01x68 - Episode 68

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x68 - Episode 68

Post by bunniefuu »




♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Please, could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please, won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

Hi, neighbor.

How are you?


I saw some people
riding bicycles on my way here,

and I thought,

"Well, that's just exactly
what I have in my bag!"

Some little models
of bicycles.


Good place to play
with them -- on the floor.

Do you ride a tricycle? Do you?

Have you ever ridden a tricycle?

Here's a tricycle.
One with three wheels.

Tri -- three.

When you're young, very little,

you need three wheels
to keep you up.


And when you get
to be about 6 or 7...

...your body is just about
right to try one

with two wheels -- bicycle.

Some of the bicycles
have a bar across there

and some don't.

Like that. Mm-hmm.

And it doesn't matter
whether it has a bar or not.

Sometimes boys think,

"Oh, I just shouldn't
ride that bicycle

if it doesn't have a bar."

No. This one here.

But it really doesn't matter.

No. Boys can ride either one,

and girls can ride either one
when they're ready.

Now, here is one.

I wonder if you've
ever seen a unicycle.

All it is is a seat
and one wheel.

Very, very hard to ride.

Can you imagine how hard
it would be to stay on it?

Whoo! Whee!

Sometimes clowns
ride them in circuses,

but it takes a lot of practice.

A great deal of practice
to ride one with just one wheel.




Let's ask Picture Picture

if it has any pictures of real
people riding real wheels.

Picture Picture on the wall,

would you kindly show us all

some pictures of people
riding real wheels?

Oh, there's a road,

and there are
two people on bicycles,

a man and a lady.

♪ And down the road they go ♪


It's good to be able
to make your bike go

where you want
it to, isn't it?

Now here comes a...

Why, that's a tricycle

with a grown-up on it!

So, there are tricycles
for grown-ups, too.

And there's a bike.

This looks like two people
on the same bike.

Well, that's a tandem.

A tandem bike.

Thank you very much,
Picture Picture.

Now I have something
funny to show you.

Maybe you remember
my three-legged stool.

Do you?

Well, that would be
a tri-legged stool.

You see, it sits
there very easily,

and you can sit on it very
easily just like the tricycle.

But, have you ever seen
a bi-legged stool?

That will be a little
harder to sit on.

[ Laughs ]

Alright. That's a
bi-legged stool.

Now, that's a what?

A uni-legged stool, I guess.


That would be
like that unicycle.


Is that ever tough to sit on.

I think I'll take
the tri-legged stool.


And I think I'd just
like to sing a song

which says that everybody
is fancy because you are.

♪ Some are fancy
on the outside ♪

♪ Some are fancy on the inside
Yes, sir ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy
Everybody's fine ♪

♪ You're body's fancy,
and so is mine ♪

♪ Boys are boys from
the beginning ♪


♪ Girls are girls
right from the start ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy
Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's fancy,
and so is mine ♪

♪ Only girls
can be the mommies ♪

That's right.

♪ Only boys can be the daddies ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy
Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's fancy,
and so is mine ♪

♪ I think you're
a special person ♪

♪ And I like your
ins and outsides, ♪

♪ Yes, sir ♪

♪ Everybody's fancy
Everybody's fine ♪

♪ Your body's fancy,
and so is mine ♪

[ Doorbell rings ]

Did you hear the back doorbell?

I think I did, too.

♪ Who might you be
at the back doorbell ♪

Oh, good day,
Mister Rogers!
Good day!
Mr. McFeely.

How are you today,
Mister Rogers?

I'm great.
How are you?
Oh, fine. Thank you,
Mister Rogers.

Oops, your door came
open there, Mister Rogers.

Oh, thank you.
There you go.

All fixed up for you
some time, Mister Rogers.

Well, thank you.

You ride a bicycle,
Mister McFeely, don't you?

Yes. I do.
Yes. I do.
A bicycle
with two wheels?

With two big wheels,
Mister Rogers...

Show us how you do it,
would you?
Well, I'll go right
outside and...

Oh, I'll use one of your
kitchen chairs, Mister Rogers.

I'll move this
right over here like this.

There you go, Mister Rogers.
Now I get all set here.

These are the handlebars,
you see, Mister Rogers?


I pedal and work,
and I pedal and work,

delivering all day long.

I pedal and work,
and pedal and work

and I always sing
this song.

I love to ride my cycle

Each morning,
noon, and night

I love to ride my cycle.

I love it, it's just right,
Mister Rogers.

And that's
my delivering song.

Oh, that's a great song.

Oh, and speaking of delivery,
Mister Rogers.

Here's a little delivery
for you.

Oh, thank you,
very much.

Mister Rogers, 15213.

Miss Nelson and Bruce
invite Mister Rogers

and his neighbors
to their dance studio today.

Well, I hope you're going,
Mister Rogers.

I go over there
as much as I can.

I like to see
the children perform!

Oh, I bet you do.

Please come and see
our musical computer, too!

Well, that's quite intricate,
Mister Rogers.

You should go over there and
see it and tell Mr. Bruce Haack

to show it to you.

Yes. I'll be glad to.
Because he should.
It's very --

It lights up, and it goes off
when you point to it.

You go over there,
Mister --

Well, I have to run now,
Mister Rogers, alrighty?

You want
to come with me?

Well, I would love to, but maybe
I'll come over a little later.

Alrighty, Mister Rogers?

Whatever you like.

Well, I'll see you
a little later, Mister Rogers.

Good day. A lot of deliveries.
Good day, Mister Rogers.

Bye bye, Mr. McFeely!


Mr. McFeely is always so busy.

He just, "Good day,
Mister Rogers!



Why don't we go?

Want to go over to
Miss Nelson's and Bruce's?

It's just across the street,
'round the corner.

Want to go to the dance studio?

Okay. We'll just see
what it's like.

And this musical computer.

We'll just go in these clothes.

Sure. See you there. Come along.


[ Trilling noises ]


[ Knocking ]
[ Noises stop ]

Come in!
Mister Rogers:
Hi, Bruce.

Hi, Mister Rogers.
How are you?

Thank you
for inviting us today.

I've always wondered
what you did here,

and what about this?

Is this
the musical computer?

This is it,
Mister Rogers.
It looks like
a suitcase.

It's built in a suitcase,
and this is a plastic container

that is put in a drawer

to keep knives and forks in
in your kitchen.

Oh, we have one.

Yeah, but this one is
upside-down, isn't it?

Well, that's because it has the
electrical parts inside of it.

I see.
What about all these?

Well, these buttons
cause the computer

to make sounds
and noises like this.

[ Buzzing ]

[ Buzzing increases pitch ]
You put your hands up and down
and do things with light.

I can change
with these switches.
[ Buzzing changes pitch ]

Oh, goodness!

[ Buzzing changes rapidly ]

And you use this
for your dance classes?

We do, Mr. Rogers, but we use it
in a different way, though.
[ Buzzing stops ]

I'll clap my hands, and this
computer will go on, like this.

[ Noises echoing ]

It's warming up.
It surely is.

[ Beeping echoes ]

I think it's starting
to make music.

Oh, I bet
the children love this.

They do. They're fascinated,
Mister Rogers.
[ Beeping continues ]

I certainly do.

It's almost ready
to play,

and I'll clap my hands
to turn it off.
[ Beeping stops ]

And it goes off?

Let's try that...

Would you like...
No. No.

We're just not
a musical computer ourselves.

What is this?
That is just
a wristwatch band,

but if you hold that,
and if I hold this,

you may touch me and play me
as you would play a drum.

[ Ticking ]

[ Ticking starts and stops ]

Miss Nelson:
Hi, everybody!

Oh, hi,
Miss Nelson!
How are you,
Mister Rogers?

Oh, fine. I was seeing
the musical computer.

Hi, Miss Nelson.

Hi, Cindy.
How are you?

Hi, Jeff.
Ooh! Oh.

Yeah, it's fun to see
those things, isn't it?

And, you know,
that works by electricity.

It's a microphone,

Carol, yes.

And many thing work
by electricity.

Toasters work
by electricity.

And here.
And wheels
go round and round.

And we want to sing a song
for you all about wheels.


And I want you all to get up
on your toes and turn,
[ Music plays ]

and you can be turning
wheels while we do this.

♪ Wheels, wheels
Turning round ♪

Bruce and Miss Nelson:
♪ In the air
And on the ground ♪

♪ Wheels are round
and never square ♪

♪ They help us get
from here to there ♪

♪ Wheels, wheels
Turning round ♪

♪ In the air
And on the ground ♪

♪ Let's see how it feels ♪

♪ To be turning,
spinning wheels. ♪

Very good.

Now, come on over here,
and we can be a wheel

right with our hand
that goes around and around.

There it goes.

Cindy, keep stretching out.
Good girl.
[ Recorder plays ]

And now I'm going to
take the other hand

and make another wheel.

Very good. Good!
[ Music stops ]

Miss Nelson, I have
programmed the computer

to make the sound
of some wheels.

And the first wheel
it will be is a bicycle.


Now, if you'll all spread
your feet apart,

we got to really be
the big wheel on the bicycle.

Here we go.
Make a very big circle.
[ Rhythmic beeping ]

Stretch it out!

And if you bend your knees,
you can even make it bigger!

That's the way!
[ Beeping stops ]


And now if we all lie
down on the floor,

you can move your feet

as if they are the
pedals of the bicycle.

Here we go!

That's the way.
[ Droning music plays ]

[ Recorder plays ]

Now let me see if you can do
something which is very hard.

Let me see if you can
pedal your bicycle backwards.

Stay there and pedal
your bicycle backwards.

That's it.

That's pretty good.

[ Music continues ]


[ Music stops ]
And now,
let me see everybody stand up

and climb onto your bicycle
[ Spacey music plays ]

and hold on to the handlebars,

and let me see how you're
going to steer that bicycle.

Here we go, Carol.
That's the way, Jeff. Right.

And now lift your knees, and
let's ride out on our bicycles.

Here we go!

Red light!

[ Music Stops ]


Okay. Here we go again.
[ Spacey music plays ]

Lift your knees way up
and steer that bicycle.

Over here, Jimmy!

Red light!
[ Music stops ]


Now you can climb off
the bicycle.

Right. Very good.
[ Spacey music plays ]

Bruce: Ah, I have
two more wheels
[ Music stops ]

on the computer.

Oh, could we have one
about a spinning top first?

We do, and we also have one
about a tiny wheel

in a wrist watch that goes back
and forth like that.

Everybody sit down.

If you snap your fingers twice,
it will turn it on.

Sit down over here, Carol.
[ Warbling music plays ]

[ Music stops ]

Carol, can you
come over here with us?
[ Warbling music plays ]


Cross your feet and put
your hands on your knees

and shake your head
from side to side.

That's the way.

[ Music stops ]

Bruce: And I do have
a spinning top, Miss Nelson,

but this top starts very slow
and becomes very fast.

Can you spread out
a little bit...
[ Rhythmic thumping ]

...so you won't bump
into each other.

Start off slower.

Even slower, Jeff,
than that.
[Recorder plays ]

There you go.


Now we're going to get
a little bit faster

and even a little bit faster.

And now let's see
you get very, very fast!

There you go!

Around and around
and around and around.

Good! Until you fall down.
[ Music stops ]

Good. And now you've worked very
hard, and you're so tired

that I want you to curl up
into a little ball

and go to sleep like
a little baby pussycat.

Bring your knees
up to your chest

and put your head way down low
and curl up very tiny and small,

and you can even
close your eyes.


Now, this little pussycat feels
the nice warm sun on his nose

and on his toes
and on his tail.
[ Rising music plays ]

And this is the way
the pussycat wakes up.

He stretches one paw up into
the air and then the other paw.

Good. And then one leg
way up in the air

and the other leg even higher.


And now put your hands and your
feet close together like this...
[ Music stops ]

...and let's stretch our tail.
[ Trilling music echoes ]

Stretch your back, pussycat.

Good. And come on down.

And once more,
way up and way down.

And now the little pussycat
hears a rumbling noise.
[ Music stops ]


That comes from his belly.
[ Echoing music plays ]

His belly is growling at him
because he's so hungry,

so he begins to creep around
and to look for his milk.

Get up on four legs

because pussycats
never walk on their knees.

Come on over to me,
little pussycats.
[ Recorder plays ]

Up on your feet, Carol.
That's good.

Come on. Come on,
little p*ssy. This way.

I'm going to show you
where you can find your milk.

And now the pussycat
finds his milk...
[ Music stops ]

...and this is the way
he drinks it up.

Lift your head way
up when you go.
[ Spacey music plays ]

Way up.

Great. Terrific.
[ Music stops ]

And now the pussycat's
belly is nice and full

because it had a very
nice warm bowl of milk.

So he jumps up,
and he begins to dance.

And he shakes his fingers...
[ Bouncy music plays ]

and he shakes his arms
and jumps, and he turns.

Come on! Shake your fingers and
your shoulders can shake, too.

That's the way.

And you can even lift your feet
up in the air and lean way over.

Good. Come on, Carol.
Let me see you jump!

Jump! Jump and shake. And turn.

Can you turn
while you're jumping?

Let's see! Jump and turn!

And all of a sudden,
the pussycat looks up...
[ Music stops ]

and stretches his paws
up to the sun.

[ Gasps ]
But the sun went down,

and it's getting
so cold and chilly,

and the little pussycat
begins to shiver.

Can you shake, Carol?
Let me see.

Can you shake with your head?
[ Warbling echoes ]

And can you shake
with your hips, too?

Shake all over.

Good. And the little
pussycat begins to yawn.
[ Warbling stops ]


And he curls up
into a little ball,

and he stretches his paw
way up in the air.
[ Spacey music plays ]

And the other paw.

And one leg high up in the air.

And the other leg even higher.

Now, do you remember
how to stretch your backs,

little pussies?
Let me see.

[ Music stops ]
Put your hands
close to your feet,

and lift your tail way
up and way down.
[ Rising music plays ]

Good. And once more, way up
in the air and way down.

And now wave goodnight
to all the little pussycats

in the neighborhood

and curl up
into a little ball...
[ Music stops ]

...and go to sleep.

Oh! Good.

Now you may wake up...

...and look at me,

and I'm going to
sing you a song,

and I want you answer me.

Sit up. Come on! Sit up!

Ah. Now, let's see.

I shall program
this computer like this.

What kind of a song are you
programming for now, Bruce.

A song about
parts of the body.

And, oh, I wish that Mr. McFeely
were here to see it, too.

Miss Nelson:
How does it go, Bruce?

It goes like this.
[ Snaps fingers]

Ah, now you know what
it hasn't shown you.

About the nose
and about ears.


♪ Can you point to your nose ♪

♪ I can point to my nose ♪

♪ Can you point to your ears ♪

♪ I can point to my ears ♪

♪ And can you point
to your belly button ♪

♪ I can point
to my belly button ♪

♪ Now we know ♪

♪ Now we know ♪

♪ Can you shake your shoulders ♪

♪ I can shake my shoulders ♪

♪ Can you nod your head ♪

♪ I can nod my head ♪

♪ And can you scratch
your nose with your toe ♪

Oh! That's very hard.
Lets see a try. Good!

♪ Now we know ♪

♪ Now we know ♪

♪ Can you stand up
very, very tall ♪

♪ I can stand up
very, very tall ♪

♪ Can you jump up high ♪

♪ I can jump up high ♪

♪ And can you turn
on your tippy, tippy toes ♪

♪ I can turn on my tippy,
tippy toes ♪

♪ Now we know ♪

♪ Now we know ♪

♪ Can you hop on one foot ♪

♪ I can hop on one foot ♪

♪ Can you jump on both feet ♪

♪ I can jump on both feet ♪

Now can you get down
like a little pussycat

and creep over to Mister Rogers
on four legs, not on your knees!

Mr. McFeely:
Oh, pardon me there,
Mister Rogers!

Pardon me.
Oh, here's
Mr. McFeely.

Didn't mean to interrupt
there, Mr. Rogers,

but I think you maybe better go
back to your house, Mr. Rogers.

There's a surprise
there for you.

Oh, good. Do you know
these guys?
Oh, yes.

I do. I see them around
the neighborhood all the time.

Hello, children. Hello.
Are you all dancing?

And a meow,
meow to you, too!

They're cat--
they're kittens!
wonderful cats.

Hello, Mr. Haack.
Oh, hello,
Mr. McFeely.

Miss Nelson,
how are you today?

Thank you for letting us visit
part of your class, Miss Nelson.

We're so glad
you did.
Thank you,
Mister Rogers.

We're in a hurry now.
Good day.

Good day. Meow!
Meow! Good day!
Thank you. Bye!

Come along, Mister Rogers.
Come along!



You've had that bike a long
time, haven't you, Mr. McFeely?

Oh, a long time,
Mister Rogers. A long time.

Thank you for coming
to the dance studio to get me.

Won't you come inside.
Oh, no. No. No.
Not today, Mister Rogers.

But wait until you see
the surprise inside for you,

Mister Rogers.
Wait until you see it.

Well, a lot of deliveries today,
Mister Rogers.

A lot of deliveries.
I'm sure you have.

Thank you, Mr. McFeely.

Well, thank you,
Mister Rogers.

We'll see you
a little later, Mr. Rogers.

Good day! Good day!
Good day, Mr. McFeely.

I pedal and work
I pedal and work all day

Pedal and work all day
Pedal and work all day.

Mr. McFeely.

Wasn't that great,
going there?

Did you pretend you were
somebody with Miss Nelson

when they were doing
the kitties and everything?

Oh, I wonder where
the surprise is?

Well, there is
the tri-legged stool,

the bi-legged stool

and the uni-legged stool.

That's no surprise.

There's the tricycle,

the bicycle,

and the unicycle.

That's no surprise.


Are you the surprise?

Ah. This is our cat. Yeah.

Did Mr. McFeely
bring you over?

Oh, my glad to see you, Blackie.
Come on.

This is one of Blackberry's
favorite places to come,

right over here, And sometimes
she visits me here

at my studio.

You like it here, don't you?

I like it when you come, too.

Would you like
something to eat?

Would you?

She's soft.



I saw some young
friends of mine

pretending that
they were pussycats.


They were lying
on their backs.




You are
a good surprise today.

Sure are. Would you like
something to eat, Blackberry?

I'll go get her
something to eat.

You want to wait with her?

Okay. I'll be right back.



Want to come down here
for something to eat?

I like to keep
a little food on hand

in case any animal comes by
who might want something.

Aren't you hungry?



You want to smell it
first, don't you?



She'd rather be up there.

Sometimes you'd rather
just rest than eat.


Oh, doesn't that feel good?


I'll get my shoes,

and I'll change them
right over here beside you.



Better take this back, too.

Doesn't care for
something to eat right now.



Yeah. They're big. Aren't they?

Man shoes.

You don't have to wear shoes
'cause you're a kitty.


I'll take
Blackberry home with me...

...and I will see you tomorrow.


♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a song or two ♪

♪ Uni, Bi ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow
with a smile for you ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ 'Til then, I hope your day
is [snaps] snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You always make it
such a special day.

Thanks for going with me today.
Come on with me, Blackie.

Will you? Okay.

Sure. I'll take this.

Give it back to my friend
that I borrowed it from.

See you tomorrow. Bye bye.


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