Jack Frost (1979)

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Jack Frost (1979)

Post by bunniefuu »


"Groundhog of the Year,

Reader's Digest--


The Most Unforgettable
Groundhog I Ever Met."



The Groundhog
Behind the Legend."

TV Guide...

"Pardon-Me-Pete Featured

in International
Groundhog Day Telecast."

At any moment now,

Pardon-Me-Pete, the world's
most revered groundhog,

will make
his annual appearance.

And if he sees his shadow
and jumps back into his hole,

we're in for 6 more weeks of
Jack Frost's winter weather.

Wait a minute.
I think I--

Yes, there's something
definitely stirring down there.

Stand by, world,

here he comes!

♪ Me and my shadow ♪

♪ Strolling down
the avenue ♪

♪ Me and my shadow ♪

♪ Not a soul to tell
our troubles to ♪

♪ And when it's 12.00 ♪

♪ I climb the stair ♪

[Alarm ringing]

♪ Just me ♪

♪ And my shadow ♪

Well, look at that.

Pardon-Me-Pete is
looking around now.

Now he's climbing out.

Now he's yawning.

He adjusts his hat and
cracks his knuckles.

Wow, what a story.


Pardon me.

[Crowd murmuring]

But how could Pete
have cast a shadow?

It's impossible.

There's no sun today.

[Wind whistles]

♪ Chestnuts roasting
on an open fire ♪

♪ Jack Frost
nipping at your nose ♪

Heh heh heh.

They'll never catch on
up there.

That's a magic shadow.

It belongs
to Jack Frost, not me.

See, Jack and I
have this deal.

Every year I pop out,
see the shadow,

make believe I'm frightened,
and pop back in again.

Then he gets 6 more weeks
of winter fun

and I get
a bit more shut-eye.


Pardon me.

Well, of course,
you never saw him.

He's invisible.

Except for his shadow.

Nobody's ever seen
Jack Frost.

Unless you count
that one time

when he became human.

Even if you never saw him,

you have seen his work.

♪ You wake up one morning ♪

♪ And you know
that something's new ♪

♪ The windowpanes
are frosted ♪

♪ And the sky's
a blinding blue ♪

♪ There's not a bird
out singing ♪

♪ And the ground
is white with snow ♪

♪ You can see the words
come puffin' out ♪

♪ When you say
your first hello ♪

♪ You know
who's been there ♪

♪ And I think
it's really nice ♪

♪ To feel the morning
through the glass ♪

♪ Where the dew
has turned to ice ♪

♪ He's nipping
at your nose ♪

♪ You can feel him
in your toes ♪

♪ A shiver and a tear ♪

♪ Let's you know
Jack Frost is here ♪

♪ If you try
to turn around ♪

♪ Jack Frost ♪

♪ When you hear
his icy sound ♪

♪ Jack Frost ♪

♪ He's sure to disappear ♪

♪ But you know
Jack Frost is here ♪

♪ Listen ♪

♪ Listen ♪

♪ You can hear him
spreading winter as he goes ♪

♪ Jack Frost ♪

♪ Jack Frost ♪

♪ If you try
to turn around ♪

♪ Jack Frost ♪

♪ When you hear
his icy sound ♪

♪ Jack Frost ♪

♪ He's sure to disappear ♪

♪ But you know ♪

♪ Yes, you know ♪

♪ Then you know ♪

♪ Jack Frost is here ♪

Once upon a snowflake,

far, far away,

in a distant time and place,

there was a little town
called January Junction.

One late autumn day,

about a month
before Christmas,

the pumpkin peasants were
harvesting their crop.


Papa, the load is
too heavy for them.

Oh, if only I had
a team of horses

instead of a dog
and a duck.

Who can afford horses?

Who has money nowadays?

I have, Mama, see?

A copper kaputnik?

Papa, how?

I hid it from Kubla Kraus

so I have something to buy
Christmas presents.

You shouldn't
take the chance.

What good
is one kaputnik?

It takes 100 of them
to make a penny.


It's Kubla Kraus!

He's the King of
the Cossacks!

Hide, everybody!


On, Clangstomper!

I smell a kaputnik!

Peasants...give me
that kaputnik.


What kaputnik, O beautiful
King of the Cossacks?

This kaputnik.

Ha ha ha!

A kaputnik saved
is a kaputnik earned.

Ha ha ha!

On, Clangstomper!

Ohh, my last kaputnik!

We'll have nothing
for the holidays!

Oh, Papa, soon
you'll have money.

Ice money.

Not until
Jack Frost comes.

Listen, Papa,
he must be about.

Jack Frost is close.

I can almost hear him.


PETE: Now, the reason
the folks of January Junction

liked winter so much

was because of that ice money
Mama was talking about.

See, Kubla Kraus took all
their real money for taxes,

but when Jack Frost came...


first thing he did was to
make lots of pretty icicles.



PETE: And folks
took those icicles

and sliced them up
into ice coins.

And soon everybody was
rich with their, uh...

frozen assets, heh,
to coin a phrase.

Oops, pardon me
for the pun.

And nobody
was broke anymore.

Nice system.

Of course,
when the warm weather came,

everything melted

and they had to start
charging things again.

And nobody had more fun
than Jack Frost.

Being invisible,

he could move down
close to all the humans

and really be part
of their cheer and joy.

That's how
he first met Elisa.


Daughter, why are you
headed toward the gate?

I'm going out into
the countryside.

It's so beautiful
with snow,

like a Christmas

Christmas is
a month away.

There must be
another reason.

Maybe I want to see
Jack Frost's work

before anyone
spoils it.

You are so romantic,

Find yourself
a good, solid husband

and settle down.

I will...
when my knight

in golden armour
comes along.

Knights? Knights?

Aren't you in love
with anybody yet?

Only Jack Frost.

[Elisa laughs]

PETE: I guess that's how
it all started.

From that moment on,

Jack Frost began to think
about being human.

See, he thought Elisa
really loved him.

Jack was so lost
in his daydreams

that he didn't hear.

Good short cut,

The water is hard.

Ha ha ha!

On, Clangstomper!

On! Ha ha ha!

PETE: But the weight
of the iron horse

and the heat of its boiler
caused the ice to break up!

Oh, no!







Ha ha ha!
Oh, that was fun!

Jack Frost, not only
are you a magician,

you're a hero!
Ha ha ha!

PETE: Well, when he heard
himself called a hero,

Jack Frost made up his mind.

He knew
he just had to be human.

And that made him happy
and sad at the same time.

And so
he headed straight up

toward his home
in the sky.

♪ The happiness
of being me ♪

♪ Is not what
it's cracked up to be ♪

♪ It's lonely being one ♪

♪ Of a kind ♪

♪ With all the notoriety ♪

♪ The fame
that Nature gave to me ♪

♪ It's lonely being one ♪

♪ Of a kind ♪

What's home to Jack Frost?

Pardon me, but I think

I'd better
explain a few things.

Well, you all know
this is a weather map.

Instead of low-pressure areas
and cold fronts

and moisture-laden winds,

try to think of a snowstorm

as a great Kingdom
of the Winter Clouds.

And the ruler
of all this wonder

is Father Winter himself.

[Wind whistling]

Of course,
he has lots of assistants,

not just Jack Frost.

Snip the Snowflake Maker,
for instance.

Every single snowflake
that ever falls anywhere

is designed by Snip,

and no two are alike.


MAN: Is this Snip?

Of course this is Snip.

Who else would be answering
Snip's phone?

I need 10 million
for Minneapolis.

for Minneapolis?


But I gotta finish
that Moscow order.

Not to mention
Alaska, Mount Fuji,

and January Junction.


So, when do you need them?

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

All right, you'll have 'em.
You'll have 'em.


"A little flurry"
he calls it.

PETE: Then there's
the snow gypsies.

Oh, there's
thousands of them.


each flake has to be
carefully flipped

so it lands exactly where
Father Winter wants it,

and it's all up to the little
flake-flippin' snow gypsies.

Every so often,

Snip would make
an extra-special snowflake.

Just perfect for
the Christmas snow!


PETE: White Christmas snow
got special treatment,

and Holly,
the holiday snowflake gypsy,

saw that each flake
was kept safe and cold

until December 24th.

Then there's
the Sleet Sisters,

and the Hail Fellow,

who packs
all the hail stones

to be shipped off
to the summer.

Hail, Hail Fellow!

Salutations, Sleet Sisters!

Greetings, snow gypsies!

Jack Frost,
what are you doing back?

It's not even Christmas.

Don't worry, Snip.

I've got everything
frosted down there.

Holly's snowflakes
won't melt.

But you shouldn't be
up here now.

Father Winter
will be very angry.

I can't help that.

I want to ask him
a favour.

You're going to bother
Father Winter with favours?

R-Right in the middle
of the busy season?

Snip, I want
to be...human.

Human?! Why, Jack?

I--I have my reasons.

You mustn't let
Father Winter find out.

I have already found out!

[Wind howling]

Well, you can bet
your galoshes

that when Father Winter
heard about

Jack Frost
wanting to be human,

he was angry.

In fact, he was
as mad as a blizzard.


If I am
insubordinate, sir,

it was you
who made me so.

Me?! How?

I'm the only one you sent
down among the humans.

"Bring joy to
their Januarys,

make their
Christmases whiter!"

you ordered,

but when I try
to share their joy,

they can't hear
or see me,

Why can't I
be part of them?

Because you'd be a stranger
to their ways.

Nobody down there really
wants to know Jack Frost.

One person does.

she calls me.


Father Winter...

grant my dream
come true.


Give me time to consider
your request.

A century or two.

That will be too late.

♪ I'd like ♪

♪ To be ♪

♪ Like everyone I see ♪

♪ Not special ♪

♪ Just an ordinary guy ♪

♪ Who falls in love ♪

♪ And leads
the simple life ♪

♪ At least ♪

♪ I'd like to have ♪

♪ The chance to try ♪

♪ The happiness
of being me ♪

♪ Is not what it's
cracked up to be ♪

♪ It's lonely
being one ♪

♪ Of a kind ♪

♪ It's lonely
being one ♪

♪ Of a kind ♪

If you feel
so lonely, Jack,

I will have to grant
your wish.

You may become

I will give you
a winter of humanity,

and if by the first
sign of spring

you have accumulated
the basic human essentials--

a house to shelter you,
a horse to bear you,

a bag of gold
to sustain you,

and a wife to make it
all worth the while,

then you will be
truly human

and may stay so
with my blessing forever.

Ohh, that's
some proposition.

No trouble at all, Snip.
Well, I'm off.

Wait, Jack.
Take these, please.

Your scissors?
But you need them.

If I need, I got
a whole drawerful.

Heh. Something to
remember me by.

Thank you, Snip.

And don't worry.
I'll never forget you.

Farewell, old friend!

PETE: And Jack Frost
was on his way.

As he fell back down,

he could suddenly feel human
things for the first time.

Ha ha!
A heartbeat!

Oh, an itchy nose!

Ha! It's wonderful!


Who said that?

I have words now!

I think I almost
spoke one!

I have bones now.

I think I almost
broke one.

Oh! Ooh!

Ha! You're very
clumsy on ice.

Clumsy on ice?

Do you know who I am?

Well, you're certainly
not my golden knight.


You're right.
I am clumsy.

Even though you're
not a knight,

you are very nice.

What's your name?

Jack Fro--Oops!

Jack Oops?

Uh, no. Jack Snip.

I'm Jack Snip
the tailor. See?

A tailor! We need
a tailor in town.

Well, I need a town
to tailor in. Heh.

Well, why don't you stay
in January Junction?

Why don't I stay
in January Junction?

This way!
I'll race you.

He's falling
all over himself.

Jack Frost
slipping on ice?

What's the world
coming to? Phew!

Humans are never as
graceful as sprites.

Mark my words, Holly.
He's gonna be in big trouble.

We must not allow harm
to come to Jack Frost.

Snip, Holly...
therefore, you will both

become human
until the spring.

PETE: Now, back in town,

Elisa's folks
invited Jack Frost--

pardon me--
Jack Snip to dinner.

Eat hearty and
curse Kubla Kraus!


On Christmas, sometimes
we share a boloney sandwich.

Without the boloney,
of course.

Papa, Mr Snip has
no place to sleep.

May he stay the night
in the attic?

Why not?

I'll find a house
in the morning.

It's very important
I find a house.

Oh, but there are
no empty houses

in January Junction,
Mr Snip.

Then I'll build one.

With what?

Kubla Kraus owns
all the timber

and the brick.

But I've got to get a house,
a horse, a bag of gold--

Kubla Kraus owns
the only horse

and all the gold--

the Cossack King.

But even the Cossacks
couldn't stand him,

so they all left.

Now he lives alone
in his castle

high on
Miserable Mountain.

[Music starts]

♪ I'm Kubla Kraus ♪

♪ I'm King
of all the Cossacks ♪

♪ But there are no Cossacks
to be king of ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ I'm Kubla Kraus ♪

♪ I could have been
a pharaoh ♪

♪ But there are no pyramids
around here ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the ru-u-u-b ♪

♪ Rubba-dubba-dub-dub rub ♪

♪ I rule with an iron hand ♪

♪ I get ♪

♪ Whatever I demand ♪

♪ I own the people
and the land ♪

♪ So why is it
I'm not happy? ♪

♪ I don't understand ♪

♪ I'm Kubla Kraus ♪

♪ I could have been
a rajah ♪

♪ But there are
no elephants around here ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ I'm Kubla Kraus ♪

♪ I could have been
a shogun ♪

♪ But there are no samurai
around here ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the ru-u-u-b ♪

♪ Rubba-dubba-dub-dub-rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the rub ♪

♪ There's the ru-u-u-b ♪

♪ Rubba-dubba-dub-dub-rub ♪

PETE: Jack Frost found out
that no humans or animals

would live with Kubla Kraus,

so the mean and evil
Cossack King

had to make artificial ones
out of iron.

[Steam hissing]

There was Clangstomper...

who ran by steam,

and Fetchkvetch
the butler...

who ran by clockwork.

[Springs boinging]


And there was his army
of knights in grimy armour.

Knute, Knick,
Knorman, Knathan,

and all the rest of them--

each lifeless
with a motor for a heart,

but very mean and knasty.


Why, even the mice
were artificial.

And then there was Dommy.

Hello, Dommy.

Hello, Kubla.

Gee, it's swell
being here with you.

Dommy, Dommy,
on my knee,

who is handsome
as can be?

You are, Kubla!

Ha ha!
And Dommy...

who is brave and
strong and nice?

You are, Kubla!

Nice Dommy.


Ohh, it is so good
to be loved.

Kubla Kraus has got
to be overthrown!

[Knock on door]

Oh. Hello.

Hello, nice lady.

You have a warm room, maybe,
for 2 lost strangers?

I don't believe it!

These are my friends.
This is Holly.

How do, please?

What is she,
an almost?

She is too small to be
one of Santa's elves.

Oh, Holly is a gypsy.

A gypsy princess who angered
the magic gypsy baron

and he made her tiny.

Oh, boy.

And this is Sni--

Uh, no, no.

Another Oops?

Uh, Fernando Leonardi
Kratzke Dopopolopolis.

That's me!


It's all
I could think of.

Well, whoever,
come on in.

Sit comfortable
and eat hearty.

Mama! Shell next week's
pea and make soup.

You won't regret this, sir.

With my friends at my side,

I know Kubla Kraus' days
are numbered.

First thing tomorrow,

we pay a little visit
to the Cossack King.


[Wind howling]

Well, Jack Frost
kept his word.

The next morning
he set out with his friends

to climb Miserable Mountain.

PETE: But that mountain
was like a pyramid of ice.

KRAUS: Ha ha ha!

He's slipping again.
Fun, huh, Dommy?

It's great fun, Kubla.

Hey...who is that girl?

Ooh, she is beautiful.

I will woo her and
win her for my wife.

♪ She is beautiful ♪

♪ And therefore
I will woo her ♪

♪ How can you
woo her? ♪

♪ She doesn't
like you ♪

♪ She is a woman
and therefore ♪

♪ I will win her ♪

♪ How can you
win her? ♪

♪ She doesn't
like you ♪

♪ I will win her ♪

♪ And woo her ♪

♪ I will ♪

♪ You won't ♪

♪ I can ♪

♪ You can't ♪

♪ We'll see ♪
♪ We'll see ♪


PETE: Well, they just
had to give up.

He set up his tailor shop
in the house of Elisa's papa.

Snip and Holly
were his assistants.

And on the day
before Christmas...

Merry Christmas!

Sir Ravenal!

I'm looking for
Jack Snip the tailor.

A customer?

Sir Ravenal Rightfellow!

He's come back!

Oh, the knight
in golden armour.

The who in which?

He left town as a child
and joined King Arthur.

After all these years,

I'm home for the holidays
and I need a tailor.

Well, Sir Ravenal,
I can't mend armour.

It's my cape
that needs mending.

I'm certain Mr Snip will
consider it an honour.

I'll call for you--

I mean,
my cape tomorrow.

And Merry Christmas
to you all!

PETE: And the next day
was a merry Christmas...

for poor as they were,

the folks
of January Junction

always gave
wonderful presents.

"Dream presents,"
they called them.

One person gave it
to another...

and the person who got it
dreamed or made believe

it was...it was just
what they always wanted!

♪ You shouldn't have,
you didn't ♪

♪ Oh, my! Oh, my! ♪

♪ I really
don't deserve it ♪

♪ I think I'll cry ♪

♪ It's just what
I always wanted ♪

♪ It's perfectly right ♪

♪ It's just what
I always wanted ♪

♪ A Christmas delight ♪

ALL: ♪ It's just what
he always wanted ♪

♪ It's perfectly right ♪

♪ It's just what
he always wanted ♪

♪ A Christmas delight ♪

♪ I hoped
you wouldn't bother ♪

♪ Oh, my! Oh, my! ♪

♪ I'll use it
every morning ♪

♪ I think I'll cry ♪

♪ It's just what
I always wanted ♪

♪ It's perfectly right ♪

♪ It's just what
I always wanted ♪

♪ A Christmas delight ♪

ALL: ♪ It's just what
she always wanted ♪

♪ It's perfectly right ♪

♪ It's just what
she always wanted ♪

♪ A Christmas delight ♪

♪ It's absolutely charming ♪

♪ Oh, my! Oh, my! ♪

♪ The colour
really suits me ♪

♪ I think I'll cry ♪

♪ It's just what
I always wanted ♪

♪ It's perfectly right ♪

♪ It's just what
I always wanted ♪

♪ A Christmas delight ♪

ALL: ♪ It's just what
she always wanted ♪

♪ It's perfectly right ♪

♪ It's just what
she always wanted ♪

♪ A Christmas delight ♪

♪ It's simply
too expensive ♪

♪ Oh, my! Oh, my! ♪

♪ I'll treasure it forever ♪

♪ I think I'll cry ♪

♪ It's just what
I always wanted ♪

♪ It's perfectly right ♪

♪ It's just what
I always wanted ♪

♪ A Christmas delight ♪

ALL: ♪ It's just what
he always wanted ♪

♪ It's perfectly right ♪

♪ It's just what
he always wanted ♪

♪ A Christmas delight ♪

A magic wand.

No, it's
a real present.


[Gasps] A rose!

A beautiful red rose!

Would you accompany me to
the Christmas dance tonight?

Oh! I'd--I'd love to.

I'll call for you
at 8.00, fair lady.


Why, hello,
little fellow.

And how is
the New Year's bride?

Ha ha! I'm not
a New Year's bride.

That's what you think.

He is the handsomest husband
a girl could wish for.

His eyes are like pools,

his lips like rosebuds...

but why don't you speak
for yourself, Kubla?

Good idea, Dommy.

My eyes are like pools,

my lips are
like rosebuds...

PETE: Now,
Elisa was pretty lucky.

The family duck just happened
to be paying a Christmas visit

to some wild relatives
in the forest.


Captured by Kubla Kraus?!

We've got to save her!
Come on, everybody!

PETE: And when
Sir Ravenal found out

what the trouble was...

Faster! Faster!



I think I can make it.


Aw, Snip, I can't do
anything right as a human.

Maybe on the other side,
the slope doesn't slip.

We can try!

Knute, Knick, Knat,

you're fired!

DOMMY: What a bunch
of knothings!

Mama! Mama!

Oh, there, there,


Oh, Sir Ravenal
is wounded!

Those terrible knights!

Quick. We've got
to get him home.

PETE: And meanwhile...

Jack Frost and Snip had gotten
themselves captured.

Ohh, I will make
the whole town pay.

What will you do,

I will send

to destroy the town
and everything in it!

SNIP: 998...

He's right. 1,000.

A good snowstorm would
stop them in their tracks.

I mean, a real once-in-
a-lifetime blizzard!

How, Jack? How?

I tried to snip a snowflake
the other day

just for old times' sake.

It turned out to be
a doily for the table.

I'll whistle up
a winter.


[Knights clanking]

See? Nothing.

You might as well
be making bird calls.

Then there's
only one way.

Father Winter!

Jack, you don't mean--


PETE: Jack Frost had
given up his humanity

to save the humans he had
come to love so much.

And to stop Kubla Kraus,

he was gonna whistle up
the worst winter

the world had ever known!

Now, the minute Jack Frost
stopped being human

he became
his old self again.

Pardon me.

Uh, Pardon me.

I mean,
his old shadow again.

And there was no more need
for Snip to be human.

He and Holly had work to do

up in the Kingdom
of the Winter Clouds.

And now Jack Frost could
really whistle up a winter.

The Christmas blizzard
of all time!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

PETE: Well, sir...

Jack Frost kept whistling

and the snow kept falling
for 5 whole weeks.

By the first of February,

the entire mountain
was buried.

Jack aimed that storm
pretty well

because only Kubla's castle
was buried.

Why, in January Junction,

they were talking about
an early spring!

I'll be well again
by springtime,

thanks to you.

We'll be wed when
the first blossom shows.


It will be wonderful.

Only I wish...

What is it, Elisa?

Still Jack Snip?

I want him to be there.

I don't know why.

I only knew him
for those few weeks,

yet it seemed I knew him
all my life.

He was such a sweet,
good little friend.

What happened to him?

[Jack whistling]

PETE: Suddenly,
the snow stopped falling.

Jack Frost
whistled for more winter,

but nothing came.

But, sir,
spring can't come early.

I've got to keep
that castle snowbound.

Oh, please, sir,
don't take winter away.

Not yet.

It's not up to me,
Jack Frost.

I take my orders
from Nature.

When she gives me
a certain sign,

I know it's my time
to leave.

What sign, sir?

The awakening of a tiny animal
from his hibernation,

his long winter's nap.

I refer to
a little groundhog.

At this very moment,
he is starting to awaken.

Very soon,
he will leave his home.

If he stays outside

and is not frightened
by his shadow,

that will be my sign
to move on.

But if his shadow
frightens him?

of winter.

PETE: Well, Jack Frost
looked up and realized

that the clouds
hid the sun.

There could never be
a shadow that day.

At least not a real shadow.

Of course, that didn't
eliminate magic shadows.

♪ Hey, I've got a day
named after me ♪

♪ February 2 ♪

♪ That's the day
that I decide ♪

♪ What the weather's
gonna do ♪

♪ When I climb out
of my burrow ♪

♪ From my cosy little nest ♪

♪ If I see my shadow
following ♪

♪ There'll be 6 more weeks
of winter's best ♪

♪ I've got a day
named after me ♪

♪ February 2 ♪

♪ Say, that's the day
that I decide ♪

♪ What the weather's
gonna do ♪

♪ It's an easy occupation ♪

♪ I'm only workin' ♪

♪ Once a year ♪

♪ I'm a living
weather station ♪

♪ Telling everyone
if spring is near ♪

♪ I've got a day
named after me ♪

♪ February 2 ♪

♪ That's the day
that I decide ♪

♪ What the weather's
gonna do ♪

♪ What the weather's
gonna do ♪

♪ I've got a day
named after me ♪

♪ Feb-ru-ar-y ♪

♪ 2! ♪


Just my shadow.

What pinched me with
those cold fingers?


Gee whiz.

Bwah hah hah!

Pardon me!

Ha ha ha!

He returned
to his hole?

Well, then I suppose
spring isn't coming.

More winter, everyone!

More winter!

[Winds howling]

Well, Jack Frost left

and I went back to bed
for 6 weeks.

I liked the extra snooze
so much,

I've been lettin' him scare me
to this very day.

Ha ha ha!

Pardon me.

Oh, the rest of the story.

Well, by and by,
Nature caught on,

and 6 weeks later

she started giving
Father Winter some other signs.

There can be no argument.

Winter will end
by noon today.

But I can't just let

January Junction
be destroyed!

Let me be human again.

You promised me humanity
until spring comes.

Very well, Jack Frost.

You have until 12 noon,

and if you wish
to remain human...

you have one hour to get
your house, horse,

bag of gold, and wife.

But first
I've got to stop Kubla.


Gee, the snow's
half-melted already!

look, we're melting!

Soon I will
destroy the town

and get my bride.

Oh ho ho! What happiness!

What joy! What glee!

Ha ha ha!

Ho ho ho!


PETE: The melting snow
collapsed the rotting roof

and Kubla was knocked

Ha ha ha!

Now I know what to do.

Right, Dommy?

Anything you say,
Jack Frost.

PETE: He could imitate
Kubla's Dommy voice perfectly,

and what's more,
Jack Frost didn't move his lips.

All you knights
down there,


Now, those knights thought
Kubla was doing the talking

for Dommy, so they obeyed.

No time to use
the secret passage.

Down the mountainside!
Forward! March!

On the double!

PETE: Of course that mountain
was still slippery as ever,

and once they hit
those ice slopes,

down they went!

They landed on
the others down below,

and soon the valley
was filled to the top

with a junk heap
of 10,000 knights!

Blast you!


Who you like best,
me or Frost?

Oh, you, Kubla.

He's got
cold fingers.

Let's get him.

I--I guess this counts
as a house.



[Steam hissing]

I guess I have
a horse, too.

Look, gold!

Enough for
a hundred bags!

PETE: To stay human, Jack Frost
needed one more thing.

And he only had till noon

to make Elisa his wife.


PETE: Yes, sir, that town's
troubles were over for good.

Jack Frost was sure

everything would be
happy ever after, until...

You want my daughter's
hand in marriage?

I only have
one daughter and--

Well, look for yourself.

PAPA: And would you believe
a knight for a son-in-law?

The ceremony is at 12 noon,

at the first stroke
of spring.

You're invited, kid.

I thought she loved me.

I never heard her say she loved
anyone before Sir Ravenal.

Except Jack Frost.

He is just a dream,

but she'll always
love Jack Frost.

But, no, I never heard her say
she loved you, Jack Snip.


The big moment!

Spring is here!

Hey, where did that
little tailor go?

[Wedding March playing]

What was that?

An old friend
kissed the bride.

Run! It wouldn't be
winter without you!

♪ If you try to turn around ♪

♪ When you hear his icy sound ♪

♪ He's sure to disappear ♪

♪ But you know,
yes, you know ♪

♪ Then you know
Jack Frost is here ♪

And that's
the story of Jack Frost.


Well, I gotta catch


Pardon me.

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