01x03 - Chef Brockett Bakes a Cake Fit for a King (Black & White, 1967)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x03 - Chef Brockett Bakes a Cake Fit for a King (Black & White, 1967)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you
be mine? ♪

♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor ♪

♪ Just like you

♪ I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine,
could you be mine ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor?

♪ Won't you please

♪ Won't you please

♪ Please won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

How are you?

Oh, I'm fine, thanks.

Chef brockett
handed me this box

As I was walking
down the street,

Says, "I'll see you later."

So let's look and see
what's in it, all right?

I need some scissors.

♪ Da da bum ba dum

Did you ever have somebody
give you a box that was all--

Well, it sure is wrapped
up, isn't it?

Oh, dear. Look at all
the things that are on it.



Rubber bands.

♪ Please won't you be
my surprise box? ♪


Let me see now.

What do you when you have--

Let's see.


Can you read?
Let's see what this says.

There's not a thing in here
but this note.

"Dear mr. Rogers,
I will be over today

"To fill this up.

Yours truly,
chef brockett."

There's a little person
with a chef's hat on.

Oh, and I was all ready
to eat something.

Well, what about
a glass of milk anyway?

Who gives you the milk,

Or do you just go
to the refrigerator

And get it yourself?

I think just
a half a glass today.

Half a glass of milk.

Does your mom sometimes
pour it for you?

I know some girls
who would like to be

Just like their mothers.

♪ I'd like to be
just like my mom ♪

♪ She's pretty

♪ And she's nice

♪ She knows just how
to make the bed ♪

♪ And cook things
out of rice ♪


♪ And daddy likes
the things she does ♪

♪ The way she looks

♪ And gee

♪ I'd like to be
just like my mom ♪

♪ And have someone
like me ♪

It's good milk.

My great grandmother
used to say,

"You should take an hour
to drink one glass of milk,"

But we don't have
an hour to drink it.

Mr. Rogers is
drinking it too fast.

Ohh. It's good.

Better wash it.

Who washes the glasses
in your house?

Does your dad ever
wash them?

I bet he helps,
doesn't he?

I know some boys who'd like
to be just like their dads.

♪ I'd like to be
just like my dad ♪

♪ He'd handsome,
and he's keen ♪

♪ He knows just how to
drive the car ♪

♪ And buy the gasoline

♪ And mommy likes
the things he does ♪

♪ The way he looks

♪ And gee

♪ I'd like to be
just like my dad ♪

♪ And have someone like me

Well, you boys probably
will be like your dads.

Mm-hmm. And you'll do
lots more things

Than just driving cars
and buying gasoline,

And you girls will probably
be like your mothers, too.

Some mothers, you know,
go out and work.

Yep. They don't just make
the beds and cook the meals.

Mm-hmm. Lots of different things
that happen in this world.

I still am interested to know
what chef brockett's

Going to put
in that box.

Let's ask picture picture.

Picture picture
on the wall,

Would you kindly
show us all

What chef brockett's gonna
fill that box up with?

One teaspoon of salt?

One cup of milk?

My goodness! That box
isn't big e--

One teaspoon of vanilla

And two eggs?

Now how could he put
all of that in there?

"It's for the king."

Well, maybe king friday asked
for all of those things.

I don't know. Well--

[Doorbell ringing]

Ooh. That's the backdoor.
Maybe that's chef brockett now.

Let's see.
Is that you,
chef brockett?

Ah. Good day,
mr. Brockett.

Good day. Speedy delivery,
speedy delivery.

I mean, mr. Rogers.

I called you chef brockett
because I have a note

From chef brockett,
mr. Rogers.

Well, thank you
mr. Mcfeely.

How are you today?

Oh, busy as usual.
Busy as usual.

You're always busy.

"Dear, mr. Rogers,
I will be 27 past
the time I expected

"To arrive,
which was 12:00,

"So if you will
count to 8 9/10,
I should be there.

Your friend and mine,
chef brockett."

Well, thank you
very much.

How much is
delivery today?

Mr. Rogers. 3 Today.

Let me see.
Where did I
put the 3?

Well, we can charge it
to your account if you
like, mr. Rogers.

No. I have it.
Oh, you have it.

There you go.

Both: 1, 2, 3.

Good day, mr. Rogers!

Thank you,
mr. Mcfeely.

Thank you!

Take it easy,
mr. Mcfeely.

Well, it says to count
to 8 9/10.

Let's see if it works
and see if he comes.

[Knocking on door]

Ok. Is that you,
chef brockett?

Chef brockett: uh-huh.

How are you?
Hi, mr. Rogers.

How are you?

Oh. Is it raining

No, but I carry
my umbrella because

You never know
when it might.

Oh, that's true.
Well, what do you
have in the box?

Oh, this is a surprise.
I can't tell you

About it right now.

Well, how about
singing your song?

Oh, I'm sorry,
but I don't
have time

To sing my song.

I came here to
make a surprise
for the king.

Oh, good.
Can we go
in the kitchen?

Yes, certainly.

You can come with me,
but you know we

Have to be quiet
in there.

Oh, that's right.
Mustn't talk. Shh.

You--you won't talk?

Ok. Well, then
let's go.

And your box
is here now.

Oh, good. Fine.

I should clean it up.

Can I get you


All right.


What is it you're
gonna put in there?



Want me to do it?

Want me to sift it?

Zzzt, zzzt, zzzt,
zzzt, zzzt, zzzt.

You're allowed to make
those sounds, huh?

Shh, shh. Zzzt.

Baking powder.

Sugar. Heh heh.


Milk? You need
some milk?

I just had some
milk to drink today.

What's that?
Melted butter?

This. Wooden?


Never saw anything
made like this.

You say it's a surprise.
Is it a pudding--


That good?

Heh heh.


That's why you need
an apron.


Just a little bit


Won't you tell us
what it's gonna be?

It's gonna be
two things?

You're gonna put it
in the stove?

Count real fast?

Ha ha!

Now how did you
do that?

It's a cake,
isn't it?

A two-layer cake.

Is it the king's



Oh, the icing.

That'll keep it
together, won't it?

Oh! That's beautiful.

Can I help you? No.

I know people now
who when they go

Into their own kitchen
they say, "shh!"

Shh! Shh!




Oh. You want it
in the box?

You did it,
chef brockett.

I have to hurry
and get this
to the king.

Oh, is he gonna
be surprised!

Well, I hope you
have a good time.

I don't want to
forget my umbrella.
It might rain.

Bye, mr. Rogers.

Bye, chef brockett.

Everybody's in a hurry today.

Yeah. Oh.

I forgot to tell him
about what's going on in--

I mean,
you know what's going on

In the neighborhood
of make-believe.

I wonder how he'll
get through there.

Well, let's check.

Let's just see.

Must be time
for the trolley.

There's daniel's clock.

And there's the museum...

And the tree
where x lives

And henrietta's schoolhouse

And the factory.

Doesn't look like
anything's the matter th--

Uh-oh. There's lady aberlin.

It looks as if she's
guarding things.

Come on in, trolley.

[Ding ding ding]

Hi, trolley.

[Ding ding]

Trolley, how are things
in the neighborhood
of make-believe?

[Ding ding
ding ding]

Oh. That's what
I was afraid of.

Well, chef brockett's
on his way,

But he doesn't know
what's going on there.

Would you take us
and let us see, please?

Ok. In we go to
the neighborhood
of make-believe.

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding]

[Ding ding ding]

My trouble is that
I just don't understand

All this you've
been telling me.

Well, corney.
I know--i know

It is hard
to understand
the king's rules,

But that's
the way it is.

Yeah, but you say
serial number

And all those things?

All I was gonna do
was to come over

And say, "hello,"

You know, simple
like that.

Oh, I know, corney,
but great uncle friday

Just insists that

Who comes
onto his property

Must give his
full name, rank,
and serial number.

Well, I've got my name,
you know,

Cornflake s. Pecially,

But, uh, I don't have
any rank really,

And, uh, I certainly
don't have a serial number,

So, uh, I think I'll
just not bother
coming over today.

Heh. Just say hello
to everybody for me,
will you?

Ok. I will.

Have a good day.

Thanks! You, too.

I'll go down
in my elevator
and work now. Bye.


He doesn't even
want to bother
going down.

Well, if great uncle friday
wants to act that way,

I guess that's
what it will be like.

♪ It's an ugly day

♪ Made of mugly gray

♪ It's a sit-down-by-the-fire-
and-be-snuggly day ♪

♪ It's a cloudy day

♪ Read-out-loudy day

♪ It's a better-wear-your-
sweater-and-be-dowdy day ♪

♪ It's a day to cuddle up
with a chocolate cookie ♪

♪ Hook a rug or knit

♪ 'Cause it's an ugly day

♪ Made of mugly gray

♪ It's a sit-down-by-the-fire-
and-be-snuggly day ♪

♪ If we pop up some corn
and make cinnamon toast ♪

♪ I'd say we'd made
the most of ♪

♪ Made something
we could boast of ♪

♪ I'd say we'd made the most
of it's an ugly day ♪

Chef brockett:
oh, so you're playing
lady soldier today.


Well, let me see.

My full name is
richard donald brockett.

My rank is master chef,

And my serial number
is 1,234,567.

Uh, could you
just repeat

Your serial
number once more?

Two hundred...

It's easy, it's easy.

It's just

Oh, of course!

Now where's the king?

You want to see
great uncle friday?

Oh, sure. I finally
baked him the cake

That I promised him weeks
ago especially for him.

Oh. Well, the king
is in his council room

Thinking up more rules,
but if you just come

With me to the garden,
I'll--i'll go
and ask him.

Oh. Ok.

♪ Oh, dear,
oh, dear ♪

♪ Oh, chef brockett

♪ What is your name,
rank, and serial number? ♪

I have already
given them

To lady aberlin,

I don't think
I have to give them

To everybody,
do i?

♪ Oh, well, it
seems to me ♪

♪ That with this
state of affairs ♪

♪ You never know,
you never know ♪

♪ Oh, chef brockett,
it's so sad ♪

Aw. Well--well,
don't be sad, edgar.

I mean, things are
gonna get better.

I'm sure this won't
go on forever.

♪ Well, you see
what happened ♪

♪ There were
come changes made ♪

♪ Lady elaine made
some magic changes ♪

♪ And king friday,
king friday ♪

♪ Was angry
about them ♪

♪ And so he set up
border guards,
border guards ♪

♪ Border guards

Well, don't be
too sad about it

Because maybe
it will change
for the better,

And--and guess what.

I'm gonna cheer
you up, edgar,

Because wait
till you hear.

I brought a beautiful
cake for the king,

And everybody is
gonna have some.

♪ Oh, a beautiful cake
thank you.

♪ A beautiful cake,
chef brockett ♪

♪ Is the king going to
come to see it? ♪

Yes, he is.
♪ Oh, good

♪ Well, I'll find
him ♪

All right, edgar.
Heh. Whoa.

[Piano fanfare]

Chef brockett,
I presume. Ahem.

How do you do today,
your majesty?

How do you do?

Edgar told me
in passing

That your serial number
is 1,234,567.

Is that true?

That is true,
your majesty.

Strange. I had
that number down

For the montaraja
of gabyunaula.

Well, your majesty,
I hope it will be
all right with you,

But i--i switched
with him

Because those numbers
are awfully hard to
say in swazulu.

I see. Yes.

Well, what do you have
to discuss with me
today, young man?

You must know
I'm very busy.

I brought you a cake,
your majesty.

Remember? The one
I promised you
weeks ago.

A cake?
Yeah. It's just
for you.

It even has xiii
on the top?

See, xiii.

of a camouflage.

Um, a cake.
Just a moment, please.

Yes, your majesty.

Lady aberlin,
a knife, please.

Aberlin: yes,
great uncle friday.

Edgar: ♪ he's gone
for lady aberlin ♪

Lady aberlin...
Yes, great
uncle friday.

Enter with knife

Here it is.

Yes. Do you know
chef brockett?

Yes, I do.

Well, he has brought
a c-a-k-e.

♪ A cake,
a cake ♪

Oh, it's

Will you kindly
cut a piece, please?

Yes, yes,
great uncle friday.

Thank you.

♪ How kind of you,
chef brockett ♪

Well, I always
like to be nice
to everybody

And especially
the king.

♪ Yes
it even has
a xiii on it.

Yes, somewhat
of a camouflage
I think.

I hope you all
enjoy eating it.

Here, great uncle

Another piece,

Oh, you want
a bigger piece.

Give him
a bigger one.

Oh. Right, right.

A great big,

♪ I'm glad
you like it ♪
oh, yes.

We will see,
we will see.

Here's a king-sized
piece of cake,
great uncle friday.

Yes. Lovely. Would
you cut another
piece, please?

Another piece?

It must really look
good to him.

He must want
a really big one.

I-i'll give him
a really big one.

We will see, edgar,
we will see.

Is this all right,
great uncle friday?

Uh, one more, plea--
what is

In this cake,
chef brockett?

Well, there are eggs
and vanilla

And baking powder
and flour...

Yes, I realize that,
but I'm wondering

If there are any
secret messages
of change within.

Oh, no--no,
your majesty.

I would--would never put
a message of change--

Another piece,
lady aberlin.

Yeah--you just want
me to cut it up?

Another piece
and then another piece.

Oh, my poor cake.
What a pity.

See if there are
any messages

Of change in there.
It was so pretty.

Oh, it--

Are there any

No, great uncle fri--
do you want to look?

I not only
want to look.

I want to smell
to see

If there are any
poisonous materials
in there.

Chef brockett:
oh, king friday,

I wouldn't ever put
anything in a cake

That would make you sick
or make you feel bad.

I brought a nice cake
because I wanted you
to enjoy it.

Yes. Well, you never
know these days,
chef brockett.

There are
changes about,

And utmost care
must be taken.

One more sniff.


Nothing poisonous!
You may all proceed

To eat the cake,

Well, i--i know
it's delicious

Because I tasted
the icing.

Edgar, will you
have a little piece?

♪ Oh, I don't know

♪ Do you
think I should,
king friday? ♪

I have checked it.
You may.

You may bring it in
later, thank you.

Oh, and a word
of thanks then,
chef brockett,

For your kindness.

You're welcome
your majesty.
Here, edgar.

Would you like--
would you like
a piece?

No, thank you.
♪ Oh, I don't know

♪ Don't you care for
any, chef brockett? ♪

No, thank you.
I don't feel like

Eating anything
right now.

It's a delicious cake.

♪ Well, we'll save
some for you ♪

Good-bye, edgar.

You will have some
later, won't you?

Maybe. Good-bye,
lady aberlin.

chef brockett.

The cake is
really delicious.

♪ Thank you for
coming anyway ♪

It was
a beautiful cake.

♪ Anyway

♪ And what a lovely
idea, oh ♪

Oh, edgar.

♪ Oh, lady aberlin
it's just terrible.

♪ What will we do?

Look. It's all
cut up.

♪ Oh, I know

♪ Well, save it,
won't you? ♪

♪ Save it
I'll save it,

[Ding ding ding]

♪ Good-bye, trolley,
good-bye ♪

♪ Happiness tomorrow

Such an ugly day.

Well, king friday's not
being able to trust

Anybody these days, is he?

Well, it's pretty good
to check on what you eat,

But if it's somebody
who you know real well

Who's giving it to you--

I'm afraid chef brockett's
feelings were hurt.

You know, he left something
in the refrigerator.

It just doesn't say
anything on it,

And I wonder...

[Metal clinks]

"For mr. Rogers."

Jell-o and a spoon.

I'm gonna write him
a note right away,

And I'm going to say
that gelatin is one

Of my favorite things to eat.

"Gelatin is one...

"Of my favorite...


And I will take
that note to him

As I go back to my work today.

How do you feel
about gelatin?

Do you like to eat it?

We'll just have it together.

First, milk today
and now gelatin.


Hmm. I have a lot to do here
in this kitchen.

Keep it right in the box.

My goodness!
It's time to go already.

Well, I'll see you tomorrow.

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ We'll start
the day tomorrow ♪

♪ With a song or two

♪ One, two

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ We'll start the day
tomorrow with a smile ♪

♪ For you

♪ And till then, I hope
you're feeling happy ♪

♪ Till then, I hope
your day is snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ It soon will be tomorrow
and be our day ♪

♪ We will say
a very happy tomorrow to you ♪

I'll be here.
See you then. Bye-bye.

♪ Bom
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