01x02 - King Friday Challenges Change (Black & White, 1967)

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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01x02 - King Friday Challenges Change (Black & White, 1967)

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ It's a beautiful day
in this neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you be mine?

♪ It's a neighborly day
in this beauty wood ♪

♪ A neighborly day
for a beauty ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you be mine?

♪ I have always wanted
to have a neighbor ♪

♪ Just like you

♪ I've always
wanted to live ♪

♪ In a neighborhood
with you ♪

♪ So let's make the most
of this beautiful day ♪

♪ Since we're together,
we might as well say ♪

♪ Would you be mine?

♪ Could you be mine?

♪ Won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

♪ Won't you please

♪ Won't you please

♪ Please won't you
be my neighbor? ♪

How are you?

Oh, I'm just fine,

I have something
to show you

That's in a burlap bag

And another kind of bag, too.

Burlap bag.

Sometimes potatoes
come in burlap bags.

Yeah. But this is
not potatoes.

In here...

Next to the plastic bag.

I bet you know what
it is already. Do you?

Has a string
on the back.

It's not a bow and arrow.

And it's not a harp.

No, it's a picture.

First I'll show it to you
upside down real fast

And see if you can guess
what it is.

Did you guess?

The neighborhood
of make-believe.

There's the eiffel tower,

The castle,

The trolley.

My, it's so mixed up.

There's the factory

And x's tree

And henrietta
pussycat's house.

And there's the museum

That goes around and around
and around

And the fountain

And daniel's clock.

A friend of mine made this,

And I thought I'd just put it
right up in the kitchen.

Shall we?


♪ Up in the kitchen

Uh-oh. What do we
need first?

♪ And this is the way
we hammer the nail ♪

♪ Bump bump bump bump
bump bump bumm bumm ♪


That looks like a little
animal, doesn't it?

All right, picture,
up we go.

Is it crooked?

Well, let's
straighten it up.

Heh heh.

Is it crooked again?

All right, crooked
neighborhood of make-believe,

Let's try to make you
straight now.


Ok, there's the trolley.

Mm. I like that place,

But they've had
some sad times.

Hammer, back you go,

Into the hutch.

Hammers are useful things
and so are bags.

But not plastic bags.

No, sir.

A plastic bag is something
we get rid of right away.

No play with
plastic bag.

But a burlap bag,
that is something else.

A punching bag first
with it, ok?

It's a pillow.

Let's put the pillow
in the burlap bag.


And you've got yourself
a good punching bag.


Or something that
you can hold that's soft.

What else could we
use this for?

Oh, I know.

Did you ever get
to do this?

Now see if I can
go backwards.

Ha ha!

Oh, goodness.

What else?

Oh, I suppose
a tablecloth.

Or a back to something.

What about...


You've made capes out
of things, haven't you?

But how do you
keep it together?

Safety pin, I guess.

Here's one.

It's a big one, too.

♪ Easy with the sharp pin

♪ Dum pa dum pa dum


♪ Be brave

♪ And then be strong

♪ Be brave


Yes, hello?

[Bells dinging]

Oh, edgar, how are you?

[Bells dinging]

Oh, not too good.

Well, what's wrong today?

Haven't you found
lady elaine?


No, they haven't.

How does king friday
feel about that?

[Bells dinging]


He has set up
border guards.

Do you mean you have to
guard the whole castle?

[Bells dinging]

Yeah, well, that's what
a border guard is.

You just go all around
the border of the land.

Just march back and forth

And see that nobody
gets in.

[Bells dinging]

Ok. Well, good luck
to you, edgar.


[Bells dinging]

Yeah. Bye-bye.

[Bells dinging]

I'm sorry.

We better just take
a look and see

What's going on in there
in that neighborhood.

Our trusty telescope.

[Knock on door]

There's a knock
on the door.

[Rhythmic knock on door]

[Rhythmic knocking]

[Rhythmic knocking]

Who do you suppose
that is?

[Knocking continues]

I like that kind of
back and forth,

Don't you?

Betty, how are you?

Hi, mister rogers.
I'm fine.

Won't you come in?

Well, I love your
new porch swing.

Could we stay out here?

Oh, sure.
Come on.

It's so beautiful.

It was grandmother
thomas' swing.

Was it?

Yes, she let us
have it.

Oh, I wish I could
stay on it all day.

Isn't it pleasant?
Well, you could.

Well, no, no,

Because I'm really going
to visit great uncle friday.


I mean to get
over there, so...

Have you been
in touch with him?

No, not in a while.

Well, he isn't
the happiest

Great uncle friday
that you've seen
in a long time.

Oh, what's wrong?

Lady elaine has been
up to her tricks again,

And she's moved
the eiffel tower

On the wrong side
of the castle,

And the tree has gone
way from over here
to the middle,

And the clock
is over here,

And the fountain--
well, it's just
all mixed around.

He must be really upset.

He's furious
about it.

And he has established
border guards.

In the neighborhood
of make-believe?

Edgar, poor thing.

He has to walk
back and forth

And be sure that
no one will come in.

That sounds like a w*r.

It certainly does,

But at least there
isn't any sh**ting yet.

Well, you think I should

Take a make-believe
g*n or something?

Oh, I don't know
that you'll need that.

Of course, you could
always use your finger

If you need that.

But how about this?
Would you like this cape?

Oh, yes.

Yeah, I just made it.

Burlap bag
and a safety pin.

Come on, I'll
give it to you.

That should keep me
very safe, then.

Oh, sure.

Oh, I feel better

I hope so.
I hope you'll be
brave and strong

As you go off to
the neighborhood
of make-believe.

I will, mister rogers.


♪ Be brave

♪ And then be strong

♪ Be brave

Bye, lady aberlin.

Good luck.

Lady aberlin: ♪ be brave
and then be strong ♪

♪ Bum bum bum bum

♪ Be brave

♪ And then be strong

What do you think?

Should we take a look?

Let's see if it's peaceful
or not in there.

Mister rogers:
there's daniel's clock.

Looks pretty peaceful.

And the fountain

And the museum-go-round.

Nothing wrong there.

And there's x's tree

And henrietta
pussycat's house.

And the factory.

There's the trolley.

Thought it was time
for the trolley to come.

Come on in, trolley.

Come on in, trolley.

I'll be right with you.

Hi, trolley.

How are things in the
neighborhood, trolley?

[Bells dinging]

Oh. Kind of excited, huh?

[Bells dinging]

Well, we're ready
to go with you.

Would you take us?

We want to see
the border guards.

Mm-hmm. Ready to go?

Let's go with him.
Ok, trolley.
Thank you.

[Bells dinging]

Halt, trolley.

Give me your name,
rank, and serial

[Bells dinging]

Very good.
You may pass.

Now back to your
marching, edgar.

Very well.
About face.

About face.

And halt.

Now, edgar,

I want you to ask
everyone who comes

To this garden
his name, rank,

And serial number.

♪ Do you mean everyone,
your majesty? ♪

King friday:

♪ But what if part of
your immediate family ♪

♪ Should come,
your highness? ♪

Check everyone,

Someone may easily
be posing

As one of my family.

♪ Very well, sire

♪ Very well, sire

Remember our
battle cry, edgar.

Down with
the changers!

♪ Down with the changers,
down with the changers ♪

♪ We don't want
anything to change ♪

'Cause we're on top.

That's right.

♪ 'Cause we're--
at least you're--on top ♪

Very good.

Look out, edgar.

Here comes someone
who may be posing
as someone else.

♪ Oh, dear,
who might it be? ♪

♪ Where did he see,
who might it be? ♪

♪ Ohh, ohh, ohh

♪ Attention,
who goes there? ♪

♪ Attention,
who goes there? ♪

It's me, edgar.

Lady aberlin.

Yes, well,
♪ how are you?

♪ Your name, rank,
and serial number ♪

My what?

♪ Your name, rank,
and serial number ♪

Well, you know my name.

It's aberlin.

♪ Yes, and your rank

And my rank?

Well, I'm a lady.

That's it, edgar.

♪ Well, no, that's not

♪ Your serial number,
please ♪

But I don't have
a serial number.

♪ Oh, don't have a seri--

♪ Oh, please
make up one, then ♪

♪ Everyone has to have
a serial number ♪

♪ For my report

Well, let's see, what
would be a nice number?

♪ Uh, would you like a 3
and maybe a 4? ♪

♪ Or maybe a 5
or maybe a 6 or a 7 ♪

I like those,
all of them.

♪ You mean all of them?

♪ Well, then you shall
have them all ♪

You mean I can be

♪ Exactly

♪ 34567

Good. Now may I
see great uncle?

♪ I think so

♪ I'm not sure

♪ Just a moment

This is strange.

I used to be able
to walk right in here.

♪ Hi there

May I go now?

♪ Only one more question,

Ok. What is it,

♪ Are you sure

♪ Are up sure,
positively sure ♪

♪ That you are not
somebody else ♪

♪ Trying to look like
lady aberlin? ♪

yes, I'm sure.

Positively sure.

I am the real
lady aberlin.

♪ You may pass, then,

♪ The king is in
the throne room ♪

Thank you, dear edgar.

I have the feeling
that you dislike this

As much as I do.

♪ I have the feeling
you're right ♪

[Trolley dings]


You look dejected.

How long has this
all been going on?

[Bells dinging]

Oh, it's terrible,

[Bells dinging]

What's your
serial number?

[Bells dinging]

I'm 34567.

[Bells dinging]

[Bells dinging]

Frightened meow.
Frightened meow.

There's nothing to be
frightened about

Until somebody starts
sh**ting, henrietta.

Meow meow start
sh**ting here? Ohh, ohh...

Well, I don't know,
of course,

But sometimes
they do in w*r.

Meow meow meow. w*r?

Well, it may be.

I mean, edgar's all
dressed up and all.

Do you want to go
over and ask if
it's a w*r?

Meow certainly. Meow.

Well, I don't think
I'll go by myself

Now, you go and don't
get too frightened
down there.

And if you do,
you come to my roots

Because it is very
safe down in my roots.


Meow wonder meow
king friday's meowing
meow lady aberlin.

I wonder, too.

And meow meow meow
meow meow throne room.

That'll do.
Are you trying to
change my robe?

No, no, no,
great uncle.

I'm just trying
to get it--

That's why I've set up
all these precautions here.

Oh, great uncle, why--

Just because lady elaine
made a few changes

Is no reason for you
to set up border guards.

There may be other

And I refuse to
let them come in.

Not by the hair of
my chinny chin chin.

Then I'll huff
and I'll puff

And I'll blow
your castle in.

You see? Aha.
Just what I thought.

You're not my niece
at all.

You're the big bad wolf.

Oh, that's ridiculous.

I am so your niece.

I'm lady aberlin.

I was just joking
with you.

Wait a minute.

Where's your crown?

The crown is--

That's my combat helmet.

Kindly cover
my crown with it.

Why is it that edgar
only has one star on his?

Edgar is only
a one-star man.

I am a 13-star king.

And 13-star kings

Have no joking
around them.

This is serious
times, niece.

No time for joke.

Well, how about a song?

Is there time
for a song?

A long song?


It's not a very
long song.

How long?

It's a little song.
About this little.

Is that it?


I'll open it up.


It's a little bigger
than very little,

But it's little.

Let me check it.

No words of change.

Very well.
Carry on.

♪ It's afternoon,
what say we sing ♪

♪ About it?

♪ It's afternoon

♪ Sing quietly
or shout it ♪

♪ To you and you

♪ And you and you
and me ♪

♪ It's afternoon
to the sun and moon ♪

♪ Just look around
and see ♪

♪ It's afternoon to
anyone who wants it ♪

♪ It's afternoon in
this community ♪

♪ Say it gently, lightly,
ever so politely ♪

♪ Welcome, afternoon

♪ Won't you spend a bit
of yours with us ♪

♪ And say
good afternoon ♪

And what does that
have to do

With the state of
my country?


I just thought you might
want to hear about it.

Irrelevant interlude.

Now, we return
to business.

You will check
the northern gate

While edgar guards
the castle garden.

Call out your
serial number

If you need

But, great
uncle friday--


I wasn't really planning
to stay that long.

Yes, well, you have come

During a state of emergency,
lady aberlin,

And I have drafted you.

Now, remove that
pretend cape of yours

And put on that uniform

That you will find
hanging over there.

Heh heh.

We'll see how it fits.

It was meant for
someone else.


Well, it was someone
who was going to come

That I had drafted,
but didn't show up.

So I get to wear it.

Does it fit?


Yes. Very well.

You shall be
the guard, then.

And do as I say.

Yes, great uncle.

First, I'd like to see
how you march.

Forward. March.

Hup hup hup hup.

And about face.

Good. Forward.
Very good.

Now march backwards.

Now march forward
and on to your post.

Remember, always
the serial number.

Difficult times.

X and henrietta
are really frightened,

Aren't they?

But lady aberlin
seems to be, uh,

Seems to be right on top
of the situation.

You know what she says?

It's afternoon.
What's say we sing about it?

Yeah. Welcome,
afternoon, she says.


Well, everybody has
different outlooks

As they go to

And as they live in
their own homes, too.

I suppose we're gonna
have to wait till tomorrow

To find out more,

But let's go look at
that picture of ours.

You know that picture
that I put--

[Doorbell chimes]

Oh, there's
the back door.

"Neighborhood news"
for sale, mister rogers.

"Neighborhood news."

How are you,
mr. Mcfeely?

Oh, fine today.
Fine today, mister rogers.

Good. How much is
the news today?

Oh, 4 today,
mister rogers. 4.

There's the 4.

All right. Thank you.
Must speed on the neighborhood.

Oh, can't you stay?

No, gotta go,
mister rogers.

Well, thank you
very much, mr. Mcfeely.

He's always in a hurry.

He always has
so many things to do.

The "neighborhood news"
says that--

Do you read at all?

Oh, look at king
friday's picture.

And that helmet with
the 13 stars.

Says, "king friday xiii
establishes border guard.

King against change."

Those are called
the headlines

In the newspaper.

It means that they're
at the head of
everything else.

And they're in
a line, too.

And "establishes,"
well, that means

That he sets up.

He's setting up
border guards.

Let's go see the scene
of where he set them up.

Right in here.

Right in the castle.

That's a picture
of the castle.

That's not the real castle.


Just like you probably
have a picture

Of your mom or your dad
or your brother or sister.

It's not the real person.

It's a picture of them.

That is a picture
of the castle.

King friday xiii.

Yeah, well, he doesn't
like things to change,

But, you know, the old
is very comfortable--

The things that we have
with us al of the time--

But the new is
very exciting.

Don't you think?

I mean, I like my
old telescope,

And I like a new toy
once in a while.


Well, I guess we better
put the bed back in.

Careful, newspaper.

Under here.

Who reads the newspaper
most in your house?

Does anybody read
the newspaper

At the breakfast table?

I used to do that.

And after a while,

I was just sort of
like this.

And that wasn't
much fun

For the people who
were around me.

So I said, "do you know
what I'm gonna do

"With the morning paper?

"I'm going to put it
right on the side

"Of the breakfast table

And wait till we finish
breakfast to read it."

I have.

I've heard a lot more
things, too, in the morning.


Well, I hope all
goes well in there
this evening.

Yeah. Hmm.

Yeah, 'cause it is
kind of scary

When people get up
to, you know, play like that.

You can't be
exactly sure, can you?


I'm gonna be thinking
about you tonight.


I think about you often.

Sometimes when I
go to bed.

You know that tree song
that we sometimes sing?

Do you like that?

Do you ever sing that
when you go to bed?

Do you?

♪ Tree, tree, tree

♪ Tree, tree, tree

♪ Tree, tree, tree

♪ Tree, tree, tree

♪ We love you

♪ Yes, we do

♪ Yes, we do

♪ We love you

♪ Tree, tree, tree

♪ Tree, tree, tree

♪ Tree, tree, tree

♪ Tree, tree, tree

There's a tree I often
think about.

It's the tree x lives in.

Did you notice
how brave he was?

He said, "now, henrietta,
you come down to my roots

If you get scared."

Sure, that's what
a neighbor's for.

And he's a good one.

Well, I will see you--

[Knock on door]

More people
coming by today.

I wonder if it's
lady aberlin.


Oh, mr. Mcfeely.

Hello again,
mister rogers.

I was going by that
make-believe land

And some soldier woman
gave me this

And told me it was yours.
Oh, well--

It's for you,
mister rogers.

Yes, thank you,
mr. Mcfeely.

Awfully funny business,
but I haven't the time now.

So good day,
mister rogers.
Good day.

Yeah, good day,
mr. Mcfeely.

It is funny business,
isn't it?

Well, we'll just keep
our cape in case we need it.

And we'll see you

♪ Tomorrow

♪ Tomorrow

♪ We'll start the day
tomorrow with a song ♪

♪ Or two, 1, 2

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ We'll start the day
tomorrow with a ♪

♪ For you

♪ Till then
I hope you're feeling ♪

♪ Happy

♪ Till then I hope
your day is snappy ♪

♪ Tomorrow, tomorrow

♪ It soon will be
tomorrow ♪

♪ And be our day

♪ We will say
a very happy ♪

♪ Tomorrow to you

See you tomorrow.
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