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02x63 - The Little Rocket Who Cried Aliens

Posted: 12/13/23 13:15
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪


♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪


♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪


Hey, wait for me!

Wa-hoo! I got 'em! I got 'em!

Excuse me. [grunting]

Hawk: Check it out, guys.

I just got the official Captain Cosmos

Collector's Edition Decals!

Whoa! Cool!


Oh! [chuckles]

What are you gonna do with 'em, Hawk?

You're supposed to stick them on your wings

or your tail fin or someplace,

but if I do that, then I can't see 'em,

and I really want to see this one.

It's my favorite--

the Captain Cosmos warning signal.

It's used to summon him in case of an emergency!

Ooh, it's so pretty!

It looks like I have two of these.

Here. You can have one, Starling.

Yippee! Thanks, Hawk!

May I please have your attention?

Coot has a request.

Thank you.

I need two strong cadets

to join me at Fuel Station Alpha.

I need to make some repairs up there.

Oh, Coot! I'll go!

Pick me! You went last time.

I want to go. No, pick me!

Okay, Raven, Hawk, you're up.

Well, up in space, that is.


What tools should we bring along?

Won't need any.

Everything is already up at the fuel station.

Nobody ever lets me do anything.

What about me? I can help.

Let me do something. Please?



I have an important job for you, Starling.

Really? Yay!

Thank you, Headmaster.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Indeed. You can keep an eye on--

Oh, my gosh!

I almost forgot! See you later!

♪ A friend is a friend is a friend ♪

Hey, Starling.

I thought you were going to help Headmaster Crane.

Shh! I'm watching "My Lunar Pony."

I'm Gooey Gumdrop.

I'm Princess Sugar Lumps. I'm Carrot Breath.

I've never understood how you can watch

such a corny show, Starling.

It's not corny. It's totally awesome.

In this episode,

Princess Sugar Lumps and Moonie-Moonie

have to stop an invasion

from the Stinky Sock Bots.


Headmaster Crane is waiting for you

at the observatory right now.

Unless you have to watch another episode

of "My Lunar Pony."

No. I'm coming.

Look out for that Stinky Sock Bot, Moonie-Moonie.

Moonie-Moonie? Oh, brother.

Now, as soon as I open this door,

come inside as quickly as you can.

Don't want any equipment floating out.

What did I tell you?

Everything we need is right here.


How cool is this?

I'll tell you what tools to grab,

and then we'll get to work.

Starling: Wow, there's so much space

in outer space.

So, what's my super-important job?

Your task is simple.

To observe and then to report your findings.

Okay, but it looks like there's nothing to see.

As a wise rocket once said,

seeing nothing is still seeing.

Thank you, Headmaster Crane.

I promise to do a great job.

Poor kid.

She might as well be watching raindrops

drying on her space visor.

I know.

There's a whole lot of nothing out there.

On a good day.

[Starling sighs]

Every part of the inner solar system

kind of looks the same.

Thanks for keeping me company, Mr. Rocket Baby.

Hmm, there's something strange-looking

about that star.

It's shinier than all the others.

I'd better report this.

Headmaster Crane: And so when we look at the stars,

we have absolutely wonderful ideas

about where we may go and how we may get there.

Um, sorry to bother you, Headmaster,

but there's something weird about one of the stars.

I think you should take a look.

Very well. Excuse me, class.

Exactly which star did you mean?

Um... oh.

Um, I'm not sure.

It was here a minute ago.

I appreciate the dedication to your task, Starling.

However, in the future,

you need not report what you see immediately

unless it is truly out of the ordinary.

Right. Got it. Sorry.

Thanks for helping me

return these empty fuel canisters

to the academy.

I've got my wings full here,

so do me a favor, Raven,

and lock the door to the supply room.

Roger, Coot.

Yo, Hawk, bet you can't do this

without losing your canister.

Or lunch!


Bet you I can!



Oh! I must have fallen asleep.

Headmaster Crane won't like that.

We've got a job to do.

What's that?

Whatever it is,

it sure looks out of the ordinary.

What do you think, Mr. Rocket Baby?

It's getting closer.

We need to tell Headmaster Crane right now!

Sorry to bother you again,

but there's a big, scary blob

approaching our planet!

You've got to see it. Hurry!

It appears that you accidentally turned

the eyepiece,

causing the image in the lens

to become larger.

What you saw was most likely a gas cloud

millions of miles away.

Oops. Sorry again.

Don't feel bad, Starling.

You should see what I did

the first time I had this assignment.

Me too.

I thought I saw a meteor

heading right for the academy.

It turned out to be a speck of dirt on my visor.

Perhaps you have been observing

long enough, Starling.

Please give me another chance.

If I quit now, I'll never be like the other cadets.

Please, Headmaster.

I promise I'll do better.

Very well.

I've got to keep looking, Mr. Rocket Baby.

I've got to do a good job.

I've got to... I've got to...


I think they'll help.


Won't they, Mr. Rocket Baby?

[pony screaming]

Help us, Starling.

We're being invaded by the Stinky Sock Bots.

You're the only one who can save us!

Oh, no!

Mr. Rocket Baby, we're being invaded!

We've got to warn everybody before it's too late!

Ava, activate red alert.

What is it? What's going on?

I don't know.

Starling: Follow me, everybody.

We're being invaded by the Stinky Sock Bots.

We've got to stop them!


Oh, no.

It's true!

Just ask Mr. Rocket Baby.

Or Moonie-Moonie.

Starling, you've been watching way too much

"My Lunar Pony." [Raven groans]

I wouldn't watch that show

for all the high-speed rocket fuel in the universe.

Hey, you're just like the little rocket who cried aliens.

The who who did what?

Once upon a time, there was a little rocket

who kept warning everyone

that aliens were invading Earth,

but it wasn't true.

And then when the aliens did invade Earth,

the little rocket tried to warn everyone,

but no one believed her.

Don't pay any attention to Raven.

That's just a silly story. Never happened.

Ha! Until now!

Stop teasing her!

I'm sure she feels bad enough.

As a wise rocket once said,

our mistakes are our greatest teachers.

If that's true, then I'm gonna be a genius.

I don't know if you're still awake, Mr. Rocket Baby,

but I really made a mess of things.

Now I guess I'll never be treated like the other cadets.

I'll always be the little rocket who cried aliens.

I guess I'll take one more look,

and then it's off to bed.

Hey, what's that moving around in space?

Well, this time I'm not taking any chances.

Let's get a closer look.

What's all that stuff floating around up there?

This time I know I'm not imagining it.

This is a real emergency.

We've got to get help.

But what if they don't believe me

and they won't come?

I've got to tell them,

but I know they won't believe me.

But I've got to do something.

[sighs] What should I do, Mr. Rocket Baby?

What should I do?

Hawk: It's my favorite--

the Captain Cosmos warning signal.

It's used to summon him in case of an emergency!

Maybe they won't come out for me,

but I'll bet that one of them will come out for this.

Man: ♪ Captain Cosmos, he's our hero ♪

Hawk! Hawk! Look at the sky!


It's... It's...

the Captain Cosmos warning signal!

Captain Cosmos reporting for duty.

I've always wanted to say that.

Eh, what's going on here?

I just saw a whole bunch of weird objects

floating around in space near the fuel station.

I know I messed up before,

and I don't blame you if you don't believe me,

but this time it's true.

I believe you, Starling.

[chuckle, relieved sigh]

Attention, cadets, this is Hawk.

Report outside immediately.

[Eagle yawns]

There's some strange stuff floating around in space.

I think we should investigate.

I don't see anything.

It's another false alarm.

Let's go back to sleep and wait for the next one.

Wait. Why is that door opened?

Door? What door?

Uh-oh! We forgot to lock the supply room door!

I guess that would explain

why all the supplies are missing.

Coot is not gonna be happy about this.

You think? You're in big trouble, Hawk.

Me? I distinctly remember Coot

telling you to lock the door.

Let's not argue, guys.

There's still time to collect the missing supplies

and put them back.

Robyn's right.

What are we waiting for?

Let's go!

Coot told you to do it.

Liar, liar, thrusters on fire!

Hey! Wait for me!

I wish to thank Starling for a job well done.

Her keen powers of observation

prove that she will someday make a splendid cadet.

Thank you, Headmaster Crane.

Thanks, everybody.

I couldn't have done it without Mr. Rocket Baby.

Sorry for all the trouble I caused.

Looks like Starling's not the only one around here

who makes mistakes.

And you're sorry you teased her, right?

[sighs] I am.

How can we make it up to you, Starling?

[ponies chattering]

[Starling chuckling]

Hey, this is almost as exciting

as Captain Cosmos.

I told you it wasn't just a show

for little rockets.

How long do we have to watch this?

You have to sit through the entire

five-hour marathon. [chuckles]


And now, another exciting episode

of "My Lunar Pony."

Ponies: ♪ My Lunar Pony ♪