.

Yup. Ugh, ah.

So, what's up?

Remember Russ

Guy you've been trying to close
since the beginning of time.

...I thought went to
another company.

I got a call this morning,
I got the account.

No way!


Entire city block being
raised and rebuilt,

dollar project.

All the finance brokerage
coming through us.

Awe, that's great!

You sure you don't
wanna dance?

No, but I can
see why you do.

That's the biggest deal
Carsley's got in 2 years.

You're golden.

I've had some good days at
Carsley's, this oughta convince

them that I'm worthy to
marry their daughter.

My ship has come
in my friend.

Eh, you won't forget
your oldest friend

when you're on
top will ya?

Never forget
you Rob.

Y-- You know
it's Rick.

Good morning,

Hey, morning doll.

Mrs. Farnum
coming in today?

Ah yes, the ever
beautiful Mrs. Farnum,

three years of dance lessons,
the woman still can't tell

the difference between
a waltz and a tango.

I think you look
like Fred and Ginger.


I think we look more
like Fred and Gingivitis.


what is it?

We're getting


It says that they're tearing
down the whole block

and that we have until
December 24th.

Wait a minute,
wait a minute, wait!

You got a lease,

Well, dad and Mr.
Bertoli were friends;

I don't think they ever
bothered with a lease.

At least, I've
never seen one.

Well, okay, what about
when Bertoli died?

Well, I think that
his heirs took over.

I don't know, I-- I've
just been paying rent

to the same management
company for years, Eddie.

Oh, Christine.

Come on, take
a look around,

I mean this studio has
been here forever.

Well, I don't think
forever means anything

to the people that
are tearing it down.


We're gonna
fight it.

You bet your butt we're
gonna fight it, enh ha.

What are we
gonna do?

I don't know.

But I will think
of something.

Hey, Jacky.

Hey, what are
you doing here?

That's not a very
nice way to say, hi.


Daddy told me about
your big new deal!


News travels
fast, huh.


Yeah, so--

So, where are we
gonna go celebrate?

We will definitely
have to do that.

We should go to
Le Poulet D'Argent.

Oo, the Silver

Well, it's the hottest
new restaurant in town.

It's expensive
isn't it?

Oh, daddy had accounting
advance you part of your bonus.

It's sitting in your
checking account, my idea.



So, you're
loaded sugar.

So, you'll take me to
Le Poulet D'Argent?

I'll take you anywhere
you wanna go.


But not tonight.

Why not tonight?

I can't, I have a
previous engagement.

Why not just
break it?

I wish I could,
I can't.

Well, what is it?

I can't tell you.

Oh come on, tomorrow
night sweetheart.

Let me take you
out tomorrow night.

Well I don't know if I'm
free tomorrow night.

C'mon, it's Friday night, date
night. I'll take you anywhere.

We'll go clubbing, we'll
go after-hour clubbing,

C'mon, I wanna really,
I wanna take you out.

Well, I dunno, maybe tomorrow
works out better anyways.

I was gonna have to
cancel my plans tonight

to go out with you but
this way I don't have to.

What are
you doing?


Can't tell you.

That's very good,

I can tell that you've
been practicing.

Okay, so let's just start
turning ever so slightly

counter clockwise
with each step.

What's wrong?

You're just stepping
a little bit too far--

No, no, what's--

You seem funny.

Your eyes are
all red.

You been crying?

I just got some bad news,
that's all. I'm fine.

Oh, sorry.

It's okay anyway, the reason
you're over stepping--

If you don't wanna do this,
it's fine I get that.

I am so sorry, absolutely,
you paid for your lesson.

Forget that.

Well then, honestly, teaching
dance is the last thing in

the world that I feel
like doing right now.

Well, then let's just say
the hours done.

Thank you.


Could we just
talk for a second?


I don't wanna lay all my
troubles on you, but I just--

I really need to
speak to somebody

who has some
business experience.

And you seem like some
sort of professional, right?

I'm sorry,
what do you do?

I work for a financial
planning company.

We hook up people who need
money with corporations

that are looking
to invest.

You're exactly the kind of
person that I need to talk to.

Would you mind, just
taking a walk with me?


Won't be far, just
across the street.

Thank you.

I tried to get the management
company that I've been dealing

with to get me an appointment
with the owners but,

they won't
talk to me.

I guess they've got an offer
that they can't refuse.

They're ripping down
all of these buildings,

it's like ripping out the
heart of the neighborhood.

Well, you know people in the
old buildings they ripped down

to make these probably
said the same thing.

I mean, that's the way cities
are, you can't stop it.

Well, I can try.

I think you're
wasting your time.

Well then,
I'll waste my time.

Jack, this studio is the last
thing that I have of my family.

Everything that I remember
about high school has to do

with this place.

I mean we had some
good dancers,

we had some bad
dancers, [laughs]

and we had some really
amazing dancers.

I couldn't wait for school to be
done so that I could get here.

There are worse
places to grow up, huh?

And it was also the last
place that my dad saw.

It was tango night, which was
my dad's favorite dance,

and we finished, and everyone
applauded like crazy.

My dad bowed, and then he went
to sit down in his chair and...

He had a
massive stroke.

There was no
warning signs.

But later, when I'd had some
time to think about it,

I said, what a
great way to go.

I mean surrounded by the
people that you love the most.

Doing the thing that
you love the most.

In the place that
you love the most.

Listen, you'll find another
studio, I'll help you.

But I don't want
a new studio

and that costs money

and I don't really have
a lot of money, so...

Look, this is a viable
business, right?

Dance studios aren't
exactly a cash cow.

I mean, I make enough
money to pay the rent,

and Eddie,
and me...

No savings?

I used them last summer
to pay for the floors.

'Cause I never dreamt that this
place wouldn't be here forever.

We'll think of
something, okay.


I don't know, but just
let me think about it.

Thank you.

Anything that you can do,
it would...

I would really
appreciate it, Jack.

Well, we
could dance.

Out here?

I mean, you owe
me a lesson.

Oh, that's true,
I do.

Alright, well.

You promised
to help her?

Didn't know
what to say!

First thing that popped
into your head was

'I'll help you
fight this'.

I don't know-- I just,
I'm smart, I'll figure it out.

Well, just tell
her the truth.

Yeah that's-- that's
certainly an option.

Oh, Jack.

I just need a minute,
I need to find a way

to minimize the pain
for everybody.

You're gonna rip
down her studio,

how can that
not be painful.

I didn't say eliminate the pain,
I said minimize the pain, okay?

I'm good at finding
a 'yes', you know.

Something that
everybody can agree on.

You're gonna have to
be more than good.

You have
to be great.

I need to finish learning
how to do the waltz in time

for Christmas too.

You do know there are
hundreds of other

dance instructors in
the city, right?

I like her,
my friend.

Wait, wait.

Is something
going on here?


Are you having
an affair?

You can't be having an
affair unless you're married.

Don't play word games,
you know what I mean.

Tell me there's nothing
going on between you two.

There is nothing
happening between us.

She's teaching me how
to dance, that is all.

Okay, Jack.

There's nothing
going on.

But I am saying
this as a friend.

You are the top

and it looks like you're gonna
marry Carsley's daughter.

Screw either of those up and
you'll have two security guards

escorting you to the door
while you're carrying

a cardboard box with
your personal effects.

Everything is
gonna be fine.

Ah, if you say so.

Thank you.

Don't they do beautiful
food presentations here?

This is the

Yeah, it's a
deconstructed steak.

It's meant to
be ironic.

Ah, that explains it.

Don't you like it?

I'm gonna savor every morsel,
ironically, of course.


Well, everybody
comes here.

It's so dark,
how can you tell?


I love it here, I could
eat here every night.

That's how you
stay so slim.

[giggles] Awe,
that's sweet.

You know, they also cater for
Bar Mitzvha's and weddings.

[on phone]
Carsley Investments.

Hi, could I speak with
Mr. Pressman please.

[phone rings]


Hi, is this
John Pressman?

[quiet scratchy voice]
Umm, yes, I'm his assistant,

uh, can I take
a message?

I'm sorry, I can barely
hear you, can you speak up?

I'm sorry, I have terrible,
terrible laryngitis.

Oh, I'm sorry, I need to
speak with John Pressman,

it's about the
Trombley project.

He's on the
other line.

It's okay,
I can hold.

One moment.


If you can make sure
that's done by Monday.


You have to pretend to be me
on this call with Trombley.


It's Christine she wants
to talk about the project

I'm afraid she's gonna
recognize my voice.

You haven't
told her yet?!

Would I be panicking
if I had?

Well, it's a great opportunity
to clear the air so...

Absolutely. Later.



Well, sorry, I'm not
doing your lying for you.

Just this once.

Nope, sorry.

[in British accent]
How do you do?

So kind of you to
have invited us.

What are
you doing?

I played the lead
in 'My Fair Lady'

in high school I have
this accent perfectly.

[British accent]
John Pressman.

Hi, uh, this is
Christine Davis.

Are you the gentleman that's in
charge of the Trombley project?

Yes well, I-- I'm, well, we
here at Carsley Investments

we are responsible for the...
financial portion of the--

the project, yes.

Okay, but you're
an important part

of the project
going forward?


Yes rather.

Okay well, I
want you to know

that you're tearing my
dance studio down.


Well, hmm.

That's not really my
decision now, is it?

We-- we don't, make the
plans, as I said we, we--

We are merely involved
in the financing, my dear.

It's the same thing.

Without the financing the
project wouldn't go forward.

I want you to know
that I'm gonna fight you.

Because this is my life
that you're destroying.

Yes, well, well, certain
decisions just can't, can't--

Can't be altered
sometimes, you see?


People make

decisions don't
make themselves,

and they need to be
responsible for them.

Yes, yes.

Well I, I assure you my role in
this project is minimal at best.

Fact is, that
you have a role.

And that means that you
are part of the problem.

Well I, I'm not denying I
have had a hand in it, yes.

That's true
my dear.

Mr. Pressman,

Haven't you ever loved a
place so much that it--

It just feels a
part of you?


Yes, I mean, the home I
grew up in with my mother,

she's still there, yes,
that was quite dear to me.

Okay, so then, you
know what I mean!

I can't even think about this
place being torn down without

getting an ache in
the pit of my stomach.

Yes, my dear, I can
hear how upset you are.

And it is a part of my heritage
and I am not giving it up.

But as I said really this is
out of my hands, my dear.

Okay, well then fine
take this as a warning.

I am not just gonna lie down and
let you people walk all over me.

No one is
expecting you to.

I'm gonna do
whatever it takes.

Yes, and I'm sure you will and
just, just for the record, I--

I am terribly, terribly sorry
that things are turning

out this way,
my dear.

I really am.

Well, thank you.

I didn't mean to imply
that it was all your fault.

No-- No.

I understand.

I just...

I know that it's
not, I'm just--

I'm calling everybody
that I can on this.

And that is certainly
your right my dear.

Well, thank you for speaking
with me Mr. Pressman.

My pleasure.

For what it's worth,

I think you genuinely understand
what I'm going through.

I do my dear,
I do.

Anyway, as you said, call
any time, always here.

Okay, I will.

Thank you,
Mr. Pressman.



That's a very nice
and decent lady.

Yes, she is.

She doesn't deserve what
you're putting her through.

You know the project's gonna
happen, now she needs to know.

Okay, I get it.

What exactly's
going on here?


I told you, she's
my dance teacher.

No, no, no, I know all that,
but you're one of the most

people I've met,

nothing gets in the
way of your deal.

I can tell, Christine doesn't
have two cents to rub together,

but for some reason you
can't tell her that she's

out on the street in a
couple of months-- Why?

I don't know.

I go in there and I'm
planning to tell her,

and then suddenly we're...
moving around the room

and I don't
say anything.

The words don't
come out.

You know what
it sounds like.

You know we were dancing
on the street last night?



Under a streetlamp.
In New York.

Waltzing around.

I think that's probably
some sort of citable offense.

I don't mean to tell
you about your life,

but you know what this is all
beginning to feel like, right?

And I heard music.
I swear I heard music.

Okay that's it, Jack,
face the facts--

[phone rings]



Checking up on me?

You know I'm
working on it 24/7.

One second

[whispers] This is
gonna take a minute.

Yeah, listen, I
couldn't be happier

with the way we're

Everything is
right on track.


[clears throat]

You were dancing
better two nights ago.


Are you okay?

Yeah, no,
I'm sorry, I just--


I just have some
stuff on my mind.

I'm sorry, I didn't
mean to pry, Jack.

Let's just
take a break.

You know, I've just got this
situation and I've gotta...


Figure out some
way to handle it.


You know, I was talking to
this John Pressman guy today.


Talk about

He's the finance guy on this
re-development project

and I called him ready
to give him an earful.

And he just, respectfully
listened to everything that I

had to say and even though I
know that we're on opposite

sides of the issue, I felt,
encouraged after our call.

Did you?

Yeah, I mean, he didn't
come right out and say

it was a stupid idea to fight it
so, I mean, maybe there's hope.

Yeah, no, but I mean
you know these guys,

what's it--
Pre-- Pressman?

I mean, these guys they're not
gonna come right out and say no.

They're very,
they're very diplomatic.

Well, he seemed

Right, no, well, I mean he
may be a-- a great guy,

but he might not
have any ability

to compromise
the situation.


Seven and--

I think I'm gonna
file a legal suit.



It's okay.


Yeah I'm not--

I'm not sure that you wanna
involve, involve lawyers.

You know, they'll just,
they'll bleed you dry.


Seven and--

Well, at least they know what to
say, and what questions to ask.

I know nothing about that world,
I'm at a total loss.


And maybe this is
over stepping...

Maybe you could call
John Pressman for me?

Yeah, I mean, I'd be happy to,
but I just don't know that

you need another voice
in that conversation.

You're sidestepping,

I'm not.

Then why are we
in the wall?


I'm sorry, I shouldn't
have asked you.

No, no, please, I would,
I would love to.

I-- I just don't know,
you know, the tenant history,

I haven't seen
any paperwork.

I have a whole
box of stuff.

Do you?

Well then, sure,
why not?

I'd be happy to take a
look, give him a call.



Oh, thank you!

Thank you!

I appreciate
that so much!


I-- I mean.

This is what I
do every day.


His number's 555-1273. I mean,
I will write it down for you.

I'll remember.

Thank you
so much Jack.

[shakes very
full box]



You promised to
talk to yourself?

I'd make a
phone call.

To yourself?

I know--
I know.

Well, you shouldn't
do it on the phone

you should meet
yourself face to face.

[British accent] Go on,
take yourself to the pub

discuss it
over a pint.

Why stop there?

Why not challenge
yourself to arm wrestling?

See, if you win the
building gets torn down,

but if you win the
building stays up, ah?

That's very funny.

Well, why would
you tell her that?

I just--
I didn't wanna...

See her look sad.

Well, you think she
looks sad now,

wait till she finds out
you've been lying to her.

Lying to who?

No one, we're just, he's
just exaggerating as usual.

We're just talking about
the business stuff.

Oh. Business.

Still you shouldn't
be lying.

Dinner tomorrow

Yeah! I'll call Renee and have
her save us a good table.

I can't.



Look, it's a surprise.

For you.


For Christmas?

Yeah, it's--

It's a Christmas

How about dinner
Friday at Poulet?

Well, okay, but we're
getting champagne.


Hey, Rick.
It's Jack.

You don't need
to call me back.

Just wanted to let
you know that um,

I was up most of the night
trying to figure out what to do

with this whole Christine thing
and... I know what to tell her

now, so, I have a lesson tonight
and I'm gonna tell her then.

[doorbell rings]

at my door.

Uh, anyway, I'm glad to get
this off my mind, I am looking

forward to getting back to my
life with no complications.


Merry Christmas!


So, I was talking to
Mrs. Leifshutz

You remember her?


Sure you do!

Mrs. Leifshutz

No I, I don't remember
a Mrs. Leebshuts.

Mrs. Leif-SHUTZ.

Uh, whatever mom I--
I don't remember.

You can say it 100 times
but I'm not gonna remember it.

What about her?

So, I was talking to her and
she said that it was so sad that

this was the first Christmas
since your father's passing

and that we were going
to spend it apart.

I know mom,
I'm sorry.

I have been meaning to
visit and come back.

No, no, no!

That's okay,
I understand.

You're in a new job and
working all the time,

but I'm just kicking around
at home doing nothing,

so, that started
me thinking

and I used to surprise you
with some Christmas presents

when you were a little boy so I
decided to, surprise you again!

Well, you
certainly did!

You don't have
any decorations up.

Yeah I have that.

What is that?

That's my tree.


Demi gave
it to me.


She's not the, uh,
sentimental type is she.

Avant garde you know that's,
that's her thing.

If you're into art or creative
stuff she's your person.

Uh huh.

That's very

It is.
Yeah, isn't it?

She's amazing.

She's on the board of several
museums, she put together this,

this orchestra for these inner
city kids, who had nothing.

she's incredible.

Well I'd-- I'd
love to meet her.

Oh, she's so beautiful,
I mean she's--

she could be a movie star if she
wanted to, I'm telling you.

Jacky, you don't
have to sell me.

No, I'm--
I'm not!

So, um, I'm assuming that
she's going to be a part

of the um,
the family?


I mean,
yeah at some point.

Well, you know we have
been seeing each other.

Seeing a lot
of each other.

Mmm hmm.

Well then?

I haven't
asked her.

Well, are you
going to?

Yeah definitely, I mean I--
you know I'm, I think so.

Prob-- Soon.

Jacky you know I've never heard
you sound like this before.

I mean you always knew what you
wanted and went after it I mean,

that's one of the things that
I always admired about you.

Actually, mom I'm a
little confused about

a couple of
things lately.

I just don't know
what to think.

Well, what does
your heart tell you?

My heart?


Your heart!

Jacky we're talking
about love here.

You can't think your
way through this.

Do you
love Demi?

We have a great
time together mom.

We're very...

She's charismatic,
she's cultured, she's beautiful

sexy, I mean, yeah, we
have a great time together.

Why are you

Okay, enough
analysis, mom.

Okay, okay.

Do it your way.

Eventually I'll realize that
you were right all along, right?

Why don't you let me take
you out to dinner tonight?

Alright, great.

Oh, no I can't, I have a,
uh, dance lesson tonight.

Well, you are full
of surprises.

No, it's just for the
company Christmas party

I have to learn
to dance.


Oh, wait, I have the perfect
thing for you to wear!

Oh, mom I hope it's
not one of those...

Oh, mom.

Isn't it beautiful?

Where do you get these
things year after year?

Mrs. Leifshutz knits them! Poor
thing she doesn't have a lot

to do and she likes
to keep busy.

Mom, I-- I'm not really sure
how to break this to you but,

I don't still really
wear that kind of thing.

People who appreciate
Christmas, do.

Feel the rise
and fall.

It's a lot to

You shouldn't even
have to remember.

Your body should just
do it automatically.

I'll try.

Don't even try.

Just let it

Your brain's gettin'
in the way.

Turn your
brain off.

Every time I've turned my brain
off I've gotten in trouble.

Hi there,
can I help you?

No-- no, I'm
just watching.


What are you
doing here?

Well, I um, I found this
card on the table and uh,

I figured this is
where you must be.

So, um, I was taking my
evening walk anyway

so, I thought I'd come
and cheer you on.

Yeah...I forgot about
the old evening walk.


Are you going to
introduce us?

Mom, this is Christine,
my dance instructor.

Christine this,
is my mother.

Call me Jessica.

Very nice to meet
you Jessica.


So, how is
Jacky doing?

Uh, Jacky is
doing very well.

Gee I haven't been to a parent
teacher interview for years!

Well, in that
case, um,

Jacky's a delight to
have in the classroom.

He dresses
very well.

He's polite and he
plays well with others.


Christine would you join
us for dinner tomorrow?

I'll cook.

I thought we were
going out, mom?

I changed
my mind.

I think we should just
have a nice holiday dinner.

I would
love to!

I mean, if that's
okay with you...

Sure, that's--
that's great.


Shall we
say seven?

Seven sounds


Goodnight, mom.

Thank you.




No, no,
I just...

I just wish you'd asked,
before you invited her over,

that's all.


Are you ashamed
of where you live?

No, of course not.

I just thought...


Do you remember
these decorations?

You-- you brought
them all with you.

Well, there wasn't any point
in decorating my house

if I wasn't going
to be there.


And I went out and
got a little tree,

after you'd gone
to your class.

I'm sorry it's so small but
it's the best I could manage.

No, it's...
It's beautiful.

You know what--

Why don't we
put this away.

But if Demi comes
over it comes back out.

Now, it's beginning to
feel like Christmas!

It sure is.

Let me ask you a question,
Jack. You like this place?

Oh! It's the hottest
restaurant in town!

People love
coming here!

Do you like it?


I don't really like any
restaurant where the plate

is heavier
than the food.

Well, I couldn't
agree more.

Don't know why I brought
us here, force of habit.

You like it?

I loathe it!


Did you know I was born and
raised in Gary, Indiana?


I always thought
that you were...

Native New Yorker, family's
been here for generations.


Well, that's no accident,
I've worked at that but no,

I started out with,
nothing but ambition.

And um, somehow
Clarice spotted me,

my rugged good
looks I guess.

And we got serious, and she
introduced me to the right

people and I made sure those
introductions paid off.

Well, you're also
great at what you do.


But skill isn't
always enough.

And you're gonna have to
do the same thing Jack.

Demi will
insist upon it.

And get used to
places like this.

You'll be eating
in a lot of them.

Crush that
social circle.

Stay there
long enough,

and people will forget
you're from Kansas.

I'm not sure that
I want them to.

Oh, yeah you do.

This is a very small
world you're moving into.

We all know each other,
we're all we want to know.

Listen, you could
be very happy.

You'll have a lovely home,
a beautiful fascinating wife,

a full social

and the ability and
potential to make

more money than you'll
have ever dreamt possible.

That's the
deal Jack.

And I just thought
you should be aware

of the details
before signing up.

I appreciate it.

Are you happy,

Clarice and I make a,
good team.

I live a comfortable life,
I've gotten everything

I could have
asked for.

If that's what you
want Jack go for it.

Demi's mother and I will
not stand in your way.

We'll leave that decision
totally up to you two.

Thank you, sir.

Let's have
some dessert.




Come in.


Oh, thank you!

Mom, Christine
is here!


Oh, hello.

So glad you
could come!

Thank you.

Oh my!

What a beautiful


I love it when people know
how to embrace the holiday.

Well, Christmas is my
favorite time of the year.

Can you believe I
have an entire closet

full of sweaters
just like this one.


I'm really glad
that you invited me.

Um, I brought you a
little something.

Oh! Thank you,
that's so nice of you!

It's nothing it's just a,
Christmas ornament.

It's a Christmas

My father bought
it years ago

and we always hung
it on the tree.

You don't like it.

No, uh, um, your father couldn't
have bought just this one bird.

Well, yes, he did.

No, they were
only sold in pairs.

Come with me!

You see I uh, I bought a pair
of these for the first Christmas

that Jack's father and I spent
together, and one of them broke

a couple of years ago
and I was heartbroken

and now, the lovebirds
are together again.

You did good!

And his father was standing in
the middle of the department

store surrounded with this
new video equipment trying to

get a magic memory
on tape and

and Jacky is

I mean screaming in
terror, on Santa's lap!


Look, Santa can
be very scary.

How old
were you?

Second year
in college?

No! You must have been, no, you
were much younger than that.

You must have
been around...

Joking, mom.

Just joking.



Anyone for

That would
be great.


Be right back.

Your mom
is lovely.


She is.

She loves
to laugh.

I see.

I still can't get
over the lovebird.

I know!

That's freaky,

If it was, passed down
to you from your father

you sure you
won't miss it?

No, I've got a trunk full of
ornaments that he left me.

And if that lovebird can
make somebody else happy

then they
should have it.

Oh, believe me, it made
my mother very happy.

Then it did what a
Christmas present should do.

Is Demi as nice
as Christine?


Is Demi as nice
as Christine?

Look mom that's, I dunno that's
like apples and oranges.

Well, they're both young
women aren't they?


Then you should be able to
give me a simple yes or no.

Okay then yes,
she is.

Well then, when
can I meet her?

I dunno I'll try
and set something up.

Why is it that

No it's, it's not difficult,
it's just, she's busy.

Does she work?


What's she so
busy doing?

I dunno she's
just busy.

Ugh, how well do you
know this girl?


It's a legitimate

You hinted that maybe
you're going to propose,

I'm just asking how well
do you know the girl?

I know her
very well.

She's a beautiful woman,
you'll love her.

Well let me
meet her.


I am stuffed.

I couldn't eat
another bite!

Well, maybe they'd let you
take it home in a hamster bag.



That is too funny!

Oh, that's great!

What are
you doing?

Oh, I'm tweeting what you
said to all my friends.

You're just
so precious!

Oh. Thanks.

Now I know where Jack
gets his sense of humor.

You've gotta meet my mom!
She's a total riot!


Oh, she cracks 'em
up at the club.

Well, I look forward
to meeting her.


Yeah, hi, I'm having
lunch with Jack's mother.

The one from
Kansas, yes!

Okay, she has to come to
the Christmas party,

she is an absolute riot,
you'll love her!


Are you staying
at Jack's house?


Yes, she's staying
at Jack's.


She's gonna messenger you
an invitation later today.

Oh, well that's not
really necessary.

Okay love you, kisses!
[kissing sound]



Mother said she's thrilled
she said she'd be absolutely

devastated if you
couldn't make it.

Aw, well I don't really have
the appropriate clothing, so.


Not a problem!

I know exactly
where to take you!

Can we get
the check?

Hey. How's
it going?


Fine. Keeping my
head above water.


I knew it'd be
a lot of work.

She hasn't
given up yet?

I have a whole
file of her letters.

She's written to everybody
involved in the project.

It's not gonna
do any good.

it is not.

Nothing she can do
is gonna stop it.

And there's nothing
I can do either.

Order of eviction.

Well, that makes things
real now doesn't it?


Trombley set the date
for December 24th.

Christmas Eve.


isn't he.

Least I could do is
lose the paperwork.

That oughta buy
her a few weeks.

Well, I guess that's some
sorta Christmas present.


You gotta
tell her man.


You okay?

What's wrong?

Oh, that's beautiful!

I know.

S-- So, what's
the problem?


I know.

I've never spent so much on
a dress in my entire life.

I could have the house
painted for that.

Mom, don't worry, I'll--
I'll give you the money for it.

No, I have the money Jacky
I just don't feel right

spending that much money on
one article of clothing.

Then... why'd
you buy it?


She took me from one
store to another,

and all the
clerks knew her.

And, and they brought
me dress after dress

and after a while it
just became a big blur

I didn't know what
I was doing anymore.

Finally, she took
me to this one store

and she found this dress and
she said it was "Totally me"

and that she would be
absolutely devastated

if I didn't wear it to
the Christmas party.

She invited you to
the Christmas party.


And there was rock music
Christmas carols blaring in my

ear and they put the, the
charge slip in front of me

and I signed it,
then we ended up

in this lounge where I had
something called cosmos

and then I ended up back
here and I, somehow, and...

It was just all
one big blur.


You'll look great
in the dress.

I am taking
it back.



It's just-- it's
too expensive.

It's just
not me!

Ah, it's just
a dress mom.

No, it isn't.

It would be like I'm
changing myself

to get the approval of
people I don't even know.

People I don't
even care about.

And-- and maybe I'm being
a little hard on Demi

but really she spends an
awful lot of time worried

about what people
think of her.

No, I'm gonna just,
take it back

and I'll find something
else to wear to the party.

Mom, as a favor to me,
would you let me buy it for you?

Demi is gonna,
expect to see you in it.

Oh, no.

She won't
even notice.

No! Mom--

She will.

Look, it's a different
world here mom!

Remember when I
was a teenager

and I used to do
deliveries for dad?

And I would go to those, well,
I thought they were mansions

and I would stand on the front
stoop with my paper bags

and sometimes I would just wait
a few minutes before I rang the

bell and I would just, look at
the big house and the manicured

lawn and the, expensive cars
in the driveway and...

I just wanted to be a
part of that world.

Your father and I did
the best we could.

No, mom.

You guys were the greatest
parents imaginable.

Look, I know how hard it was
to put me through college and...

the sacrifices
that you made.

It wasn't a

I know that
it was.

And you gave me unconditional
love the greatest gift possible.

And I need just,
one more little gift!

Even though you don't believe
in it, I need your help.


But it's just
so expensive!


I wore your


Well, Demi does
have good taste!

Doesn't she?!

So, you'll
keep it?

If you think she'll
be insulted.


It is beautiful!


Hi, Jack.

Are you ready?

Yeah, I'll just
get this off.

You okay?

Yeah-- Oh yeah, it's
just been a long day.

I have a lot of long
days too, but,

I don't usually
end up crying.

What's the

I just realized I'm gonna
be outta here in two weeks.

I'm not
gonna win.

I went to talk to a
lawyer this afternoon.

He's an old friend
of my fathers.

And I showed him my notes
from the phone calls

that I've been making and,
you know what he said.

He said to
do nothing.

In the movies the
little guy always wins.

But I guess
in real life

it's the guy with the biggest
bank account that wins.

This is my
home Jack.

I used to do my
homework here.

At a little desk
right there.

My father hung these mirrors
when we first moved in.

My mom was pretty sure that he
didn't know what he was doing.

I guess he
did, huh.

They fell down
twenty minutes later.


They had to call in a carpenter
to fix everything and...

my mom was
so upset.

And he just,
took her by the hand,

and he walked her out into the
middle of the dance floor,

and they just
started to move.

I can still see
them dancing.

Dancing made them
feel better, huh?

Eddie said it was
their therapy.

Well, then...


You felt that.

I could tell.

Yeah I-- I certainly
wasn't thinking anything.

And yet you did
everything perfectly.


You've learned
how to waltz.

Uh, yeah, all right well
that-- that's great.

Well, then I guess I'm um...
ready for my, Christmas dance.

When is it?

Uh, two days.

Two nights, well,

Okay then,
well then, thank you.

Uh, yeah,

Uh, well,
good luck.

It was a real pleasure
teaching you.


Right, okay.




Uh, I--
I forgot my gloves.

Uh, I don't remember
seeing your gloves.



There they are.

Ah, wouldn't
wanna lose those.


Listen now that
I'm back, I mean,

I know you probably had a
long day teaching dance

but would you like
to get a coffee?



Yeah, finding
my gloves.

Or I dunno, finally
learning to dance.

Just let me
change my shoes.

It's getting late I
was getting worried.

Yeah things went
a little late

and then I walked home
to clear my head.

all right?



I think I made
a big mistake.

Well, is it something
to do with your work?

Yeah, in a way.


Well, I wouldn't worry too
much about it, I mean,

not to say that your
work isn't important,

but things have a way of
working themselves out.

Not like life,

I'm sorry,

Oh, sorry mom, just--
just venting.

Jacky, come and
sit by me. C'mon.


You know your dad worried
about you something awful.

He did?


Moving so far
away from home.

I mean this place is
like a, another planet.

Don't you laugh at me
you know I'm right.

Oh, you're right.

You're right.

And he always knew that you
would, be a success at whatever

you decided to do but after
you'd been here for a few years

he worried that you were, maybe
spinning your wheels a little.

I was.

It's taken me a lot longer to
make it than I thought it would.

Well, take it from an old
woman who loves you,

everything takes longer
than you think it will.

I miss dad.


He was the star
of my life.

And you were the
star of his.

Now, look, I will support you
in whatever you decide to do,


Just make sure it's
what you really want.

I will.


I haven't been up
this late in years!

I'm gonna stay up
a little longer.


Not too long

Yes, mother.

force of habit.

Goodnight, Jacky.

Goodnight mom.



You're in early
this morning.

A lot to do
my friend.

Wow, you're really gunnin'
for that promotion!


I need to
run out.

Do me a favor, if anybody
asks for me, tell them,

I'm out at
the project.


What are
you up to?

Christmas shopping.

Sorta leaving it to the last
minute, don't you think?

Well, I just decided
what it was I wanted.

Okay, your secret's
safe with me.


Love or money?

What is this a teenaged
girl's slumber party?!


Oh, c'mon guys don't
talk about stuff like that.

If you had to choose, would
you choose love or money?

Well, they're not
mutually exclusive.

Well let's say
that circumstances

are such that
they are.

What's this all
about, huh?

Just, hypothetical.

So, it's just something
you started wondering about.


Well then,
I'd say money.


Yeah, yeah, I don't work 50-60
hours a week for love,

and I can't pay off my hundred
thousand dollar student loan

with tender moonlight kisses,
so, yeah, I'll take the money.

Yeah-- I don't know
that I can do that.

You okay, kid?

C'mon, lemme see
them pearlies!



Ho ho ho,
look what I found.


Remember her?

Oh, Eddie I
loved her.

Aright, c'mon.

give it up!

Give it up!

Thank you.

You're gonna
be fine.


Uh, where
is he, Rick?

Uh, he's out at the big project
that he's been working on.

Okay, I'll go
find him there.

No! Wait!

Okay, truth,

he didn't want anyone to know
but he's gone shopping.

For what?

Uh, some
Christmas gift.

I get the feeling
it's a big one though.

That little devil, I bet
you I know what it is!

You do?

I think he has a big surprise
planned for tomorrow night.

Well, don't tell
him I told you.


Your secret is
safe with me!

Mom, you just
about ready?

Wow, look at you!

Well, thank you!

Look at you!

You look great except
for, oh, there we go.

You were right, Demi has great
taste! That dress is fantastic.


I still think it's
too expensive.

It's my gift to you.

And it's rude to discuss the
price of a Christmas gift.

Shall we?

Jack my boy!

Glad you could
make it!

Good to see you,
Mr. Carsley.


Drew-- Good evening. Hi, this is
my mother, Jessica Pressman.


Jessica, you have a
very smart son, here.

thank you!

And I'd like you to
meet my wife Clarice.

So pleased
to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

You have a
delightful daughter.

Oh, you're
too kind.


Merry Christmas!

Hi, Jessica,
you look fabulous!

Doesn't she!

You were the one
that picked it out.

Yes but it looks,
totally awesome on you!

Oh, you're sweet.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas,
Mr. Carsley.


Mrs. Carsley.

Now, please everyone,
help yourself to cocktails

and there's some nibbles
at the buffet table.

Have a
wonderful time.


Thank you!

Buy you a
free drink?

Just gonna steal
you mother.

Okay! I'll
see you soon!


I heard somebody went
shopping yesterday!

Oh. Rick tell
you that?

Yeah, don't blame him I
forced it out of him.

Listen, I gotta talk to you
but, it's not really the...

Time or the
place for that.

Oh, I don't know I think it's,
kinda romantic.

Ladies and gentlemen, could I
have your attention please.

I just wanna thank you
all for being here tonight.

Drew and Demi and I look
forward to the Christmas Ball

all year long.

So, to start things off this
year, we have a special treat.

An exhibition

Would you welcome
Amanda and Adam,

doing their
version of...

The mambo.


Oh my


Aren't they

Adam and Amanda.

Oh my goodness.

Did somebody just turn
up the heat in this room?

So, maybe some of you
aren't as good as that,

but Drew and I wanna see
you up here trying.

So, to help brush up your
waltzing, we've uh,

brought somebody in
to instruct you,

give you a quick twenty
minute dance lesson.

Please welcome,


Hi everyone,
Merry Christmas.

Um, I think I'm gonna start
with the waltz, um--

Which many people say
is the most romantic

of all the dances.

So, I think that the best
way to start is just to,

show you how it's done and then,
we'll break it down after that.

Does anyone
wanna volunteer?


Um, okay, I'll
just pick someone.

Uh, anybody?

How about,
um, you?


Go, Jack!

Oh yeah!


This is your
Christmas party?

It's a business

I just found out these are the
people tearing down my studio.

What are you
doing here?

Just a guest.

Okay, so, we're gonna
start with the box step.

Slight variation.

Just start

Quarter turn,
every measure.


I didn't know that you
could dance like that.

I-- I couldn't.

I took lessons.

That was my
surprise for you.


That was your

Ladies and gentlemen let's have
another round of applause

for our surprise
dancer Jack Pressman.


I thought my surprise was
an engagement ring.

I'm sorry,
excuse me.

You're Jack--
John Pressman?


So, you've been doing the
financing this whole time?

No, no, please,
I was trying...

Who is this
woman, Jack?

Obviously nobody
of any importance.


Very important to cool
down after dancing.

What is
going on?

Demi, please, I am so sorry,
it'll never work between us.

I-- I'm not the
person that you want

I can never give
you what you need.

dumping me?

I hope that you
can forgive me.

Jacky, no idea what's going on,
but if you don't go after that

girl you're gonna regret
it the rest of your life.


Go away Jack.

I need to explain.

What explanation could
you possibly have?

You flat out
lied to me.

I didn't mean to.

Of course you
meant to.

You did it.

But I didn't-- I didn't
know what else to do.

What? Telling the truth
was never an option?


I mean yes of
course I could've--

I got caught up.

I got caught up in the deal and
then when I met you I didn't...

I didn't wanna
hurt you.

Because when
we danced

I never felt anything
like that...

In my life.

When I went to tell you every
time I would picture you

walking out of my life forever
and I couldn't do that.

So, I didn't
say anything.

You expect me to
believe that?

You've lied to me since,
pretty much the beginning.

And now suddenly you're
telling the truth?


And you're afraid that I'm gonna
walk out of your life forever?


Well your fears
are well founded.

You should go because
I have to pack.

Well you don't
need to pack.

Now you're just
being cruel.

No, you don't need
to leave the studio.

Jack I can't take any
more of your lies, okay?

No, the box you gave me, I--
there was a lease in it.

Well not a lease exactly
but an agreement between

your father and somebody
named Louis Bertoli.

Mr. Bertoli was my
father's best friend.

And he was the owner
of this building but...

I looked through that box
and there was no agreement.

It's on the back of this photo,
it was easy to miss.

What does
it say?

It's a co-operative agreement
between the two men,

saying that 5% of
each month's rent

would go towards
purchasing the property

and that would be completed
in thirty years.

My father moved in
here 35 years ago.

Well, you over paid.

But the point is-- the point
is that you own the studio.

Why wouldn't the
management company

or the owners
say anything?

Maybe they just
didn't know,

It's crazy two guys writing
a contract like that

on the back of a photograph
but it's binding.

I think that'll
hold up in court.

Does this k*ll the
development deal?

If you want
it to.

I mean they're gonna come
after you with a lot of money.


I would rather
have my studio.


This means your big
promotion is...

Ah, well, there was no future
for me at that firm so...

That's not right.

Anyway it's done, I already
emailed a copy of the agreement

to Trombley so, he'll
get that on boxing day.

Probably not the present
he's looking for.

And the deal going south
that's the end of Demi

and I but that-- that wasn't
gonna happen anyway.

So, what are
you gonna do?

I don't know.

I'll figure
something out.

I mean there's-- there's
something you could do

to help
ease the...

painful transition



Yeah, it's very bright
in here isn't it?

We could turn these
lights down a bit.


Ah, yeah.

Do you have
any music?

or something?

How's that?

Does that work?


I know I'm unemployed and I,
only know one ballroom dance,

but, I'm hoping you feel about
me, the way that I do about you.

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