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02x85 - When the Envy Bug Bites

Posted: 12/13/23 13:22
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfin' the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer, shine ♪

♪ Having a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

It's so big! Wow!

Eagle, that's so cool.

Hey, guys, what's going on?

So... what do you think, Raven?

Wow! A Z Spectrum Lighting Array.

Where'd you get it, Eagle?

My uncle.

He works for the company that makes them.


It can do landing and search lights,

flashes and strobes, multicolor displays.

And check this out.

(all gasping) Wow!

Cool, huh? Yeah.

Cool. Come on.

Wait till you see what the lights do when I'm flying.

Eagle always gets everything.

I hardly think that's the case.

Headmaster Crane. I didn't see you.


You were too focused on Cadet Eagle's

new lighting array.

It's a Z. I've always wanted one.

It is nice to look at, but not very useful.

If Eagle wears it in space,

he'll find it just gets in the way.


But I'd give anything to get one.

It's not fair. Fair?


Sounds like you've been bitten by the envy bug.

The what bug? Envy.

It's not a real bug,

but a feeling we sometimes get

when we see someone else has something we don't have

but we want very badly.

How do I stop it?

Try not to wish for what other people have.

Be happy with what you have.

As a wise rocket once said, "Learn to be content."

I still want one, though.

I don't blame you.

Oh, Mr. Vulture.

Those lights are so much fun!

I know. Rats.

I heard what you said about giving anything

to get the Z Array.

Did you mean that?

Maybe. Why?

Oh, no reason.

Except, uh...

I know how you can get one for yourself.

You do? How?

Follow me.

Welcome to my new store!

Vulture's Starflight Emporium and Trading Post.

(bell dings)

Greetings, valued customer.

Here at Vulture's Starflight Emporium

we have doo-dads, trinkets, knickknacks

and bric-a-brac.

Oceans of lotions, potions and notions.

Plus, the very latest in gizmos, gadgets,

thingamabobs, whatnots, and wing-dings.

Dodo, Cadet Raven wants the latest in lighting arrays.

The Z.

Well then, boss, it's a good thing I just happen

to have one right behind the counter here.

Wow, that's great.

Wait. You said "trading post"?

I don't have anything to trade.

Nothing at all?

Not really. Just my old towline.


Tell you what, for the towline,

plus two work IOUs,

you can have the Z Array.

Really? Um, what's a work IOU?

IOU stands for "I owe you."

In this case, you would owe me work.

At some future point, you will work for me,

doing simple chores for a certain number of hours.

Two work IOUs would be two hours of work.

Work for you... for two hours?

I don't know.

Dig that funky groove! (music plays on radio)

Is that really such a large price for something so grand?

Okay, it's a deal.


Just sign here.


(music continues)


Hey, Eagle. What's new?

Hey, Raven.

Robyn's got a brand-new space pad, that's what.

It's the INXT space pad.

It's five times faster than the old one,

can run dozens of apps at the same time,

and has three times the image clarity.

Best of all, it lets me connect directly

to the observatory telescope.

No way!

Way! Look. See?

Pulsars, quasars, galaxies, and nebulae.

That's so awesome!

Robyn is so lucky. She gets everything.

It's not fair.

Of course we have the INXT.


I want one.

And you can have it...

in exchange for the Z Light Array

and three more work IOUs.

Wait, you want the light array back,

plus three more work hours?

(laughing) (beeping)

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh...

All right, all right.


Let me help you off with the light array.

Dodo, get this cadet an INXT space pad!

You got it, boss.

(Robyn) What do you think it is? What now?

Hawk's grandmother sent him a birthday present.

Whoa! It's beautiful.

Thank you, Granny, thank you!

The Captain Cosmos Ultra Collector Set?!

And look, it comes complete with a fully poseable

Captain Cosmos figurine!

A fully functional Captain Cosmos spaceship!

A disc with ten multilevel Captain Cosmos computer adventures

and a gold-plated Captain Cosmos Space Service Badge

stamped with the official Captain Cosmos seal!

Sounds like a must-have.

Eh, Dodo?

Sure is a must-have for me, boss.

Whatever "must-have" means.

And you can have one too, Cadet...

in trade for the space pad,

plus five more work IOUs.

Oh, man. Okay, okay.

Here's the space pad. Give me the IOUs.

(chuckling) (beeping)


My very own Captain Cosmos Ultra Collector Set.


This'll be the best mission yet!

And the most challenging.

Well, yeah. It's Miranda.

Miranda? Cool, huh?

One of Uranus' moons.

I wonder what we'll find there?

Miranda has deep canyons.

I bet our job will be to bring back

rock samples from the bottom.

I just wish we didn't have to use our towlines.

I need freedom.

It's for our own safety, Eagle.

Towline?! But I traded mine away.

Ooh, Miranda!

Can I come along, too?

Please, pretty please?!

(chuckling) Sorry, spark plug.

This mission's not for junior cadets.

Maybe next time, okay?

Oh, phooey!

Miranda! The chance of a lifetime.

I gotta get my towline back.

But I have to go on this mission, Mr. Vulture.

I need a towline.

Here's the Captain Cosmos Ultra Collector Set.

Well, I am afraid it will cost you

more than just the collector set.

I know.

How much more?

Another work IOUs.

?! That's a lot!

So... do we have a deal, cadet?



Headmaster, I'm ready for the mission.

Excellent, Cadet Raven. What mission?

To Miranda.

I've been waiting for this my whole life!

I commend you for having a goal and a dream,

but there is no mission to Miranda.

What?! Coot and I were discussing the idea,

but no mission has been set.

But I heard Eagle, Robyn, and Hawk talking about it.

Cadets, a word, if you please!

Cadet Raven here thinks that we have planned a mission

to Miranda which he overheard from the three of you.

Care to explain?

Hmm... Hmm... Well...

Um, we, uh, heard you and Coot talking

about Miranda the other day...

And we kind of assumed that there was gonna be a mission.

We're sorry if we caused any trouble.

This is what happens when we jump to conclusions

without knowing the whole story.

You have not caused any trouble for me,

but you may have for...


Excuse me.

(Vulture) Ah, Cadet Raven!

Just the young rocket I'm looking for.

Oh, hi, Mr. Vulture.

I'm calling in all of your work IOUs.

Time to pay up.

What do you want me to do?

Tomorrow morning you will report to the freight yard.

There are several fuel bins that are in need of cleaning.

Fuel bins?! They're disgusting.

Why do you think I want you to clean them?

: a.m. sharp!


Now look what I've got myself into.


Nice going, Raven.

Not only is there no Miranda mission,

but you've traded away all of your cool stuff.

Now all you have is your crummy old towline.

(Starling) Help!

What was that?

Help, someone! Please help!

Starling? Is that you?


Yes, it's me, it's me!

What are you doing down there?

I wanted to prove I could go.

Go where? Miranda!

I thought if I flew to the moon and brought back some rocks,

they'd see I could go along on the mission.

But this boulder came loose and trapped me down here.

Okay, just stay calm.

Uh... oh, man, that's a really big boulder.

(AVA) Remember, Cadet.

Gravity on the moon is only one-sixth that of Earth.

I know, AVA, but I still don't think I'm strong enough

to move it all by myself.

Perhaps you can use your towline to give you leverage.

Leverage? What's that?

See, instead of trying to lift the heavy boulder

with your wings,

the leverage of your towline will allow you

to use yourthrusters, which are much stronger.

Awesome. Thanks, AVA!

Starling! I'm gonna move the boulder!

When the opening is big enough, get out as fast as you can.

(grunts) Go, go, go!

(boulder crumbling)

You okay? Uh-huh.

Thanks, Raven! You did it!

Yeah. I couldn't have done it

without my crummy old towline.

(Crane) I trust you have both learned a valuable lesson

about the danger of the envy bug's bite.

Learn to be happy with what you already have.

Sometimes, it is all you will need.

I get it now, but my lesson's not over.

I still have to pay off all of my work IOUs to Mr. Vulture.

Actually, you got lucky this time.

Vulture disobeyed our rules.

No trading deals between adults and students are allowed.

So you do not have to pay off the IOUs after all.

Phew! That's great.

I have also learned that Vulture opened his emporium

as a sneaky way to try to get someone else

to do his dirty work for him.

I trust that he is learning a lesson as well.

Ugh, disgusting!

♪ I've been cleaning up the fuel tanks ♪

♪ All the live-long day... ♪
