11x18 - Episode 18

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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11x18 - Episode 18

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood.

A beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly
day in this beauty

wood, a neighborly
day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to
live in a neighborhood

with you so let's make the
most of this beautiful day.

Since we're together
we might as well say.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please.

Won't you please.

Please won;t you be my neighbor.

-Hi, neighbor.

Do you talk about important
things with the people

that you love?

That's great.

If you can.

By any chance, did
you notice what

I left outside on the porch?

I'll show them to you.

They look like two tall sticks.

See them?

Two tall sticks.

But down below is
something very important.

Right down here.

These are two places that
when you walk on these things

called stilts,
you put your feet.

Took me a long time to
learn to walk on stilts.

But I'm going to try to
show you how to do it.

While I was learning, people had
to hold me and help me a lot.

Matter of fact, there
would be a lot of times

that I would fall
just like that.

At first I wondered if
I'd ever be able to do it.

And I fell quite a bit.

I can remember at first I
held them out like this.

You cannot do stilts by holding
them out in front of you.

No, they have to go
behind your arms,

right at your back like that.

Think I'll walk right
over to my porch.

It's sort of like learning
to walk all over again.

When I learned to
walk on stilts.

Have you ever watched a baby
who was just learning to crawl?

Doesn't know how to walk yet
but is just starting to crawl.

Well you know, that baby
tries over and over again

and then it finally
learns to crawl.

Oh, it feels so good to be able
to do it that the baby crawls

and crawls all over the place.

When it really knows how
to do it very, very well

and it starts playing
with its crawl

like all different
kinds of crawling,

and that's how it grows
into other things.

By that playing.

You might not remember the days
that you crawled and crawled.

But those are very important
days in everyone's life.

It's really good to
think about growing.

And to sing about it too.

- [SINGING]You used to
creep and crawl real well.

But then you learned
to walk real well.

There was a time
you'd coo and cry

but then you learned to talk
and my you almost always try.

You almost always do your best.

I like the way
you're growing up.

It's fun.

That's all.

You're growing.

You're growing.

You're growing in and out.

You're growing.

You're growing.

You're growing all about.

Someday you'll be
a grown up too.

And have some
children grow up too.

Then you can love
them in and out

and tell them stories
all about the times

when you were their size.

The times when you found
great surprise in growing up.

And they will sing, it's fun.

That's all.

You're growing.

You're growing.

You're growing in and out.

You're growing.

You're growing.

You're growing all about.

-It's true.

And there are a lot of people
proud of you and the way

you're growing.

Oh, there's Mr. McFeely.


Hi, Mr. McFeely.

-Well I thought so.

It looked like stilts to me.

-You're right.

They are stilts.

-I was just making a
delivery on your block.

Thought I'd stop
by and say hello.

Do you know how to use them?

-Yes I do.

Want to see?


Takes a lot of practise, right?

-Sure does.

-Move my bike out of your way.

-Right over to Mr.
McFeely and his trike.

Want to try?

-Oh, no.

I get my exercise in other ways.

-I really admire
you, Mr. McFeely.

You seem to know
what you want to do

and what you don't want to do.

-Well that's right.

And swimming is
what I like to do.

You know, Betsy
and I swim a lot.

And I ride my bicycle
around the neighborhood.

I get exercise that way.

And Betsy gets exercise
in her work, too.

-When you swim, do you sometimes
use those masks, you know,

and look underneath the water?

-Under the water.

I sometimes use goggles.

We certainly enjoy swimming.

-Well, I like the
healthy McFeely.

-Aha, the healthy McFeelies
and their speedy deliveries.


-Speedy delivery.

-Well I better get this delivery
on to one of your neighbors,

so-- oh, be careful.

Enjoy the stilts but be careful.

-I will, Mr. McFeely.

-Good day to you.

-Thank you so much.

Good day to you.

The healthy McFeelies.

See, there's some people who
want to use stilts and want

to try them and some
people who don't.

Thought maybe I could walk
right back to the porch.

I don't think I can walk up
the stairs in the stilts.

I could try.


It's good to know when
you've done what you could.

So let's go have
some make believe.

Oh, Trolley.


Might even think about
some stilts there.

Yesterday we pretended
that King Friday

decided to change his rule.

So now everybody
is allowed to play

in the Neighborhood
of Make Believe.

But you know, Lady
Elaine Fairchilde

moved her Museum Go Round away.

And she isn't back yet.

So let's pretend that
people are trying

to get her to come back today.

Neighborhood of Make Believe.


-That's right,
Miss Paulifficate.

I want every one
of them taken down.

-Yes, sire.

-I am so glad you
changed the rule, daddy.

-Well, everyone helped
me to learn something.

-What's that, your majesty?

-That everyone needs to play.

-I guess it takes
some people a lot

longer than others
to learn that.

-Better late than never, son.

-That's for sure.

Now, what about
Aunt Lady Elaine?

-Has she not returned?

-I don't think so.

-Miss Paulifficate, I should
like to call Lady Fairchilde.

-Oh, I'll get the phone, sire.

-Yes, thank you very much.

You like Auntie Lady Elaine,
don't you Prince Tuesday?

-Oh, yes.

Sometimes she makes me
angry, but I still like her.

-Why do you think
that you like her?

-Because she's fun.

-I see.

-You wish to speak
with Lady Elaine, sire?

-Yes, I do.

You have her number out
on location, don't you?

-I do and I'm dialing it now.

Oh, here she is.

-Thank you.

This is just a recording
of Fairchilde's voice.

-What's it saying?

-It says that she's out
playing and will be back later.

-Hello, everybody.

-Hi, Bob Dog.

-Hi, Bob Dog.

-Hi, Bob Dog.

Now Bob Dog, please be
careful on those stilts.

-Oh, I'll be
careful King Friday.

I'm all better from my fall.

I'm sure glad you
changed the rule.

KING FRIDAY: I request
a favor of you, Bob Dog.

-What is it, my king?

-I would like you to go to
the Lady Elaine Fairchilde

and show her that
you are all better

and prove to her that I
have changed the rule.

-We want Auntie
Elaine to come back.

-Well, OK.

I'll try.

Do what I can.

-Good for you.


-Oh, boy.

Oh, boy.

Oh, boy.

What a great day to play.

-Oh, it certainly is.

I love it.


-I love to play in this place.

-You're going to roll so
fast one of these days,

you'll roll someplace else.

-Want to come along when I do?

-Oh, where will we go?

-Oh, I don't know.

Someplace nice.

-Like the Neighborhood
of Make Believe, maybe?

-Why did you say that?

-Because that's your home.

And I think you miss
it once in awhile.

-Well Friday and his dumb rule.

-Hey, look at me, everybody.

I'm all better.

I can even walk on stilts.

-Oh, I see.

Oh, that's great.

But you'd better not let
the King see you do that.

-Well he's already seen me.


-I thought you weren't allowed
to do that in Make Believe?

-King Friday changed the rule.


-Come on, Bob Dog.

You're kidding me.

-Its true, Lady Elaine.

It happened yesterday.

He really did change it.

-It'll take more than a pair
of stilts and a big soft dog

to make me believe that.

-OK, but it's true.

-What if it is true?

-It's too good to be true.

-It's so much better when
people are allowed to play.

-I know.

I just cried and
cried when I heard

we weren't allowed
to play anymore.

-Want to play something else?


Why don't we go
over to my place.

I have some balloons there.

-Oh, Lady Elaine used
to like balloons a lot.

-Oh, she probably still does.

-I wish she'd come back.

-She will.

When she's ready.

-OK, I'll see you at your place
as soon as I put my truck away.



Oh hi, Bob Dog.

-Hi, Daniel.

-Oh, you surely are tall today.


I just come back from
seeing Lady Elaine.

-Oh, we were just
thinking about her.

When is she coming home?

-Oh, she's not sure.

See, she doesn't believe that
King Friday changed the rule.

-When she comes
back, she'll see.

-If she comes back.

-It's really fun
here now, though.

Everybody's playing.

In fact, I'm going to
go over and see Anna

as soon I get things
cleared up here.

-I think I'll go over
and see her myself.


See you later Bob Dog.

-See you later, Daniel.


-Let's see here.


-Hi, Anna.


You surely are high, Bob Dog.

-Yeah, I'm just playing.

High as a balloon, huh?

-And not getting hurt.


I won't hurt the
balloon, either.

-You know how to play.


You know, I think I'll
go over to the castle

and tell them all
about Lady Elaine.


What about her?

-Well she might not
come back, you know.

-But everybody wants her to.

-Sure, but I think, I think
we should let her know that.

-Well I think so.

-Well I'll see you then.


Oh, Bob Dog?

Lady Elaine could
have my balloon.

-Well isn't that nice.

Next time I see her,
I'll tell her that.

-Oh, next time you go,
just take it to her.

And tell her there are more
here when she comes back.





-That's really nice.


-Oh hi, Daniel.

I gave my balloon
to Lady Elaine.

-Oh hi, Purple Panda.

I have a balloon.

Let's go over to the castle.


-Oh, that was sure beautiful.

That was very nice.

-You are being
careful, are you not?

-Very careful, King Friday.

-What is the news about
Lady Elaine Fairchilde?

-Well, she doesn't believe
that you changed the rule.

-She can't believe the truth?

-She thinks it's
too good to be true.


Handyman Negri?

-Yes, sire.

-Will you kindly go
to Fairchilde and tell

her that the good can be true.

-Yes sire, I will.

But what if she still
says she won't come back?

-Call us here on the telephone.

Miss Paulifficate will keep
one line open at all times.

Won't you, Miss P.?

-Of course, your majesty.

-Oh Handy, I'll go with you.

Because I have this balloon
for Lady Elaine It's from Anna.

-Oh how touching that is.

-Isn't that nice.

-And tell Auntie
Lady Elaine that I'm

ready to play any
game she wants to play

as soon as she comes home.


-Would you like to go
alone too, Purple Panda?

-I would like to go along.

Would you like to
go the purple way?


That would be the quickest.


-Yes well, farewell.


Have a safe journey.

-Are you ready.

Let's hold hands.





-To Lady Elaine, the purple way.

-Where is she?

Fairchilde, where are you?


-Oh there you are.

-Where are you, Fairchilde?



Peekaboo to you.

-Oh, my.

I used to play peekaboo
with Prince Tuesday.

-Oh, he loves to play with
his Auntie Lady Elaine.

-That's for sure.

And so does little Anna.

They're such sweethearts.

I wonder if they're OK

-Oh, they're probably
missing you, Fairchilde.



Lady Elaine!

-Why that sounds
like Handyman Negri.


We're down here.


To what do we owe this surprise?

-Your neighborhood friends want
you to come back, Lady Elaine.

-Well, I'm thinking about it.

Boy, look at you, Panda.

Oh, you're doing
that really well.

-King Friday likes it too.

-You mean, he lets you pretend
swim in the neighborhood?

-Yes he did.

-I can't believe it.

-The King said to tell you
it's true, Lady Elaine.

-It's too good to be true.

-He said to remind you
that the good can be true.

-I want to hear that
from his own lips.

-Well they're waiting by
the phone for your call.

-You mean they're waiting at
the castle to talk with me?

-Your neighbors love you.

-Oh, I'll race you to the phone.


Ready, set, go.

Come on.

-Beat you.

Hello, Friday.

I'm ready to talk turkey.

I did not call you a turkey.

I will not come back if
that's the way you feel.

When you talk turkey, that
means you're talking the truth.

Does anybody miss me?

Oh, go on.

He says Sarah wants
to talk to me.

Hello, Sarah.


Well, you know how it is.



You bet I would.

She's putting Tuesday on.

Oh, Tuesday?


Sure I would.



Oh, you're mighty persuasive.

You're sure everybody's
allowed to play?


See you.


-Anna Platypus sent
you this balloon.


Never could resist those kids.

Well, what's keeping us?

-Shall we go back
the purple way?

-We might as well.

Everybody hold on to the museum.

It's got to go too.





-Wait a minute.

-What's wrong?

-I've got to say
goodbye to Barbara.

-No you don't.

I'm coming with you.

Sounds like a great
place to spend a weekend.


-Hold on.

-The purple way to the
Neighbor of Make Believe.


-Well here we are everybody.

Let's play.



-Welcome home, Lady Elaine.

-And thank you, Anna,
for the balloon.

You're a dear.

-Oh, Lady Elaine.

It's X and Henrietta.

-Oh, X and Hen.

You're a sight
for homesick eyes.

-Really glad to see you all.

-Boy have we missed
you, Lady Elaine.


-Here they are.

-It gives me great
pleasure to welcome back

to our Neighborhood
of Make Believe

the Museum Go Round
and its curator,

Lady Elaine Fairchilde who
knows so well how to talk eagle.

-Talk turkey, Friday.

-Oh yes, turkey.

-Let's always talk
turkey and play.



So Lady Elaine is back
with her Museum Go Round

and everyone is happily
playing in the Neighborhood

of Make Believe.

Seems like a long time ago that
King Friday made that rule,

no play allowed.

They seem to be
having some fairly

loud play there right now.

But they'll have some
quiet play there too.

Most people don't like loud
play for very long at a time.


See, I played pretty
loudly for a while.

But then I just felt like
felt like having it quiet.

I remember when I
was a boy and there

were times when a
lot of people would

be laughing and
playing very loudly.

I'd often want to
call out, stop it.

It's too loud.

But I was afraid
to do that then.

I can do it now, though.

I guess that's one
thing about growing up.

You can know when you've
had enough of something

and you can do
something about it.

And when you say
stop to one thing,

you can start doing
something else.

Something else that
feels better to you.


I need to feed the fish.

There you are, fish.

There's so many
good ways to play.

In fact, one of the best
things about being a child

is that you can
try so many of them

and find which ways
you like to play best.

- [SINGING]Who can
crawl under a table.

Who can sit under a chair.

Who can fit their feet in little
shoes and sleep most anywhere.

Who can play very much longer.

Play much harder than
grown ups ever dare.

You're a child.

So you can do it.

You can do it anywhere.

Who can wake up every morning
and be ready right away.

Who can notice all the tiny
things that other people say.

Who can make the
things they play with.

Something different
for every single day.

You're a child.

And you can do it.

Children do it any way.

Roll in the grass.

Squish in the mud.

Lick an ice cream cone.

Sing to a bass.

Splash in a flood.

Buy a stepping stone all alone.

Who can put your hand
in my hand and be

ready to feel all
safe and strong.

You're a child.

So you can do it.

Children do it all life long.

See, we can pretend that
your hand is in my hand.

Knowing children has
helped me to understand

so many things in this life.

That's why I always
like to say you've

made this day a
special day for me.

Because children can make lots
of day special for grown ups.

-Someday when you're a grown up,
you'll know that that's true.

And you'll know what
a great feeling it is.

It's such a good feeling
to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling.

You're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy today.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling.

A feeling you know that I'll
be back when the week is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

What did I bring with me today?

I usually bring something.

Oh, the stilts.


-You've made this day a special
day by just your being you.

There's only one person in
the whole world like you.

And people can like
you exactly as you are.

I'll be back.

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