04x26 - Teen Talk

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Beavis and Butt-Head". Aired: March 8, 1993 – present.*
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Adult animated series follows Beavis and Butt-Head, both voiced by Judge, a pair of teenage slackers characterized by their apathy, lack of intelligence, lowbrow humor, and love for hard rock and heavy metal music.
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04x26 - Teen Talk

Post by bunniefuu »


Captain d*ck Jackman, live with a
very special event here in Highland High.

Principal McVicker, tell us
what we're about to see.

To promote this year's food drive,

our National Honor Society
has glued together some canned goods

to spell the word

right under the Highland High name.

"Highland High cares".
Isn't that wonderful?

Let's take a look, principal.


What the...? Well,
back to you, Britney.

I would like nothing more than
to k*ll you both with my bare hands!

But I'm forced to
give you a choice.

Either you stay after
school for a week,

removing asbestos
from the cafeteria,

or you go on "Teen Talk" with
Captain d*ck Jackman and confess.

Is that, like, on TV?

He makes all the parents in town
feel better about their own kids

by publicly humiliating
losers like you.

We're gonna be on TV!

This is gonna be cool.

Whoa! They turned that dude
into, like, a guitar or something!

If I'd turn myself
into an instrument,

I'd be an M-80.

- That's not an instrument, Beavis.
- No way, Butt-Head.

My music teacher told me you can
make an instrument out of anything.

So I'd be like, you know,
an M-80 or a chainsaw.

Okay, Beavis.

That's weird!


Some of the guys in this band, it's
like, they just look like regular guys.

And they're old.

Like, if you saw that drummer,
like, in a grocery store,

you'd just like, probably
just walk right past him.

Or you'd say like:

"The light beer is over
in aisle 14a, sir".

And then he'd say:
thank you young man.

I bet when that drummer dude
is like, drinking beer with his friends...

he like, bogarts all the beer.

And they'd like: "Don't bogart it dude!"
And he'd like:

"No way! No way!
I'm in Cheap Trick.

And I'll drink all the beer
I want! Get out of here!"

He's pretty cool.

I might knock back a few beers later.

You never had a
beer, dumbass.

Oh yeah! I mean later
like, you know, in a few years...

All right, listen up!

If you're here to wise off on TV for
your dropout friends watching at home,

remember that you signed
a piece of paper

giving me legal right to kick
your asses and sue you in court.

Now, everybody smile
and lots of energy, okay?

Hi, I'm Lolita, and this
here is Tanqueray.

Hey Beavis...
check this out.

He, baby...

You're pretty hot.

You should, like,
be on a video or something.

I am on a video.

Like, I wouldn't be here if
my principal hadn't rented it.

From the home of the
Channel 4 News Centre,

it's "Teen Talk"
with Captain d*ck Jackman.

Hey kids. Welcome aboard Teen Talk.
I'm Captain d*ck Jackman.

And, as always,
at 6:30 Sunday morning

I trade in my weather-casting gear
to rap with young people about

what's going down
in their world.


- You're cute, sugar-britches.
- Let's talk about parents.

Any of you guys ever gotten real,
real mad at your folks?

- It's okay to admit feelings of anger.
- Well, Captain d*ck,

I guess we never got along too good.

My dad beat me up a lot,
and my mom, like, ran off...

How about you?

What do your parents do
that makes you really, really mad?

This is boring.

Y'all want to go down behind the risers
and make out or something?

I don't care if they're pre-schoolers.

They can kiss my ass if they think
I'm gonna wear an Easter Bunny suit!

d*ck, you're on!

Captain d*ck Jackman here, hanging
with my homepersons on Teen Talk.

Today, we're gonna rap
about vandalism.

Hey y'all. Hurry up, before
we stop being horny.

Hey Beavis, I think we're
really gonna get some.

On TV.

Hey guys, no talking without
sharing. Let me ask you...

have you ever wanted
to just break something?

Yeah, yeah. I like
to break stuff.

- No sir. Can we go?
- Hey, not so fast, young man.

I just want all our young
friends here to listen up.

You've had
destructive impulses, right?

- No.
- Yeah, no. No. We're gonna score.

You heard that, kids?

These young folks are saying down with
destruction and up with cooperation.

Right on, guys.

Hey Butt-Head,
someone, like, stole our women.

Hey, my man, don't you wanna be
cool and positive like these guys?

That sucks!

Yeah. It doesn't just suck, Butt-Head.
It's like... It's like, it really sucks!

If we, like, never score, we're gonna
be wussies! Forever! And it's gonna suck!

- Settle down, Beavis.
- No, no, Butt-Head!

No, I can't settle down! It's not fair!
We're not gonna score!

It's like, we'll get cars, and like, we'll have,
like, a job, and we'll like, have to go, like,

like, mow lawns and, and like...

scrub the grill, and we're
not gonna score! Ever!

I warned you about that!
Don't make me come up there!

Shut up, asswipe!
You probably score, and you're a dork!

- I'm never gonna score!
- You little...

Whoa! This is cool.

I feel like such an ass.

Yeah. I feel like an
ass too. Beavis...

go out and get me
an ass, please.

Okay. Would you like
some boobs to go with that?

What was that?

- What's going on?!
- You wuss.

That was just a
chick screaming.

They should like, warn you if
they're gonna do that crap. Dammit!

This song is about, like, this chick
doing it with some other chick's boyfriend.

- Yeah, yeah. That's pretty harsh.
- Yeah.

So like, this chick will like, only do you
if you already have a girlfriend?

A lot of chicks are like that.
They don't wanna go out

with you unless you already
have a girlfriend but like,

you can't get a girlfriend because, like,
you don't have a girlfriend, so like...

It's like... struss-frating.

Dammit, what's going on here?
This chick is talking.

Is this a commercial
or a video?

- What is this?!
- Beavis, just shut up, and like,

free your mind or something!

I wanna know what it is, it's like,
I can't pay attention to this!

Dammit Beavis! Can't you just
like, cool out and listen?

Dammit Butt-Head, what kind of crap are
you talking? You sound like a damn hippie!

Beavis, I'm gonna pretend
I didn't hear that.

I'm not gonna smack you today.


Damn it, Beavis! I'm sick and
tired of never getting any.

Yeah. Me too.

Hey Beavis,

I bet we're gonna score now
'cause we were, like, on TV.

Oh yeah. Chicks are cool.

Hey Beavis. This song
is about a boner.

Oh yeah, yeah!
It's about a bad boner, isn't it?

There's no such thing
as a "bad boner", Beavis.

Oh yeah, yeah.

No, wait a minute, Butt-Head,
I had a bad boner once.

That's when I had the chicken pox,
and I had my hands duct taped.

That sucked.

Oh yeah.

I'm sorry. I stand corrected.

Hey Butt-Head, sometimes
when I play pool...

like, when nobody's looking,
I like to take that blue chalk,

and like... like, chalk up
the end of my wiener.

It's pretty cool.

Yeah. That's cool.

Doesn't that, like,
hurt, though?

Yeah, but, you know,
no pain, no gain.

Hey check it out, it's one of
those magic 8-balls.

You like, ask one of those
things a question,

and you shake it up,
and it tells you the answer.


We should ask it:

"Does this video suck?"

Signs point to yes.
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