01x52 - Episode 52

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x52 - Episode 52

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪


♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor ♪

♪ Just exactly like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ And since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine,
could you be mine ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please ♪

♪ Won't you please ♪

♪ Please won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

Hi, ladies and gentlemen.

Guess what this is.

A picture of the neighborhood
of make-believe, isn't it?


Gee, I'm glad to see you,

'Cause I just had this
ready for you.

But it's not
only a picture,

Part of it comes out.

So it's like a puzzle,
isn't it?

Well, I'll dump the pieces
out into here,

And then we'll see
which ones

We can put back together.

Pound pound pound pound
pound pound pound.

Come on. There.


Now, there is x's tree
and henrietta's house.

So where you would you think
that would fit?

Which hole would that
fit in?

How about here?

Yep, it did.

There's the place that has
the telephone in it.

I think it fits
right there.


All right.

What's that?
King friday's castle.

Does that go there?


Oh, there.

There, king friday.

What's that one?

Oh, that's daniel's clock.

Mm-hmm. Daniel's clock.

All right, where do you
fit, daniel's clock?

Can you see
where it fits?

Can you?

Getting there.

Oh, yes.

The flowers up
at the top

Must go with those.

Good. All right,
what's this?

That's the museum-go-round,
isn't it?

Well, that place looks
like it right there.

All right.
What's this one?

Oh, that's where
the froggs live,

In that little pond.

The fountain.

Right near the clock.

Oh, there's
corney's factory.

All right, where is it?


He's a man who
manufactures chairs.

Now, what would
go in there?

Trolley track.

It surely is.

And over there's
the tunnel.

Another--that must be it.

See, the pictures of
a puzzle just fit right in.

And what should go along
the trolley track?

There's the
neighborhood trolley.

Come along, trolley,
and go right into your place.

Into it.

There, back
together again.

A puzzle of the neighborhood
of make-believe.

Now the other puzzle
is another neighborhood,

But all of its
pieces are out,

And I wonder if you
could guess

What neighborhood that is.

Could you?

Well, here are the pieces

For us to put in.

This one isn't as easy

Because we don't
know it so well.

Now, where would
that big tree go?

Oh, that looks like
it would go right there,

Doesn't it?

The big pieces seem
to be the easiest.

What's that?

Oh, that's part of a tree.

Is that another part?

Sometimes people get angry

When they can't do puzzles
real well.

But they're just
like games.


But what do you do whenever
you get angry about anything?

♪ What do you do with
the mad that you feel ♪

♪ When you feel so mad
you could bite? ♪

♪ When the whole wide world
seems, oh, so wrong ♪

♪ And nothing you do
seems very right? ♪

♪ What do you do?
Do you punch a bag? ♪

♪ Do you pound some clay
or some dough? ♪

There's the house.

♪ Do you round up friends
for a game of tag ♪

♪ And see how fast you go? ♪

♪ It's great to be
able to stop ♪

♪ When you've planned
a thing that's wrong ♪

♪ And be able to do
something else instead ♪

♪ And think this song ♪

♪ I can stop when I want to ♪

♪ Can stop when I wish ♪

♪ I can stop, stop,
stop any time ♪


♪ And what a good feeling
to feel like this ♪

♪ And know that the feeling
is really mine ♪

♪ Know that there's
something deep inside ♪

♪ That helps us become
what we can ♪

♪ 'Cause a girl can be
someday a lady ♪

♪ And a boy can be
someday a man ♪

Now we're gonna
get an idea

Of what this puzzle's
all about.

There is a papa bear,

And he would go in
the papa bear place.

There is a mama bear,

And she would go in
the mama bear place.

And what about baby bear?

Now, do you see whose
neighborhood this is?

The three bears.

There they are.

The three bears.

I have a lady friend
who makes puzzles very well.

Her name is katie lewin,

And she lives just
down the block a bit.

Would you like to see
somebody who really
makes puzzles like this?

Well, let's just go
together, then.

All right?

Come along.

♪ Bum ba dum,
bum ba dum ♪

[Doorbell rings]

Hi, mrs. Lewin.

Oh, mr. Rogers.
What a pleasure
to see you.

Thank you.

Come on in
and sit down.

My friends and I
wanted to visit

The puzzle lady

Oh, grand.
Well, I am delighted.

You finishing one?

I just have a few more
pieces to put in.

Oh, it looks

Well, it is.
This is one of

The most complicated

And I'm just putting in

One of the tiniest
pieces of all.

That's the last piece
in the puzzle.

It is little.

Mr. Rogers, and that--

But, you know,
the tiniest piece

Is as important
as the biggest piece

In a puzzle,
do you know that?

Well, I guess if one
little one were missing,

Why, you'd know that
it wasn't finished.

You'd never be able
to finish it.

I just put together
one that was
very, very simple.

But there have
been times

That have been
awful tough

To put puzzles

Oh, believe me,
I know what you mean

Because I've gotten
so angry.

I remember when
I was small

And starting to put
puzzles together.


And I'd get so angry

Because I just couldn't
find the right piece.

Well, what about
this one?

This must have
hundreds of pieces
in it.

Well, it has over

And it's a very
complicated reproduction

Of a mosaic tabletop
from florence, italy.

Oh, it's beautiful.

It really is.
It has little shells in it

And pearls.

And it took 23 men
this tabletop.

My goodness.

You choose lots of
different pictures

For puzzles,
don't you?

I do.

Well, I think
it's interesting.

May I show you
some others?

Oh, I'd love
to see them, yeah.

You have them on
that paper

So they won't
fall apart.


Well, it's such fun.

Hey, this is
a birdie one.

Yes, I love birds.

Lady elaine fairchilde
does, too.

Oh, my, she'd
enjoy this one.

Well, you know,
it shows--

I can move this
carefully around.

You see this cardinal here?

We have those in
our neighborhood,
don't we?

Yes, right down
the street I saw
one the other day.

Have you seen
a woodpecker
yet this year?

Do you...

Hang on, let me see
if I can turn this around.

This is all painted
in the round, you know.

You have to be careful
once you turn it, but...

You know what
I'm seeing most

Are these little
lines here

With these tiny pieces
for the puzzle.

How in the world do
you cut them in there?

Well, may I tell you
how it's done?

All right.

Because I had to learn
how to do this, you see.

And first of all,
a pattern is made.

Oh, you make a plan
for it, huh?

A plan for all
the little pieces.

And this is all hand drawn
with a pencil.

They're all numbered.
Here it says 500, 499.

Right, right.

Well, there are over 500
little cookie cutters

Inside a great
giant cookie cutter.

So they're cookie
cutters you use
to cut that.

That's right.
Let me show you
a little one.

Yeah, I'd like
to see.

This is just a little
miniature one.

Now, this is what
I call a cookie cutter

For jigsaw puzzles.

And first of all,

This is a piece of wood

That has this pattern
drawn on it,

And then a jigsaw,
you know.

The kind that you...

Right, goes up
and down.

Cuts out all these little
cookie cutter places,

You know,
the little areas.

And then--
what's this?

Well, this is a piece
of steel rule.

And it's like a sort of
a sharp knife.

Oh, so you can
bend it in any way
to make it...

Yes. You bend it,
this rule,

And then you pound
that rule

Into those little places
that have been jigged out.


And then the whole thing,

After all of these
little designs

Have been bent from
this piece of rule,

This whole thing is
pounded in and goes

Into a great big oven.

Oh, so you cook
the cookies.

Cook the cookies.

But that's to make
this flexible steel rule
very hard,

So it can cut
a puzzle.

And then just like
a cookie cutter,

It goes into a press,
locked in,

And it has rubber inside
all of these that you saw,

Inside of all these
little cookie cutters,

And it comes down with
over 800 tons of pressure

And goes through
one puzzle once,

And the rubber
ejects it.

Pushes them out.
Pushes them right out.

The little pieces.

And that's how
a puzzle is made.

And they're all

And they're all

Every piece is

Never knew that puzzles
were that hard to make.

Did you?

Well, here are
the birds.

Is there something
else under here?

Oh, I want to--

Yes, I'm gonna show you
more, mr. Rogers.

Because this is one
of the thousand years

Of the history
of rocketry.

I see this one.

That's saturn v.

That's great.

And it's--i think
it's very interesting.


Lots of rockets
in the world.


Oops. Got to be
careful of that one.

Oh, here are dogs.

It's good that
it's interlocking.

Yes, there are

And do you have--

Lots of my friends
have different dogs.

Yes. Well, they're...

Puzzles, puzzles,

Oh, look at
the flowers.

Aren't they pretty?


You find these out
in the woods,

Many of them,
don't you?

And here's a sunflower
you'd find in town.

We have those

In our neighborhood,
don't we?
You bet.

And violets.

I love to pick

I know a grandmother

Whose favorite
flower is the violet.

Oh, they're such
sweet flowers.


Oh, horses,
mrs. Lewin.


So many of my friends
like horses best.

Well, I do, too.
Do you?

I love horses.

And particularly,
mares and foals,

The mothers
and the babies.

Mm-hmm. That's what
this one is, isn't it?


How would you buy
this one in the store?

I mean, what
would it look like?

It wouldn't be
all like this.

Oh, no.
Oh, no, mr. Rogers.

It comes in a box
like this. You see?

With all the pieces
in it.


Could I take
this one apart?

Why, sure.
Go ahead, mr. Rogers.

something about
taking a puzzle apart

And then--
let me help you.

Yeah. Would you?

Then trying to put it
back together again.


Oh, boy, that would
take a long time,
wouldn't it?

Well, I guess it would.

Now, puzzle lady,
would you put that
back together?

Oh, mr. Rogers.

Ok, I'll try.

All right. Fine.

You must know
a lot about them.

Well, I do.

Well, there you are.

How did you do it?


I was fooling you,
mr. Rogers.

This isn't cut
all the way through.

Oh, look at that.

Here's a puzzle that
doesn't have anything

On the back.

Look, it's just a--
I never saw one
like that.

That's just to show,
isn't it?

That's just to show,

Isn't that great.

As I told you,
I'm not that good.

Anybody would take
a long time to put
a complicated--

Oh, what are they?

Well, this is similar
to the type of puzzle

I started out to do.

Now, this is a puzzle
that was designed

For children...

Especially, but
designed by mothers
for children.


And they wanted--
they said that a child

Had to have a frame
tray puzzle

And that the pieces
on the outside

Had to be bigger

Than the pieces
on the inside,

'Cause then you
don't get angry,

Too angry anyway,

Because then you can
put the whole thing together.


And then on the back
is a bag.

And you can...

Put the pieces in.


And the bird expert
wrote information about,

For example, this bird,
which is the cock-of-the-rock.

And here's another.

Oh, angel fish.
Angel fish.

Do you like that?
Yes, I do.

All right, well, you know
what I'm going to do?

I'm going to take
this one apart

And give it to you
to put back together
another time.

Oh, I'd like that.

Would you like that?

All right.
We'll put these
in a bag.

But this one I
really have to do.

I can't get one of
those boards like
you had and do it.

All right, you'll
take this with you.


And do it another time.

Do you have people
working downstairs?

Well, I do.

Gee, you've got
a puzzle factory
right here.

Well, excuse the noise.
Let me help you.

But it's a busy day

Busy making puzzles.

Well, you give
a lot of people

A lot of pleasure,
mrs. Lewin.

Well, I enjoy
doing it myself.

'Cause I know
many children

Who just love
to do puzzles.

Well, good.

Thank you for that.

Well, you're welcome.
Thank you--

Better take the tray
to have it go with it.

Take it right along,
and thank you

For coming to see me,
mr. Rogers.

Thank you.
Enjoyed it so much.

Good luck with all
your puzzle working.

Thank you.
Bye, mrs. Lewin.

Bye, mr. Rogers.

Isn't that great,

Seeing mrs. Lewin
with her puzzles?

We'll put this one of
the blue angel fish
together another time.

But I think right now
it's about time

To visit our friends
in make-believe, don't you?

The real neighborhood
of make-believe.

[Ding ding]


[Ding ding]

Trolley, we're late.

Yeah, we were just
about to look for you

With the telescope.

We've been seeing
some puzzles today,

And you're on
a puzzle, too.

Piece like that,
right on the tracks.

Uh-huh. Would you take
us to make-believe, please?

We want to see what's
going on in there, don't we?

[Ding ding ding]

Off we go to the
neighborhood of


Do I hear someone
knocking on my clocky?

Yes, you do, daniel.
How are you?

I'm fine. How are
you, handyman negri?

Oh, just fine.
You know, I had
a few moments,

And I thought, well,
I'll just go over
and visit with daniel

Because that's
always fun.

Oh, I like that.

You know, when
lady aberlin comes to me,

She always goes with
her nose up against mine,

She says, "ugga
mugga mugga mugga."

Ugga mugga mugga.

It tickles.

Yeah, she's a lot of
fun, isn't she?

Hey, listen.

Do you have
any new stripes?

Well, as a matter
of fact,

This one that came
in last week

Is terribly itchy

Right here.

That's what I like
to do for you.

How's that?
Ohh. Ahh!

Oh, it's good.

Giving it a real
good scratch.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, my, that's good.

Does that feel better?

Did you hear about
the story grandpere
told yesterday?

Oh, yes. You mean
the story of
the three bears?

that's the one.

Oh, he told it
all in french.

It was fun to hear
it in french.

You know what he
called it,

"Les trois ours."

Lace trois ours.

No, les trois ours.

Oh, les trois ours.

Mm-hmm. That means
"the three bears."

Les trois ours.

Les trois ours.

Hey, that's nice.

Do you like that story?

Oh, I sure do,

You know, I even liked
that story

When I was a little boy.

What part did you
like best?

I like the part
when papa bear says,

"Someone's been
eating my porridge."

you're very good at that.

Oh, come on.
You like it?


What part do you
like the best?

Well, let me think now.

Oh, I know.

The part when
the baby bear says,

"Somebody's been
sleeping in my bed,

And here she is."

Hey, you know what,
you're good at that, too.

You really are.

Why don't we
make up a play?

You mean make up
a play about
the three bears story?

Sure. Don't you think
it could be fun?

Yeah, that'd be
a lot of fun.

Would you like to
be baby bear?

Sure. Do you want
to be papa bear?

Yeah, I could
be papa bear.

Well, listen,
who else could we
have in the play?

Um, let me see.

Well, what about
x the owl?

You know, he always says
he doesn't want to be in plays,

But he always
does so well.

Oh, does he, though?

When he's in them.

Well, listen, why
don't I just go over
and ask him?

Good. Ok, papa bear.
And good luck to you.

"Ok, baby bear."


I'll see you later.

I better put that
right down here.

"Three bears play.

"Daniel--baby bear

And joe--papa bear."

Oh, good. Go over
and check with x.


Oh, there you are.

Hey, there.
How in the world
are you?

How are you?
Oh, I'm fine.

Did you know that
benjamin franklin

Invented the
franklin stove?

Benjamin franklin invented
the franklin stove.

No, I didn't know that,

But that's quite
a bit of information.

It sure is.
Oh, I like benjamin
franklin myself.

You really do.

Well, you know what,
I like you

Because you're
a real fine
feathered friend.

Yes, you are.
Oh, that's the truth.

♪ Oh, a fine feathered
friend is a pleasure ♪

♪ Pleasure ♪

♪ Yes, a fine feathered
friend is a treasure ♪

♪ Treasure ♪

♪ Yes, a fine feathered friend
is a friend to the end ♪

♪ Yes, a friend to the end
is a fine feathered friend ♪

♪ I am friendly,
you are friendly ♪

♪ He is friendly,
we are friendly ♪

♪ You are friendly,
they are friendly ♪

♪ Golly gee,
but we are friendly ♪

♪ We are friends
right to the end ♪

♪ We are fine
feathered friends ♪

♪ We are friends
right to the end ♪

♪ We are fine
feathered friends ♪

♪ Oh, I am friendly,
he is friendly... ♪

♪ Oh, a find feathered
friend is a pleasure ♪

♪ Yes, a fine feathered
friend is a treasure ♪

♪ We are friendly... ♪

♪ Oh, a fine
feathered friend ♪

♪ Is a friend
till the end... ♪

♪ Yes, we are friends
right to the end ♪

♪ We are fine
feathered friends ♪



Hey, you're quite
a singer.

I like to sing.
I really do.

You know what, I
heard that you like
to act, too.

Oh, I've been
in a few plays, yeah,

But I really don't
do that well.

Don't be modest.
Now, I hear you're
quite a fine actor.

Well, there have been
times that I've
gotten on a stage

And I've felt the part,

And I've just said,
"oh, it's wonderful."

But I'm too busy
with benjamin franklin

And all my learning
about him
to be in any plays.

Listen, we've got
an idea that you might
be interested in.

I was just over
visiting daniel,
you know.


And we were talking
about doing a play

Of the three
bears story.

The three bears?

You mean the big bear,
the middle-sized bear,

And the baby bear?

That's the one.
And goldilocks.

And goldilocks
and all that, yeah.

And we'd like you
to be in the play.

Oh, well, I'm afraid
I couldn't do that.

I mean, benjamin
franklin's taking
all my time.

Oh, but, x, listen,

We just couldn't do
a play without you
in it, old buddy.

I mean, after all,
you're one of
the main characters.

We need you.

Well, let me see now.

Is there any chance

Well, maybe if
benjamin franklin

Could be in the play,
I could play his part.

Benjamin franklin in
the three bears play?

That's right.

I don't think he was
ever a part of

That story, though,
do you, x?

Well, if he's not in it,

I don't want to be
in it, either.

Well, hold on, we can
work something out,
I'm sure.

Well, we'll just
see what we can do
with it.

We'll just have to
work him in there

But why don't we
just call the play

"Benjamin franklin
and the three bears,"

And then we'll surely
find a place for him.

Ok, that sounds
pretty good to me.

"Benjamin franklin."

Franklin, that's right.


"And the"--

"Three bears."

Yeah. Why, I could
play the part of
benjamin franklin

In a play.

Hey, that's a good
idea you had there.

Ok. Well, you
kind of suggested it.

We'll see if we can't
work it out, ok?

Yeah, fine.
And I'll have to get
a costume.

And I'll think up
all sorts of things

To say to those
bear families, ok?

Ok, we'll work
something out.

See you later.
Ok, bye, x.

Benjamin franklin
and the three bears.

Benjamin franklin.

[Ding ding]

Trolley, trolley.

Did you ever know
of a time

When benjamin franklin
was a part of
the three bears story?

[Ding ding]

No. Neither did i.
See you later.

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding ding]

"Benjamin franklin
and the three bears."

Whenever you've heard
the three bears story,

Have you ever heard anything
about benjamin franklin in it?

Well, I have a book here
about benjamin franklin.

I don't see a thing in it
about the three bears.

Let's ask picture picture.

Picture picture
on the wall,

Will you kindly
show us all

A couple pictures
of ben franklin?

See if there are
any bears that...

Benjamin franklin,

No bears in that one.
He has a wig on, but...

No bears.

The three bears.

Papa bear, mama bear,
baby bear.

Don't see ben franklin,
do you?

If you were doing
a play of the three bears

With benjamin franklin,
would you like to be

The papa bear
or the mama bear

Or the baby bear
or benjamin franklin?

Well, we'll be seeing
in the neighborhood
of make-believe

Something about
the three bears

And probably hearing
a lot more about it

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start
the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a song or two ♪

We'll do this puzzle
another time.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day
tomorrow with a smile ♪

♪ For you ♪

♪ Till then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then, I hope
your day is snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

You always make each day
such a special day.

You know how?

By just your being you.

Only one person in
the whole world like you,

And I like you
very much.

See you tomorrow.
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