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02x62 - Sit, Rover, Sit!

Posted: 12/13/23 13:10
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

(motors whirring)

(static hisses)

(all groaning)

That was the last known footage of the early Martian rovers,

Curiosity, Opportunity, and Spirit.

Talk about leaving us hanging. Are they still on Mars?

Yes, though they have long since stopped

communicating with Earth.

Eagle, Robyn, and Hawk, you three will located

the rovers and bring them back

for some well-deserved rest and repairs.

I can't wait to meet them!

The rovers are intelligent and fascinating.

But, please, keep in mind

that they are non-emotional task-driven robots.

Best not to grow too attached or think of them as friends.

No worries, Headmaster, we know the difference.

It's kind of like if we tried to be friends with... teachers.


(all laughing)

Me? Non-emotional and task-driven?

Oh, well, back to work.

Booster rockets...

(all) Engage!

Wings... (all) Back!

Space visors...

(all) Down! Blast off!

AVA will guide us to rovers' last known location.

Robyn, want to look for Curiosity?


What? She's supposed to be super smart.

Kind of like me. Right...

Okay, Hawk-y, you can hunt for Opportunity.

We might have to convince the rovers to stop working

to come back here with us.

Easy, I'll just suggest a fun game of Orb-O.

And why don't we make this interesting?

Let's see who can bring back their rover first.

(Robyn and Hawk) Me!

Ha, ha! Good thing my rover is just over that ridge.

AVA, are you sure this is the right crater?

It's kind of rocky.

(AVA) Affirmative.

Part of Curiosity's mission

was to explore geological formations.

Hence, the rocks.

Ooh, aah, ow. (rocks clanking)

(Curiosity) Seven, five, ten.

Eight, four...

Wait, you're not counting, you're--

Testing density based on the sound

the pebbles make when hitting my metal parts.

The variations on the Moh's Mineral Hardness Scale

that I developed in my spare time.

That's brilliant!

Oh, hi, I'm Robyn, I'm a big fan of your work.

I am not sure what that means,

but your enthusiasm is noted.

Would you like to see this geological sample magnified?

Would I?!

Does a Space Racer like Blueberry-fizz rocket fuel?

(beeps) Never mind, little joke.



The magnify details on that Martian rock are amazing!

Since you share my interests

in geological particle analysis,

allow me to show you my collection

and you can inform me all about yourself.

Really? You want to hear about me?

Do I? Does a rover's solar panel love the sun?

The answer is yes. Little joke.

Oh! Ha, ha!

Brr. It's cold.

And foggy.

(AVA) Opportunity was known to be searching for evidence

of water which led to the south polar region.

Due to the intense cold,

communication can be compromised at--

AVA? Come in, AVA.

I can't see a thing.



Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Opportunity.

No need to apologize.

It takes a practiced eye to see in Martian fog.

Can you help me back onto my wheels, so to speak?

Sure, I'll just give you a push.


Whoa. You're kind of creaky. Indeed.

Come along now, no time to waste.

What? Mr. Opportunity, where are you going?

(Hawk) Eagle, it's me Hawk.

Opportunity ran away from me. What do I do?

Go after it!

You're a racer.

(Hawk) I may be faster,

but I think this rover may be smarter.

(Robyn) Eagle,

Curiosity is awesome.

But she doesn't want to come back to Earth.

What should I do?

Just be your normal pushy self.

Only like more so.

Robyn times ten! Eagle, that's it, thanks.

Over and out.

You're welcome.

(electricity crackling)

Spirit, is that you?

I know it was your job to send images back to Earth,

to help us understand what was on Mars.

Well, I like to take pictures too.

Ooh. For what purpose?

To analyze facial expressions

of subjects in weird body positions?


No, to remember the good times.

And if you look closely,

you'll see all kinds of things you missed.

This is my friend Hawk.

He was laughing so hard,

some rocket fuel came out of his nose cone. See?

Oh, and here's Starling.

Look carefully under her wing,

she's holding her favorite doll Mr. Rocket Baby.

Impressive detail.

If I return to Earth with you,

could I also capture photographic images such as these?

And lots more. What do you say?

Mr. Opportunity, don't run away.

Just come back to Earth

and you can look for water all over the place.

(shuddering) Boy, it's cold here.

Oh, this is minor compared

to night temperatures of degrees below zero.

Now, what were you saying?

Oh, look, it's diamond dust.

I'm not familiar with this term.

We learned about them in school.

They're ice particles that fall from the clouds.

We also have them on Earth and lots of forms of water:

Oceans, rivers, lakes.

Opportunity, now where are you going?

To Earth, you've convinced me.

I must go there and see all this water.


Hang in there, Spirit, I'll get you out there soon.

Whoa. (barking)

Who-- what are you?

(rover buzzing)



AVA, what's wrong with Spirit?

(AVA) This rover must have been damaged

when it was buried in a sandstorm.

I will alert Coot to prepare for repairs

back at Stardust Bay.


Thanks for your help, buddy.

Guess I'll be seeing you. (barks)

Huh? Stay. Stay.

(barking) You again.

How'd you get here so fast?

Guess I won. Ready to go?

Um, that doesn't look like Spirit.

It's not.

This one has no name, so I'll call him, uh... Rover.


I think he wants to come home with you, Eagle.

Hmm. I think you're right.

Well, no harm in that, right?

Come on, little buddy.

And he doesn't speak like the other rovers.

But he does make this buzzy sound.

It's kind of cute actually.

Uh, any idea what he does, Coot?

Not a clue.

Ha! What a marvel of engineering.

(Coot laughing)

That scrappy little rover's been blasted by sand,

endured all kinds of weather, and crashed more than once.

But he keeps on ticking.

AVA, has no info on it or why he was on Mars.

I guess I could keep him.

No need, he'll be shipped off to Pluto with the other rovers

just as soon as I can finish repairing Spirit.

Guess what we just did.

We toured the library, the science lab.

The map room, the chemistry department,

and the observatory.

(sarcastic) Ooh, I just got chills.

Well, what are you and Rover doing today?

Who, us?

We're just gonna hang and, you know, chillax.

I have no idea what that means.

Never mind him, Curiosity.

Let's go analyze some rocks.

Pretty nerdy, huh?


Hey, Eagle! Oh, I can't talk,

we're going on an expedition to the South Pole.

Come along, don't dawdle, Hawk.

You're lucky your rover doesn't care about doing stuff.

Mr. Opportunity is wearing me out.

Rover has interests, they're just not science-y.

Right, buddy? Rover?

Uh, Rover?




I think I finally figured out Rover's purpose on Mars.

I'm eager to hear it.

Okay, I know he seems all over the place.

There's a good reason.

Go on, please. (lawnmower engine revs)

I think he was an assistant rover

because he likes to check things out,

which explains why he always wanders off.


And he fetches stuff. (barks)


How interesting and careful.

He probably did all the simple little tasks on Mars,

which is why he was so dirty and beat up.

And he likes it. You should see him dig.


Seen it. You may stop now.

Eagle, I am proud of you.

You figured this mystery out. (barks)

Coot mentioned you wanted to keep this rover.

It's yours.

Really? All right!

I'll never forget you, Curiosity.

Likewise, Robyn.

You shall always remain in my memory cache.


Well... bye.

That was some blizzard we saw, huh, Mr. Opportunity.

Indeed. Well, it's off to Pluto now

for more discoveries, carry on, Hawk.

(buzzing) It's okay, you don't have to go.


Spirit, you're functioning again.

Yup, got her all fixed up like new.

MAR-, I thought I had lost you.



Wait, so this little guy, uh, MAR-, was your assistant?

Yes. Thank you for attending to him in my absence.

Truth is he did all the work.


(Eagle) Go on, buddy.

(all laughing)


Good job, Rover, good job.