Deck The Halls (2005)

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Deck The Halls (2005)

Post by bunniefuu »

I found this recipe
in 'Bon Appétit'.

Oh... aren't you
the domestic.

You're going to make
somebody a very good wife.

So why am I not married yet?

Because you haven't
found the right guy.

Is there such a thing?
- Yes.

I know the holidays
are difficult without him

and I just wanted to
let you know, I'm here.

Don't go there.
- Hey! That's what friends

are for.
Laura - Oh, that turkey

smells good.
How's it coming along?

About another half hour, Laura.

Mom, what's Ben doing?
- Oh, he's teaching his

grandfather how to play
a video game.

Oh, that must be interesting.

G. My dad came into
the 21st century kicking

and screaming.
I got him a cell phone

last year and he's
used it twice.

- Hmmm?

How's Ben adjusting?
- Oh, you know.

He's a little e xious.
I think he misses his dad.

Thanksgiving was a time when
all the neighbourhood kids

would get together and
they'd play street hockey.

Yeah. I remember.
A few years back he almost

lost his front teeth.
- That's right. Oh, my god.

Who? Ben?

No. Michael.
Ben's slapshot hit him

in the mouth.
He was so upset, poor baby.

You know, Ben is
such a sweet kid.

You know, at his age
I think he doesn't fully

understand Michael's loss.

It's a struggle.

He'll be fine once he
finds new friends at school.

Well, that's what I'm hoping.

Grandpa, look.
You've got to use your

left button to k*ll the aliens.


Wake him up, Oscar.

Hey, Oscar. Hey, hey, hey.

Oh! gotta get these
guys, Ben, come on!

All right.
Dinner's ready!

Let's go!
- Come on, you guys.

You can save the
universe after dessert.

Ptchew, ptchew...

Ack, ack, ack...

Pow, pow, pow...

Ptchew, ptchew...

Brrr... rrrr... rrrr...

Mom, Look! Grandpa got
the whole army of aliens!

Now I feel so much safer.

And I shot down
two Star Cruisers.

All right.
No more stories at the table.

Dad, he hasn't stopped
playing with that game

since you got it for him.
Jack - It's one of our

best sellers.
- Grandpa, are we going to

attack the battle cruiser?
- Brrr... rrrr...!

B- brrrr... rrrr...!

Not at the table.

After dinner, Ben.

Jack, please say grace, honey.

Lord, we thank you for
the food we are about to

receive, and for blessing us
with Holly and Ben,

and for Melody to
share it with us.

And we trust that Michael
is with you in heaven.


And thanks
for Oscar too. Amen.


Happy Thanksgiving, everybody.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Dig in!
Laura - Who wants yams?

I do.
Jack - Well, do you think you

can start the turkey over here?
There we are...

Oscar, Oscar, go ahead boy.
Go, go, go.

Jack and Laura,
thank you so much for having

me to dinner.
Laura - Oh, you're welcome,

Melody, you know
you're always welcome.

Oh Mom, I'm so full
I'm not going to be able

to eat for a week.

Ben, don't forget.
I saved you the wishbone.

Come on.
It's not 'Keep Away'.

Ben! Do you have
something you want to say

to Grandma and Grandpa?

Can I have another piece of pie?

Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa.

You're welcome, Benjamin.
- Okay, Ben.

He loves that dog.
Holly - Yeah.

Michael knew what he was
doing when he got Ben Oscar.

You know what's interesting?
I think that Ben feels

closer to his dad when
he's with the dog.

Now, we got your office
all ready for Monday, honey.

Wait 'til you see it.
Jack said I could help

out with the decorations.

Oh, Melody, what would
I do without you

I hope we never, ever find out.

All right, I'll see you later.

Okay, sweetheart.
- Thank you.

- Thanks.

Come on Ben. Let's go.
Ben - Come on, Oscar.

Come on. Oscar.
Mom - Come on, Oscar.

How's she holding up?

She has her good
days and her bad days.

I'm hoping this new job
will help her move on with

her life... for Ben's sake.

Well, Michael was her true love.

How can I forget?

- Bye, Mel.


Bye, Melody.

Good bye.

Hey! Are you the new

Yeah. Hello!

Excuse me!



Nicholas St. Clair.
You can call me Nick.

I'm Holly and
this is my son, Ben.

You're parked in my driveway.

This is, uh... your driveway?

This is my driveway
and that's your driveway.


Well, I've got some
more things to unload.

About two more minutes?
- I'm sorry.

I need you to move your truck
now so that I can park my car.


Thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

Did you eat
turkey today, mister?

Uh... no, no.
I've been too busy.

- We've got some extra. Do you want some?

Well, that's really nice.

But, no thank you.
- Is that your sleigh?

Holly - Benjamin!

Do you have reindeer too?

Holly - Now!

Ooh! You better go.

Coming, Mom.

Hey, boy.
Hey, boy.

Come on, move over.
I need to sit down.

Eeeee Yeah!
Wahoo! Yeee Haw!

Excuse me.
Look, I know that you're the

new neighbour but can you
please do that in the day time?


- Oh!


I said, it is getting late.

Can you please do that tomorrow?

Um... I've got a schedule.

Well, my son is trying to sleep.

Heh, heh, heh.
Sorry, again.

I... guess I'm not earning any
Brownie points around here.

No. No.
Not really.

So far, in fact, I would give
you a D-minus as a neighbour.

What do I do for an A?
- Move.

Ben, you'd better be in bed!

Yeah, Mom.


What are you doing?

Uh... excuse me.

You're not supposed to be
spying on people with these.

Remember, you've gotta be good
if you want Santa to bring you

any presents.
Did you say your prayers?

I will.
- Okay.

What was that noise?

Oh, it was our new neighbour.

He was working with
some power tools.

But he's finished, so now it's
time for you to go to sleep.

What does he do?
- I don't know what he does.

Maybe he works for Santa.

Somehow I doubt that.

So, did you have a good day
with Grandma and Grandpa today?

Grandma saved me the wishbone.

- She said I should

make a wish.
- Okay. Well, let's do it.

I wish that...
Holly - Oh, no, no.

You can't say it out loud
or it won't come true.

Okay. You ready?



Mom, I got the bigger piece!

Yeah, you did!
That means your wish is

gonna come true.
Now, you go to sleep, okay?

I love you...

to the moon and back.

Love you too, Mom.
Good night.

Sweet dreams.
I'll take that for you.

- Thanks, Mom. Good night.

Can I have the door open?
Holly - Okay.

Dear Lord, thank you for the
wonderful meal we ate today.

And please watch over my Mom,
my grandparents, and Oscar.

And please say 'Hi' to my dad.

I know Grandpa said you
need him more than me

but it sure doesn't
feel that way.

So much.


Jack - Hey, hey, hey!

Morning, honey.
- Good morning, Dad.

You all ready to take
a look at your new digs?

Actually, I think I
need a cup of coffee first.

Ah, forget the coffee!

Come on.
You're going to love this!

Hey, it's looking great, Melody.

Good morning!
I hope you don't mind.

I got some stuff from your mom.
Cozy up the place.

You are great.
Thank you.

There's coffee on your desk.
- Perfect.

And could you come to
e vet with me today?

Miss Kiki's got a little
case of the sniffles.

Aw, sure.
I'll go.

Love you, beautiful.
- Bye.


Now honey, I know you're
probably used to different

working conditions
in your big city job.

But I really try to keep things
light and fun around here,

like a big toy box.

I can see that, Dad.
Ha, ha!

I want you to be happy
when you come to work.

I'm happy.
I am happy.

Did you get a chance to

look at those budget reports?
- Yeah.

I studied them all weekend.
Your expenditures are

eating up your profits.
This Christmas campaign is

way over budget from last year.
Whoever's in charge of this

campaign is overspending
on every line.

That's why I need you here,
honey, you're going to

turn things around.
No more wasting money.

That's right.
$14,000 on elves.

Yeah, that's Nick for you.
He's a crazy creative nut

but he's the best.
- Who's Nick?

St. Nick's what I call him.
Best in the business.

He's a miracle worker who's
saving our holiday campaign.

We got off to a late start this
year and he's really doing

wonders for us.
- Well, you know, somebody

needs to talk to good old
St. Nick because he is

spending your money like
he just won the lottery.

I've got some invoices
I need you to look over.

Well, I'll get out of your

hair and let you get to work.

Wait. Hold it, Dad.
I want to speak to this Nick.

Oh. You're just
like your mother.

You tackle the problem
head on and fix it.

Okay. Let's go.

Come on, guys!
You're elves!

Let's see some Christmas magic.
Spruce it up a little!

Hold on a sec, Holly, okay?



Nick, you got a minute?

Nick, I want you
to meet somebody.


Nick, this is our new
Chief Financial Officer,

my daughter Holly.
- I don't believe it.

You two know each other?

We go way back, Mr. Hall.
- It's Jack.

He's my new next door
neighbour, Dad.

Oh, you rented
the Bradford house.

It's my home away from home.
- Well, well, well.

It's a small world.

Well, I'll just get out of here
and let you two talk shop.

How funny is this?
- Ha.

Oh, come on, you have to
admit, it's pretty humorous.

I mean, this could only
happen in a small town.

So how long have you
been working for my father?

Oh, uh... he brought
me on about a month ago.

Uh... I've been visiting all
his stores across the country

trying to get some
ideas for the campaign.

And what do you think?
- Oh, uh... we're a little

behind but we're
shifting into high gear.

So, you're the head
financial guy... girl.

So if I was Superman you'd
be Kryptonite, right?

Well, you can see why.


Hey, I'm sorry we got off
to a bad start this weekend.

You know, things have
been crazy around here.

Un - Look, when you have
time I'd like to go over the

buet report with you.
- Oh. Yeah. Sure.

Um... as I say, I have to
get this photo sh**t done

before lunch.
Hey, hey!

Why don't we chat over lunch?

Why don't we meet
in my office at three?

Or meet in your office at three.

All right.
Knock it off, guys.

I've got work to do.
Meeting at three.

You heard the boss!
We gotta wrap this up!

So what do you think of Nick?

I think he's totally hot.
Holly - Yeah? Well, you

should go out with him.
Melody - Oh, he's not my type.

You think he's my type?

Sure. He's talented.
He travels, so you know

he's spontaneous, and I heard
he has a great sense of humour.

Holly - And?

You're very structured.
You're very cautious.

Totally responsible.
- Totally not compatible.

Opposites attract, Holly.
I just read a magazine

about the subject.
- You read too many magazines.

I'm just saying maybe
it's time you meet someone.

Maybe just as friends.
So did you guys talk?

Oh, he was in the
middle of a photo sh**t.

I think he's very annoying.
- Yeah. The Internet campaign.

What's the Internet campaign?

Nick, he developed this new
program for our holiday site.

Kids use their parents
email to write Santa.

The software flags
the toys they mention.

The program emails the parents
with a link to our site.

They just click
and order on line.

He's a genius.
- Well, that genius happens

to be my neighbour.
- You see! That's fate!

You guys crossed
paths for a reason.

There is no reason.
I am not interested.

Okay, Dr. Olsen.
Holly - Dr. Olsen?

'Tighty-pants' Olsen?

He's single and he's hot.

Well, I can't seem to find
anything wrong with her, Melody.

But we'll give her
a little something.

Uh... some vitamin drops.
That should help.

Well, it really is good
to see you again, Holly.

It's been ages.
- It has.

I think the last time I saw
you we were ice skating.

Yeah, with me in my tight pants.

Until you fell
down and split them.

Oh, don't remind me.
Didn't I try to kiss you

and your gum got stuck
in my braces?

You remember that?
Very embarrassing.

You werembarrassed.
- Well, it's nice to see that

you're doing so well, Kirk.
- Well, thanks... thanks.

Yeah, and I heard you
moved to New York and work

for some big company.
- Yeah, I did.

But then my husband passed
away so I moved back home.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Thank you.

Well, Miss Kiki is all better.

Now there's no charge for today.

Oh, you don't have to do that.

It was nothing. I insist.

You're too kind, Dr. Olsen.
Thank you.

All right. Any time.
Miss Kiki's probably stressed.

It's the season.

Well, um...

maybe I'll see you
around, Holly.

Maybe you will.

Look who Grandma dropped off.

Hey! How was school?
- We won our hockey game,

five to three.
- Good! Give me five!

Come on. Oh!
- Pound it. Pound it.

Is Grandma gonna pick
me up again tomorrow?

Uh... yeah.
You know what, honey, I have

a lot of work to do.
Can you go down to the

Fun Centre?
- Do they have games there?

Go see. All right?
And then I'll come down

later and we'll go see Santa.
- Yeah, I guess.

What do you mean, 'I guess'?

Fun. Santa. Presents.

I can't believe it now...

I can't believe
I almost forgot Jones's request

for the water buffalo.

I mean, what's a kid need
with a water buffalo?

He doesn't even have a pool.
You know, at this pace...

we're not going to
make our Christmas deadline.

Pick that up.
Dino - It always comes

together, boss.
Nick - A lot of kids are

depending on me, Dino.
- You dah man!

Like you're saying or somethin'.

Always the man to get the
job done, no matter what.

Ho, ho, ho.

Hey, there!

Oh! It's okay.
Come on over, Ben.

We're, um... just getting
ready for Christmas.

You play hockey?
- Yeah. We won our game at

school today.
Do you play?

Oh, sure I do!
I've got a wicked wrist shot.

We should play.
- Wow! You really mean it?

Of course I do.
I promise we'll play

a game sometime.
And remember Ben,

always keep a promise.
- Yes, sir!

Now, did you write Santa
and tell him what you want

for Christmas?
- Yeah.

I sent him a letter but he
hasn't written me back yet.

Have you been a good boy?
- Uh-huh.

I'm sure he'll
write you back soon.

Christmas is full
of possibilities.

Hey! Isn't Santa an old guy?
- Well, they want you to

think he's old but between
you and me, he's a younger,

hipper dude.
It's all about marketing.

Ah, there you are.

I'll get him out of your hair.
- Aw, he's no problem.

Come on, honey,
we've gotta go see Santa.

Bye, Ben.
- Let's go.

Bye, Nick.

Let's get it on!


Now, what's your name?

- Ben!

Have you been a good boy, Ben?
- Uh huh.

Do you work for Santa?
- Why, I am Santa!

No you're not.
Santa's a much younger,

hipper dude.
I think I know where he lives.

Oh, do you?

Yeah. He's cool,
and his elves are real.


Why don't you tell me what
you want for Christmas, hm?

Come on, honey.

I'm sorry.

He thinks that you
can perform miracles.

I'm sorry.
Holly - Oh! Hi!

Hey, how're you doing?
- Good. So you're uh...

you're Christmas shopping.
- Oh, yeah, I'm just getting

a few things for the
nurses at the office.

So who's this big guy?
- This is Ben, my son.

Ben, this is Dr. Olsen.
We used to go to

school together.
- Hi.

So, did you talk to Santa?
Did you give him your list?

What I really want

I don't think Santa can bring.

Well, you never know what
can happen at Christmas.

Nice to meet you.
Enjoy yourselves.

All right. See you later.
- Okay.

You, uh... wanted to
see me about the budget again?

Yeah. One moment.
Let me just finish this here.

I feel like I'm being called
into the principal's office.

Have I been a bad boy?
- Yes. Very bad, Nick.

You are over budget.
- In what category?

Every category.
- Wow! What can I say?

Once the creative
juices start to flow...!

So does the money?
- It's a make-or-break time

for the campaign and your
dad wants me to go all out

this season.
- Well, Nick, like my dad,

you spend too much money.
- You have to spend

it to make it.
First law of business.

So on the elves it would be
on per diem, hotel, costumes...

Well, they're
classically trained actors.

You would not believe what
they're adding to the campaign.

- Ahem! Okay.

I'll try.
- Thank you.

So... what about lunch?

Yup, you're over the
line on that budge too.

No, I mean you
and I going to lunch.

Why? So you can charge
something to the

expense account?
- You are unbelievable.

No. I am precise and
I pay attention to details.

Precise people
have to eat lunch, too.

I'm eating right here.
- Okay.

But one day you and I
will have a meal together.

I'll buy.
- Yeah, well I've done

the math, Nick... the odds
are not in your favour.

Ho, ho!
Ha, ha!


Don't be long.

Any letters from Santa?
- Sorry, Ben, not today.

What about those?

Oh, these are for Nick.

I keep it separate so it
doesn't get mixed up with your

mother's because if it did,
then Nick would have to

deliver it and
I would be out of a job.

Have a good one, Ben.

Did Santa write you back?
- No, Grandma.

Aw! He will, Ben.
He's just very busy

this time of year.
- I know.

Nick told me he'd take
care of my letter.

You've met Nick?
- Yeah. He lives next door.

Does he?
I didn't know that!

Yeah. And his elves came
over to our place, too.

They did?

That must have been
really special.

Do you want a snack?
Ginger cookies and milk?

Sure, Grandma.

They were
two co-workers who were

secret admirers.
They corresponded by email

and after they finally met
they were married in three

weeks. Stay tuned.

What's a secret admirer?

Oh, well, that's when you
like someone and you send them

an anonymous letter.

Well, what's 'anonymous' mean?

It means you don't
know who it's from.

Why? Why all the secrets?
- Well, you want to see

if they like you.
- Oh.

Did you know that your
Grandpa and I were secret

admirers in high school?


We used to trade letters
in each others' lockers.

Do you still have the letters?

Yeah. I think they're
in a scrapbook somewhere.

They were so sweet.

Did you want to see them?
- Yeah!

I'll dig them out for you.

I'm home!

Hi, sweetheart.
How was work today?

Oh, busy.
Thanks for staying with Ben.

Oh, any time, honey.


So somehow I got my ne
hbour's mail in my mailbox.

- Yes.

What's he like as a neighbour?

Oh, please don't ask.
Laura - Why?

What's the matter?
- Let's just say he's

definitely somebody who
gets under your skin.

Well, Ben seems fond of him.
- Mom, he's eight years old.

Well, your dad
thinks he's a genius.

Well, he's seventy.


I can't... well,
he's got everybody fooled.

Hey, Mrs. Hall.
- Hello, Nick.

Give it up.

Uh... there was a mix up.

I got Holly's mail in my box.

Oh, thank you.
Here, I'll take that.

Hold it, Nick.
I've got some of your mail.

Oh, yeah.
Hey. There was a mix up.


I had no idea that you
were the new neighbour.

I was really lucky
to find a place.

Do you really need
that big of a house?

Yeah. It's my workshop.
- Okay.

Well, uh...
See you later, Nick. Thanks.

Homework, young man!

I'm gonna make some dinner.

Hey, what are you doing?

Homework, Mom.

Yeah? How's it going?
- Uh... fine.

I'm glad you're working on it.


What is it?
- Uh... nothing.

AH! Oh, how fun!
A secret admirer.

It's so high school.
- Yeah, but it's flattering.

Who do you think it is?
- I don't know.

I don't recognize
the email address.

Mm. He must be using his
personal email account.

Yeah? Well he should
be using his spell check.

I think I know who it is.
- Who?

Did you see how he was

flirting with you after
the budget meeting?

Isn't he dating somebody?
- No. They broke up

three months ago.
Are you gonna reply?

- It's just an email, Holly.

Don't be so uptight.
- I'm not uptight.

It'd be fun.
- Yeah. Now there's my Holly.

Just do it for fun.
It's online flirting.

Just see where it goes.
- Melody, it's just email.

But it's a start.
For you.

Ha, ha, ha!

What's funny?
- I've got a secret admirer.

You lucky bum.
I need to start to look for

a half-decent broad for me.
- Don't look for love

and it will find you, Leon.
- You think so?

Mm-hum. Sure.
But first you have to

believe in love.

Oh, I knew there was a catch.

Ha, ha, ha!
Do you think I should send it?

b*mb's away!
- b*mb's away!

- Kablooey!

We had a rough year,
folks, but we're right

on target with this
holiday campaign.

Sales are up 40 percent in
all our stores and our retail

sales are skyrocketing.

Thanks to our St. Nick.

Ha, ha, ha!
- Ha, ha, ha!

Thank you!

Really it's a team effort.

I'm blessed because Christmas
is such a special time.

And what better job could a
guy have than being part of

something so amazing,
like Dreamland Toys?

Come on.
Let's give it up!

Is he running for office?

- He's running at the mouth.

Holly and Melody are
supervising our budgets

and they're really starting
to turn things around.

Well, most departments are
within this season's budgets,

that is, most departments.

Well, we've really
got to try to stay within

our budgets, folks.

I'm the first to admit I spend
too much this time of year.

Holly's really
keeping me in check.

That's a full-time job,

Well, lucky for me she
didn't inherit my spending gene.

Ha, ha, ha!

Hey, New Kid.
What are you doing?

The name's Ben.

Yeah, okay, New Kid.
What's up?

I'm reading my Grandma
and Grandpa's secret

admirer letters.
- What's a secret admirer

- Grown-ups write them when

they like each other but
they're too chicken to talk.

'See you later alligator'?
- Ha!

That's weird.
- Yeah, I guess it's how

they talked.
I'm trying to get Nick

to go out with my mom.
- Huh? Who's Nick?

My Grandpa calls him
St. Nick.

I think he's Santa Claus.
- No way, dude!

He lives next door to me.

Stop lying!
- I'm not lying, Matthew.

He's working on a secret
Christmas project at my

mom's job.
I've seen his workshop

and his elves.
- Prove it.

Come over and you'll see.

I will.
Because you're lying.

Hey, hey, hey!

There's my grandson!
- Hi, Grandpa.

Well, Christmas is on the way.

Have you written to Santa?
- Yeah.

But he hasn't written me back.
- Ah, he will, Ben, he will.

Grandpa, where's Nick?

I think he and the elves
went to the Christmas tree farm.

Ah, there's my beeper.

Gotta go.
See ya later, alligator.

- Hi, Mom.

Thanks, Pal.
Look, I have a little more

work to do so just sit down
and wait for me, okay?

What does he say?

He says, "I think
you're a really cool chick

and it would be a kick to
take you for burgers

and malts in my hot rod."

Now, listen to this.
Listen to this.

He ends it with, "See
you later, alligator."

It's something corny like
my father would say.

No. It's retro.
It's cool.

Send a reply.
- I did.

- Mm-hum.

Mom? Can we get
a Christmas tree today?

Well, honey, we told
Grandpa we'd go with him.

He said all the good trees
are being taken at the tree lot.

I know, but he knows the
owner, and the owner promised

to get us a really nice tree.
- Please? I really, really

want a tree tonight.
- Honey, I have so much work.


- Yes!

If he replies, I want
all the juicy details.


Hey, how about that one?
Do you like it?

Too small.
- How big do you need it?

A big tree.
- I think this is perfect

for the living room.
- Mom, there's a good one

over here.


Hi, Benjamin!
What are you doing here?

My mom and me
are getting a tree.

What are you doing?
Nick - Well, you know,

Christmas is a time for giving
so we're making sure that

those families who can't
afford a tree, get one.


I haven't heard from Santa yet.

St. Nick will
take care of it for you.


Let's just keep this between us, okay?
- Yeah. It's our secret.

So. Do you know what
you want for Christmas?

If it's not too much trouble,

could you bring my dad back

so Mom will be happy again?

Where's your dad, Ben?

He's not with us any more.

He had to go away and
help God with some stuff.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure he was a special guy.
- I'm sad he had to go away.

I'm sure he loved you very much.

I know he's watching
over you right now.

Like Santa does?
- Yeah, like Santa does.

So you'd better be a good boy.


Want a picture with the elves?

Yeah. Could I?
- Yeah! Come on!

Hey, guys!

We're gonna do some
pictures for a photo.

What do you think about that?

Okay, hey, listen.

Let's just do, you know,
just kind of casual hanging

out having a cup of te
That sort of thing, okay?

Now give me something natural.

That's good.


Oh, yes.
Yeah. Uh-huh.

Give me gangster.

That's it. Oh yeah.

Oh, your mom's
gonna love this one.

This is good. This is good.
Yeah, this...


I thought...

Thank you.
That was very nice.

They're gonna stay with me now.

You know, I got that big
house, all that room.

It'll save on the hotel bill.
- Holiday miracles.

Mom! Did you see me
with the elves?

I did.
And did you thank Nick?

Thank you, Nick.
- You're welcome, Ben.

You know what, honey?
We gotta find a tree

and go home.
- Good bye, Nick.

See you, Benjamin.

Bye, Holly.
- Bye.

Hey, guys.
Thanks for taking

the photos with Ben.
He's a very special kid

and he's been through a lot.
I know it made his day.

Mom... how long is Nick
going to live next door?

Uh.. I think a
couple more weeks.

Just before Christmas
he has to move.

Does he have any kids?

I don't know.

Daddy made this.

Oh, he did.
Do you remember

what he called it?
- Fatty Claus.

That's right.
Good memory.

Can I hang it up here?
- You know what? No.

Let's bring it to Grandma
and Grandpa's and put it

on their tree, okay?
- Okay.


Mom, look!
It's a letter of reply

from Santa Claus.
- Yeah? What does it say?

It says I should help you
with stuff when you ask me.

Santa's a smart man.
- And if I'm a good boy

I'll get lots of
presents for Christmas.

Yeah, you'd better
listen to that one.

Come on. Get in.

All right.

It's just lunch.

I promise.

Come in.


Mystery man wants
to have lunch today.

Oh, Holly, that's fantastic!

Do you think it's Andrew?
- Oh, I don't know.

Where's the date?

Uh... Willow Park...

and we are supposed to
bring our own lunches.

Oh, a picnic in the park!
That's so romantic.

What did you tell him?

- Oh! That's exciting!

I want all the details.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,

yeah, yeah.
- Oh, you'll be fine.

It's like riding a bicycle.
You never forget.

I'm sorry.
I don't know why I said that.

Nick - Hello.

Need those invoices.
- Can't... got a lunch meeting.

After lunch.
- Good.

That's good.
- Bye.


Uh... excuse me.

Hi. Are you, uh...
meeting somebody for lunch?

No, uh... but I can be.

No, no.
No. Thank you.

I am meeting somebody for lunch.

'telie I d't b ts.


You are the secret admirer!

There's some kind of a mix up.

Just like the mail boxes.
- You think I did that?

You know, our paths have
been crossing a lot lately.

It's a small town, Holly.
- Well, you emailed me first.

No, I didn't!
- Oh, yes, you did.

And now you're
trying to deny it.

Tr - This is hilarious!
- I'm flattered.

What's my email address?

I'll show you.

She has the emails printed.
- Yes. You should use

spell check, Daddio!

This is the same email
address that's been emailing me.

What are you talking about?

Somebody set
this whole thing up.

Aw, Melody.

Well, I'm starving so
I'm going to eat my lunch.

See? You don't need
an expense account.

Haw. Haw.
- It's fine.

I'm going to eat alone.

What are you having?
- Salad. What about you?

I've got a chicken sandwich
on rosemary bread,

with goat cheese and peppers.

Oh, I've got these
amazing Italian olives

and pickled tomatoes.
- You mean you're not married?

Ar - No. - Oh,
then you must be...

No, no, no.

I guess I'm married to my work.

Fear of commitment, huh?

I just travel way too much.
I'm never in one place

for too long.
- Men!

Enough about me.

Uh... if you don't mind
me asking...

what happened to your husband?

He, uh...

He died, in a car accident.

Oh, I'm sorry.
- Thanks.

That's gotta be hard on Ben.
- Yeah.

Yeah, the holidays are tough...

for both of us.

But he's lucky to be so loved.

The wonderful thing about life
is, we can find love again.

Sometimes right in front of you.

I had the love of my life...

and I lost him.

I don't know why
I'm telling you this.

I hardly know you.

Here... you gotta try
a bite of my sandwich.

I think it's the most amazing
creation I've made yet.

Ha, ha!

Come on. Try it.

Ha, ha, ha!

Yeah? Huh?
How good is that?

It's good.
- Yeah! See?

I told you.
You gotta trust me.

I don't know if I can
trust a man who wears

a Hawaiian shirt.

Looks can be deceiving.

- Holly, you'll never get

to know someone unless
you give them a chance.

How are my odds?

- Heh, heh, heh!

It was Nick.
- Nick! Are you kidding me?

Did you have something
to do with this?

- Look, it's okay if you did.

I just want to know.
- Holly, I didn't have

anything to do with
getting you guys together.

I'm telling you... it's fate.
- Yeah well, somebody is

trying to set this up,
because we thought we were

emailing each other directly,
but we weren't.

Who do you think it is?
- I have no idea.

But I'm gonna find out.
- So give me all the details.

How'd it go?
- You know, for as much

as he annoys me,
and he does annoy me,

I have to admit there is
something special about him.

He's totally hot.
- Yeah, well.

It's against company policy.
- First of all,

he's a consultant,
so that doesn't count.

And what if it was Andrew?
Would you still be having

this problem?

I don't know.

You can't live your life
by the company book, Hol.

Ben - Got 'im!

Good work, New Kid!
- It's Ben.

Hey, have you heard from Santa?

Yeah. I told St. Nick and
I got the letter the next day.

So where are the elves, huh?
I think you're lying.

I'm not lying. Come on.

They live upstairs.

No way.
- Hey! Look! There he is!

Maybe he's Santa's helper.
I thought Santa was an old guy.

Nah. It's the marketing.
He's really a younger,

hipper dude.
Look! The elves! Told you!

Wow! Dude, you really
do live next to Santa Claus!

Do you think one
might be Rudolf?

But I didn't see a red nose.

And you didn't believe me.
- Did you hook your

mom up with him?
- I hope.

They were supposed
to go to lunch today.

If Santa becomes your dad,
you can have presents

all year long.
- Wow!

Ben, dinner's in a half hour.

Hello, Mrs. Hall.
- Matthew, you want to

join us?
You can call your mom.

No. I have to get home.
- Okay. Clean up then.

Hey, look at all the reindeer!


You know... I had lunch
with somebody today.

You did?
What did he say?

I.. I mean, who did you
have lunch with?



Somebody has been emailing
us trying to make us think

that we were secret admirers.

I wonder who that could be?
- I don't know.


Ben, look at me.

I know what you're trying
to do, and I appreciate it.

But Nick is leaving in a week.
- But Mom.

Don't be chicken.
It's okay.

You know, Ben, remember when
I told you that some people

weren't meant to be together?

Nick and I are meant to be
co-workers, maybe friends,

but that is it.
- But Mom...

Honey, I know this is
hard for you to understand

but you've gotta be a big boy.
- Yeah. Okay.

And you know...

You know I love you.

I love you,
to the moon and back.

I'm so sorry.
I tried to get a hold of you.

Oh, don't worry about it.

It happens all the time.

These are the
latest invoices from the

department heads.
- Do I even want to see them?

Oh, you're turning
things around, Holly.

Everyone's staying
within their budgets.

Except... well, you know who.
Girl - Such a rebel.

That car really suits you.

I'd love to go
for a ride sometime.

Sure. Okay.

When I get the time.


Ha, ha!




He's impossible!

She's a beauty, don't you think?

Yeah. Nice job Dad.
- I'm really excited

about this holiday party.

Did you know Nick's
playing Santa Claus?

I know.

Why don't you grab some
garlands and have some fun?

Aw, Dad, I have a ton of work.

How are the year end reports?

I'm doing the best I can
but getting some of your

departments to deliver on
time is like pulling teeth.

It'll all come together, honey.

There's magic in the air.

Just look at the
Christmas spirit!

Speaking of which, are we
having Christmas Eve dinner

at your house or mine?
- Our house.

Your mom is doing turkey.
- Good.

You know, honey, I think you
should invite Nick to dinner.

Why would I invite him?

Who's he got for the holidays?

He lives alone.

We'll send him off with
the spirit of Christmas.

I can't begin to tell you
everything that Nick's

done for us this season.


It's been a tough year, Nick.

My wife's been sick, in
and out of the hospital.

We're struggling with the bills.

Sorry you're going
through a tough time.

Hey, but thanks for the job.

You do it every year.
You're a pal.

A real saint, Nick.

How much did you say you needed?

I can't except money from you.

Will that hold you?

I don't believe it!

It's Christmas, Dino.
You better believe it!

I'll pay you back.
I promise.

You don't have to pay me
back... you're gonna work

for me next year.
Don't worry about it!

Don't worry!

Merry Christmas, Nick!
- Merry Christmas, Dino.

Double it...

Ha, ha, ha!
All right! Get outta here!

- Go do some work.

Earn the money!


Holly - Can I come in?

You're not gonna believe
this but I'm almost done

the invoices.
I know, I know.

Call it a Christmas miracle.

Miracle of miracles.

Um... Ben got your letter.

He was so excited.

I'm glad.
Oh. Here.

I wanted to give
this to you earlier.

It turned out better
than I expected.

Ben's gonna love it.

It's great.
Again and again and again,

thank you.

Oh, your father asked me
to play Santa Claus

at the Christmas party.

Oh, he loves the holidays.
- Well, how could I refuse.

It's important for people
to believe in Santa Claus.

I guess.

Don't tell me you don't
believe in Santa Claus?

Don't tell me you do?
- Oh, you bet I do.

Ha! I mean, what's Christmas
without Santa Claus?

It's like peanut
butter without jelly.

Or life without love.
- Ha, ha!

Yeah, I believe in Santa...

that he lives
in our imaginations.


And love?

You're just afraid to believe
it could happen again.

But once you take a leap
of faith and open up,

love will find you.

Nick, Ben has grown

very attached to you.

He's a very special kid.
I really like him a lot.

The thing is, I don't want
him to be heartbroken

when you leave.

Heh, heh, heh.
He'll be fine.

In a month or two
he won't even remember.

You know how kids are...
- Nick.

I would appreciate it

if you would make yourself
less available to him

while you're here.

You could just say you
have a lot of work.


I'm sorry.

Well, you're going
through a difficult time.

And the last thing I want
to do is hurt anyone.

I'll... I'll have your invoices
ready by the end of the day.

That would be fine.
Thank you.

Do you remember when
you were a little kid?

You wake up Christmas morning

expecting something
wonderful to happen,

something you...
you'd always wanted,

but you weren't sure
if it could be real.

Well, Ben still believes
in miracles,

that something wonderful
can happen.

Please don't take that
away from him...

or yourself.

Hey, Nick.
Do you want to play a game?

Uh... I don't think it's
a good idea right now, Ben.

Come on, Nick!
You promised!

You told me never
to break a promise.

Come on, Nick.
We love hockey.

Let's mix it up.
A quick one for the kid.

Yeah. All right, all right.
One game, up to three.

We're gonna bring it.

We got it! We got it!
Best two out of three.

Oh! Nice try!

We got it.
We got it.



Hey, that's not fair!

He bit me in the butt!

Well, it's a penalty!
- No it's not!

Yes it is!


I'm sorry!
He came out of nowhere!

I'm sorry!

It's gonna be okay, Ben.

Trust me.
Leon, get the car.

When can I see Oscar?
- He's been sedated.

I need to operate right away.

But you can see him
later on, Ben. Okay?


Oh, I'm so sorry.
It's gonna be okay. Okay?

I'll do my very best.

You all right?
- Mm-hum.

can you take Ben outside?

Look, I...
- What part of "make yourself

less available"
did you not understand?

I promised him a game.
I didn't want to break

my word and let him down.

Nick, that dog means
everything to him.

And he didn't need that,
particularly on Christmas.

Everything's going
to be okay, Holly.

How do you know?
- Just have faith.

Are you deluded?
What? Do you think just

because you believe it,
it makes it so?

How is he?

he's not good.

I got a chance to take a look.

He's got internal bleeding.

I'm sorry, I don't know
if there's anything else

I can do.

You've gotta save Oscar.

Hey. Believe me, Ben,
I'm doing everything

I can for him.
But you've gotta be a

big guy for us now. Okay?

We could use a miracle
right about now.

I can't sleep.

Here. Come here.
Sit with me.

You know, I just got off
the phone with the vet.

He said that Oscar's
sleeping very comfortably.

When can I see him?

You know, we have to
wait until he gets

a little bit better.

It wasn't Nick's
fault, you know.

It was mine.
- It wasn't your fault.

I had Oscar playing goalie.
Maybe if he'd played defense...

Honey, it was just an accident.

You know what?
You can't control everything.

are you okay?

Yeah. Fine.

You know what?
You go upstairs and

I'll come up and tuck you in,
in a second, okay?

- Okay.

Say your prayer for Oscar.
- I did, Mom.

I snuck these out
of the meeting.

Oh great. What I need.
Another donut.

I loved what they called
us, the 'Budget Busters'.

Yeah. You know Melody,
I have to be honest.

If it wasn't for my father
I would not be going

to this party.
- Bah, humbug, Mrs. Scrooge.

Where's your holiday spirit?
- You know, with everything

that's going on,
I have no holiday spirit.

What would the holidays
be without a miracle?

What is it with miracles?

I don't believe
in miracles, okay?

Well, they can't happen if
you don't believe in them.

What will be, will be.
It is out of my control.

- Look, uh... I wanted to

apologize for everything, Holly.

I know how much Oscar
means to you and Ben.

I was just trying to let him
down easy with one final game

and... and ended up
making things worse.

Look, it's not your fault.

It's just a lot to handle.


Christmas can be stressful.
- Yeah.

Sometimes you just have
to learn to let go.


I think you and I are more
alike than you may think.

Against my better judgment,
my father wanted me to

invite you over for
Christmas Eve dinner.

It's very nice of him.

But I don't think I can make it.

What else do you have to do?

A lot.
Holly - And I thought

I'll try my best.
- Well, if not dinner,

maybe dessert.



What are you doing here, Ben?

I saw the reindeer.

I was wondering if
I could pet them.

Um... they're actually
going to go to sleep now.

Where's the other reindeer?

At the pole.
- Oh.

Can I go in and
see your workshop?

Uh... actually, I'm in
the middle of something.

I'm sorry, but maybe
you should go home.

I got you something.

That's nice.

Ha, ha, ha!

How did you know
that I love ducks?

That is very thoughtful.
Thank you.

All right.
You can come in for a minute.

I've always been
a sucker for quacks.


Why do you have to
go back to the North Pole?

Do you think I'm Santa?

Aren't you?

Think of me as
one of his helpers, um...

like the guy at the mall.
- You're not like

the guy at the mall.

I've got a lot of work
to do before tomorrow, kid.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you too, Ben.

But remember what
Santa said, okay?

If your mother asks you to do
something, you gotta listen.

Even if she doesn't ask you.

I know.

Do you think Oscar
will come home?

What do you believe?

What did the vet say?

The vet said...

that it will take a miracle.

Do you believe in miracles?

Miracles happen every day.

Have you ever seen a sunrise,

or a beautiful flower,
or a snowflake up close?

Or a brand new baby?

You just gotta close
your eyes and let go.

Why do you have to leave?

I've got another job.

Are you coming back?

Maybe next year.

You gotta go.

You're a great kid.

We three kings

Of ancient orient are

Bearing gifts
For the newest king

We traveled far

Field, fountain,
moor and mountain

Following that star

Traveled so far

We traveled so far

Star of wonder

And star of might

Star with royal beauty

Shining so bright

Star of royal beauty

Shining bright

Francincense and myrrh

To offer He do I

His incense worthy
of the deity nigh

Prayer and praise and worship

Him, the One on high

We traveled through the night

We traveled through the night

Myrrh is mine I gotta say...

Okay Nick.
You're on.

Almost ready, Jack.

Here, here, give me your hand.

I just want to thank you again
for everything you did for us.

It was my pleasure.
Thank you.

I'm sorry things didn't
work out between you and Holly.

They worked out just fine!

She's a very special person.

Holly can be hardheaded at

times but she means well.

I know.

When Holly was nine years
old she and some neighbourhood

friends had a lemonade stand.

Holly ran an audit at the end
of the day and found out they

were eighty cents short.

Drove her crazy.
- Did she ever find it?

Yeah, but she wouldn't go to
bed until she bounced numbers.

That's Holly for you.

Well, I'd better get out of
here and warm up the crowd

for Santa's arrival.
- Yeah. Woo!

Ho, ho, ho!

Can I have your
attention please?

Now I hope you're all
enjoying our holiday party.

There's plenty of food and
drink right over there.

Now, I've just got the call.

Our special guest will
be arriving any minute.

Now I want all you kids
to grab these beanbag chairs

and set them up over here.

Come on, kids!

'Cause when our special guest
arrives he's gonna want to

see you guys first.

Honey, come on.
Just down in there.

Come on.
- Where's Nick, Grandpa?

Oh, he's coming.

He's coming, Ben, I promise.

Now, I'd just like to take
a moment to thank all of you

for your hard work
this holiday season.

You know, this company began
as a dream to make children's

lives a little happier.

We started some thirty years
ago in the back of Harry's

furniture store and we grew
into one of the biggest toy

companies in the country.

Thanks to you, the good
people of Milton Springs.

Yeah, Dreamland Toys
began as a dream,

but all you hardworking
employees made it a reality.

And this year you really,
really met the challenge.

Our fifteen stores
have had record sales.

Christmas is a time
of giving and sharing

and this party is
my way of giving back,

and wishing you all
the happiest of holidays,

the best of health,
love, and prosperity

in the New Year.
- Hear, hear.

And I want to
thank you all again.

Here's to all of you!


Did you hear something?

I think somebody's on the roof.

Santa - Ho, ho, ho!

Happy holidays everybody!

Ho, ho, ho!
- Santa!

How nice of you to drop in.

Well, I was in the
neighbourhood and I thought

I heard a party.
- Ha, ha, ha!

Did you ever see such
nice boys and girls.

Never, ever have I
seen such nice boys and girls.

Have you all been good?
Kids - Yeah!

I can't hear you.
Kids - YEAH!

Good, because I
brought you all presents!

Ho, ho, ho!

Here you go.

Ha, ha, ha!

Here you go, sweetheart.

Mm hum.
Here you go.

All these smiles.
Oh, look.

Oh! I've got presents
for the big kids too.

Uh huh..
Uh huh...

This is for you.

Aw, you shouldn't have, Santa.

And for you.

And I've even got one...

Oh, it's a big one!

Okay... oh!... a heavy one,
for you.

Thank you, Santa.
- You're welcome.

Have you been a good girl?
- Absolutely.

I know you have.
I've been watching.

You have a tough job.

Tougher than you know.

Hee, hee, hee!
- Ho, ho, ho! All right.


It doesn't sound
like my Christmas bonus.

Oh, I need another drink.

Lunch time will
never be the same.

Thank you for the cookbook.
It's going to come in handy.

I'm getting tired
of my old salads.

So. What are you doing
back here all alone?

I was just
talking to Dr. Olsen.

How is Oscar?

Not good.

Anyway, I hear you're
leaving us tomorrow.

If I can get everything done.

Heh, heh, heh.

Well, good luck with
everything you do, Nick.

It was great working with you.
- No, it wasn't.

You're right.


Look what I found.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Now you
didn't steal that, did you?

Because that would be
very un-St. Nick of you.

Well, they say that
St. Nick was the patron saint

of thieves...

and unmarried women.

To miracles...

and making the
impossible, possible.

Hear, hear.


That's gonna go
straight to my head.

That's the idea.

Is there a chance?

That is not possible.

Company policy.

No kissing co-workers.

Well, as of right now

I'm unemployed,
so you're off the hook.

I hate good byes.

So I'll just say
Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

I got the recipe out
of that book that Nick gave you.

I just know it's
going to be delicious.


Boy oh boy!
A Yule-tide log.

Sweetheart, you've
outdone yourself.

I haven't had that
since I was a kid.

I'm sorry Nick couldn't
join us for dinner.

He's going to help Santa.
- Is that what he told you?

Uh huh.
He's one of Santa's helpers.

I offered him a full-time
position with the company.

And? What did he say?
- He said he'd think about it.

I don't think Nick's quite
ready to settle down yet, Dad.

Oh, I don't know about that.

Well, come on, let's
take a bite out of this.

Deck the halls with
boughs of holly

Fa la la la la la...

Tis the season to be jolly

Fa la la la la la...

That was bad.
Ha, ha.

Don we now our gay apparel

Fa la la la la la...

Merry Christmas to all

and to all a good night.

Maybe that's Nick.

Oh, Kirk!

Ben - Oscar!

I've never seen
anything like it before, Jack.

He just woke up,
started wagging his tail

and he was fine.
- I... I don't know

how to thank you, Kirk.

Honestly, Holly, it wasn't me.

It's a miracle.

Why don't you come on
in and help decorate the tree?

I.. I should probably
get back.

Oh, please!
Come, join us.

Come on. You've got to
try my Christmas Yule log.

Yeah, I'd like that.

I haven't had that
since I was a kid.

In all my years I've
never seen anything like it.

I was certain Oscar
wasn't going to make it.

Thank God I was wrong, huh?

You know, I had a friend who
once told me that if you open

yourself up to believe,
amazing things will happen.

And I think he was right.
- Huh.

Sometimes things are
right in front of you

and you just don't know it.

It's a Merry Christmas, Holly.

Yeah, it is.

Thank you, St. Nick.
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