01x51 - Episode 51

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x51 - Episode 51

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you be mine, please? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine? ♪

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you ♪

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please? ♪

♪ Won't you
please? ♪

♪ Please won't you be
my neighbor? ♪

Hi. I've been
thinking about you.

I surely have, and I've been
thinking about bears, too.

Wait till I show you these.

That is a mama bear
with a big, floppy hat.

Oh, real bears
don't wear clothes, you know,

But this one
is a pretend one.

There's mama bear

And a baby bear.

Baby bear, why don't you sit
with mama bear right there, ok?

Now, if we we're going to think
about the story of the 3 bears,

What would we do
for a papa bear?

Somebody'd have to pretend
he was a papa bear, I guess.

Well, as I look around,
I see only one person

To pretend he was a papa bear.

Well, I think a papa bear
would certainly want

To wear some sneakers,
don't you,

Instead of these
very formal shoes.


All right.

Get some play shoes on
for papa bear.

Do you ever play
you're something else?

Just a little added something
for papa bear...

If I can snap it here.


Hello, mama bear.
Hello, baby bear.

♪ I am a papa bear ♪

♪ I never like to scare ♪

♪ I always take good care ♪

♪ I am the papa bear ♪

Mama bear, baby bear,
I'd like to read our friends

The "3 bears" story.

What do you think of that?

Would you like to hear
the "3 bears" story?

Ok. I'll get the book
from right over here,

And we'll read it.

There's the 3 bears--

Papa bear, mama bear,
baby bear--

And it says, "the three bears,"
right on the cover.

Now, the first picture
is the 3 bears' house.

See the house?
There it is.

Well, mama bear, I guess,
has done some washing

Because there's the wash
right out on the line.

Once upon a time,
there were 3 bears

Who lived in the forest.

The 3 bears got up
in the morning from their beds--

The papa bear's bed,
the mama bear's bed,

And the baby bear's bed--

And they got up
and made their beds.


Wonder where they are.

Maybe they're downstairs.
Let's look and see.

Yep. There's the mother bear.

She's setting the table
and getting ready to eat.

There's the papa bear's chair,

The mama bear's chair,

And the baby bear's chair
right over there...

And there they are,
ready for their lunch.

They have soup and bread...

But look how hot the soup is--

That's the steam
going up from the soup--

And so they say,
"the soup is too hot,

So what shall we do?"

"We'll take a walk," they say,
"in the woods,"

So they just decide
to go for a walk

While the soup cools off--

The papa bear, the mama bear,

And the baby bear.

While they're walking,

Goldilocks comes to their house.

There she is.

She's just seen that house
in the forest

And decides to see
what's inside.

She goes inside
and sees the soup,

And she tastes to soup.

She tastes first
papa bear's soup,

And it is too hot.

Then she tastes
mama bear's soup,

And it's too cold,

And then she tastes
baby bear's soup,

And it's just right,
so she eats it all up,

And she tries their chairs,

And she finds that baby bear's
chair is so nice

That she sits on it,
and it breaks.

Well, then she goes upstairs,

And here she is upstairs
looking at the bedroom,

And she tries papa bear's bed,
and it's too hard.

Then she crawls
in mama bear's bed

And finds that it's too soft,

And then she gets
into baby bear's bed

And finds that it's just right,

So she falls asleep.

Now the bears come back
and come in downstairs,

And they look at the table,
and there's their soup,

And they say, "someone's been
eating my soup."

Sometimes you say, "someone's
been eating my porridge."

Mm-hmm, and the mama bear said,

"Somebody's been eating
my porridge,"

And the baby bear said,
"somebody's been eating

My porridge, and it's all gone,
and they broke my chair, too,"

So all 3 of them decide
to go upstairs.

Look at the sad thing.

"My porridge is all gone,
and she's broken my chair, too."


So they decide to go upstairs,

And papa bear looks at his bed
and says,

"Somebody's been sleeping
in my bed,"

And mama bear looks at her bed.

She says, "someone's been
sleeping in my bed,"

And baby bear looks at his bed
and says,

"Somebody's been sleeping
in my bed, and there she is,"

And goldilocks wakens up,
sees the 3 bears,

And jumps out, mm-hmm,
and she runs home.

She's afraid of them. Yeah.

She doesn't know
that they're such tame bears

Because, you know, most bears
out in the forest are very wild.

Yes, sir.

I think I'll just go and see
what the neighborhood

Of make-believe people
are doing today.

Ready? Let's look and see.

"The 3 bears."

There's daniel's clock.

I don't see any bears
in that neighborhood. Do you?

And there's
the museum-go-round...

And x's tree
and henrietta's house.

There's the factory,
and there's the trolley.

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

Come on in, trolley.
I have a surprise for you.

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding
ding ding]

[Ding ding]

Oh, no, trolley.
This isn't the wrong place.

No. Can you see?

I'm really mister rogers.
Yeah. That was--

That's just
a funny hat I had on

To pretend
I was a bear.

[Ding ding]

Now you know me,
don't you?

You ready to go to the
neighborhood of make-believe?

We are. Would you
take us, please?

[Ding ding]
thank you.

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding ding]

[Ding ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

Hi, mime walker.
How are you?

Oh, I'm glad
to see you.

Were you over at the
castle with king friday?

Oh, I know he likes
it when you come.

What were you doing
for him today?

Show me, would you?

to the kite.

Bye, kite.

That's what
sometimes happens

To kites,
doesn't it?

The wind just
sails them up,

And after you
let the string go,

Then down they come.


You know, there's
something that

You sometimes do
that I'd just love

For you to
show me again.

It's the way
you walk,

Only you don't go
anywhere, you know,

With the one foot
and then

The other
foot and--

Would you show me?

That's it. Ha!



That just looks as
if you should walk

Right into
my clock here.

Would you show me
how to do that?

Would you
give me a lesson?

Would you?

One foot out,

The other one up.

I think I see.

I'll try, ok?

How's that?

You think
that's pretty good?

Good. Say, do you
do anything

Besides miming and
things like that?

Do you?

Oh, you like
to read, do you?



Big. Yeah.

Looks like
animals to me.


Oh, the 3 bears.

Do you like
that story? Do you?

Do you
have the book?

You don't?

Oh, I wish I had
one to give you,

Oh, but I know

You could
probably get one.

Grandpere has
a new machine

At his tower,
and he calls it

The trading tower,
and if you say

Something to it,
then it'll come out,

So you could
ask him, grandpere

Over in
the eiffel tower.

That's right.

Thanks for my
lesson, mime walker.

Thank you. Bye-bye.

Il y a quelqu'un
qui frappe?

Oh, bonjour,
mime walker.

Comment ca va?

Tres bien.

Vous voulez
quelque chose?

Qu'est-ce que
vous voulez?

Un livre?
Oui, un livre.





Oh, un livre
"des trois ours,"

"Des trois ours."
Tres bien.

Alors, je demande
a la machine.

s'il vous plait,

Un livre "des
trois ours."

Oh, voici.
Tres bien.

Vous voyez?
"Le trois ours."

Vous aimez ca?

Voulez-vous montrer
un mime

Comme vous fete
"le trois ours"?

Oui, comme faisait la--
tres bien.

Would you show me?

Oui. "Once
upon a time..."

"Il y a cette une fois..."

"Papa ours..."

"Maman ours..."


"Et petit ourson."


Maman ours...

Oh, elle faisait
quelque chose.

Oh, tres bien.
La soupe, peut-etre.

Oh, monsieur,
c'est trop chaud.

Trop chaud. Oui.

Venez avec moi."

And so the 3 bears
go for a little walk

In la foret, oui,
and who is coming?

Who is coming?

Oh, the goldilock.

Bonjour, goldilock.

She's sitting on
the very heavy chair.

Oh, la soupe,
il est trop chaud.

She is sitting on
the mama bear's chair.

It is too soft...

And the soup
too cold.

And there is the chair
of the little bear...

Tres bien, and likes
all the soup.

Oh! But the chair
breaks down.

And what does
goldilocks do next?

She goes upstairs.
Elle monte.

Elle monte

Grand lit.

Le lit est
trop dur. Oui.

Le lit
de maman ours,

Oh, that bed
is too soft...

And there is
baby bear's bed,

Le lit
du petit ourson...

Et goldilocks,
sont dort.

She is going
to sleep,

And now who is coming
back to the house?

Le trois ours,

But they are
very surprised.

Ils monte

Upstairs, and they
find goldilocks.

is surprised

And runs away.

Elle s'enfuit.

Oh, excellente!

C'est un excellente
comme histoire.

Merci, monsieur.

Le livre
est pour vous.

C'est pour vous,

Merci pour l'histoire.

Au revoir.

Quelle bonne chance.
Quelle bonne chance.

[Ding ding ding]

[Ding ding ding]

[Ding ding
ding ding ding]

[Ding ding
ding ding]

[Ding ding
ding ding ding]

[Ding ding ding ding]

[Ding ding ding ding]

[Ding ding ding ding]

[Ding ding ding]

Oh, poor trolley.

He's having trouble with people

Who are pretending
they're bears today.


Le trois ours.

That's what grandpere
called them--le trois ours.

There was papa bear,

Mama bear,

And baby bear--

Papa ours,

Maman ours,

Et petit ourson.


♪ Le trois ours, le trois ours ♪

♪ Papa ours et maman ours ♪

♪ Et petit ourson ♪

You think you could
sing that with me,

"Le trois ours"?

♪ Le trois ours, le trois ours ♪


♪ Papa ours et maman ours ♪

♪ Et petit ourson ♪


Which would you like
to pretend to be--

Papa ours...

Or maman ours...

Or petit ourson?

Which would you like--

[Knocks on door]

Ooh, there's someone
at the door.

Let's go see
who it is.

Why, hello.
I'm fred rogers.

I'm johnson.

Glad to know you,
mr. Johnson.

Who is this?
This is duke.

Is he a tame bear?

Well, kind of.

He's your bear,
I guess, isn't he?

Yes. He is.

Hey, duke,
how are you today?

He's interested
in that.

What is that
you're giving him?

Candy corn.
Candy corn.

Would you
like some, duke?

He sure would!
Here's some, duke.

You have a harness
on him, don't you?

Yes. He gets so he
plays with everything

All the time,
and you got to keep it

Out of his mouth,
or he'll swallow it.

I see.

Now, when you meet
a bear in the woods,

You should go the other
way, shouldn't you?

Oh, definitely.

They have
their own territory,

And they don't like
anyone interfering.

No, because all
bears aren't tame...

No. I'm afraid not.

By any means.

Would you come up
a little further

On the porch, duke?

Could you? Hey.

All right. Sit down.

Sit down.

You have him
so well-trained.

Did you get him when
he was a little--

Could I have some
more candy corn

To give him?

Just one at a time.

One at a time.
Here, duke.

Look over here.

Would you like to
get it right there?


Oh, he just loves it.
What else does he eat?

anything. Ha ha!

Does he like
meat best?

No. Uncooked meat
is not good for them.

I see.

It bothers their hair
a little bit.

You have to give them,
like, processed,

Like dog food or
something like that...


And then they stay
pretty good like this.

Well, he certainly is,
but could I pet him?


A real, live bear,

But did you get him
when he was little?

Yes, about 3 pounds
he weighed, 3 1/2.

Oh, what's
he weigh now?

About 650.

You're a big
papa bear,

But how old is he?

He's 3 years,

Just 3 years old?

Sit up.

Can you sit?

Oh, steady. Steady.

Stay up there.
Stay up there.

Oh, he must know
you like him

If he'd do things
like that for you.

Yeah. He's a pretty
good boy.


Oh, are you gonna
say something?

He talks, too.
Does he?

Yes. Do you
talk, huh?


He's a good boy.

Oh, he's a good boy,
aren't you, huh?

You do have to be
kind to animals

When you're a
trainer, don't you?

Yes. If you abuse them,
they will abuse you back,

Especially one that's
bigger than you are.

Yes. Well,
a 600-pound animal

Could really
hurt you.

Oh, yes, but he likes
people pretty well.

He goes everywhere.
Does he?

Where does he live?
Where do you keep him?

He has his own little

And heated cage.

Do you live
in a house?

No. I live
in a house trailer.

A house trailer?

Oh, so you can go
just anywhere

And take your bear.

Do you have
other bears?

Yes. I have more,

And you're the one
who takes care of them.

I'm afraid I have to be
getting on back now.

Everybody has to eat.

It's about time, and I'll
do a little more training.

Oh, you're gonna train
some more of your b--

Well, thank you very
much for stopping by,

Mr. Johnson.
All right,

And I'm glad
to have met you.

Thank you
for coming, duke.

Thank you very much.

Could you sit up
once more before you go?

Stand up once.
Would you stand?

Come on,
all the way up.


Oh, thank you
very much.

What a great bear.
That's a real treat.

Thanks, mr. Johnson.

Never know what'll happen
in our neighborhood, do you?

Imagine, people coming by
with a bear.

Come on inside.

A real, live bear coming by?


You know what we've seen today?

We've seen a live bear, duke,
standing up like that.

We've seen pictures of bears
in the bear book.

We've seen play bears.

We've seen someone
pantomiming like a bear--

You know, mime walker--

And somebody dressed
like a bear.

This has really been
a bear day, hasn't it?

I would never have been that
close to a bear in the forest,

No, you know, because usually,
bears, even in zoos,

Are biting kinds of animals.

Yeah. They're not
usually tame like that.

Mr. Johnson had that
nice muzzle on him, anyway,

So he wouldn't be able to bite.

Oh, I've liked today.
I've liked being with you.

I've liked all the big things,

And I've liked
all the little things.

♪ Thank you for
the little things ♪

♪ Little things that happen
every day ♪

♪ Thank you
for those tiny things ♪

♪ Tiny things you surely
send my way ♪

♪ Little things for me alone ♪

♪ To see, to hear, to touch ♪

♪ Important things
I care about so much ♪

♪ Thank you for
the smiles I see ♪

♪ And the ways I learn
from thee each day ♪

♪ Thank you, god,
for letting me say ♪

♪ "I thank you gratefully" ♪

♪ Thank you for today ♪

Sure, I'm grateful for today.

I'm grateful for all days.

This was a very special one,
wasn't it, yeah,

And I guess you know when we'll
be together again, don't you,

For another day called...

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a song or two ♪

One, two.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a smile for you ♪

♪ Till then,
I hope you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then,
I hope your day is ♪

♪ Snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow ♪

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say, "a very happy
tomorrow to you" ♪

Know how you say tomorrow
in french?

Demain, so I'll just say to you
a demain,

Which means till tomorrow.

Have to take these back to
the people I borrowed them from.

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