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02x75 - Volunteer Day

Posted: 12/13/23 13:14
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪


♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪


♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪


Hey, wait for me!

I love Earth Day.

The games, the races...

The food!

[slurping, loud burp]


Earth Day is about taking care of our home.

And that includes our oceans

which can become just as polluted...

As our minds,

which we must always stay vigilant to fill with...

Sludge and other waste products.

Believe me, the last thing you want to eat is...

Space junk, which can become a serious hazard

to entering and exiting the atmosphere,

as well as a danger to existing satellites.

What's your Earth Day activity, Robyn?

We're signing up volunteers to help clean up

some of the space junk in low orbit.

Cool. Well, I think it's great

that you're do so much hard work for the planet.

Volunteering is really important.

I'm glad you feel that way.

So, I'll sign you and Hawk up for cleanup duty too.

I meant you volunteering, not me.

Nice try Eagle,

but I'm putting you both on my list.

Report to Sector Four at :.

Aww, man!

Coach Pigeon: Take your best shot!

Dunk the coach to help raise awareness

of the importance of recycling!

Aw, is that the best you got, Eagle?


You don't seem too happy about helping Robyn.

No, volunteering is fine, it's just...

there's an Orb-O tournament on TV,

and I really wanted to kick back

and relax this afternoon.

Oh, you call that a throw?

I've seen salads tossed better than that!

Come on, it'll be fun.

And we're making the planet a better place.

I guess. [grunts]

[ding] Ahh!

I said a better place, not a wetter place.

Robyn: All right, volunteers.

I want everyone to have a chance

at using the magnet to attract the space junk.

It's actually a lot of fun once you get used it.

Tag the debris so you don't accidentally disturb

any working equipment.

Then reel it in with the magnet.

Load the debris into the cargo transports,

and when they're full, set them on autopilot.

Everyone gets to take a turn doing all the different jobs.

And remember to have fun today.

I'll be in Sector Five if anyone needs me.

All right, let's do this.

[all cheering]


♪ Space junk ♪

♪ A messy muddle of metallic clunk ♪

♪ We wanna see the planet free of gunky orbital debris ♪

All: ♪ No more space junk ♪

Raven: ♪ Space junk ♪

♪ We won't rest until the hazard's shrunk ♪

♪ Grab those chunks in threes and fours ♪

♪ And chuck 'em through the cargo doors ♪

♪ No more space junk ♪

Ava, how much longer until the Orb-O tournament starts?

AVA: The Orb-O tournament begins in two hours and minutes.

And how much longer do you think

this cleanup job is going to take?

At the current rate, I estimate you will complete

the clean-up of Sector Four

in three hours and five minutes.


So there's a chance we could get done in time,

if we just kick it up a notch.

Hey, guys, I've noticed that with everyone rotating jobs

we're wasting a lot of time.

Raven, why don't you just handle the magnet.

Hawk, you load the cargo.

Starling, start programming those auto-pilots.

Crow, Sparrow, you start tagging the debris.

If we treat this like an assembly line,

we can get this job done a whole lot faster.

But I don't want to get stuck on the auto-pilot.

Hey, we need to think about the planet

for a change instead of ourselves.

Well, I guess that's true.

There we go.

That's the Earth Day spirit.

Okay, Raven, reverse polarity.

Back to work. Oh, phooey.

Oh, man, I didn't wanna do the debris again.

Eagle, I've noticed that it's not as much fun

if everyone only gets to do one job.

But it's much more efficient this way.

Less down time.

Yeah, but we're all volunteers.

We're not super-fast robots or workers in a factory.

It's gonna take forever the other way.

Trust me, buddy, I know what I'm doing.


What are you doing?

I told you to handle the magnet.

You're not supposed to be tagging.

Who put you in charge?

Oh, I get it.

You're afraid that I can gather

all the space junk faster than you.

That's why you quit doing the magnet job.

Okay, let me take over the magnet.

You're not faster than me.

Yes, I am. No, you're not.

Then prove it.

Come on, Starling,

you can go faster than that.

Sparrow, are you sleeping out there?

Crow, quit dancing.

This is Earth Day, not your birthday.


What's wrong, Hawk?

Why aren't you in Sector Four?


it's kind of a long story.

That's okay. I wanna hear it anyway.

Ava, how much time left

'til the big Orb-O tournament begins?

AVA: Nine minutes and seconds.

Oh, man.

Come on, come on!

Eagle, may I have a word with you?

In private.

Like privately in private?


If you're here to tell me how amazing it is

that I got this cleanup job done so fast, no need.

Time's a-wasting, so--

Eagle, volunteering is about everyone pitching in,

not bossing everyone around.

But turning it into a competition

is getting the job done twice as fast.

And everyone is miserable! You know what?

Maybe this wasn't the best assignment for you.

Why don't you go home?

We'll take over from here.


Eagle, wait. You don't have to go.

No, no, I get it. I was too bossy.

No one was having fun anymore.

You're right to send me home.

Eagle, I can see I hurt your feelings.

Don't worry about me.

I'll be fine... eventually.

Orb-O tournament, here I come!

And just in time, too.

Ahh, victory is mine.

The only volunteering I'm gonna do now

is volunteering some snacks into my mouth.

[chuckling] Snacks...



Ava, can you play the radio transmission

from the clean-up crew in Sector Four?

Raven: Over here!

Starling: Grab it and swing!

Hawk: This is so much fun!

Robyn: This is going so fast.

Ava, end radio transmission.



Your turn, Starling!

Ava, can you turn on Sector Four radio traffic again?

Bull's-eye! Whoo-hoo!

Go, team!

You did it, Starling.

What's the score?

Cleaning is so much fun!


Hey, guys, look, I've gotta tell you something.

I'm sorry about bossing everyone around.

The truth is, I was trying to get home

in time to watch the Orb-O tournament.


I know, and I'm sorry.

But what I realized is that it's more fun

to help out with everyone else than to watch TV alone.

Then why did you come back?

To pitch in and volunteer for real this time.

We're happy to have you.

As long as you don't boss everyone around.

Deal. Okay, everybody,

how does this go again?

♪ Space junk ♪

♪ We won't rest until the hazard's shrunk ♪

♪ Grab those chunks in threes and fours ♪

♪ And chuck 'em through the cargo doors ♪

♪ No more space junk ♪

Well, that's it, everyone.

Great job.

[all cheering]

Wow, Sector Four is done already?


Eagle had some ideas

about how to do things more efficiently.

But don't worry.

I explained that volunteering is all about--

No, I'm impressed!

We need efficiency all year long,

not just when we're volunteering for Earth Day.

Okay. Eagle, I'm appointing you

full-time space debris clean-up captain.

The group meets twice a week.

So now, you won't have to wait

another whole year to volunteer.

Captain? I like the sound of that.

Would I get a badge or a pin or something

that would let people know my new rank?

Not that I'm gonna get all bossy or anything.

Uh, sure.

I guess we could make you something.

Captain Eagle, reporting for duty!

Do you think he understands what he's gotten himself into?

I hope not.
