01x55 - Episode 55

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x55 - Episode 55

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? Please?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor ♪

♪ Just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So, let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please,
won't you please ♪

♪ Please won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

This is the day.
This is the day for the play.

Uh-huh. You know, the play
of king friday, goldilocks,

Benjamin franklin,
and the three bears.

My, it's taken a long time
to get to this day, hasn't it?

But I'm anxious to see it.

If it's a day for a play,

We'll just
put on our play shoes.

Tie the bow.

How are you coming
with your tying?

I shined these a little bit
before I came,

Because of this special day.

I like these old shoes.

Do you have old shoes
that you like?

Sometimes old shoes feel best.

I was thinking about you
and wondering if we just

Couldn't make up a play
ourselves together.

Yeah. Wait a minute, now.

This is a way we can start.

It's just a piece of yarn.

Just make a little bit
of a bow here.

You'll see in a minute why.

It's like tying the shoes.

Sometimes you need help.


Does that look
like a hair ribbon

Or something like that? Well.

You know what that is?

A sock.

All right, now,
this is going to be a puppet.

So that we can make our own
puppet and make it talk.

Just put the--the sock.

If it's your own sock,
it's best.

One that you
might not need anymore.

And you just put it
on your hand

And then stuff the toe part
in like that.

You see?
And you already

Have something that you--

[Funny voice]
you can make it talk.

[Normal voice] like that.

And then if you have
some of those little--

Mm. Even a piece
of paper will do,

But these are
little gummed labels.

Now it has a couple eyes.

[Funny voice] hello.

I want to have
a stuck-on nose.

[Normal voice]
ok, well...

A sticky-on nose.

Don't leave those
in your mouth ever.


All right, now your
hair ribbon.

Now you can
be goldilocks
or mama bear.

Whoever you'd like
to be.

Sure is a special
day, isn't it?

Good. Would you
like to sing a song?
All right.

♪ Today is
a very special day ♪

♪ A very, very, very
special day ♪

♪ A very, very,
very, very ♪

♪ Very, very,
very, veryyyyy ♪

♪ Very, very,
very special day ♪

It surely is.
Why don't we just

Take a look into
the neighborhood
of make-believe

And see what
they're doing

On this
very special day.

Want to?
All right. Heh.

Must be time
for the trolley,
don't you think?

Would you like
to look through
the telescope?

All right. Yeah.
Right in there.

That's daniel's clock.

And that is
the museum-go-round.

And there's x's tree.

He's going to be
benjamin franklin.

And there's henrietta's house.

She's going to be goldilocks.

And the factory.

And there comes the trolley.

I'll call you new little lady.

New little lady, would you
like to see the trolley?

Trolley, this is
new little lady.

We just made her.

[Bell ringing]

Good. We would like

To go to the neighborhood
of make-believe

And see what's going on
about the play there.

Will you take us, please?

[Bell ringing]

Into the neighborhood
of make-believe we go.

[Bell ringing]

[Bell ringing]


Anybody knocking?


Hi. Oh, hi, mama bear.

Hi, baby bear.

Well, I'm almost
baby bear.

I don't have
my top on yet.

Will this do?

Oh, good.
I wondered
where it was.


Well, we have
to match.

Yeah, I have a striped,
uh, what do you call it?

A bib.
A bib. Mm-hmm.

Yes, and I have
a striped apron.

Oh, let me see.

There's a snap.

There it is.

Now I'm pretending
you're my mother, ok?

Ugga mugga,
baby bear.

Ugga mugga.
Ugga mugga mugga.


Do you suppose
the three bears
did ugga mugga?

I don't know.

They must have
loved each other.

Boy, you look so--

I know one thing

That I don't know
how to do too well.

Growl. Can you growl?

I can try.
Like a bear?


[Growls] good.


Oh, good.

You know--
you know, daniel,

I think this is
the first time

In my human lady life

That I've ever been
a mama bear.

I think it's the first time
in my whole tiger life

That I've ever pretended
I was a baby bear.

[Giggles] let's try.


Now you.

Ok. [Growls]



[Both growling]

Well. [Laughs]


I--i thought
I heard

Some bears growling
over here.

Daniel: yeah, it was--
woman: did you really?

Yes, I did.

It was just
mama bear and I


Well, you two
sounded very good.

You know what?
I think I ought

To practice
my growl.

Make sure--


Woman and daniel: ooh.

Daniel: that's
a good growl.

Yeah, but you

Don't look
too much like

A papa bear, joe.

Oh, well, daniel,
that's because

I don't have
my costume on.

You know what?
I think I'm going

To go over to
the castle right now
and do that.

Yeah? Good.
It's soon time

For the play,
isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Well, I'll go over
with you, joe, ok?

Ok, fine, and you
can help me

Get into my
papa bear costume.

And I'll go over

And check on
henrietta and x.

Daniel: you mean goldilocks

And benjamin franklin.

That's right.
Mm. Ha!

That's right.

See you men
at the castle.

Ok. Bye, mama bear.

Bye, mama bear.

♪ I'm looking for a friend ♪

♪ I'm looking
for a friend ♪

♪ I'm looking for a friend
who looks like ♪

♪ Benjamin franklin ♪

♪ I'm looking for a friend ♪

♪ I'm looking
for a friend ♪

♪ I'm looking for a friend
like goldilocks ♪

[Bell ringing]

Meow. Goldilocks.

Ohh. Henrietta, you look
just beautiful.

I brought you
a hair ribbon.

Meow. Thank you.

wonderful day.

Oh, are you excited?

Mm-hmm. Meow.
Oh, you look wonderful.

Just a beautiful

Meow. You, meow, meow,
mama bear.

Yes. Now,
let me see

If I can
tie the bow.

M-meow, m-meow,

Oh, thank you.
That makes it easier.


Meow tie well.

Let me see.

Let me see.

m-meow, m-meow-meow.

A little better?

Meow. Good.

Oh, yes.
I think

That will be grand.

Meow wonderful meow.

I am ben franklin,
you can see.

I am ben franklin,
I am he.
Ha ha!

Oh, that's
just great, x.

Oh, yeah, well,
what if I don't

Remember it at the right time?

Oh, well, someone
will help you.

Do I look all right?

You look exactly
like your hero.

Ha ha!
I got all dressed up

With the funny hair
and--and everything.

You look just like
ben franklin

But, uh, x,

Have you decided

What you're going
to do in the play yet?

Yeah. I figured
that since ben franklin

Invented the franklin stove,

I'll be the one
who keeps the stove going

In the three bears' house.

Oh, that's
a great idea.

Meow me talk
meow goldilocks?

X: sure.
I'll talk with you

When you come in.

I'll even
tell you my poem.

I am ben franklin,
you can see.

I am ben franklin,
I am he.

Ha ha!

You'll both
be great.

let's be getting

Over to
the stage room.


Ok. We'll meet
you there.

How about, henrietta?


I'll go this way.

Meow call me

Oh, that's right.
How about it, goldilocks?

ben franklin.

Yeah, we'll see you

Over there, mama bear.

Oh, thank you.
Over there for mama bear.

Over there.
See you there. Good-bye.

Bye, goldilocks.

♪ I'm looking for a friend ♪

♪ I'm looking
for a friend ♪

♪ I'm looking
for a friend like ♪ [growl]

♪ I'm looking for a friend ♪

♪ I'm looking
for a friend ♪

♪ I'm looking
for a friend like ♪ [growl]

Oh. Ha ha ha!

Hey, I'm glad
you're here.

Wh--what's wrong?

Well, I just found out
that the king

Wants to start the play
in 163 1/2 seconds.

Good. Good.
Then he'll have

More time to get looking
like the papa bear.

Yeah. Do you think you
could help me with this?

Oh, sure, I'll help you
with your costume.

Just--oh, I think--
oh--oh, yeah.

Oh, I see.

Yes. Then you
put your arm in.

Oh, I got it.
Ahh. Uhh. Yeah.
Then turn around

And I'll zip you up.
Oh, ok.

All right.
All right.

[Trolley bell ringing]

How's it coming?
Hard zipper.

It's coming.

Oh, trolley.

Listen, will--will you
tell mister rogers

That we're going
to start the play

In 163 1/2 seconds.

[Bell ringing]

Ok. Bye-bye.
[Bell ringing]

Come on, mama bear.

[Bell ringing]


The new little lady is
trying to growl like the bears.

They're almost ready
for their play.

Why don't we go to the kitchen

And set up a little theater
there, ok?

You can do it, you know,
with chairs.

I've already got two
in a row right here

And I'll put
two more in a row...

And we'll pretend that
this is our theater.

Lady aberlin looks good
as the mama bear, doesn't she?

I wanted to show you this box.

This was just a--just a box
that some food came in,

And I cut a little hole
out here,

And the bottom--
took the bottom off,

And then a little hole
in the back

For my arm to go through,

And I just made it into
a puppet stage, like this.

See that?
Now, new little lady,

You can just talk
right out there, like that.

Where's your
hair ribbon?

You have
a hair ribbon

Just like
henrietta pussycat does,

For goldilocks.

You want to try
growling again?


[Funny voice] we're
going to make a play.

[Normal voice]
well, good for you.

That's a good thing
to do--make a play.



See how
you can do it?

Just with a box
and a sock.

Box and socks.

But it's time for us
to sit in our chairs


Flashing light.


Edgar, how are you?

Would you like to talk
with new little lady?

[Funny voice] he says
it's time for the play.

[Normal voice]
well, good.

If it's time
for the play,

We'd like very much
to come.

How do we do it?

Yes, we know.
The title is

"King friday,

Benjamin franklin,
and the three bears."

Do we just count to 13?

Ok, well, we'll try.

Can you count
to 13 backwards?

We have to start
with 13 and then go--

To the play.


If it were not for me
and my royal generosity,

This play would not be
taking place here today.

People wonder why my subjects
love me so much.

There can be no doubt
that no other king

In the history of kings

Has ever been so benevolent.

If it were not for me,
this play might be taking place

Someplace else.

As it is, you have
this beautiful stage

And all the excellent
production equipment necessary.

Uh, scenery?
Bring the scenery.

Here is the home
of the three bears.

The franklin stove.
The beds.

All that's needed.

You can't help
but enjoy yourself.

Now, sit back and relax
for a fine production of...

"King friday, goldilocks,
benjamin franklin,

And the three bears."

Ladies and gentlemen,
the rest of the play.


[Piano playing slow tune]

♪ I am the papa bear ♪

♪ I never like to scare ♪

♪ I always take good care ♪

♪ I am
the papa bear ♪

♪ Iiiii am the mama bear ♪

♪ I never like to scare ♪

♪ I always take good care ♪

♪ I am the mama bear ♪

Papa bear.

Yes, mama bear.

Where's little
baby bear?

Why, I do believe,
mama bear,

That he is
behind the curtain.

Oh, good.

Shall I open
the curtain, then,

And we'll see him?

Of course, mama bear.

We are only two bears
with him, you know.

You are so right.
Ho, ho.

There he is.
♪ I am ♪

♪ The baby bear ♪

♪ I never like to scare ♪

♪ I always take good care ♪

♪ I am the baby bear ♪

Hello, mama bear.
Hi, papa bear.

Hello, baby bear.
Hello, baby bear.

Hello. Heh.

Why, who is that man
back there?

That's the man
who invented the stove.

I am ben franklin, you can see.

I am ben franklin,
I am he.

Very good, x.
X: thank you.
Ha ha!

How do you do,
mr. Franklin?

How do you do,
papa bear?

How do you do,
mr. Franklin?

How do you do,
mama bear?

I've made some
porridge for you,

But it's too hot.

Well, maybe
we should go out

For a walk, then, do you think?

Oh, that's a good idea,
baby bear.

Thank you so much
for making

The porridge,
mr. Franklin.

You're welcome,
I'm sure, mama bear.

If you'd come back
in, oh, 87 seconds,

It'll be all right
for you. Ha ha!


Oh, good.

mr. Franklin.
ben franklin.

Good-bye, mr. Franklin.

Good-bye, baby bear.

♪ Meow-meow-beautiful-
meow-meow-neighborhood ♪

♪ Meow-beautiful-
meow-meow-neighbor ♪

♪ Meow meow-meow you? ♪

I am ben franklin,
you can see.

I am ben franklin,
I am he.

Meow-meow live here?

No, I just invented

The stove that
they have here.


Uh, the bears are out

For a walk,
goldilocks. Heh.

Meow may I just taste
meow porridge?

Oh, certainly,
if you--

If you feel
you must.



Meow. Me-meow-me-meow-meow

Good porridge, meow.

Well, I'm glad
you like it.

I stirred it up
for them. Heh.

Meow-me try
meow chairs, meow.

That's papa bear's chair.

Meow-meow too hard,

Meow-me too soft.

This is baby bear's
chair here.

just right, meow. Mm.

why, you broke it.

Meow, m-meow-meow-

Meow going
upstairs, meow.

Go on upstairs.

Meow me take the chairs
away first, meow.



Meow upstairs.
Meow-meow papa bear's bed.

Meow. Too hard.

Meow mama bear's bed.

Meow. Too soft.

Meow-meow baby bear's bed.

Meow-meow just right, meow.

meow, meow-meow,



I guess
the porridge

Should be ready
about now.

Oh! My, my.

Look, mama bear,
baby bear.

What is it?

Has been eating
my porridge!

It wasn't ben franklin,
you can see.

It wasn't ben franklin,
it was not he.

Well, who was it, then,
ben franklin?

Look further,
good bear.

A surprise
is there.

Why. Someone's been
sitting in my chair.

X: it wasn't
ben franklin,

You can see.

It wasn't ben franklin,
it was not he.

Well, who
was it, then?

Look further,
good bear.

A surprise
is there.

Maybe we should
go upstairs.

That's where you'll
find the surprise.


Oh, look who's been
sleeping in my bed.

Lady aberlin:
ah, the little girl
with golden locks.

meow-bears, meow.


Meow--meow, meow,
ben franklin,


Don't be frightened,
little lady. Goldilocks.


Bears, meow.

Oh, no, no, no.

We're quite
tame now, yes.

Meow are?

We never try

To scare,
little girl.

Meow don't?


What pretty golden
locks you have.

Meow. Meow-me-
thank you, meow.

Meow-me-fine bears
yourself, meow.

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.


M-meow, m-meow,

Well, I think
that someday,

We should make a play
and call it

"Benjamin franklin
and goldilocks

Going away somewhere."

go away?

Yeah, would you
like to come

To philadelphia
with me?

Meow, me like to,
meow, meow.

Ooh, can't we
come, too?

Oh, uh,

Did--not if you would
eat anybody up,

We couldn't
have you come.

Oh, but, but we don't
do that anymore.

Oh, you don't?

It says so right in
our family motto.

Let's sing it
for them,

Papa bear
and baby bear.

Oh, all right.

♪ I am the papa bear ♪
♪ I am the baby bear ♪
♪ I am the mama bear ♪

♪ I never like to scare ♪

♪ I always take good care ♪

♪ I am the papa bear ♪
♪ I am the baby bear ♪
♪ I am the mama bear ♪

So, you see,

Lovely, lovely.

That's the end
of the play, everybody,

So, now let's
just go off

To philadelphia, ok?

All right.



Pull that drape back.
Thank you.

And so, ladies and gentlemen,
you see

What a fine production
"king friday,

"Goldilocks, benjamin franklin,

And the three bears" could be.

Up with it.
Thank you very much.

Fortunate ladies and gentlemen,
that is the end of our play.

Always remember your king.

Mister rogers: 11, 12, 13.

So, they did find something

For ben franklin
to do in the play.

Wasn't x good?

[Imitating x]
I am ben franklin,

You can see.

I am ben franklin, I am he.

[Normal voice] did you like
ben franklin, new little lady?

I thought you would.

Well, the play is over.

Boy, am I proud of them.

Do you know that
you could make a play?

Sure you could,
with people that you love.

Like your mom or your dad.

You could make
some sock puppets

And have the three bears.

Even ben franklin,
if you wanted to,

And goldilocks,
and king friday.

You could make your puppet
stand up very straight

And be king friday xiii.


It's good to play with
people that you love.

Mm-hmm. Sometimes you feel

All good inside
when you do that.

♪ When your heart has
butterflies inside it ♪

♪ Then your heart
is full of love ♪

♪ When your heart feels
just like overflowing ♪

♪ Then your heart
is full of love ♪

♪ Love is fragile ♪

♪ As your tears ♪

♪ Love is stronger
than your fears ♪

♪ When your heart beats
for a special someone ♪

♪ Then your heart
is full of love ♪

♪ When your heart
has room for everybody ♪

♪ Then your heart
is full of love ♪

That's the way
I feel about you.

Well, new little lady,

You're going to be
a sock again right now.

And I'm going to be

Thinking about you
all weekend long.

My, our visits
go quickly, don't they?

But we'll be together
next week,

And we'll be thinking
of each other.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start
the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a song or two, 1, 2 ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start
the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a smile for you ♪

♪ Till then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then,
I hope your day is snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow ♪

♪ And be our day ♪

♪ We will say a very happy ♪

♪ Tomorrow to you ♪

Have a good weekend.

I like you exactly as you are.
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