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02x83 - Stardust Rhythm

Posted: 12/13/23 13:25
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfin' the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer, shine ♪

♪ Having a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

(Robyn) The Academy's Poetry Slam Festival is coming up soon!

I'm so psyched!

Poetry what?

Poetry Slam.

It's a contest where anyone from the school--

cadets, teachers, whoever wants to enter--

reads an original poem they wrote.

Eww... poetry?


Poetry's not boring at all, Eagle.

Did I happen to mention

that there is a prize for the best poem?


What prize?

Come on, you guys, I'll show you.

(Hawk) Whoa, look at these!

They're so cool!

Yup, just came in.

The latest in new space helmet designs.

You mean we get one of these helmets

just for writing a poem?

The winning poem gets a helmet.

Well, why didn't you say so?

Hey, I'm gonna ace that contest!

Hey, man, like, I'm a Retro-Rocket.

Yo, I'm the coolest rocket in space!

Yee-ha, pardner!

Make way for the Cosmic Cowboy!



(Eagle) What should I write?

I don't know anything about poetry.

Well, you could write

about your adventures-- and speed!

I guess so.

Hey, you're the school rock star.

Just strut your stuff!

That's true.

I could hit 'em up with the old za-za-zoom--

and toss in some za-za-zing for good measure!


What are you gonna write about, Hawk?

Um, I don't know.

I've never written a poem before.

Mighty Hawk, the Brawny Boy of the Cosmos!

Yeah! I could write one about being super strong...

and how I use my strength during missions!

How 'bout you, Robyn?

My poem's gonna be about something I really love:


Um... maybe you could come up with something

a little more, you know... zippy.

And a little less math and science-y?

Hey, numbers can be really cool, you guys.

Not everything has to be all action all the time.

Oh... Ah...

it won't matter anyway.

I've got this thing won already!


Oh, whoo-hoo!


I'll show those guys

that numbers and calculating

really are cool.

"Math never lies, so...

"I like to eat... pies.

"It's math that tells me

where the stars... ares..."

Is that your poem for the festival?

Pretty cool, huh?

Um... well...

I guess calculating can be cool.

Uh, yeah.

Okay, but how calculating about something snazzy?

Snazzy? Like what?

Well, uh...

Hey, you like Saturn's rings,

and they're way cool.

"Saturn's rings are made of ice.

Now, isn't that nice?"

Yeah! Something more like that!

(vacuum cleaner whirring loudly)


Will you kindly cease that infernal racket?!

I need peace and quiet

to write my poem for the festival.

But I always clean the office every--

Can't you see I'm trying to concentrate?

Kindly leave.

Oops. Sorry, boss.

Okay, I'm outta here.

Here I go. Leaving!

Getting ready to go...


Um, toodles...

with noodles!

(door slams) Ah, some peace, finally.

"My heart soars..."


...and a supernova is the expl*si*n of a star.

It's the largest expl*si*n that takes place in space.

After it has completed its burst,

it becomes a pulsar and spins rapidly.

Can we see a pulsar through a telescope?

We can, Sparrow.

It can be seen through instruments

that detect x-rays or radio frequencies.

So, a pulsar can be seen through our space visors too?

Oh, yes.

Here's what they look like.

Oh, cool! Ooh! Wow!

The spinning pulsar sends out rotating beams of rays,

which we see as pulses of light.

You might even say a pulsar has-- (chuckles)-- rhythm.


(Crane) Welcome to this year's Poetry Slam Festival.

A night when each of us has the opportunity

to extol the beauty of the universe.

Allow me to introduce our judges for tonight's competition.

Representing the teachers, Coot! (applause)

Representing the students, Cadet Crow.

And I have the honor

of representing the school's administration.

And now, here to open the festivities

is the chairman of our school board.

(Dodo) Whoo-hoo!

Hooray for Mr. Vulture!

(clears throat, feedback whines)

My poem is called "My Heart."

"My heart soars, rises to the cosmos,

"greets the stars, which welcome my heart

"with their twinkling arms. (laughter)

"And as the moon shows its luminous face

"to the mighty cosmos,

"my heart soars.

Ooh. Ooh. (booing)

The cosmic story that is my gloriously soaring heart."

(Dodo snoring, crickets chirping)

Dull-witted school.

Vulture, I was deeply moved by your poem.

I never realized you possessed such...


Why... thank you.

I think you'll enjoy my poem, too.

"Majestic as the purple skies of Titan,

my heart swells for you."

Well then, ta-ta for now.

Did you hear that, Dodo?

Sandpiper was so enraptured by my poem,

she's written a romantic ode to me!

I believe she even has feelings for me.

I, I wouldn't jump to conclusions, boss.

I must respond in kind.

Oh, dear Sandpiper,

I shall write an ode to our special bond!

And now, please welcome Cadet Raven!

(audience cheering)

My poem is called "Racing."

"Space is the place for this Raven to race.

"It's the hippest sign

when this rocket's flyin'." (chuckles nervously)

(Raven laughs) Mm...

(Crane) Robyn.

Are you leaving before you recite you poem?

Ugh... I'll never be hip and cool like Raven and the others.


I may as well get some homework done.


"...and that's why I race real high."

(audience cheering)

Thank you, Cadet Raven.

And now, please welcome Cadet Eagle.

(audience cheering)

Hey, guys.

My poem is called "Flyin',"

and I've got a bang-up finish, too!

"Flyin' fast is just the best!

It's lots more fun than a history test!"


"Splendid Sandpiper,

"your eyes are like the twin moons of Mars,

"shining in the night.

"And we together shall dance in their light,

"the splendid, sumptuous, sublime,

"twinkling light... Bleah...

of night."

Dodo, I must return to the festival.

So will you take this

and slip it under Sandpiper's door?

She will thrill to my admiration when she arrives home, I'm sure!

"...and that's why

"speed is the thrill... (audience) Wow!

speed is da b*mb!"

(audience cheering)

Thank you, Cadet Eagle,

for that exhilarating performance.

And now, please welcome

our intrepid explorer and faculty member, Sandpiper.


"Majestic as the purple skies of Titan,

"my heart swells for you, oh nebula,

sight of wonder and awe."

Why... her poem is not about me at all!

It's about... a nebula?!

Did you slip my poem under Sandpiper's door?

Yup, just like you told me to, boss!


What did I say, what did I say?

You put the whole thing

under her door?!

Well, isn't that what you--

Out of my way!

(Vulture grunting, door creaking)


This is your fault!

You must fix it and find a way inside

or I will be ruined!

There, squeeze through that window!


Here you are!

We've been looking all over for you.

Yeah, you missed Eagle's poem.

He was terrific!

Sorry I missed it,

but I'm trying to get some homework done.

Aren't you gonna read your poem at the festival?


You guys were all so great up there,

and my poem was... you know, about math and calculations

Hey! There's a pulsar!

Just like we learned in class!

Here, have a look.

Wow... look at her go!

Blink, blink... blink, blink.

Hey... that's it!

What's it?


Sandpiper said pulsars have rhythm.

Well, a math egghead like me can have rhythm too!

Hey, wait for us!

Thank you, Cadet Starling, for that delightful poem.

The judges will now confer and announce the winner.


Am I too late to read my poem?

As a wise rocket once said, better late than never.

So take it away, Cadet Robyn!

"According to my calculations, I'm gonna win this,

"'cause math and science are always my business.

"Number don't lie, they can be counted on,

"so I gather data all day long.

"Other folks, they're just telling jokes.

"Me, I hit the telescopes, see the stars, Venus or Mars.

My rhymes are bumping just like these pulsars."

Whoo! Whoo! All right, Robyn!

"I love going on missions with my awesome friends.

"I love viewing Saturn through an optical lens.

"Its seven rings are incredible, unforgettable.

"I'd take a bite out of them if they were edible.

"This rocket sure knows how to rock it.

The contest is in my pocket!"

(all whooping and cheering)

(Eagle) Yay, Robyn!

By unanimous vote, the winner of the Poetry Slam is...

Cadet Robyn!

(audience cheering, Robyn laughing)


(cheering continues)