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02x81 - Double-O Dodo

Posted: 12/13/23 13:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfin' the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer, shine ♪

♪ Having a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Okay, my robotic engineers.

Fire the thrusters.



No! No! No!

Well, you did say "fire the thrusters," boss.

This new rocket engine still isn't working.

It's supposed to make us go twice as fast

with half the fuel!

How will we ever be ready for the big technology competition?

Well, why don't you just ask Coot for help?

I hear he's working on an engine a lot like this one.

Coot is also working on a new engine?

And, by using electricity,

we accelerate ions to generate thrust.


Hmm, still needs a bit more work.

I have faith in you, Coot.

We must get our new engine to work

before Coot completes his!

Boss, if you're both working on the same idea,

why not work together?

Or... Or?

Or I can pretend to fire you,

you get a job at the Academy,

and then steal Coot's plans

for his new ion rocket engine!

Then we can present the best design

at the Advanced Technology Competition!


Um, that would not be my first choice.

Here's that cup of fuel you wanted, Mr. Vulture.

Oh-- oh-- oh!

Aah! Dodo!

You clumsy oaf!

Oops, sorry, boss.


This is the last straw.

I have had it up to here

with your mistakes and blunders!

You're fired!

Not again!

Please don't fire me, boss.

I can do better.

I'm serious this time.

You're finished.

Pack your things, now.


Dodo, wait.

Oh, hello, Headmaster Crane.

Can you believe Mr. Vulture fired me again?

For real, this time.

Yes, but perhaps

you should consider this a good thing.

It cannot be easy working for such a demanding employer.

Oh, Mr. Vulture's not so bad...

even though he complains a lot.

He always makes me feel needed.

Or at least he used to.

But I guess no one needs me anymore.

It sure would be nice

if I could find another job somewhere,

working for someone,

anyone, somewhere.

Where they want me...

Dodo, wait.

Did someone call me? Did you?

We always need help at the Academy.

How would you like a job as an assistant?


♪ Taking out the trash, trying not to crash ♪

Hey, Dodo.

So, how do you like your new job?

I love it here, it's so quiet

without Mr. Vulture yelling at me.

Ha ha, well, it's nice to have you on the team.

That's right, everyone has a part to play

in a successful mission.

♪ (whistling)

(beeping, whirring)

This must be the design for Coot's new engine.

(Crane) Coot? I thought I saw you leave earlier.

Is everything okay in...


What are you doing in here?


Let me get this straight.

Vulture firing you again was a ruse?

I don't know what that means.

A charade, a trick.

Vulture didn't really fire you.

He sent you here to spy on us.

Um, yep.

I'm supposed to use this memory sticky thing

to steal the plans for Coot's new rocket engine.

Because it'll make us all go super-fast

using much less fuel.

Mr. Vulture's new engine doesn't work

unless you wanna roast marshmallows with it.

What was he planning to do with Coot's design?

Something about presenting it

at the big psychology competition.

You mean the technology competition.

Yeah, that's it, phew.

Well, the good news is that now that you know,

I can go back to work for Mr. Vulture.

I really don't like all this spying stuff.

No. No?

No. Why not?

Because Vulture doesn't know I know you're a spy.

Huh? I have a new assignment for you, Dodo.

You will pretend to steal our plans

and deliver them to Vulture.

Only, I will provide you with fake plans

to throw Vulture off our track.

That will teach him a lesson about spying.

Here, just give him these fake plans.

Okay, can do.

Until a few moments ago,

you were merely an ordinary spy.

But now you are a double-spy.

Vulture will think you are still spying on us,

but you're really spying on him.

Hehe, a double-spy.

That's twice as cool as being a single spy, right?

Indeed it is.

Now, go, Dodo.

Right away, new boss!

Ahh, Coot's new engine designs.

Good work, Dodo.

Did you have any trouble stealing them?

No trouble at all, Headmaster Crane

gave me everything you asked for.

Wait, what did you say?

Headmaster Crane...

Figured out that you were spying.

But of course.

I can see it now.

These are fake plans!

Nice try, Crane.

But two can play that game!

Ooh, are we gonna play a game now?

Yes, we're going to play a little game of pretend.

Dodo will pretend that Vulture is hard at work

using the fake plans

so Crane won't suspect Dodo

when Dodo goes back again

to steal the real plans!

Dodo is confused, boss.

I mean, I'm confused. I thought I was done.

You know, like mission accomplished

and all that jazz?

No. No?

No. Why not?


Crane doesn't know

I know he knows you're a spy.

I have no idea what that means.

Crane turned you into a double-spy.

Which means you were pretending to spy on him

so you could really spy on me, right?


So now...

I'm turning you into a triple-spy!

You will pretend to spy on me,

but you will really spy on him again

while he thinks you're still spying on me,

but you're not!

Oh! Triple... um...

spy on you, spy on him, spy on you, I'm not...

I'm not, uh...

No matter.

Here, take this, go back there,

and get me the real plans!

Can-do, old new boss, I think.

♪ Taking out the trash ♪

♪ Wish I had gloves so I don't get a rash ♪

Boy, you sure are a cheerful little dude.

How'd your first day go?

To be honest, I'm not sure.

Being an assistant is kind of complicated.

Would you excuse us, cadet?

I need to speak with Dodo in private.

Sure thing, Headmaster.

See you, Dodo.

How did things go with Vulture?

Really fabulous.

He said something about knowing you know something,

or not knowing, I forget which.

But anyway, he gave me another new device

to steal the plans again.


You see, now Vulture knows

I know that you are a spy.

But he doesn't know I know he knows I know.

Um, can you explain that again, please?

Actually, I don't think I can.

But no matter, here,

I have loaded brand-new fake plans

onto Vulture's device.

Just bring it back to him,

and he'll never suspect a thing.

If you say so.

Thanks, new old new boss.


And it is these breakthroughs

in technology

which fuel not just our bodies

but our imaginations.


What's wrong, Dodo?

I never knew being an assistant

could be so confusing.

Come on, let's get some fuel smoothies.

So, Crane, I'm looking forward

to Coot's presentation tomorrow.

Yes, we are hoping his design may win top honors.

Oh, don't be too sure.

You haven't seen all the presentations yet.

Meanwhile, Dodo is working out

very nicely here at the Academy.

Yes, he is such a hard worker.

I was so sorry to have to let him go.

Well, we were happy to have him join us.

Oh, were you really?


In fact, Dodo may soon earn

a promotion for his excellence

in following instructions.


Because, truth be told,

I do miss the little fellow.

I may have acted too rashly.

Perhaps I should hire him back.

That would be most unfortunate,

for both of us.

(both growling)

(both) How dare you send Dodo to spy on me?!

How dare me?

How dare you send him back to me

with fake plans?!

You turned him into a double-spy!

And you turned him into a triple-spy!

And you turned him into a quadruple-spy!

Quintuple! Sextuple!


Ugh... oh, I've run out of "uples."

This underhanded behavior must stop.

Perhaps we should...

share information with each other.

Are you suggesting a collaboration?

I must admit,

Coot's design is not yet perfected.

And I'm guessing your engineers have

run into problems, as well.


yes, we have had some design issues, too.

Then I have an idea.

I will let you see our real design plans

if you let us see yours.

Perhaps by working together,

we can solve the problems we are both having.

Like sharing pieces of a puzzle.

Precisely-- by sharing our knowledge

and collaborating, perhaps we can achieve

a design superior to the ones we came up with separately.

Deal. And you and Coot

can present your findings together.


Wow, it looks like the two of them

just needed to work together all along.

Phew, that's what I've been trying to tell them.

Ha ha, so, in a way,

you tricked them.

You kinda knew all along that

they'd have to work together to solve their design problems.

Yep, but please don't tell them.

They don't know I know.


(both laughing)