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02x61 - When You Wish Upon a Comet

Posted: 12/13/23 13:11
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Whoa! Ha, ha! Missed me.

Looking good, Starling.

Activating orbs!

Whoa! Whoa!

Ha, ha! Didn't see that coming.

Will orbs be on my flight test tomorrow?

Headmaster Crane is always changing the test.

You never know what surprises he'll throw your way.

You got to be ready for anything.

Speaking of which, activating gates.

Uh-oh. I'm not gonna make it through in time.

I need a speed boost.

Let's see, speed boost, speed boost.

Ah-ha! I'll vent my heat exhaust.

♪ I made it, I made it ♪

Way to go, Starling.

Time to take things up a notch.

Activating plunger cannons.

♪ I made it, I made it, I-- ♪


Huh? What do I do?

(cries out)

Ha! No one every expects the plunger cannons.

You okay, Starling?


Yeah. But there's no way

I'm gonna pass my flight test tomorrow.

Aww, don't say that.

You've been practicing for weeks.

Yeah, you already know every maneuver,

every technique.

You just need a little confidence.

Hmph. What I need is a miracle.

Guys, can you see it yet? Can you see the comet?


A comet! That's perfect!

I know, Halley's Comet only passes by Earth

once every years.

We should be able to see it soon.

And if I make a wish on it,

I'll have good luck on my flight test.

Really? Where'd you hear that?

On my favorite TV show, silly, My Lunar Pony.

Foofy-Woofy Pony always wishes on comets,

and her wishes always come true.

Now, where's that comet?

Uh, is that it?


Darn thing came out of nowhere.


Nope, that's just Coot.

AVA, can you help us out? Where's Halley's Comet?

(AVA) At the moment, Halley's Comet is approximately , miles

beyond the orbit of Mars.

Mars? But I thought it was passing by Earth soon.

(AVA) It will in four months.

But I don't have four months to wait around for a comet.

My flight test is tomorrow.

AVA, how long would it take us to fly to Mars

to see Halley's Comet?

(AVA) If you leave in next . minutes,

you can make the trip

and return in time for Starling's test.

Well, what do you guys say?

I say... what are we waiting for?

I say let's go!

I say activate plunger cannons!

(plungers hit)

Uh... and also I say let's catch that comet!

Booster rockets...

(all) Engage!

Wings... (all) Back!

Space visors... (all) Down!

Plunger cannons...

(all) Huh?

Just kidding.

(all) Blast off!

(Starling) Halley's Comet, here we come.

We'll have to hurry if we want to make it back

in time for Starling's test.

AVA, can you chart the fastest course for us?

(AVA) I recommend a lunar gravity slingshot assist.

If you loop around the moon,

it's gravity will speed you up a bit.

It is like an Orb-O player hitting an orb.

The orb gains momentum from being hit

and flies off even faster in another direction.

So we're like the orbs?

That's right, Eagle.

I've been studying gravity slingshot assists for weeks.

Really? With Coach Pigeon,

in the Spacenasium's training machines?

No, silly, on My Lunar Pony.

The ponies do them all the time.

Yeah, but when Foofy-Woofy pony messes one up,

she doesn't fly off into deep space,

like we will if we don't time it exactly right.


Deep space?

Everybody, follow me.

AVA, mark the blast off point.

(computer whirring)

Fire your main rockets the second you reach the "X".

Don't miss it.

Here we go.

Steady... steady!

Now! Ya-hoo!

My turn.

Right... now!


You're up, Starling. You can do it.

Okay, okay, I can do it.

I can do it.

I mean, um, I think I can do it.

Uh, but what if-- Woopsie.

Eagle, I missed the "X"!



Now! Yee-hah!


Eagle, you saved me. You-- whaa!

Uh, don't mention it.

But next time, you got to be a little more confident.

Eagle's right, Starling.

If you want to make it to the comet,

let alone pass your flight test,

you got to start trusting in yourself.

I know, I just--

(AVA) Alert, I'm detecting

a debris field of small objects moving this way.

Everyone keep your eyes peeled.

At this speed any small objects that hit us

could cause big problems.

But what are they?

(AVA) Unclear objects will be visible shortly.

I-- I think I see something.

It's looks like...

(all) A toothbrush?

(Hawk) Whoa, what is all this?

It's stuff left behind by earlier missions.

Space junk.

Space junk?

I've studied flying through space junk a million times.

You mean on My Luna Pony?

No, silly, with Coach Pigeon in the Spacenasium.



Ha! Missed me, solar panel.

Woo, too slow, instillation foam.

Woo! You'll have to be faster than that,

vacuum-packed fuel bar wrapper.

That's it Starling, you show that space junk who's boss.


I'll get you next time, plastic cup.

Yes, I knew I could do it.

Way to go, Starling!

Now you're flying with confidence.

Next stop, Halley's Comet!

Ha, ha! Red planet straight ahead.

Halley's Comet is right behind Mars.

As soon as we fly to the other side, we'll see it.

And then I can make my wish, nothing's gonna stop me now.

Ow! Ouch.

Ouch! AVA, what was that?

(AVA) According to my sensors,

that was a cloud of micro-meteors.

Meteors? I didn't see any meteors.

(AVA) Micro-meteors are tiny bits of space dust.

Some are so small, you can barely see them.

Well, I sure could feel them.

Ow, good thing it's over.

Uh, don't be so sure about that.


More micro-meteors?

(AVA) By my estimate, several trillion more

moving in a dense cloud at an extremely high velocity.

So what you're saying is... hurry!

Eagle, what do we do?

I've never studied micro-meteors before.

Don't worry, if we can get to the other side of Mars,

the planet will shield us from them.

But we'll have to fly fast.

Top speed, everyone!

(rockets roaring)

Just a little bit farther!

(AVA) Warning, at current speeds,

you will not make it.

Time until micro-meteor impact, seconds.

Huh? Any good news, AVA?

Eagle, you have just broken your personal speed record.


For a low-orbital flight in the Mars system

on a Tuesday.


What good is a speed record

if you're about to get pulverized by micro-meteors?

(AVA) Time until impact, seconds,

seconds, seconds...

We need to boost our speed somehow.

A speed boost, I just practiced that at the obstacle course.

What about firing our auxiliary retro-rockets?

We don't have enough fuel for that.

Guys, I know how to get a speed boost.

There's not enough time!

What about something with lasers?

Lasers are fast.

Just brainstorming here.

We got to try something or else--

Hey! I know how to get a speed boost.

Let's vent our heat exhausts.

Vent our heat exhausts? You know, that just might work.

I know it will work.

Ready, set...


(all) Woo-hoo!

(Starling) Eat our dust, space dust.

Oh, yay!

Yeah! We made it!

Whew, good thinking back there, Starling.

Yeah, you really saved our rear thrusters.


Guys, look!


(Starling) Halley's Comet.

Go ahead, Starling, make your wish.

You earned it.

I wish for good luck so I can pass my flight test.

(Crane) Consider your wish granted.

Huh? Headmaster Crane!

Hello, Starling.

AVA's been sending me your flight data.

And I must say, I'm very impressed.

You are?

You've handled every unexpected obstacle

with admirable skill and the utmost confidence.

Yeah, I guess I have.

Based on what you've shown us today,

you have already passed your flight test.

I-- I passed my flight test?

That's right, congratulations.

Woo-hoo! All right!

(all cheering)


Who needs luck when you've got confidence?

I feel like I'm ready for anything now.

Actually, there's one thing I'd like to try.

Okay, Eagle, I'm ready!

Activate plunger cannons!

Ha! No plunger can stop me.

Hey, Eagle, catch!



My thing won't-- Argh, I look like a unicorn.


Oh, Eagle.