10x07 - Mister Rogers Talks About Superheroes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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10x07 - Mister Rogers Talks About Superheroes

Post by bunniefuu »


THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in the beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, might as
well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please, won't you
be my neighbor?

-Hi, neighbor.

A new week in our neighborhood.

And we're glad you're with us.

I have something
in here that I'd

like to show you in the kitchen.

Come along.


-Hi, fish.

So can you guess what's in here?

Lot's off blocks.

I want to show you
something with these blocks.

Look here.

See that?

I'll do four of them now.

Now I'll do eight.






Now I'll do all 10 of them.

Make it go in
different directions.

Did you ever do
this with blocks?





It didn't work.

You have to set them,
set them up just right.

OK, one.









Let's see if it works this time.


You know, even though these
blocks look very much the same,

each one is different.

Just like each person is
different, and special.

-[SINGING] You are my friend.

You are special.

You are my friend.

You're special to me.

You are the only one like
you, like you, my friend.

I like you in the daytime.

In the nightime.

Anytime that you feel
is the right time

for a friendship
with me, you see.

F-R-I-E-N-D. Special.

You are my friend.

You're special to me.

There's only one in
this wonderful world.

You are special.

You are.

You know, my friend
Bob Trill makes

these blocks in his workshop.

Why don't we go over
and see him now?

Just leave that like
that, until we come back.

See you later, fish.

-[SINGING] You are my friend.

You are special.





-Hey, Bob.

-Hi, Fred.

-I've just been using the
blocks that I got from you.

They are really great.

-Having fun with those?


-This is how they're made.

-Making a yellow one now?

-Yellow one there.

So what we do- let me
finish this before it dries.

And then get the-

-Yeah, I wanted my friends
to see how you made these.


--[INAUDIBLE] painting them is
about the last thing you do.

-The last thing you do.

If it's the last thing you
do, what's the first thing?

-You know you have fun with
them is the last thing you do.

-Oh, that's right.

First thing you
do is get a board.

Mark them off.

Then saw them down to size.


We have to do safety
glasses first.

Pair for you.

-Thank you.

-Safety first.


I like your new eyebrows.


-What do you mean?

-Oh, those are the straps.

-The straps are there, yeah.


Now we'll-


-You really have to
be careful, don't you?

-You sure do.




There's one
[INAUDIBLE] [? you ?].



All right.

Now let's bring them over here.

-How do you turn this off?


Kind of like this.

And we take our safety glasses.

And the next step
is to sand them.

Get a piece of sand paper.

Get the rough edges out.

-Can I do that?


In fact, here's a piece.

You can sand that piece.

Now sand it good.

Ones where it needs
a little more sanding

you can use one of these blocks.

Wrap a pieceof
sandpaper around it.

This becomes a sanding block.

-Sanding block.


-Oh, I like that idea.

-Then you can-
[INAUDIBLE] you make one?


Then, if it's a little uneven,
why you could straighten it up.

You have a wood
instrument there.

Doesn't that smell good?

-I like the smell of wood.

That's why I-

-One reason why I like to
work with wood is the smell.



-Then when it's sanded,
do you paint it?

-Then when it's
sanded, you paint it.

We'll save this.

This one is just about finished.
We'll put that one up over here.

And now we're
going to- this one.

We need another yellow one?


We'll just put another yellow.


That needs sanded a little more.


-I like the idea that you
make the different colors.

-Yeah, that makes it more
interesting, I think.

This is kind of a
yellow green here.

-Did you always like
to build with blocks

when you were a boy?

-Still do.

-Do you?


I like to invent things, too.


-What do you mean,
invent things?


-Like buildins and things?


You're kind of inventing
something right there,

aren't you?



I have an invention
right here for you.

I'll show you.

-What is this?

-Well, you know-

-Oh, I bet I know what that is.


You've done this, haven't you?


-Watch this one.

Do you have a super
something that you

can push these down with?

This- you can't do this
the way you did these.

You need a super something to
push the first one down here.

There are a lot of super
things right there.

You just make your choice.

-No, I guess I'd better
not use the paint.


-How about a super funnel?


Fun with the funnel,
we'll call it.

-Now what do you do?

-Just push that first one
down, and see what happens.

-They go down.


Now watch this.


-How did you do that?

-Ah, try it again.

Maybe you can do it this time.

We'll angle it a little more.

Make it easier for you.


You try that.


Use the super funnel, and
try to bring them back up.

Very good.

-Come on.

How did you do that?

-Well actually, it is a trick.

See this?

All of these lines
come out of here,

down into this cord, then
down into that paddle.


-Now, when they're pushed
down, you didn't see me,

but I put my foot on here, see.

And as I wave that
funnel, and we were having

fun with the funnel,
they all came back up.

Want to see how it works?

-I sure would.


-You mean you invented this?


Little complicated, isnt' it?

-[? Is ?] it ever.

Well, there's a string for
every one of those blocks,

isn't there?


And these little I-screws
are, goes through there.

-Boy, is that ever complicated.

-No more complicated than
the one you tried, isn't it?

-I'll say.

-Want to try it?

Wave the- wave the,
uh, super funnel.



MR. MCFEELY: Excuse me.


-Not sure you would
be here today.

I have a film to,
uh, show Bob Trill.

And you can watch if you want.

-Well, have you seen this thing?

-Well, yes I did.

I made a film.

In fact, that's what
the movie's all about.

Do you, would you-
-Oh, I'd-

Do you, would you-
-Oh, I'd-
-Oh, I'd-
-like to see it?

-Oh, I'd-
-like to see it?



-You just look right in there.



MR. ROGERS: Now that's familiar.

are the blocks.

MR. ROGERS: Are you
going to knock the- yeah.

MR. MCFEELY: Down they go.

MR. ROGERS: Then will
you bring them back up?

MR. MCFEELY: Yes, I will,
with trick photography.


of tricks there.

Well, how did you do that?

MR. MCFEELY: Well now,
that's upside down.

I held the camera upside down.

MR. ROGERS: I see.

MR. MCFEELY: Excuse me.

I've got a dry throat today.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, there you
make them come right back up.

right back up again.

MR. ROGERS: Well what are those?

MR. MCFEELY: That's a
picture of dinosaurs.

I'm currently working
on a film on dinosaurs.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, dinosaurs
are mighty huge creatures.

MR. ROGERS: They certainly are.

BOB TRILL: I didn't
know you were

I'm interested in dinosaurs.

-I always have been.


-But dinosaurs don't live
in this world anymore.

-No, not anymore.

Oh, I have those six purple
blocks that you ordered.

-Hey, thanks very much.

-Which reminds me,
Mr. McFeely, would you

mind delivering
this package for me?

-Oh, sure would.

Speedy delivery.

Oh, this is near your
house, Mr. Rogers.

I'll just walk along
with you, all-righty.

-Very good.

We'll go together.


Bye-bye, Bob.
-See you fellas later.

-Bye Bob.

Thank you.


-Want to come in for
some orange juice.

-Oh, thank you.

I'd like that.


-I have some in the
refrigerator there.


That will hit the spot.

I think I'll take a movie of
the fish while I'm waiting.

-Oh, fine.


-I think maybe I'll
try something here.

-Oh, a funnel.

-Yes, I'll use a funnel.

-And I'll take a movie of it.

-Oh, all right.

-Orange juice through
the funnel, into the cup.

There you are.

-Well, thank you.


-Orange juice.

One of my favorite drinks.

-Oh, yes.

I like tomato juice, and
I like papaya juice too.

-All kinds of fruit
juices are good.

And vegetable juices.

-Yeah, that's right.

Oh, have you heard from The
Incredible Hulk people yet?

-Not yet, but I'm pretty
sure will be able to go.

-Well, my camera and I
are ready when you are.

-All right.

-Let me see this
delivery for Bob Trills.

Says Newbury Park here.

That's just around the corner.

I think I'll take around there
and go out the back door.

-You're welcome to it.

Speedy delivery to you.

Good day.

-Good day, Mr. McFeely.


-Did you hear Mr. McFeely ask
me about The Incredible Hulk


Oh, I'm hoping to
go visit the place

where they make that program.

So that I can show that what you
see on television is pretend.

Mr. McFeely wants to
take movies of them too.

We'll know more
about that tomorrow.

Right now, let's make
up our own pretend.



Let's pretend that
Prince Tuesday and Lady

Aberlin are at
the castle garden.

Princec Tuesday could be
pretending about super things.

He could even have
a super funnel.

And he could be five
or six years old.


-I've lined all my
books up like dominoes.

And with my super funnel,
I'll knock them all down.

-Are those your school books?


But I can do that with
any kind of books.

Or cars.

Or people.

Or houses.

Because of my super funnel.

-Well I, I hope
you'll be careful.

-Everybody else
better be careful,

because I'm the
strongest in the world.

-I guess sometimes
you'd really like

to be the strongest in
the world, wouldn't you?

-With my super funnel,
I can do anything.

Oh, I've gotta take my
books and go to school.

-Well, here you go.

-And here I go.


-See, even the trumpets
play when I leave.


-Niece Aberlin, I presume.

-Correct as usual, uncle Friday.

I wondered why those
trumpets were playing.

-Oh, my royal
fanfare, of course.

-Well Prince Tuesday
thought they were for him.

-Uh, some days Prince Tuesday
thinks everything is for him.


-Queen Sara, I presume.

-Naturally, Friday.

-How are you, aunt Sara?

-Oh, I'm really
quite tired, dear.

LADY ABERLIN: Oh, why is that?

-Oh, Prince Tuesday wakens
up so often in the night,

and cries out for us that I
just don't get much sleep.

-Well, what's wrong with him?

QUEEN SARA: Oh, he's having
very bad dreams, dear.

-About monsters.


A great big dinosaur
with a big crown.

And whenever he
dreams of that, he

just screams out in his sleep.

LADY ABERLIN: Well, what
do you do about that?

-Well, I go and wake
him up, and help

him see that it's just a dream.

-Oh, he'll grow
out of that, dear.

I used to have similar
dreams and look at me now.

I can sleep through anything.

-I wonder if he can talk about
that sort of thing at school.

-Well, I hope they do.

It helps for children to
talk about such things.

-Especially with a
very sensitive teacher.

-Very true.

-Yes, very true.



DANIEL: 19, 19 [INAUDIBLE] 20.

-Oh, Daniel, that
was really nice.

DANIEL: Thank you.


Now, would anyone,
would anyone like

to share something special?

-I have a super funnel, and
whenever the monster comes,

I can destroy it.

-I see.

Are you having some dreams
about monsters, Prince Tuesday?

-Yes, s- sometimes.

But my super funnel will
take care of everything.

I could make this whole place
fall down if I wanted to.

-Oh, well what would
happen to all of us?

-I might save you
with my super funnel.

-Or I could fly in and save
you with my super skirt.

-Your- super skirt?

H- how does that work?

-Ah, I just put
on my super skirt,

and I can fly
anywhere I want to.

And I can save anybody
from all the scary things.

-Oh, well I hope
somebody would save me,

because I think that all of
this is pretty scary talk.

-Yes, it- it is scary for
some to hear about monsters

and super things,
that's for sure.

-I think it's time
for us to sing

the birds, and
bats, and bugs song.

Don't you, Miss Cow?

-Yes, I certainly do.

How about everybody singing?


ALL: [SINGING] Only birds
and bats and bugs can fly.

Only birds and bats
and bugs can fly.

Sometimes I wish I could fly.

But only birds and
bats and bugs can fly.

-Those lucky things.

HARRIET E. COW: I'll say.

ALL: [SINGING] Only birds
and bats and bugs can fly.

Only birds and bats and

-This has to be the best secret
of the year, Purple Panda.

-But I do not know whether
I want to do it or not.

-Of course, you want to do it.

For your old friend, who
discovered your old planet.

-But I never did anything
like this before.

-Always a first
time for everything.

Now be sure to get
a costume that fits.

And be sure to tell them to
put a crown on top of its head.

And a fancy necklace.

And make it all very big.

-But what if I get scared.

-I won't let you
sc- wait, a minute.

I hear somebody coming.

You'd better leave.

I don't want anybody
finding out about this.

Go on.



-Hi, Lady Elaine.


Oh, ho-ho-ho-ho.


How are you?


Was that Purple Panda
I just saw over here?

-Oh, it might have been.

I have so many
visitors at my museum,

I can't keep track of them all.

And now, what can I do for you?

LADY ABERLIN: Do you have
any exhibits of dinosaurs?

-Why do you ask?

-Well, I-I just wanted to
learn some more about them.

-You didn't hear what Purple
Panda and I were talking about,

did you?

-So Purple Panda was here.

-Oh, I-I guess you
could say that.

-Look, all I wanted was
to borrow some pictures,

or models, or books
about dinosaurs.

Could you help me or not?


If you're sure.

-About what?

-Never mind.


-La ta da ta da.




-But they real ones are much
bigger than these models.

-I know.

And, and they lived a
long, long time ago.

And nobody in our world
has ever seen one.


Not yet.

-What did you say?

-Oh, I was just
talking to myself.

-Well, I want to show
these to Prince Tuesday,

and try to help him realize
that there aren't any, anymore.

-That Prince Tuesday
and his super funnel.

-How did you hear about that?

-He told me.

And he said it was more
powerful than my Boomerang

Tomerang Sumerang.

And you know that's not true.

His super funnel is nothing
compared to my boomerang.

-Well, he is afraid of
dinosaurs and monsters.

And I want to help him.

-And I want to show how
powerful my boomerang is.

The most powerful of all.

-Oh, Lady Elaine, we all
know that you're powerful.

I guess you just have to
keep proving it to yourself,

don't you?

-I'll make the trolley come.



LADY ABERLIN: There it is.


That was even sooner
than I expected.

-You see?

-See you, toots.


-What will we pretend
that Lady Elaine

and Purple Panda
are going to do?

Sometimes it's fun to pretend
and play about super things.

But you know,
people can get hurt

if they play at it too long.

Or believe it too much.

I heard of a boy who put
on a Superman costume

and tried to fly out a window.

And he got badly hurt.

I remember when I was a boy,
I used to take a sweater

and put it around my,
my shoulders like that.

Hold the arms out like that and
pretended that I was flying.

Let's go out here.

I'll show you [INAUDIBLE].


-Had a couple steps
there at the porch,

and I would go like this.

But of course, I never took off.


Because only birds, and
bats, and bugs can fly.

people can't.

-[SINGING] Only birds and
bats and bugs can fly.

Want to sing that with me?

-[SINGING] Only birds, and
bats, and bugs can fly.

Sometimes, I wish
it I could fly.

But only birds, and
bats, and bugs can fly.


even when you go like that.

You just can't fly up in
the- do you hear a phone?

Oh, that is the phone.




Yes, it is.

Mr. Bixby.

Oh, good.

I'd like to talk with-

Hello, Bill.

How are you?

Y-yes, I wanted to come
over and show my television

friends how you
make that program.

Day after tomorrow.


All right.

We'll be there.

Yeah, Mr. McFeely'd
like to come along.

Thank you very much.


Oh, that's Bill Bixby.

He says we can come
the day after tomorrow.

So we'll be able to do that.

Listen, I have some pictures
here I wanted to show you.

This is Bill Bixby.

And he plays on that program
"The Incredible Hulk."

and so does Lou Ferrigno.

And Lou gets dressed up.

Puts a lot of makeup on,
and a wig and everything,

to look like the
Incredible Hulk.

and we'll be able to see how
they make that program the day

after tomorrow.

That'll be fun.

A little bit of- where's my bag?

Oh, it fell down the chair.

Put all these together.


-Put toys away when we're
finished playing with them.

Funnels, too.




I've got some food
for you, fish.

Yeah, we'll see you tomorrow.

-Just leave these right here.

-[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling.

You're growing inside.

And when you wake
up, ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snapping today.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

a feeling you know
that we're friends.

You always make each
day a special day.

You know how?

By just your being you.

There's only one
person like you.

And I like you just
the way you are.

Yeah, you don't have to fly
for somebody to like you.

People can like you just
the way you are right now.


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