A Dream of Christmas (2016)

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A Dream of Christmas (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »







[water running]

The three C's of
Belford Advertising.



Is it confidence?


No, it's--


In five years, I would
love to see myself

as Senior Vice President
of Marketing.


That's my dream.

Hey, no running.

Good morning.

[toy duck squeaks]

Good morning.

Good morning.


Auntie Penny, would you
please hold your niece

for just a moment?


Thank you.

Well, okay, umm.

Thank you.




Could you?

I just, don't wanna
mess up my suit..


You got in
late last night.

I was exhausted but
I got some great sh*ts.

sheep, bobcats.

So, you-you got
what you needed?

Yeah, yeah, I don't
have to go anywhere

till after
the new year.


Hey, Taylor!

Good morning,

Hey, doesn't auntie
Penny look nice today?


Thank you, Taylor.

That's cause
auntie Penny

has a very important job
interview for her work.

For her promotion.

I don't think she knows
what promotion means, hun.

Have a cookie.

Oh, Bryan and I are gonna
pick up the tree today, hun.

I know it's our thing, but
Chad and Taylor were asking

and I've been travelling and you
have your job interview today.

Or we can
go later, Penny.

No, no it's two
weeks till Christmas.

We should
get a tree, right?

You sure?

Yes, I'm sure,
I'm sure.

Oh, I forgot
to tell you,

my parents are coming
over tonight.


I know, I'm
sorry hun,

they called when
I was boarding the airplane.


This stupid
coffee maker always sticks!

Hey, breathe.

I don't have
time to breathe!

Hey, you're gonna
get the promotion.

You're the most
talented person I know

and I am not just saying that
because I'm your kid sister.

disposal rumbling]

Fourth time's a charm,
Is that what they say?

Something like that.


Stuart, could you
please do that later.


Hey, woah,
woah, mister, mister.

Bryan could you
please get that from him.

would you mind?



Hi, here you
want some?

You don't want any?



Oh, thanks.

Good luck.

I gotta go,
I'm late.


Five minutes late,
it's only five.

Five is better than ten,
stay positive, Penny.

Excuse me,
sorry, excuse me.

Sorry, sorry.

Good morning.

[breathing heavily]

Sorry, I'm late.

I was in
the wrong room.

[nervous chuckle]

Have you ever
considered a plastic tree?



Why not?

It's clean, packs
up in a little box.

The kids are happy
and there's no mess.

How many things can
you say that about?

It's gotta
be real for me.

And it has to
be a Douglas Fir.


This is the one.

[phone rings]

You gonna answer
that phone or what?

Yeah, it's Jack from that
Anchorage Wildlife Center.

I don't care
if it's Jack Frost

either answer the phone
or pick up the tree.

Hey Jack.

They did not even
crack a smile.

I am not getting
this promotion.

Oh, Pen,
you don't know that.

First of all,
I was late.

I'm so sorry about Baby Sarah
and the carrots this morning.

It's fine.

It won't be much longer,
the house is almost ready.

I like having
you guys there.

Stu's been travelling
so much lately

to finish his
wildlife book

and I feel like I'm
alone half the year.

It's really nice
having family around.

Looks like Santa's
really busy today.



Lots of
Christmas wishes.

Look, I know how important
his book is, it's his dream.

Yeah and
you're his biggest fan.

Absolutely, it's why I
took the job at the agencies

so I could help support us,
so he could go do it.

But I am

Three years
into this job

and not once has the security
guard even said hello to me.

I mean, just
look at that.


There's just no charm.

No hook.


See, if I had
that account I bet you,

I could sell a million
artificial trees

for Gillingham's.

I'll bet you could.

Another trip?

I mean, you just
got back last night.

Yeah, I know, but--

Can you afford it?


But if I get these
reindeer sh*ts in Alaska,

my book is finally done and I
can start getting it out there.

This could
be huge for us.


These trips were
so much easier when Penny

and I took
them together.

And more fun.

And she was brilliant
at marketing your stuff.

Yeah, she
was great.

Then we decided she would
take this advertising job.

So you could
finish your book.

Yeah, and I
have to finish it.

Look, somebody had to
be the breadwinner.

We made
a great team.

How am I
gonna tell her?

How is up to you but I would
do it as soon as possible.

Like, now.

Nic, have you ever thought how
different your life would be

if you made
other choices?

We all have those thoughts
every once in a while, right?

I suppose but I can't imagine my
life without Bryan and the kids.

But you know
what I mean,

the paths we take
and what might have been.

[phone ringing]

Oh, it's Stu.

Hey Stu.

Everything okay?

Well, no, it's just
something came up.

Uhh Jack, from the Wildlife
Center up in Alaska just called.

The uhh, the reindeer
started their migration.

You promised me.

I know, I know, but--

But I have to get up there
if there's any chance

of photographing
them for my book.

Just, when do
you have to leave?



I know, I know,
I know but

It's now or never.

Look, I should be
back before Christmas.

Should be?

Well, I mean--

I just, you know what,
I have to go I'm at the mall

with Nicki and her kids and
I'll just see you at the house.



Another trip?

Can you
even believe that?

I mean, he just
got back yesterday.

Well, can't you just
ask him not to go?

It's a lose-lose.

If he doesn't go then I feel
terrible for holding him back

and him not finishing his book,
and then if he does go

then I don't get my
husband until Christmas

and he may
even miss it.

It just makes
me crazy sometimes

I just wish I'd never
gotten married.

[lights buzzing]

That's weird.


Must be a storm
out there.

I was hoping for some snow but
be careful what you wish for.

She's not even
ticklish, look at her!

Tickle her!


Sure is a beauty
this year, son.

Thanks, dad.

The tree is where
Christmas begins.

You have
the angel, Chad?

Oh yeah, wow!

Now Uncle Stuart?


It's umm, it's a
tradition in this house

that Auntie Penny puts
the angel on the tree.



Well, Chad.

Did I ever tell you
that your Auntie Penny

and I met each other at the
Olde Christmas Tree lot?


We were both buying trees,

Douglas Fir's, and I looked
over and there she was.

And we've been buying Douglas
Firs together every year since.

Well, except-except
this Christmas.

This Christmas
is different.

This Christmas was bit of
a challenge for traditions.

Here you go,
Auntie Penny.

Thank you, Chad.

are we, ready?

One, two, three!

[lights buzzing]

[ornaments jingle]

Careful, Penny!


Penny! Penny!






Bryan, where are
you guys?

What is going on?

Who are these people?



[line ringing]

[speaking Spanish]


[speaking Spanish]

Um, yes, can I-can I
please talk to Stuart?

[speaking Spanish]

Hello, hello?

[phone ringing
and vibrating]



Ummm, Ms. Atwell?


Are you
on your way?

I can't stall for
much longer.


Everyone's waiting.

Waiting for what?

Who is every--

Your presentation.

Ms. Atwell, we really
don't have time for this.

I have a presentation?

Please just
come to work.

Cold, cold.

It's cold.



[car beeps]


In my spot?


Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Good morning,
Miss Atwell.

Good morning.

There's someone
parked in my spot,

so I left my car in the
loading dock.

I'll have it taken care
of right away, Miss Atwell.

Thank you.

it's a-a Jaguar.

Of course,
Miss Atwell.

My cubicle is a mess.

I'm-I'm sorry.

I'll clean it right away.

Do I know you?

I'm Arden Maxwell.


There you are!

Should we go?

We should go.

So umm, what's this

Very funny.

Is that
what your wearing?

I always wear
this for work.

Ms. Atwell?

Coming into
your office?

My office.

I think I just umm, I just
need to sit down for a second.

Your notes.

Dark roast
in a white mug.

Any questions?

What day is it?

December thirteenth.

And, you are?

My name is Paula.


And you know me?

Yes, I know you.

I'm your
personal assistant.

Who am I?

You're Penny Atwell.

Senior Vice
President of Marketing.


Are you
feeling okay?

You look as white as a
sheet and not in a good way.


[line ringing]

[speaking Spanish]

I've gotta go now.

But the presentation.

Family emergency.

You know what I'm
talking about?

Excuse me,
excuse me.

Excuse me,
excuse me.

I've been
here almost a year

and this morning she acts like
she doesn't even know me.

Doesn't surprise me.

Well they don't call her
the Barracuda for nothing.

[bell dings]

It's a little bit tight so maybe
you wanna go up to a,

maybe a half size.

Cause then at least
maybe we can fit it.

There you are.

Hey, what are you
doing here?

I need
to talk to you.

Okay, I am just with
a customer right now.

Right, like, please.

Okay, yup, uhh,
sorry, it's my sister.

She never
comes down here.



Yeah, it must
be important.

Uhh, could you just
give us one quick sec.

Thank you.

Over here.

What's going on?

I am having the
craziest day of my life.

Okay, well just
calm down.


Breathe just
tell me about it.

So, first I wake up and Stu's
gone and then I think,

well maybe he went to Alaska but
there's-there's no sign of him

at all in
the house.

It's like he
doesn't even exist, Nic.

And then
I try to call him--

Could you
just stop for one second?

Who is Stu?

my husband, Stu.


Your husband?

What are you
talking about, Pen?

You're not
even married.

Of course
I am married, Nic,

you were the maid of
honor at my wedding.

My ring, it must have-
must have slipped off.


Penny, penny.

You are
embarrassing me.

Just, you know what, call
Bryan, I'm sure he'll know.

I couldn't find his
number in my book.

Who-who's Bryan?


Your husband.

I don't
have a husband.

Okay Pen, what is
going on with you?

No, no,
no, no, no!


Your kids,
what about your kids?

My kids?

I gotta go.

Okay, Penny!


Well, hello Penny.

How did you
know my name?

Oh, I know many
things about you, dear.

Oh wait,
you are--

you're the lady at
the mall.

In the--

In the Santa line.

So, how's it
working out?

How is what
working out?

Your wish.

My wish?

You made that
wish in the Santa line

that you'd
never married Stu.

So I granted
it for you.

You're welcome.

Okay lady,
who are you?

You can
call me Jayne.

That's Jayne with
a "Y" in the middle.

And what is--

All this wish stuff?

Well, I fulfill
Christmas wishes.

That's what I do.

And now,
right now, you're it.

Or to use your advertising
vernacular, "you're the client".


I mean, Santa does
very well by the kids

but grown-ups
have wishes too.

Okay, Christmas
wishes for grown-ups?

Oh yeah,
I've done wishes

for grandmas, college
students, politicians.

Lots of those.

Once I had this blind
baton twirler--

I have to go.


How did
you do that?

Oh, you know.

No, I don't.

[doorbell chimes]

Okay, seriously,
where is my husband?

You never met
Stuart in this world.

You got
what you wanted.

No commitments, no obligations,
nothing holding you back.

And my sister?

The wish affects
other people too.

Your sister
and Bryan met

because you and Stuart
introduced them.


So if you never
met Stuart in this world,

then Nicky
never met Bryan.


I think I'm starting
to get a headache.

Oh, I think I might
have something for that.

No, no, no you
gotta cancel the wish.

There's no going
back now, honeybunch.

This is your world.

You're wealthy,
single, successful.

Enjoy yourself.



Ms. Atwell?

Is everything all right?

Yeah, yeah,
can you come in Paula,

I have to tell
you something.


This is going to be
difficult to understand.

I can try.

I think I'm living
in a Twilight Zone.

You know, like an
alternate reality

where everything is just
turned upside down.

That's not what I
thought you were gonna say.

I made a wish.

[nervous laughter]

And it came true.

I wished that
I was never married.

I didn't mean it,
I just said it.

But you're not married.

But I--

I was.

For six years.

You never
told me that.

now you know.

And he is gone.

And I don't know
what to do.

Permission to
speak freely?


Ms. Atwell, I'm the only
personal assistant

you've ever had.

And I've never known
you to admit that you

"don't know
what to do".

I've never
admitted that?


You're the Barracuda.




You're the envy of everyone
who works at this company.

Now, I don't know
this ex of yours,

I've never
met the man.

But I say, cut the
shackles of your past,

embrace your
new freedom.

At some point you
gave to turn the page.

Turn the page.

That's what you told me
when Warren and I broke up.

I did?

You said it was gonna
be one of the best things

that's ever
happened to me.

And it was.

You told me, it would give me
very much needed "me time".

You even
did the air quotes.

Me time.

Repeat after me.

I have a new life.

I have a new life?

Not a question.

I have a new life.

I will seize the day.

I will seize the day.

There you go!

You've got it!

Old Penny is gone and new
shiny Penny is about to emerge.

Thank you.

I feel a bit better.

Only a bit?

You know what always
makes me feel better?

What's that?

Maybe just some
soft curls, some volume.

You know, confidence.

♪ I am waking up ♪

♪ Outside of the garden
way is covered in snow ♪

♪ Cause it's
Christmas time ♪

♪ Good morning sun
[Good morning sun] ♪

♪ Today is special
[special] ♪

♪ I am waking up♪


♪ Outside of the garden
way is covered in the snow ♪

♪ 'Cause it's
Christmas time ♪

Good morning,
Ms. Atwell.

Good morning,

Nine days
till Christmas

and it's finally starting
to look like it.

Merry Christmas.

Here you go.

Can't have Christmas
without candy canes.

We-we love candy
canes, Ms. Atwell.

Merry Christmas.

they're refreshing!


Candy canes!

Just go with it.

Merry Christmas!

Here you go.

Merry Christmas, guys!

Don't forget you have
Gillingham at nine.

The department
store Gillingham's?

Andrew Gillingham,
the meet and greet.

He wants
to re-brand.

The notes
are in your office.

Hey, how
do you feel about

an Ugly Christmas Sweater Day
for the entire office?



I'm not
bothering you, am I?

No, I have
Gillingham at nine.

Christmas Orange, nice.

Yeah, I uhh, I find them
comforting this time of year.

Relaxes me.

Are you
stressed out?

This Gillingham account.

I uhh, I really
hope he goes with us.

I do too.

Yeah, I gave this account to
you, Penny, because, well,

no one can sell this
agency better than you can.

Thank you.

This could be
huge for us, Penny.



Enjoy your Clementine,
I'm the barracuda, remember?

He is putty
in my hands.

Mr. Gillingham.

Penny Atwell.

Andrew Gillingham,

I'm a pleasure too.

I mean--

I mean, my pleasure.

Pleasure's all mine.

Shall we sit down?


No after you.

No, no after you.

No after you.



[breathes out]

I like your name.


Is it short for

Just Penny,
like the coin.


I'll make a wish.


You know, like pennies in
a fountain for good luck?

Oh, right.

[nervous laughter]


So, you're
here to re-brand.

That is the plan.

You inherited Gillingham's,
a family department store.

I did, but contrary to popular
belief, I work very hard.

I have no doubt,
Mr. Gillingham.

Please, Andrew.


Since you took
over the company,

sales have been trending
downward, unfortunately.

I see a few reasons,
can I being frank?

The model for Gillingham's
has become a dinosaur.



No, I get it.

Gillingham's not
only lacks an identity

in a very overcrowded

it lacks a
strong online presence

and the internet
is where it's at.

So, you can continue
to be a department store

who has a malt shop
in the basement

and sells
self-cleaning ovens.

Or you can expand your
customer base by offering them

a state of the art, integrative
online shopping experience.

Have you ever thought
of a Gillingham's app?

Tell me more.

It's time, Andrew.

A new Gillingham's
for a new generation.

Seize the day.


I'm very impressed,


Thank you.

Umm, well, before
deciding to sign with us.


Let me tell you
a little bit about our--

I do not need to
think about it, I'll sign.

You had me at basement malt
shops and self-cleaning ovens.


Great, thank you.

I don't know what you said in
there, Penny, but well done.

Let me show
you our studio.

Feeling a
little flushed?

It's been
a long week.

TGIF, Ms. Atwell.

Lucky me, I get to go
home to an empty house.


Mood Indigo,

Frances broke up
with Rupert, again.

I know, right?

see you tonight.



Who was that?

Julie Reidel, Finance.

I know her?

Friday Night is your
night with the girls.

Usually on
Friday Nights, Stu

and I stay in and
watch a movie.

It's a whole
new world.


That's such a lie,
you knew it was coming.

You know Penny, I must admit,
I've never seen you like this.


What do you mean?

You're just like
a different person.

Well, maybe it's
the holiday spirit.

That's it!

It's the holiday spirit.

Yeah., I like that.

The usual,
Ms. Atwell.

Oh, the usual,
thank you.

You should try these,
they're to die for.

Is that Susan,
do you think?

I've been staring
at her.

I don't know if
she changed her hair color.


Stu would love those.


Who is Stu?

A friend.

News to me.

And speaking
of "news"--

Okay, yeah.

We've been
dying to know,

what is Andrew Gillingham
really like?

details, please.


He's umm, a successful,
good-looking man.


an understatement.

Okay, what about most
eligible bachelor in town?

come on, more.

I'm married.

To my work.




And besides,
he's a client.

Mhhm, yup!


Keep me company.

So, have you ladies done
your Christmas shopping yet?

Oh no,
I'm so behind.

No, I never have
enough time at Christmas.

for bringing that--

I know,
if somebody could just

bottle spare time and sell it,
they'd make a fortune, I swear!

You could bottle it and
then tuck it back in the closet

when you don't
need it anymore.

Spare time for the
woman on the go.

Put it
under the tree.

Give it to
everyone you know.

It's like
better than shoes.

Way better.

Andrew: Appreciate you meeting
me here, Penny.

It sounded urgent.

Penny: When I get a
flash of inspiration,

I like to share it
right away.

This is Gillingham's as we have
known it for the last 60 years.

We not only
wanna transform Gillingham's

but we wanna transform
the way people shop,

the way they think.

And we wanna do it at
the busiest time of year.


It's certainly
busy for us.

Andrew, what comes to mind
when you think of Christmas?

Christmas trees.

Mistletoe and garland, lights
and decorations, shortbread.

Well, what if I told you, you
could get all of those things,

at the highest quality,
in one single purchase.

I'd say that would
be a huge time saver.


Two words:
Instant. Christmas.

Today's families
are always on the go.

Life moves fast.

The holidays
even faster.

No one has
time anymore.

So, we wanna offer you
everything you could possibly

need for Christmas
in one single box.

Christmas in a box.

Gillingham's is the home of
the "one stop Christmas shop."

In store or online,
get it at Gillingham's.

The Christmas tree, the
mistletoe, the garland,

the wrapping paper,

even Christmas
baking is included;

famous shortbread.

We don't
sell shortbread.

You will.

What kind
of tree is this?

Fiber optic.

It's the
most cutting edge,

modern tree for the

Our research shows that fifty
percent of American households

prefer artificial trees
to the real thing.

We believe
if positioned cleverly

we can increase
our share of the market.

I love it, but it's
eight days till Christmas.

There's no time

No, of course not this
is all for next year's season,

but I would like
to put out a teaser

on all our social media
platforms on Christmas day.

Gillingham's, it says

"We are here,
we're re-branding,

we have a surprise for you and
we will see you in the new year.

When these are done well,
they can go viral in an instant

and generate
more hashtag traffic

than rush hour
on the I-90.

Oh, translation, a lot of people
are going to see this promotion

in a very cost effective
and media savvy way.


This is cause for
a celebration.

Dinner at Amici's.

I have no plans.

I mean,
I hear it's nice.

Have a good time.

Six o'clock.

Six o'clock.

Penny for your


I must
confess, Andrew that

I've never eaten
food like that before.

The chef is a
friend, very talented.

Yeah that--

Alaskan salmon
was incredible.

It was a beautiful

All around.

You know, Alaska is
a beautiful place.

I've actually been there a
couple of times with my hu--

Umm, it's just stunning you
know, the wildlife, landscape.

Do you know there's eight
national parks in Alaska?

I love Alaska.

It has some of the largest
oil fields in North America.

Did you
know that?

I've met some great
businessmen from up there

and we have made
a lot of money together.

Oh, I see.

Well umm,
this is me.

[car beeps]

I had
a wonderful night.


Me too, thank you
so much for dinner.

♪ Oh Christmas tree,
Oh Christmas tree ♪

♪ How lovely
are thy branches ♪

This is my favorite
Christmas carol.

Mine too.


Isn't it funny?

All our talk about trees
and Instant Christmas.

It's like they knew the
exact song to sing.

Somebody's trying to tell
us something, Penny.

♪ Oh Christmas tree,
oh Christmas tree ♪

♪ How lovely are
thy branches ♪


I'm really glad we're on the
same page, with the campaign.

We make a
good team.

Andrew, what
are you doing?

Too soon?

No, I mean yes.

'Is it me?

No, you're great.

You have the whole

But you're a client.

You're right.

I shouldn't have
crossed the line.

We just have
to be--


I understand.

I'm married.

You're married?

Yes, I mean, no.

I mean, I was, and now
I'm not, and it's just--

It's complicated?

It's complicated.

I understand.

Boundary is very
clear, Penny.

I'm the client.

Thank you.

And you still have feelings
for your ex-husband.

I completely understand.

In my experience,
ex-husbands can be tricky.

You never know when
they're going to pop up.

They can be,
what's the word?

A challenge.

Well, I still had a
wonderful evening.

Thank you.

As did I,
Penny-like-the coin.


[engine starting]

I like challenges.

Pardon me.

No problem.

it looks amazing.

Thank you.

Just a little to the
left, yep, that looks great.

Ms. Atwell, I need
to speak with you.


The photographer
just canceled.


He had to go to Singapore,
I don't know all the details.

Okay, okay,
we can fix this.

I don't see how.

Logan was the best.

Six days 'til

I called all the other

and no one's available
on such short notice.

We need someone
with an eye.

A keen visual style.

And great interpersonal

Do you know a
photographer like that?


There you are.

[bell jingle]

[lens shutter]

[lens shutter]


Hi, the door
was open.

Yes, it's right over
there on the table.

I'm sorry?

The package.

I made some

I'm sure she'll be really
happy with them.

Yeah, no, I'm not-I'm
not actually here for that.

Oh, what are
you here for?

I'm sorry, I'm on a bit
of deadline here.

Hmm, always the
hard worker.

Excuse me?

No, I was just
talking to myself.

Well, miss, if I can
do anything--


That's funny?

You just called
me miss.

What am I supposed
to call you?

You don't know me?

Um, am I
supposed to?


No, we've
never met.

I'm Penny Atwell, Senior
VP of marketing

at Belford Advertising.

Stuart Fischer,
president and CEO

of Stuart Fischer

Nice to meet you.

I'm also Vice-President
and secretary.

I can see that.

I'm sorry, but is there

I-I'm here to offer
you a job.


No thank you.


Did you just say
no thank you?

You work for Belford.

Pretty high end
advertising firm.

But I just cannot take another
corporate gig right now.

W-Why not?

You have to.

Mrs. Atwell--


Miss, Miss Atwell, I don't
have to do anything.

My plate is really
full right now.

And no offense, but I'm just
tired of these corporate gigs.

It's not what I want
to be doing.

I know, I
know, but--

I appreciate you
coming here

but I do have to get back
to these photos.

Stu, I need the best
and that's you.

What makes
you say that?

Well, let's just
say, I'm a fan.

The photo sh**t is a
national campaign.

If you change your mind, you
know where to find me.

I love that photo.

[bells jingle]

[phone ringing]

Stuart: Miss Atwell, you got
yourself a photographer.

Hey Penny.

[clears throat]

Oh, hi Andrew.

Hi Andrew.

I'm excited about this.

Me too.

It looks very festive.


Thank you.

And we have a top-notch


Yes, Andrew?

I can't quite make out the fiber
optic trees in the background.

They're out of focus.

Oh yeah,
that's intentional.


Yeah I'm using this lens at the
widest F- stop to reduce

the depth of field, so the
focus of the image

is the mysterious box
with the new logo.

Why are we advertising these
trees if we can't see them?

Well, you get a sense of them,
it's, you know, a teaser.

Part of the mystery.

I'm not paying
for mystery.

He's micromanaging again.

What are you
waiting for get in there.

But how do I--

You tell me, you're
the Senior VP of marketing.

The first C of
Belford Advertising.


I thought it was

I can certainly keep everything
in focus if you prefer,

but the eye
will wander.

This way, we're telling the
viewers, "look over here,

this is what I want
you to see.

The new Gillingham's."

With the suggestion of something
in the background.


A bit of a

Wet the
consumer's appetite.

Don't give
away everything.

It's just a teaser.

What's in the box?
We'll find out next year.

You know what, why don't you
take a look in the monitor.


Let us know
what you think.

What do you think?

Works great for
the teaser.


Sure, sounds
good to me.


Let's do it.

Good job.

Thank you.

Great day.

Oh hey, Miss Atwell.

I didn't realize you
were still here.




I'll second that.

One more day and
we're all done.

Yeah, I guess so.

Do you need help
with that?

No-no-no, I'm alright.

You know what, four hands
are better than two.

Okay, thanks.

My studio's just a
couple blocks away.

I like to walk
everywhere I can.

I know.

I mean, me too.

I thought you handled your
client really well today.


Yeah, clients have ideas,

and you have to be
delicate, and smart.

Smart the way you
approached it.

And you obviously
have a great eye.

Thanks, but I was really
just winging it.

Kinda new to
all of this.


Never heard an
executive say that.

You seem so confident.

Wow look,
Douglas fir.

Reminds me of the old Christmas
tree lot on Christmas Eve.

Oh yeah, Where they do the
big Nutcracker display

and they take all
the trees and--

-- decorate all the trees
that they haven't sold.

I go every year.

It's a Christmas
Eve tradition.

Me too.

Oh yeah?


Maybe I'll see
you there.

It's in four days.


I'm surprised you know
this is a Douglas fir.

You really know
your trees.

I had a friend once who
knew a lot about them.

It's good to have friends who
remind us of the little things

that make us
feel happy.

So often they're
right in front us.

That's what I love about
my nature photography.

One please, Charlie.


When I'm out there, in Alaska
or Georgia, or wherever,

and I capture that moment a
Kodiak catches her first salmon,

or a falcon feeds her nestlings,
there's nothing like it.

Sounds wonderful.

Why don't you do
more of that?

I'd love to.

It's just not practical.

Birds and rock formations
don't pay bills.

Well, I say listen to
your heart, Stu.

When you stop listening,
it stops making noise.


Is that funny?

No, it's just no one
else calls me Stu.

Just you.

Oh well,
I don't have to.

No, no I don't-
I don't mind.

I, uh, I should
really get going.

Oh, are you sure?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have
some work I have to do,

and, um please, um--

Is everything okay?

Yeah, yeah,
everything's fine.

Everything's fine.

Thank you so much.


Have a great
night, okay?

So she comes in and she asks for
a gemstone Christmas present.

So I'm thinking birthstone
- December birthstone.

That's turquoise and
zircon, and tanzanite,

but those
are all blue.

So then I'm thinking
something red and green,

Christmas colors, right?

Penny, are you even
listening to me?

I'm sorry.

Did you hear
any of that?


Where are you?

You've been like that
since you got here.

I know.

What's going on?

Okay, spill it.


The photo sh**t
went really well.

That's great.


And I met a man.

Penny, that's amazing.

So tell me more.

He's the photographer.


It's not really like you to get
involved in an office romance.

We went for a
walk together.

It was really nice.

And then all of a sudden
he got distant and

I don't know if it's
something that I said, or did

or if I'm just really out of
practice with this stuff.

Maybe he could sense
the attraction

and just really wanted
to keep it professional.


Yeah, maybe.

Speaking from experience,
huh, Nic?



Come on, it's your
turn to spill it.

Nothing to spill.

Yeah, right.

What do you want
me to say?

I've got suitors,
and prospects,

and a man who serenades
me under my terrace?

Come on, Pen,
you're the dreamer.

I am a realist.


And I just haven't met
the right guy I guess.

And I don't really know
that I ever will.

I'm not so sure
about that, Nic.

I see a handsome
man in your future...


I see a snowman.

Enough about that.

I wanna hear more about
your photographer.

Hello Penny.

Oh hi.

You again.

I got you a


I know this has been a
challenging time for you.

And it is five days
before Christmas

so it's the least I
could do.

You shouldn't have,
but thank you.

Why do people
do that?

I mean, what's up with that
Christmas tradition?

What tradition?

Shaking the present.

You know, shaking
the present here.

Shaking the
present there.

Shake, shake, shake.

It's chocolates.

I can tell it's

I'm not pleased
with you, Penny.

I can't help it.

I'm a good guesser.

No, Penny.

Truth be told, the Boss is a
little ticked off with me too.

What boss?

You know.


You ruined the wish.

Stop doing that.

It freaks me out.

Did you hear
what I said?

You ruined the wish.

How did--


By seeking him out.

You were supposed to live
your life without Stuart.

I did that for
a little bit.

It was okay.

But I missed Stu, and
now he's back.

This was not part
of the wish.

And now thanks to you, I have
to fix the mess you made.

How is this
a mess?

I'm getting to know my
husband all over again.

And maybe, just maybe,
getting a second chance

to fall in love
with him.

How often does that
happen in a lifetime?

I gave you the gift of
a Christmas wish.

Don't shake
it so much.

Hi. Stu?

It's Penny.

I was thinking of
coming by your studio tomorrow

to look
at the sh*ts.


These are wonderful
images, Stu.


Gillingham is going
to love them.

I mean look
at these.

You created mystery from
fiber optics, it's magical.

We are gonna sell
a million trees.

Well, It's hard to mess up
with such great lenses.

Stop it.

You're always
so modest.




Oh, how'd that
get in there?

When did you
take that?

You know what?

Tomorrow I think we really go
to town on the secret

of the Christmas
in a box.

That's why I'm ordering
those macro lenses.

So we can really
emphasize the mystery.

What about using
your fog machine

to create a dreamy
wintry atmosphere?

That's a great idea.


Have we worked
together before?


This shortbread
is amazing.

Oh, that's my sister.

She's always been
the Christmas baker.

Christmas cookies, Christmas
shortbread, Christmas fruitcake,

which you don't like.

How do you know I don't
like Christmas fruitcake?

Who does?

These are really
pretty, Stu.


They're more than pretty.

They tell a story.

This is what I was talking
about last night.

Following your passions.

You have a
real gift.

I really love
this picture.

Right? Right?

That's one of my


Have you ever thought about
publishing a book?

How did you know?

That's a dream
of mine.

To publish a book on
wildlife photography.

Can I be honest?

Yeah, please.

What if I told you that I'm
not who you think I am?

I'm not Penny Atwell,
Senior VP of marketing.

I'm not even
an executive.

I'm just an insecure copywriter
with big dreams.

I woke up one day
in this new world.

Successful, with a corner
office, an assistant,

and a fancy car.

And I don't know
how I got here.

And I can't find my way
back to my old life.


I know exactly
what you mean.

You do?


I ask myself all the time
"how did I end up here?"

The paths we take.

Sometimes I wonder if my
life would be different

if I'd made other

I mean, we all feel like frauds
on some level, right?


Like we're not
good enough.

We just keep

[phone rings]

Oh, sorry, I have
to get this.

This is the lenses
for tomorrow.

It's a special order.

I gotta go.

I gotta go to
the office.

I'll see you at the
sh**t tomorrow.





Can I talk to you
for a minute?


We are waiting on the lenses,
which should be here any minute.

And I can assure you, it will
be well worth the wait.

I hope so.

I don't like paying people
to sit around.



Any updates?

Yeah, he's en route.

Thank goodness.



You're doing
great, Penny.

I think all you have
to do is breathe.

What I need is to--


[deep breath]

Okay, I did that.

Stuart: Okay,
now smile.

Penny: What?

Stuart: Smile and breathe.

Breathe and smile.

Anyone order a case
of Cook macro lenses?

Stuart: Finally!

I'm so sorry, man.

Had to call in a
few favors...

It's okay.



It's you.

Bryan, you're here.

Oh my gosh.

It's so good to
see you!

Ummm, it's great
to see you too.

She's so excited about
her work, isn't she?

Man, I should be
late more often.

Uh, Penny this
is Bryan.

Bryan owns--

The best little camera
store on the East side.

Everyone knows that.

They do?

Hey everyone!

Can I have your
attention please!

Gather around.


Yes, I'm wearing an ugly
Christmas sweater.

Seemed that everyone
missed the memo today

that it was ugly Christmas
sweater day.

That's fine,
I'm over it.

But a memo you don't
want to miss

is our annual Christmas party
tomorrow December 23rd.

And back by popular
demand is our raffle.

And this year, with the
suggestion of Ms. Atwell,

all the funds raised
will be donated

to the Christmas Charity

And can we please show
some appreciation to Paula?

Who wins the prize for
the most beautiful

ugly Christmas sweater
I've ever seen.


Thank you.

Thank you.

You're gonna go, right?
You're gonna go, yeah?

Should be quite the
shindig, Andrew.

I hope you
can make it.

Guess I should go.


Wouldn't miss it
for the world.

I cannot believe you
brought me to this.

Parties are not my thing,
they're your thing.

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

Besides, there are plenty
of single men here.

Is that lobster?

I don't know.

Yeah, I'm gonna
be right back.


Penny, Penny!

Oh, Hi Avery.


The teaser looks

I've never seen
happier clients.

Thank you.

And the way you worked
with Andrew...

He told me of
all his input.

I'm really impressed with
how you listened to his ideas.

And realized
them of course.

So smile.

Enjoy the holidays.

As you should.

Merry "Instant Christmas"!

Merry Christmas.

"Instant Christmas."

It's brilliant.

How did you come
up with it?

I just thought of
it "instantly".


Excuse me,

Ms. Atwell.


Oh, you look amazing.

Well, thank you.

I'm selling tickets for
the Christmas raffle.

How many would
you like?

Put me down for
$100 worth.

Alrighty then.

I recommend the "Christmas
in the Caribbean" prize.

It's the perfect
romantic getaway for two.

He breathes and smiles,
and smiles and breathes.

If he doesn't notice me in
the next ten seconds,

it's not meant
to be.


Hey you.

So this is the way advertisers
do Christmas.

Very nice.

Hey, do you have room
in your purse for this?

I'm serious.

So good.

This is my
sister, Nicky.

Hi, nice to
meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Thanks for the
invite, Penny.

So glad you're here.

Bryan, this is my
sister Nicky.

Hi, nice to
meet you.


Is that lobster?

Yeah, it is.

Would you like to
go and get some?

I'd love to.



Match made in heaven.

Argh! Argh! Argh!


Or in Maine.


I umm,

I wanted to follow up on what we
talked about the other night.


I've been meaning
to tell you something.

I have been wanting
to tell you so much.

Meeting you has been
wonderful and unexpected.

The last few days I've felt
inexplicably drawn to you.

Not completely
inexplicable, I hope?

What I mean is, I don't know
how I'm gonna say this,

so I'm just going to say it,
but I'm getting--


Sorry I'm late.

You look so handsome

Lily, this is
Penny Atwell.

The fake tree lady.

I've heard so much
about you.

I just love artificial

Lily is my fiancé.

Nice to
meet you, Penny.

Yeah, yeah, I umm,

Stu has done a terrific
job for us this week.

See Stuart, you should be doing
more corporate photography.

You're good at it.

Dad would be
so impressed.

Lily is a cruise

She just got back from two
months in the Gulf of Mexico.


Stuart loves to travel
for work too, right?

I wouldn't call
that work.

Let's face it, birds and rock
formations don't pay bills.

Well, I say follow
your heart.

Excuse me.

Stuart has a fiance.


She seems nice.

She is.

He's your ex-husband,
isn't he?

It all makes
sense now.

No wonder you have
feelings for him.

Oh, this is good.

This is priceless,

I told you ex's
were tricky.

If you'll excuse me
I wanna be by myself.

Well, if you ever
want to talk?

What happened to you
at the party last night?

You just disappeared.

There's something
you don't know about me.


I used to be
a very different person.

I didn't know what I had
and how much I loved it.

And that's gone now.


[phone rings
and vibrates]


It's okay.

I'm sorry.

Umm, I have a date.





On Christmas Eve?


But, you know what,
I don't have to go.

No, no, no, no, no!
This is great!

Is it Bryan?


[nervous laughter]

Oh, I've just never
met anyone like him,

and I have you to
thank for that.

I mean, It's like we had
this instant connection,

and I just feel like I've
known him for--

You're whole life.


Okay so
happy for you!

Uh-huh but we can talk about all
of this stuff tomorrow.


And we are gonna
have a great day.


Have a good night.

Thank you.



I will tell you
all about it.


Have fun!


Pretty, isn't it?

I mean, for something
that isn't real.

Wow, you got
some nerve.

I tried to
warn you.

Well you know what,
I'm done with this wish.

You can take
it back.

It's not that easy.

You don't just snap
your fingers--

What do you mean it's not that
easy, you granted me a wish

And now you can
take it back.

Have you ever tried returning
something, Penny?

You have to
stand in line,

you have to have the original
packaging, the receipt --

I am the original

I am the receipt!

I want my old
life back.

My old job.

My messy house.

I miss Stu.

I miss Stu, so please can you
tell me how to get back to him?

I'm sorry honey, but the boss
says maybe another time.

Then I guess, I'm just gonna
have to tell him the truth.

About what?

About this.

About the wish.


I know exactly
where to find him.

You can try but
he's not gonna believe you.

Watch me,

I'm so excited to see this
famous Nutcracker display.

it's right up there.

Douglas fir.

You and your trees.

That's cute.

This doesn't
belong there.

Stuart we should go,
it's starting.

I'll be there in a sec.

Okay, but hurry.


There you are.

What are you
doing here?

Christmas Eve
tradition, right?


I just wanted to
see you again.

I didn't think you'd ever
want to see me again.

Is everything okay?

Did the footage
turn out?

Oh yeah,
It's great.

I mean, I don't know if I
want to be involved

in the campaign
anymore but--


Instant Christmas?

It's just not real.

Christmas isn't something
you can take out of a box

and put away
in a closet.

It's more than decorations
and trees and cookies.

It's the spirit.

It's tradition.

Being with people
you love.

You can't put
that in a box.

I think you might
be right.


Lily: Stuart!

You should see this!

Listen Stu, I--


You go.

No, you go.

About the party.

I really wanted to tell you,
but I was just,

I was so

I know.

I know this is gonna
to sound strange

but when I first met you, when
you first came to the studio.

I felt like--

I've-I've known you.

Like I've always
known you.

It's crazy, right?

Not at all.

It's like,
it's like déjà vu.

Come on Stuart!

Do you love her?

She has a
good heart.

And you're going
to marry her.

I am.


Of course you are.

I wouldn't expect
anything less.

That's what I
love about--

No, it's okay.

I'm sorry.

No, please
don't be sorry.

You're following
your heart.

And can you just promise
me something?


If I never see
you again.

Don't forget me.

I promise.

I found this.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Maybe if it were another
time, another place.

Yes, another time.

[inhales deeply]

Another time,
another place!

Another time,
another place.

Another time,
another place.

I got you, I got you.



Hey, Penny.

You fell, you okay?

I'm home.

Merry Christmas, Nic!


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas, Taylor!!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Chad.

Merry Christmas.




Merry Christmas!

I'm so glad
you're okay.

[phone ringing]

Your phone?






That was work.

I got the promotion.


I'm so happy for
you, babe.

Thank you, thank you.

Yeah, I'm not
gonna take it.


Well, you're going to Alaska
tomorrow, right?


I thought I'd
come with you.

You've got to finish
your book,

and you need full-time

to put together
your book tour,

market the book both
here and overseas.

Do you know anyone who
could do that kind of job?

I do, Auntie Penny!

That's right!


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

What was the
change of heart?

My real Christmas
wish came true.

And what
was that?

I love you, Stu.

I love you,

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