04x01 - Wall of Youth

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Beavis and Butt-Head". Aired: March 8, 1993 – present.*
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Adult animated series follows Beavis and Butt-Head, both voiced by Judge, a pair of teenage slackers characterized by their apathy, lack of intelligence, lowbrow humor, and love for hard rock and heavy metal music.
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04x01 - Wall of Youth

Post by bunniefuu »


Ok, people.

We have a guest from the
Christian Businessmen's Association

to tell us about a really
neat event down at the mall.

So, then the power goes out, right?

And like all the dinosaurs
bust out of the fence.

Cool! Is this a true story?

Of course it is, dillweed,
they got the idea for book.

Please give Mr. Cobb
your full attention.

Hey, young students. I'm Clark Cobb,
from Cobb Family Hardware.

Here's the deal. Saturday morning
us christian businessmen

are gonna set up a wall right in front
of the Toe Town shoe store.

The idea is for the local youth
to put out words and poetry on it.

- It's going to be a real pride booster.
- Then, this one dinosaur...

he spits his poison crap
on the fat guy's face

- and then he att*cks the dude in his own car.
- The dinousar had a car?

How else you think he got
there, dumbass? On a bike?

Shut up, butt hole!

Ok people, this sounds like
a really wonderful opportunity

to be creative.

Who wants to contribute
to the "Wall of Youth"?

I believe Beavis and Butt-Head
could use a creative outlet.

Beavis and Butter, you'll be sure to
be down at the Toe Town by 8:30 in the A.M.


I feel a dope groove coming on.

Rock on, Beavis.

Hey Butt-Head, which one is the "Voe"?

It's that guy.

- These guys are cool.
- Yeah.

They kick butt!

Bivins is the cool one tho.

He's the dude who was on a toilet
taking a dump in that Boyz II Men video.

Oh ye, yeah.
That's cool.

He's like reading the
newspaper and stuff.

They should be like on
toilets on this video too.

Yeah yeah, yeah.

That would be cool.

I like the other video
these guys did, "Do Me".

Yeah, yeah.
"Do me, baby".

I like that one 'cause
it's about, you know...

You know.

See, right there they could put a toilet.

Instead of them dancing,
they could all be on toilets.

Yeah yeah. See, like, right now
she's looking for a parking space

and then she'd like go to the toilet.
And they could show it.

Yeah. Now you're catching on, Beavis.

This sucks!

Yeah, change the channel.

Hey, baby...
what are you doing?

I'm writing a poem.
It's about a girl whose lover,

an housing english teacher dies in a
boating accident. And she is so sad.

She... she drowns herself in a hidden pond
at their secret meeting place.

It's called "The Weeping Pool".


Was that guy, like, "decrapitated"?

Whoa! Look!

What's that?

It is an homage to the
greatest artist of all times.

- How come there's no chicks?
- It's Picasso, you idiot!

Pick your own assh*le, assh*le!

- Pickasso.
- Idiot!

This sucks! Let's watch TV.

Here on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial

are inscribed the thousands of names

of servicemen who gave their
lifes on that bitter conflict.

Each day, visitors remember
the dead leaving flowers,

notes, pictures, and for some
former comrades, beer and cigarettes.

- Cool!
- Yeah.

Hey Beavis...

I'm starting to feel like... artistic.

Stay tuned to see Beavis and
Butt-Head totally nude. Maybe.

So why do we have a Wall of Youth?

Good question, Socko.
You see, it's simple.

When youth gets to express
themselves in an artistic type manner

then they won't express themselves
on the street with all that backtalk.

So it's an excuse
to let it all hang out?

Well, don't worry Socko.

If it ain't in line with
good christian beliefs

it won't stay up on
the wall of youth.

And now to unveil the sh**ting
match here's our celebrity judge,

the movie critic for the
"Valley Weekly", Gayoff Diapino.

Thanks, Clark.
There is so much pain in the world

it's a pleasure to see life free of
disappointment and corruption.

I wish...
I wish...

Nothing. It's too late. Here it goes!

What in the heck...?

It's brilliant! Who did this?
Come on up here!

I bet we'll win some hardware.

Yeah. Chainsaws!

Tell us, what's behind this

powerful, spontaneous gesture?

It's a tribute to the people
who died in the "Vietmom w*r".

- Dammit!
- I say we k*ll the bastards!

It's a desecration!
My brother went to 'nam!

- My uncle is a vet. Get him!
- Get him!

- Get him!
- Get him!

Is this a joke?

I think this is supposed to be funny.

- Hey check it out, it's Jeremy.
- Yeah.

He's still running.

How come Jeremy is always,
like, hanging out in the woods?

I don't know.

I think I saw this dude
in Burger World once.

"I'd like two tacos, pleeeeeeeeeease!"

"And a small order of frieeeeeeeeeees!"

"To goooooo!"

That was pretty good, Beavis.

You suck almost as much as this dude.

- Look at this guy.
- Yeah.

Did I mention that this sucks?

Yeah, but it's like, you know,

it can't hurt to say it again.

Tell us again about the
end of the world, Socko.

Well Beavis, it's gonna suck!

And then, like, the world blows up.

Yeah. It collides
with a big asteroid.

It is going to be cool.

Hey, my butt itches.
Scratch my butt, Socko!

Go to work.

It's an ass-teroid!

Is this Nelson?

I think this is Poison.


- Poison sucks.
- Yeah, yeah.

Wait a minute, these are chicks.

This isn't Poison.

I thought Poison was chicks.

No Beavis, Nelson is chicks.

Well, they all suck.

Hey baby, can I buy you a drink?

These chicks would not talk to us.

But it's like, I bet if we were
driving the bus and it's like,

they really had to pull over and go to
the bathroom then they'd talk to us.

They'd say "Pull over, buttmunch!".

I gotta take a dump.
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