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02x86 - Ships in a Bottle

Posted: 12/13/23 13:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine, shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Thanks for helping me lug these empty fizzy fuel pop bottles

down to the recycling center, Hawky.

Sure thing, Eagle.

Gotta clean up the school for the Rooster Rockets'

big performance today!

Oh, I can't wait to see 'em again!

Yeah, they're so awesome!

Remember the last time they were in town?

(crowd cheering)

(plane) Cockadoodle-doo!

Yeah, Rooster Rockets!

Yeah! Rooster Rockets!

Whoo-hoo! Amazing!

Wasn't that a blast?

Hey, check me out!

I'm a Rooster Rocket!

And, for my big finale...

(fire alarm beeping)

Um, Hawk...

I think you just sealed the door shut.

Uh-oh! Oops!

(grunting) (door creaking)

And that's the only other door, too.

Mayday, mayday.

We're stuck in the bottle recycling room.

We're probably too far underground.

AVA, can you hear us?

AVA? Hello?

Hey! Can anyone hear us?

I guess not.

(water dripping)

Hawk, do you hear, like, a drip-drip-dripping sound?

Who cares about dripping sounds now?

This is, like, my biggest mistake ever!

Actually... maybe more like my third

or fourth biggest mistake.

Remember the time I was goofing around

and broke the lunar elevator?


Oh, nice!

Hawk, look out!

(humming continues)

Gotcha! Heh-heh-heh!

Well, that's the last one!

(humming continues) (screaming)

(machine whirring)


Right on my tailfin!

But I'm okay!

Hawk! You hit the lunar elevator!

And you smashed this... thing.

Oops! I'm sorry!

Ha-ha! Yeah, that was pretty bad.

But you've gotten us stuck in a lot of places.

Like that old abandoned space station.

(whirring) (grunting)

Hawk, wait.

I don't think you should-- I wanna see what's inside.

(door whirring)

What's going on?

I'm usually the one who rushes into things.

(door whirring)

Ugh! (metal creaking)

Guys, I need your help!

It must have sealed shut!

Please, let me try!


It... won't... open!

Or that cave? Remember that one?

You guys? (both) What?

We lost the group!

Oh, no! We can catch up.

Wait for me!

Hawk! Stop!

How could I forget?

All-time worst mistake has gotta be

when I was working as a fuel taste tester.

(Hawk moaning)

Was that... Hawk?


You drank all those flavors?

Yeah, and they were all delicious.


Ugh... my stomach hurts.

Hawk, I think you were supposed to test

this batch over here.

Aw... (stomach rumbling)

Your belly rumbled for a week!

(rumbling) Kind of like it's rumbling right now.

I'm hungry. Are you hungry?

Eagle, we gotta get outta here!

Yeah, or we'll miss the Rooster Rockets!

(grunting) (door creaking)



Oops! Aw, come on, Hawk.

Every one makes mistakes.

What about the time Robyn ignored our warnings

and flew right into a hurricane?

(siren wailing)

(AVA) Storm warning. Storm warning.

Large hurricane approaching.

Storm warning. Storm warning.

Large hurricane approaching.

Hurry, cadets.

You must return before the hurricane hits.

Strong hurricane approaching.

We made it! All right!

Eew-wee! That was a close one!

Wait a minute...

Where's Robyn?

(jet blasting)

Wahoo! (laughing)

Or, remember when you put a mini-moon

in orbit over the Earth?

And all the trouble that that caused?

There we go!

(jet blasting)


The Eagle has landed!

Say hello to Mini Moon!


(alarm ringing)

(AVA) Headmaster Crane to control room.

Headmaster Crane to control room.

Eagle, we've got a problem!

The moon affects the oceans on Earth.

Your mini-moon is making bigger waves!

Yeah, I know. Hear the cheering?

No, Eagle.

We are talking about real waves.

Huge waves. Rising sea levels.

Huh? Remember what we spoke about?

The moon's gravity tugs at Earth's oceans,

creating high tides.

Sure, I remember that.

The problem is, the asteroid you put in orbit

around the Earth has gravity, too.

And that extra gravity is now pulling water levels even higher.

That's what's making the waves.

Giant waves.

If you would listen to me,

none of this would have happened.


Oh, yeah. Forgot about that.

I guess it just proves we all make mistakes.

Yup, and we can learn from our mistakes.

We can, like the time we got lost on Mars

with that bogus map.

You remember what happened?

This is it, guys. The discovery of the century!

Get ready to feast your eyes on...

a bunch of rocks and dirt?

(Hawk) Where are all the Martian canals?

Canals? What's all this about canals?

We-- we found a map.

AVA, display it for us, please.

Displaying map.

That's probably just a drawing from some old storybook.

Trust me, there ain't no canals on Mars.

Ain't no Martians neither! Ha-ha!

Aw, after all that...

Guys, wait! Look!

These grooves, it looks like a dried-up river

flowing from the crater!

(jet blasting)

A long time ago, this crater

must have been a giant lake!

We ended up discovering an ancient Martian lake!

And what about the time

we were cleaning up all that junk on Mars?

Ugh, can you go a little faster?

(vacuum whirring)

What? You want more power?

Sure! (beeps)

Hawk, no! That's too much!

Ahh! Ahh!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no, no, no!

(screaming continues)





Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! No, no, no, no, no, ahh...

(Hawk gibbering)

Thanks to that blunder, we learned about plants

and terraforming. Ha-ha!

How about when you thought the moon was made

of cranberry rocket fuel?

Hey, Hawk.

Why don't you go back to the observatory and get started?

We'll join you in a few.


Just start anywhere.

It's as good a way as any of finding my magic planet!

(observatory whirring)

Aw, boring. That's just the moon.

(computer) Cranberry rocket fuel.

I accidentally spilled cranberry rocket fuel

on the telescope.

That's right.

And we learned how spectrometers tell us

what things are made of.

If it weren't for mistakes,

a lot of important discoveries might never have happened!

So you're saying that locking us in here

was a good thing?

Not exactly.

(water dripping)

Hey, I can still hear that drip-drip-dripping sound.

What is that?

Oh, no! It's a leak!

We've gotta stop it.

It could waste thousands of gallons of water!

Or worse, it could flood the equipment!

Uh... wait! I think I have an idea!

Remember how I was drumming on the bottles

like the Rooster Rockets?

Yeah, so?

Maybe we can use the fizzy fuel pop bottles to help us.

No one could hear our voices,

but what if we tried to tap out a code on the pipes?

Or that air vent?


Someone upstairs might hear it

and figure out that we're stuck down here.


Hawky, you're a genius!

If this works.

Otherwise, you're just another goofy space cadet.

Like me.


Eh, where's that noise coming from?

(tapping continues throughout)

Dinky, is that you?

(chirping, whirring)

(tapping continues)

It's almost as if someone's doing it on purpose.

But why? (tapping continues)


Someone's trying to get our attention!

Get back, everyone!

Thanks for rescuing us, Coot.

That was some smart thinking, cadets.

Tapping a message for us to hear.

You know, in a weird way,

it's actually lucky that you two got stuck down here.

You saved us from a flood

that could have severely damaged the equipment!

Well, I heard the sound of water

and I knew we had to do something.

Hey, I'm the one who got us locked in here.

But I saved the day.

But you wouldn't have if it wasn't for me.

(both gasping)

(cans clattering)


I can't wait to see what we learn

from this mistake.