Angel in the Family (2004)

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Angel in the Family (2004)

Post by bunniefuu »

It's amazing the things you think of

when you're gone for good.

All the little things.

The things that went wrong.

The things that went right.

What if you could
just come back?


[bad note]

[bad note]

[Horn honking, traffic sounds]

[piano continues]


[Exasperated sigh]

I never used to have
trouble with that.

Well, it's late. You're tired.

I'm not tired.

Okay, you're not tired.
But it is late,

and Joe needs to get some sleep.

Was I too loud?

We talked about this,
and you made me a promise.

I just have to know
that I can play this... this song.

It was your mother's favorite.

Lorraine always...

You play it fine.

But I'm having trouble
with one part,

and I never used to.

Tomorrow, okay?

[Closes piano]
You can play it for me tomorrow.

[Elevator bell dings]



Shouldn't you be in bed?

- What time is it?
- It's late.

How did it go?

We found copies
of the missing contracts,

so their case is out the window.


Come on. Let's celebrate.

Oh, I can't.

I've got work to do.

That's why god made tomorrow.

I know, but there's a deadline.

It has to be done tonight.

If this job is
too much for you...

My job is not too much.



You coming to bed?

Not until I get this work finished.

Good night.

Thought you were gonna leave this
morning without saying goodbye.

You were asleep.
I didn't want to wake you.

Any idea how long you'll be?

It depends what they have
for me on the other end.

You'll be home by Christmas,
won't you?


You know,
if this is about my father,

I talked to him this morning,
and he promised...

Buddy's not the problem.

This is all so...

Tell me what it is.

I can handle it.

I can't do this anymore.

You know, I wanted
to bring this up

a thousand times.

Oh, but you thought now
was perfect?

Three days before Christmas.

You knew this when we started...

That, I mean,
it was just going to be casual.

No strings.

And when it wasn't working
for either one of us...

I'll call you later, okay,
and we'll talk about it.

Okay, yeah.

That'd be great.

Don't let buddy drive you crazy.


It's my father. That's his job.

[Radio] So let's get it started
with 20 commercial-free minutes

of holiday favorites.

Merry Christmas.

♪ are you coming home for Christmas I

[music stops]

[Helicopter rotors]

How's it going?

Need some help?

No, I got it covered.

I still don't understand
how a person

can make a living off these.

You can make a living selling just
about anything over the Internet.

Oh, pop! Those are still wet!

You know, your mom
used to collect those.


Stuck them everywhere
they'd stick all around the house.

Whatever happened
to all those, I wonder?

I have them.

How long is he
gonna be gone this time?

Quite a while.

You two ever think
about getting married?

Pop, I really...

I gotta get to the post office.

I can't imagine your mother
and I living together

without a marriage license.

If I leave you here alone,
do you promise not to smoke?


How can I smoke?
You won't let me.

11 months.

You and I both know
you do it every time I go out.

I don't!

I found the carton
you stashed behind the piano.

I took it.

Just trying to keep you alive.

Well, then, what's the point
in me staying here alone?

Maybe I will tag along.


You wanna come along?
Come along.

You're gonna have to
carry the box.

Well, you didn't tell me
I was gonna have to work.

It's not good enough.
It doesn't sell the product.

- You could be more specific.
- I don't buy it?

If we're going
to lure this client away,

we need to find a fresh approach

they'd never think of.

It's oldfashioned.

And what does a woman
with a 40inch bust

have to do with cat food?

It's her cat.

You need to rethink
the presentation.

Howie was just looking for you
about the 11:00.

The client wanted it moved up.

Up to when?

Now in your office.

It's gonna be one
of those days, isn't it?


Oh! Call 911!


We're kicking around a campaign

that will take advantage
of the reality television look.

You know, handheld, unpohshed.

If we could hurry this up,
I have a lunch waiting.


Beth, why don't you fill in
some of the details?

Our research suggests that

your chunky pasta sauce

sells only marginally better
than your other varieties,

yet costs a third more
to produce.

What we're suggesting

is that we focus the new campaign
on the chunky.

Give it more visibility
in the marketplace.


- You like that? good.

How do you plan on doing that?

Sorry for the interruption, Beth,

but there's a call for you.

Can you take a message, please?

It's your sister.
She says it's an emergency.

Uh, if you'll excuse me,
I'll be right back.

She'll be right back.

Howie, I got a lunch.

Hehe had a stroke.

At least, I don't know.
I think it was a stroke.

He was fine one minute.
The next, he was on the floor.

The paramedics are taking him
to St. Joe's.

Very casual sort
of business, indeed.

Should I fly out?
How important is it?

Is it important?

No, Beth. He's only our father.

I'm sorry this call comes
at an inconvenient time for you.

I only meant that
it's almost Christmas,

and it's not that easy
to get away.

You know what? Just...
Never mind.

I don't know why I bothered.



Yes, ma'am?

Did you put this photograph
on my desk?

Uh, what photograph?

[P.A.] Dr. Fiennes to radiology.

Dr. Fiennes to radiology.

I brought your crossword book.

You finished most of them,

so I'll pick up
another one from downstairs.

[Buddy] What'd they tell you?

That you haven't been
taking care of yourself.

What'd they tell you it was?

Possibly a mild stroke.

But nobody knows anything yet,

so you just rest and let them
do what they do, okay?

Did you call Lorraine?
Does she know?

Pop, mom died years ago.

I meant Beth. Did you call Beth?

Yes. She's flying out.

Then it's bad.

No, it's not bad.

It's not bad, it's not good,

it's not anything
until we get the tests back.

I wish you two got along better.

And I wish you would relax
and stop talking.

It can't be good for you.

I got you some gum and candles.

But you need to talk
to the doctor first

and make sure it's okay.

I'm scared.

I know you are, pop.

The flight was a nightmare.

Two stops on the way, no food.
Some security thing.

Thank god the woman
sitting next to me

had a protein bar,
or I probably wouldn't have made it.

Pop's doing much better.

I'm sure you were
just about to ask.

Thank god.

He's under observation
at the hospital.

So what was it, anyway?

Well, we'll know when we know.

This isn't a security facility.

Your father apparently
dressed himself and walked out.

And no one stopped him?

If he's still in the building,

one of our staff
will surely find him.


I still think we should call the police.

Don't worry.

Sometimes he takes a cab out here

when he's worried
or needs to be alone.

It reminds him of home.

- How do you know?
- because I know dad.

[Birds cawing]

I don't know.

Is there time?

How would I get there?

Drive? I-

I don't drive anymore.

Not that I couldn't, but...


You left the hospital.

You're supposed to
wait there for your tests.

I'm waiting here.

Hey, dad.


Oh, Beth!

Oh, it's so good to see you.

I hope you didn't come all
the way from Chicago for this.

No, not for this.

For you.

Still beautiful.

Prettier every time I see you.

Isn't she beautiful, Sarah?

We really need to get
back to the hospital.

It's Christmas in a few days.

I want to go home.

Fine. We'll go by the hospital,

we'll go back to the apartment,

and you can play the piano for us
late as you want, okay?

No, not the apartment.


Where you grew up.

But that's so far away.

Lorraine wants me
to come home for Christmas.

She wants you girls
to take me there.


I wish that were true.

I wish more than anything that
mom were waiting there for us,

but the fact is,
nobody's lived there for years.

I'll walk if I have to.
I mean it!


you're not feeling well.

What could you possibly
expect to find there

after all these years?



♪ well, it's a California Christmas ♪

♪ and it's the best time
of the year ♪

♪ put away your boots
and your big snow suits ♪

oh, are we there yet?

Remember when you girls
used to say that

every time we were goin'?


"Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?"


Sarah said it more than I did.

You did.

♪ California Christmastime ♪

♪ California Christmastime ♪

♪ well, it's a California Christmas ♪

David sends his love.


That surprises you?

Well, we've met, what, once?

On your wedding day, was it?

Oh, no. That's right.

It couldn't have been that day.

Would you really have flown
all the way to Italy for my wedding?

Well, I guess we'll never know.

I guess not.

I can smell that
mountain air already.

Pop, you want to sit back and relax?

We still have a couple of hours to go.

A couple of long, long hours.

♪ oh, the frost
is on the window ♪

♪ as the snow begins to fall ♪

how much you bet it snows today?

That would be nice.

♪ bundled up
in scarves and mittens ♪

♪ children play out in the snow ♪

♪ and make believe
old frosty's there ♪

♪ puttin' on a show ♪

♪ our mama's in the kitchen ♪

♪ cookin' food for one and all ♪

♪ stringin' lights up on the rooftop ♪

♪ hey, watch out, dad
don't you fall ♪

♪ sipping cider by the fire ♪

♪ wrapping presents with a bow ♪

there's a Christmas night service.

We should all go.

Remember? We went every year.

♪ we can watch the bright lights ♪

was Trinity always this small?

♪ make our spirits glow ♪

it's been a long time.

The grocery store.

I wonder if old man Tomkins
still runs it.

He died.

His wife runs it now.

How do you know?

The weeks that I spent here
after the funeral

closing up the house,
dealin' with all the red tape.

I had just joined the company.

I couldn't take all that time off.

Uh, if hang a left
up here, Sarah...

Dad, I know where the house is.

Well, pops?

This what you were lookin' for?

Hasn't anyone
been taking care of this place?

Pops can't handle this alone,

and I can't manage
this and my place in la.

Well, why don't you
move back here?

Why don't you?


[Dog barking]

Who's got a key?

Same place it's always been.

[Buddy laughs]

Milk can.

[Buddy] Mmm.


It's freezing in here.

Maybe a fire'll take the edge off

till we get the furnace goin'.

There used to be
a picture hanging there.

The four of us in a frame

with cherubs on the corner?

It's probably in storage.

I put away what I could
and left the rest.

There's a lot of stuff
in the basement.

Well, we can't stay here tonight.
That's for sure.

'Course we can.

Won't take us long
to put this back in shape.

A little elbow grease,

some spit and Polish.

Good as new.

What do you say?

"Spit and Polish"?

I'll spit if you Polish.

[Shovel scraping]


[Beth] Can I use the big one?

Uhh. That one's...

♪ Santa Claus is on his way ♪

♪ in a sleigh ♪

ohh! I think I need the...

This one's a little too big.

Can I have the small one?


♪ waiting up for Santa ♪

♪ I can't seem to fall asleep I“

♪ it happens to me
every Christmas Eve ♪

♪ the clock won't tick
fast enough for me ♪

♪ waiting up for Santa ♪

♪ around, around the world ♪

♪ bringing lots of toys ♪

♪ around, around the world ♪

♪ to every girl and boy ♪

♪ around, around the world ♪

♪ spreading Christmas joy ♪

♪ then up he goes ♪

[bird squawks]

I'm sorry I neglected the place.


I let you down, Lorraine.

[Bird squawking]


[Animal calls]

[Animal calls]

I'm leaving
the bathrooms for you.

I can't.

That's fine. I'll get to it.

I just saw dad
out there in the snow.

That can't be good for him.

He likes it.

Says he keeps better
when the temperature drops.

What'd the doctor say?

When he pulled you aside
before we left the hospital?

He said, uh,

coming home was
probably a good idea.

It might be his last Christmas.

[Shop bell tinkles]

I'm not supposed
to speak to strangers.

Good idea.
You should go with it.

I know how to spit.

- Want to see?
- No, thanks.

I think I'm gonna pa... {gasps}

ohh. Ohh.

I'll help you with that.

Hey, Mr. Croft.

I didn't do it.

Yeah, sure, Frankie.

We know you didn't do it.

Alex? It's Sarah.

Beth's sister.

[Chuckling] Yeah.


Uh, what are you doin'
back in town?

Oh, my dad missed the old place,

wanted to come back
for the holidays,

so we brought him home.

Beth and me.
She's in from Chicago.

I'm sorry to hear
about your mom.

She was a great lady.

Thank you.

You've changed.

Uh, uh, grown up, I mean,

in the nicest way.

Oh. [Chuckles]

Just, uh, takin' it
one day at a time.

Yeah. I feel you.

[Shop door opens, bell tinkles]

Ah! I'm glad I caught you!

You almost forgot this.

Thank you, Mrs. Tomkins.

It's about the extent
of our decorations this year.

That's gonna be your tree?

No decent tree's gonna fit in the car.
It's gonna have to do.

Well, I'm glad you're back.

- So you tell buddy I said hello, okay?
- I will.

It's really nice... the way
that Sarah's blossomed.

[Both chuckle]

So, uh, pop's probably
waitin' for me.

Oh, sure. Yeah, um...

Good to see you again.

Yeah. You, too.


I know how to spit real far.
Wanna see?

Maybe later.

Are those for tonight?
I would've helped.

It only took a minute.

We couldn't use them
the way they were.

Did you get any
cupcakes or anything?

I'm craving something sweet.

Since when do you
have a sweet tooth?

There's some ice cream.
You might put it in the freezer.

Where did you get these?

The magnets. I thought I
brought them all back to the city.

These weren't here
when I got back from the store.

I don't know.
Maybe dad found a couple.

[Knocking at door]


You're a sight for sore eyes.

Hi, buddy. I know
it's your first dinner home

in a long time,
so I thought you'd appreciate this.

It's Lorraine's meatloaf.

She gave me the recipe
years ago, and I thought

it'd bring back
some nice memories.

Well, that's very thoughtful of you.

- Hello, Sarah.
- Hi.


Uh, I hope I'm not intruding.

Not at all.

Oh, no. Come on in
and stay a while.

I'm sure you have
a lot to catch up on.

I just... enjoy.
And it's just great

to have you back home again.

Whoo. Meatloaf. Who's hungry?

I've got news.

This is not
your mother's meatloaf.

Yeah, and Nellie said she made it
from mom's recipe.

Oh, it sure doesn't taste like it.

Could I have the pepper, please?

Thank you.

Maybe a little ketchup, too.

Thank you.

The potatoes are good.

The potatoes are good.

You were in there a while.
You feelin' okay?

Dinner didn't sit well.
It'll pass.

Hey. Beth, if I was short
with you earlier, I'm sorry.

It's not you.

It's not entirely you.

Of course it's me.
It's me, it's you.

We never got along as kids.
Why should today be any different?

I was sort of hoping
we had outgrown that by now.

The watch mom and dad
gave me when I turned 16.

The one you
stepped on and broke.

That was an accident.

Please. You were so jealous.

Well, what was it doin' on the floor
in the first place?

Wait, wait.

You never appreciated- stop.

It's this house.

It's like we never left.

Listen, if...
If dad's feeling better,

I really should be getting back.

You've been here, what, a day?

Well, I'm here. Okay?

With a disappointed
husband 1500 miles away

and a million-dollar account
hanging by a thread.

He is our father, Beth, not some
account that you can handle.

And I've been picking up
the slack by myself

for years now, and I'm tired.

You need to learn
to give a little.

You are a part of
this family, too, remember?

[Door bangs shut]



Hi, mom.


You listening?

Why is it that I talk to you
more now that you're gone

than I did while you were alive?

We're lost...
Dad and Beth and me.

We don't see eye to eye.


I see now that it was you that...

Held us all together.

I'm trying.

But I just can't seem to do it.

And if there was just enough

magic left in the world
to Grant me one wish,

I wish that you were here.

[Bird calls]


So, babe, I don't think

I'm gonna make it
home for Christmas.

- I'm really sor- hold on.
- Beth?

Did you make the beds?

Did I make the beds?

Well, what are
you talking about?

Nothing. Just make your calls.

I'll take care of everything
as usual.

See? She still hates me.

I miss times like these...

Just the two of us
ringing in the day.

Who were you
talkin' to just now?

Your mother and I
used to love this

private time in the morning.

Yeah, I remember.

Um, Beth and I used to, uh,

listen to the two of you
laughing in here.

Well, you've been very busy
this morning.

When did you learn
how to bake a pie?

[Chuckles] Oh, that?

That's your mother's.

What, you've been goin' through
her old recipes?

I was telling her just last night

it''s been years since
we've had one of her pies.

You were tellin' that to mom.

[Horn honks]

[Buddy] Beth? We've got company!

- Hey. [Sarah] Hey.

- How you doin'? Good.

It's a beautiful day.


[Oh, my god! Laughs]

- Alex!
- Hey!

How did you know
we were up here?

Your sister didn't tell you
that she ran into me?

- Not a word. sorry.

Must've slipped my mind.

It's been a few years.

They hid me away in Los Angeles.

But it's good to be back,
I'll tell you that.

You look great.

What've you been up to?

I took over the family business.

Long hours, hard work,
and I love it

it was a surprise to see Sarah.

I wouldn't have recognized you

if you hadn't introduced yourself.

Oh, back at school.

High school was
a rough time for me.

Needed room to spread
your wings, I guess.

I guess.

Heard you were
in the market for a tree.

- You got us a tree?
- last one on the lot.

Looked like it needed a home.

Lorraine was just saying the house
wasn't the same without one.


Just need someone
to tell me where to put this.


You have ornaments?

I think they're in the basement.

And the angel for the top?

Uh, Lorraine's angel?

Uh, it's somewhere, pop.
We'll find it.

Thank you so much, Alex.
This was very sweet.


Uh, I'll leave you to it, then.

I just wanted to wish you
merry Christmas.

I'll walk you out.

All right.

- See you later. bye.


How do you like Chicago?

It's amazing.
I've got a great job at an ad agency.

And you're married.
That's some lucky guy.

- He's a good one. I bet.

Uh, what about Sarah?
Is she single?

- She didn't mention if she's...
- she's living with someone.

Oh, yeah, right. Of course.

Good for her.

Do you ever miss those days
in high school?

Homecoming king and queen?
We had a lot of fun.

That was a long time ago.


It's a shame
we all had to grow up.

Look at you. It all worked out.

Great life. Great job.
I'm happy for you.


Have a good holiday, okay?

Yeah, you, too.

[Motor starts]


I see you out there.

Did you and Alex
have a nice reunion?

He certainly has improved,
don't you think?

Really? I didn't notice.

Sure you didn't.

How did we not notice how pitiful
these were when we were kids?

Did we have no taste
at all back then?

Like mom used to say,

"ornaments don't shine
until they're on the tree."

I'll believe it when I see it.

I don't know what
I did with mom's angel.

Maybe you took it back to la.

Did you know that pop baked
an apple pie this morning?

He used to burn cornflakes.

And he made our beds.

He's getting his energy back.

Beth, pop has never
baked anything

or made a bed in his life.

People his age go through
all kinds of weird phases.

- Sarah, come here.
- What?

So that's why
he wanted to come back.

He has a girlfriend here.

Mrs. Tomkins.

I thought there was
a spark between them

when she brought
the meatloaf over.

So this has all been a scam

to get us to drive him to a date.

That old rascal.

I'm putting my career on the line

so he can play footsie
with Mrs. Tomkins.

Oh, they're just holding hands.

What should we do?

Well, the first thing
we're gonna do

is decorate the tree.

Grab somethin'.

There's gotta be more ornaments.

And what about the lights?

None of 'em work.

It's a wonder they lasted
our entire childhood.

It's a wonder we lasted
our entire childhood.

Did you do that?

Set doilies on the furniture?

No, I thought that you did it.

And look at that.

The drapes have been hung up.

Looks like Nellie tomkins

is making herself right at home
one chore at a time.

Mmm, good.

It'll take some of
the pressure off of us.

But how does she do all this
without us knowing about it?

Weird. [door opens]

- [Stamping feet] Whoo!


Whoo! I'm in the mood for cocoa!

Who's with me?

That tree needs more ornaments.

And haven't you girls found
Lorraine's angel for the top yet?

There's more of this in the kitchen
if you want some.

How did you make that so fast?

It was waitin' for me
on the counter.

See for yourself.

Me? I'm gonna take a hot bath.

That's the way mom used
to leave it for us after school.

I didn't buy any marshmallows.

I need a cigarette.

I can't help you out there.

The only thing I'm addicted to
these days is chocolate.

That's okay. I quit, anyway.

That's probably smart.

Assuming we share
any of the same genes,

I'd hate to see you
go through what I did.

Oh, poor Sarah.

She had it so rough.

You had everything
handed to you.

"Isn't Beth pretty?"

"Isn't she smart?"

"Isn't she just perfect?"


It's no wonder
I'm so screwed up.

Are you making this
my fault now?

No. I'm just telling you
the way that it was.

Yeah. Mom and dad
weren't very good

at raising children, were they?

You think it's genetic?


Luckily, I'm not very likely
to find that out.

You could've said
something sooner.

The girls have been
looking all day.


There's my pretty.

[Whispers] Yeah.

There we go.

This is what was missing.


Now everything's
exactly the way it was.

♪ [tingling]

[Birds squawking]

♪ [Lorraine's song]

How about that?

He finally remembered
the whole thing.

- What are you doing? leaving.

Dad's fine.

You really don't need me here.

It is not gonna k*ll you
to spend some time with pop.

I've done all I can.

I'll call when I get home.


Merry Christmas to you,
too, little sister.

[Footsteps approaching]

Mornin', Beth.

I thought all this stuff
was put away.

You found the angel.

Right where she said it was.
And see the lights?

You fixed the lights?

No need to fix what isn't broken.

Pretty, aren't they?

It was just a loose bulb.


But you're...

- Y-You're...
- home for Christmas.


[Beth] No. I'm dreaming.

This is not possible.
It's just not.

Impossible things
happen every day.

Do you remember that?

That's a song.

From Cinderella.

You saw it when
you were about 6,

and you sang it
over and over again.

Drove your sister crazy.

She took my doll.

And wouldn't give it back
until you promised to stop.

But how would you know that?


So then it really is you?


I miss you so much.

You need to come out here.

Thought you'd be halfway
to the airport...

- Seriously. is pop okay?

- Tell me what's goin' on.
- I can't.

What do you mean, you can't?

I can't tell you because
I need you to tell me.

Come on.


Good, you see her, too.


I told you Lorraine
wanted us here this year,

and you know your mother
when she gets an idea in her head.

But she's...

You stay away from me.
I mean it.

Who are you?

I haven't changed
that much, have I?

You're beautiful as ever.

Who is this person?

Well, it... it seems to be mom.

But that's crazy. She's...

Merry Christmas, honey.

No, I mean it!
You stay away from me!

I don't know who you are
or why you're doing this.

She really is your mother.

- Oh.
- Sarah, Beth!

That is not our mother.

What are those?

Those look like...

Those are mom's cinnamon rolls.

And the coffee?

Smell the vanilla?

Okay, um, I'm obviously

having some sort of weird

flashback or withdrawal thing,

but, you, are you insane?

I mean, you don't actually
believe this, right?

Well, I didn't at first.

But now,

i-I think it's really her.

Maybe it's her
Christmas gift to us.

I should've done more
to prepare them.

The magnets on the refrigerator,

the pies, the marshmallows...
What was I thinking?

I should've done more.

I know.

We need to dance.

Let's... let's, uh,
put on some music.

Well, the record player's
in the basement.

Then who needs music?

[Oh. Laughs]


Uh, give Sarah time.

She'll come around.

You know,
we haven't danced like this forever.


Used to do it
every Saturday night.

Oh, and we won
that trophy at the lodge.

Yes, we did. [Chuckles]

Best waltz.


Nobody waltzes anymore.

- Ohh! [laughs]

That's why.

Listen to them.

Remember how in love they were?

Beth, we have to focus here.

I mean, there must be some other

explanation, something
that we're not considering.

- I don't... [telephone rings]

I didn't know
the phone was turned on.


Neither did I.

- [Ring]
- Answer it.




Mm. Hey, it's Joe.

Merry Christmas.
I called the apartment.

Your phone message said
you'd be there. What's goin' on?

This is not really
a good time right now.

Don't hang up.

Look, I'm... I'm sure you're mad.

You're hurt.

I get that.

No, it's not that. It's just...

Well, pop got sick,
and things have

gotten a little bit weird,
and, well, Beth is here,

and we... we sort of
have some company.

It's very hard to explain.

Look, um,

I don't want to leave things
the way that we left them.

I... I just...
I really have to go.

Um, thank you so much
for calling,

and merry Christmas and all that,
but later, okay, bye.

- [Click] Sarah?

Your mother wants to see us.
Family meeting.

- Pop? yes?

You don't find this
a little bit strange?

I find it wonderful.

She died, pop,

years ago, and...

I mean, whatever's
happening here is not...

Don't question it.


Just don't.

And why should I believe that...
You're... you?

Well, 'cause you
asked me to come.

In la. Remember?

Out there in the park?

And what you said the other night
on the porch, night before last.

You were so right, Sarah.

I left so many things unfinished.

So you need me,

and here I am.

You heard that?

Well, yeah.

You came because of Sarah?

Look, all I know is

I've been given
a chance to fix things

and leave the family better off
than when i-I left before.

So, are you here for good?

I'm here for Christmas.

And then what?

Sarah, can I just
hug you, honey?

It's been so long.

I'm sorry.

I think I just need
to sit with this a while.


Well, I... I did the best I could

with, uh... with the tree.

Half the ornaments are missing.

Yeah. I thought they
were in the basement.

Well, we'll have to dig 'em out.

They're a family tradition.
We gotta get back to basics.

What a mess.

It's your life.

Uh, my point exactly.

Your, uh, jewelry and souvenirs

and papers I put in this box.

Your clothes I gave to charity.

Oh, my.

Oh. You know what? Not that.

Uh, what's that?

My obituary.

"Lorraine Bryce,
loving wife and mother."

Mom, please, don't.

Can I see it?


Who wrote this?

I did.

"Born in Wyoming in 1946."

Oh, that should be


Oh, uh, that's a typo.

Do you do you want them
to print a retraction?

I don't think it matters now.

It's just so it's so short.

I didn't know what to say.

I would've written it
if you'd asked.

I did.

Thank you for writing it, Sarah.

Seeing your life reduced
to that one paragraph, it, uh,

really makes you wonder.

There was just so much
going on at the time.

And yet you were
always the favorite.

Your father and I
didn't play favorites.

Isn't it against
some universal law

for you to lie right now?

I did everything but stand on my head
to get attention.

I had to fight
for everything that I got.

- So did I. you don't start!

Anytime you had a problem,

you ran to mom or pop

or the boyfriend of the week,
and they took care of it.

Did you ever in your life

have a problem that someone
didn't handle for you?

- Girls...
- and did you ever think

that maybe you're the lucky one?

Are you saying that
it was a good thing

that my childhood was crap?

That it took years
of 12 step programs

and more failed relationships
than I care to remember

to pull my life back together?

Besides, what is the worst problem

that you have
to deal with right now?

I'm pregnant.

And I don't want to be.

My god. You...

Does David know?

No, he doesn't.

You've been watching us?

I keep in touch.

Why haven't you told him?

Because I haven't decided
what I'm gonna do about it yet.

Can we not talk
about this anymore?

You know, th-this...
This isn't good.

I obviously can't do anything

about the lives you've had before,

but I can help with
the lives ahead...

If you let me.

That's the question.
If you will let me.

So could we just have
this one holiday?

I'd almost forgotten what winter was like

up here in the mountains.

[Buddy] I hate Los Angeles.

Flowers blooming in December?

It's just not right.

And all that traffic.

At any time,

people in a hurry
to get some place,

other people are hurrying
just as fast to get away from.

[Sighs] It's crazy.

Sarah is doing her best by you.

And you don't help.

No, you really don't.

I don't know what
you're talking about. I'm a dream.

You manipulate her.

Pretending to be
sicker than you are,

forgetting things.

Except for that heart of yours,

you're as sharp as ever,
and you know it.

This is why I miss you.

Nobody ever knew me like you.

Our family's kind of fallen apart
since I've been gone.

Or maybe it happened before,
and I just never noticed.

But either way,
I have to set it right.

Just being here makes it right.

Just having you home.

What's this?

It's your meatloaf.

Mrs. Tomkins made it
from your recipe.

Well, she said.
It didn't taste anything like yours.

No one could ever
make that like you do.

It was definitely
missing something.


Did you give her
the whole recipe?

I don't remember.

Okay, maybe I

didn't write down
all the ingredients

so that Nellie
couldn't copy it exactly.

Oh, I'm so not proud of this.

I never said I was perfect.


What are you doing?

Making things right.

So you came back
to fix a meatloaf recipe?

Well, it is one of
the loose ends, yes.

There's so many.

Do something for me, will you?

There's this library book.

Library book?

It's one of those
awful romance novels.

I was embarrassed.

I guess I wanted you to think
I had better taste than I did.

Here we go.

The point is, it has to go back.


Well, you come to see
there's no time like the present.

But right now?

It's Christmas.
The library's closed.

Well, I can't do it.
And you can't imagine

how much this weighs on a person
after they're gone.

It's important, Sarah.

And there's a book drop,
you know.


Library book.

Why in the world-

One day, I hear David's voice,

and I know that
I can't live without him.

And the next, I-
I look across the room,

and I wonder who he is.

Who is this person
that I'm married to?

That is just the nature
of marriage, darling.

It was like that
for me and your dad.

And then once you introduce children,
it gets even stickier.

But David is going to be
a wonderful father.

But it's not about that.

I don't know that David and I
are ready to be parents.

I don't know anyone
who's ready to be a parent.

If everyone waited till they were ready,
no one would have children.

Mom, listen to yourself.

Do you see what you're doing?

Well, I... I see
an answer to your problem,

and I want to fix it.

That's my job.

Not anymore.

That's what you always did.

You're making me feel
like I'm 10 years old again.

But I'm not.

I'm an adult now.

And I need
to fix my own problems.




[Door closes]

♪ [country]

[Indistinct chatter]

[Pool balls clacking]

Can I get somethin' for you?

[Chuckles] Hey.

What are you doin' here?

You should be at home
with the family.

- It's Christmas day, you know.
- Do you work here?

Oh, no. The regular guy
needed the day off,

'cause the wife and kids
were gonna divorce him, so I said,

"I can open a beer, pour whiskey
as good as anybody else."

What'll it be?
It's on the house.

I don't remember
ever needing a drink

as much as I do right now.

I'm not really a drinker.

I'm not a bartender. Come on.

Give me somethin'
to do back here.

I'll have a soda.

Oh, uh, rough day, huh?


I think I'm losing my mind.

I think I'm losing it.

Holidays can be
like that sometimes.

Not too strong for you?

It's about as strong
as it gets these days.

I had a little problem with alcohol
a while back.

That's right.

Oh. You know. Word gets back.

Heard you took care of it.

As I remember, there wasn't
anything you couldn't handle.

I'm not handling
this holiday very well.

How do you have a nice holiday

with people you don't
get along that well with?

Beth, right?

Yeah. Right.

Well, it's a shame that you two
just can't step back

and recognize
each other's strengths.

After all these years,
I suppose it'd take a miracle

to make that happen.

Do you believe in miracles?


I've seen plenty of them.


- Yeah. like what?

Oh, come on.

The sun coming up every morning.

My nephew being born.

Seeing you back in Trinity.


I'm a miracle?


Aw, yeah, yeah, that sounds
like a bad pick-up line.

Truth is, I always liked you.

Really? Is that why
you dated my sister?

Well, that was
back in high school.

That's another lifetime.

I know quality when I see it.

Were you the one
who liked the rain

and never carried an umbrella?

The one who drew the caricature
of the principal

on the cafeteria blackboard

when you thought
no one was looking?

And the Sarah
that I'm thinking about,

she cried over a Robert frost poem
in English,

and then she beat up the girl
who pointed it out

to the rest of the class.


That sounds like something
I would've done.

I don't really do that anymore.

Good to know.

And as I recall,
she liked to dance,

but she always said no
when somebody asked her.

You never asked.

I'm asking now.

You know, it's...
It's like a waltz.

I'm beginning to see the pattern.

You know, Beth would
have a problem,

and I would just leap in
to smooth it all out.

The fix-it, you know.

Just like I came back here,
all ready to do.

Don't beat yourself up on this.

That's what parents do.

But it's an old dance, honey.

And nothing ever really gets fixed.

And Beth...

She just feels lousy.


Maybe that's not why I'm here.

Maybe I should be listening.

Maybe that's what needed fixing.

What do you think of that,
dance partner?

[Heavy breathing]

I, uh...

I don't feel so good.


Bud- Beth!

Beth, it's your father!


He just slumped over.

Is he okay?

I just felt a little faint, is all.

It's not his time yet.

And of course, you would
know that, wouldn't you?

Did you call the doctor?

I don't need a doctor.

He didn't want me to.

And you listened to him?

He wouldn't wear a coat in a blizzard
unless you forced him to.

Listen to what I'm saying:

I'm better now.

I'm strong as a horse.

What do you need?

You've done too much
for me already.

All these years
of putting up with me...

It's nothing to put up with, pop.


My grease fires in the kitchen?

My smoking?

My piano playing?

Okay, yeah, the piano.
I'm gonna give you that one.

I don't say this very much.

In fact, I don't know
if I ever say it,

but if it hadn't been for you...

I know how you feel.

What are you doing?

Making some soup for dad.

It's soup.

How hard can it be?

It's not as hard
as you make it look.

I think there's a bed tray
around here somewhere.

You were gone for an hour,

and I couldn't take care of him.

How have you done it
alone all these years?

He's not so bad, really.

He's no worse than a kid.

Or a puppy.

But I just went off
and left you to do everything.

Well, you had responsibilities.

I understood that.

I don't know if I would have.

I probably would have
resented you

for leaving me with all the work.

You're stronger than you think.

You just never
had to test it before.

Until now.

You know, I didn't do
for either one of my girls

what I should have done.

I loved one of them too much

and the other one,
well, not nearly enough.

Now, hold on a minute.

If anyone made a mistake,
it was me.

I didn't know how to be a father.

I only knew how to be a husband,

and when you left...

Girls need talking to,

and I was never one for that.

You needn't fret about Sarah.

Sarah's...Sarah's good.

Beth is a surprise.

Things haven't been as easy
for Beth as you might think.

Just ask her.

Hmm. All this for soup?

She doesn't cook much.

Another thing I never taught her.

What was I thinking?

So, you want to talk about Joe?

I guess I have to accept
the fact this family

has no secrets anymore.

Yeah, you'll handle this same way
you've handled everything else.

Can I be honest with you?

Well, if not now, when?

I always felt like
a stranger in this house.

The best thing that I did
was never as good

as the worst thing that Beth did.

After a while,
I just gave up trying.

You really saw it that way?

The dr*gs were an easy escape.

And when I met Joe,
I was just...

A mess.

I knew that he wasn't the one,

but he... he offered me
some stability.

And eventually, I figured out
I needed to turn my life around.

But I spent years
with someone I didn't love,

who didn't love me because...

Because it was familiar.

I had no idea you were
hurting so much.

I always, always
loved you, Sarah.

Did you?

You didn't know that?

Well, it's one thing
for me to feel it,

but if you don't feel it...

I loved you, darling.

I always will.

That's all I ever needed to hear.


Do you understand why
I haven't visited more often?

Of course I do.

You're a busy woman,
important job and all.

I call every week.

Almost every week, yes.

But it isn't the same
as being there, is it?


Honey, a child's job is to

grow up and leave the nest

and build a nest of her own.

And you've done that fine.

I'm gonna have a baby.

A baby? You?



Oh, sweetheart!

This is the best news
I've had in years.

It would be if it were
two or three years from now.

My whole next year is planned.

I've got this conference
in London next summer.

This baby is gonna
change everything.

Change is what life is all about.

And everything happens
for a reason.

Even this child of yours.


Grandpa buddy.



Hi, Joe?

Hey, your timing's perfect.

You know, I found a little something
in my glove box earlier.

A little Christmas for the cab, huh?

Yeah, I, uh...

I put that in there... before.

In case we weren't
together for the holidays.

Well, she's great.

And she's beautiful. Thank you.

But listen, Sarah.
I've been doing some thinking.

And you know what?
Maybe I was wrong.

And anyway, I was just wondering
if maybe we could...

No, you were right.

That's, um, actually why I'm calling.

Because as much
as we may both want this,

I don't think it's what
either one of us needs.

You hear what I said?

I mean, I'm trying to apologize.

Yeah, I know what you're doing.

You've done it before.

You leave, you miss me,
you come back,

and that's just not
good enough this time.

I just realized that I'm
better than you think I am.

I'm better than I think I am.

Where is this coming from?

You were there for me
when I really needed you,

and I will never,
never forget that.

But the fact is, this just...

It just isn't right
for either of us.

Uh, are you saying it's over?

I guess it is.

My beautiful, beautiful Sarah.

It's getting late.


It's winter. The days are short.


Is that a problem?


We haven't had Christmas yet.

Let's get your father and Beth

and let's go celebrate.

- Come on.
- With what?

Who's had time to buy gifts?

Don't worry.
It's all taken care of.



I got that scrapbook
when you were born,

and I put pictures in it

and my wishes for your life,

and I was going to give it to you

on the birth of your first child.

Motherhood is such
a precious gift, darling.

I hope you find that
in these pages.

Thank you.

It's grandmother's locket.

You lost that 20 years ago.

Oh, nothing's gone forever.

Open it up.

It's the whole family.

It's grandma and grandpa
and everybody.

We're all in your corner, Sarah.

Your life turned out perfectly,

no matter how you arrived at it.

It's just a reminder

of how very much I love you.

I'll treasure this.

And buddy.

Oh, I don't need anything.

This Christmas with you was more
than I could ever have asked for.

What is it, pop?

It's all the memories
of our life together.

There's so much to say still.

Um, you're wonderful.

You're both everything
you should be.

I'm...I'm so proud of you!

Is it time?

No, no. Not yet!

It's still Christmas.

A Carol!

We need music.

Just like we used to have.

♪ hark the herald angels sing ♪

♪ glory to the newborn king ♪

♪ peace on earth
and mercy mild ♪

♪ god and sinners reconciled ♪

♪ joyful, all ye nations rise ♪

♪ join the triumph of the skies ♪

♪ with angelic host proclaim ♪

♪ Christ is born in Bethlehem ♪

♪ hark the herald angels... ♪



Pop, you gotta let her go.

No, I can't.


He just wants to say goodbye.

Wait! Please!







It's too soon.

No matter how much time we have,

it's never enough.

But you have so much to do yet.

What do I have to live for?

For me.

Enjoy all of this for both of us.

The girls need you.

And you're gonna be a grandfather.

You and I have
all the time in the world

to be together.

Just not quite yet.

But without you...

You are never without me.

Now do this.

Go to the Christmas service tonight.
Someone's expecting you.

Expecting me? Who?

I love you so much, buddy.

I love you, too.

And that'll be ours forever.



That's my only page.

I want you to be part
of my baby's life.

It would mean a lot to me.

And if you ever need anything,
I'll be there for you.

Thank you.

And if you need any help
with that business of yours...

My refrigerator magnets?

Your folk art.

You let me know.

I have some experience
in that area.

It might mean we'd have
to talk more often.

Maybe even visit occasionally.

Well, if we have to,

we have to.


Look at your hair in that picture!

That's not right.

- You okay? yeah.

Yeah, I'm fine.

I... I just needed
a little time to say goodbye.

That's all.

But there's a church service tonight,

and we need to go to it,

Well, because I promised
your mom we would.


[Both] Okay.



Am I too late to share
in a little Christmas cheer?

- What are you doing here? oh!

You know we haven't been
away from each other

on a holiday yet.

I didn't want this to be the first.

I love you.

I love you.


Hey, buddy.

Sarah, merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Come on. I've got something
I want to tell you.

- Am I gonna like this?
- you're gonna love this.

I have to tell you.

I'm not going back
to the apartment.

A person has to be where they fit.

I belong here.

Me, too.

Do you mean that?


Oh, that's...that's great.

That's great.

Together, we can
make this right again.


I like the sound of that, pop.


Me, too.

♪ [church organ]

♪ joy to the world ♪

♪ the lord is come ♪

♪ let earth receive her king ♪

♪ let every heart
prepare him room ♪

♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪

♪ and heaven and nature sing ♪

♪ and heaven, and heaven ♪

♪ and nature sing ♪

♪ joy to the world
the savior reigns ♪

♪ let men their songs employ ♪

♪ while fields and floods ♪

♪ rocks, hills, and plains ♪

♪ repeat the sounding joy ♪

♪ repeat the sounding joy ♪

♪ repeat, repeat
the sounding joy ♪

♪ he rules the world
with truth and grace ♪

♪ and makes the nations prove ♪

♪ the glories of
his righteousness ♪

♪ and wonders of his love ♪

♪ and wonders of his love ♪

♪ and wonders, wonders
of his love ♪


Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much.

- It was a pleasure to see you again.
- thank you.

Hey, how's that
spitting thing coming?

Mom made me stop.

Yeah. Moms know best.

You're gonna learn that
soon enough.

- See ya.
- Night.

- Hi. hey, Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Well, I suppose you'll be
headed back to la. Soon.

I don't know.

Trinity's a nice little town.

People are pleasant enough.

I might be sticking around
for a little while.

I heard that you had
someone back in...

I did. We moved on.

How about another dance, then?

I'd say that's not entirely
out of the question.

- That was a lovely service.
- merry Christmas.

Only one thing puzzles me.

Your mother said someone
was expecting me here tonight,

and I don't think it was
reverend pritchard.

What is this?

It's a recipe card.


How did it get there?

- Nellie? oh.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, buddy.

I, uh- I have something for...

Lorraine wants...

Wanted me to get you this.


It's a long story.

There were some ingredients
missing from that recipe.

And Lorraine...

Like I say, it's a long story.

Well, I'd like to hear it.

Maybe you could, um,
come by for dinner sometime?

I'd like that.

I'd like that fine.

Me, too.

You have a happy holiday.

You too, buddy.

Merry Christmas, daddy.

And a happy new year.

For the first time
in along while,

I truly believe it will be.

Let's go home.

It truly is amazing the things you miss

when you're gone for good.

It's always the little things,

the things you took for granted.

But the real miracle
is that they happened at all,

and you carry the memories
of those times with you

beyond December,
beyond Christmas.


♪ [Lorraine's song]
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