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02x51 - The Haunted Asteroid

Posted: 12/13/23 13:08
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪


♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪


♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪


Hey, wait for me!



I like this new nacho cheese and black bean fuel flavor.

Mmm... yeah.


Oops. Pardon me.

Hey, guys.

So... ready for tomorrow?


Tell me you don't know.

You mean Halloween?

Of course we're ready.

Costumes, check.

Goody bags, check.

Not just Halloween.

The return of the haunted asteroid!

Huh? What?

Don't tell me you believe in that stuff.

Scientifically speaking,

there's no such thing as haunted ast--

Raven is right.

The asteroid is very real,

and it's been years since it has been this close,

but don't forget,

it's absolutely, totally forbidden

to go there.

What's forbidden? What years?

There's this asteroid that passes

really close to Earth every years

during its orbit around the sun,

and it's supposed to be haunted.


I already told you--

Wait! Let him tell it.

The story goes that four Space Racers

visited the haunted asteroid years ago

and never came back.

[both gulp]

Anyway, that's the story. Believe it if you want to.

But anyone who goes there and makes it back

has quite a story to tell.

Oh, come on!

There's no such thing.

I don't know.

You know what the headmaster always says--

never jump to conclusions.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single idea."

Well, my idea is that the asteroid is haunted.

And mine is that is isn't.

So, now what?

In order to prove who's right,

we got to go there.

But you heard Headmaster Crane.

Oh, he was only kidding in the spirit of Halloween.

So, what do we need to prove we were actually there?

A really good digital camera,

plenty of fuel, extra power packs.

A core borer, check.

Magnification lenses, check.

Extra recording equipment, check.

They'll be telling stories of how brave we were

for the next years.

Raven? What are you doing here?

Come on, you don't think you're going without me.


Well, okay.

Just make sure you keep up.

Keep up, huh?

Five, four, three, two, one, blast off!

Eat my space dust! [laughing]

What a-- Never mind.

We'll catch up.

Booster rockets.

Engaged. Engaged.

Wings. Back. Back.

Space visors?

Down. Down.

[all] Blast off!


Uh... it has eyes!

And a really, really creepy-looking mouth!

Uh, guys?

I, uh, I forgot to do something for tomorrow's class.

What did you forget?

Um... my rocket science homework. That's it!

I forgot to do my homework.

Hawky, we don't even have rocket science tomorrow.

Oh, um, right.

Silly me, huh?

Guys, come on.

Those aren't eyes or even a mouth.

They're just craters.

All asteroids have craters.

We knew that.

Hey, what happened to Raven?

Don't worry, you just can't see him

because the asteroid is so dark.

I bet it's a C-type asteroid.

Yeah, "C" for creepy.

No, "C" for carbonaceous.

Made from clay and stony silicate.

Stony sili what?


It's a kind of mineral.

We'll do some drilling when we get there.

I want to bring a sample back to examine and analyze.

And proof that we've been there.

Hope all our drilling

won't make the local ghosts angry at us.

Maybe we shouldn't drill.

Eagle's just pulling your thruster.

There are no ghosts.

That's what you say.

AVA, initiate landing protocol.

Ava: Are you sure it is advisable to land here?

My readings indicate that this is the haunted asteroid.

AVA, you don't believe in that haunted stuff, do you?

You're a computer program.

AVA: Every story I have ever heard about this asteroid

indicates that it may be haunted.

[staticky] But if you really wish to land,

landing protocol initiated.

AVA, repeat please.

Ava: [staticky] But... land... protocol.


What's happening to Ava?

This means we can't communicate with the academy.

No problem.

We wouldn't want to communicate with the academy.

Remember? We're not supposed to be here.

It's probably just a minor malfunction.

Or... it's the haunted asteroid!

Oh, Hawk, don't be silly.

Hey, let me get a picture of you guys.

Go stand over there.

[Hawk grunting, camera clicking]

Oh, yeah!

What? Huh?

Behind you!

[both screaming]

Raven: Ooh, scared?

[chuckles] You guys are so easy.

It's just a shadow.

Yeah. Right.

Come on, scaredy-cats.

Let's take a look around this place.

It can't be more than a mile in diameter.

Or more than miles?

You clearly know nothing about asteroids.

Show-off. You know it isn't that big.


Sometimes he really burns my jets.

Hey, let's land here.

There's a nice flat area

where we can take a core sample.

Who needs a core sample?

Don't you want to know what the asteroid is made of?

Who cares?


And I want to bring something back

to prove we were here.


Core digger deployed.




It's alive!


Raven: Say "antifreeze."

Boy, wait 'til I show this around the academy.


Just a small earthquake.

They happen when asteroids are close to Earth.

I knew that.

Didn't really scare me.

Scared me.

Come on, admit it,

you were shaking like a little baby rocket.

Was not.

Was too. Was not.

Robyn: Aah! Raven, behind you!


Nice pic, Hawk.

You betcha!

I wasn't really scared.

Were too! Was not.

Were too!

You know we don't have a lot of time.

We need to get back to Stardust Bay

before someone notices we're gone.

And there's a big Halloween party tonight!

I was gonna go as a meteorite,

but now I think I'll go as the haunted asteroid.

I'm way to big to be a meteorite anyway.

Just a sec.

Before we go, I want to take a selfie.

Hey, guys, get a load of this.

[stammering] Hawk: What's that?

Raven, did you do that?

Not me, I swear.

Let me try taking a picture of you, Eagle.

Maybe it was a malfunction in your camera.

I don't think we should stick around here anymore.

[click] Look!

Eagle: [chuckles]

It was just Hawk's rear thruster.

Yep. No ghosts here.



[Hawk screams]


Hawk? Hawk?

Where are you, buddy?


Over there.

[soft whimpering]

Hawk, what's the matter?

Are you okay?

I was m-minding my own business

when I b-banged into something with my tail fin,

and I t-turned around and...

It's a rocket j-junkyard!

[all grunt]

[recorded gravelly voices] Testing, one, two, three.

Testing. What? Huh?

Welcome to the haunted asteroid.

If you're here,

it must be years from the day of this recording,

and there's something I need to tell you.

[sinister laughter]

[female clears throat]

That's better.

Here at Stardust Space Academy,

we have many great old traditions.

One of them is maintaining the legend

of the haunted asteroid,

which, in case you were wondering,

isn't really haunted at all.

The Space Racers who came up here weren't lost.

I was one of them.

And while we were here,

we got a message from the cadets

who were up here years before us.

Our mission and now yours

is to set up the scariest scare you can

for the next Space Racers

who are brave enough to visit.

It was my idea to build

the spooky spaceship junkyard.

Was not. It was my idea.

No way! It was mine!

No. Mine!

Hey, guys, cool it.

We have to get back before they miss us.

Yeah, stop arguing and finish the recording.

Make it a big scare

so the next Space Racers who get here

have the thrill of their lives,

if, that is, they're brave enough

to take on the challenge,

as you were.

But you have to keep it a secret,

even from AVA.

She's been offline during this broadcast.

That's all. Good luck.

Over and out.

[electronic warbling]

AVA: Hello?

Oh, good, I am finally back online.

What happened?

Uh, nothing, Ava.

So, we have to set up a scare

for years in the future.

And keep it a secret.

No way!

I'm showing everyone

those scaredy-cat pictures I took of you.

Don't forget,

I got a great one of you too.

Oh, yeah. Okay.

So, what are we gonna do?

Whoa, I have the coolest idea.

Wait, I've got one too.

And my idea's better.

No way!

Okay, so here's the plan, we start...

[AVA] Plans? What plans?

Come on, guys, somebody tell me what's going on.