01x20 - Mock

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Good Wife", including an unaired episode. Aired September 22, 2009 to May 8, 2016.*
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Alicia has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating public scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm.
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01x20 - Mock

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Good Wife"...

I found a receipt, but it's not under Florrick.

Could the name be Kozko?

If you accidentally cross the line, then you see the telephone caller from our monitoring center.

You need to answer that phone within 5 rings or you're terminated from the program. Do you understand?

I understand.

It's over.

What's over?

Us. Me caring.

Me actually thinking that you're changing.

I am changing.

No you're not.

They're fighting.

You want to think you are so you can go back to what you did before.

Then help me.

Mom's leaving.

I don't know.

Help me.

If you're right, help me.

They're going to divorce.


We don't know that.

Mom just left.

She just walked out the door.

We're going to be okay.

I was liking having dad back, too.

Just like before.



Hey. I just moved the reservation at the National Cafe in 40 minutes.

If that's alright.

You sure?

Yeah, I'm trying to be spontaneous these days.

Okay. I'll see you then.



Peter, no!


I love you.

You can't be down here!


Don't leave me.

You have to be upstairs, Peter.

I can't lose you.

I can't lose Zach. I can't lose Grace.

Daniel, Daniel Golden.

Tell him it's an emergency!

Peter's going to be arrested in 20 minutes.



Hey, Zach? Grace?

Is everything alright?

My mom's getting complaints from the tenants.

It's the police. No, Zach, don't!

We have five rings or dad's going to prison.

Dad has to answer.

We'll say we're getting him.

That's four rings.


This is Sergeant Thacker at HMD center.

Please identify yourself.

This is Grace.

Grace Florrick.

We've received an alert there's been an unauthorized breach of the perimeter.

Please put Mr. Florrick on the line.

That's my dad. Um...

Please put your father on the line.

I need to speak to him now.

Okay, hold one minute.

I'm going to go get him.

Say he's in the shower.

I'll go downstairs.


Dad, there's someone here for you.

He's in the shower.

Um... He'll be out in a minute.

He's not there, is he?

No, he's here.

He's... He's just in the shower.

He's rushing.

This is my last request for you to put Mr. Florrick on the phone.

Dad, they need you right now.

They're going to take dad.

Watch out.

What do we do, Peter?

You're going back to jail.

I know.




What happened?

It's my arm. Where?

I was skateboarding.

No, he's here.

My dad's right here.

No, it was a skateboard.

It's okay. I got you.

No, he never left.

My dad's with my brother.

He's bleeding.

Grace, what are you doing?

Keeping dad.

Now I'm going to talk to you.

It's Amal, right?



Now, when you first arrived at the apartment, did you, uh, see Mr. Florrick?


You're sure.

Yeah, he just, uh, got out of the shower.

Now, your mother is the building manager?

Yes, uh, on the fourth floor. I came up because, um, we got some complaints about the noise.

Do you have some I.D.?

Yeah, I probably have something.

What do you need?

A current driver's license...

What were you thinking?

They were going to arrest dad.

Um... Hello.

These are beautiful bookcases.

Are you with the police?

Mrs. Florrick, your daughter said the HMD sent a false positive, because your son was... attempting a crooked grind and slammed into it.

Sheriff, she's just a kid.

Meaning what?

She's lying?

Uh, sheriff, if I could interrupt.

Good evening, first of all.

I'm going to ask Mr. and Mrs. Florrick not to answer any more of your questions.

Uh, Mrs. Florrick, I'm Daniel Golden's partner.

And I ask that all questions be directed through me.

Well, I could take Mr.

Florrick in right now.

Yes, and where was Mr.

Florrick when you arrived?

Um... He failed to answer his HMD call.

Due to the fact that his son was injured in a skateboarding accident.

Again, where did you find Mr. Florrick?

Excuse me, we received a warning that the perimeter had been breached.

Due to a malfunctioning unit.

You found Mr. Florrick in his apartment.

'Cause he returned.

Or never left.

Hey, who installed the HMD unit?

Who installed it?

I did.


Do you know what an ohs clip is?

An itty-bitty wire clip about this big.

It's required by the sheriff's department whenever an HMD is installed.

One clip for every one foot of wire.

Do you know how much wire you installed?

Who are you?

Elsbeth Tascioni.


You installed, by my eye, three feet of wire.

And do you know how many ohs clips you installed?


People don't like permanent fixtures in their houses.

Well, that's very kind of you, sheriff.

But it's still an infraction.

And unfortunately in this case, your loose wire is what tripped up young Mr. Florrick's skateboard causing his injury.

Thank you.

You know, I wish I had an eye with color.

I'm always mixing oranges with reds.

Is that you?

Is that...


Hey. Is everything alright?

I'm so sorry.

It's been such chaos around here.

It's okay.

We'll talk tomorrow.

Hey, Sadie.

Sorry for flaking out on you tonight.

No, my emergency fell through.

Do you want to...

What favor?

What's wrong?

We're not going toward your floor.

What we have here is a rather large collection of items with your name on them.

You don't need to be nervous.

I'm your friend here.

They aren't mine.


Look, the sheriff ran your I.D. last night, Amal.

It triggered a red flag warning to me.

You see, there are a dozen credit cards, driver's licenses, passports with your name on 'em.

You know how that could've happened?

No. I don't.

Were you paid to let someone use your identity?


Are you certain?


Is everything okay?

Yes, Alicia. Um, they just... they have a few questions, um, for Amal.

It's about work.

Do you... Do you want me to do anything?

Oh. No.

I don't know.

They said it would only take a minute, and so...

Amal isn't in trouble.

You don't want to get in trouble, Amal.


Then why aren't you answering honestly?

I am answering honestly.

I don't know anything about this.

I swear.

Excuse me, gentlemen.

Is Amal a suspect here?

Because if so, you probably should read him his rights.

Not a suspect... At this time.

We're asking a few questions. That's all.

Mrs. Florrick, isn't it?

Y... Yes.

You just accused him of being dishonest, and warned him he could get into trouble.

We're trying to ascertain his connection to an identity theft ring.

Simran, I think you should invite these gentlemen to leave.

We only need a few more minutes, Mrs. Verma.

If you don't want them here, you can ask them to leave, Simran.


Would you please leave?

My guess is they're just fishing.

Look, I... I didn't do anything wrong, mom.

I swear.

I have to rush to work, but if you need anything, just call me, okay?

Thank you, Alicia.

Of course.

Does he have a moment?

Actually, Will's out today.

He's... Oh, court?

No, volunteer work.

All very last minute.

He's out until Thursday.


So this is the favor?

For an old college chum.

Very hot.

That's right.

You have a thing for judges.

My first husband.

It's not half bad.

I wonder if I can get it fitted.

Objection, Your Honor.

Uh, calls for speculation.

The question asks Mr.

Hunter to guess the answer rather than rely on facts.

Yes, that is the definition of speculation.

Congratulations, Mr. Bigelow.

Too bad I didn't do that.



Noted, and when you go to mock trial appeal court, Ms. Cabrini, you can argue it there.

Now, Mr. Hunter, I just want to understand the sequence of events.

You say that you saw my clients entering the cottage?

Yes. I was hunting in the forest when I heard a scream.

Actually, you said "screams"?

Yes. Screams.

And you said that you recognize those as belonging to the witch?

That's right. She lives in that gingerbread house.

Oh. So you just assumed that it was the witch's scream coming from inside the oven?

No. I recognized her voice.

Oh. So you have the power to distinguish between screams?

Well, how about this one?

Objection! Your Honor!

Ms. Cabrini!


Sustained, what?

What's the objection?

Badgering the witness.

You're arguing the prosecution's case, Your Honor.

Excuse me, Ms. Cabrini.

I am not doing anything of the sort.

Okay, let's leave it there.

We'll pick it up tomorrow.

Now, remember, even though this is a mock trial, I do not want the jury discussing the case.

This is not a joke.

Grades depend on its outcome.

And let's thank our judge, Mr. Will Gardner, for volunteering his time.

Anyone else have a problem with the argument on page 18, mid-page?

You mean mine?

Well, I didn't know it was yours.

I just find the citing's a bit off topic.

Our clients are suing because their video game was stolen.

That's all.

Well, I'm here to listen, Cary, so why don't you tell me how my citings could be more on topic?

Well... One minute.

What's up?

Nothing. Neighborhood kids need help.

Want me to get rid of them?

No, thank you.

Billable hours, Alicia.

Cary's got his eye on the prize.

Billable hours.

Thanks, Kalinda.

Sorry, but we didn't know who else to contact.

That's okay. What happened?

They came for her an hour after you left.

They can't just take her away.

Can they?

This was about me.

They want me.

Wait. Who came?

Mom was going to the grocery store when this van...

These men got out and took her.

All we got was this phone number to call.

The line's been busy all day.

I thought your...

Your mom's a citizen, right?

She spent $8,000 on an immigration attorney who ripped her off and never filed for a green card, so she just gave up.

She's lived here for 27 years.

Look, I have some names of immigration attorneys.

I'll get them for you.

Thank you.


This way.

You're such a pushover.

I am not.

I'm responsible.

No, I mean, I'm responsible for the feds questioning him.

You're not responsible for everything bad in the world, Alicia.

Where would they put her, the mom?

Broadview, McHenry Detention, general population at cook county.

They make it a shell game.

But you could find her?

So you're the pushover, I'm the one who actually does the work?

No, no. It's fine. I can do it.

Thank you.



Hey, my good deed for the year.

Thank you, Mrs. Florrick.

Please stand on the lines.

All rise, please.

The Honorable Judge Gordon Tomlin presiding.

I'm judge Tomlin, presiding immigration judge via closed-circuit in Miami.

Currently presiding over cook county I.C.E.

Are we ready, miss...?

Bow. Yes, Your Honor.

I.C.E. is petitioning the court for summary judgment on Simran Verma's immediate removal and deportation to her native India.

Your Honor, I'm sorry, but Simran has lived in America for 27 years.

Too loud for the microphone, ma'am.

Mrs. Verma has demonstrated good moral character.

She supports herself as a building manager, and she would be subjected to undue hardship if she were separated from her American-born children.

She more than qualifies for an adjusted residence status.

Your Honor, I have a copy of Simran's application for a driver's license from the DMV.

On the application, she checked the voter registration box, thus making a false claim of citizenship, a federal offense.

Your Honor, these forms are confusing and often filled out by rote.

The application clearly States that making a false claim is a serious federal offense.

Mrs. Verma should be permanently inadmissible as a citizen of the United States.

Your Honor, her ties to America are very strong.

Too close for the microphone again, ma'am.

Summary judgment approved.

Mrs. Verma's deportation is approved.

Next case.

Oh, Your Honor... But, Your...


What is happening?

Is that it?

Are they taking her back?

Mrs. Florrick?

What happened?

Wait. Wait. Mom.

What has happened?

You can't take her!

Mom! Mom!

This is absurd. I am not a criminal.

Mr. Belkin!

So that's what this is about.

I won't confirm or deny, but, ma'am, it would have been better if you'd let us question him.

What do you want?

Identity theft is a multi-billion dollar burr in the side of America.

All I ask is that Amal do his patriotic duty, help us bring down the major player.

He does that, you stop his mother's deportation?

I'll put in a good word.

That's the problem with good deeds... they multiply.

What? I got it cleaned.

So this is why you dropped all of your appointments for the next two days?

Hey, I'm doing good for the community, and I'm keeping an eye on law school prospects.

And of course, there's always your good friend, Professor Sadie Hart.

You know what?

I'm not a bad judge.

What's the case?

The mock trial?

It's a... A m*rder.

Yeah. Double defendants.

Brother and sister.

And the victim?

A homeowner.

It's a fairy tale, isn't it?

Hansel and Gretel.

But it brings up some interesting legal issues: Trespass, castle law.

Eating other people's houses?

Oh, Will, Alicia dropped by yesterday wanting a few minutes.

Okay. Got it. Thanks.

We are going to have to deal with that, too.


The junior associate position.

Cary and Alicia.

We said six months, it's been seven.

It's bad economy to drop somebody.

Are you getting cold feet?

Next week.

Next week.

They think your work is a front for selling stolen I.D.'s.

The travel agency?

They traced the false I. D.'s to that address.

Have you seen anything there?


But... I haven't wanted to see.

He'll get our mom a visa... this Belkin... If Amal cooperates?


The feds want you to download three files from your boss's computer: Pal-one, two, three.

It's mom.

You have to. Amal.

I know.

You don't know what these guys are capable of.

I don't know why you think you're the only one...!

You seem less than sympathetic.

Their mother's illegal.

With 27 years in this country.

27 years of being illegal.

I would've thought you would've been more sympathetic.


Because my parents immigrated legally, you thought I'd be more sympathetic to someone who immigrated here illegally?

My mistake.

So, who are they?

Big case.

Can't talk about it.


They're the video game clients, right?

Can't talk about it.

Well, do you need some help with it?

Because I know the gamer world.

Lucky you.

I'm sorry I didn't call you back right away.

I'm on this mock trial thing at Depaul.

Oh, that's alright.

I was just making sure everything was alright after the other night.

One minute.

Everything is alright.

You sure?

Because... I'm sorry.

Alicia, you don't have any reason to be sorry.

I was pushing a situation that was wrong to push.

You weren't.

I was.

Don't worry.

We're good.

We're going to be good.
Pal-one, two, three?

Yes, just three files.

That's all they want.

You won't be alone.


They don't want to arrest them; they want to do this quietly, in and out.

Did you tell them about the Pujari brothers?

Belkin knows that your bosses are potentially dangerous.

He also knows you did nothing wrong.

He'll keep his promise to release my mother?

We have a deal in writing.

Amal, take a deep breath, think about your mom.

Uh, do you have any direct flights to Agra?

Calm down.

When have you ever know someone to calm down when you tell them to calm down?

Could you turn the screen toward me so I can see the direct flights to Agra, please?

Oh, found it.

Download it.

They're exiting the building.

Hold it, hold it.

Federal agents!

Hold it right there. Put your hands where I can see them.

Get agents in there and sweep the place.

Call it in, alright?

Mr. Gardner, do you have a moment?

Sure, what do you need?

What am I doing wrong?

What are you...

I didn't know you were doing anything wrong.

There were 38 objections and I lost 34, so what am I doing?

Well, at the moment, what you're doing is playing the ref.

Tell me, teach me.

You want me to tell you why I'm deciding against you?

Yes, half of those objections could have gone either way.

That's not true.

Where are you from, Chicago?

Is this important for the lesson?

It's important for a life lesson.

Judge asks you a question, you answer.

You don't come back with another question.


Because court is a lesson in humility, and you just came back with another question.

So you're deciding against me because I'm not humble?

No, I'm deciding against you because you're wrong on the law, but life is not the classroom and judges decide things all the time based on a whim... which attorneys they like, they trust.

Oh, so you don't like me?

Oh, my God, you're like a three-year-old with the questions.

I said the textbooks go out the window when you're in court.

Charm and finesse is just as important as logic.

Okay, so I need to work on my charm?

To succeed in court, you need to work on everything.


Then what?

Let's see.



Hey, I'm a big gamer.

In college they used to call me the thumb-Meister.

Grand theft auto, you know.

Thanks, man.

What do you mean you're not releasing Simran?

We had a deal.

Right, we had a deal.

Your boy blew it apart.


Amal got you the data.

He also warned the Pujari brothers to get out.

No, he didn't.

Someone sent them a text.

Well, you still got what you wanted.

You made your arrest.

I didn't want to bust the brothers.

I wanted their buyer.

We only arrested them so they wouldn't take off on us.

Now the whole operation is scattered.

Because of your client, eight months of work is shot to hell.

And Simran, what about Simran?


Oh, come on, this... Ma'am, you know what this is? It's the law.

She broke the law and now she's paying the consequences.

Mrs. Florrick.

Gerald Kozko?

Yes, I know who you are.

I only need a minute.

I'm leaving now.

Please, I...

I want you to give your husband a message.

I want you to tell him that my son had nothing to do with this.

I was the one that made the deal with Childs.

I'm cleaning up my mess.

My son is completely...


Mrs. Florrick...

No, that's it, Mr. Kozko, I'm not your go-between.

You want to give Peter a message, pick up the phone.

Mrs. Florrick, you don't realize...

Yes, and I don't want to realize.

I've had enough of everything.

You don't understand; I don't have anybody.

You know what?

I don't care.

I don't know you.

You don't know me.

Help me.

Okay, family meeting.

We're going to settle some things.

From now on... we tell each other the truth.

No more lying to the sheriff about skateboards or to me about secret packages.


Where's dad?

This isn't about him, this is about us.

So I'll go first.

I've been very angry with your father.

I almost walked out a few nights ago, but we've decided to give it a go.

In separate rooms?

Yes, and you two will just have to deal with that.

You're almost grown-ups.

You'll realize that adults have complicated emotions.

Zach, your turn.

My turn?

What's on your mind?

Mom, it's really late.

I'm seeing Becca.

Okay, this is progress.

And I will be honest in telling you that I don't like Becca, but I think you should bring her to dinner so we can have a proper introduction.



Who's Will?

Will Gardner... My boss.

I heard you talking to him on the phone a week ago.

You were whispering at night.

He's my boss... and we used to know each other in college and we thought that we were attracted to each other, but it's over.

What's over?

Thinking that we were attracted to each other.

But he's still your boss.

Yes. So what happened?

Actually, that's all I intend to share right now.

Your father and I are agreeing to make this work and I have agreed to trust you again, so good night.

Sweet dreams.

It's getting to her.



Yeah, it's me.

You're working late.

Yeah, on this good deed someone saddled me with.

Belkin won't budge; I already went to him.

They weren't after the Pujari brothers.

They were after their buyers.

Now they're looking for the go-between.


Then maybe we have something to negotiate with.

Okay, go ahead.

Did you thr*aten Kozko?


Downstairs at lord of Christ?


Do you want to know why?

He was wearing a wire.

He made a deal with Childs for immunity.

And why'd he do that?

I don't know why.

Because you steered investigations away from him?

Everything, Peter.

I want to know everything.

Everybody has friends, everybody has enemies.

I did things for Kozko as a friend.

That were illegal?

No, but...

The line gets fuzzy.

Who paid for this?

I did.

Then why isn't the receipt in your name?

I went to the store, Peter.

I wanted to get you something nice...

I didn't have the money.

Kozko lent me the money.

And that was illegal.

That was... fuzzy.

Look, Alicia, I want to run again, but I want to do it right this time, nothing fuzzy.

And I only want to do it if you're with me.

If we're in this together.

These? No, I don't know who handles these.

They look like they were mounted in a necklace or something.

Well, your best bet with jewelry is not here.

Thanks for your time, anyway.

The box is another matter.

You recognize the box?

It's a camphor box.

It's sold down the street at the Mundy bazaar.


All rise. The Honorable Will Gardner presiding.

Is the defense ready with its first witness?

Yes, Your Honor. I just have a quick motion first.


Title 28, USC-455a provides: A judge must recuse himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality may be reasonably questioned.

The defense asks that you do so now.

Recuse yourself.

Ms. Cabrini, we've been through this.

I'm not biased against you.

I agree. You're biased for me.


You're gonna have to explain that one.

Well, yesterday after court, you advised me on how to cross-examine and question witnesses for this trial, clearly demonstrating bias.

You asked for advice.

United States v. Burger.

If a reasonable person knowing the relevant facts would harbor doubts about a judge's impartiality, he must recuse himself.

Motion denied, Ms. Cabrini.

Why don't we take a break for a minute, Mr. Gardner.

Sadie, she set me up.

Okay, I think we're in an awkward area here, Your Honor.

What? I didn't do anything wrong.

Thanks so much for your help.

You believe her?

I believe I'll take the robe.

Yep. Men and 25-year-olds.

Same thing happened to my ex.

What are you talking about?

We think these gems, they're Kashmir blue sapphires, were used in payment for the I.D.'s if we can find the smuggler, we can find the buyer.

And if you find the buyer?

Then Belkin will get you a visa.

But they're deporting me on the next transport. I know.

My associates are still running these sapphires down.

I... I don't know anybody in India, Mrs. Florrick.

My life... My life is here.

I know.

Can I see Amal and Frida before I go?

I'm... I'm working on it.

Please, um...

Mrs. Florrick, you have the key to my apartment, no?

I need a few items, and then...

And the sentimental things.

Yes, of course I will.

And will you tell Amal it's not his fault, mm?

Thank you.


Hi. Can you hear me?

Okay, I need you bring it to me.

What, the gems?

No, the box. I need you to bring the box.

Alright, alright, but I'm just driving around in circles here... Little India's a nightmare.

I'll e-mail them to your car, the directions.

Alright. Hold on, that's my other line. Hello?

Hi, Cary. Are you near Kalinda?

No. I'm looking for her right now.

And ha-ha, very funny, it's not about gaming.

Wait, hold on a second.

Alright, I got it. What do you need?

Tell her I think Simran's involved.

The sapphires used to pay the Pujari brothers, I found the same jewels in her apartment.

Damn it. Alright, well, I'll tell her.


What did he say?

I don't know. I don't speak Hindi.

What do you mean, you don't Hindi?

I didn't grow up in India.

Do you speak English?

No, no.

Oh, seriously, Kalinda, where is your cultural identity?

Uh, I'm looking for a box like this.


Ah, thank you.

I don't think Simran was involved.

What? You just get a hunch?



So, your back?

I'm back.

Uh, did, uh, Hansel and Gretel get off?

I don't know. I recused myself.

You recused yourself from the prosecution of Hansel and Gretel?

What, were you dating Gretel?

For a few weeks. Bad time.

What's that?

Oh, that? A personal case, immigration.

I'm letting them run with it.

Excuse me.

Someone to see you, Will... Giada Cabrini.

No appointment.

Send her in.

Long lost love?

No. A student.

This should be interesting.

Your Honor.

Ms. Cabrini.

I thought I'd bring you some gingerbread.

So, did you win?

No, actually.

To be honest, I think they did it.

Very clever, getting me recused.

Yes, well, you were biased.

And you're here because...?

I want to take you to dinner.

No hard feelings.

How old are you?

25. How old are you?

Not 25.

Well, I won't hold that against you.

Come on, I'll buy.

Let me think about it.


I'll wait.

You're wasting your time.

Deportations fall under I.C.E.

The U.S. attorney's office can't countermand their order of removal.

We can still authorize an S-1 visa.

A snitch visa?

For whom, the mother?

You want the Pujaris' contact with organized crime, right?

Well, if Simran gets deported, so does the name.

I seem to be missing something.

I'm open to a new proffer, but I'll need to see a statement.

I sacrificed.

Now it's your turn.

I was the courier between the Pujari brothers and their buyers.

They offered me a lot of money to do it.

They threatened me if I told anyone.

So I kept it from my mother... and Amal.

I was the one who texted the brothers you were watching.

Okay. That's enough.

You get the rest when you get the visa.

Give me a few hours.

She'll get jail time, you know.

She knows.

Thank you.

No problem.

That's nice.

Isn't that nice?

No big case, no video games... we just did some good here.

Actually, Alicia and I did some good.

You just drove the car.

Oh, that is not fair.

I'm the one who found...

Shh, shh, shh.

What is it?

Today a car we believed... ...was found abandoned...

Hold on.

I'm gonna play it back.


And now back to our headline news.

Chicago real estate developer Gerald Kozko is missing, in fear to have taken his own life.

Authorities fear Mr. Kozko may have committed su1c1de by jumping from the Des Plaines River Bridge just outside the loop.

Police found his abandoned car parked midway across the bridge earlier today.

There are no witnesses, and no body has yet been recovered, but police boats and divers continue to search...

Mom! Dinner!

Hey, babe, we're just sitting down.
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