01x05 - The end of the first week (Black & White, 1967)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x05 - The end of the first week (Black & White, 1967)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ Neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor ♪

♪ Just like you

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together

♪ We might as well play

♪ Would you be mine,
could you be mine ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor?

♪ Won't you please

♪ Won't you please

♪ Please won't you
be my floating neighbor? ♪

A little feather. Mm-hmm.

Has 3 feathers
sort of together.

Isn't it pretty?

Let's take it inside.
Would you like to come inside?

Hmm. My, you're nice.

Just found it on the way
when I was coming

To play with you.

Come on in. Ready?

♪ It's a beautiful day

♪ In this neighborhood

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ Bum ba da da
ba ba bum bum bum ♪

Where should I put it
while I change--

No. I'll put it right
in my watch here.

There. Did you ever have
a feather for a friend

For a while?

That's yellow. Mm-hmm.

♪ Bum bum bum bum
bum bum bum bum ♪

♪ Bum bum bum bum bum bum

See if the feather's
still there.

It is.

There you be. Ok.

Gee. I've been thinking
about that neighborhood
of make-believe,

All the trouble they've
been having in there.

Whee! Ha ha ha!

That's a yellow balloon.

Wonder who would have
put that in there.

Well, one floating thing--

Suppose that isn't too good
to put on your ear,

But I do want
to change my shoes.

Oh. You go on this arm,
all right?

There you go.

What kinds of things
do you know that float?

Floating things.

Be real quiet.

Floating things hardly
make a sound at all. Float.


You could be a floating thing
yourself. Sure.

Come on, red feather.

Hey. Did you see
these balloons, too?

Who in the world brought
these balloons?

Here's a blue one.

Oh, that's the kind that
go up just like this one.

I like this kind, too.

Wait a minute. No.

Did you ever try to keep
a balloon up in the air

Just as long as you could?

The kind you blow up. Mm-hmm.

There you go. Whee!

I'll put this one back.

Why don't we ask
picture picture

If it knows any floating things?

See, this one's filled
with air, this one.

This is a green one,

And this yellow one

If I would let it go,
it would just go right up.

You watch.
I'll let them both go,

And this one
will probably go down

Because air's kind of heavy,

But helium--hmm--
that is really light.

Now watch.

Oh. Up on the ceiling it went.

Farewell, yellow balloon.

Well, you're faith--oh.

Picture picture on the wall,

Will you kindly
show us all

What you think of
when you think

Of some floating things, please?

Hmm. Picture picture likes
balloons, too.

This kind. Yep.

Oh. They seem to be traveling.

Look at them taking a trip.

A balloon picnic.
Off they go.

Are those balloons,
or are they bubbles?

They're bubbles.

They have their own special
way of dancing, don't they?


And what's that?

Pretend you're blowing it.

It's a dandelion.

Now blow the dandelion.

[Blows air]

And we're off, way off
into the water.

Leaves floating
on the water.

Beautiful leaves falling
into the water and floating.

Oh, thank you very much,
picture picture.

Wasn't that beautiful? Hmm.

Why don't we pretend
we're some of those things?

Maybe the leaf.

How would the leaf come
down from the tree?

Be a leaf, would you?
Would you?

Maybe your hand's the leaf.

And is there water here?

And into the water

And floating on the water.

And then the water
just carries you along.

Hmm. What'd you say?

Oh. Thank you.



Daniel, how are you?


Why, certainly.
How did you know

We had some helium-filled
balloons here?


Mr. Mcfeely brought
them over.

I wondered who brought
them here today.


Oh, you have an idea?
Something peaceful.


Yeah. Well, we'll be glad
to send them over.

Would you like me to send
them on the trolley?


Oh. Lady aberlin's
coming for them.

Well, we'll be glad
to see her.

When will she be here?


Aha. 14 Seconds.

All right.
We'll count to 14

And see if she
really comes in.

Ok, daniel.
Good luck to you.


You're all right, aren't you?


Good. Bye-bye.


Let's count to 14 and see

If lady aberlin
really comes

Right when daniel
said she would.

Ready? 1, 2, 3, 4,

Hi, mr. Rogers.

Oh, I expected
a knock!

Hi, betty.
How are you?
Oh, fine.

Won't you come in?
Oh, yes, i--

No, no.
Not through
the window.

Oh, all right.
Through the door.

How are you?

I'm fine.
You look great.

I just floated over.

Yeah. Well, daniel
said you needed
some balloons.

Oh. There they

Yeah. Well, that's
the kind

That go up
in the air.

That's the kind
we need, I think.

Is it?
Oh, yes.

They're filled
with helium.

Oh, wonderful.

And this is the kind
that, uh...

Is filled with air.

These are good
to play with.

Yeah, they are.

But I think really
we need this kind.

See, what we want to
do is to attach notes

To the ends
of the strings...

And then we
float them

Over into
the castle

So that great uncle
friday will know

That the whole
wants peace.

Oh. Well, that's
a good idea.

Do you think
it would work?

Well, I hope so.

Trouble is he's
in such a--a fighting
kind of mood that--

I know. Would you
just pretend

To be great uncle

And then I'll
tie this on,

And I'll see
if it would work.

How will I do it?

Well, go up there.

Make believe
that's the castle,

And I'll come over.

We'd have to tie
this on.

Would you hold
this for me?

You see, it just
says, "peace."

This one says,

But I'm gonna
make a lot of them.

I'm gonna make

All different

the same thing.

Then you'll throw
them to him--

I'll throw them over,
and I hope

He'll catch them--
I mean, they'll go
up in the air,

But maybe they'll
come down so someone
would grab them.

That's what I
have to see.

All right. I'll try.

[Deep voice]
king friday would
walk slowly.

Now what--
here I am, looking out.

Now I would be
by corney's factory,

See, and I would
just push them
over like that.

What is this?
What is this?

"Peace." How good.

You think.

[Normal voice]
well, I hope so.

Oh, I hope
it works.

Oh. They're
wonderful balloons.

Well, you're welcome
to them.

Mr. Mcfeely brought
them by here.

On, they're just

You're not in your
army outfit today.

No. I know.
Well, I asked

Great uncle friday
for the day off...

You see, because

Last night
in the middle
of the night

Daniel came over
to the barbed wire,

And we got to talking
about how sad

The whole thing

And he asked me
didn't I think

We could do
something about
all that separation,

So that's what
I'm doing.

It's going on
for a week.
Too long.

I think this can work.
Do you?

Good luck to you.
Oh, thank you.

You can go this way
or the back way.

Oh, I'll go out
this way.

Farewell. I
should call you
lady aberlin now.

Farewell, mr. Rogers.

We'll tell you
what happens.

Please do.
Happiness to you

In the neighborhood
of make-believe.

Thank you.

Come on. Let's go
find out.

Yeah. Let's find out
what is going to happen

In there as she takes
her balloons.

It must be time
for the trolley.

That's daniel's clock.

She said it was
daniel's idea.

There's the museum-go-round.

Gee. I hope it will work.

Oh! There's x's tree
and henrietta's schoolhouse

And the factory.

There's the trolley!

[Ding ding ding ding]

[Ding ding]

Trolley, come on in.

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

Come on in, trolley.

[Ding ding
ding ding ding ding]

I understand that
there is peace afoot

In the neighborhood.

We hope it's gonna
work, trolley.


Would you take us
right away

So we could see?

Ok. Please.
We'll come with you.

Ready to go?
In we go!

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding ding ding]

One of our soldiers
has the day off.

You know which one
I mean.

Yes. Lady aberlin.
Lady aberlin.

♪ Oh, yes,
lady aberlin ♪

Of course, she's one
of our troops,

So I expect you to be
on extra special guard
today, men.


If there is
any trouble,

Kindly fire a shot,

And we shall all meet
here for instructions.

Do you understand?

Yes, sir.

Yes. I like that salute.
Would you do that
again, please?

Yes, sir.

Would you try one
with the left hand then?

With the left hand?

Yes, sir.

Good. Now I'd like it
a 1, 2, 3,

A right, left, right.

A right, left, right.
Yes, sir.

Could you do that?

Right, left, right.
Very good!

Now you, edgar.

♪ Oh, dear, I don't
know that I could ♪

♪ Right, left, right
that's it.

♪ Do you think
I did well? ♪

Yes, yes. I think
you did well.

You could try once
more, edgar cooke.

A little higher,

♪ Right, left, right
that's it.

Very good!
Now, gentlemen,

These are serious times,

And I expect your
full cooperation.

If any trouble,
fire the shot.

We shall meet here
for further instructions.

Yes, sir.
Yes. Sir.

♪ Oh, dear,
oh, dear ♪

Edgar, edgar,
what do you think

He means
by any trouble?

♪ Well, he probably
means that he's ♪

♪ Still afraid someone
will make more changes ♪

♪ Will make
more changes ♪

I'd say he's going
to a lot of trouble,
wouldn't you?

♪ I would say
he is ♪

♪ Oh, but what a week
it's been ♪

♪ And so many people have
had their feelings hurt ♪

Oh, so true.

♪ Yes, sir

Gentlemen, man
your stations.

There is no time
for idle chatter.

♪ Yes, sir
yes, sir.

♪ Oh, dear,
oh, dear ♪

♪ Oh, dear, oh, dear

[Trolley dinging]

Wow. I really do
hope that what you
say will work.

Well, mr. Rogers had
some balloons,

So lady aberlin
went to get them.

Oh, it sounds
like a great
idea, daniel.

You know,
you've got really
wonderful ideas.

In fact, I think
you are the smartest
tiger I ever knew.

Well, you know,
we'll find out

If it's a good idea
or not

Because, I mean,
sometimes you try

To do the best you can,
and it always doesn't
work right,

But this time,
we will try very hard

Because I want there
to be peace in this

It's been a hard time
for everyone.

I know. I mean,
I just feel

As if there'd been
some kind of a fence

Between here
and over there
at the castle

Because king friday
feeling the way
he does.

I know, and it's
really nothing to
worry about, is it?

No. I've
kind of enjoyed
the change myself.

Heh. It's just to me
it's sort of like

That time that I
changed the position
of my bed down

In my roots.

I mean, I had it,
you know, along
that wall there.

Oh, yeah.

And then I put it
against this wall
over here,

And you know
what happened
in the morning

When I woke up
after I changed it?

What happened?

Well, I just sort
of saw the world
a little differently,

And I had some
new ideas.

Hey. That's a wonderful
way to look at it.

Well, I sure hope
that this idea
will work.

Hey. Here comes
lady aberlin now.

Oh. Hi, lady aberlin.

Aberlin: hi, x.

Boy, do you ever
look nifty

With all those

Thank you.
Aren't they

Oh, they're great.
Do you have the tags
on the bottom?

Yes. I put them on.
Look. See if you
like them.

Good. Let me see.

Can you see?

this one says.

Oh, yeah.
That one's good.

Um, "peaceful

Peaceful co-existence?
What in the world
does that mean?

Well, peaceful

Means existing
together or...

Oh, I see.

Living together.

Oh, living together
in peace.

Yes. That's right.
Good for you.

Hey. That's
a good idea.

Well, good for you
for thinking it up.

Let me play with them
just one minute, ok?

Oh, yeah.

They're light.
Sure are.

I think they'll
float just
over the castle.

I better not poke
my beak into it.

I don't want one
to break.

Oh, no.

Let me try there
just a minute.

Hey. You are
flying balloons,
I'll tell you.

Aren't they

Yeah. I fly, too.
Try yourself.

Do they take you
up a little bit?

Oh, yes. Wait.
If I let myself

Nifty go lifty.
I'll tell you.

Oh, x. Hold on.
Hey come on down.


Do you know what I
think we should do?

I think we
should meet

Over at the factory
because that's

The best
launching place.

Oh, oh, right. Yes.
I think we should.

Hey. I wonder if
corney would think
it was all right.

Oh, yes. He said
that we could

Launch it
from his factory.

Hey. Great! Ok.
Then we'll meet
you over there.

I'll come
the back way.

Will you, x?
Yeah, I will.

Do you think--
do you think

Henrietta pussycat
would want to come?

Hey. No. She's down
in my roots.

I tell you she has been
so frightened

With all of the anger
that she just hasn't

Been able
to come out.

Oh. Well, I don't
blame her in a way.

I sure hope
this works.

Yeah, and when we go,

Would you close
our knothole, please,

So she doesn't hear?
Oh, yes.

Yes, I will.
Ok. Come on, daniel.

We'll see you
over at the factory.


Bye now.


I'll just push them over
just like that.

Oh, you beautiful

You'll be just right.
I'll push them over,
and I'll--

Hey there.
How are you,
lady aberlin?

Hi. I'm fine.
Did you see
my signs?

Hey. They're great.

Do you think
they'll work?

Boy, I hope so.
You gonna launch it here

All by yourself?

Well, no, no.
Daniel and x

Will be coming--
here they are.

Oh. Hello there.


Daniel: hello.

Well, I guess
we're all ready
to start.


Corney: well, this
is the best place I know

That's closest
to the castle.

I surely hope
it will work.

So do i.

How do you think
you're gonna
start them?

Well, I think
I'll just send
one over

And see what

Let's just wish
it--wish it well.

Good luck,

Uh, good luck,

Good luck, balloon.

Hey. Good luck,

♪ What is it,
what is it? ♪

♪ What are these things?

♪ What--oh, I must
tell king friday ♪

♪ I must tell
king friday ♪

Fire the cannon!
Fire the cannon!

Fire the cannon,
man your stations.

Fire the cannon!


What--what is it,
king friday?


Edgar, man--man
the cannon. Edgar!

No, no, no.

What is it?
Jut read the
bottoms of them

Before you start

Read the bottoms?
Hold it, edgar.
Hold it, king friday.

King friday: what
is your name, rank,
and serial number, lady.

Oh, great uncle
friday, you know
my name.

It's lady aberlin.
Oh, of course.

Just read the
bottom of the
signs, won't you?

Look at this,
king friday.

They're not

They're messages
of peace.

Look at this.

King friday: messages
of peace?


Isn't that

They're peaceful
messages, sir.

Stop all fighting.

"Peaceful co-existence."

Stop all fighting now.

Oh, my. That is
such a surprise.

Hey. What's all this
going on here?

What is all
this going on?

There's a lot
of excitement

Around here,
lady elaine.

King friday: well,
it's all your fault,
lady elaine.

You mean, all
this excitement
is my fault?

That's what I mean.

Well, I'm delighted.
Now what is going on?

Well, it's been
a w*r against change.

And I shall have
a meeting with you
inside immediately.

Oh, dear.
Well, toot-toot, everybody.

Wish me luck.

You'll need it,
lady fairchilde.

Come in, come in.

Hey. Hey, lady aberlin!

Hey. It looks like
everything's fine.

We can take
down this barbed wire.

Oh, that's

Isn't it terrific?

Would you give
me a hand here?

♪ Wasn't it exciting?

Look out, daniel.
We're gonna take this
barbed wire down.

How's that?
Daniel: oh,
it's wonderful!

It worked,

Oh, it did work.
Oh, it did work.

It was a good,
good idea,

Yes, it was.
Oh, I'm so glad

Because we wanted
everybody to have
peace, didn't we?

Yes. You know,
it was daniel's

Hey, boy. Congratulations
to you, daniel.


Thank you.

It was really,
really good.

Well, thanks for
sending them all
off so well.

It really
did work.

Yeah. Here comes
the trolley.

Let's tell it, ok?

Hey, trolley.


peaceful again

In the neighborhood!

Daniel: everything's
peaceful again!


Negri: ♪ a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
in the neighborhood♪

Oh. For a minute,
I wondered

If it really was
going to work.

Peace. Isn't peace

And they're all saying it.

Looked to me as if
king friday

Was very, very pleased
that peace had come, too,

To his land.

Oh, gee.
Floating things.

How did we know that
that was going to be

The way that the neighborhood
of make-believe

Told the castle
that they wanted peace?

Did you see them go over?

And what did king friday
think they were right at first?


He thought they were
paratroopers coming down

To invade his land,

But all he had to do
was to read the sign

That was underneath.

Ohh. That was
a special time. Mm-hmm.

I'm grateful that it's over,
and I know you are, too.


Our visits are almost
over for this week,

But, you know, we'll be
visiting with you next week.

I like to think of that,

And I'd like to think
of you as you sometimes

Go to bed at night
because that's

A special time, too.

We have a song in our house--
not everybody sings this song,

But we do,

Just before we go to sleep

Called "good night, god."

♪ Good night, god

♪ And thank you
for this very lovely day ♪

♪ Thank you, too,
for helping us ♪

♪ At work
and at our play ♪

♪ Thank you for our families

♪ For each and every friend

♪ Forgive us, please,
for anything ♪

♪ We've done
that might offend ♪

♪ Keep us safe
and faithful, god ♪

♪ Tell us what to do

♪ Good night, god

♪ And thank you, god

♪ For letting us
love you ♪

♪ Good night, god

♪ And thank you, god

♪ For letting us

♪ Love you

I'm grateful to be able
to love you--mm-hmm--

And grateful to be able
to visit with you.


Not tomorrow,
but I'll be thinking

About you tomorrow.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ We'll start the day
tomorrow ♪

♪ With a song or two

♪ One, two

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ We'll start the day tomorrow

♪ With a smile for you

♪ Till then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then, I hope your
day is snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ It soon will be tomorrow

♪ And be our day

♪ We will say

♪ A very happy tomorrow to you

You always make
each day a special day

And each week
a special week

By just your being you.

Bye. Have a good weekend.
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