01x73 - Episode 73

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x73 - Episode 73

Post by bunniefuu »




♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

Oh, I'm so glad to see you.

Mm-hmm. Thought about
you all morning.

I've brought something
that's little,

and I've brought
something that's big.

And soon as I get
this big shoe...

Daddies' and men's shoes
are pretty big, aren't they?

Yeah, because
their feet are big.

They have to go in them.


That's the little box,

and that's the big box.

They're both something
to wear...

[ Rattling ]

[ Shuffling ]

...and you wear this

on something that's little...

...and you wear this on
something that's bigger.

Can you guess?


The little one...

is a ring.



And that ring was just
right for that little box.


The big one...

[ Whispering ]
is a Hat.



Just right for a big box.

Let's see if we can put
the hat in the little box.

No, wouldn't fit in there.

And the big box,
the ring would...

[ Clunking ]

Where is it?

Oh, there it is.

Almost gets lost
in the big box.

When you see somebody
with a hat on,

sometimes you think
they're going to go away.


Well, our visit is
just starting today.

I'm not going to go away.


Wherever I go though,

wherever I am,

I like to be with you.

♪ Let's go right away
Go somewhere today ♪

♪ Let's be together
and stay and stay ♪

♪ Let's go together today
Right away ♪

♪ Let's be together today ♪

♪ Together is the way
I like the best ♪

♪ I like to be with you ♪

♪ I like the things
you explain to me ♪

♪ The things you show me to do ♪

♪ Let's go right away
Go somewhere today ♪

♪ Let's be together
and stay and stay ♪

♪ Let's go together today
Right away ♪

♪ Let's be together today ♪

♪ Oh, some days
it's good to play alone ♪

♪ But sometimes I get bored ♪

♪ There's just so much
you can do yourself ♪

♪ With a doll or a ball
or a sword ♪

♪ But whenever I hear
you've got some time ♪

♪ And want me to be with you ♪

♪ I wonder how you knew ♪

♪ 'Cause that's
what I wanted, too ♪

♪ Let's go right away
Go somewhere today ♪

♪ Let's be together
and stay and stay ♪

♪ Let's go together today
Right away ♪

♪ Let's be together today ♪


[ Doorbell rings ]

That's the back door.
Let's go see who it is.

Let's be together today,

and maybe somebody else
is going to be with us.

Come in!

[ Knocking ]

Nobody at
the back door.

[ Knocking continues ]

Well, now who's
at the front door?

Chef Brockett,
how are you?

I thought you were
at the back door.

I had to go to both doors
'cause I was so excited.

I have a big and a little
surprise for you.

Well, why did you
come here?

Well, because we have
to go in the kitchen

so I can finish it up.

Oh, you want to
tell me about it?

Right. Don't peek.
Wait until we get in there.

I'll tell you all about it
in the kitchen, okay?

Okay. How are you?


Chef Brockett, everybody.

Chef Brockett...


...in the kitchen.

Is it something for here
in the neighborhood...

[ Whispering ]
We're not supposed to talk
when he's in the kitchen.

King Friday.

Henrietta Pussycat.

Oh, Daniel Tiger.

These are things
for them?

Who's that?

Lady Elaine Fairchilde?

Is that Play-Doh?


Oh, real dough?

Mm-hmm, blue.


Is that red?



Oh, raining.




Rainbow cookies!

Oh, that's a great idea!

Oh, a rolling pin.

Yeah, I've got one.


Anything else
you need?

Oh, knife.

Careful, it's sharp.





Small? Oh.


This is how you make
a rainbow cookie.



Big one.


Oh, they're going to like these,
Chef Brockett.


Oh, you're going to make
some big ones and small ones.




Smells good.



You like to cook,
don't you?


Little one.

Big one.

You can use any colors
you want, can't you?




Do you know
that Sara Saturday

sometimes gives
invisible rainbows?

She just picks them out of
the air and hands them to you.

Smile. It looks like
a smile, doesn't it?

An upside-down rainbow
looks like a smile.


One more.



Do you put food
coloring in here?


Tastes good, huh?


Little one.

Big one.


You're going
to cook them?

You're going
to cook them?

How long?

You want the time
to go fast?

We'll just pretend, then.


Oh, Chef Brockett,
there are your cookies.


You have to go?

But you have to put something
over the cookies, don't you?

Yeah, well,
I'll get that.


Big one?


Chef Brockett and
his rainbow cookies.

Little one.

Why are you in such
a hurry, Chef Brockett?

Oh, you have to
to get there.




Oh, you've got big bags
and little bags

and big cookies
and little cookies.

You'll come
later for that.


Bye, Chef Brockett.

Have a good visit
in Make-Believe.

Well, if he's in
such a hurry,

must be time to go
to Make-Believe.

Let's see if the
trolley is about there.

It's about time
to come, isn't it?

[ Mystical music plays ]

There's Daniel's clock.



And what will we see next?

The Museum-Go-Round.

That's where Mrs. Frogg
takes care of the museum.

There's X's tree
and Henrietta's house...

...and the factory...

[ Dinging ]

and the trolley.

Hey, Trolley.
[ Ding! Ding! ]

How are you?
[ Dings ]

Good. I wonder if King Friday
is still concerned about litter

in the
Neighborhood of Make-Believe.
[ Dings ]

Is he?

He was talking about
litterbugs, you know,

and "Clean up the streets,
clean up the land.

Keep all the litter
right in your hand

until you find
a litter basket."
[ Dings ]

Chef Brockett is coming into
Make-Believe very soon.
[ Dings ]

He's got some
rainbow cookies.
[ Dings ]

I think that everybody
will enjoy them.

We'd like to come
with you now.

Would you take us
to Make-Believe?
[ Dings ]

In we go,

to the
Neighborhood of Make-Believe.

Now, the next part is the most
important, Lady Aberlin.

I want you to put
the big one by the tree

and the little one
by Daniel's clock.

Remember that big litter
goes in the big litter basket,

and little litter goes in
the little litter basket. Right?

Can you sing the song I wrote
for the litter campaign?

I'll try, Uncle Friday.

Good, good.

♪ Clean up the streets
Clean up the land ♪

♪ Keep all the litter
right in your hand ♪

♪ Until you find
a litter basket ♪

Very good,
very good.

Now go place
the litter baskets.

Yes, Uncle Friday.

And if you find anyone
who doesn't use them,

be sure to put
the sign on them.

Yes, Uncle Friday.

♪ Clean up the streets
Clean up the land ♪

♪ Keep all the litter ♪

♪ Right in your hand ♪

♪ Until you find
a litter basket ♪

♪ Clean up the streets
Clean up the land ♪

♪ Keep all the litter
right in your hand ♪

♪ Until you find
a litter basket ♪


♪ Clean up the streets
Clean up the land ♪

♪ Keep all the litter
right in your hand ♪

♪ Until you find
a litter basket ♪


I thought
I heard somebody.

Hi, Daniel.
How are you?

How are you,
Lady Aberlin?

I'm fine.

What are you doing?

Well, I'm installing
a little litter basket here.

A little litter basket?

What's it for?

Well, it's to throw
little pieces of trash in.

What do you do
with the big things?

Well, they have to go in the
big one over by the tree.

Oh, I see.

Oh, boy.
Is that your uncle's idea?

It's Uncle Friday's idea.

Well, I guess it's good

to have some place special
to throw things.

Yes, that's --
that's fine,

but I think it's kind of hard
to have to have different sizes.

I mean, you see,

the little litter has to go
in this litter basket.

Mm-hmm. I see.

And the big litter
has to go

in the big litter basket
over by the tree.

Oh, you mean you couldn't put
a little piece of litter

over in
the big litter basket?

I'm afraid not.

Well, I guess King Friday is
trying to keep everything clean.

Do you know what happens
if he catches anyone littering?

No, what?

The litterbug has
to wear this hat.

Oh, that's a funny sign.

Gee, that's a funny hat.

You want to try it?
There was a bit --

Oh, sure,
I could try it.

Of course, you don't
have to wear it.

Well, there was a day when
I would have had to wear it.

Really? When?
Before I was tame.

You mean you were wild
one time?

Sure! All tigers are wild
until they're tame.

Well, what did
you do then?

I bit and I hit
and I howled and prowled

and I littered,
but I don't do that anymore.

You don't?
I'm tame.

♪ I don't growl anymore ♪

♪ I'm tame
I'm tame ♪

♪ I don't prowl anymore
I'm tame ♪

♪ I know right
I know wrong ♪

♪ I say thank you
and please ♪

♪ I remember to cover
my mouth when I sneeze ♪


♪ I don't growl anymore ♪

♪ I'm tame
I'm tame ♪

♪ I don't prowl anymore
I'm tame ♪

♪ I use napkin and fork
at each hamburger feast ♪

♪ And I act like a gentleman
Not like a beast ♪


♪ I don't growl anymore ♪

♪ I'm tame
I'm tame ♪

♪ I don't prowl anymore
I'm tame ♪

Oh, well, I like you
just the way you are.

I do too. Good luck
with your litter baskets.

Thanks, Daniel.

Say, doesn't that look like
Chef Brockett coming?

It sure does.
Hey, Chef Brockett.

Hi, Chef Brockett!
Chef Brockett:
Hi, Lady Aberlin.
Hi, Daniel.

How are you?
Very well,
how are you?

Oh, just grand, thanks.
What do you have?

Oh, I brought you
something nice.

Rainbow cookies.

Rainbow cookies?
Aren't they pretty?

Ooh, yes.
They have all the colors
of the rainbow.

And they're all
wrapped up in paper.

That's right.
Ladies first.

Lady Aberlin,
would you like to have one?

A big one
or a little one?

Well, you can have
either one.

I think I'll take
a little one.

A little one!
A little one!

Daniel, which
kind would you like?

I'd like a big one.

Oh, good. I'll take the wrapper
off for you, okay?

Would you please?

how do you like that?

Oh, you're putting
the little...

The little piece of litter
in the litter...

In the little
litter basket.
...little litter basket.

There you are, Daniel.
Thank you, very much.

Well, you're welcome.

Ooh, ooh,
is that a big one.

And I put the wrapper
in the little...

Oh, no, no, no,
Chef Brockett.
What? What?

No, no.

Big litter has to go
in the big litter basket

over by the tree.

Oh, big litter in
the big litter basket.

Yeah, it's over
by the tree.

Oh, well, then I guess
I'll have to go over there.

Yeah, well,
you all have a good time.

Thanks again for
the rainbow cookie.

Oh, you're welcome, Daniel.
I knew you'd like that.

You bet I will.
See you soon,
tame friend.

Yeah, take your big litter
over there to the big basket.

Okay. Bye.
We will.

There it is.
Oh, it's right there.


Then I put big litter
in the big litter basket.

Big litter basket.

That's great.

Oh, that's good.
[ Humming in distance ]

Is it good?

Is it? You like...


Lady Elaine,
what are you...

What are you doing?
[ Humming continues ]

Lady Elaine!

Why -- w-w-why are you
doing that?

I'm littering.
I'm littering, dear.

W-w-w-w-w-why would you
do that?

Because nobody
gave me a cookie.

Well, I-I-I-I haven't
even seen you yet.

N-Now I'll give you
a cookie.
Well, too bad.
Litter I will.

Litter I will.
Oh, Lady Elaine.

Lady Elaine,
I'm afraid

I'm going to have
to put this hat on you.

a litterbug hat.

[ Sighs ]Oh, I didn't know
it would come to that.

A litterbug hat.

Here I am, a litterbug.

I suppose this is
your Uncle Friday's idea.

Yes, Lady Elaine. He's trying
to keep the land clean.

Well, why doesn't he get out
and clean it up, then?

Well, it's better
if each person

cleans up his own,
Lady Elaine.

Yeah, should we help you
to clean up all this litter?

After what?

I think she means after
she's had her cookie.

You're right, dear.

Oh, how would you
like to help me

give the cookies
to all the other people?

Ooh, I'd love that!
Oh, fine.

Yes, I-I want one of
the big ones, myself.

Okay, I'll save
a big one for you.

I'll go make my report
to Uncle Friday,

and then I'll come back
to help clean up.

Oh, good.
Thanks, dear.

This one will be yours.
Oh, and I can help
you give them out. Thank you.

Hello, Miss Paulificate?

[ Tinkling ]

I'd like to make an appointment
to see Uncle Friday, please.

[ Tinkling ]

Oh, grand,
in 5 1/2 seconds.

Thank you!
[ Tinkling ]

[ Dinging ]

Hi, Trolley.

[ Dinging ]


Well, there's
Lady Elaine, a litterbug.

She was just throwing that
stuff right over the wall.

Better clean up here.

These are very nice,
these pieces of dough.

I can put them
in the refrigerator

because you can make
something out of them.


Yeah, sometimes when people
won't pay any attention to you,

just like Lady Elaine,
nobody was giving her a cookie,

you just decide
you'll be a clown.

It's what she was doing.

She was being a clown

as well as a litterbug.

♪ A clown, A clown
I think I'll be a clown ♪

♪ I think I'll make the people
laugh and laugh all over town ♪

♪ A clown
That's what I'll be, A clown ♪

♪ Sometimes I feel
when I'm afraid ♪

♪ That I will never
make the grade ♪

♪ So I pretend
I'm someone else ♪

♪ And show the world
my other self ♪

♪ I'm not quite sure
of me, you see ♪

♪ When I have to
make a clown of me ♪

♪ A clown, A clown
I think I'll be a clown ♪

♪ I think I'll make the people
laugh and laugh all over town ♪

♪ A clown
That's what I'll be, A clown ♪

♪ Sometimes I feel
all good inside ♪

♪ And haven't got
a thing to hide ♪

♪ My friends all tell me
I'm the best ♪

♪ They think I'm better
than the rest ♪

♪ It's times like this
I act myself ♪

♪ And I let the clown stay
on the shelf ♪

♪ Myself Myself
I think I'll be myself ♪

♪ I think I'll let
the people see ♪

♪ The comfortable
inside of me ♪

♪ Myself, I'll be myself
Look here ♪

♪ It's only when
I feel let down ♪

♪ I might be scared
into a clown ♪

♪ But he can be himself ♪

♪ When I can be myself ♪

♪ Myself
I think I'll be myself ♪

So, when Chef Brockett comes
back for these things,

I'll have them
all ready for them.

I wonder if Lady Elaine

and all the others are really
picking up her litter.

Let's look and see.

Are you?



Lady Elaine Fairchilde:
I think this is
a little piece, don't you?

Yes, that's
a little one.
Here's a little
litter basket.

Oh, here's a little one,
Lady Aberlin. Thank you.

This -- this is a big one.

Wouldn't you say?
Oh, yes,
that's a big one.

Yes, that's
a big one.
That goes
in the big...

Here's another...
That's very big.

Oh, it is.
And you dropped one.

Yeah, thank you,
You're a litterbug.

That's a little one.
What would you say
this was?

Little, I think.

Thank you.
Thank you!

Ooh, I love
putting it in.
Here's another one.

I've got another biggie!
Big one.
What about this?

Yeah, that's big,
Big, definitely big.

How about this,
Lady Elaine?
Ooh, that looks
big to me.

Well, it looks little to me.
Which is it?

Well, if it's big to her,
I'll give her the big basket.

There you go,
Lady Elaine.

Thank you, dear.

Is that it?
Have we got it all?
Yeah.Yeah, that's all.

I don't think you need
to wear that hat anymore.

Oh, I'm not
a litterbug anymore.

Oh, let's go and eat
our cookies now, alright?

Hey, that will beGrand.
fun, yeah.
Come along.

Come along.

Oh, Lady Elaine isn't
a litterbug anymore.

She picked it all up.

Yes, sir.

Old King Friday, he had to have
the big pieces in the big box

and the little pieces
in the little litter basket.

Can you say that?
That's a hard word.

Little litter basket.

Well, hat back in the box.

Ring back in its own
little box, perfect size.


And the big feet out of
one pair of big shoes

into another pair of big shoes.

And when will we
be back together?

Tomorrow. Sure.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ One, two ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You always make each day
such a special day.

Yep, see you tomorrow. Bye.


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