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02x52 - Satellite Songs

Posted: 12/13/23 12:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪


♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪


♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪


Hey, wait for me!

Hey, guys. Hey, Eagle.

What's for lunch today?

Peanut butter and jelly fuel slushie.

♪ [both humming]

That tune-- there it is again!

What are you guys humming?

Hmm? Oh, I don't know.

Just something I heard. Me, too.

Yeah, but what is it?

I've been hearing it a lot lately.

Whatever-- hey, you guys watch

the Captain Cosmo show last night?

Yeah, it was awesome!

Did you see how the spiny nord

wrapped its tentacles around him?

Oh, that was so fierce.

I was like, how's he gonna get out of this one?

♪ [racers humming]


Headmaster, excuse me, may I ask you something?

Hmm? Ahh, Robyn, yes, always.

Have you noticed anything weird

going on around here lately?

Weird? Yes, like,

some mysterious melody that

everyone seems to be humming.

Why, no, I hadn't noticed.

Well, okay, thanks.

♪ [humming melody]

There it is again!

Now you're doing it, too!

What is that?

I am? Hmm. I'm not sure.

Everybody's humming or whistling the same tune,

and no one seems to know where it is

or where they heard it.

♪ [whistling melody]

Dodo, please stop whistling that thing night and day!

It's starting to infect my brain!

Oh, uh, sure, sorry, Mr. Vulture.

♪ [humming melody]


Oops, I'm sorry again, boss.

It's just-- it's kind of catchy.

Just stop doing it, and you won't have to be sorry!

What don't you like about the tune?

Too many notes,

and every single one of them is driving me insane.


there's nothing like a warm,

relaxing oil bath to soothe my frayed nerves.

♪ [humming melody]

I'm officially losing my marbles!


I demand that someone locate the source

of that infernal racket and stifle it at once.

Oh, the melody.

Actually, I find it rather pleasant.

You don't?


As a wise rocket once said,

you are harshing my mellow.

And what in blazing blue comets

is that supposed to mean?

You are ruining a good thing, Vulture.


your definition of good

and my definition of good

are very different.

Just make it stop, Crane, or else!


Yes, I know!

I've been hearing the musical pulses too.

And I've done a bit of investigating.

And what are your findings, Coot?

They're from a faraway radio signal

that we're all picking up on our built-in communicators.

That's why everyone seems to be hearing

the same music in their heads lately.

But why? And why now?

What is it?

And where's it coming from? And how--

I... ehr... just don't know, Robyn.

Hey, it could be worse.

At least it makes a cool song.

[both] ♪ Music from space ♪

♪ Music from space ♪

♪ We hear a melody that comes from outer space ♪

♪ We hear it here and there and every other place ♪

♪ Music from space, music from space ♪

♪ Music from outer space ♪

Indeed, then I challenge you all to solve the mystery.

What is the source of this radio transmission?

Yeah, let's blast off into space and find it.

As a wise rocket once said,

why take the tangled path through the forest

when you can take the simple one?

And, as a really fast rocket once said,

let's za-za-zoom!

I'm the fast rocket who said that.

Yeah, we figured.

Heh, cool.


we understand, headmaster.

We'll try to locate where the music is coming from

through Stardust Bay's long-range telescope!

Oh, you guys are no fun at all.

♪ [melody buzzing through static]

There it is!

AVA, can you identify the location?

[AVA] Locating the coordinates now.

Got 'em, thanks.

So, now we can use the telescope

to see what's at those coordinates.

What do you see? What do you see?


Robyn, what is it?

Oops! Heh heh, sorry.

Didn't mean to scare ya,

just polishing the lens so you can get a clear view.

Okay, kids, all set.


There's nothing there.

This doesn't make any sense.

♪ [melody]


there it is again.

[Robyn] Nope, nothing there either.

Huh, this is really weird.

Now, can we please go up there?

I'm feeling a need for some speed here.

Okay, we're getting nowhere down here on Earth.

It's time for a closer investigation...

in space.

Yeah! Now we're talking!

Booster rockets! [both] Engage!

Wings! [both] Back!

Space visors!

[both] Down!

Blast off!

Maybe it's coming from some kind of alien rocket.

Or a rock band from another solar system.

Hey, maybe they're from a musical planet.

[with melody] ♪ Maybe that's how they communicate there ♪

♪ Only through music, na-na-na na-na-na ♪

[Robyn] Oh, brother.

♪ [melody] There's the music again!

AVA, coordinates, please!

[AVA] Locking in now!

There's nothing here.

And the sound has stopped.

Now, where is it?

[gurgling] Wait, I heard something!

Uh, that was just me-- I ate a burrito fuel bar for lunch.

[AVA] Recalibrating coordinates.

Got 'em! This way!

This is getting really spooky.

How strange.

Every time we figure out where the music is coming from,

it's not there.

Maybe the alien rocket

that's making the music is invisible.

Maybe there's more than one of them.

Maybe there's a whole bunch

of invisible musical alien rockets.

Or maybe there's just one source,

but whatever it is, it keeps moving,

from one place to the next, to the next, to the next.

And we just keep missing it.

[AVA] Affirmative, Robyn,

that theory makes the most sense.

Thanks, AVA.

So... since we know

where our mysterious musical alien thingy has been,

maybe we can predict where it'll show up again.

[Hawk] I get it-- we heard it here

and then here and then here.

[Eagle] So, if we connect the dots, like one of those puzzles--

[Robyn] We can hopefully predict

the next place it will start playing again.

Like right around... here!

Now, all we need to do

is fly there and wait for it to show up.

Just in case our whatever-it-is is shy,

maybe we should hide.

Good thinking, Hawky.

Behind that meteoroid over there.

♪ Music from space ♪

♪ Music from... ♪


Eagle, wake up!

Eh, what? Huh?

Shhh, something's coming. There it is!

♪ [melody playing]


Oh, man, we're good!

Yeah, we solved the mystery!

Um, guys...

what is it?

Um, take us to your leader.

[accent] Take you to my what?

The alien overlord who rules your planet.

Yeah, you know, your, uh, headmaster.

Your commander, el presidente?

What are those two crazy guys talking about?

Oh, don't mind them,

but please, do tell us, who are you?

Me? I am Voyager I!

[all] Voyager I?

Voyager I? From Earth?

The same Voyager I satellite probe

that was launched toward the very outer, outer edge

of our solar system

to the interstellar space beyond?

You're super-famous!

But Mr. Voyager,

you're going in the wrong direction.

I am?

Yes! You're flying toward Earth.

The shortest route to the outer edge is that way.

That way? This way.

Which way? That way.

This way? That way!

No way! [all] Way!

Really? That way? Not this way?

[all] Yes! No!

Oh... ugh, I bet it's that annoying asteroid

I bumped into near Neptune.

It made me take a wrong turn.

If I ever see that thing again...

Now it all makes sense.

When you veered off course,

your orbit sent you back toward Earth.

That's why we suddenly

began hearing your radio transmissions!

Yeah! What's that tune you keep playing?


Oh... you mean this? ♪ [Beethoven's Fifth]

That's on my golden record.

When I was launched,

they gave me a golden disc, see?

It holds pictures and sounds and music

for space travelers to discover in the future

to learn about what life was like on Earth.

Well, we love your melody.

We've even written lyrics for it.

Really! May I hear them?

[both] ♪ Music from space ♪

♪ Music from space ♪

♪ We hear a melody that comes from outer space ♪

♪ We hear it here and there and every other place ♪

Ooh, I like it.

Come on, guys, let's give Mr. Voyager

a boost back in the right direction.

Gracias! Thank you.

[all] ♪ Music from space ♪

♪ Music from space ♪

♪ We hear a melody that comes from outer space ♪

♪ We hear it here and there and every other place ♪

♪ Music from space, music from space ♪

♪ Music from outer space ♪

Thank goodness

that infernal music has stopped.

Dodo, pull up the space-nasium blueprints for me, please.

Blueprints, coming right up.


[all] ♪ We hear a melody that comes from outer space ♪

Oh, no... now it's even worse!

We've got to drown it out

with something else, or I'll go mad!

I'm begging you, Dodo, do something! Anything!

Sure thing, boss, heh heh!

♪ A friend is a friend ♪

[Vulture screaming]

♪ A friendly, friendly, friendly... ♪