17x07 - Dance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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17x07 - Dance

Post by bunniefuu »

THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please,

please won't you be my neighbor?

Beautiful day in
this neighborhood,

outside and inside.

I'd like to show you something
that I brought today.

See those fish?

Three big fish and
five little fish.

Inside this box is a mobile.

Something that you put
together, you hang it,

and it makes beautiful
designs of fish.

Let's try putting it together
out in the kitchen, all right?

Please won't you be my neighbor?

It has little cards that tell
you exactly how to do it.

So step one, we'll just
hang this first fish up

on this hook.

Isn't that a beauty?

Beautiful fish.

Step two, you're supposed to
put this one onto this hook.

What another lovely
fish that is.

Step three, Where are you
going to go, step four?

Right here, I believe.

What beautiful wooden
fish these are.

Somebody painted them
to look like real fish.

The last time, I wondered
if fish ever dance.

They sure look like their
dancing, hanging like that.

Well, I found a place where
I understand that water

creatures-- not little fish,
but big whales-- really

do learn to dance,
right along with people.

And I'd like you
to see that place.

We'll come back to this
mobile and these real fish

a little later.

But right now, let's go
to that special place

and see some big whales.

This is the back pool here.

And it's where Mike
told me to meet him.

So let's just go on in.

Hi, Mike.

-Hi, Fred.

-I'd like you to know
my television neighbor,

this is Mike Scarpuzzi.


-And what about your neighbor?

-This is my friend, Shamu.

Shamu, I'd like you to
meet a friend on mine.

This is Fred.

-Hi, Shamu.

-That's it.

He's very gentle.

You can go ahead and meet him.

Go ahead.

-You even touch him?

-Sure, you can touch him.

MR: ROGERS: Hi, Shamu.

What's that sound that he makes?
MIKE: That's how he breathes.

He breathes from his blowhole
on the top of his head.

It's located right there.

MR: ROGERS: He's so smooth.

MIKE: Yeah, he sure is.

MR: ROGERS: He's got big teeth.

MIKE: He has a lot of
large teeth, doesn't he?

But he's very gentle.

-I'll say.

How did you get to
be so interested

in such beautiful
creatures as whales?

-Well, I first
saw some dolphins.

And I just fell
in love with them.

They were so interesting to me.

And then I met a
k*ller whale, and I,

of course, love
them just as much.

MR: ROGERS: You're not afraid?

I mean, you call
it a k*ller whale?


Yeah, we call it a k*ller
whale, but that actually

comes from them
k*lling other whales.

They're actually a member
of the dolphin family.

And they just k*ll when
they need something to eat.

MR: ROGERS: I see.

-But they don't k*ll
just for the sport of it.

They're very gentle animals.

-How do you-- how do
you speak to them?

I mean--

-Well, we don't speak
to them like you

and I speak by talking.

But we speak with our
hands and body signals,

like our body movements.

And like, I will say to
come up here with my hands.

And he'll see that.

His eye is right there, and
he'll come over to this side.

See, he'll come over here.



That's his eye.

Come one, let's go for a ride.

Let's go.

Drop me off right here.

-Welcome back.

Does he like to be
stroked like that?

MIKE: Yeah, he likes
that a lot, when

we get in the water with
him and play with him.

He likes it.

MR: ROGERS: And he
likes being here?

-Oh, he loves it here.

He likes the attention
that we give him,

and all the play
times that we have,

and the times that
we spend together

just getting to know each other.

-It's just must be
fascinating to have

some creature like that to love.

-It is.

It is fascinating.

And there's another friend
that I'd like you to meet too.

Namu and Diane.

And they're over
in the front pool.

You want to go see them?

-OK, let's go.
MR: ROGERS: Is he going to come?

MIKE: Yeah, he'll come too.

Come on.

Diane, hi.

-Hi, Mike.

-Hey, I'd like you to
meet a friend of mine.

This is Fred.
-Hi, Fred.

-Fred, this is Diane.

-Nice to meet you, Diane.

Who's your friend?

-This is Namu.

-Hi, Namu.

Oh my, isn't she beautiful?

-She is, isn't she?

-You love her, don't you?

-Oh, I love her a lot.

-Did you always love animals.

-Well, as long as I
can remember, ever

since I was very, very little.

-As a little girl, what kind of
animals were you interested in?

-Well, I had some very
unusual animals as my friends

when I was little.

-Did you?

-I had some
alligators, and snakes,

and some goats,
deer, bears, zebras--

a little bit of everything.

you really learned

to care for creatures
like that, didn't you?

-Pretty much, yes.

MR: ROGERS: And now you
take care of whales.

-Now I take care of whales.

MR: ROGERS: That's amazing.

It sure is.
MIKE: Well, Fred.

The four of us would like to
show you some of the things

that we like to do-- Shamu,
Namu, and Diane, and I.

-I'd like to see that.



-Where should I stay?
-You can just stand right there.

-Yeah, right here.

-And here comes Shamu right now.

And we'll go ahead and go
on in and do some play.


-OK, let's go, Diane.

Here we go.


MR: ROGERS: Oh, they're
all waving at us.

-He's saying hi, Fred.
-There's a nice wave.


I see you.


That was nice.

Yeah, what a good wave.

Hey, let's do some
dancing with them, OK?


-Yeah, let's go.


Watch out, Mike.

-Watch out.

MR: ROGERS: You all
are good dancers.

-You ready?




-Let's go.

All right.

MR: ROGERS: It looks like
you have such a good time.

-Oh, I have a great time.

We have something that we put
together during out play times,

and we'd love to
show you right now.

-I'd be glad to see it.

What is it?

-Well, Namu actually tosses
me right up out of the water.

-Do you mean with her nose?


-I'd like to see that.

-Are you ready?



Here we go.

-You really did do it.

Does that feel funny?

-Oh, it's-- it's great.

It's a lot of fun.

-Oh, there's Mike.



You all are so graceful,
all four of you.

-Thank you.

Hey, do you have
time for one more

thing that Shamu, Namu,
and Diane can show you?

-Of course.


The animals are going to leap
right up out of the water all

by themselves.

-Oh, I'd like to see that.

-OK, Diane, why don't
you go get set up?

-OK. let's go.


She'll take them
both over there.


And what's going to happen
is she'll send them,

and then they'll leap right
up out of the water right

here, and then over there, and
then back by where Diane is.

-You mean by themselves?

-By themselves.

Let's step back here
and we can watch.

-All right.

-OK, there they go.

Here comes the first one.

-Oh my.

-Oh, they're squirting too.

Here comes the second one.

Let's see if they
squirt on this one too.


MIKE: And then one
more, right in front.


that's just beautiful.

Thank you, Mike.

That was a real treat for us.

Oh, look.

-They're going again.

-Ready to go around again.

-There, now they're all done.

-Oh, I just love being here.

So good to see you.

-It was our pleasure, and
you're welcome to come

back to see us anytime.

-Amazing things that people
and animals can do with love,

isn't it.

-It's amazing.


Thank you.

-Bye bye.

-Good bye.

Bye, Diane.

DIANE: Thanks, Fred.

-Thank you.

I like to be able to show
you wonderful things.

Let's go back to my place.

Isn't that amazing
and wonderful to see

those people and those whales
trusting each other so much?

Takes a long time to
be able to do that,

for the people and the whales.

What's splendid water
dancers they are.



Yep, we're ready for
some Make-Believe.

Last time, we pretended
that it was raining

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

And Corny was looking
for a salesperson

to sell his new Dance
Rocket-- the rocking chair

you can dance in.

Let's pretend that Lady
Elaine Fairchilde finds out

about the Dance Rocket, and she
decides something for herself

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.


Ready, Trolley?



-Ah, good day to you, Trolley.

Yep, I have a lot
of deliveries today.


-Oh, they're from Lady Elaine
for a lot of people here.

Good day and speedy delivery.

Bye bye.

-Oh, Mr. McFeely, what
a pleasant surprise.

-Good day Miss Paulificate.

What brings you away
from your telephones?

-Oh, someone sent King
Friday this mobile,

and I just thought I'd hang
it out here for the day.

Oh, and how nice.

It seems there's always
a hook when you need one.

MR. MCFEELY: Well, that's good.

Well, that's certainly
a pretty decoration.

Oh, I almost forget.

I have a delivery here for you.

-Yeah, Mr. McFeely, what is it?

-Well, there's one for you,
and one for Queen Sara,

and one for Lady Aberlin.

-I wonder who these are from.

-A certain curator
of a Museum-Go-Round.

-Oh, well isn't
this interesting.

-Well, I have more deliveries,
so I better be on my way.

See you around the neighborhood.
Speedy delivery.

-Thanks, Mr. McFeely.

Same to you.

-Oh, why Miss Paulificate.

-What a lovely surprise
to see you here.

-Oh, speaking of surprises--


-I thought I'd surprise you all
with this hanging here today.

-A crown mobile.

Why, it's charming.

Looks like those crowns
are fairly dancing there.

-Oh, speaking of dancing.


-Wait 'til you see
what Lady Elaine

sent to you, Lady
Aberlin, and me.

-What is it?

Oh, it says "you're
invited." "Come learn

to dance at the Always
Happy Dance Studio.

Everything you ever wanted
to know about dancing.

From your Dancemistress,
Lady Elaine Fairchilde.


-Well, what do
you think of that?

-I didn't know that Lady
Elaine was a dancer.

-I didn't either.

-Hello, Miss Paulificate.

-Oh, Lady Aberlin.

-Aunt Sara.

Oh, what a clever mobile.


-Someone sent it to
the King and Queen,

and I thought it'd be lovely
to hang out for today.

-It certainly is.

-I think it looks like
those crowns are dancing.

-Dancing crowns, what a
royal idea, Aunt Sara.

-Oh, wait 'til you
see the invitation

that came from Lady Elaine.

-What is it?


-"Always Happy Dance Studio"?


What do you suppose
she's planning?

-Why do you say
that, Niece Aberlin?

-It just may have something
to do with the new chair

that Corny is selling.

-Well, do you think we
should go to the Always

Happy Dance Studio?

-I'll check into it and let you
both know what I've discovered.

-Very good.

-Well, what does Uncle
Friday say about it?

-I haven't talked
with him about it.

-Well, he didn't
get an invitation.

Just you, Lady Aberlin,
and I here at the Castle.

-I see.

Talk with you both later.


-[BOTH] Farewell, Lady Aberlin.

-Meow meow think
meow meow Aberlin?

-I think you look
beautiful, Henrietta.

Where are you going?

-Meow meow Always
Happy Meow Studio.

-Oh, you got one of these too?


Meow meow going?

-I'm not sure.

I'm going to look into
it a little bit more

before I decide.

-Meow meow learn meow ballet.

-Oh, you'll probably do very
well with ballet, Henrietta.

You're so graceful.

-How in the world
are you two today?

-Hi, X.

-Meow fine.

-Just fine.

How are you?

-Oh, I'm nifty-galifty.

-Did you find your
rainbow for sliding?

-No, but I sure had a
good time looking for it.

Say, Henrietta, what are
you all dressed up for?

-Meow meow learn meow dance.

-Oh, to dance.

Are you going to
teach her, Lady A?


She's thinking of going to
Lady Elaine's new dance studio.

-Oh, I didn't know
anything about that.

-You didn't get one of these?

-Uh, I don't think so.

-Meow meow didn't either.

-Daniel didn't either.


-Uncle Friday didn't
get one, and Daniel

didn't, and you didn't.


-I think I'll ask
Corny whether he did.

See you all later.

-OK, Lady Aberlin.

Anyway, I'd rather fly.

-It's just the
principle of the thing.

Bye bye, you all.

-Meow meow.

-Bye, Lady A.



-I was hoping I'd see
you, Lady Aberlin.

-How's the Dance Rocket selling?

-Um, not very well, I'm afraid.

-What's the matter?

-Well, we can't find the
one that Corny had just

finished the last
time you were here.

-You mean the one that
was sitting right here?

The one that I sat
in and danced in?

-That's the one.

It doesn't seem to be
anywhere around here.

-Have you seen one of these?

-"You're invited."

Lady Elaine, a dancemistress?


This is the first one I've seen.

-You didn't get one yourself?

ABER: No, I didn't.

-Why don't we take a little
walk over to the Museum-Go-Round

and ask a few questions.

-You think we might
find out something

about the Dance Rocket?

-We can always try.



-I shall speak to you
on point, friends.

-Lady Elaine, we'd
like to speak to you

about a certain chair point.

-What chair, dear?

-The Dance Rocket
from Corny's factory.

-Well, now wasn't
that sweet of him?

I mean, men are really
good for something.

-What do you mean, Lady Elaine?

-Corny must have heard that I
was starting the Always Happy

Dance Studio, and he made that
lovely Dance Rocket for me.

-Oh, you just saw
it and took it, huh?

-Of course.

It had the word "dance"
on it, and after all, I'm

the one who's patronizing
the dance these days.

-That chair had nothing to
do with you, Lady Elaine.

-It didn't?


I'm sure he wouldn't mind if
I borrowed it for a while.

Now, when are you going
to come to my dance

studio, Lady Aberlin?

You can always learn something.

-Well, perhaps Mr. Aber
and I will come together.

-Oh, but he's not invited.

-Why not?

-Because he's a man.

-And why aren't men invited?

-Because men don't
dance, that's why.

See you.

-But Lady--

-Lady Elaine has some
mighty strange ideas.

-Here's one man that dances.

-Well, let's dance
over to Corny's factory

and tell him where his Dance
Rocket just happens to be.

-I'm all for that.



-Oh, you said it, Trolley.

-We do our best, Trolley.


-Dancing is something
that many creatures do,

boys and girls, women and men.

Do you know anybody
who likes to dance?

Do they dance fast or slow?

All kinds of ways.

I have a film here that
I would like to show you.

It's of some fancy fish.

See if you think they
look like they're dancing.

Put it on Picture Picture here.


Some fish look fancier on
the outside than others,

like some people.


But you know and I
know that everybody's

fancy one way or another.

[SINGING] Some are
fancy on the outside.

Some are fancy on the inside.

Everybody's fancy,
everybody's fine.

Your body's fancy, so is mine.

I think you're a special person.

And I like your
ins and outsides.

Everybody's fancy,
everybody's fine.

Your body's fancy, so is mine.

Let's feed the
fish, the live fish.

These fish may not be as fancy
as some of the other ones

that we've seen
today, but these are

the ones that I take care of.

And they depend on my
care, so these fish

are very special to me.

You know, just like you
depend on your parents,

on the people who love
you and take care of you.

So you're special to them,
just the way you are.

I think I'll just leave
this right here for a while.

I'll come back later
and pack that up.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up, ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

-Doesn't matter
how fancy you are.

People can like you
exactly as you are.

I'll be back next time.

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