Miracle in the Wilderness (1991)

Christmas & New Years movies collection.

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Miracle in the Wilderness (1991)

Post by bunniefuu »


[bird squawking]

[tribesmen singing]

[crow cawing]

[singing continues]

[birds chirping]

[melodic music]

[water flowing]

[music continues]

[water dripping]

[singing continues]


[horse neighs]

[birds chirping]

[crow cawing]


[melodic music]

[music continues]

[g*n clocks]


Morning, chief.

Your dog watches poorly.

(male #1)
'No, he knew you was here before
I did...like the Shoshone.'

- Sees much, but speaks little.
- You taught him well.

I figure Sam Webster
must be about.

Speak of the devil,
and he appears.

Good thing you didn't pull
that trigger, Jericho.

Killin' the chief,
there'd be a sure way

to get his wives
after your scalp.

What're you gawking at?

What the hell did you do
to your face?

You look like
a damned skinned bear.

Look at that, chief.

Slicker than a baby's butt.

[Sam laughing]

What're you doing
this far up?

Indian trouble.
Patrols about a mile back.


You've seen him?

Just figures
in the Shoshone riding scout.


Blackfoot raiding party kickin'
up around the Wind river.

We've been chasing
'em a week.

Chief Many Horses.

You track him this way?

It only started, that storm last
night wiped out any good trail.

Yeah, probably up
in Canada by now.

There ain't no sense standin'
around here in the cold.

Come on home and get warm.

What did I do to deserve
that invitation?

Haul that tree.

Won't make much of a fire.

It ain't for burning, you
paganist. It's for decorating.

- It's a Christmas tree.
- Hmm, it's that time again?

Sure as hell,
ain't the Fourth of July.

Well, you know, I'll tote
the tree for you.

And not because you might give a
frozen man some whiskey, no sir!

Just to see if your wife's had a
good sense to leave you by now.

We have a son.

Chief, you and the boys
are welcome.

- 'Come on, young man.'
- 'Hee-haw!'

- 'Hah!
- 'Hah! Hah!'

'Come on, damn.
What're you waiting for?'

I'm waiting for my horse.

[folk music]

Holy Smoke!

[indistinct chatter]

[cocks g*n]

Now, quit complaining.
It's warmer down there.

Yeah, at least you can fix
yourself a warm fire.

[folk music continues]

[dog barking]

Miss Dora.

We didn't except to see you here
this time of the year, sergeant.

I was just passin' through.

I have to say, ma'am,
that motherhood

mightily agrees with you.

'You're prettier than
the first day I'd seen you.'

Well, thank you, sergeant.
That's a quite a compliment.

Now, I don't want any mud
dragged in...by anybody.

You said she was feisty.

Indoor's, her say,
outdoor's mine.

Bet you don't get indoors much.

Well, down snow
was about 70 feet deep.

An entire herds of buffalo
were frozen solid standing up.

'Now, come spring fall.'

'We skinned 'em,
threw 'em in the Salt Lake'

and pickled them, had enough
meat for ten years.


'That tale gets bigger
every time I hear.'

That was nothin'.

Compared to that time,
we spent in that blizzardness

at Shoshone camp.

'Yeah, most of it
in Washakie's Lodge.'

You remember when we stumbled
in there, Jericho?


Well, Sam. Well, go on,
it sounds exciting.


You see, Jericho's feet,
they were so frost bit.

'He was afraid we weren't gonna
be able to keep 'em attached.'

Jericho, are you sure, you don't
want to tell her the story?


Jericho, I wanna
hear this. Please.

You mean to say
that he never told you

how Washakie saved them,
tortured feet of his?

No, and I ain't telling her now.

Well, you see, there was, uh,
this pretty Indian girl.

You-you recall her name,

No, neither do you.

No matter.
You know, humanitarian type.

You know, willing
and able to share her warmth

'to keep Jericho's
froze body intact!'

Now, the next morning,
a-a blessed miracle!


He-he could walk.

Talk about your thaw.

[Sam chuckling]

Sam, so help me, God,
one of these days

I'm gonna skin you alive.

Oh, Jericho Adams,
them was shinin' times.

Shinin' times.

[Sam laughing]

Well, I'm just thankful
to the Lord that she was there.

And willing to help.

That's a real special woman
you got there, Jericho.

I'll even up with you, later.

[Sam laughing]

We'll be needing
another jug.

We've gotta
decorate that tree.

By the time you finish,
supper will be ready.


[instrumental music]

Oh, damn, I forgot.

Oh, excuse me
for the blasphemy, ma'am.

This is Wa-Washakie himself.
Chief of the Shishone.

Sam and my husband told me

'that you took them
to your village once.'

I-I'm...I'm very grateful.

[hoof-beats approaching]

There is lieutenant,
how did he get here so fast?

Well, this fun's over now.

On right. In a line!

We're still on patrol, sergeant.

Oh, damn, I forg..
I forgot.

Well, you know, whiskey
does that to you.

Uh, lieutenant, say hello
here to Miss Dora

and-and J-Jericho Adams.


Pleasure. Heard many stories
about you from the sergeant.

So has my wife.

I assume Sgt. Webster
has told you what we're doing.

We could use your help
tracking the raiding party.

'Word is Many Horses
is leading them.'

I put killin'behind me
a long time ago, lieutenant.

I'm a peaceable man now.

Chief, lieutenant, would you
care to join us for dinner?

Oh, certainly, ma'am.

[harmonica music]

[indistinct chatter]

[trumpet blowing]

'That's enough out of you.'

Well, Jericho, you used
to tell jokes so dirty

that mortified Ted Preacher
two canyons away.

Now, look at you.

Farmin', married
to a Church-goin' woman.

There ain't a Church
within a 100 miles from here.

Hell, we bring it
with 'em. They always do.

First, it's the whiskers
next thing you know--

- Don't say.
- Be planting things in rows.

Haven't I said anything
to offend you yet?

You have.


'That's more like it.'

What did I say, anyway?

[hen clucking]

You called me a farmer.

Oh! Well, that was rotten.

They're full of manure.
I'm a rancher.

Hell, ranching's
for damn Texans.

Ranchin', farming.

What the hell is the difference
what it is you call

what you think you're doing?



You are from the East,
aren't you, ma'am?

Pennsylvania. Not far
from Philadelphia.

- 'And you, lieutenant?'
- New York, ma'am.

Graduated from West Point
there, last year.

When it comes to sh**ting

this boy knows the difference
between bull and cow.

[indistinct chatter]

'Lucky, I didn't take your scalp
right there at the table.'

Cake? Lieutenant.

Certainly, ma'am.

Go on, tear him.

'Now, that's more
like you used to be.'

- Gentlemen, would you mind?
- Hmm.

Oh, not at all, ma'am.
Anything you care to play.

[indistinct chatter]

'Use your damn head,
for a change.'

Wait, wait.

Whiskey, come on.


[Singing "It Came Upon
The Midnight Clear"]

* It came upon
the midnight clear *

[Sam laughing]

Looks like you could use
some of this.

* It came upon
the midnight clear *

You don't punch
as hard as you used to.

* From angels bending
near the earth *

* To touch their harps of gold


[soldiers chattering]

It ain't the first time..

* The world
in solemn stillness lay *

* To hear the angels sing *

[both grunting]

Help, put me down, damnit.

Stop it! Stop it!

- Stop it!
- 'No! Dora!'

We're just
finishin' up, ma'am.

'That's right. We're finished.'

Finished you are?

Along with everything else.

Now, wash up!
Dinner's ready.

- 'Hell, that was good.'
- 'She gave a lam, didn't she?'

'I'm tellin' you,
it ain't like it used to be.'

You know, that they
say these mountains

are the closest thing
there is to heaven.

The trouble is,
word's spreadin'.

Now, you got your missionaries
and preachers trekking up here.

All along with...the mighty
words and holy water.


...chief, don't let 'em go
baptizing you now, you hear?

[harmonica music]

Yep, first
it's the preachers.

Then, it's the farmers
and lawyers and such.

Bringing trains
and black smoke.


...spoiling all our fun.

'We're gonna lose it all.'

'It's all gonna
be gone one day, chief.'

You miss the old days?

Not even the good ones.

And they were far between.

I got more than I ever
expected, right now.

You know,
you listen to Sam

you think the world's
coming to an end.

It is for them.

Sam and the Indians.

Gettin' smaller every day.

Ain't gonna be much
wilderness left soon.

One day, it'll
all be civilized.

Is it so bad, Jericho?

Just different.

You lived your whole life one
way and then everything changes.

And suddenly, you don't belong,
and you got no place to go.

You know what scares Sam
more than anything else?


The thought
that he's gonna climb

to the top of the last
piece of wilderness.

Guess what he's gonna
find there?


A brand new Church
with a preacher

lecturing him how to live
the rest of his life.

A woman?

If he's lucky.

[instrumental music]

I heard that lieutenant
sayin' that..

...that Blackfoot Chief..

...that you and him
are old enemies.

Many Horses.

Many Horses.

Yeah, we've gone at it.

That was
a long time ago.

Chasing him is gonna
be like chasing the wind.

Either take him up
or only the hawk can drown.

And that's where
they'll stay.

Until it dawns.

While Many Horses is sitting
in his lodge with his wives.


Poor, Sam.

It's worth nursing babies.

[instrumental music]

What if they need you?

Sam's as good
as they come.

[kite screeching]

Well, look at you.

Christmas trees,
warm corner. Pitch fork.

I hope that means
you're envying me.


[wind howling]

Keep your eyes skinned.

And you.

[dramatic music]

Draw sabers.

Present arms.

'Carry arms.'

Return sabers.


Two's left. From the right.

[music continues]

I'm sorry, he's not
joining us, sergeant.

Even me, lieutenant.

You might have tried
to convince him.

I know, I might be crazy
to do this job

but you don't
gotta be stupid.

He's got the best
of all worlds right there

and he's not
gonna go spend

god knows, how many days in
the saddle you get snowed off.

[instrumental music]

[dog barking]

[music continues]

Was straightening out the barn.

Looked like a grizzly bear and
a jack ass went at each other.

Well, everything's
alright now.

Asher's still
hasn't been baptized.

I've been
thinking about that.

I'll tell you what.

If it'd make you happy.

I'll take the little fella out
to the creek, dunk him myself.

[baby babbling]

Hell, I'll jump in
with him.

I think there's more than that
Jericho, there's also the words.

You ever listened to the wind
and those tall pines out there?

If there is an Almighty,
maybe that's Him talking.

Girl, I'll do
anything you ask.

You wanna worship polar bears,
I'll trek north, fetch you one.

All the people
passing through here

there's bound to be
a preacher sooner or later.

[baby coughs]

Dash some water
on the little fellow's brow

with the proper words,
of course.

[baby cooing]

You're a good man,
Jericho Adams.

I guess you're right, ma'am.


[whimpering continues]

Jackson, what is it?

[horse neighing]


Probably some critter
bothering the horses.

Why don't you put him to bed,
I'll go take a look.

[horse neighing]


I'll be right on.

[baby coughing]
Easy, Jackson.

[wind howling]

If you hear a ruckus

bolt the door.

[intense music]

Do like I say.

There's a p*stol in that drawer.

Load it.

Stay Jackson.

[g*n cocks]


[indistinct yelling]



[music continues]

I'll sh**t.

Jackson, get out of here!

Run to the damn door!


[intense music]

[glass shattering]


[whooping continues]

[all grunting]

[baby crying]

Get away.


[baby crying]

'They're burnin'
Jericho's place.'

Damn! Lieutenant!

- Turn the men around.
- What is it, Sergeant?

- They set fire to Jericho.
- What?

Lieutenant, that's more
than half a day's ride!

Turn around, lieutenant.

- Right now--
- Turn 'em around!

Follow me!

[trumpet blowing]

[intense music]

That's Brave riding
with the Chief.

Who is he?

'I heard the others call him,
Grey Eyes.'

'Riding with the Chief
makes him important.'

'And that means, his son.'

'Looks like they're taking
us north to the border.'

You lost a lot of strength.
Don't do anything foolish.

[dramatic music]

[music continues]

Not a sign of them.

- Blackfeet?
- Many horses.


Jackson, boy.

Yeah, yeah,
you stupid dog.

Jonathan, come here,
take care of this dog.

[dog howling]

[speaking in native dialect]

Many horses.
Take everybody.

- Where?
- Big Horn.

'They're making
a run to Canada.'

Why would they take
a woman and a baby?

[native dialect]

Fall in!

[indistinct chatter]

My husband!
He's hurt!

You stay.

Listen, darling,
don't move.



[chattering in native dialect]

[whooping continues]


[intense music]

I'll cut his throat.

Let us go
or I'll k*ll your son.

You have already k*lled my son.

My only son.

'Four winters ago.'


[horses galloping]

[horse neighing]

Blackfeet burial ground.

It's a custom when a warrior
dies that his favorite horse

the one he rides
on a buffalo honoring raid

stays with him
until his soul passes.

They cover their dead with rocks
so the wolves don't get 'em.

Losing their dead behind
means they're moving fast.

I'm afraid the Shoshone
will be no..

...no use to us anymore,


At a Blackfeet burial ground

crossing it would
be desecrating.

- It could come back on 'em.
- Tell them to ride around it.

we could be in St. Louis

by the time
we skirted this canyon.

- I'll talk to them.
- Don't waste your breath.

They got their beliefs
same as we got ours.

Maybe more.

Many Horses figured
planting them here

would stop the Shoshones.

Ain't no doubt that
old coyote's still Chief.

Then, leave him behind.

Forward march!

[instrumental music]

You k*lled his son?

I don't know.

You don't know?

How many men
have you k*lled?

A few.

I just don't know
if his son was amongst them.

I never k*lled anyone
I didn't have to, Dora.

It's the way
it was out here.

It ain't civilized.


[speaking in native dialect]

[continues speaking
in native dialect]

They saw
blue coats coming.

At least, a day's
ride behind us.

[speaking in native dialect]

'What is Grey Eyes saying?'

[native dialect]

He want us to go back
and ambush.

But Many Horses'
ain't buyin' it.

He figures, they're too far
back to make any difference.

We're gettin' too close
to Blackfeet country, girl.

Once we're over the border, no
army's gonna come to get us out.

Don't try anything else,
Jericho. Please.

[speaking in native dialect]


[whooping continues]

Is this their village?

The whole tribe's over 3000.

It's a supply camp set
up for raiding parties.

[whooping continues]

Probably, looks like we'll
be spending the night here.

'In the morning,
they head north for Canada.'

It ain't that far, girl.

[tribal music]

[speaking in native dialect]

Where four years ago?

Teton river.

I was trappin' beaver.

Three braves came
at me out of nowhere.

I didn't know one of 'em
was your son.

They were hunting
for furs only.

In that country, everyone
was looking for furs.

Indian and white men,
but no one was talkin'.

It was Blackfoot land.

'And who is to say
what land belongs to who?'

Don't the Blackfeet believe
that no man can own

the land anymore than he can own
the sky or the air we breathe?

That was a long time ago.

Why'd you wait
to come after me?

Now, you have a son.


Little Deer can have
no more children.

Your son will be my son.

'A great warrior because
he carries your blood.'

A great leader because
I will guide him as my own.

No, he's our son.

Give her the child.

'Give her the child.'

Or he will die.

There's no fighting it, Dora.

No, no, Jericho.
He can k*ll me first.

- They will.
- But..

Me too for trying
to stop him.

- Let go.
- No!

- Listen to me, Dora.
- No!

No, no!

They won't hurt him.

'It's the only
chance we've got.'

Give him to me.

[baby crying]

[crying continues]

What do you plan to do with us?

You know..

...don't you?

Tell me.

Tell me.

You are a handsome woman.

'Young and strong.'

'Can have plenty sons.'

He will die.

'Death of a great warrior.'

Blackfeet have waited
long...for this day.

Tell Thompson to get a fire
going in that clearing there.

How long we rest around,

These men just stopped,

The only reason we stopped
is to light these fires

and tempt the Blackfoot scouts
up there watching

everything we do, they see
the smoke from these fires--

- These men are tired.
- No more tired than Blackfeet.

Sergeant, I'm in command here
and I'm not running

these men into the ground.

They won't be any good to anyone
if they don't get some rest.

They can get it
on the next patrol, sir.

Lieutenant, that family's
only chance is us.

'If Many Horses figures we're
bedding down for the night'

he will too.

[soldiers chattering]

- Mount up.
- 'Oh.'

We're moving out.
Balance my horse.

Potter, Jonathan,
you two stay behind

and keep these fires going.

I want you to follow up
in four hours.


(Lt. Reid)
'Is that necessary?'

Just warming the bones,

Suggest you button up
your coat instead.

[speaking in native dialect]

Soldiers stopped somewhere
down the mountain.

'It'll be daybreak before
they can find a trail.'

'They're sending barracks
Braves to slow 'em down.'

Many Horses figures we'll be
in Blackfeet country by then.

- Jericho.
- Don't worry.

They're saving me
for something special.

[speaking in native dialect]

[thunder rumbling]

[wind howling]

[horses neighing]

[thunder rumbling]

[melodic music]

[speaking in native dialect]

What are they saying?

They don't understand
the deer birthing in winter.

It always happens
in the spring.

(Chief Washakie)
'Why doesn't
the deer run away?'

[speaking in a native dialect]

Deer do not move.


It's the miracle
of Christmas, Jericho.

What is your
woman saying?

It was on this night that
the only son of god was born.

[chattering in native dialect]

And the animals
came to worship.

And they were given
the power to speak.

What did they say?

They prayed
for protection.

From the wolves
and from the hunter.

[melancholic music]

[music continues]

[chattering in native dialect]

[chattering in native dialect

The deer
spoke to you.

What is this spirit?

What God does
your woman worship?

There is only one God.

- Yours.
- 'Ours.'

To all people.

The great spirit..

...lights our fires.

The earth is our mother.

We do not fear your god.

But he is not to be feared.
He is a good god.

The white man's god
is good to the white man.

To all men.

Then he is angry because
the Blackfeet take your son?


He's very angry.


[disgusted sigh]

We are all his children
and he loves us all.

And why has he chosen
to come here?

I will tell you.

[chattering in native dialect]

[continues speaking
in native dialect]

You can buy
us some time.

They think there's something
magical going on here.

There is, Jericho.


'It is written in the Bible,
the book of God.'

'In a land far away..'

'...where the snow,
never flies.'

In the village
of Nazareth..

...lived a young
girl named Mary.

Who is to marry a man
called Joseph.

[translating in native dialect]

[melancholic music]

[continues translating
in native dialect]

[music continues]

[distant hoof-beats]


'Joseph was a good man,
a carpenter.'

'He was a brave
and a great hunter.'

'Mary was 14, chaste
and pure of heart.'

[melodic music]

[music continues]

[indistinct chatter]

'Joseph's love for Mary
was honorable.'

'He knew, one day
she would be his wife.'

Then one day,
came an angel from God.


...a-a winged


An eagle.

[eagle squawking]

'And the angel told Mary,
she was to have a son.'

'And that son
would be the son of God.'

[Chief translating
in native dialect]

[baby crying]

Give him to me.

[shouting in native dialect]

Let me go.

I want my baby.

[speaking in native dialect]

Let me go.
I want my baby.

[indistinct yelling]

Dora, listen to me.

Listen to me!

The baby is alright.
And we're alive.

And we won't be,
if you do that again.

Do you understand?


[chattering in native dialect]

[speaking in a native dialect]

You can't stop now.

It's our only chance.

[distant barking]



'How far are they
from the border?'

'Half a day. Jericho will find
a way of slow 'em down now.'

'If he's still alive.'

'There's one thing Jericho's
good at, it's staying alive.'

How long have you been
fighting these Indians?

Oh, about half my life.

Spent the other half
living with them.

You ever worry they might
slit your throat one night.

Just because you
are a white man?

They're fighting to hold onto
what's theirs, same as we are.

[g*nshots and whooping]

On your knees.
Get down. Get down!

[indistinct yelling
and continuous firing]


[firing continues]

Keep your
head down, lieutenant.

The Blackfeet are good with
a bow, as any man with a g*n.


they can sh**t.

[continuous firing]

His son..

This Joseph was
a strong man.

The son..

...was not Joseph's.

And she was with child
before her marriage to him?

That brings great shame
to her and her family.

'It did.'

'Mary was with child
by the holy spirit.'

'But her people
did not believe.'

'And they shun them.'

(Chief Washakie)
'Did they move their lodge?'

'Yes, they had to move
away from the village.'

'But Mary was a virgin.'

And the child was God's son.

Did Joseph believe this?



[speaking in native dialect]

[all laughing]

Then he was a fool.

And an angel appeared before him
in a dream and said

"fear not to take
unto you Mary, for your wife.

For that which is conceived
in her, is the holy spirit."

[melodic flute music]

'Joseph wanted to believe.'

'But like his people,
he couldn't.'

'So he prayed to the great
spirit for an answer.'

[flute music continues]

[crickets chirping]

[melancholic music]


[speaking in a native dialect]

[music continues]

[thunder rumbling]

'He came to him one night'

'and his doubts
were finally answered.'

[music intensifies]

[thunder rumbling]


[thunder rumbling]

[speaking in native dialect]


[speaking in a native dialect]

Get the baby.

[speaking in a native dialect]


We're leaving.

[intense music]

You will
not go far.

Neither will you.

[cocks g*n]


[firing continues]

[chattering in native dialect]

[music continues]



'Are you alright?'

Dora, keep riding.

Go on.
Get out of here.



[speaking in a native dialect]

[baby crying]

[grunting and groaning]


[chattering in native dialect]

'Jericho, no.'

[grunting and groaning


You're k*lling him.

Stop it, Jericho.

Stop it.


In God's name,
stop it!

Oh, let him go,


let him go.

'Let him go.'




Let me help you.

[distant howling]

[speaking in a native dialect]

'Many horses is banishing
Grey Eyes from the tribe.'

'I don't understand.'

'He went against his chief,
now he's running him out.'

'If he k*lled me, the young
race would've followed him.'

'Now he rides alone.'

[singing in native dialect]

[singing continues]

[speaking in a native dialect]

[singing continues]

[owl hooting]

[crickets chirping]

[distant barking]

[baby cooing]

[horse neighs]

[distant howling]

[tribesmen whooping]

What is he doing?

I guess word's spread,
you're gonna be a widow.

He's courting you.

'Chief's paying
you an honor.'

I-I don't understand.

You stopped me from
k*lling one of theirs.

That's strange
enough in any way.

Let alone a woman.

[whooping continues]

'Getting offered
the best braves.'

They make fine husbands.

You choose.

This is my husband.

He will soon die.

'We will all die.'

But he will always
be my husband.

Your woman..

...has great power.

'She stops you
from k*lling Grey Eyes.'

God stopped him.

God spoke to him.

Why did God not speak
when he k*lled my son?

'Jericho was unable
to hear him.'

With what words..

...does your mighty
god speak..

...that it
cannot be heard?

You will hear only
if you believe in him.

Finish the story
of your god.

You are hoping
the soldiers are coming.

If I'd figured that, I wouldn't
have made such a fool move.

My child.

I-I want
to hold him.

[baby cooing]


[blowing raspberry]

Mountains...are for a man.

Not a white woman
and a child.

- You're doing good, Dora.
- Hm.

Sharing the Christ's story
with these people, Jericho..

...I think God
would want that.

Well, don't go through
into converting anyone.

These people believe
in their own god.

And they're spiritual
enough as it is.

You mean more than you,
don't you, Jericho?

Dora, if there is a God,
I don't mind him helping.

But the only one who's gonna
get us out is Sam and US army.

And if they
don't make it?


Lieutenant, Blackfeet's
scout's comin' too.

indistinct chattering]

[speaking in a native dialect]

He says, the woman
and child will be alright.

And Jericho?

He'll die,
a warriors death.



...I've known
Many Horses a long time.

'Him crossing the border out
of Canada, he had his reasons.'

- What?
- Don't know.

Jericho's buried his share
of Blackfeet..

...I guess that comes
with that land.

Both, he and
Many Horses accept that.

They're gonna be waiting
for us up there, lieutenant.

'With the best they got.'

Ain't no time for planning now.
We just gotta get damn lucky.

Fast too.

Keep him warm.

- Go on, now!
- Oh, no.

Mary and Joseph left Nazareth,
for a place called Bethlehem.

'The Roman Emperor.'

'The ruler of
all the tribes.'

'He ordered everyone
to the town of his birth.'

'Like that time
in the sun dance.'

When the tribes gathered
in the summer time.

[melodramatic music]


'So Joseph took Mary, who was
promised to him as his wife.'

'From Nazareth to his
village in the land of Judea.'


'Bethlehem was
across the plains.'

'And it was during the time
of the great sun dance..'

'...when the Indians
gathered to celebrate'

'the end of winter
and the start of spring.'

[singing in native dialect]

'And there was word
amongst the people'

'that the only son of God
was soon to be born.'

[everyone laughing merrily]

'So the tribes had
more reason to celebrate.'

'They came from
the plains..'

'...the mountains,
the river.'

'And the deserts.'

'The Sioux from the Tetons.

'The Northern Cheyenne.'

'The Cherokee
and the Creek.'

'They pitched their lodges.'

'Smoked their pipes
with old friends.'

'Children played.'

'They danced
to celebrate.'

[speaking in native dialect]

[drum music]

[singing continues]

[drum music continues]

[singing continues]

But the Christ child
was born in winter.

'Girl, to the Blackfeet,
summer time's heaven

and winter's hell.'

Go on.

They travelled for many days
and Mary was great with child.

'Mary and Joseph
had travelled very far.'

'But when they
arrived at Bethlehem..'

'...they knew no one.'

'And had no
place to stay.'

[melodic music]

'And to Bethlehem
came the two travelers.'

'Mary and Joseph.'

'And Mary was ready
to give birth.'

[music continues]

'But when her
time came..'

'...no one would give
them shelter.'

So they went
to a stable.

And there
in the manger..

...the infant
Jesus was born.

[speaking in native dialect]

They did not have people
in their tribes?

There was no one.

No one offered
them their lodge?

Mary had to give birth
where the beasts were gathered.

[speaking in a native dialect]

After the child
was born..

...there was glowing
in the sky.

And the ox bowed down
on the earth.

As the deer worshipped.

And he spoke..

...as he had spoken
to the deer.

(Chief Washakie)
'And the other animals
also talk?'


What were their words?

'They asked to be protected'

'from thirst and hunger.'

'And that we lived
together in peace.'

'And love one another.'

'Then other animals
came to worship.'

(Chief Washakie)
'You say this child was born
the son of your God.'

But only animals
came to worship.

Well, three kings
came from the East.


'A king leads his people,
like you lead your people.'

A wise man.

Three wise men.

(Chief Washakie)
'Wise men.'

Of what tribe?

One was a Teton.

'And second was Mandan
and the third was Plains Cree.'

The three wise men..

...they found the child
by following a star.

A new star that appeared
in the sky over Bethlehem.

One never seen
before by any man.

'They knew,
seeing that star..'

'...that the king of all
had been born.'

[instrumental music]

[baby cooing]

'Young boys playing outside
the village saw the star.'

'And they came and brought
the child gifts.'

[baby cooing]

[music continues]

[music continues]

'The three wise men
brought gifts.'

'The Mandan...brought
a medicine bag in beaver skin.'

'The Plains Creek gave the child
a bow and quiver of arrows.'

'And the Sioux...a peace pipe.'

[instrumental music]

[baby cooing]

And what became
of this child Jesus?

'He spent his life spreading
the words of his father.'

'A medicine man.'

And what message
did he bring from..

...this great God
in the heavens?

That man should
seek peace.

And that all men
are bothers.

Then this is a fable.

To find peace,
one must believe in peace.

The white man
has k*lled Indians.

'And other white men--'

Well, it was a difficult
message to accept.

And for it they k*lled
his only son.

He allowed his son
to die?

Yes, so that men could remember
the love that he preached.

Then he was fool.

It has been this way.

And it will always
be this way.


Is that not true?


'His silence, is his answer.'

Your God's son died..

...for no reason.

No, he did not.

'The third day
after his death..'

...he rose and joined
his father in heaven.

Then he is not dead.

Not he or his message.

And one day, all men
will live in peace.

And all men
will be brothers.

[hoof-beats approaching]


[indistinct chatter]

[speaking in native dialect]

Soldiers coming.

[speaking in a native dialect]

[indistinct chatter]

We're not
going anywhere.

'Dying fast now or slow later,
it's all the same.'

Jericho, please.

'Dora, don't move.'

I k*lled his son and he's
been waiting four years.

It's between
him and me.

[indistinct chatter]

It was a story
meant for children.

It will always
be this way.

You've lost
too much blood.

I've fought with worse.

So have you.

[drum music]

[knives clanking]

[chattering in native dialect]

[dramatic music]

[groaning and grunting]

[music continues]


[music intensifies]

[grunting and groaning]

[grunting and groaning

[chattering in native dialect]

[chattering continues]

[tribesmen whooping]

[music continues]

[chattering in native dialect


[horse nickering]

[horse neighs]


[speaking in a native dialect]

[continues speaking
in native dialect]

What is he saying?

He's leaving
me behind.

'Cause I'm wounded.

I'd slow him down.

It'll be
a bad stretch.

He didn't say anything
about you and the baby.

[chattering in native dialect]

My wife knows the pain
of having a child.

And losing one.

[melancholic music]

Teach him well.

[baby cooing]

[music continues]

You think?

Maybe, chief.


[music continues]

[chattering in native dialect]

[chattering continues]

[music continues]

[wolves howling]

[men chattering indistinctively]

(male #2)
'Lieutenant, there's
a camp ahead.'

(Lt. Reid)
'Be careful.
It could be a trap.'

'Be prepared
to use your weapons.'

- 'Keep your eyes peeled, boys.'
- 'Go on the perimeter.'

Damnit, Sam,
it's just us.

You look like hell.

(male #3)
'I'm gonna keep look out,

'Okay, check it out.'

I thought you'd
be under by now.

Sorry to disappoint you.

Glorious bunch
of horse soldiers

just scare 'em off
or what?


Guess so.

They just hightailed it
outta here.

- How long ago?
- Some time yesterday.

'Be in Canada by now.'

Well, they'll be back
in the spring.

We haven't seen
the last of 'em.

Maybe, lieutenant.

Maybe not.

I'll get you
two some horses.

Well, you're gonna tell me
how you saved your hide.

You know, I'd bust
out of curiosity.

I will.

But you ain't
going to believe it.

Why won't I?

We sat around the fire
while Dora told them a story.

When she was through,
they packed up and left.

And you expect me
to believe that?

'It's true, Sam.'

That's what
really happened.

Must have been
a heck of a tale.

[deep breath]

Yes, Sam, it was.

Remind me to have you
tell it to me.

I'll remind you.

I want to be there
when she does.

Well, quicker we leave,
the quicker we get there.

Anything left?

[melodic music]

No, it's all gone.
You're starting from dirt.

Well, everything except that
mangy thing you call the dog.



He's alright.

We're going home, girl.

[music continues]

[indistinct chatter]

[music continues]

[drum music]

[tribesmen singing
in native dialect]

[drum music and singing

[melodic music]

[music continues]

[music continues]
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