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02x77 - New Cadet on the Block

Posted: 12/13/23 13:26
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfin' the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer, shine ♪

♪ Having a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!


I can't believe it's finally here.

The new Web telescope.

I've been reading about it for months.

Oh, well, come on in, everyone.

Let's see what we can discover with the help of this beauty.

Now, who would like to be the first to view the solar system

through our brand-new Web ?

Oh, me, me!


Look at the clear detail.

This is amazing, guys!

Hey, who's that?

Whoa, look at him go!

Isn't some new kid supposed to be transferring here

from another school this week?

Yeah. I wonder if that's him.

Yep, must be.

His name's Kite.

Jumpin' Jupiter!

He seems to be quite the daredevil, too.

Game on!

Welcome to Stardust Space Academy.

Please welcome our newest cadet, Kite.

I trust he will make a fine addition to your class.

Oopskee doopskee, guys.

Hey, Kite. I'm Eagle.

So what did you do for fun at your old school?

Played Orbo, dude. Three-time all-galaxy champion.

We love Orbo!

You want in?

For sure!

Lead on, dudes.

That was the launchpad where we start all our training missions.

And over there is the cafeteria.

They have the best rocket fuel flavors.

Hi, guys. Who's the new kid?

This is Kite.

He just transferred here from another school.

Oopskee doopskee, dude.

Boopsy-doodly-doo to you, too.

Hey, buddy, here's a good one.

Why did the sun go to school?

Did the sun go to school, too?

Dude, it's a joke.

Oh, ha ha!

That's funny! I don't get it.

Guys, why did the sun go to school?

I don't know, Kite. Why?

The sun went to school to get brighter!

Ha ha, brighter.


Okay, gotta motor.

Mr. Vulture will get mad

if I don't bring him his lunch now.

You know how he is.

Oopskee doopskee, Dodo.

Oopy doopy! Ha ha!

Boospy doopy! Ha ha!

So, who's the goofball?

That's Dodo.

He's Mr. Vulture's assistant.

Well, hello, you three.

Is this the new cadet?

Yes, ma'am.

Please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Kite.

It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, ma'am.

Well, it's lovely to meet you, too, Kite.

What a well-mannered young rocket you are.

I look forward to having you in class.

Who's the grandma?

She's not a grandma.

Sand Piper's, like, the most famous racer at Stardust Bay.

Yah, she's super cool.

Everyone loves her.


Just a few more calibrations and we'll be ready.

Wait 'til you see the details on Saturn's rings through here.

I've been zeroing in on them all afternoon.

He he.


There you are.

You've got to see this, guys.


Licorice rocket fuel.

Ha ha!

(camera snapping)

He he... Uh...

Kite's trying to be funny, right?



Ha ha!


Hey, Rocket Girl.

I need one more on my team.

Come on! Thanks, but I can't, Kite.

I need to get back home.

Can I play?

No, that's okay, kid.

We need someone good on our team.

I should go do my homework anyway.

Are you sure you're okay?

That was really mean, you guys.

Hey, how do you know when the moon's had enough to eat.

I don't know. How do you know when the moon's had enough to eat?

When it's full!

Get it! When it's full!

Right on.

Oopskee doopskee, Crow. Uh, listen.

Sorry about the other day.

You know, we just needed the best Orbo players on the team

so we could beat Eagle and Raven.

Yeah, you know how it goes.

Yeah, I suppose. Good.

Glad there are no hard feelings, buddy.



What's so...



What's wrong, Crow?

Why are you sitting here by yourself?

No reason.

I just felt like eating alone today.

But we always eat together.

You haven't been sitting with us lately.

I don't think Kite likes me.

He's always playing mean jokes on me.

But everyone seems to like him so much,

so I guess I'll just eat alone.

Crow, we all like you.

I'm gonna put a stop to this now.

Robyn, you can't.

Promise you won't tell anyone.

I'd be too embarrassed.

But I can help you.

No. Promise me.

Okay, if that's what you want...


That's it, cadets!

Keep up your pace, but fly with precision.

(all) Whoa!

Whoa! The new kid can really go.

Hey, guys, watch this move I've been practicing.


(coughing) Hey!

Oopskee, sorry, dude!


He did that on purpose.

Are you sure?

Yes. Hawk, Kite's "jokes" have gotten out of hand.

He's been picking on Crow constantly, making fun of him.

Oh, he's just trying to be funny, Robyn.

He likes to make us laugh.

Well, it's not funny anymore.

He's a bully.

Today, I found Crow eating lunch alone

so he didn't have to be around Kite.

And now this.

What should we do?

Tell Headmaster Crane?

We can later if we need him.

But now, we need to say something.

And tell Kite it's not funny to be mean to our friend.

Okay! Let's do it.


Oopskee doopskee, dude.

And dudess. Hi.

Listen, Hawk and I want to talk to you about something.

Yeah? What's that?

Well, we've been noticing that you haven't been very nice

to Crow, and he's our friend.

We want you to stop it.

Come on, Rocket Girl.

I'm just having a little fun.

If everyone gets a good laugh, what's the big deal?

The big deal is that he's upset by it

and we don't think it's very funny anymore.

All right, all right. You guys are no fun.

Lighten up.

I'm sure he'll be nicer now.

I hope so.

Who can tell us why the Web works so well,

and why it's the strongest telescope ever?


Do you know what part of this telescope

makes it the strongest one ever invented?


Crow, well, that's not like you.

You love the new telescope.

Are you sure you can't tell us?

The high-powered mirrors that are configured

to the exact millimeter,

which allow the Web to view fine details

at the distance that it does.

It's quite extraordinary.

Well done!

You could all learn a thing or two from Cadet Crow.

Ha ha!

Oh, look, it's goody two-wheels,

the teacher's favorite pet, ha, right?

What did we talk about, Kite?

Quit it. It's not funny anymore.

Yeah, cut it out already. You're being mean.

I told you I was just joking around.

It's funny, right, Eagle?

What's going on, Robyn?

Haven't you seen what's been happening?

Kite has been bullying Crow every day

and it's really gotten out of hand.

Kite, Crow is our friend.

You'd better knock it off

or you're gonna be playing Orbo alone.

Yeah, if it wasn't for Crow,

I never would have gotten through my

astronomy class last semester.

Leave him alone or you're gonna be the loneliest rocket

in the galaxy.

Yeah, leave him alone!

Knock it off. You're being a bully.

I'm out of here, dudes.

Thanks, guys.

Hey, Crow.

Can you show us Saturn on the telescope?

Yeah, Crow, I want to use it, too!

You bet.

There's so much neat stuff to see.

I can show you Mars and Jupiter and Saturn

and the asteroid belt...

Oopskee doopskee, dude.

Hi. So, like,

I was wondering if you'd give me some pointers

on the new telescope.

I sort of need help or...

I don't think I'm gonna

pass the test this week.

Maybe you should find someone else to help you, Kite.

Someone good.

Listen, Crow, I want to apologize.

I'm new here and I wanted everyone to like me.

So you know, I tried to make the kids laugh, but I get it.

It was wrong of me to pick on you.

I was trying to be funny.

I guess it wasn't.

I wish I had friends as good as yours.

I'm really sorry.

I mean it.

Well, okay.

I like your jokes,

just not when the jokes are on me.

So do you think we can be...



Oopskee doopskee, man.

Oopskee doopskee, Kite.

Hey, dude, can you show me Saturn tomorrow, too?



Kite, why don't you take a look at Saturn.

You can be first.

Hey, thanks, Crow.


Dude, it's an alien!


What? (laughing)

It's just a drawing I pasted to the top of the telescope.


Now that's funny.

You got me, dude.

(all) Oopskee doopskee, Kite!