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02x68 - Orange Outrage

Posted: 12/13/23 12:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪


♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪


♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪


Hey, wait for me!

Eagle: Robyn, Hawk, I'm nine seconds to courtyard.

Approximately how much of Awesome Event have I missed?

Robyn: % and counting.

Pardon me! Coming through!

Hawk: Eagle, hurry!


Announcer: Think you've seen it all?

Well, you haven't!

Coming to a spaceport near you!

It's... the Rooster Rockets!

All: Whoa!

Here, now, young rocket,

what's all this noise about?

Stranger danger!

Stranger? Me?

I'm Vulture!

Chairman of your school board.

For one day only,

the Rooster Rockets are coming to Stardust Bay.

And they're bringing

the most visor-melting flying and stunts ever!


Don't miss it for this or any other world!

All: Brought to you by our sponsor, Orange Outrage.

Extreme fuel for an extreme you!

Announcer: It's outrageous!

Oh, man!

I've got to get my wings on that fuel.

Who do we ask?

Cadet: Coach Pigeon! Coach Pigeon!

Can we have Orange Outrage in the cafeteria?

Please? Oh, please, please, please!

Sorry, cadets, not a chance.

That stuff is nothing but sweet, brightly-colored junk,

and no good for growing rockets.

Aww! Oh, man!




Coach Pigeon's just being old-fashioned.

They wouldn't sell that stuff

if it was really bad for you.


That makes no sense.

Robyn: You know...

they do sell Orange Outrage in stores.

If you want it so badly,

why don't you just go and buy some?

Robyn, you're a genius! Robyn, you're a genius!

Ah, yes, I know.

Bet they'll still have some

in the Dock 'N Stock Mini-Mart! Come on!

[indistinct clamoring and shouting]

Wow! This stuff is really popular.

Ah, boy!

Excuse me, do you have any Orange Outrage fuel drink left?

Go on, get outta here.

So... is that a "no"?

Oh, man!

Now we're never gonna get any!

Come on.

We'd better get back to Stardust Bay

and our usual, boring old fuel.


Have you heard the news? It's huge!

And it's all thanks to Mr. Vulture.

[all gasping]

It's... It's...


It's Double-O time!

Look at you, the King of Fizz.

Good morning, Coach Pigeon!

I just signed a huge deal

to feature Orange Outrage exclusively at the academy!

If brightly-colored fuel helps our cadets' performance,

and reminds them who I--

the Chairman of their school board--

am, then it's a win-win situation!

Oh, it's win-win all right.

For you and the company that makes that-- that--

that "Orange Outhouse" junk.

[cadets clamoring]

Good show, my little ones!

Keep up that amazing flying!

Cadets: Thanks, Mr. Vulture.


You're welcome... uh, various cadets.

Anyway, good morning to you, Coach.

Come, Dodo. So much happiness to spread,

and so little time.




Whew! I'm exhausted!

Sparrow: Hey, guys, wanna play some Orb-O?


[mocking] "Wanna play some Orb-O?"

Like we'd want to play Orb-O

with a bunch of little kids.


That was weird. Hawk is never like that.

So... how does it feel to be

almost the fastest rocket in Stardust Bay?

I don't know, Raven, why don't you tell me?

[rumbling, bubbling]

[Raven groaning]

I... [groaning]

I can't.

Raven, you don't look too well.

Why don't you take a little break?


[choking, sputtering]

What was that?

It sounded like you said... [grunting]

Not funny, Eagle.

[Raven groaning, belching]

[multiple tires bouncing]

[teeth chattering]

[sighs] Oh, I'll never get any work done here.

[loud commercial music]

Seriously? What is wrong with me?

Why can't I concentrate?

And what's up with everyone?

Tired and grouchy cadets,

restless wheels, rumbling tummies!

Announcer: Orange Outrage!

Orange Outrage!

That's what's making it so hard to focus!

I'll bet it's what's messing everyone else up too!

I gotta get some fresh air and think.

Oh! Oh, whoa, whoa!

Headmaster Crane! Oh, I'm so sorry.

I didn't see you there.

Oh, ah, that's quite all right.

There's nothing more bracing

than an unexpected evening swim.

Something is obviously on your mind, Cadet Robyn.

Care to talk about it?

Lately, I can't concentrate,

no matter how hard I try.

And I've noticed other cadets

having weird problems, too.

Ah, that is troubling.

Any idea what could be causing this?

I have a guess.

An excellent starting point.

As a wise rocket once said,

"You first need a destination

in order to get lost."

What is your hypothesis?

All the cadets' new problems

are being caused by Orange Outrage.

A solid theory.

But, you'll have to prove it.

Follow your instincts,

and consider every piece of evidence,

no matter how small it may seem.


AVA: You have reached the stratosphere, Cadet Eagle.

Engage boosters.

No problemo! Za-za--


Ava, my engines won't restart!

You are losing altitude.

You must deploy your emergency chute.

But... I'm Eagle!

The other rockets can't see me

floating back to Earth

on a parachute like a baby!

Option two: you can return to Stardust Bay

as a flattened metal pancake instead.

Point taken.

Hawk, wait! I need your help!


I'm kinda busy right now.

I have a theory.

I believe that Orange Outrage is causing

all kinds of problems on campus--

and I need your help to prove it.

That may be your idea of fun,

but I've got better things to do.

Hey, look! Look over there!

Isn't that Eagle?

Better than helping your friends

when they really need you?

Robyn, wait! I'm sorry.

I don't know what's gotten into me lately.

I think I do!

But I need your awesome memory to help me prove it.

Now, what we need to do is--

Eagle: Hawk! What?

I need your help!

I'm coming down over Stardust Bay,

hanging from a parachute,

and I don't want anyone to know about it!

Eagle's on a parachute!

Look! There he is!


Hawk, Robyn, get me down!

Come here! Oh, Eagle!

[branch creaks, snaps] Whoa!

That's some fancy flying, Eagle.

I can't believe we drank that junk.

The last thing a future legend

like me needs is a flame-out!

What's he going on about?

I'm glad you asked, Coot.

Hawk and I have put together a chart

that details everyone's performance

since we've had Orange Outrage in the cafeteria.

Notice the steep decline in speed,

and the increase in all sorts of crazy problems.

But I wasn't sure that was enough proof.

So, I've done a detailed analysis of the fuel.

Hawk! Aah!

See? We found that Orange Outrage

is mostly made of sugar, coloring,

and artificial ingredients.

What? You kids can't fly with that in your tanks.

Yeah! I can't believe the Rooster Rockets

would make commercials for that stuff.

It's time to take this straight to the top.

Eagle: Okay, so when the Roosters come by,

you two pretend to get into a fight

and I'll sneak around back.

I've got a better idea.

Chairman Vulture?

I'm the editor of the school blog.

Do you think you could arrange

an interview for us with the Rooster Rockets?

An interview?

Oh, we can do better than that.

How about backstage passes?

I can see your headline now:

"Cadets get a boost

from too-cool-for-school board chairman"!


That is so funny, boss!

[continues laughing] That's enough, Dodo.

All right, Roosters! Time to refuel!


I thought you guys only drank Orange Outrage.

We do! Uh, well... we did.

But, uh, recently some of us, uh...

[Roosters groaning, belching]

...have been experiencing some embarrassing problems.

Do we have to tell everyone?

Since then, we've gone back to the fuel we grew up on.

Orange Outrage is a big sponsor, but...

you know, you just can't drink it all the time.

Well, the chairman of our academy

made a deal to serve it in our cafeteria.

And it's been causing all kinds of problems.

[gulps] Oh, boy, uh...

Oh, okay. I'm sorry, kids.

Don't worry. We're gonna fix this.

Folks, we have an announcement to make.

The Rooster Rockets will no longer

be endorsing Orange Outrage.

Our friends here from Stardust Space Academy

have informed us that the fuel has had

some very bad effects on younger racers.

[muttering indistinctly]

What? Balderdash!

Orange Outrage is a great drink

for growing rockets. It's--

[rumbling, bubbling]

[grunts] Excuse me!

And to show our appreciation,

we'd like to introduce some very special guests

who'll be flying with us in tonight's show!

Robyn, Hawk, and Eagle!


Booster rockets!

All: Engaged!

Wings? All: Back!

Space visors! Space visors!

All: Down!
