Three Gifts, The (2009)

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Three Gifts, The (2009)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Ho ho ho!

- Excuse me.
Comin' through.

- Way to go, Mike.

- Stop! Hold it!

Michael crane, Henry Biggs,
Raymond Tunney...

My holy terrors.

Please remove your helmets.

And I believe you know
my nephew Jack green.

- What's up, guys?

- All right, skateboards,
stack 'em.

I have a big favor
to ask you.

- I just did you
a big favor.

- Well, all right,
I need another big favor.


- I have a contractor
who has agreed to do renovations

on the boys' wing
between now and new year's.

- Rita, I'm a toy maker.
I am no good at renovation work.

- I know that.
I'm not asking that.

- Good.

- So I can only move
so many boys

into the girls' wing,
and I was wondering

if you might take
my three eldest

for the holiday.

- Take your three eldest
for the holidays?

- Yeah.
The ones you just met.

- The holy terrors?

- Oh, I exaggerate.

Well, I'll...I'll talk
to Cherie about it,

but, uh...

So skateboarding, huh?

I've never really
done that.

Snowboard, though.

You guys ever
been snowboarding?

I guess you don't
get too much snow

in this part
of California.

You guys ever seen snow?


- Well, it sure adds
something magical

to the Christmas season,
I'll tell you that.

So you guys like
singing in the choir?

- Is that a joke?
- No way.

Miss green forces us.
It's like t*rture.

- I like it.
- Dweeb.

- Shut up, Henry.

- Here we are.
- Good to see ya.

- Hey, guys,
check this out.

- Oh, hi.

- Jamie got some parents.

We're never gonna
get adopted.

- What makes you say that?
- We're too old to be adopted.

- Too old?

- Ray's eight, I'm nine,
and Mike's ten.

That's, like, ancient.

- Yeah,
like 70 in dog years.

- In orphan years,
it's 100.

- All right, guys.

- Are you ready to go?
Come on.

- We gotta stick together,
the three of us.

- We're a team.
- Like blood brothers.

- Like bubble brothers.

- What do you got in mind?

- ♪ Oh, come,
all ye faithful ♪

♪ joyful and triumphant ♪

♪ oh, come ye ♪

♪ oh, come ye ♪

♪ to Bethlehem ♪

- Children,
need I tell you

how important
this Christmas concert is?

We only do it once a year,

so let's enunciate.

Michael crane, I'm sure
your singing will improve

if you get rid
of the chewing gum.

Raymond Tunney, it would be
nice if you paid attention.

Henry, get rid
of the chocolate bar.

- What chocolate bar?
- Henry Biggs, do not test me.

- Okay, okay.

- God sees everything,

and on certain days,
so do I.

All right, let's take it again
from the top.

- ♪ Oh, come,
all ye faithful ♪

♪ joyful and triumphant ♪

- What's going on?

- Michael crane.

- How is my favorite
chief financial officer?

- Working
on the balance sheet

and making
potato leek soup.

- Oh, my favorite.

- The balance sheet
or the soup?

- Well, the balance sheet,
of course,

it smells so good.


- Hey, how was
the choir thing?

- Mm, good.
You know my aunt.

She makes general Patton
look like a wuss.

- Yeah, well, it can't be easy
looking after all those kids.

- She asked me
if we would take in

three of the boys
for the holidays.

But, you know, I just...

I didn't think
it was a very good idea.

We got a week to go
before Christmas.

It's one of our
busiest times, honey.

- Jack, if you're being
protective of me...

- No, no, no, I just...I mean,
it could be difficult, though.

And the three boys
that she's talking about,

they're called the holy terrors,
and for very good reason.

- Holy...isn't that what
your dad used to call you?

The holy terror?
- But still, three kids.

It's a big
responsibility, huge.

- Yeah, but it might be nice
to have four boys

in the house
for the holidays.

- Four?
- Well, including you.

- Oh, see, now
the tickle monster

might have something to say
about this.

- Did I say keep
your hands to yourself?

I believe I did,
and if I hear another word

before we get
out of this Van,

I'm turning around
and going back to the orphanage.

- Leave me alone!
- Be careful getting out.

- A toy company?

- Don't they make
those wooden toys?

Child labor
is against the law.

- Patience.

- Hi, aunt Rita. Hi, boys.

- Boys, this is
Jack's wife, Cherie.

Cherie, this is ray,
Henry, and Mike.

- Well, it's nice to meet you.

- Well, there they are,

the three luckiest boys
in the orphanage.

You guys are spending
Christmas with us.

- What if we don't want
to be here?

- Michael crane, zip it.
- Yes, ma'am.

- Okay, boys,
get your backpacks.

- They seem very sweet.

- Yes, very sweet...

- Are you really sure that
I'm that kind of role model?

- You're all
that's available right now.

- Here we are.
- This is really cool.

- A toy shop,
and it's in a barn.

- Yeah.

- All right, boys,

welcome to
green's all-natural toy company.

- Cool.

- Ah, that was
my dad's first design.

It's our top-seller, and it's
what started this whole thing.

As you see, we do
everything here by hand.

We use lots of wood,
lots of interlocking pieces,

but no chemicals.
- Cool.

- My dad started this company
before I was born,

and he designed
a lot of cool toys.

In fact,
now I'm the head designer.

- I got one of these
for Christmas last year.

Hey, are you the guy who came
to us dressed up as Santa?

- Bet it was.
Your beard looked fake.

- Ha. Wait a minute.

Are you telling me you guys
don't believe in Santa Claus?

- Grow up.
There is no Santa.

- You sure about that?
- Um, I'm sort of on the fence.

- I want to believe.

- Well, I'm hoping by the end
of your stay here,

you'll all believe.
- In what?

- The magic of Christmas.

All year long,
we make toys for sale,

but this one week
before Christmas,

everything we make,
we give away.

That's nice, Kel.
- Thanks, Jack.

- Give away?
Isn't that bad business?

- Heh!
I don't think so.

It's something I started doing
a few years back,

donating toys to charity,
including your orphanage.

- Is that what you think we are?
A bunch of charity cases?

- Oh, no. No, no, no. No,
I'm sorry. I didn't...I mean...

I just want to make sure
that no kid in this area

goes without a toy
on Christmas morning.

- Isn't that Santa's job?

- I thought you didn't believe
in Santa Claus.

- Don't worry, Mr. Green,
Mike just pretends to be tough.

- Look, Mike, even Santa needs
a helping hand now and again.

Remember, Christmas
is all about giving,

sharing, and please, guys,
call me Jack.

- Yes, Mr. Jack.

- Okay. This way.

Gentlemen, this...
This gentleman here

is Mr. Rodney Smith.

He is our shop foreman.

So when they're here
in the toy shop,

I'd appreciate it
if you keep an eye on them.

Excuse me for one second.

- Don't worry, Mr. Green, I got
eyes in the back of my head.

You guys can see
how busy we are.

I don't have time
for babysitting.

- Dude, we're not babies.
- My point exactly.

So here are the shop rules...
Do not run.

Do not bring in food
or drink.

Do I make myself clear?

Yes, sir.

- Over here, this is where
we temporarily store

our charitable donations.

- Uh-oh,
it's the sheriff.

Why do you think he's here?
- I don't know.

We haven't done anything yet.

- Hey, Dan,
how you doing?

- Fine.

Just grabbing
a few of these toys

for the department's
gift drive.

Appreciate the donation.
- Yeah, no worries.

Hello, sheriff.

- Boys.

Jack, can I talk to you
in private a minute?

- Cherie, honey, why don't you
show the boys to their room,

let them get settled.

- Okay, come on, guys.

- Their room?
Are they staying here?

- Yeah. Well, at least
until new year's.

- You might want to

Those three
are known troublemakers.

Just a couple of months ago,
they flooded the town library,

and that's just the tip
of the iceberg.

If they were 18, they'd have
a rap sheet a mile long.

- Dan, they're just kids.
- Uh-huh.

You'll see.
Thanks for the gifts.

- I hope you guys
will be comfortable here.

- Thank you, Mrs. Green.

- Oh, please call me

- Cherie.

You know, in French,
that means "darling."

- That's right,
it does.

My, aren't you smart!

Okay, guys, I'm gonna
let you get settled,

and dinner's at 6:00.

- "In French,
that means 'darling.'"

you're such a dweeb.

- Man, I hate this place.

- Well, I love this place,
and I'm taking this bed.

- Anybody want
a candy cane?

Can a person actually be
in love with sugar?

- Look, just don't get
too used to this, okay?

It's only for the holidays.
We're a team, right?

- All for one
and one for all.

- Dan said the boys flooded
the town library two months ago.

I'll lock the cellar door.

- Do you think they like us?
- Hard to say.

Ray and Henry,
they seem okay,

but that Mike sure has
a chip on his shoulder.

- Hey, um, did you have
the chicken tonight?

I put extra Rosemary
in it.

I don't know if this is,
like, too fancy, but...

- No, it's not.
- I thought it was pretty good.

- I thought
it was very good.

- We're gonna have to go
to the grocery store

a couple of times this week,

'cause they're putting away
a lot of food.

When you're done with that,

why don't you go tell the boys
dinner's ready?

- It's locked.

It's my dad's old study.

I like to...Keep it
as it was.

That's where I go to do my...
My thinking,

some designing and stuff.

I like to think
that I can feel his...

His presence in there,
and I connect with him.

- So he's, like, in heaven now?

- Yeah.

- I never knew my dad.

- Uh, dinner's ready.

Why don't you go upstairs
and get the guys?

- Can I have
another potato?

- You may have another potato.
You can have two.

How about that?
Here you go.

- Why don't you guys
have any kids?

- Yeah,
don't you want any?

- Well, sure, yeah,
we wanted children,


- We came to the conclusion

that it just
wasn't meant to be for us.

Henry, would you pass me
the peas, please?

Thank you.

- Are you okay
with us being here?

- Of course.

- Hey, you guys are our guests
for the holidays.

My aunt just thought
that you guys

would enjoy spending
the holidays with us.

- ♪ Do re me fa so
la ti do ♪

♪ do re me fa so
la ti do ♪

- Do you have to do that
every night?

- Miss green says I got to do
this to keep my voice limber.

- Limber? Isn't that
a type of cheese?

- I'm gonna go get
some water.

You guys want anything?
- Nope.

- Yeah. Chocolate cake.
- Yeah, right.

- Do you ever stop eating?

- Shut up.
These are my growth years.

- Mmm. Honey, that meal
was fantastic.

- Thanks.

You know,
looking around the table

at those boys during dinner,
it got me thinking.

- About what?

- Maybe we should adopt
one of them.

Which one?
- Oh, I don't know.

I guess whichever one
fits the best.

- You're kidding,
right, honey?

- Yeah.


I-I-I don't know.

What if I'm not?

- Well, honey, we talked
about adoption,

and I thought we decided we're
not gonna go down that road.

- We didn't decide that.

- I just felt like maybe
you wouldn't...

Be the same,

and...and these boys,

well, they're...

- What, too much trouble?
- No, no, it's not that.

I just think maybe...

They're a little bit too old.

- Well, Jack,
these boys need a home.

We can provide that,
at least for one of them.

- It's a huge life-changer.
Think about it.

I don't know.
I don't know.

- Hey, where's
my chocolate cake?

- Forget that.

I heard them say they were
gonna adopt one of us.

- Only one?
- Which one?

- I don't know.
They didn't say.

- Come in.

My dad.
So good with kids.

- So are you.

- I wanted kids so bad.

- I know.

So did I.

- But it didn't happen.

We tried everything,
and it didn't happen.

It was just...
It was so hard.

- Yeah.

- On both of us.

I thought we decided that making
other people's kids happy

was gonna be enough.

- Maybe it's time
for us to move forward.

Let's just think about it.

- Okay.
We'll think about it.

- It's late.

- Hello.
- Good morning.

- A beautiful day,
isn't it?

- What are you doing here,
miss Rita?

- Well, Jack is my nephew,

- And my aunt Rita
cannot resist

my famous
blueberry pancakes.

Sit down, guys.
Dig in.

- Ray, Henry, the last time
that you two cleaned up

like this...Well,
I can't quite remember.

- We figured we're guests,
so we cleaned up.

- You combed your hair.
- It's not a felony.

- Watch your tone, young man.
- Sorry, miss Rita.

- We're gonna meet Santa today.
- That's right...

After choir practice.

- I'm going to be painting
some Christmas ornaments

after breakfast.
Who wants to help?

- I do.
- Me too.

- Hey, Mike, you ever spend
any time around horses?

- Millions of times.
- Good.

Then I have a job for us
after breakfast.

- Millions? Really?

- Later, if you want, I can
help you out in the toy shop.

- Me too. I mean, Christmas
is now just five days away.

- Well, that would be great,
guys. Thank you very much.

And you know what, ray?

That's what I used to do
when I was a kid.

I would count down the days
before Christmas.

In fact, I think
I still do that, don't I?


- Well, since we've got
such a busy day ahead of us,

let's eat.

- After you, Henry.

- Why, thank you
very much, Mike.

- When we finish the pens,

we'll go out there
and groom some horses.

- I'm up for that.

- Uh, whoa, hey.

Are you sure
you've done this before?

- Why? Is there a right or wrong
way to shovel this stuff?

- Yeah. It goes
in the wheelbarrow,

not flying at me.
- Oh, um, sorry.

Is is true that manure
could be the answer

to all of
our fuel problems?

- Eh, could be.
One of them, anyway.

There's definitely
an endless supply of it.

- Did your dad teach you
about horses?

- Yep. He taught me
about all kinds of things.

- You're lucky.
- Yeah.

Sometimes I forget that.

- What did you and Jack do
with those kids?

They're not
supposed to be so...

- What?
- Well, nice and well-behaved.

What did they do? Did they fall
and hit their heads?

- Excuse me, Mrs. Green.

- We have the supplies.
- Okay.

Well, why don't you guys
head out to the porch,

and I'll meet you
in a minute.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- I'm really glad
they're here.

This is the first holiday we're
gonna have a house full of kids.

I have you to thank
for that.

- Well, I would save
those thanks if I were you.

They were wonderful pancakes.
I gotta get back to work.

- That's good.
Just like you're doing there.

Just comb through
all the burrs.

He likes
what you're doing.

- You can talk to him
if you want to.

His name is George.
Named him after my dad.

- Hey, George.

I gotta tell you the truth.

I've never done this before.

I've never even touched
a horse.

Bet you figured that out,

- It's all right.
It's pretty cool, though, huh?

- Yeah.

Mr. Jack, will you teach me
how to ride?

- Sure. Here.
Hand me that comb.

Here we go.
- What are you doing?

Right on there.

There you go.
You're riding. Hold on here.

Hold on real tight,
close to his skin.

How's that feel?
- Good.

- Well, saddle him up.

How's that?

- Wow, you guys
are doing great.

- Do you always make
your own decorations?

- Always.
It's more fun that way.

- You know, Henry's not
very good at this,

but it's not his fault.

- Do you know that some nights,
ray wets the bed?

- You know what, ray?

When my little brother
was your age,

he did the same thing.

You'll grow out of it.
Trust me.

- Ow!
- Paint.


- Where are we going?

- The corral's too small
for a riding lesson,

so I thought
I'd take you out here.

Okay, I'm gonna hand you
the reins here.

Remember what I told you.
Sit tall in the saddle.

Look, you don't have to do this.
You know that.

- I want to.
- You sure?

Okay, when you're ready,
sit up tall in the saddle,

give him his head
a little bit,

a nice little squeeze
with your heels,

maybe a pop,
and you're off.

- Okay, George, you and me
are gonna be buddies.

What do you say?

- There you go.

Nice, Mike.

Very nice.
Sit up tall, sit up tall.

- It's tough to compete with
a kid learning to ride a horse.

- Well, Mike doesn't want
to be adopted.

- Oh, please.
Of course he does.

And he's gonna milk this horse
thing for all it's worth.

- Why did you have to go and
tell Cherie about the...You know?

- They're only gonna pick
one of us, ray.

This is w*r.

- So you boys
want to help, huh?

Yes, Mr. Rodney.

- Well, here's what you do.

You take each toy,
wrap it in bubble wrap,

put it in the box
marked "c" for charity.

You think
you can handle that?

- Yeah.
We're not, like, stupid.

- That's good to know.
Handle with care.

Do not scratch the paint.

We take pride
in our workmanship,

and we do not do well
with carelessness.

- Okay, then,
let's get to it.

- Hey, that's pretty cool.

- You know,
they're gonna pick me.

- Nah, I don't think so.
You eat too much.

- Hey, I gotta feed
my natural charm.

They're gonna pick me,
you'll see.

- Don't get
your hopes up, Henry.

- Just 'cause you got
sent back for a refund

doesn't mean I will.

- Shut up.
- You shut up.

Oh, you're so bossy.
- 'Cause I am the boss.

- Get over yourself.

It's no wonder that family
didn't want you.

- You take that back, tubs!

- Make me.

- Whoa.
Ray, you broke some toys.

- Me? You're the one
who knocked me down.

- This is all
your fault, Mike.

Are you okay, ray?

Mike! Mike!

You're gonna get
it now, Mike!

Hi, Mr. Rodney.

- Get out, the three of you.

Get out.

Get out!

Such tomfoolery wastes time,

and a kid is gonna be without
a toy on Christmas morning.

Is that what you boys
want to see happen?

No, sir.

- Well, here's
what you're gonna do.

You're gonna go
back in there,

and you're gonna
clean up that mess...


And keeping your hands
to yourselves.

- He said a surprise.

Why the ax?

- He's too nice
to be a serial k*ller.

- You can never tell.

- All right, boys,
let's go.

- Where are we going?

- Over there
by those mountains.

- Why?

- There's a pine grove
over there.

- So?

- So it's a green family

to go out, find, and cut

the perfect Christmas tree.

- So we're gonna
help you?

- Well,
that's the idea, yeah.

That, and you get a chance to
see much more of our property.

- What's on the other side
of the mountains?

- The town.
- And the orphanage, right?

- That's right.
Now listen to me.

When we get there, I need you
guys to find the two best trees.

- Why two?

- One for us,
one for the orphanage.

- You know something,
Mr. Jack?

You're really cool.
- Heh!

Well, thank you, Henry.

I think you kids
are pretty cool too.

- This is gonna be fun.

I never had a Christmas
like this before.

- Good.
Well, come on, let's start.

March, march, march.

- I bet I'll find
the perfect tree first.

- Nah, I will.

- You two don't know
diddly-squat about trees.

- Shotgun.

- You got shotgun last time!
- No, I didn't!

- All right,
nobody gets shotgun.

You're all in the back.
Load it up.


- We've never done anything
like this before.

- Remember when Mike tried
to chop down the flagpole?

- Shut up.
- Very interesting, Henry.

But we're looking for
Christmas trees, not flagpoles.

- Right this way.

- What is this?

- We helped Mr. Jack
cut two Christmas trees.

- Well, I'm surprised.

I didn't think,
with the renovations,

we'd have a Christmas tree
this year.

- Come on, Rita,
I couldn't let Christmas go by

without giving you
a proper Christmas tree.

- Well, god bless you.

You're not Mr. Christmas
for nothing.

- Come on, guys,
help me get this tree set up.

- Kids,
we have a Christmas tree!


All of us
thank you guys.

- Our pleasure.
All right, guys.

Let's go grab Cherie
and get over to Santa land.

- Next he'll take us
to see the tooth fairy.

- That's not Santa.
- What makes you say that?

- His beard's fake.

He's not fat enough.

He's not wearing glasses.

- Mike, why don't you
try to think of this guy

as a representative
of the real Santa Claus,

who's still very, very busy
up in the north pole?

How about that?

- Sure. Whatever.

- Bye-bye.

- Can I go first?
- Sure.

- Hello.
- Hi.

- So have you been a good boy
this year, ray?

- Well, it depends
what you mean by "good."


What would you like
for Christmas?

- I want to be the one.
Can you do that?

- I'm not sure what you mean.
- You're Santa Claus.

You're supposed to know

- Well,
it's been a long day.

- I want a forever family.

- I'm sorry?

- I want those two people
to adopt me.


Let's talk about what we can
get you for under the tree.



- Chocolates,
lots of chocolates.

And some mints would be nice.
I like mints.

It's good for the brain.

And gummi bears.

- Gummi bears.

- You do have
gummi bears, right?

- Yes, we...
- I love gummi bears.

- Well, can I?
- All right, go ahead.

Get it over with.

- What's he doing?

- Searching
for his own truth.

Ow! Not so hard!

- Whoa!
His beard isn't fake.

- So you really are
a representative

of the guy
up at the north pole?

- I am, indeed.

So what would you like
for Christmas, my boy?

- It's a secret.

- Okay.

- I want them...

As my parents.

- Seems to be
a very popular item this year.

So you been a good boy?

- Don't fall. It would be
like an earthquake.

- Yeah, a 7.0
on the Richter scale.

- Boys.

- You better hope
I don't fall on you.

All right, come on down.

No earthquakes
in this house.

All right, honey,
do the honors.

- That is so cool.

- Whoa. Best tree ever.
- All right, guys.

We got a busy day ahead

Let's go to sleep.

- Can you please
turn my bed down, Mrs. Cherie?

- Mine too?
- I would be delighted to.

- It's really beautiful,
and we cut it ourselves.

- That you did.
Good job.


I love Christmas.

Well, w-w-what is your favorite
thing about Christmas, Mike?

- Mrs. Green's smile...

When she opens a gift that
Henry, ray, and I give her.

We surprise her every year
with something.

- Well, that's a good one.

You guys really like my aunt,
don't you?

- Yeah.
She's like our mom.

But don't tell her
I said that, okay?

- My lips are sealed.

How long you been
at the orphanage?

- Since I was two,
when they found me by the door

with a note
tied to my wrist.

- All right.

- Good night, Mr. Jack.

- Good night.

- Hey, ray, what are you doing?
- Nothing.

I wet the bed.
Don't be mad.

- Oh, sweetie,
I'm not mad.

- I didn't know how to use
the washing machine.

- Well,
I know how to use it.

- Are you sure
you're not mad?

- Positive.

Why don't you go upstairs
and get dressed?

I'll finish up from here.
- Okay.

- So have you been
thinking about it?

- Hmm.
Impossible not to.

- You?

And have you come up
with any conclusions?

- No.

- It's not like
going shopping.

You know, I'll take those pair
of shoes over those.

It's just...It much more...
- Complicated.

- Yeah.

- Good morning, guys.

- It's now four days
until Christmas.

- Uh-huh.

- And ray wet the bed.

- Henry, shut up.

- We discussed that

- Yes, ma'am.

- Well, you guys
are in luck.

Today you get to have cherie's
extra-special waffles.

Sit down,
dig in, eat up.


- You're always saying things
are special, but they're not.

It's just a plain waffle.
- Ouch.

- Well, I'm gonna respectfully
disagree with you, Mike.

I think...
Everything is special,

if you look closely enough.

I thought you were gonna help me
with the horses later today.

Well, if you're gonna do that,
you're gonna need some fuel,

something in your belly
to give you some energy.

- Okay, there you go, Mike.

That's nice.
Real, real good.

Look at you.

You're like a real live,
natural born cowboy.

- Oh, please.

- I really don't think
Mike wants to be adopted.

If he did, he'd have eaten
all of his waffles.

- Then why is he doing
all this lone ranger stuff

with the horse?

- Maybe he just
likes horses now.

- Well, that is possible.

- Hey, guys,
check this out.

- Both legs,
there you go. Yeah.

- He's making us
look bad, ray.

- Does it have
to be w*r, Henry?

- Hey, you want to stay
in that orphanage

until you're 18?

- Okay, boys.

This is where it all happens,

where ideas come to life,

where inspiration
reigns supreme.

- You're a genius, Mr. Jack.


- Whoa.
That train is so cool.

- Ah, yes,
the old steam engine,

once a great symbol
of this country's ingenuity

and also the inspiration
for my dad's design.

- Can I touch it?

- You can do
more than that, ray.

You can jump inside it,
play on it, whatever you like.

- Did you design this truck?
- I did. You like it?

Okay. Well, I have an assignment
for you guys.

- Assignment?
Sounds like school.

- Okay, maybe that's a poor
choice of words on my behalf.

I have something
for you guys to do

that's going to be fun,
and you're gonna enjoy it.

I want each one of you
to design your very own toy.

- What are we supposed to make?

- Whatever you like.

I want you all to find
your own Christmas mojo.

- Christmas mojo?
How do we do that?

- By looking for inspiration.
- Like where?

- Anywhere.


Books, toys, movies,
nature, art, photography,

whatever inspires you.
- Okay, I'm in.

Christmas mojo.

Could I design, like,
an ice-cream truck?

- Absolutely,
if that's what inspires you.

- Yes.

- Okay, that...That toy soldier
you like so much

that you sleep with underneath
your pillow at night...

You know where I got
my inspiration for that?

Those guys who guard
Buckingham Palace in England,


- How do we start?
- By doing research.

- On the computer?
- No, no, no, not the computer.

The old-fashioned way...
The library.

The library?

- Jack.
- Hi, Margo.

- What are they doing here?
- Research.

- For what?
- Toys.

- Jack, there is
zero tolerance

for inappropriate behavior
on my watch.

- Well, there will be
no inappropriate behavior.

Right, guys?
- Right.

- All right, guys,
i-in we go.

- Hey, no peeking.

Are you trying to steal
my idea?

- Shh, shh, shh.

- You are stealing
my idea!

- I'm drawing a hot rod,
not a truck.

- Guys, guys, settle down.

- Maybe you stole
my idea.

- See, there's proof.

He doesn't want anyone to see
that he's stealing my genius.

- Genius?

- I told you, Jack,

there is zero tolerance
on my watch!

- They're...they're just having
a discussion, Margo.

- Don't push me!

- You call that
a discussion?

- Aah!
Now you're gonna get it!

I'm gonna sit on you!

- Oh, no!

- Guys, guys!
- This is just great.

- Leave it to me, Jack.

I know what these hooligans
need...A firm hand!

- No, Margo! Margo, do not
lay a hand on those boys.

- You can't run forever, Mike.

- Uhh!

- Excuse me!

- This is
a no running zone!

There is no horseplay
in this library!

- You're really gonna
get it now, Mike.

- Henry.

- I'm sick
of your horseplay.


You boys are so busted.

- Excuse me!
Coming through!

- Aah!

- Aah!

- Are we, like,
under arrest?

- Well, I'm thinking
about it.

All right, fellas,
let's get in the car.

- I'm glad you stopped by.
How are the renovations going?

- They're great.
They're fine.

How are the, uh,
holy terrors?

- They're doing great,

I dropped them off with Jack
at the library.

You miss them, don't you?
- Yes, I do.

But I don't
like to admit it,

'cause it ruins
my tough-guy image,

so don't you dare
tell 'em.

- Uh, hi.

- Who is it, dear?
- Delivery.

I'll be back in a minute.

Help yourself
to the cookies.

Hey, Dan, what's up?

- It's sheriff Battleford.
I'm here on official business.

- Okay.

Hello, sheriff.
What's up?

- Would you please come
with me?

What we had was quite a ruckus
down at the library,

and it was not insignificant.

- Really?

- The disrespect
that was shown my wife

is well beyond the pale.

- That's not good.

- Now if you and Jack
can't control these kids,

they're gonna be spending
Christmas at the juvie hall.

- Dan...

I mean, sheriff,
this is Centerville.

There is no juvie hall here.

- Cherie,
you know what I mean.


- Sheriff.

Oh, hey, aunt Rita.
Boys, wave at Rita.

- Hi, aunt Rita.

- The sheriff
was kind enough

to give Jack and the boys
a ride home.

- Really?
- Really. Right, boys?


- Now why do you think god
is telling me

something different
right now?

- I have no idea.

- Huh.
That's strange.

Hey, boys, let's go to
your room. What do you say?

Come on.

- Hah.

- Are you gonna punish us?

- No, no, but I am gonna modify
your assignment.

- What do you mean?
- I'm gonna change it.

Instead of designing
three separate toys,

I want you guys to design
one toy together,

as a team.

Think you guys
can do that?

- Okay.
- Okay, good.

Then I'll leave you guys here
to talk about that

and...and figure out
how to get along, all right?

So as a team,
you guys can do anything.

If you're fighting, then...

You know?

All right.
- One toy?

- Ice-cream truck.
- Hot rod.

- Airplane.

- Ice-cream truck.

- Hot rod.
- Airplane.

- Honey, can I, uh, talk to you
in the kitchen for one second?

- Sure, sure.
Uh, do you mind?

- No, why should I mind?

Everybody's keeping secrets
from me,

but don't worry.

Margaret Battleford,
she's gonna tell me the truth.

She can't keep a secret
to save her soul.

This is
a lot more complicated

than I thought
it was gonna be.

- Okay.

- I mean, the kids,
they're...They're great.

But they've got so much
going on.

- Yeah.

- And this whole thing,

just now, at the library,

I think I was having
as much fun as they were.

I mean, it was ridiculous,
with the hair and...

Well, you know,
your dad always said

that we all have to grow old,

but that doesn't mean
we have to grow up.

- Yeah, I heard that
a million times.

- Well, he also said
that it doesn't mean

that we can't be
responsible people.

I mean, he taught you
how to be responsible.

- Yeah.

I don't...I don't know.

- Well, you're gonna
figure it out.

- Remember,
secrets don't make friends.

- Thank you, Rita.

- I'll take her for a walk.

- What happened last year
when Mike was adopted

and then returned
"for a refund," as they say?

- Well, there's always
a trial period,

and the family just didn't feel
things were working out.

That must have hit
him really hard.

- Oh ho ho...

He's got grit and spirit,
that one.

He's always looking out
for the younger kids,

especially Raymond.

It breaks my heart,

'cause nobody's
looking out for him.

- You are.

I was really moved
by his story...

Never knowing his father,

being abandoned
on your doorstep,

age two, with a note.

- Where did you
hear that?

No, Jack,
he wasn't abandoned,

and he certainly knew
both his parents.

He was six when they died
in a car crash.

Yeah, it was
a real tragedy.

He was in the car
at the time.

He was the only survivor.

- That's horrible.

- Yeah.

- What are you making?

- I'm making some stew.
You want some?

- Uh, no, thanks.

- I'm also making
some chocolate chip cookies.

- Ooh, can I help?
- Mm-hmm.

You can help me...

Set this dough up
on these cookie sheets.

What you do...
Just take a little bit,

put it on the spoon,
and you just push it off.


- This is fun.

Maybe I'll be a chef
when I grow up.

- Can I ask?

How did you come
to the orphanage?

- When I was three,
my parents went away on a trip

and never came back.

Want to see a picture
of them?

I look like my dad,
don't I?

- Yes, you do...
Very handsome.

- Ever since then, miss green's
been my mom and dad.

Know what I mean?
- Yeah.

- She tries to act
tough and all,

but I think she likes me.

- Oh, I'm sure she does.

- I'll go see
if Cherie needs any help.

- Hey, it's almost lunchtime.

Why don't you, uh,
head inside and wash up?

- Not hungry.

- Well, cherie's stew is not
to be missed, my friend.

I'm a stew guy myself.
How about you?

Look, Mike...

It doesn't matter how

or when you got
to the orphanage.

- What?
Who told you?

- What's important
and what matters is,

is the here and now,

And I'm here to tell you
I see a lot of potential in you.

- You do?

- I'll let you in
on a little secret.

When I was about your age,

my father called me
"the holy terror."

- Really?
- Yes, I was the original.

All right.

Now go get washed up.
What do you say?

- Yes, sir.

- Hey, ray,it's lunchtime.

Let's get you inside
and cleaned up.

What you got there?

Oh, is that what you guys
came up with?

- Actually, we've come up
with two things.

- Two, huh?

- Yeah, our toy design
is gonna be an airplane,

but this here,

it's our Christmas surprise
for miss green...

A jewelry box...

Or whatever
she wants to put into it.

And we want music to come on
when she opens it.

- I see.

- We already know what we want
the box to look like,

but how do we get the music
into it?

- Well...

How about we work
on that together?

- Okay, great.

We're still working
on the airplane thing.

It's gonna be one
of those old-fashioned kind.

We saw the design in a...

In a book we found
at the library.

It's really cool.

You know,
I really like this,

designing stuff.

- You're really good
at it.

- All right, now,
we have an audience today,

so let's do our best.

Hark the herald.

Lynn, please.
- Mm-hmm.

- ♪ Hark the herald
angels sing ♪

♪ glory to
the newborn king ♪

♪ peace on earth
and mercy mild ♪

♪ god and sinners
reconciled ♪

♪ joyful,
all ye nations rise ♪

♪ join the triumph
of the skies ♪

♪ with the angelic host
proclaim ♪

♪ Christ is born
in Bethlehem ♪

♪ hark
the herald angels sing ♪

♪ glory to
the newborn king ♪

- ♪ Christ by... ♪

- Ray, this is your solo.

- I just don't feel
like singing right now.

I can't stand being here.

- Well, ray,
this Christmas concert

is very important
to all of us.

- I don't care about
any stupid concert, okay?

- I'll go get him.
- No, Mike, you stay there.

- I don't want to come
back here.

- I see.

- It's not that
I don't like you.

It's just that...

- I know.
I know.

Can I tell you a secret?
- Okay.

- If you don't come back,
I'm gonna miss you.

- Really?

- Raymond, honey...

I have already missed you

- Rita, everything okay?

- Ray...

I think you can go in now.

I'll be in in a sec.

- You okay?

I am an old fool.

- No, you're not.
- Yes, I am.

I made a terrible mistake
sending the boys to your place.

- No, you didn't.

- Yes, I did, Jack.

Sending them to you
for the holidays

is deliberately playing
with their emotions,

and it's wrong,

and I should have
realized it before.

I'm an idiot.
They've been through enough.

- Those boys are gonna have
a great Christmas.

- What happens
after Christmas?

- Okay, who wants
to help me with dinner?

- I do.
- Me too.

But, like,
we...We got to hurry,

'cause Mr. Rodney said
he was gonna help me

with something after dinner.

- Help you with what?

- That's for me to know
and you to find out.

- Ray? What's Rodney
gonna help you with? Ray?

- Sure you don't want
to help those guys make dinner?

- Mr. Green?
- Yeah.

- I'm sorry.
- About what?

- Lying...

About everything.

I do remember my dad.

He used to say
I could do anything.

But after the car crash,

I used to close my eyes...

And try
to turn back the clock

and bring him
and my mom back,

but I couldn't.

And that's when I knew
he was wrong.

- No one can turn
the clock back, Mike,

but I do believe that you
can do just about anything.

- Then you're wrong too.

And you can stop feeling sorry
for me now.

- I'm not feeling sorry
for you, Mike. I'm just...

- And one last thing...

You better not
hurt Ray's feelings here.

- What?

- 'Cause if you do,

you're gonna have
to answer to me.

- Mike.

- Well?

- It's very good.

- Just good?

- Actually,
this is very good.

- It's for miss green...
A surprise.

Will you show me
how to make it?

- You know...

Maybe I was wrong
about you, kid.

- That happens a lot.

- Oh, it does?
- Yeah.

To look at me,

most people see dweeb,
maybe nerd,

but I'm not.

I'm just, well, me.

- That you are, kid.

That you are.

I will show you how
to make this box for Mrs. Green.

First, we got to decide what
kind of wood we need to use.

We got pine, oak,
maple, and cherry.

- It's a Christmas present,

What kind of wood goes best
with Christmas?

- Any kind you like, son.

- Do you have any kids?

- Oh, yeah,
a boy and a girl.

Of course,
they're all grown up now.

- They're lucky.

- Tell me, ray,

what happened
to your mom and dad?

- Well, when I was a baby,

my dad was a fireman,


One day he went to work,
and he never came back.

- Oh.

- My mom said
I should be proud of him.

- Yes.
Yes, you should.

- Then one day
when I was five,

my mom got really sick.

And when she went
to the hospital,

she never came back.

- Oh, I’m...I'm so sorry.

- It's not your fault.

- No, I guess it isn't.

- I just wish that...

Forget it.

I pick cherry.

- Good choice.

I'll be proud to make
this box for you...

For Mrs. Green.

- What you working on, honey?

- Oh, preparing the company's
year-end statements.

Do you know that profits
are down 20% this year?

- ♪ Dee Dee Da Da ♪

- Jack,
you do that every time

I try to talk to you
about business issues.

- I'm sorry.

- I thought
we were partners here.

- We are.

I'm sorry.

- I know you're handling
design and production,

but do you really
not want to know

about what's going on
with the finances?

- I thought we were having
a good year.

- We're having an okay year.

Our costs are up
across the boards...

Price of wood, paint,
labor, health insurance.

Profits are down.

- Okay.
What do we do?

- We could try cutting back
in some lines.

- All right.

And marketing...

There's a lot more in marketing
that I know I can do.

- Can I leave that
in your hands?

- Yes, yes.

I'm very, very capable.

What else?

- This.

- See, this part
of business I like.

- Good night.

- Good night.

- What happens after
they choose one of you guys?

We won't be a team anymore.

Is that what we want?

- We'll always
be a team, Mike.

And we'll always be
best friends, right?

- Yeah, we'll always be
friends, right?

- It needs a bigger cockpit.

- Yeah, that's good,

but the propeller needs to be
a little bit bigger.

- Okay, how's this?

- That's great, ray.

- Can I just say something here?
- Yeah, Mr. Jack.

- I am really impressed.

This is fantastic.

Time to build a prototype.
- What's a prototype?

- Follow me.
I'll show you.

- Wingspan...12 inches.

- 12 inches.

- 12 inches.

- How they doing?

- They're really
getting into it.

- I'm gonna head to town
for a little bit.

Keep an eye on 'em for me?
- You got it.

- Thanks.

- Width...3 1/2 inches.

- 3 1/2.

- 3 1/2.

- Okay, boys,
time to start cutting wood.

All right.
Hey, get back behind me.

I don't want to get splinters
in your eyes.

- It's all finished.
What do you think?

- It's good.

- Just good?

- No.

It's wonderful.

- Thanks.

- And we couldn't have done it
without Mr. Rodney.

- Nope.

You boys worked together
on this one.

You make a dynamite team.

- Yeah.
Jack is gonna be so proud.

- Is he back yet?
- Not yet. Soon.

- We want him to see it.

- Well, you can show it to him
when he gets back.

Hey, what color
are you gonna paint it?

- Black.

- No, green.

- Orange, actually.


- Huh.

Looks like you guys are gonna
have to come to a consensus.

Hey, Rodney,
I need to go over the details

of the Christmas Eve
shipment with you.

- Okay, guys,
we have to choose a color.

- We'll paint it black.
- Green.

- And don't say orange, ray.
It's a warplane.

It has to be black, so people
can't see it in the sky.

- The sky isn't black.

- It's night camouflage.

- That's why we have
to make it green,

so it can hide
on the ground.

- It's just a toy, guys.

- There are too many
green paints.

It's gonna be black.

- Why, 'cause you say so?

It's an antique.

Back then,
they didn't have black planes.

- What do you know?

- You're not
the dictator anymore.

Those days are over.

- Dweeb.
- Dingo.

- Dingo?
What's a dingo?

- A wild dog in Australia.

- Where are you going, ray?

- I'm painting it orange,

and Jack and Cherie
are gonna pick me.

You'll see.
They're picking me.

- Black.
- Green.

- Orange.

- Give us the plane back,

- Boys.

- Hey, you know the shop rules...
No running or fighting.

- Ray, come on.

Get back here.

- Boys?

- Ray?

- Aah!

- Jack, are you all right?

- Yeah, I'm okay.

- What happened?

- I don't know, boys.
What happened?

- We were fighting.
- Again.

- Sorry.

- Do you boys know
what was in those boxes?

Those were the toys

that we were gonna give away
to charity.

- Oh.
- That's not good.

- All right.

I want you guys
to go to your room,

and I want you to think
about what happened, okay?

Because of you guys,
there's a whole lot of kids

who just might not have a toy
on Christmas morning.

Do you understand that?

- We didn't mean to.

- Please,
just go to your room.


Rodney, why don't you
grab one of the guys,

go through this stuff

and see what can be salvaged
and what can't?

- You all right?

- Yeah.

- That was
all the stock we had.

We don't have a backlog
for giveaways.

- I know.

- Hey.
How are you really?

- When I saw ray dart
in front of my truck,

all I could think about was,

"please, god,
don't let me hit that boy."

- Okay.

- Guys, it's me.
Can I come in?

Thought I'd bring you guys
something to eat.

- Not hungry.
- Me neither.

- Well, I might have a bite.

- Listen, guys.

I know you're upset
about what happened,

and you should be,

but part of growing up

is getting past that

and taking responsibility
for your actions.

- What do you mean?

- Well, it's about
making amends,

making things right,

and thinking before
you do something in the future.

- Have you told miss green?

- Yes.

- Is she mad at us?
- She's disappointed.

- Are you mad at us?

- No.

I guess
I'm disappointed too.

- Jack hates us now, right?

- No, that's not true.

I think he's hoping

that maybe you'll learn
something from this,

but that's up to you guys.

Well, you should eat.

Well, I'm eating.

- Me too.

- Look,
the staff at the church

and the community center
and the orphanage,

they're gonna understand.

- It's not the staff
we're worried about, Rita.

It's the kids.

- Jack and I made a commitment

to donate
a specific number of toys.

We'd like to keep
that commitment.

- How about it, Rodney?

Can we make up
what's been lost?

- Well, half the toys
in the shed were destroyed.

Tomorrow's Christmas Eve.

We'll give it our best shot.

We'll work all night
if we have to.

- Count me in.

- Hey,
what about choir practice?

- Ah, we don't need
any rehearsal.

My kids are ready.

- Can we help?

- We have to make this right.
- Please.

- What about this one?
- Save.

- What about this one?
- Save.

- What about this one?
- Discard.

- This one?
- Uh...

- Let me see.

Oh, fix this.

- We'll repair that one.

- There's more right here.

- Well,
that's the last of 'em.

- Well, okay.

Thank you guys all so much
for staying all night...

Just a fantastic job.

Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

- Well, I got a Christmas Eve
dinner to cook.

- Oh, honey, honey, why don't
you get some rest first?

- After I get the Turkey
in the oven.

- All right, we'll get the boys
and meet you up at the house.

- Okay.

- Thank you, Rodney.

- Good morning.

- Sorry we fell asleep,
Mr. Jack.

- We tried to stay awake.

- We just got so tired.

It's okay.

- Well, you boys
did a great job.

We couldn't have done it
without you.

- Really?

- Cross my heart.

- Rodney, why don't you
get out of here?

I don't want
to see you here for work

until after the new year,
that is.

- All right.

Well, merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Mr. Rodney.

- Merry Christmas, boys.

- All right,
well, I am also exhausted.

Rita, you're welcome to...
To crash at the house

for a little while
if you want to.

- You know,
I just might do that.

- Okay, come on, boys.
Let's go.

- We're gonna walk up
with miss Rita.

- Okeydoke.

- All right, boys, what's up?

- Miss green,
it's Christmas Eve,

and we can't wait any longer
to find out.

- The anticipation
is k*lling me.

- Just tell us
and get it over with.

- Tell you what?

- Which one of us
is gonna get adopted.

- Adopted?
Where'd you get that idea?

- Ray heard Jack and Cherie

saying they're gonna
adopt one of us.

- Adopt?
- Only one.

- When, ray?
When did you hear this?

- The first night
we came here.

- Well, I think
whatever you heard, ray, uh...

You must have misunderstood,

because they're...

They're not adopting anyone.

I-I know that it's not easy
at the orphanage

for you boys anymore.

- It's okay, miss green.
We're fine.

- Yeah.

Don't worry.

- It was a misunderstanding.

No big deal.

- We're survivors.

- I think you boys need
some more sleep, don't you?

Let's go.

Let's go.

We have a Christmas concert
after dinner.

- These people
don't care about us.

We're just a bunch
of charity cases.

I'm so out of here.

I'm going back
to the orphanage.

That's home.

I'd rather be there
than with these people.

Well, you guys coming
or what?

I thought we were a team.

Guess I was wrong.


- Wait, Mike.
We're coming with you.

- What was that?

- Coyote.

- Nothing to worry about.

Are we lost?

- Maybe.

- Great.

And whose idea was it
to go this way?

- Shut up.

- I don't want to get eaten
by wild coyotes.

- That's why
we have to keep moving.

- We should sing.
- Sing?

- It'll keep the coyotes away.

- Where'd you learn that?

- Hey, I watch TV.

- Fine.


Let's go that way.

- ♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of Holly ♪

♪ fa la la la la
la la la la ♪

♪ 'Tis the season... ♪

- That table, Cherie,

and that bird...

You have outdone yourself.

- Oh, the gravy's fine.

Why don't you go get the boys?

They've got a concert tonight.

- That's right.
They have to sing.

Boys, time for dinner.

Come on, guys.
You still napping?

Come on, wake up.
Cherie's made us a feast.

Guys, come on.
You must be hungry.

Cherie? Cherie?
- Yeah?

- The window is open,
and their backpacks are gone.

- What?

- W-Wait, h-hold on.
Just take a breath.

- The boys,
I think they've run away.

- Run away?
- What are you...

- Yes, and I think
it's my fault.

- What are you talking about?

- Because they...They were
under the strange impression

that you were gonna
adopt one of them.

Ray told me this.

He said he heard you
talking about it

the first night he was here,
and I said whatever he heard,

he must have misunderstood.

- No, we were talking
about it.

- What are we gonna do?

- I'm calling
the sheriff right now.

It's gonna be fine.

- Sheriff's office.

- Yeah, uh, it's Jack green.
Is...Is Dan in, please?

- Hold it.

I want to go back.

- Me too,
but which way is back?

- We're not going back.

Come on.

Did those guys
really care about us?

- Well...
- If they did,

don't you think they'd be
looking for us by now?

- Mike has a point.

- Come on.

- I'm getting a little scared.
Are you?

- Um, actually, yes.

- Are you guys coming?

- This truly is my fault.

- Don't beat yourself up.

Easier said than done.

- Rita, those boys
think the world of you.

If you're trying to make me
feel better right now,

it's not working.

- Where would they go?

- I don't know.

The only place they know
is the orphanage.

If anything happens
to those boys...


I'll never be able
to forgive myself.

- Did you find anything?
- No, nothing.

Let's try the foothill road.

You start on the south end.
I'll take the north end.

- Okay.
- They're not bad boys, sheriff.

Really, they're not.
Believe me.

- Thanks, Dan.

- Boys!

You can come out now!


- Any sign of 'em?
- No. None.

- Thank you for coming over.
- Not a problem.

- Mike?

Henry? Raymond?

These boys have become
a part of our family.

- Come on, come on, come on.

- A family I never thought
I'd have.

- Don't do that.
Come on.

Don't worry, we're gonna find
those boys, now.

- How do you know?

- If anybody
can find those boys,

Jack green can.

And Jack green's gonna make
a wonderful dad.

- You're right.
He will.

- I'll tell you what.

Why don't you go up to the house
in case he calls,

and I'll look around out here
a little bit more.

- Okay.


- Now I'm getting cold...
And hungry.

- Me too.

- Come on, guys,
hang in there.

- We can't stay out here
all night.

We'll get hypothermia.
- Hypo what?

- It means
we'll freeze, dummy.

- Oh.

- They'll have to cut off
all of our toes.

- Gross.

- Come on, guys.



- Are you all right?

- Ugh.
I think I broke my ankle.

Ah! Ah!
- It's not broken.

It's just a sprain.

- How do you know?

- Miss green told me
I was smart enough

to be a doctor someday.

- Grab his other hand.
We'll help him up.

- Bad leg.


- How much do you weigh?

- Shut up
and get me out of here.

- We need rope.

Then we can pull him up
from the top.

- Rope?

We'll tie together
our clothes.

- Great idea.

Help! We need help!

- What's going on up there?
- They're there.

- Yeah, I see 'em.
I see 'em.

- Help!
- Help!

- Help's here, Henry!

- Are you okay?

- See, they do care.

- Thank god.
Thank god.

Wait, where's Henry?
- Down here.

- He sprained his ankle.

- All right,
stay right there, buddy, okay?

Stay right there.

- I'm sure glad to see you
again, Mr. Jack.

- I'm glad
to see you too, buddy.

Can you walk at all?

- No.

- Give me your hand.

I'm just gonna put your body
on my shoulder here.

- Ow. Ow. Ow.
- There you go, buddy.

- No one's ever
lifted me up before.

- Wow.

- How does it feel?

- Much better.
Thank you.

- Well, I've seen a lot
of broken bones in my day,

and that's not one of 'em.

That's a sprain...Very painful,
but still just a sprain.

- Told you so.

- Eat your Turkey, Turkey.

- Those boys are really lucky.
- So are we.

Thanks for everything, Dan.
Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas, Jack.

- That was quite a tumble
you took, young man.

- He bounced twice.

- No, I think it was
more like four times.

- I wasn't counting.
I was just bouncing.

- Jack, are you ready to go?

- Go where?

- To the Christmas concert,
of course.

- Oh, yeah.
I almost forgot about that.

Yeah, I'm ready.

- We have to get changed.

- What about us?

- Oh, honey,
you don't have to sing

after everything
you've been through tonight.

- We want to sing.

- Well, but I thought you...
- We're not quitters.

- And even if we don't really
like this whole choir thing,

we made a commitment.

- Yeah, you need us.
You know you do.

And where are you gonna find
another good singer like me?

- Nowhere on god's earth.

- Henry, can you do this?

- I'm in.

I might need a little help.
- We got you, partner.

- Ow.

Ow. Ow. Ow.

- Jack,
what are you doing?

Go get ready.

You too!

Come on, this is
my Christmas concert!

- ♪ Oh, come,
all ye faithful ♪

♪ joyful and triumphant ♪

♪ oh, come, ye ♪

♪ oh, come, ye ♪

♪ to Bethlehem ♪

♪ come and behold him ♪

♪ born the king of angels ♪

♪ oh, come let us...♪

- They're so beautiful.

- ♪ Let us adore him ♪

- You finish whatever it is
you been working on

in that study?

- No, not quite yet.

Still tinkering
a couple things.

- You gonna fill me in
on the surprise?

- No.

- ♪ The lord ♪

- It'll be under the tree
in the morning.

- Okay.

- You know something?

I think these kids were brought
into our life for a reason...

To test us.

- Did we pass the test?

- What do you think?

- ♪ Glory to god ♪

♪ glory in the highest ♪

♪ oh, come,
let us adore him ♪

♪ oh, come,
let us adore him ♪

♪ oh, come,
let us adore him ♪

♪ Christ the lord ♪

- Hey, guys, wake up!

- Wow.

Chocolates, mints,

toffee, peanut brittle...

Exactly what I asked
Santa for.

where are the gummi bears?

- Oh, this is so cool.

- Merry Christmas, guys.

Merry Christmas.

- Hey.

- What?

- That's impossible.

- Especially since the snow
is falling up instead of down.

- Are we dreaming?

- A snow machine?

- You know what?

I believe in Santa now.

- Me too.


Do you smell pancakes?

Blueberry pancakes!

- Let's go!


It's awesome.

- Merry Christmas, boys.

- Thanks for the snow.

- Well, I thought it might add
a little something special

for your Christmas morning.

- And the train set
is so cool.

- Well, you know, my father
designed and built that train.

And every morning
when I was a kid,

I would walk down
those exact same stairs

just like you guys just did,
and there it would be.

And it's one of my favorite
Christmas memories.

So I rebuilt it
for you guys.

- It's awesome.

- Double awesome.
- Triple!

- Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

- Boys, Jack and I
have something

we'd like to discuss
with you.

- Cherie and I
don't want to adopt

one of you boys.

We'd like to adopt...

All three of you.

- We'd like for you guys
to stay here with us for good.

- That is, if you want to.

- Are you sure about this?
- Absolutely.

Yeah, I think
it's about time I grew up.

Don't you?

- No.

We like you
just the way you are.

Right on.

- Right on.

- So, boys,
do you want to stay?

- Like, duh.

Are you gonna miss us?

- Oh, not really.

- Whoa.
That's harsh.

- Henry, I'm not gonna miss
my holy terrors,

because now you're all part
of my family.

- Does this mean
you're, like, our aunt?

- Your great aunt.

- This is the best
Christmas gift ever.

- I'll ditto that.

You know, maybe I do believe
in Santa Claus,

definitely Mr. Christmas.

All right.

- What is this?

A gift for miss Rita.

- Aunt Rita.

- Aunt Rita.
Of course.

- Well, this is unexpected.

- Well, those
are the best kind of gifts.

- Wonderful wrapping.

Snowman, a candy cane...

The boys designed

and built that themselves.

- It's beautiful.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

- Okay, who wants
some blueberry pancakes?

- I do.
- Ah, okay.

But after breakfast,

we're gonna head
over to the orphanage

and give out some gifts,
because after all,

- Christmas is about...
- Giving.

- That's right.

Then we can come back here,

and you guys
can open your gifts.

- What do you say?
- Okay.

- Okay.
Follow me.

♪ deck the halls
with boughs of Holly ♪

♪ fa la la la la
la la la la ♪

- Now you have four young boys
to deal with.

Yeah, yeah.
It'll be a big job.

But first things first...
Let's have some pancakes.
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